1 فَخُمَ, aor. ـُ (S, M, K, &c.,) inf. n. فَخَامَةٌ, (S, &c.,) He (a man, S) was, or became, large, big, bulky, or thick. (S, M, K, &c.) b2: And He was, or became, great in respect of estimation, rank, or quality. (So accord. to an explanation of the inf. n. in the KL [agreeably with an explanation of the epithet فَخْمٌ].) See also مُفَخَّمٌ, below. b3: And one says also فَخُمَ الأَمْرُ [meaning Great in estimation is the thing or affair or event or case!]. (K in art. بخ, in which see بَخْ.) 2 تَفْخِيمٌ is syn. with تَعْظِيمٌ [as signifying The magnifying a man, honouring him, or treating him with respect or reverence or veneration]: (S, K, TA:) one says, أَتَيْنَا فُلَانًا فَفَخَّمْنَاهُ meaning [We came to such a one] and we magnified him, or honoured him, and paid him high respect: and ↓ تفخّمهُ signifies [the same as فخّمهُ, i. e.] He magnified him, or honoured him, &c.; syn. أَجَلَّهُ, and عَظَّمَهُ. (TA.) b2: تَفْخِيمُ الحَرْفِ is the contr. of إِمَالَتُهُ [i. e. it signifies The pronouncing of the word with the broad sound of the lengthened fet-h (approaching to the sound of “ a ” in our word “ ball ”)]: (S:) [and also with a full sound of the letter ل:] or التَّفْخِيمُ is the abstaining from الإِمَالَة; (K, and Kull p. 127;) and the contr. of التَّرْقِيقُ; i. e. i. q. التَّغْلِيظُ; and signifies the inclining of ا towards the place of utterance of و, as in the word الصَّلَوةُ; and the uttering of ل from the lower part of the tongue [i. e. with the tongue turned up], as in the word اَللّٰه [i. e. in the word اللّٰه not immediately preceded by a kesreh]: (Kull ubi suprà:) it is [predominantly] peculiar to the people of El-Hijáz, like as الامالة is to the tribe of Temeem. (TA.) A2: See also what next follows.5 تَفَخَّمَ [تفخّم signifies He magnified, or aggrandized, himself; as is shown by a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. فيل; in which verse it is said in the M that ↓ فَخَّمُوا means تَفَخَّمُوا.A2: And it is also trans., like 2:] see 2, first sentence.
فَخْمٌ [seems to signify primarily Large, big, bulky, or thick. And hence,] A man having much flesh in the balls, or elevated parts, of the cheeks. (TA.) b2: [And predominantly,] Great in estimation, rank, or quality; (S, K, TA;) applied to a man: (S, TA:) pl. فِخَامٌ: the fem. is فَخْمَةٌ. (TA.) And it is likewise applied to حَسَب [or grounds of pretension to respect or honour]. (TA.) b3: And to speech, or diction, (مَنْطِق,) meaning Strong; sound, or correct; or chaste, clear, or eloquent, and comprehensive; syn. جَزْلٌ. (S, K.) فَخْمَةٌ fem. of فَخْمٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) b2: And A great army or military force. (TA.) فُخَمِيَّةٌ, like جُهَنِيَّةٌ, (so in the JK, K, and TA, [in the CK and my MS. copy of the K فُخَيْمَة, like جُهَيْنَة,]) Self-magnification, pride, or haughtiness, and assumption of superiority. (JK, K, TA.) فَيْخَمَانٌ A person of authority, (TA,) one held in honour, from whose judgment events are made to proceed, and without whom no affair is decided. (K, TA. [In the explanation of this word in the CK, يَصْدُرُ is a mistranscription for يُصْدَرُ.]) أَفْخَمُ i. q. أَعْظَمُ [as meaning Most, or very, great in estimation, rank, or quality; applied to a man]. (TA.) مُفَخَّمٌ, occurring in a trad., as an epithet applied to the Prophet, means Magnified, honoured, or regarded with respect or reverence or veneration, in the minds and the eyes [of others: and so it means when applied in a general manner]: not largeness in his bodily make: or, as some say, it means [characterized by] ↓ فَخَامَة in his face, [i. e.] its nobleness, and fulness, with beauty, or comeliness, and a quality inspiring reverence or veneration. (TA.)