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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3709. كلف20 3710. كلم16 3711. كلو5 3712. كم12 3713. كمأ13 3714. كمت153715. كمثر9 3716. كمح10 3717. كمخ12 3718. كمد16 3719. كمر12 3720. كمس11 3721. كمش14 3722. كمل18 3723. كمن16 3724. كمه15 3725. كمى4 3726. كن6 3727. كنب14 3728. كنبت5 3729. كنبث5 3730. كنت9 3731. كنتب3 3732. كنث5 3733. كنثب3 3734. كنخب3 3735. كند15 3736. كندث3 3737. كندر5 3738. كنز21 3739. كنس22 3740. كنعت3 3741. كنعث3 3742. كنعد6 3743. كنف20 3744. كنفث3 3745. كنه15 3746. كنى6 3747. كهب10 3748. كهد8 3749. كهدب3 3750. كهر14 3751. كهرب6 3752. كهكب3 3753. كهل18 3754. كهن18 3755. كو1 3756. كوأ3 3757. كوب17 3758. كوت5 3759. كوث9 3760. كوح9 3761. كوخ9 3762. كود12 3763. كودأ1 3764. كوذ9 3765. كور19 3766. كوز13 3767. كوس19 3768. كوع15 3769. كوف17 3770. كوكب9 3771. كوم17 3772. كون17 3773. كوى8 3774. كيأ5 3775. كيت10 3776. كيد16 3777. كير13 3778. كيس16 3779. كيص6 3780. كيف16 3781. كيل20 3782. كين10 3783. كيه5 3784. ل9 3785. لأ1 3786. لأت1 3787. لأك5 3788. لأل1 3789. لألأ9 3790. لأم13 3791. لأى4 3792. لب9 3793. لبأ13 3794. لبت6 3795. لبث16 3796. لبج12 3797. لبخ9 3798. لبد19 3799. لبس19 3800. لبع3 3801. لبق16 3802. لبك13 3803. لبلب5 3804. لبن20 3805. لبى5 3806. لت3 3807. لتأ8 3808. لتب7 Prev. 100




1 كَمُتَ, (contr. to analogy, as verbs significant of colours [if unaugmented] are generally of the measure فَعِلٌ, MF,) aor. ـُ inf. n. كَمْتٌ and كُمْتَةٌ (in the CK كَمْتَةٌ) and كَمَاتَةٌ; and ↓ اكمت, inf. n. إِكْمَاتٌ; (K;) and ↓ اكمتّ, inf. n. إِكْمِتَاتٌ; and ↓ اكماتّ, (in the CK إِكْمَأَتَّ,) inf. n. إِكْمِيتَاتٌ; (S, K;) He (a horse, S, K, [and a camel, &c.]) was, or became, of the colour called كُمَيْتٌ. (S, K.) A2: كَمَتَ الغَيْظَ, [aor, كَمُتَ,] He concealed, or hid in his bosom, rage, or wrath. (Sgh, K.) 2 كمّت ثَوْبَهُ (tropical:) He dyed his garment of the colour of [fresh ripe] dates; i. e., of a red colour inclining to black. (A.) b2: كُمِّتَتْ She was rendered artificially of the colour called كُمَيْتٌ, (K,) or was dyed of that colour. (So in a copy of the K.) 4 أَكْمَتَ see 1.9 إِكْمَتَّ see 1.11 إِكْمَاْتَّ see 1.

كُمْتٌ: see أَكْمَتُ.

كُمْتَةٌ [A dark bay colour:] a red colour mixed with blackness: (Kh, Sb:) or a red colour mixed with قُنُوْء, (As, S, K,) which latter is blackness that is not pure, or clear: (see كُمَيْتٌ:) or a colour between black and red: (ISd:) there are two kinds of كمتة; namely كُمْتَةُ صُفْرَةٍ [yellow bay, or gilded bay,] and كُمْتَةُ حُمْرَةٍ

[red bay, or chestnut-bay]. (IAar.) كُمَيْتٌ, masc. and fem., (S, K,) [A bay, or dark bay, or brown, horse &c.:] of a red colour mixed with blackness: (Kh, Sb:) or of a red colour mixed with قُنُوْء, (As, S, K,) which latter is blackness that is not pure, or clear: (TA [app. from As]:) [see كُمْتَةٌ, above:] a camel is called أَحْمَرُ if of an unmixed red; but if of a red colour mixed with قنوء, it is called كميت: (As, S:) the difference between كميت and أَشْقَرُ, as applied to horses, is in the mane and the tail: if these are red, the animal is called اشقر [i. e. sorrel]; and if they are black, it is called كميت; (AO, S, TA;) and the وَرْد is between these two: (AO, TA:) [all bay horses have black manes, which distinguish them from the sorrel, that have red or white manes: (Farrier's Dict., quoted in Johnson's Dict., voce “ bay ”:)] an epithet applied to the horse and the camel and other animals: (ISd:) you say فَرَسٌ كميتٌ, and مُهْرَةٌ كميتٌ, and بَعِيرٌ كميتٌ, and نَاقَةٌ كميتٌ: (TA:) accord. to the Kh, as cited by Sb, it is of the dim. form because it denotes a colour between black and red, as though to imply that it signifies what is near to each of these two colours. (S.) In a marginal note in the S, it is said to be a foreign word arabicized. (TA.) [Perhaps from the Persian كُمِيژَهْ: Freytag says, accord. to some from the Persian كُميته.] See also أَكْمَتُ, and كُمْتَةٌ. The Arabs say, that the كميت is the most powerful of horses, and the strongest in the hoofs. (TA.) b2: تَمْرَةٌ كُمَيْتٌ (tropical:) A date of the colour called كُمَيْتٌ; [or, red tinged, or mixed, with black, or of a blackish red colour]: it is one of the kinds hardest, or toughest, in لِحَآء [i. e. pulp, or flesh], and sweetest to chew. (AM.) b3: تِينٌ كُمَيْتٌ (tropical:) A fig of that colour. (AHn.) b4: كُمَيْتٌ (tropical:) a name of Wine; because there is in it blackness and redness: (S:) or wine in which is blackness and redness: (M, K:) used like a proper name, [or rather as a subst.,] though originally an epithet. (TA.) b5: كُمَيْتٌ is also applied as an epithet to waste, or unowned, land. (ISd.) b6: كُمَيْتٌ A long, complete, month, or year. (IAar.) أَخَذَهُ بِكَمِيتَتِهِ He took it by its root. (Sgh, K.) كَمَاتِىٌّ: see next paragraph.

أَكْمَتُ] b2: خَيْلٌ كُمْتٌ, and ↓ كَمَاتِىٌّ, (K,) and كَمَاتَى, of the same measure as عَذَارَى, (TA,) Horses of the colour of that which is called كُمَيْتٌ, (K,) كمت is a pl. formed from أَكْمَتُ; though this sing. has not been used: (L:) and كماتى is a pl. formed from كَمْتَاءُ [fem. of أَكْمَتُ] regarded as a subst.; though this sing. also has not been used. (TA.)
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