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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3658. كسو11 3659. كش4 3660. كشأ8 3661. كشب7 3662. كشث9 3663. كشح163664. كشر15 3665. كشط18 3666. كشف19 3667. كشك10 3668. كظ5 3669. كظب6 3670. كظر11 3671. كظم19 3672. كعب17 3673. كعبر7 3674. كعت11 3675. كعثب6 3676. كعدب7 3677. كعسب4 3678. كعك8 3679. كعكب2 3680. كعل8 3681. كعم14 3682. كعنب5 3683. كغد6 3684. كغذ3 3685. كف7 3686. كفأ18 3687. كفت16 3688. كفح13 3689. كفر25 3690. كفل22 3691. كفن16 3692. كفهر8 3693. كفى6 3694. ككب5 3695. ككنج1 3696. كل8 3697. كلأ16 3698. كلب20 3699. كلبث5 3700. كلت8 3701. كلتب4 3702. كلث3 3703. كلثب3 3704. كلج7 3705. كلح15 3706. كلحب4 3707. كلد10 3708. كلس12 3709. كلف20 3710. كلم16 3711. كلو5 3712. كم12 3713. كمأ13 3714. كمت15 3715. كمثر9 3716. كمح10 3717. كمخ12 3718. كمد16 3719. كمر12 3720. كمس11 3721. كمش14 3722. كمل18 3723. كمن16 3724. كمه15 3725. كمى4 3726. كن6 3727. كنب14 3728. كنبت5 3729. كنبث5 3730. كنت9 3731. كنتب3 3732. كنث5 3733. كنثب3 3734. كنخب3 3735. كند15 3736. كندث3 3737. كندر5 3738. كنز21 3739. كنس22 3740. كنعت3 3741. كنعث3 3742. كنعد6 3743. كنف20 3744. كنفث3 3745. كنه15 3746. كنى6 3747. كهب10 3748. كهد8 3749. كهدب3 3750. كهر14 3751. كهرب6 3752. كهكب3 3753. كهل18 3754. كهن18 3755. كو1 3756. كوأ3 3757. كوب17 Prev. 100




1 كَشَحَ لَحُ بِالعَدَاوَةِ; and ↓ كاشحهُ, (S, L, K,) inf. n. مُكَاشَحَةٌ and كِشَاحٌ; (L;) signify the same, (S, K,) He determined, or resolved, upon enmity to him: (L:) was inimical to him, (L, K,) and broke friendship with him: (L:) hated him and was inimical to him: bore a secret enmity to him. (L.) A2: كَشَحَ He dispersed, (S, K,) and drove away, (S,) a people. (S, K.) b2: كَشَحُوا عَنِ المَآءِ, and ↓ انكشحوا, They (a people, S) dispersed from the water: (S, K:) they went away from it, and dispersed: (TA:) they went back from it. (T.) b3: كَشَحَ He went back; retired. (A.) A3: كَشَحَهُ He pierced, or stabbed, him in the part called كَشْحٌ. (TA.) b2: كَشَحَ; (L;) and ↓ كشّح, (Kr, L,) inf. n. تَكْشِيحٌ; (K;) He cauterized, (K,) or marked with a hot iron, a camel (L) in the part called كَشْحٌ. (L, K.) b3: كُشِحَ, inf. n. كَشْحٌ, He had a pain in his كَشْحٌ. (L.) b4: Also, (inf n. as above, S,) He was cauterized for the disease called كَشَحٌ. (S, L, K.) 2 كَشَّحَ see 1.3 كَاْشَحَ see 1.7 إِنْكَشَحَ see 1.

كَشْحٌ The حَشَى [i. e. the flank; or part between the false ribs and the hip; also explained in the TA by the word خَاصِرَة]: (L:) or the part between the hypochondre and the false ribs, (S, L, K,) and from near the navel to the portion of flesh and sinew next the back-bone: (L:) the part against which the sword hangs when a man is wearing it; and the part corresponding thereto on the other side: (T:) or each of the two sides of the belly, externally and internally, [or behind and before]; and so in a horse: (M:) or the waist: [see a verse of Imra-el-Keys cited voce مُذَلَّلٌ:] or the part from the top, or projecting portion, of the haunch-bone to the armpit: (L:) pl. كُشُوحٌ. (A.) A2: طَوَى كَشْحًا He determined upon a thing, or affair, and persevered in his determination. (T.) [See an ex. voce أَبَّ.] b2: طَوَى كَشْحَهُ عَلَى الأَمْرِ He determined, or resolved, upon the thing, or affair, in his mind, syn. أَضْمَرَهُ: (S, A, K:) and hid it, or concealed it: (S, K:) or, accord. to the L, and other lexicons, he persevered in the thing, or affair. (TA.) b3: طَوَى كَشْحَهُ He went away, and cut the ties of kindred. (L.) b4: طَوَى كَشْحَهُ عَنِّى He cut me, or cut the tie of friendship that united him to me, and broke off from me, abandoned me, or discarded me, (S, L, K,) and became inimical to me: (L:) he turned away from me. (L.) b5: كَشْحٌ Either side of a وِشَاح; from which the كشح of the body is said to have its name, because the former hangs against the latter: (L:) or a وِشَاح [altogether]; so called because it hangs against the كشح of the body; in like manner as an إِزَار is called حَقْوٌ: (A:) pl. كُشُوحٌ (TA.) A3: The kind of shells called cowries, or conchæ Veneris; syn. وَدَعٌ: pl. كُشُوحٌ: (K:) or a وِشَاح made of such shells: أَوْشِحَة were made of white shells of that kind. (Aboo-Sa'eed Es-Sukkaree.) كَشَحٌ A certain disease (which attacks a man, S, K,) in the كَشْح, (meaning the flank, خَاصِرَة, TA,) and for which he is cauterized: (S, L, K:) or the pleurisy, syn. ذَاتُ الجَنْب. (K.) كُشَاحَةٌ, a subst., A determining, or resolving, upon enmity to another: hating enmity: secret enmity: estrangement of oneself from another. (L.) كِشَاحٌ A mark made by burning with a hot iron in the part called كشح. (S, K.) كَاشِحٌ One who determines, or resolves, upon enmity (يُضْمِرُهُ) to another: (S, L, K:) a hating enemy: (L:) a secret enemy: as though he folded up enmity in his كَشْح; or as though he turned his كَشْح towards thee, and his face from thee; (ISd, L;) or because he conceals enmity in his كَشْح, in which is his liver, which is the seat of enmity and hatred; wherefore an enemy is called أَسْوَدُ الكَبِدِ, as though enmity had burned his liver: (L:) or, accord. to some, one who estranges himself from another. (Msb.) مَكْشُوحٌ A man cauterized for the disease called كَشَحٌ: (S, L, K:) a man cauterized with the mark called كِشَاحٌ, below the ribs. (L.) b2: A man smitten with a sword in his كَشْح. (K.)
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