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137983. نُخَيل1 137984. نَخِيل1 137985. نَخِيليّ1 137986. نَدٌّ1 137987. نَدَّ1 137988. ند4137989. نَدْ1 137990. نِدّ1 137991. نَدَّ 1 137992. ندء1 137993. ندأ8 137994. نَدَأَهُ1 137995. ندا8 137996. نَدَا4 137997. ندَّاء1 137998. نِدَاء1 137999. نِدَاءات1 138000. نَدَابيّ1 138001. نَدَّابي1 138002. نِدّات1 138003. نَدَّاح1 138004. ندادي1 138005. نَدَّادِي1 138006. ندار1 138007. نَدَّاريّ1 138008. نُدَافة1 138009. نَدّال1 138010. نَدَامانُ1 138011. نَدَّان1 138012. نِدَّان1 138013. نداه1 138014. نَدَاهُم1 138015. نُدَاوي1 138016. ندب16 138017. نَدَبَ1 138018. نَدَبَ 1 138019. نُدْبة1 138020. نَدَبَة1 138021. نَدبه1 138022. نَدَّة1 138023. نَدَة1 138024. نِدَّة1 138025. ندج3 138026. نَدَجَ1 138027. ندجن1 138028. نُدْجي1 138029. ندح19 138030. نَدَحَ1 138031. نَدَحَ 1 138032. ندخ4 138033. ندخَ1 138034. ندخه1 138035. ندد15 138036. نَدَدَ1 138037. ندر16 138038. نَدَرَ2 138039. نَدَرَ 1 138040. نَدْرَاء1 138041. نَدْرَةُ1 138042. نَدْرَة1 138043. نَدْرَةٌ1 138044. نَدْرِي1 138045. نَدْريَّة1 138046. نُدْريَّة1 138047. ندرية1 138048. نَدَسَ1 138049. ندس14 138050. نَدَسَ 1 138051. ندش4 138052. ندص6 138053. نَدَصَ 1 138054. نَدَصَتْ1 138055. نَدع1 138056. ندع2 138057. نِدْعة1 138058. نَدْعُوا1 138059. ندغ10 138060. نَدَغَ1 138061. نَدَغَ 1 138062. ندغن1 138063. نَدَغَهُ1 138064. نَدَفَ1 138065. ندف13 138066. نَدَفَ 1 138067. ندفت1 138068. ندق3 138069. ندك1 138070. ندكن1 138071. نَدْل1 138072. ندل14 138073. نَدَلَ 1 138074. نَدَلَهُ1 138075. نَدَّمَ1 138076. ندم18 138077. نَدم1 138078. نَدِمَ2 138079. نَدَمَ 1 138080. نُدَمَاءٌ1 138081. نَدْمَان1 138082. نَدْمَانٌ1 Prev. 100


الْبَعِير وَنَحْوه ندا وندودا نفر وشرد وَيُقَال ندت الفكرة عني غَابَتْ عَن ذاكرتي وندت الْكَلِمَة شذت عَن الْقَاعِدَة فَهُوَ نَاد (ج) نداد وَهِي نادة (ج) نواد
ند: ند: عنبر (بوشر).
عود الند: مقر، صبر (نبات) (انظر صبر في الجزء السادس).
عود الند: أن نبات parsimilis الذي ذكره (فريتاج) لا يعود لهذه الصيغة بل هو الند نفسه.
ند. ند الخف المقطوع: قطعة يرتق بها الحذاء (باين سميث 1382).
ندب ندب: دعا إلى (عيد أو وليمة) (معجم الادريسي، فوك، ابن بطوطة 3: 138 أمر مندوب إليه غير واجب أي يوصى به.
النِّدُّ: مِثْلُ الشيْءِ، وكذلك النَّدِيْدُ، وهُمُ الأنْدَادُ. وخُذْ نَدَائِدَ إبِلِكَ: أي أشْبَاهَها. وفُلانٌ نَدِيْدَةُ فلانٍ: أي مِثْلُه في حَسَبِه وفِعْلِه. والنُّدَدَاءُ: جَمْعُ الندِيْدِ. والندُوْدُ والنِّدَادُ: الشُّرُوْدُ؛ كما يَنِدُّ البَعِيرُ ويَنْفِرُ. ويَوْمُ التَّنَادِ: يَوْمُ التَنَافُرِ. وأنْدَدْتُ البَعِيْرَ فنَدَّ. وطَيْرٌ أنَادِيْدُ: مُتَفَرِّقَةٌ.
والتَنْدِيْدُ: أنْ تُنَدِّدَ بإنْسَانٍ أي تُسَمِّعَ بعُيُوْبِه وشَتْمِه. ونادَدْتُ فلاناً: أي خالَفْتُه. ويَنْدَدُ: اسْمُ مَوْضِع. والنَدُّ: ضَرْب من الدُّخْنَةِ. وأكَمَةٌ من طِيْنٍ لا يَبْلُغُ أنْ يكونَ جَبَلاً.


1 نَدَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. نَدٌّ (S, M, A, &c.,) and نِدَادٌ and نُدُودٌ (S, M, L, K) and نَدِيدٌ; (M, L, Msb, K;) and ↓ تنادّ; (M, L;) He (a camel) took fright, or shied, and fled, or ran away at random, or became refractory, and went away at random; or ran away, or broke loose, and went hither and thither by reason of his sprightliness. (S, M, A, L, Msb, K.) See also 6, below. b2: Also نَدَّ, contr., It (a people) assembled. ('Ináyeh, MF.) b3: نَدَّ It (a word) deviated from the constant course of speech; like شَذَّ; as some say; as mentioned by El-Fárisee: but it is not of good authority, nor agreeable with the usage of Sb. (M, L.) 2 نَدَّّ see 4.

A2: ندّد, inf. n. تَنْدِيدٌ, He raised his voice. (L.) b2: ندّد He raised his voice in saying of another that which he (the latter) disliked. (Lth, in L, art. شيد.) See 4 in art. شيد. b3: ندّد بِهِ, (inf. n. تَنْدِيدٌ, L.) He declared, or exposed, his vices, or faults; (M, L, K;) in verse or prose; (M, L;) he rendered him notorious, or infamous. (Az, S, L.) b4: He made him to hear what was bad, evil, abominable, or foul: (Az, T, M, L, K.) he reviled him. (Az, T, L.) 3 نادّهُ He opposed him, oppugned him. (L, K.) 4 اندّ and ↓ ندّد He dispersed camels. (M, L, K.) 6 تنادّوا They dispersed themselves, and betook themselves away. (K.) [See also 1.] Hence, يَوْمُ التَّنَادِّ (S, M, L, K,) [The day of men's dispersing themselves, and betaking themselves in different directions], applied to the day of resurrection: (M, L:) so in the Kur, [xl. 34,] accord. to the reading of some; (S, M, L, K;) namely El-'Abbás and others: (K:) Az says, accord. to the reading of Ed-Dahhák only: (L:) others read التَّنَادِ; which may also be from ندّ; one of the dáls being changed into ى, and being then elided: (T, L:) or this may be from النِّدَآءُ: (M:) or يوم التنادّ may mean the day of men's assembling themselves together, from نَدَّ signifying

“ it (a people) assembled. ” ('Ináyeh MF.) نَدٌّ (and ↓ نِدٌّ, M, L,) A certain kind of perfume, (S, M, L, K,) well known, (K,) with which one fumigates: (Lth, M, L:) a certain wood with which one fumigates: (Msb:) or, as some say, i. q. غَالِيَةٌ: or, as Z says, in the Rabeea el-Abrár, a compound of aloes-wood aromatized with musk and ambergris and نان: (TA:) or (accord. to Aboo-'Amr Ibn-El-'Alà, T, L) ambergris, عَنْبَرٌ: (T, L:) or عَبِيرٌ [i. e., either saffron, or a certain mixture of perfumes: so in the copy of the T used by the author of the TT, if correctly transcribed by him:] it is not Arabic: (S:) or is thought by IDrd to be not genuine Arabic: (M, L,) many of the lexicologists, however, hold it to be genuine Arabic; and it occurs in verses of old poets; (MF;) but this does not prove that it is not an arabicized word. (TA.) A2: نَدٌّ A high hill; (K;) a hill rising high into the sky: (S, L:) of the dial. of El-Yemen: (L:) a great hill (أَكَمَة) of clay or loam. (K.) نِدٌّ and ↓ نَدِيدٌ and ↓ نَدِيدَةٌ A like (S, L, K) of a person or thing: (L:) or a like of a thing by participation of substance; a more special term than مِثْلٌ, which signifies “ a like by participation of anything: ” (the kádee Zekereeyà, MF:) or a thing which does, or may, supply, the place of another thing: (TA:) or a like that is contrary, or opposed, to another thing; (Msb;) that opposes it (يُنَحادُّهُ, i. e., يُخَالِفُهُ,) in its circumstances; (L;) syn. with ضِدٌّ and شِبْهٌ: (Akh:) and hence the first is applied to an idol; a thing taken as an object of worship instead of the true God: (L:) pl. of the first, أَنْدَادٌ; (L, Msb, K;) and of the second, نُدَدَآءُ; and of the third, نَدَائِدُ. (K.) You say, هُوَ نِدُّ فُلَانٍ, and نَدِيدُهُ, and نَديِدَتْهُ, He is the like of such a one: (L:) and هِىَ نِدُّ فُلَانَةَ, (ISh, L, K,) She is the like of such a female; (ISh, L;) but not نِدُّ فُلَانٍ. (ISh, L, K.) You also say هُوَ نِدِّى, and نَدِيدِى, meaning He is my opponent with respect to the course that I would pursue, contending with me for a different course. (AHeyth, T, L.) A2: See نَدٌّ.

نَدُودٌ A she-camel wont to take fright, or shy, and run away, at random; &c.: see 1. (M, L.) نَدِيدٌ and نَدِيدَةٌ: see نِدٌّ.

نَادٌّ, act. part. n. of نَدَّ, A camel taking fright, or shying, and running away, at random; &c.: pl. نِدَادٌ: (Msb, TA:) and quasi pl. n. نَدَدٌ; (L;) signifying camels in a state of dispersion. (L, K.) A2: لَيْسَ لَهُ نَادٌّ He has not any means of subsistence: (K:) app. meaning live stock; from نَدَّ, said of a camel. (TA.) b2: [See also شَاذٌّ, and اَشَذَّهُ.]

طَيْرٌ أَنَادِيدُ, and يَنَادِيدُ, Birds in a state of dispersion: (M, L:) [like أَبَادِيدُ and يَبَادِيدُ or تَبَادِيدُ: see an ex. in art. بد]. b2: ذَهَبُوا أَنَادِيدَ, and يَنَادِيدُ, (L, and some copies of the K,) or تَنَادِيدَ, (as in other copies of the K,) They (a people, L) became dispersed in every direction. (L, K.) مُنَدَّ A voice raised high in calling. (L.)
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