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112281. غَبُوسِي1 112282. غَبُوسيّ1 112283. غَبُّوش1 112284. غَبُوش1 112285. غَبُّوشِيّ1 112286. غبى3112287. غبي7 112288. غَبَيَ 1 112289. غُبَيْب1 112290. غُبَيْبَة1 112291. غَبِيبَة1 112292. غُبِّيَّة1 112293. غِبِّيَّة1 112294. غَبْيَةُ1 112295. غُبَيْثَان1 112296. غُبَيرٌ1 112297. غَبِيري2 112298. غُبَيْرِيّ1 112299. غُبَيْري1 112300. غبيري1 112301. غُبَيْسان1 112302. غُبَيْسِي1 112303. غَبِيسي1 112304. غُبَيْشَان1 112305. غُبَيْشة1 112306. غَبِيشَة1 112307. غَبِيْطِيّ1 112308. غُبَيْن1 112309. غُبَيْوِيّ1 112310. غت5 112311. غَتَّ 1 112312. غَتَّادِيّ1 112313. غُتَاغِت1 112314. غَتَامِي1 112315. غتب1 112316. غَتَتَ1 112317. غتت6 112318. غتد1 112319. غَتْر1 112320. غتر3 112321. غَتْرَاء1 112322. غترف5 112323. غتف1 112324. غتل4 112325. غَتِلَ1 112326. غتم14 112327. غَتَمَ 1 112328. غَتْمِي2 112329. غَتَمِي1 112330. غتن1 112331. غَتَّهُ1 112332. غتو1 112333. غَتْوَان1 112334. غتي2 112335. غَتْيَان1 112336. غُتَيْمَة1 112337. غث6 112338. غَثَّ 1 112339. غَثَا1 112340. غثا5 112341. غثًا 1 112342. غثاء1 112343. غثب1 112344. غثت1 112345. غَثَثَ1 112346. غثث11 112347. غُثَثٌ1 112348. غَثَرَ1 112349. غثر13 112350. غَثَرَ 1 112351. غثغث2 112352. غثل1 112353. غَثْلان1 112354. غَثْلاوي1 112355. غَثْلَبَ1 112356. غثلب3 112357. غثم7 112358. غَثَمَ 1 112359. غُثْمة1 112360. غَثْمَة1 112361. غَثْمَرَ1 112362. غثمر7 112363. غثن1 112364. غثو4 112365. غثو وغثى1 112366. غَثَى1 112367. غثى1 112368. غثي8 112369. غُثِّيّ1 112370. غَثِيَ1 112371. غَثَيَ 1 112372. غثيت1 112373. غُثَيْم1 112374. غَثِيم1 112375. غجب1 112376. غجد1 112377. غُجْدُوانُ1 112378. غجذ1 112379. غَجَر1 112380. غجر2 Prev. 100


(غبى) الشَّيْء ستره وَيُقَال غباه عَن الشَّيْء وغبى الْبِئْر غطى رَأسهَا ثمَّ جعل فَوْقهَا تُرَابا وَالشعر قصره
الغَبْيَةُ: المَطْرَةُ المُتَتابِعَةُ القَطْرِ. والغِبَاءُ: التُّرَابُ الذي يُجْعَلُ فوقَ الغِطاءِ يُوَارِيه. وغَبَّيْت مَجْرى الماءِ تغبية. والمُغَبّاةُ: المُغَوّاةُ.
والغَبَاءُ: الخَفَاءُ من الأرض. وما يَخْفى عنكَ. وغَبِّ شَعرَكَ: أي اسْتَأصِلْه.


ى2 غبّاهُ عَنِ الشَّئِْ, (TA,) inf. n. تَغْبِيَةٌ, (K, TA,) He covered, veiled, or concealed, (K, * TA,) him, or it, from the thing. (TA.) b2: And غبّى البِئْرَ He covered the head [or mouth] of the well, and then put over it earth, or dust. (TA.) A2: غبّي شَعَرَهُ, (TA,) inf. n. as above, (K, TA,) He shortened his hair: (K, * TA:) of the dial. of 'Abd-el- Keys, and sometimes used by others: (TA:) and he eradicated it (K, TA) at once. (TA.) 4 اغبت السَّمَآءُ, inf. n. إِغْبَآءٌ, The sky rained such rain as is termed غَبْيَة [q. v.]. (Az, S.) غَبْيَةٌ A rain that is not copious, (S, K,) but exceeding such as is termed بَغْشَة [q. v.]: (S:) or a vehement shower (K, TA) of rain: (TA:) pl. غَبَيَاتٌ. (S.) b2: [And app. (assumed tropical:) A shower of arrows.]

شَرُّ الغَبَيَاتِ غَبْيَةُ النَّبْلِ which seems clearly to mean (assumed tropical:) The worst of showers is the shower of arrows] is a saying mentioned by As. (TA.) b3: Also An abundant pouring of water: b4: and likewise (assumed tropical:) of سِيَاط [i. e. stokes of the whip, or lashes]: (K, TA:) thought by ISd to be thus termed as being likened to the غَبَيَات of rain. (TA.) b5: And, as being likened to the rain thus termed, (tropical:) A running after another running: [but] A'Obeyd says, it is like a leap in pace or going. (S. [In three copies of the S, I find الغَبْيَةُ كَالوَثْبَةِ فِى السَّيْرِ as the explanation given by A'Obeyd: in one of my copies of the S, الغَبْيَةُ كَالزُّبْيَةِ: and in the TA, الغَيْبَةُ كالزبية فى السير: I have followed the first of these readings, as I cannot doubt its being the right.]) b6: Also Dust of the earth. that has risen, or that has spread, or diffused itself; (K, TA;) as also ↓ غَبَآءٌ; thus correctly; but in [some of] the copies of the K غِبَآء, like كِسَآء; [and accord. to other copies غَبًا;] it is like dust in the sky: or, as some say, it is the earth, or dust, with which the head [or mouth] of the well is stopped up, upon the corer. (TA.) [See also art. غبو.]

A2: One says also, جَاؤُوا عَلَى غَبْيَةِ الشَّمْسِ, meaning غَيْبَتِهَا [i. e. They came at, or in the time of, the setting of the sun]: (K, TA;) in which instance it is thought by ISd to be formed by transposition. (TA. [See also 1 in art. غبو.]) غَبَآءٌ: see the next preceding paragraph: b2: and see also art. غبو.

غُصْنٌ أَغْبَى, and شَجَرَةٌ غَبْيَآءُ, A branch, and a tree, tangled, confused, or dense. (K.) A2: اُدْخُلْ فِى النَّاسِ فَإِنَّهُ أَغْبَى لَكَ means [Enter thou among the people, for it will be] most concealing for thee. (TA.) سَمَآءٌ مُغْبِيَةٌ A sky raining such rain as is termed غَبِيَة [q. v.] (Az, S.) مُغَبَّاةٌ i. q. مُغَطَّاةٌ: so in the saying, حَفَرَ مُغَبَّاةً

[He dug a pitfall which he afterwards covered over with earth]: and [hence] one says, دَفَنَ لِى

فُلَانٌ مُغْبَّاةً ثُمَّ حَمَلَنِى عَلَيْهَا [lit. Such a one covered over a pitfall for me, then urged me to go upon it], meaning (assumed tropical:) such a one caused me to fall in [or by means of] a stratagem that he had concealed. (TA.) A2: Also i. q. مُفَوَّاةٌ [A land (أَرْضٌ) abounding with فُوَّة i. e. madder]. (TA.)
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