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115739. فرِيهان1 115740. فَريْوَة1 115741. فريول1 115742. فريون2 115743. فَرْيوِيّ1 115744. فز5115745. فَزُّ1 115746. فَزَّ1 115747. فَزَّ 1 115748. فَزّاح1 115749. فَزَار1 115750. فَزَارَة1 115751. فَزَّاري1 115752. فَزَارِيّ1 115753. فَزَّاع1 115754. فَزَّانُ1 115755. فزّانجي1 115756. فَزَّانِيّ1 115757. فَزَّاوي1 115758. فزتج1 115759. فزجن1 115760. فُزَحُ1 115761. فزد3 115762. فُزْدَ1 115763. فُزْدقة1 115764. فَزَرَ2 115765. فزر14 115766. فَزَرَ 1 115767. فِزْرَانِيا1 115768. فزرق2 115769. فَزَزَ1 115770. فزز9 115771. فزع18 115772. فَزِعَ1 115773. فَزِع1 115774. فَزَع1 115775. فَزَعَ 1 115776. فَزَعَة1 115777. فُزْعة1 115778. فُزْعَة1 115779. فزعه1 115780. فزفز1 115781. فزفزه1 115782. فزك1 115783. فزل3 115784. فزلين1 115785. فزن1 115786. فَزْن1 115787. فزوز1 115788. فَزُوز1 115789. فزومي1 115790. فزيال1 115791. فِزْيال1 115792. فَزِّيَّة1 115793. فُزيز1 115794. فُزيق1 115795. فَزِيْلة1 115796. فس3 115797. فَسَّ 1 115798. فسء1 115799. فسأ9 115800. فَسَأ1 115801. فَسَأَ 1 115802. فسئ1 115803. فَسَا3 115804. فسا7 115805. فَسّاح1 115806. فساد1 115807. فساد الاعتبار3 115808. فساد الشّمّ1 115809. فساد الشهوة1 115810. فساد الهضم1 115811. فَسَاد الْوَضع1 115812. فساد الوضع2 115813. فُسَارَانُ1 115814. فسافس1 115815. فساق1 115816. فسالة1 115817. فست3 115818. فستان2 115819. فُسْتُجَانُ1 115820. فستق6 115821. فُسْتُق1 115822. فُسْتُقَانُ1 115823. فسج5 115824. فَسَجَ 1 115825. فَسَحَ1 115826. فسح17 115827. فَسَحَ 1 115828. فُسْحَة1 115829. فسحم2 115830. فُسْحُمٌ1 115831. فَسَخَ1 115832. فسخ13 115833. فسخَ1 115834. فَسَخَ 1 115835. فَسَدَ2 115836. فَسُدَ1 115837. فسد17 115838. فَسَدَ 1 Prev. 100


فزا فزع وَعَن الْأَمر تنحى وَعدل وَالرجل فزازة وفزوزة نشط وتوقد وَالْجرْح فزا وفزيزا تندى وسال وَفُلَانًا فزا أفزعه وأزعجه
فز: فزفلان: (وثب. محيط المحيط).
فز على فلان: هاجمه، انقض عليه. ففي النويري (مخطوطة رقم 2، ص161 و): قفز عليه باطني في زي حاج فقتله.
فز ل عجل، بادر إلى. (المقدمة 3: 363).
أفز: هاجم، هجم، انقض (هلو).
استفز: مرادف: استخف، يقال: استفز فلانا أي أثاره وأزعجه. ويقال: استفزته الخمرة، واستنفزه الفرح، واستفزه الخوف واستفزه الطمع، إلى غير ذلك. (معجم مسلم، عبد الواحد ص49، المقدمة 1: 229، المقري 3: 28).
جلد الفزاري: جلد الجاموس. (كاريت جغرافية ص96).
مستفزة: ملذة عابثة. ففي القلائد (ص248): ما علمت له صبوة: ولا حلت له إلى مستفزة حبوة.
الفَزُ: وَلَدُ البَقَرَةِ، وجَمْعُه أفْزَازٌ. وفَزَ الظَبْيُ: أي فَزعَ. وأفَزَه: أي أفْزَعَه. والإِفْزَازُ: الذُّعْرُ. واسْتَفَزُّوه: أخْرَجُوه من دارِه. وفَز الجُرْحُ فَزِيْزاً: سالَ منه شَيْء. والافْتِزَازُ: أنْ يُقْتَطَعَ الشيْءُ فيُعْدَلَ عن عُظْمِ الشيْءِ الذي هو منه. وفَزَ عَنّي جانباً: أي عَدَلَ عَنّي وانْفَرَدَ، يَفِزُّ. وفَز قَلْبي من الخَوْفِ: شَخَصَ. ورَجُل فَز يَفِزُّ فَزَازَةً وفُزُوْزاً: وهو المُتَوَقِّدُ. وقد تَفزَزَ تَفَزُزاً: أي غَنَّى غِنَاءً.


1 فَزَّ, (A, O, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. فَزٌّ, (TA,) He (a gazelle) was, or became, frightened, or afraid. (A, O, K.) b2: فَزَّ قَلْبُهُ His heart heaved by reason of fear. (O.) b3: فَزَّ عَنْهُ He (a man, O) turned away from him. (A, O, K.) And He separated himself from him, and became alone. (A, O, K.) A2: فَزَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. فَزَازَةٌ and فُزُوزَةٌ, He (a man, O) became excited with ardour, or eagerness. (O, K.) A3: فَزَّ فُلَانًا عَنْ مَوْضِعِهِ, (A, O, * K,) inf. n. فَزٌّ, (O,) He disturbed, removed, or unsettled, such a one from his place: (A, O, * K:) or he frightened, and disturbed, or removed, or unsettled, such a one from his place, and made his courage (lit. his heart) to fly away: (IDrd, TA:) and [in like manner] ↓ أَفَزَّهُ he frightened him; (K;) or, as in some copies of the K, he disturbed or disquieted him; (TA;) or he frightened him, and disturbed or disquieted or unsettled him, and made his courage (lit. his heart) to fly away. (S, O. *) [See also 10.]

A4: فَزَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. فَزِيزٌ (S, O, K, TA) and فَزٌّ, (TA,) said of a wound, It became moist, and flowed, (S, O, K, TA,) discharging its contents; and so فَصَّ: and in like manner it is said of water [app. as meaning it oozed forth]: (TA:) and of sweat, meaning It exuded; and so فَصَّ. (TA in art. فص.) 2 فزّزهُ He (a man) rendered him powerful, or strong, and made him to overcome. (Ibn-'Abbád, O.) 4 أَفْزَ3َ see 1, latter half.8 افتزّ He (a man, O) overcame; (K;) or was, or became, powerful, or strong, and overcame: (O:) and ابتزّ and ابتذّ signify the same: so in the Nawádir. (O, TA.) 10 استفزّهُ It (fear, S, A, O) excited him to lightness and unsteadiness; unsettled him. (S, A, O, K.) وَاسْتَفْزِزْ مَنِ اسْتَطَعتَ مِنْهُمْ بِصَوْتِكَ, in the Kur [xvii. 66], is expl. by Fr as meaning and excite thou to lightness and unsteadiness, or unsettle thou, when thou canst, with thy voice. (O, TA.) And in like manner, وَإِنْ كَادُوا لَيَسْتَفِزُّونَكَ مِنَ الأَرْضِ, in the same [xvii. 78], is expl. by him (O, TA) as meaning, And verily they were near to unsettling thee from the land: (TA:) but some say the meaning is, they were near to frightening thee so as to excite thee to promptness of flight from the land. (O, TA.) And استفزّهُ عَنْ رَأْيِهِ He incited him, or excited him, to ignorance, foolishness, or wrong conduct, and levity, or unsteadiness, so as to make him swerve from his right sentiment, opinion, or judgment; like اِسْتَخَفَّهُ عن رأيه. (Az and TA in art. خف.) b2: He incited him, or excited him, to be promptly obedient and submissive to him and to that which he desired of him; like استخفّهُ. (Ksh in xliii. 54.) b3: He expelled him (Jel in xvii. 105, and K) from the land, (Jel,) or from his abode, and disturbed, or disquieted, or unsettled, him, (K,) so as to excite him to lightness and unsteadiness. (TA.) [See also 1, latter half.] b4: He, or it, deceived him, or beguiled him, so as to cast him into destruction. (TA.) b5: He slew him: so the verb is expl. by some in the Kur xvii. 78, quoted above. (TA.) فَزٌّ A light, or an active, man. (S, A, O, K.) b2: And The offspring of the cow; (S;) [meaning,] of the wild cow: (O, K:) because of its restlessness: (TA:) pl. أَفْزَازٌ. (S, O, K.) فَزَّةٌ A leap with disquietude [or fright]. (TA.) قَعَدَ مُسْتَفَزًّا [so in a copy of the S, but without the vowel-signs: in two other copies of the same, مُسْتَوْفِزًا, which belongs to art. وفز:] He sat in an uneasy posture. (S.) b2: فَرَسٌ مُسْتَفِزٌّ لِلْوَثْبِ وَالعَدْوِ [so in two copies of the S, in art. طمر; in the O, in that art., مُسْتَفِزُّ الوَثْبِ وَالعَدْوِ; probably a mistake for مُسْتَفَزّ; app. meaning, A horse in a state of excitement to leap and run.]
قال تعالى: وَاسْتَفْزِزْ مَنِ اسْتَطَعْتَ مِنْهُمْ بِصَوْتِكَ
[الإسراء/ 64] ، أي: أزعج، وقال تعالى: فَأَرادَ أَنْ يَسْتَفِزَّهُمْ مِنَ الْأَرْضِ
[الإسراء/ 103] ، أي: يزعجهم، وفَزَّنِي فلان، أي: أزعجني، والْفَزُّ: ولد البقرة، وسمّي بذلك لما تصوّر فيه من الخفّة، كما يسمّى عجلا لما تصوّر فيه من العجلة.
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