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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3025. غلو13 3026. غلى5 3027. غم6 3028. غمت8 3029. غمد17 3030. غمر193031. غمز15 3032. غمس16 3033. غمص13 3034. غمض18 3035. غمط15 3036. غمل11 3037. غمن9 3038. غمه1 3039. غمى5 3040. غن5 3041. غنج11 3042. غندب5 3043. غنظ11 3044. غنم18 3045. غنو4 3046. غنى8 3047. غهب14 3048. غو2 3049. غوث15 3050. غوج7 3051. غور20 3052. غوص16 3053. غوط19 3054. غوغ9 3055. غول21 3056. غوى9 3057. غيب17 3058. غيث14 3059. غيد9 3060. غير18 3061. غيض22 3062. غيط6 3063. غيظ15 3064. غيف12 3065. غيق7 3066. غيل22 3067. غيم13 3068. غين14 3069. ف10 3070. فأ1 3071. فأت6 3072. فأد11 3073. فأر13 3074. فأس12 3075. فأل10 3076. فأم11 3077. فأو7 3078. فا4 3079. فالوذ2 3080. فاوانيا1 3081. فت3 3082. فتأ11 3083. فتح19 3084. فتخ13 3085. فتر17 3086. فتش14 3087. فتق19 3088. فتك15 3089. فتكر4 3090. فتل19 3091. فتن16 3092. فتو5 3093. فث4 3094. فثأ10 3095. فثج9 3096. فثر9 3097. فثى4 3098. فج4 3099. فجأ13 3100. فجر20 3101. فجس8 3102. فجع12 3103. فجل12 3104. فجن6 3105. فجو10 3106. فح4 3107. فحث6 3108. فحج12 3109. فحس6 3110. فحش17 3111. فحص18 3112. فحل13 3113. فحم17 3114. فحو9 3115. فخ3 3116. فخت11 3117. فخذ12 3118. فخر15 3119. فخم11 3120. فد3 3121. فدح13 3122. فدخ6 3123. فدر13 3124. فدع14 Prev. 100




1 غَمُرَ, as in some lexicons, or غَمَرَ, aor. ـُ accord. to all the copies of the K [consulted by SM], (TA,) or غَمِرَ, [aor. ـَ (as in the CK and my MS. copy of the K,) inf. n. غَمَارَةٌ and غُمُورَةٌ, [agreeably with analogy if غَمُرَ be the form of the verb, which is therefore most probably correct,] (K,) It (water) was, or became, much in quantity, abundant, copious, [or deep,] (K, B, TA,) so that it concealed its bottom. (B, TA.) You say مَا أَشَدَّ غُمُورَةَ هٰذَا النَّهْرِ How great is the abundance of the water of this river ! (S.) b2: [And (tropical:) He abounded in beneficence.] You say رَجُلٌ بَيِّنُ الغُمُورَةِ (tropical:) A man bearing evidence of abounding in beneficence. (S, K.) A2: غَمَرَهُ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. غَمْرٌ, (Msb, K,) It (water, S, K, or the sea, Msb) [overflowed,] came over, or rose above, (S, Msb,) or covered, (K,) and concealed, (TA,) him, or it; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ اغتمرهُ: (K:) and he (a man) veiled, concealed, hid, or covered, him, or it. (Msb.) b2: Hence, غَمَرَهُ القَوْمُ (assumed tropical:) The people rose above him, or surpassed him, in eminence, (S, TA,) and in excel-lence. (TA.) b3: And رَأَيْتُهُ قَدْ غَمَرَ الجَمَاجِمَ بِطُولِ قَوَامِهِ (assumed tropical:) [I saw him to have overtopped the heads of others by the tallness of his stature]. (TA.) A3: غَمِرَ صَدْرُهُ عَلَىَّ, aor. ـَ (S, Msb, K, *) inf. n. غَمَرٌ (Yaakoob, S, Msb) and غِمْرٌ, (Yaakoob, S,) [or the latter is a simple subst.,] His bosom bore con-cealed enmity and violent hatred, or rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite, against me. (S, Msb, K.) A4: غَمِرَتْ يَدُهُ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. غَمَرٌ, (TA,) His hand was, or became, foul with the smell of flesh-meat, (S, K,) and with the grease thereof adhering to it. (K.) A5: غَمُرَ, aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. غَمَارَةٌ, (S, [in my copy of the Msb written غَمَار, probably by a mistake of the copyist,]) He was inexperienced in affairs: (S, Msb:) Benoo-'Okeyl say غَمِرَ, aor. ـَ (Msb.) You say فِيهِ غَمَارَةٌ and غَرَارَةٌ [In him is a want of experience in affairs]. (TA.) 2 غمّرت وَجْهَهَا, inf. n. تَغْمِيرٌ, She (a woman) smeared her face with غُمْرَة [q. v.]; (S;) as also بِالغُمْرَةِ ↓ اغتمرت, (K,) and ↓ تغمّرت. (S, K.) A2: غُمِّرَ, inf. n. تَغْمِيرٌ, He (a man) was deemed ignorant. (TA.) A3: غمّر فَرَسَهُ, inf. n. as above, He gave his horse water to drink in a cup, (K,) in the small cup called غُمَر, (TA,) because of the scarcity of water. (K.) IAar mentions the phrase غمّرهُ أَصْحُنًا He gave him to drink some bowls of water: making the verb doubly transitive. (TA.) 3 غامر فِى القِتَالِ and غامس فِيهِ signify the same [i. e. (assumed tropical:) He plunged, or threw himself, into the midst of fight, or conflict]. (TA in art. غمس.) [See also مُغَامِرٌ.] b2: And غامرهُ (assumed tropical:) He engaged with him in fight, or conflict, not caring for death. (S, O.) b3: And غامر signifies also (assumed tropical:) He contended in an altercation, or a dispute. (O.) 5 تغمّرت: see 2.

A2: تغمّر He drank from a small cup such as is called غُمَر: (K:) he drank a small quantity of water: (TA:) he drank less than would satisfy his thirst: (S:) he drank the smallest draught, less than would satisfy his thirst: (TA:) he did not satisfy his thirst with water; (K, * TA;) said of a camel, (K,) and of an ass. (TA.) A3: And تغمّرت المَاشِيَةُ The cattle ate what is termed غَمِير [q. v.]. (K.) 7 انغمر He immerged, dipped, or plunged, himself, or he became immerged, dipped, or plunged, (S, K,) in water, (S, TA,) and in a thing; (TA;) as also ↓ اغتمر. (K.) 8 إِغْتَمَرَ see 1: A2: and 7: A3: and 2.

غَمْرٌ Much, abundant, copious, [or deep,] water; (S, K;) as also ↓ غَمِيرٌ: (K:) or much, abundant, copious, [or deep,] water, that drowns, or submerges: (ISd, TA:) or that covers over him who enters into it: (IAth, TA:) [also used as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates, meaning much, abundant, copious, or deep, water;] and ↓ غَمْرَةٌ signifies the same as غَمْرٌ [when thus used; or a submerging deep, a deep place, or an abyss, of water]: (TA:) pl. غِمَارٌ and غُمُورٌ. (S, K.) You say بَحْرٌ غَمْرٌ An abundant sea: and [in the pl.] بِحَارٌ غِمَارٌ, and غُمُورٌ. (S.) And of a thing that has become much, you say, هٰذَا كَثِيرٌ

↓ غَمِيرٌ This is much. (Az.) [See also الغَمَرِ.] b2: The main of the sea: (K:) pl. as above. (TA.) A2: (tropical:) Liberal in disposition: (K, * TA:) pl. as above: (TA:) and in like manner, غَمْرُ الخُلُقِ: (TA:) or this last, and غَمْرُ البَدِيهَةِ, signify (tropical:) abounding in beneficence: pl. as above: (S, K: [see also رِدَآءٌ:]) and غَمْرُ البَدِيهَةِ (tropical:) a man who takes by surprise with large bounty. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) A horse fleet, or swift, or excellent, in running. (S, * K, * TA.) b3: (tropical:) A garment ample, or full. (K, * TA.) A3: (assumed tropical:) A mixed crowd of men, (K,) and their thronging, pressing, or pushing, and multitude; (TA;) as also ↓ غَمَرٌ and ↓ غَمْرَةٌ and ↓ غُمَارٌ and ↓ غَمَارٌ: (K: [in the TA, instead of the last two words, I find غُمَارَةٌ and غَمَارَةٌ, as from the K, and غُمَارٌ and غَمَارٌ are afterwards there added: but most probably these only (without ة) are correct:]) and ↓ غَمْرَةٌ and ↓ غُمَارٌ and ↓ غَمَارٌ signify a crowding, or pressing, of men, (S, Msb,) and of water: (S:) the pl. of ↓ غَمْرَةٌ is غِمَارٌ. (S.) You say النَّاسِ ↓ دَخَلْتُ فِى غُمَارِ, and ↓ غَمَارِهِمْ, (S, Msb, TA,) and ↓ غَمَرِهِمْ, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) I entered among the crowding, or pressing, of the people, (S, Msb, TA,) and their multitude: (S, TA;) as also فى خَمَرِهِمْ [and خُمَارِهِمْ &c.] (TA.) And ↓ أَكُونُ فِى غُمَارِ النَّاسِ, meaning I shall be among the dense congregation of the people, occurs in a trad. (TA.) A4: See also غُمْرٌ.

A5: لَيْلٌ غَمْرٌ means Intensely dark night. (TA.) غُمْرٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ غُمُرٌ (S, ISd) and ↓ غَمْرٌ and ↓ غِمْرٌ, accord. to the K, but this last is unknown, (TA,) and ↓ غَمَرٌ (K) and ↓ غَمِرٌ, (TA,) originally, A boy devoid of intelligence: and hence, (Msb,) a man (S, Msb) inexperienced in affairs: (S, Msb, K:) ignorant: (TA:) inexperienced in war and in counsel; not rendered firm, or sound, in judgment, by experience: (L:) one in whom is no profit nor judgment: (ISd, TA:) one in whom is no good nor profit with respect to intelligence or judgment or work: (Az, Msb:) and ↓ مُغَمَّرٌ signifies the same as غُمْرٌ; (S, TA;) or deemed ignorant: (TA:) the fem. of غُمْرٌ is with ة; (S, Msb;) and so is that of ↓ غَمِرٌ: (TA:) and the pl. of غُمْرٌ is أَغْمَارٌ; (S, Msb, TA;) and this may also be pl. of ↓ غَمَرٌ, like as أَسْبَابٌ is pl. of سَبَبٌ. (TA.) A2: See also غُمْرَةٌ.

غِمْرٌ Concealed enmity and violent hatred, or rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite. (S, Msb, K.) [See also غَمِرَ.] b2: And (assumed tropical:) Thirst: (S, Msb:) pl. أَغْمَارٌ. (S.) El-'Ajjáj says, حَتَّى إِذَا مَابَلَّتِ الأَغْمَارَا (tropical:) [Until, when they damped their thirst]. (S.) بَلَّتِ الإِبِلُ أَغْمَارَهَا means (tropical:) The camels drank a little. (TA.) A2: See also غُمْرٌ.

غَمَرٌ A drowning; being drowned: so in the phrase مَوْتُ الغَمَرِ Death by drowning. (TA.) A2: See also غَمْرٌ.

A3: The foul smell of flesh-meat, (S, Mgh, K,) and its grease adhering to the hand: (K:) and the smell of fish. (S.) Hence, مِنْدِيلُ الغَمَرِ (S, Mgh) The napkin, or rough napkin, with which the hand is cleansed therefrom. (L, TA.) A4: See also غُمْرٌ, in two places.

غَمِرٌ [part. n. of غَمِرَ]. You say يَدٌ غَمِرَةٌ A hand foul with the smell of flesh-meat, (S, K,) and with the grease thereof adhering to it. (K.) [See also سَهِكٌ.]

A2: See also غُمْرٌ, in two places.

A3: غَمِرَةٌ as an epithet applied to a she-camel, see voce غَبِرٌ.

غُمَرٌ A small drinking-cup or bowl, (S, K,) with which people divided the water among themselves in a journey when they had little of it; and this they [sometimes] did by putting a pebble into a vessel, and then pouring into it as much water as would cover the pebble, and giving it to each man among them: (TA:) or the smallest of drinking-cups or bowls: (K:) [see قَعْبٌ; and تِبْنٌ:] accord. to ISh, it contains twice or thrice the quantity of the measure called كِيلَجَة: [but this seems to be a large غمر, used for watering a horse; and the words which here immediately follow are app. not added by ISh, but relate to the غمر used by a man for himself or for another man:] the قَعْب is larger than it, and satisfies the thirst of a man: the pl. is أَغْمَارٌ. (TA.) El-Aashà of Báhileh says, in an elegy on his brother ElMunteshir Ibn-Wahb, تَكْفِيهِ حُزَّةُ فِلْذٍ إِنْ أَلْمَّ بِهَا مِنَ الشِّوَآءِ وَيُرْوِى شُرْبَهُ الغُمَرُ [A slice of camel's liver, roasted, if he lighted upon it, used to suffice him; and the غُمَر used to satisfy his thirst]. (S, TA.) And Mohammad is related, in a trad., to have said, لَا تَجْعَلُونِى كَغُمَرِ الرَّاكِبِ صَلُّوا عَلَى أَوَّلَ الدُّعَآءِ وَأَوْسَطَهُ وَآخِرَهُ Make ye me not like the غُمَر of the rider: salute me in the beginning of prayer and in the middle thereof and in the end thereof: meaning that they should not make the salutation of him to be a thing of no great importance, and to be postponed: for the rider puts on his camel his saddle and his travel-ling-provisions, and last of all hangs upon his saddle his drinking-cup. (IAth, TA.) غُمُرٌ: see غُمْرٌ.

غَمْرَةٌ Water that rises above the stature of a man. (Bd in xxiii. 56.) See also غَمْرٌ, first sentence. b2: Hence, (Bd,) فَذَرْهُمْ فِى غَمْرَتِهِمْ, in the Kur xxiii. 56, (tropical:) Therefore leave thou them in [the submerging gulf, or flood, of] their ignorance; (Fr, Bd;) or in their error: (Jel:) or in their error and obstinacy and perplexity: (Zj, in explanation of another reading, فى غَمَرَاتِهِمْ:) and in like manner, فِى غَمْرَةٌ, in the same chap., verse 65, signifies in overwhelming heedlessness: (Bd:) or in ignorance: (Jel:) and in the Kur li. 11, in overwhelming ignorance: (Bd, Jel:) or غَمْرَةٌ signifies [here] a state of obstinate perseverance in vain or false affairs: (Lth, Msb, TA:) and غَمَرَاتٌ is the pl. (Msb.) You say هُوَ فِى غَمْرَةٍ

مِنْ لَهْوٍ, and شَبِيبَةٍ, and سُكْرٍ, (tropical:) [He is in a submerging gulf, or flood, of frivolous diversion, and of youthful folly, and of intoxication]. (TA.) And غَمَرَاتُ جَهَنَّمَ signifies [The fiery depths of Hell; or] the places, of Hell, that abound with fire. (TA.) b3: [Hence] غَمْرَةُ الخُصُومَةِ (assumed tropical:) The main part of the contention. (TA.) [And غَمْرَةُ الحَرْبِ (assumed tropical:) The main part, i. e. the thick, or thickest, of the fight or battle. (See also غَمَرَاتُ الحَرْبِ in what follows.)] b4: Hence likewise, غَمْرَةٌ signifies also (tropical:) Difficulty, trouble, distress, or rigour, (S, Msb, K,) and pressure, of a thing: (K:) pl. غَمَرَاتٌ (S, Msb, K) and غِمَارٌ (K) and غُمَرٌ. (S.) Hence, (Msb,) غَمَرَاتُ المَوْتِ (tropical:) The rigours, or pangs, (شَدَائِدُ,) of death: (S, Msb:) or غَمْرَةُ المَوْتِ signifies the agony, i. e. the vehemence of the troubles or disquietudes, of death: (TA:) and غَمَرَاتُ الحَرْبِ, and غِمَارُهَا, (assumed tropical:) the rigours of war. (TA.) b5: See also غَمْرٌ again, latter half, in three places.

غُمْرَةٌ A kind of liniment, made from [the plant called] وَرْس, (S, TA,) used by a bride, for her person: (TA:) or [the plant] ورس [itself]: (TA:) or saffron; as also ↓ غُمْرٌ: (K:) or كُرْكُمٌ [which also means saffron and bastard saffron]: or gypsum; syn. جِصٌّ: or, accord. to Aboo-Sa'eed, a mixture of dates and milk, with which the face of a woman is smeared, to render her skin fine: and the pl. is غُمَرٌ. (TA.) [See also خُمْرَةٌ.]

غمرة, [thus in the TA, app. غُمَرَةٌ, of the class of صُرَعَةٌ &c.,] as an epithet applied to a man, Valid in judgment or opinion, in cases of difficulty. (TA.) غَمَارٌ: see غَمْرٌ, latter half, in three places.

غُمَارٌ: see غَمْرٌ, latter half, in four places.

غَمِيرٌ: see غَمْرٌ, in two places.

A2: Also A certain plant: (K:) or green herbage that is overtopped, or covered, and concealed, by what is dried up: (S, K: *) or herbage growing in the lower part, or at the root, of [other] herbage, (K, * TA,) so that the first [in growth] overtops, or covers, and conceals, it: (TA:) or any verdure that is little in quantity, (L, K, TA,) either ريحة [i. e.

رَيِّحَة, meaning what becomes green after the upper parts have dried,] or نبات [app. meaning herbage in general]: (L, TA:) or the grain of the [species of barley-grass called] بُهْمَى, (K, TA,) that falls from the ears thereof when it dries; so says AHn: or somewhat that comes forth in the بُهْمَى

in the first of the rain, succulent, or sappy, amid such as is dry; and غَمِير is not known in anything but the بُهْمَى: (TA:) the pl. is أَغْمِرَآءُ. (K.) ↓ غَمِيرَةٌ [is app. its n. un., but] is said by AO to mean Dry [trefoil, or clover, of the species called]

رَطْبَة and قَتّ, with which horses are foddered when they are prepared, by being reduced to scanty food, for racing or for a military expedition. (TA.) غَمِيرَةٌ: see what next precedes.

غَامِرٌ Much, or abundant: applied in this sense to property. (Ham p. 593.) [See also غَمْرٌ.]

A2: [In a state of immersion; immerged. (See أَتَانٌ; and see also a verse cited voce أَنْ, p. 106, first col.)] b2: And [hence, perhaps,] غَامِرَةٌ signifies Palm-trees (نَخْلٌ) not requiring irrigation: (AHn, K:) but Az did not find this to be known. (TA.) [See also مُغْتَمِرٌ.] b3: Applied to land, (S, Msb, TA,) and to a house, (TA,) [but written with ة when أَرْضٌ is mentioned, or دَارٌ,] it signifies the Contr. of عَامِرٌ; (S, TA;) and thus, (TA,) waste; desolate; in a state the contrary of flourishing; in a state of ruin; syn. خَرَابٌ: (Msb, K, TA:) [land to which this term is applied is thus called] because overflowed by water, so that it cannot be sown; or because it is covered with sand or dust; or because water generally exudes from it, so that it produces only reeds and the بَرْدِىّ [i. e. papyrus or other rushes]: by غَامِرٌ is meant ذُو غَمْرٍ; like as one says هَمٌّ نَاصِبٌ, meaning ذُو نَصَبٍ: (TA:) or any land that is not tilled (لَمْ يُسْتَخْرَجْ) so as to be fit for sowing (K, TA) and planting: (TA:) or land that is unsown, but capable of being sown: so called because the water reaches it and comes over it: of the measure فَاعِلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ; (S, Msb;) like the epithets in سِرٌّ كَاتِمٌ and مَآءٌ دَافِقٌ; and made of the measure فال only to correspond to عَامِرٌ as its opposite: (S, TA:) waste land which water does not reach is not called غَامِرٌ; (S;) but such is called قَفْرٌ. (Msb.) It is said in a trad., [which shows that the last two explanations given above are correct,] that 'Omar imposed a tax of a دِرْهَم and a قَفِيز upon every جَرِيب [of land], both عَامِر and غَامِر: and this he did in order that the people might not be remiss in sowing. (Az, TA.) أَغْمَرُ [More, or most, abundant, copious, or deep: applied to water. b2: ] More, or most surpassing, or excelling: so in the saying, هُوَ أَغْمَرُهُمْ بِطُولِ قَوَامِهِ He is the most surpassing of them by the tallness of his stature. (TA.) مُغَمَّرٌ A garment, or piece of cloth, dyed with [غُمْرَة, or] saffron. (M, TA.) b2: مُغْمَّرَةٌ and ↓ مُتَغَمِّرَةٌ and ↓ مُغْتَمِرَةٌ A girl having her face smeared with غُمْرَة. (TA.) A2: See also غُمْرٌ.

مُغَمِّرٌ: see مُغَامِرٌ.

مَغْموُرٌ [Overflowed, or covered, and concealed, by water, &c. b2: ] Rained upon. (TA.) b3: (assumed tropical:) Overcome, subdued, or oppressed. (TA.) b4: (assumed tropical:) An obscure man; of no reputation: (K, TA:) as though others surpassed him. (TA.) You say also, فُلَانٌ مغْمُورُ النَّٰسَبِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one is of obscure race. (TA.) مُغَامِرٌ (assumed tropical:) One who plunges, or rushes without consideration, into places of peril: (S:) one who throws himself into difficulties, troubles, or distresses; as also ↓ مُغَمِّرٌ: (K:) or one who enters into difficulties, troubles, or distresses, and makes another, or others, to do so; like مُغَامِسٌ. (Ham p. 338.) Applied to a courageous man as meaning (assumed tropical:) One who incurs the rigours, or pangs, of death. (TA.) And (assumed tropical:) One who contends in an altercation, or a dispute: or who enters into the main part [or the thick or thickest] of an altercation or a dispute: and some say that it is from الغِمْرُ, and means regarding, and regarded, with rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite. (TA.) مُغْتَمِرٌ Palm-trees (نَخْلٌ) imbibing water from a copious source. (AHn, K.) [See also غَامِرَةٌ, voce غَامِرٌ.] b2: And (assumed tropical:) A drunken man: (Sgh, K, TA:) as though intoxication had drowned his reason. (TA.) A2: See also مُغَمَّرٌ.

مُتَغَمِّرَةٌ: see مُغَمَّرٌ.
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