Q. Q. 1 كَوْكَبَ, (S, K,) inf. n. كَوْكَبَةٌ (K) It (iron) glistened; was lustrous, or bright. (S, K.) See also مُكَوْكِبٌ.
كَوْكَبٌ i. q.نَجْمٌ, A star; an asterism; a constellation: as also ↓ كَوْكَبَةٌ: (S, K:) or الكوكبة is an appellation given to the planet Venus; and for the rest of the stars, the masc. word كوكب is used: (Az:) but Venus is called also الكوكب. (MF.) [Pl. كَوَاكِبُ.] b2: Accord. to Lth, كوكب is a quadriliteral-radical word; the و being a radical letter: it is also said to be from وكب, or from كوب; though ك is not one of the letters of augmentation; so that here it must be augmentative contrary to rule. (TA.) [But I rather think that it is an arabicized word, from the Hebrew כוֹכָב; and that ignorance of its being so has caused the Arabs to dispute respecting its formation.] b3: ذَهَبُوا تَحْتَ كُلِّ كَوْكَبٍ They became dispersed [as though under every tract of heaven]. (AO, S, K.) b4: كَوْكَبٌ (assumed tropical:) Drops [of dew] that fall upon herbage in the night, (K,) and become like stars. (TA.) b5: The source, or spring, of a well. (K.) b6: Water. (El-Muärrij, K.) b7: (assumed tropical:) The lustre, or brightness, or glistening, of iron. (S, K.) b8: (assumed tropical:) A sword. (K.) b9: A nail: (K:) [or more probably, (assumed tropical:) its head, as in Golius]
b10: كَوْكَبٌ (Az, K) and ↓ كَوْكَبَةٌ (TA) (assumed tropical:) A whiteness in the eye: (K:) a whiteness in the black part of the eye, whether the sight be gone in consequence thereof, or not. (Az.) b11: كَوْكَبٌ A tract, such as is termed خِطَّة, differing in colour from the land in which it lies. (K.) b12: (assumed tropical:) A youth nearly of the age of puberty: (K:) a youth who has attained the period of adolescence, and whose face has become beautiful, is called كَوْكَبٌ مُمْتَلِئٌ (a full star), like as he is called بَدْرٌ. (TA.) [See شَادِخٌ, and مُطَبِّخُ.]
b13: (assumed tropical:) The chief, lord, or prince, and horseman, or cavalier, of a people. (K.) b14: (assumed tropical:) A man with his arms; an armed man. (K.) b15: (assumed tropical:) What is tall of plants. (K.) b16: A mountain: (K [but Freytag mentions, that in some copies, for جَبَلٌ, is read خَيْلٌ, horses and horsemen, or a troop of horse:]) or the main part thereof. (TA.) b17: The greater part, chief part, main, gross, mass, or bulk, of a thing: (S, K:) as of herbage, water, an army. (TA.) b18: (tropical:) The flower, or flowers, of a garden, or meadow. (TS, K.) b19: The فُطْر [toadstool, or mushroom], a well-known plant: (AHn, K:) I do not mention it, says AHn, from a learned man: but كوكب is [explained by lexicologists only as] the name of a well-known plant, called كوكبُ الأَرْضِ: (L:) perhaps a species of the فُطْر. (El-Mak- disee, cited by MF.) A2: Vehemence of heat: (K:) the greater part of the heat. (TA.) b2: The medicament called طَلْق, q. v., [which defends the person who is anointed therewith from the burning of fire]. (K: explained by the words الطَّلْقُ مِنَ الأَدْوِيَةِ: in some copies of the K, من الأَوْدِيَةِ. [This is wrong: كَوْكَبُ الأَرْضِ means Talc: see طَلَقٌ.]) A3: يَوْمٌ ذُو كَوَاكِبَ A day of difficulties, distresses, or calamities. (K.) A4: كَوْكَبٌ A place of con-finement. (K.) كَوْكَبَةٌ see كَوْكَبٌ.
A2: An assembly; a company; a congregated body. (K.) Said by some to be figurative in this sense.
دَعَوْا دَعْوَةً كَوْكَبِيَّةً [They uttered an imprecation like that of Kowkebeeyeh]: a proverb.
الكَوْكَبِيَّةُ was a town the people of which were oppressed by its governor, wherefore they uttered an imprecation against him, and he died immediately after it. (K.) أَمْعَزُ مُكَوْكِبٌ (assumed tropical:) A hard tract with glistening pebbles: also called ضُحًى مُكَوْكِبٌ. (TA.)