الغُنْدُبُ: see the paragraph here following.
الغُنْدُبَةُ A hard portion of flesh [app. a gland] around [or app. on either side of] the حُلْقُوم [which seems to mean here, as it often does, the حَلْق, i. e. fauces, or upper part of the throat]; (O, K;) thus expl. by Lth; as also ↓ الغُنْدُبُ; (O;) or ↓ الغُنْدُوبُ: (K:) pl. غَنَادِبُ: and it is said that the غُنْدُبَتَانِ are [two things] like two ganglions (شِبْهُ غُدَّتَيْنِ) in the نَكْفَتَانِ; (O, K;) in each نَكْفَة [q. v.] is a غُنْدُبَة, and between the غندبتان is the place of swallowing: (O:) the غَنَادِب and the flesh that is upon them, or above them, around the لَهَاة [app. here meaning the arches, or pillars, of the soft palate, or the furthest part of the mouth], compose the لَغَانِين [pl. of لُغْنُونٌ, q. v.], which are also called the نَغَانِغ, pl. of نُغْنُغَةٌ [or نُغْنُغٌ, q. v.]: (TA:) or the غندبتان are two glands (عُقْدَتَانِ) in, or at, (فِى,) the root of the tongue: (K, TA:) and they are said to be the two amygdalæ of the fauces; i. e. the tonsils: (اللَّوْزَتَانِ: TA:) or two portions of flesh which are situate on either side of the لَهَاة [app. meaning as expl. above, i. e. the arches, or pillars, of the soft palate, or the furthest part of the mouth], (K, TA,) and between which is a space: (TA:) and غُنْدُبَتَا العُرْشَيْنِ is expl. as meaning the two things that conjoin (اللَّتَانِ تَضُمَّانِ) the لَغَانِين [above mentioned (I read اللغانين instead of العين, an evident mistranscription in my original, for I can only suppose the description to mean the tonsils, as lodged between, and thus conjoining, the anterior and posterior pillars of the soft palate,)] on the right and left. (TA.) الغُنْدُوبُ: see the preceding paragraph.