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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3457. قف5 3458. قفأ3 3459. قفخ6 3460. قفد9 3461. قفر19 3462. قفز163463. قفش10 3464. قفص15 3465. قفل18 3466. قفو13 3467. ققب5 3468. ققز4 3469. قل6 3470. قلب21 3471. قلت15 3472. قلح17 3473. قلخ7 3474. قلد18 3475. قلس17 3476. قلص22 3477. قلع15 3478. قلف16 3479. قلفع3 3480. قلق14 3481. قلقس5 3482. قلم19 3483. قلمس7 3484. قلو7 3485. قم4 3486. قمأ9 3487. قمح15 3488. قمحد3 3489. قمد8 3490. قمر20 3491. قمس14 3492. قمش11 3493. قمص17 3494. قمط15 3495. قمطر14 3496. قمع18 3497. قمل17 3498. قمه8 3499. قمهد5 3500. قن7 3501. قنأ14 3502. قنب15 3503. قنبر8 3504. قنبط5 3505. قنبع6 3506. قنت18 3507. قنح12 3508. قند13 3509. قنر7 3510. قنس9 3511. قنص13 3512. قنط17 3513. قنطر12 3514. قنع18 3515. قنفد4 3516. قنفذ8 3517. قنقل5 3518. قنو14 3519. قهب9 3520. قهد10 3521. قهر15 3522. قهزب3 3523. قهق2 3524. قهقب4 3525. قهقر10 3526. قهقم3 3527. قهل10 3528. قهنب3 3529. قو2 3530. قوب15 3531. قوت17 3532. قوح11 3533. قود14 3534. قور17 3535. قوس17 3536. قوض13 3537. قوط12 3538. قوع15 3539. قوف13 3540. قوق11 3541. قول15 3542. قولنج3 3543. قوم19 3544. قوه12 3545. قوى5 3546. قيا2 3547. قيح16 3548. قيد16 3549. قير15 3550. قيس18 3551. قيص10 3552. قيض20 3553. قيظ14 3554. قيق7 3555. قيل18 3556. قين16 Prev. 100




1 قَفَزَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. قَفْزٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and قَفَزَانٌ (S, Msb, K) and قُفُوزٌ and قِفَازٌ, (Msb, and so in a copy of the K,) the last with kesr, (Msb,) or قُفَازٌ, (K accord. to the TA,) with damm, (TA,) or قَفَازٌ, (so in the CK,) He leaped, jumped, sprang, or bounded: (S, A, Msb, K:) he (an antelope) did so and alighted with his legs together. (TA, art. نفز.) b2: قَفَزَ الحَائِطَ [He leaped the wall]. (O and K in art. زيف.) A2: See also 5.

A3: قَفِزَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. قَفَزَ, (tropical:) He (a horse) had fore legs white as high as his مِرْفَقَانِ [properly signifying the elbows; but here, probably meaning, as it seems to do in some other instances, the knees], but not the kind legs. (IKtt, TA. [And ↓ قُفِّزَ app. has a similar meaning: see its inf. n. تقفيز below; and its part. n. مُقَفَّزٌ, voce أَقْفَزُ.]) But see أَقْفَزُ, and قُفَّازٌ.2 قَفَّزَ see what next precedes.5 تقفّز [He put on, or wore, a pair of gloves; as also ↓ قَفَزَ, aor. ـِ as appears from a quotation in the L, from Khálid Ibn-Jembeh, viz. القُفَّازَانِ تَقْفِزُهُمَا المَرْأَةُ:] he (a sportsman [or falconer]) put on, or wore, hawking-gloves (قُفَّازَانِ): (A:) or took or prepared for himself the reticulated iron thing upon which the falcon sits. (TA, as from Z.) See قُفَّاز. b2: تَقفّزت بِالْحِنَّآءِ, said of a woman, (S, A,) (tropical:) She dyed her hands (A, K) to the wrists, (A,) and her feet, (K,) with حنّآء. (A, K.) 6 تقافزوا [They contended together, or vied, one with another, in leaping, jumping, springing, or bounding]. You say so of children playing at the game called قُفَّيْزَى. (A, K.) قُفْزَةٌ A leap, jump, spring, or bound.]

قَفَزَى A leaping, jumping, springing, or bounding. (K.) You say, جَآءَتِ الخَيْلُ تَعْدُو القَفَزَى

[The horses came running with a leaping, jumping, springing, or bounding, motion]; from القَفْزُ [inf. n. of قَفَزَ]. (S, TA.) قَفُوزٌ: see قَفَّازٌ.

قَفِيزٌ A certain measure of capacity, consisting of ten مَكَاكِيك [pl. of مَكُّوكْ]; (S, Msb, K;) accord. to the people of El-'Irák: (TA:) or twelve times what is termed مَنّ: (Mgh in art. ربع:) [see also جَرِيبٌ, in three places: and see صَاعٌ:] pl. [of pauc.] أَقْفِزَةٌ, and [of mult.] قُفْزَانٌ (S, Msb, K) and قِفْزَانٌ. (Fr, Sgh.) [See كُرٌّ, throughout.] قَفِيزُ الطَّحَّانِ [The قفيز of the grinder] is when one says, “I will grind for so much and a قفيز of the flour itself: ” so says Ibn-El-Mubárak: or when one hires a man to grind for him a certain quantity of wheat for a قفيز of its flour, (TA,) or when one says, “I hire thee to grind this wheat for a pound of its flour,” for instance; whether there be something else therewith or not: (Msb:) what is thus termed is forbidden. (Msb, TA.) b2: Also, A certain measure of land; (T, Msb, K;) namely, the tenth of a جَرِيب, q. v.: (Msb:) or a hundred and fortyfour cubits. (K.) قَفَّازٌ That leaps, jumps, springs, or bounds, much, or often; (A, * Msb;) [and so ↓ قَفُوزٌ, occurring in art. رفأ in the M and K, applied as an epithet to a gazelle.] b2: Hence, قَفَّازَةٌ A female slave: because she seldom remains still. Yousay, يَا ابْنَ القَفَّازَةِ O son of the female slave. (A.) قُفَّازٌ A kind of glove; a thing which is made for the two hands, or hands and arms, stuffed with cotton, (S, L, K,) and having buttons which are buttoned upon the fore arms, (S, L,) worn by a woman as a protection from the cold; (S, L, K;) they are made of skins, and of felt; are worn by the women of the Arabs of the desert; and extend to the bones of the elbow: (L, TA:) a pair of them is called قُفَّازَانِ: (S, L:) or a thing which the women of the Arabs of the desert make for themselves, stuffed with cotton, covering a woman's two hands, with her fingers, and, some add, having buttons upon the fore arm; like what the carrier of the falcon wears: (Msb:) or a thing which those women make for themselves, covering the fingers and hand and arm: and a thing which the sportsman [meaning the falconer] wears upon each hand, or hand and arm, of skin, or of felt, or wool: (Mgh:) or a kind of women's ornament for the hands and feet, or the hands and arms and the feet and legs: and a reticulated iron thing (حَدِيدَةٌ مُشَبَّكَةٌ, accord. to the TA, as from the K, but in the CK مُشْتَبِكَةٌ,) upon which the falcon sits. (K.) b2: And [hence,] Whiteness in the أَشَاعِر [or hairs next the hoof] of a horse. (K. [See also قَفِزَ, and قُفَّزَ, and أَقْفَزُ.]) قُفَّيْزَى A certain game of children, who set up pieces of wood, or a piece of wood, (the former accord. to the A, and the latter accord. to the K) and leap over them, or it. (A, K, TA.) قَافِزٌ Leaping, jumping, springing, or bounding. (Msb.) b2: خَٰيْلٌ قَافِزَةٌ, and قَوَافِزُ, Swift horses, that leap, jump, spring, or bound, in their running. (K.) b3: القَوَافِزُ The frogs. (Sgh, K.) أَقْفَزُ (S, K) and ↓ مُقَفَّزٌ (S, A, K) (tropical:) A horse whose whiteness of the lower parts of his fore legs extends as far as his مِرْفَقَانِ [properly signifying the elbows; but here, probably meaning, as it seems to do in some other instances, the knees], without his having the like in the hind legs; (S, K;) as though he had gloves (قُفَّازَانِ) put upon him: (S:) or whose whiteness of the lower parts of the legs does not extend beyond the أَشَاعِر [or hairs next the hoof]; as also مُنَعَّلٌ. (A, TA.) تَقْفِيزٌ A scattered whiteness intermingling in the shanks, as far as the knees, of a دَابَّة [meaning, horse]: a signification wrongly assigned by Lth to تَقْفِير. (TA in art. فقر.) مُقَفَّزٌ: see أَقْفَزُ.
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