Q. 2 تَكَعْثَبَتِ العَرَارَةُ The عرارة (with an unpointed ع meftoohah, the name of a certain plant; (TA;) in the CK, غِرَارَة, or sack;)
became collected together, and round. (K.)
رَكَبٌ كَعْثَبٌ (as also كَثْعَبٌ, TA) A large (and full and prominent, TA) pubes, (S, K,) or pudendum: (TA:) a prominent, compact, pubes. (Fr.) Pudendum muliebre. (ISk.)
b2: كَعْثَبٌ (as also كَثْعَبٌ, TA) A woman having a large (and full and prominent, TA) pubes, (K,) or pudendum. (TA.)