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110899. عُمَيْشَان1 110900. عُمَيْصِيّ1 110901. عُمَيْلَة1 110902. عَميلَة1 110903. عمينس1 110904. عن9110905. عُنّ1 110906. عنّ1 110907. عَنَّ1 110908. عَنْ1 110909. عَن1 110910. عن بَكْرَة1 110911. عن كَثَب1 110912. عن نفسه1 110913. عَنَّ 1 110914. عَنَا2 110915. عنا7 110916. عِنَا1 110917. عَنَّا1 110918. عَنّاب1 110919. عِنَّاب1 110920. عُنَاب1 110921. عِنَّابة1 110922. عُنَّابة1 110923. عُنَابة1 110924. عَنَّابة1 110925. عِنَّابِيّ1 110926. عُنَّابِيّ1 110927. عُنَابِيّ1 110928. عَنَّابِيّ1 110929. عَنّاتِي1 110930. عِنَاجِي1 110931. عَنّاجِي1 110932. عِنَاد1 110933. عَنَّاد1 110934. عَنَّادة1 110935. عنادية1 110936. عَنَاذَانُ1 110937. عِنَاز1 110938. عَنَّاز1 110939. عَنّازة1 110940. عُنَاصِرُ1 110941. عَنّاف1 110942. عَناقُ1 110943. عِنَاق1 110944. عَنَاق1 110945. عَنَاقانِ1 110946. عِنَانٌ1 110947. عَنَّان1 110948. عَنّان1 110949. عَنَان2 110950. عِنَان2 110951. عِنَانو1 110952. عَنّانو1 110953. عَنَّانِيّ1 110954. عَنَانِيّ1 110955. عِنَانِيّ1 110956. عَناهُ1 110957. عناه1 110958. عِنَايات1 110959. عِنَاية1 110960. عِنَاية الله1 110961. عنب13 110962. عَنَبَ1 110963. عِنَب3 110964. عنب اللبرُشك1 110965. عِنَبٌ 1 110966. عُنْبان1 110967. عِنَبَاوِي1 110968. عُنُبُبُ1 110969. عِنَبَةُ1 110970. عِنَبَة1 110971. عنبتش1 110972. عنبث2 110973. عُنْبُجٌ1 110974. عنبج4 110975. عنبر11 110976. عَنْبَرَ1 110977. عَنْبَر1 110978. عَنْبَر الشركة1 110979. عنبس6 110980. عَنْبَسٌ1 110981. عَنْبَس1 110982. عنبسة1 110983. عنبط3 110984. عنبق2 110985. عنبقر1 110986. عَنْبَلَ1 110987. عنبل4 110988. عُنْبُلَةٌ1 110989. عَنْبور1 110990. عَنْبول1 110991. عُنّةُ1 110992. عنَّةُ1 110993. عُنّة1 110994. عَنَتَ1 110995. عنت20 110996. عَنَتِ1 110997. عَنِتَ 1 110998. عنتت1 Prev. 100


عَنْ: يقتضي مجاوزة ما أضيف إليه، تقول:
حدّثتك عن فلان، وأطعمته عن جوع، قال أبو محمد البصريّ : «عَنْ» يستعمل أعمّ من «على» لأنه يستعمل في الجهات السّتّ، ولذلك وقع موقع على في قول الشاعر:
إذا رضيت عليّ بنو قشير
قال: ولو قلت: أطعمته على جوع وكسوته على عري لصحّ.
ومن خَفِيف هَذَا الْبَاب قَوْلهم

" عَنْ " وَمَعْنَاهَا: مَا عدا الشَّيْء. وَهِي تكون حرفا واسما، بِدَلِيل قَوْلهم من عَنهُ، قَالَ الْقطَامِي:

فقلتُ للرَّكْبِ لَمَّا أنْ عَلا بهِمِ ... مِنْ عَنْ يَمِينِ الحُبَيَّا نظرَةٌ قَبَلُ

قَالَ أَبُو إِسْحَاق: يجوز حذف النُّون من عَن للشاعر، كَمَا يجوز لَهُ حذف نون من، وَكَأن حذفه إِنَّمَا هُوَ لالتقاء الساكنين، إِلَّا أَن حذف نون من فِي الشّعْر، اكثر من حذف نون عَن، لِأَن دُخُول من فِي الْكَلَام اكثر من دُخُول عَن.


a. From.
b. For.
c. After.
d. About, of.
e. Of, to.
f. On.
g. With; at, to, unto.

ذَهَبَ عَنَّا
a. He went away from us, he left us.

سَافَر عَن البَلَد
a. He journeyed from the country.
دَافَعَ عَنْهُ
a. He repelled from him: he defended him.

حَدَّثَ عَن فَلَان
a. He related what he had heard from so &
جَزَاكَ اللّٰه عَنِّي خَيْرًا
a. May God recompense thee
عَن قَلِيْل
a. After a little while.
سَألَ عَنْهُ
a. He asked about him.
سَمِعَ عَنْهُ
a. He heard of, about him.
عَاجِز عَن
a. He is incapable of, to.

جَلَسْتُ عَن يَمِيْنِهِ
a. I sat on his right.
عَن قَصْد
a. With purpose: intentionally.
عَن رِضًى
a. With good grace, readily, willingly.
مَاتَ عَن وَلَدٍ
a. He died (with) leaving a child, an heir.

مَاتَ عَن سِتِّيْن سَنَة
a. He died at the age of 60.
قُتِلُوْا عَن آخِرِهِم
a. They were slain (with), to, unto, even, the last man.
عَمَّا (a. for
عَن مَا ), About, respecting;
after; above.
عَمَّا يَسْأَلُوْن
a. About what they ask.
عَمَّا قَلِيْل
a. After a little while.
تَعَالَى اللّٰه عَمَّا
a. God is exalted above what they attribute to
عن: عَنْ هديَّة: كهديَّة. (ابن بطوطة 3: 387) عن علم لهم به: حسب أو وفق علمهم به (معجم الإدريسي).
عن أمر فلان: بأمر فلان. (معجم الإدريسي).
عن إذنك: باذنك، استأذنك. (معجم الادريسي).
عن: تلى الفعل الذي معناه أرسل وبعث وما في معناهما.
يقال: بعث (وجَّه) عن فلان. أي بعث يبحث عن فلان. كما يقال: نهض عن فلان، أي ذهب يبحث عن فلان. وكما يقال: قُصِدت الخزائن عن الاسلحة، أي أسرعوا إلى الخزائن للبحث عن الاسلحة. (رسالة إلى السيد فليشر ص37 - 38).
عَنْ: تستعمل بمعنى حرف الجر على. ففي حيّان بسّام (1: 172و): وعاداه باديس صبيحتها عن تعبية محكمة. وكذلك ما جاء في كتاب الخطيب (ص134 ق) الذي نقل هذا النص: وصبِحْنا القومَ عن التعبية محكمة.
عَنْ: في مدّة، في خلال، في أثناء. ففي العبدري (ص46 ق): وكانت القوافل كثيرة جداً فانهم بحيث لو غاب عن احد رفيقه لم يجده عن أيّام.
عَنْ: فيما يملك، ما دام يملك. ففي فالتون (ص21): افضل الناس من عفى عن قُدْرة وتواضع عن رِفْعة وانصف عن قُوَّة.
وينقل الناشر (ص39 رقم 7) مثالاً آخر من الحماسة (ص25). ويمكن أن نضيف إليه ما جاء في كتاب الألفاظ (مخطوطة رقم 1070 ص8 و): يقال لا عفو إلا عن قُدْرَة.
ويستعمل الظرف عند بهذا المعنى. ففي الكامل (ص39): قيل لمعاوية ما النبل فقال: الحلم عند الغضب. والعفو عند القدرة.
العين والنون
عن العُنًة: حَظيرةٌ من شجر. وأعطيتُه عَيْنَ عُنَةٍ: أي خَصَصْته به. ورأيتُهُ عَيْنَ عُنة: أي الساعةَ من غير أن طلبته، وقيل: أولُ عائنة. واعْتَنَنْتُ لِعُنَةٍ: أي تَعَرضت لشيء لا أعرفه.
والعُنَة: الحَبْل يُلقى عليه القَديد. والعَطْفَة أيضاً.
وعَن عُنوناً وعَنّاً وعَنَناً واعْتَن أيضاً: اعترض. وعُنَنَ العِنينُ عن امرأته، وهو بينُ العِنَينة والعَنَانة، وكل مَعْنونٍ محبوس، وهو عِنَينٌ عن القتال وغيره أيضاً.
وعَن به: مد به. وعن به كل مَلْوى: لَوى به. وعَنَنتُ الكتابَ عَناً وعُنواناً، والأصل في العُنوان: ما ظهر من الشيء.
ولَعَنك: في
معنى لعلك. والعَنُون من الدواب: المتقدمة في السيْر. وشِرْكَة العِنان: في الخاص من الأشياء - فأما قوله:
عِنانَ الشمالِ مَنْ يكونَن أضْرَعا
فقيل: مُعانة شؤم؛ وهو من التعرض. وقيل: الشمال غِلافُ الضًرْع، وعِنانُه سَيْرُه الذي يُعلق به. وامتلأ عِنانُه: عَدا جَهدَه. وأعْنَنْتُ الدابةَ وعَنَنْتُها: جعلت لها عِناناً.
وأعَن الفَرسَ: حَبَسَه بِعِنانه. وجمعتُهم في عَنَن: أي في سَنَن.
والعَنَن: واحد الأعْنان: ما يعرض للشيء. وأعْنانُ السماء: نواحيها. وعَنَانُها: ما عَن منها. والعَنَانَة: السحابة.
وعَنْعَنَةُ تميم: جَعْلُهم العينَ بدل الهمزة. والعَانُّ: الجَبَل الطويل في الأرض وفي السماء، والجميع: العَوان. والمُعَنَّنَة: المرأة اللطيفة البطن.
ورجلٌ عَنِيْن - مثل حَكيم -: لا يقدر على حَبْس ريح بطنه، وما أعَنَه.
والمعَنْعِن: القائل عن فلان عن فلان. ويومُ عُن: قيل: عُن اسم قبيلة، وقيل: قَلْتٌ تحاربوا عليه.
عن [كلمة وظيفيَّة]:
1 - حرف جرّ يفيد المجاوزة وهي أشهر معانيه "رحل عن المكان- {قَالَ أَرَاغِبٌ أَنْتَ عَنْ ءَالِهَتِي يَاإِبْرَاهِيمُ} " ° إليك عنِّي: ابتعد عنّي، اتركني- رغِب بنفسه عَنْ كذا: ابتعد، تحامى، تعالى، انصرف.
2 - حرف جرّ يفيد البدليَّة "دفعت عنه ثمن الثَّوب- {لاَ تَجْزِي نَفْسٌ عَنْ نَفْسٍ شَيْئًا} ".
3 - حرف جرّ يفيد السَّببيَّة "فعل هذا عن خوف- جزاك الله عنِّي خيرًا- {وَمَا كَانَ اسْتِغْفَارُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ لأَبِيهِ إلاَّ عَنْ مَوْعِدَةٍ} ".
4 - حرف جرّ يفيد انتهاء الغاية "قُتِلوا عن آخرهم: إلى آخرهم".
5 - حرف جرّ يفيد الملابسة "فعله عن حُسن نيَّة".
6 - حرف جرّ يفيد الواسطة "جاء عن طريق البرّ".
7 - حرف جرّ بمعنى مِنْ "جلس عن قُرب- راقبه عن كَثَب- {وَهُوَ الَّذِي يَقْبَلُ التَّوْبَةَ عَنْ عِبَادِهِ} ".
8 - حرف جرّ يفيد الظَّرفيَّة "سار عن يمينه/ يساره".
9 - حرف جرّ يفيد البعديَّة "سنلتقي عمّا قريب- تتحسَّن صحّتُه يومًا عن يوم- {عَمَّا قَلِيلٍ لَيُصْبِحُنَّ نَادِمِينَ} ".
10 - حرف جرّ بمعنى الباء " {وَمَا يَنْطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَى}: ".
11 - حرف جرّ بمعنى على " {وَمَنْ يَبْخَلْ فَإِنَّمَا يَبْخَلُ عَنْ نَفْسِهِ} ".
12 - حرف جرّ يفيد الاتصال والارتباط والتَّعلُّق "ألقى محاضرة عن النَّقد الأدبيّ". 
باب العين والنون (ع ن، ن ع مستعملان)

عن: العُنَّةُ: الحَظِيرةُ (من الخشب أو الشجر تُعْمَلُ للإبل أو الغنمِ أو الخيْلِ تكون على باب الرَّجُل) . والجمع العُنَن، قال الأعشى:

ترى اللَّحْمَ من ذابلٍ قد ذوى ... ورطْبٍ يُرَفَّعُ فوْق العُنَنْ

وعَنَّ لنا كذا يَعِنُّ عَنَناً وعُنُونا: أي ظهر أمامنا. والعَنُونُ من الدوابِّ: المتقدِّمةُ في السَّيْر، قال النابغة:

كأنَّ الرّحْل شُدَّ به خنوف ...  من الحونات هادئة عَنُونُ

ورجُلٌ عِنِّين: وهو الذي لا يَقْدِرُ أن يَحْبِسَ رِيحَ نَفْسه وتقول: إنَّه ليأخذُ في كُلِّ فَنٍِّ وسَنٍٍّ وعَنٍِّ بمعني واحد. والعِنانُ من الِّلجَام: السَّيْرُ الذي بيدِ الفارس الذي يُقَوِّمُ به رأس الفرس، ويُجْمع على أَعِنَّة وعُنُن . وعَنانُ السَّماءِ: ما عنَّ لك منها أي: بدا لك إذا نظرت إليها، ويقال: بل عَنانُ السَّماءِ: السَّحاب، الواحدة عَنانَةٌ، ويُجمعُ على أعنانٍ وعنانٍ، قال الشَّماخ:

طوى ظمْأها في بيضة الصيف بعد ما ... جرت في عنانِ الشِّعْرَيين الأماعِزُ

ويقال: أعنانُ السَّماء: نواحيها. وعَنَنْتُ الكتاب أعُنُّهُ عناًّ وَعَنْوَنْتُ وعَنْوَيتُ عَنْوَنَةً وعنوانا. ويقال: مَنْ تَرَكَ عَنْعَنَةَ تميم وكَشْكَشَةَ ربيعةَ فهم الفصحاء، أما تميم فإنّهم يجعلون بدل الهمزة العين، قال شاعرهم:

إنَّ الفؤاد على الذَّلْفاء قد كمِدا ... وحُبُّها مُوشِكٌ عَنْ يَصْدَعَ الكَبِدا

وربيعةُ تجعَلُ مكان الكاف المكسورة شيئاً، قال:

تَضْحَكُ مِنُّي أن رأتْنِي أحْتَرِش ... ولو حَرَشْتِ لِكَشَفْتِ عن حِرِشْ

ويقال: بل يقولون: عَلَيكِش وبِكِش. ويُقال: بل يُبدلون في كل ذلك. والعَنانُ: الشَّوط. يقال: جَرَى عَنَانا وعَنانَين، قال:

لقد شَدَّ بالخَيْلِ الهديل علَيْكُمُو ... عَنَانَينِ يُبْدي الخيْلَ ثُمَّ يُعِيدُها

نع: النَّعْنَعَةُ: حكايةُ صَوْت. تقول: سمعتُ نَعْنَعَةً وهي رَنَّة في اللسان إذا أراد أن يقول: لع فيقول: نع والنَّعْنَعُ: الذَّكر المُسْتَرْخي والنَّعْنَعُ: بَقْلَة طَيَّبَة الريح وهو الفوذينج قال زائدة: الذي أعرفه: النعناع 
الْعين وَالنُّون

عَنّ الشَّيْء يَعُنُّ ويَعُنُّ عَنَناً، وعُنُونا: ظهر أمامك. والعَنُون من الدَّوَابّ: الْمُتَقَدّمَة فِي السّير، وَكَذَلِكَ من حمر الْوَحْش. وعَنّ يَعِنّ ويَعُنّ عَناًّ وعُنُونا واعْتَنّ: اعْترض. وَالِاسْم: العَنَنُ والعِنان، أنْشد ثَعْلَب:

وَمَا بَدَلٌ مِنْ أُمّ عُثمانَ سَلْفَعٌ ... مِن السُّودِ وَرْهاءُ العِنان عَرُوبُ

معنى قَوْله: " ورهاء الْعَنَان ": إِنَّهَا تعتن فِي كل كَلَام، أَي تعترض فِيهِ. وَلَا افعله مَا عَن فِي السَّمَاء نجم: من ذَلِك.

وَرجل مِعَنّ: يعرض فِي كل شَيْء، وَيدخل فِيمَا لَا يعنيه. وَالْأُنْثَى: بِالْهَاءِ. قَالَ:

مِعَنَّةً مِفَنَّهْ

كالرّيحِ حَوْلَ القُنَّهْ

مِفَنَّة: تَفْتَنُّ عَن الشَّيْء. ولقيه عينَ عُنَّة: أَي اعتراضا. وَأَعْطَاهُ ذَلِك عين عُنَّة: أَي خَاصَّة من بَين أَصْحَابه، وَهُوَ مِنْهُ.

والمُعانَّة: الْمُعَارضَة.

وعُناناك أَن تفعل ذَاك: من المُعانَّة، وَذَلِكَ أَن تُرِيدُ امرا، فَيعرض دونه عَارض يمنعك مِنْهُ، ويحبسك عَنهُ.

والعانُّ من السَّحَاب: الَّذِي يعْتَرض فِي الْأُفق.

والتَّعنين: الْحَبْس.

والعِنيِّن: الَّذِي لَا يَأْتِي النِّسَاء، بَين العُنانة، والعِنِّينة، والعِنِّينيَّة. وَقد عُنِّن عَنْهَا. وَهُوَ مِمَّا تقدم، كَأَنَّهُ اعْتَرَضَهُ مَا يحْبسهُ عَن النِّسَاء. وَامْرَأَة عنينة: كَذَلِك.

وعِنان اللجام: السّير الَّذِي تمسك بِهِ الدَّابَّة. وَالْجمع: أعِنَّة، وعُنُن: نَادِر. فَأَما سِيبَوَيْهٍ فَقَالَ: لم تكسر على غير أعِنَّة، لأَنهم إِن كسروه على بِنَاء الْأَكْثَر، لَزِمَهُم التَّضْعِيف، وَكَانُوا فِي هَذَا أَحْرَى. يُرِيد: إِذْ كَانُوا قد يقتصرون على أبنية أدنى الْعدَد فِي غير المعتل، يَعْنِي بالمعتل: المدغم، وَلَو كسروه على فعل، فلزمهم التَّضْعِيف، لأدغموا كَمَا حكى هُوَ، من أَن من الْعَرَب من يَقُول فِي جمع ذُبَاب: ذُبّ.

وأعَنَّ اللجام: جعل لَهُ عِنانا. وَعَن الْفرس، وأعنَّه: حَبسه بعنانه. والعِنان: الْحَبل، قَالَ رؤبة:

إِلَى عِناَنيْ ضَامِرٍ لطِيفِ

عَنى بالعِنانين هُنَا: المتنين. والضامر هُنَا: الْمَتْن.

وعَنَّنَتِ الْمَرْأَة شعرهَا: شكلت بعضه بِبَعْض.

وَشركَة عِنان، وشرك عِنان: شركَة فِي شَيْء خَاص، كَأَنَّهُ عَن لَهما، فاشترياه واشتركا فِيهِ. وَقيل: هُوَ أَن يُعارض الرجل الرجل عِنْد الشِّرَاء، فَيَقُول لَهُ: أشركني مَعَك، وَذَلِكَ قبل أَن يسْتَوْجب العلق. وَقيل: شركَة عِنان: أَن يَكُونَا سَوَاء فِي العلق، لِأَن عِنان الدَّابَّة: طاقتان. قَالَ الْجَعْدِي يمدح قومه ويفتخر:

وشارَكْنا قُرَيْشا فِي تُقاها ... وَفِي أنْسابِها شِرْكَ العِنانِ

بِمَا وَلَدَتْ نِساءُ بني هلالٍ ... وَمَا وَلَدَتْ نِساءُ بني أبانِ

أَي ساويناهم. وَلَو كَانَ من الِاعْتِرَاض لَكَانَ هجاء.

وَفُلَان قصير العِنان: قَلِيل الْخَيْر، على الْمثل.

والعُنَّة: الحظيرة من الْخشب، تجْعَل لِلْإِبِلِ وَالْغنم تحبس فِيهَا. قَالَ ثَعْلَب: العُنَّة: الحظيرة تكون على بَاب الرجل، فَيكون فِيهَا إبِله وغنمه. وَمن كَلَامهم: " لَا يجْتَمع اثْنَان فِي عُنَّة "، وَجَمعهَا: عُنَن، قَالَ الْأَعْشَى:

تَرَى اللَّحمَ من ذابلٍ قد ذَوَى ... ورَطْبٍ يُرَقَّعُ فوقَ العُنَنْ

وعُنَّةُ الْقدر: الدِّقدان، قَالَ: عَفَتْ غيرَ أنآءٍ ومَنْصِبِ عُنَّةٍ ... وأوْرق من تحتِ الخَصَاصةِ هامِدِ

والعَنان: السَّحَاب. وَقيل: هِيَ السَّحَاب الَّتِي تمسك المَاء، واحدته: عَنانة.

وأعنان السَّمَاء: نَوَاحِيهَا. وعِنانها: مَا بدا لَك مِنْهَا إِذا نظرت إِلَيْهَا. وأعنان الشّجر: أَطْرَافه ونواحيه. وعِنان الدَّار: جَانبهَا الَّذِي يَعِنُّ لَك، أَي يعرض.

وَأما مَا جَاءَ فِي الحَدِيث من قَوْله عَلَيْهِ الصَّلَاة وَالسَّلَام فِي وصف الْإِبِل: " أعنانُ الشَّياطين "، فانه أَرَادَ إِنَّهَا على أَخْلَاق الشَّيَاطِين. وَحَقِيقَة الأعْنان: النواحي.

وعَنّ الْكتاب يَعُنُّهُ عَنًّا، وعنَنَّه: كعَنْوَنه.

واعْتَنَّ مَا عِنْد الْقَوْم: أَي اعْلَم خبرهم.

وعَنْعَنَة تَمِيم: إبدالهم الْعين من الْهمزَة، كَقَوْلِهِم: " عَنْ " يُرِيدُونَ: " أنْ "، وَأنْشد يَعْقُوب:

فَلَا تُلهِكَ الدُّنْيا عنِ الدينِ واعْتَمِلْ ... لآخِرَةٍ لَا بُدَّ " عْنَ " سَتَصيرُها


1 عَنَّ, aor. ـِ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and عَنُّ, (S, Msb, K,) the former accord. to some relaters, and the latter accord. to others, occurring in a verse of a Hudhalee, (TA,) inf. n. عَنَنٌ (S, Msb, K) and عَنٌّ (Msb, K) and عُنُونٌ, the first of which is also [or is properly] a simple subst., (K, [and such, in one sense, it is said to be in the Msb, as will be shown in what follows,]) said of an affair, or event, (Msb,) or of a thing, (S, * K,) It appeared before one: (K:) [and] i. q. عَرَضَ (S, Mgh) and (S, K) اِعْتَرَضَ (S, Msb, K) [i. e. it appeared; it showed, presented, or offered, itself: it occurred: and it presented itself, or intervened between a person and an object before him, as an obstacle: it opposed itself]: and so ↓ اِعْتَنَّ. (S, K.) [See also عَنَنٌ, below.] Imra-el-Keys says, فَعَنَّ لَنَا سِرْبٌ كَأَنَّ نِعَاجَهُ عَذَارَى دَوَارٍ فِى مُلَآءٍ مُذَيَّلِ (Mgh, TA, *) meaning, عَرَضَ, (TA,) i. e. and there appeared to us a herd of wild oxen, as though the females thereof were virgins making the circuit of Dawár, or Duwár, in long-skirted garments of the kind called مُلَآء; Dawár, or Duwár, being the name of an idol around which the people of the Time of Ignorance used to curcuit. (Mgh, * and EM pp. 46 and 47.) And one says, لَا أَفْعَلُهُ مَا عَنَّ فِى السَّمَآءِ نَجْمٌ, meaning مَا عَرَضَ [i. e. I will not do it as long as a star appears in the sky]. (S.) b2: And عَنَّ, (Msb, TA,) aor. ـِ (Msb,) inf. n. عَنَنٌ, (TA,) or this is a simple subst., (Msb, TA,) and the inf. n. is عَنٌّ, (TA,) He opposed himself (اِعْتَرَضَ, Msb, or تَعَرَّضَ, TA) to another (Msb) from right and left, (TA,) or from either side of him, (Msb,) with an abominable, or evil, action. (Msb, TA.) b3: And عَنَّ عَنِ الشَّىْءِ, aor. ـِ [inf. n., app., عَنٌّ,] He turned aside, or away, from the thing. (Msb.) b4: Hence the saying of the lawyers, عَنَّ عَنِ امْرَأَةٍ دُونَ أُخْرَى

[He turned away from one woman, not from another]; meaning he desired not one woman, but desired another: thus in the active form: and one may also say عُنَّ i. e. in the passive form [from one or another of the following significations of the trans. verb]. (Msb.) For the latter of these, and its var. عُنِنَ, see 2.

A2: عَنَنْتُ اللِّجَامَ: see 4. b2: عَنَّ دَابَّتَهُ He put a rein (عِنَان) to his beast. (TA.) And عَنَنْتُ الفَرَسَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Msb;) in the M [↓ عَنَّنْتُ,] with tesh-deed; (TA;) I withheld the horse by means of his عِنَان [or rein]; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ أَعْنَنْتُهُ: (K:) or الفَرَسَ ↓ أَعْنَنْتُ signifies I put a rein to the horse: (Msb:) and it is said in the T that الفَارِسُ ↓ أَعَنَّ means the horseman drew, or pulled, the rein of his beast, to turn him back, or away, from his course. (TA.) b3: And عَنَنْتُهُ, (Msb,) and عُنَّ, (Mgh,) I confined him, (Msb,) and he was confined, (Mgh,) in the عُنَّة i. e. the enclosure (Mgh, Msb) of the camels. (Mgh.) A3: عَنَنْتُ فُلَانًا I reviled such a one; vilified him; or gave a bad name to him. (K.) A4: See also Q. Q. 1.2 عَنَّنْتُ اللِّجَامَ: see 4. b2: عَنَّنْت الفَرَسَ: see 1, last quarter. b3: [Hence, perhaps,] عُنِّنَ عَنِ امْرَأَتِهِ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَعْنِينٌ, (Msb,) which see also voce عُنَّةٌ, former half, in two places, He was pronounced by the judge (S, Msb, K) to be incapacitated from going in to his wife, (Msb, K,) or to have no desire for his wife: or to be withheld from her by enchantment, or fascination: (S, Msb, K:) and ↓ أُعِنَّ signifies the same; as also ↓ عُنَّ, (K, TA,) and ↓ عُنِنَ; and ↓ اعْتُنَّ. (TA. [Thus in the supplement to this art. in the TA; but it seems that the last of these verbs may be a mistranscription for أُعِنَّ, as this verb is there omitted, though the other verbs are mentioned, and followed by the part. ns. مَعْنُونٌ and مُعَنٌّ and مُعَنَّنٌ, but not مُعْتَنٌّ.]) b4: التَّعْنيِنُ also signifies The confining in a deep مَطْبَق [or subterranean prison]. (TA.) b5: And عَنَّنَتْ شَعَرَهَا, said of a woman, means شَكَلَتْ بَعْضَهُ بِبَعْضٍ [i. e. She plaited together two locks of her hair, of the fore part of her head, on the right and left, and then bound them with her other pendent locks or plaits]. (TA.) A2: See also Q. Q. 1.3 المُعَانَّةُ and العِنَانُ signify المُعَارَضَةُ, (S, Msb, K, TA,) as inf. ns. of عَانَّهُ [meaning He did like as he (the latter) did: or he opposed him, being opposed by him]. (TA.) See, below, شِرْكَةُ العِنَانِ: and also عُنَانَاكَ.4 أَعَنَّ [i. q. تَعَرَّضَ]. One says, ↓ أَعْنَنْتُ بِعُنَّةٍ

مَا أَدْرِى مَا هِىَ, (S, K, but in the latter لا ادرى,) meaning I addressed, applied, or directed, myself to a thing (تَعَرَّضْتُ لِشَىْءٍ) not knowing what it was. (S, K.) A2: And أَعْنَنْتُهُ لِكَذَا I exposed him, or caused him to become exposed, (عَرَّضْتُهُ,) to such a thing; and I turned him to it, or towards it. (S.) A3: أَعْننْتُ اللِّجَامَ I put a rein (عِنَان) to the bit; (S, K;) as also ↓ عَنَّنْتُهُ, (S, * K,) inf. n. تَعْنِينٌ; (S;) and ↓ عَنَنْتُهُ. (K.) b2: See also 1, last quarter, in three places. b3: أُعِنَّ عَنِ امْرَأَتِهِ: see 2.5 تعنّن He (a man) abstained from women without his being incapacitated from going in to them, because of blood-revenge that he sought. (TA.) 8 اعتنّ: see 1, first sentence.

A2: اِعْتَنَّ مَا عِنْدَهُمْ He became acquainted with their state, or case. (K.) A3: اعْتُنَّ: see 2.

R. Q. 1 عَنْعَنَةٌ [an inf. n. of which the verb is عَنْعَنَ] The substituting of ع for ء; [for instance,] saying عَنْ in the place of أَنْ: a practice of [the tribe of] Temeem: (S, K:) or, accord. to Fr, it is of the dial. of Kureysh and of those in their neighbourhood, and of Temeem and Keys and Asad and those in their neighbourhood: they change the أ of أَنَّ, with fet-h, into ع; but not when it is with kesr. (TA.) [See two instances in art. عنف, conj. 8.] b2: Hence, عَنْعَنَةُ المُحَدِّثِينَ [i. e. The saying of the relaters of traditions فُلَانٌ عَنْ فُلَانٍ عَنْ فُلَانٍ, suppressing the word رَوَى or حَدَّثَ or. سَمِعَ]: but this is said to be post-classical. (TA.) Q. Q. 1 عَنْوَنَ الكِتَابَ He put a superscription, or title, (عُنْوَان,) to the book, or writing; (S, * Msb;) or he wrote the عُنْوَان of the book, or writing; (K;) like عَلْوَنَهُ; (TA;) and ↓ عَنَّهُ, (S, K, TA,) aor. ـُ inf. n. عَنٌّ, (TA,) signifies the same; as also ↓ عنّنهُ, (S, K, TA,) inf. n. تَعْنِينٌ, mentioned by Lh; (TA;) and عَنَّاهُ, (S, K, TA,) formed by changing one of the ن s [of عَنَّنَ] into ى. (S, TA.) [See also Q. Q. 1 in art. عنو.]

عَنْ is used in three manners: A2: First, it is a prep.: and as such it has ten meanings. (Mughnee, K.) b2: (1) It denotes transition; (Msb, Mughnee, K;) either sensibly or virtually; (Msb;) and the Basrees have mentioned no other meaning than this: (Mughnee:) or, as Sb expresses it, (Msb,) it denotes what has passed [or rather it denotes passage] from the thing [that is mentioned immediately after it]: (S, Msb:) Er-Rághib says that it necessarily denotes transition from that to the mention of which it is prefixed: and the grammarians say that it is applied to denote what has passed and become remote from thee. (TA.) Thus in the saying, سَافَرْتُ عَنِ البَلَدِ [I journeyed from the country, or town]. (Mughnee, K. *) And in رَغِبْتُ عَنْ كَذَا [I abstained from such a thing; and hence, I did not desire, or wish for, such a thing]. (Mughnee.) And رَمَيْتُ عَنِ القَوْسِ [I shot an arrow, or arrows, from the bow]; (S, Mughnee;) because by means of the bow one projects his arrow from the bow, and makes it to pass therefrom: (S:) but another meaning of this will be mentioned in what follows. (Mughnee.) and أَطْعَمْتُهُ عَنْ جُوعٍ [I fed him so as to free him from hunger]; (S, Msb;) making hunger to be quitted, and passed from: (S, * Msb:) and in this case, مِنْ is used in its place, (S, TA,) as in the Kur cvi. 3; (TA;) or the meaning in this instance is, because of hunger. (Jel.) And جَلَسْتُ عَنْ يَمِينِهِ, [as though] meaning I sat passing away from the place of his right side, in sitting, to another place [adjacent thereto: but see another explanation near the end of the paragraph]. (Msb.) And اِنْصَرِفْ عَنِّى and تَنَحَّ عَنِّى [Turn thou, or go thou, away, or aside, from me]. (TA.) And أَخَذْتُ العِلْمَ عَنْهُ I understood, or became acquainted with, [or acquired,] knowledge, or science, from him; as though the understanding passed from him. (Msb.) [And similar to this is the phrase رَوَى عَنْ فُلَانٍ, for which عَنْ فُلَانٍ alone (the verb being understood) is often used, He related a tradition or traditions &c. as learned, or heard, or received, from such a one, or on the authority of such a one. In many other phrases also, some of which will be mentioned in treating of عَنْ as syn. with مِنْ, the former of these two prepositions is to be, or may be, expl. as denoting transition. For ex., one says, دَفَعَ عَنْهُ and دَافَعَ He repelled from him; and hence, he defended him: (see art. دفع:) and رَمَى عَنْهُمْ He shot in defence of them: (see an ex. in a verse cited voce مَعْبُولٌ:) and عَنْهُ is sometimes used for دِفَاعًا عَنْهُ; as in the phrase قَاتَلْتُ عَنْهُ I fought in defence of him; i. e., repelling from him. But the instances of this and other usages of عَنْ, exclusive of those mentioned in this paragraph, depending upon verbs or part. ns. expressed or obviously understood, are far too numerous to be here collected: many of these will be found among the explanations of words with which they occur.] b3: (2) It denotes a compensation; or something given, or received, or put, or done, instead, or in lieu, of another thing. (Mughnee, K.) Thus in the saying [in the Kur ii. 45], وَ اتَّقُوا يَوْمًا لَا تَجْزِى نَفْسٌ عَنْ نَفْسٍ شَيْئًا [And fear ye a day wherein a soul shall not give anything as a satisfaction for a soul, i. e. for another soul: or shall not make satisfaction for a soul at all; accord. to the latter rendering, شيئا being put in the accus. case after the manner of an inf. n.]. (Mughnee, K. *) And in the saying in a trad., صُومِى عَنْ أُمِّكِ [Fast thou for, or in lieu of, thy mother]. (Mughnee.) b4: (3) It denotes superiority (الاِسْتِعْلَآء [as used tropically]); (Mughnee, K;) i. e. as syn. with عَلَى. (Mughnee.) Thus in the saying of Dhu-l-Isba' El-'Adwánee, لَاهِ ابْنُ عَمِّكَ لَا أَفْضَلْتَ فِى حَسَبٍ

عَنِّى وَلَا أَنْتَ دَيَّانِى فَتَخْزُوَنِى (S, Mughnee,) i. e. To God be attributed the excellence of the son of thy paternal uncle (the meaning being لِلّٰهِ دَرُّ ابْنِ عَمِّكَ), thou hast not become possessed of superiority, in grounds of pretension to respect or honour, above me, or over me, (عَلَىَّ,) nor art thou my governor that thou shouldst rule me; for the well-known mode is to say أَفْضَلْتُ عَلَيْهِ. (Mughnee.) [Thus too in the phrases تَعَظَّمَ عَنْهُ and تَعَاظَمَ عَنْهُ (expl. in art. عظم), and in the phrase تَجَالَّ عَنْهُ (expl. in art. جل), and the like.] And thus it has been said to be used in the phrase [in the Kur xxxviii. 31], إِنِّى أَحْبَبْتُ حُبَّ الْخَيْرِ عَنْ ذِكْرِ رَبِّى, meaning قَدَّمْتُهُ عَلَيْهِ [i. e. Verily I have preferred the love of good things above, or to, the remembrance, or praise, of my Lord]: but it is also said that it is here used in its proper manner, as dependent upon a denotative of state suppressed; the meaning being, مُنْصَرِفًا عَنْ ذِكْرِ رَبِّى [i. e. turning away from the remembrance, &c.]: and AO is related to have said that أَحْبَبْتُ is from أَحَبَّ, البَعِيرُ, signifying “ the camel lay down and did not become roused; ” and that the meaning is, I have become withheld by the love of good things from the remembrance, &c. (Mughnee.) and it is [said to be] used as denoting superiority or the like in the saying [in the Kur xlvii. last verse], فَإِنَّمَا يَبْخَلُ عَنْ نفْسِهِ [as though the meaning were He is niggardly only to himself (عَلَى نَفْسِهِ, for عَلَى is considered in this case as importing an ideal superiority); but the phrase may be better rendered, agreeably with the proper, or primary, signification of عَنْ, he withholds, with niggardliness, only from himself; as is indicated by Bd]. (Mughnee, K.) b5: (4) It denotes a cause. (Mughnee, K.) Thus in the saying [in the Kur ix. 115], وَمَا كَانَ اسْتِغْفَارُ إِبْرٰهِيمَ لِأَبِيهِ إِلَّا عَنْ مَوْعِدَةٍ [and Abraham's begging forgiveness for his father was not otherwise than because of a promise]. (Mughnee, K.) And thus in the saying [in the Kur xi. 56], وَمَا نَحْنُ بِتَارِكِى آلِهَتِنَا عَنْ قَوْلِكَ [And we are not, or will not be, relinquishers of our gods because of thy saying]: or the meaning may be, we do not, or will not, relinquish our gods, turning away (صَادِرِينَ, as a denotative of state relating to the pronoun [implied] in تاركى,) from thy saying; and this is the opinion of Z. (Mughnee.) [See also an ex. voce دَنْدَنَ, last sentence.] b6: (5) It is syn. with بَعْدَ. (S, Mughnee, K.) Thus in the saying [in the Kur xxiii. 42], عَمَّا قَلِيلٍ

لَيُصْبِحُنَّ نَادِمِينَ, (Mughnee, K,) meaning بَعْدَ قَلِيلٍ [i. e. After a little while, they will assuredly become repentant]. (TA.) And in the phrase [in the Kur lxxxiv. 19], لَتَرْكَبُنَّ طَبَقًا عَنْ طَبَقٍ

[expl. in art. طبق], meaning حَالَةً بَعْدَ حَالَةٍ. (Mughnee.) And in the saying, وَمَنْهَلٍ وَرَدْتُهُ عَنْ مَنْهَلٍ

[And to many a watering-place have I come after a watering-place]. (Mughnee.) And in the saying of El-Hárith Ibn-'Obád, قَرِّبَا مَرْبَطَ النَّعَامَةِ مِنِّى

لَقِحَتْ حَرْبُ وائِلٍ عَنْ حِيَالِ (S, * TA,) meaning بَعْدَ حِيَالٍ [i. e. Make ye two to be near to me the place of the tying of En-Na'ámeh (the name of a horse of the poet): the war of Wáïl has become pregnant after failing to be pregnant during a year, or years]. (TA.) And in the saying of Et-Tirimmáh, سَيَعْلَمُ كُلُّهُمْ أَنِّى مُسِنٌّ

↓ إِذَا دَفَعُوا عِنَانًا عَنْ عِنَانِ i. e. [All of them shall know that I am of full age, when they press forward] heat after heat. (TA.) b7: (6) It denotes the meaning of the preposition فِى. (Mughnee, K.) Thus in the saying, وَلَا تَكُ عَنْ حَمْلِ الرِّبَاعَةِ وَانِيَا [And be not thou remiss in bearing the responsibility of the obligation that thou takest upon thyself]; as is shown by the phrase, [in the Kur xx. 44], وَلَا تَنِيَا فِى ذِكْرِى: (Mughnee, K:) so it is said; but it seems that the meaning of وَنَى

عَنْ كَذَا is, “he passed from such a thing, not entering upon it; ” and وَنَى فِيهِ, “he entered upon it but was remiss, or languid: ” by الرِّبَاعَة is meant the payment of a bloodwit or the like. (Mughnee.) b8: (7) It is syn. with مِنْ. (Mughnee, K.) Thus in the saying [in the Kur xlii. 24], وَهُوَ الَّذِى يَقْبَلُ التَّوْبَةَ عَنْ عِبَادِهِ [And He is he who accepts repentance from his servants]. (AO, Mughnee, K.) Az mentions among the cases in which there is a difference between مِنْ and عَنْ, that the former has adjoined to it a noun signifying what is near; and the latter, [one signifying] what is remote; as in one's saying سَمِعْتُ مِنْ فُلَانٍ حَدِيثًا [I heard from such a one a narrative], and حَدَّثَنِى عَنْ فُلَانٍ حَدِيثًا [He related to me a narrative from such a one, a phrase similar to رَوَى عَنْ فُلَانٍ, mentioned among exs. of the first meaning of عن]: accord. to As, one says, حَدَّثَنِى فُلَانٌ مِنْ فُلَانٍ, meaning عَنْهُ [i. e. Such a one related to me from such a one]; and لَهِيتُ مِنْ فُلَانٍ and عَنْهُ [I became diverted from such a one so as to forget him]: accord. to Ks, one says لَهِيتُ عَنْهُ only: and عَنْكَ جَآءَ هٰذَا as meaning مِنْكَ [i. e. From thee came this]. (TA.) b9: (8) It is syn. with بِ. (Mughnee, K.) Thus [it is said to be used] in the phrase [in the Kur liii. 3], وَمَا يَنْطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَى [Nor does he speak with the desire of self-gratification]: (Mughnee, K:) but it seems that it is here used in its proper [or primary] sense; and that the meaning is, وَمَا يَصْدُرُ قَوْلُهُ عَنْ هَوًى [nor does his speech proceed from desire of self-gratification; so the phrase may be well rendered, nor does he speak from the desire &c.]. (Mughnee.) One says also, أَجَابُوا عَنْ بَوَآءٍ وَاحِدٍ, meaning بِجَوَابٍ وَاحِدٍ [i. e. They replied with one reply]. (T, S, O, K, all in art, بوأ.) And جَاؤُوا عَنْ آخِرِهِمْ [They came with the last of them; عَنْ being here syn. with بِ; meaning they came all, without exception]. (A in art. اخر.) [and in like manner, قَتَلُوهُمْ عَنْ آخِرِهِمْ They slew them with the last of them; meaning they slew them all, without exception.] b10: (9) It denotes the using a thing as an aid or instrument. (Mughnee, K.) Thus in the saying, رَمَيْتُ عَنِ القَوْسِ [I shot with, or by means of, the bow], accord. to Ibn-Málik; (Mughnee, K;) because one says also, رَمَيْتُ بِالقَوْسِ; both mentioned by Fr. (Mughnee.) [Another explanation of this phrase has been mentioned before.] b11: (10) It is redundant, to compensate for another [عن] suppressed (Mughnee, K.) Thus in the saying, أَتَجْزَعُ إِنْ نَفْسٌ أَتَاهَا حِمَامُهَا فَهَلَّا الَّتِى عَنْ بَيْنِ جَنْبَيْكَ تَدْفَعُ [Art thou impatient if the decreed event of death befall a soul? but why wilt not thou repel from, i. e. defend, that which is between thy two sides?]; (Mughnee, K;) the meaning being, تَدْفَعُ عَنِ الَّتِى بَيْنَ جَنْبَيْكَ; (IJ, Mughnee;) عن being suppressed before the conjunct noun [التى], and added after it. (Mughnee, K.) And sometimes it is redundant without compensation, when conjoined with a pronoun: Az says that the Arabs make عَنْكَ redundant in the phrase خُذْ ذَا عَنْكَ [meaning Take thou, or receive thou, this]: (TA:) [but خُذْ عَنْكَ is expl. in the S and L, in art. اخذ, as meaning خُذْ مَا أَقُولُ وَدَعْ عَنْكَ الشَّكَّ وَالمِرَآءَ: see 1 in art. اخذ:] and اُنْفُذْ عَنْكَ, occurring in a trad., is expl. as meaning دَعْهُ [i. e. Leave thou it]: (TA:) or this means go thou from thy place; pass thou from it. (L in art. نفذ.) [See also the last ex. in this paragraph.]

A3: The second manner of using it is, as a particle of the kind called مَصْدَرِىٌّ, [combining with an aor. following it to form an equivalent to an inf. n.,] as is done by the tribe of Temeem, (Mughnee, K, *) in what is termed their عَنْعَنَة: (K: [see R. Q. 1:]) they use it in the place of أَنْ; (S, Mughnee;) saying, أَعْجَبَنِى عَنْ تَفْعَلَ, (Mughnee, K,) for أَنْ تَفْعَلَ [meaning Thy doing such a thing pleased me]. (Mughnee.) Dhu-r-Rummeh says, أَعَنْ تَرَسَّمْتَ مِنْ خَرْقَآءَ مَنْزِلَةً

مَآءُ الصَّبَابَةِ مِنْ عَيْنَيْكَ مَسْجُومُ [Is thy having looked upon the traces of a place of abiding of thy beloved Kharkà the cause that the water of excessive love is shed from thine eyes?]. (S, Mughnee.) And thus they do in the case of أَنَّ; saying, مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللّٰهِ ↓ أَشْهَدُ عَنَّ [I acknowledge, or declare, or testify, that Mohammad is the apostle of God]. (Mughnee.) A4: The third manner of using it is, as a noun, in the sense of جَانِب, (Mughnee, K, *) or نَاحِيَة: (S:) and this is said to be in three cases. (Mughnee.) b2: (1) It is when مِنْ is prefixed to it; and this is of frequent occurrence: (Mughnee:) as in the saying, وَلَقَدْ أَرَانِى لِلرِّمَاحَ دَرِيْئَةً مِنْ عَنْ يَمِينِى مَرَّةً وَأَمَامِى

[And verily I see me to be like a ring for the spears to be aimed at, from the side of my right hand at one time, and from before me at another time]: (Mughnee, K: *) and in the saying, جِئْتُ مِنْ عَنْ يَمِينِهِ I came from the side of his right hand. (S.) In the opinion of Ibn-Málik, مِنْ prefixed to عَنْ is redundant; but accord. to others, it is used [as expl. above,] to denote the beginning of a space between two limits: these say that قَعَدْتُ عَنْ يَمِينِهِ means فِى جَانِبِ يَمِينِهِ [i. e. I sat in the side of his right hand], either closely or otherwise; but if you say مِنْ [before عَنْ], the sitting is particularized as being close to the first part of the lateral space. (Mughnee.) b3: (2) It is also when عَلَى is prefixed to it: (Mughnee:) thus in the saying, عَلَى عَنْ يَمِينِى مَرَّتِ الطَّيْرُ سُنَّحَا [On, or over, the side of my right hand, the birds passed along turning the right side towards me, or turning the left side towards me; the last word being a pl., accord. to analogy, of سَانِحٌ, which is used in two opposite senses]: (Mughnee, K:) but this usage is extraordinary; no other instance of it than that here cited having been preserved. (Mughnee.) b4: (3) It is also when what is governed by it in the gen. case and the agent of the verb in connection with it are two pronouns having one application: so says Akh: as in the saying of Imra-el-Keys, دَعْ عَنْكَ نَهْبًا صِيحَ فِى حَجَرَاتِهِ [or فَدَعْ عَنْكَ: see the entire verse cited and expl. in art. حجر]: but it is shown to be not a noun in such a case by this, that جَانِب may not take its place [unless used in a tropical sense]. (Mughnee. [See what has been said above, that عَنْكَ in a phrase of this kind is held to be redundant.]) عَنَّ for أَنَّ: see the next preceding paragraph, last quarter.

عَنٌّ: see أَعْنَانٌ. b2: إِنَّه يَأْخُذُ فِى كُلِّ عَنٍّ means the same as فى كلّ فَنٍّ [i. e. Verily he enters upon every mode, or manner, of speech or the like]; and so فى كلّ سَنٍّ. (TA.) عَنَّةٌ: see what next follows.

عُنَّةٌ The presenting, or opposing, oneself, with meddling, or impertinent, speech; with speech respecting that which does not concern him; (Msb, TA;) as also ↓ عَنَّةٌ, with fet-h, (Msb,) or ↓ عِنَّةٌ, with kesr. (TA.) b2: أَعْطَيْتُهُ عَيْنَ عُنَّةٍ, (S,) or عَيْنَ عُنَّةَ, imperfectly decl., and sometimes عَيْنَ عُنَّةٍ, (K,) means I gave to him distinguishing him particularly from among his companions: (S, K:) from العَنُّ signifying “ the presenting, or opposing, oneself. ” (TA.) And one says, رَأَيْتُهُ عَيْنَ عُنَّةٍ (S) or عُنَّةَ (K) I saw him just now, (S, K, TA,) presenting, or opposing, himself, (TA,) without my seeking him. (S, TA.) And أَعْنَنْتُ بِعُنَّةٍ مَا

أَدْرِى مَا هِىَ: see 4. (S, K.) A2: It is also the subst. from عُنِّنَ عَنِ امْرَأَتِهِ [i. e. a subst. signifying The state of being pronounced by the judge to be incapacitated from going in to his wife, or to have no desire for his wife: or of being withheld from her by enchantment, or fascination]: (S, Msb, * K:) or incapacity to go in to women: (Mgh, Msb:) or undesirousness of women: (Msb:) a word used in this sense by the lawyers; (Mgh, Msb;) who say, بِهِ عُنَّةٌ: (Msb:) but it is declared to be a low word, not allowable; (Mgh, Msb;) instead of which one should say ↓ تَعْنِينٌ, (Mgh,) or, accord. to Th and others, ↓ عَنَنٌ, and ↓ عِنِّينَةٌ, and accord. to the Bári', ↓ عَنَانَةٌ: (Msb:) [i. e.] ↓ عِنِّينَةٌ signifies undesirousness of women: (S:) or, as also ↓ عِنِينَةٌ, and ↓ عَنَانَةٌ, and ↓ تَعْنِينٌ, and ↓ تَعْنِينَةٌ, (K,) and ↓ عِنِّينِيَّةٌ, (TA,) it signifies thus, or non-performance of the act of going in to women, by reason of impotence. (K, TA.) A3: Also An enclosure (S, Mgh, Msb, K) made of wood, (S, Msb, K, TA,) or of trees, (TA,) for camels, (S, Mgh, K, *) or for camels and horses, (Msb,) or for camels and sheep or goats, to be confined therein: (TA:) or an enclosure at the door of a man, in which are his camels and his sheep or goats: (Th, TA:) pl. عُنَنٌ (S, K) and عِنَانٌ. (K.) لَا يَجْتَمِعُ اثْنَانِ فِى عُنَّةٍ [Two (app. meaning stallion-camels) will not be together in an enclosure for camels] is one of their sayings. (TA.) And one says, كالْمُهَدِّرِ فِى العُنَّةِ Like the brayer (meaning the braying stallion-camel) in the enclosure of trees, in which the stallion-camel is sometimes confined to prevent him from covering; such a stallion being hence termed ↓ معَنًّى, originally ↓ مُعَنَّنٌ: (Meyd:) it is a prov., applied to a man (Meyd, TA, and S and A and K in art. هدر) raising a cry and clamour, (S, K,) or threatening, (TA,) who does not make his saying, or action, to have effect; (S, * Meyd, K;) like the camel that is so confined, prevented from covering, and brays. (S, K.) b2: It is also said, by El-Bushtee and in the K, to signify A rope; and in a verse of El-Aashà, in which he mentions flesh-meat as put upon the عُنَن, this last word has been expl. as meaning ropes which are stretched, and upon which is thrown the flesh-meat that is cut into strips, or oblong pieces, and dried in the sun: but Az says that the right meaning is, the enclosures for camels; that he had seen such enclosures in the desert, thus called because facing the direction whence blows the north wind, to protect the camels from the cold of that wind; and that he had seen the people spread the flesh-meat cut into strips, or oblong pieces, and dried in the sun, upon them: he thinks that the word was expl. as meaning ropes by one who had seen the poor of the sacred territory extending ropes in Minè, and putting upon them the flesh of the victims of sacrifice that had been given to them. (TA.) b3: Also A booth by means of which one shades himself, made of panic grass (ثُمَام) or [probably a mistake for and] branches of trees. (IB, TA.) b4: And Reeds, or plants or herbage, which a man collects, to give, as fodder, to his sheep or goats: one says, جَآءَ بِعُنَّةٍ

عَظِيمَةٍ [He came with, or brought, a great collection of reeds, &c.]. (TA.) And one says, كُنَّا فِى عُنَّةٍ مِنَ الكَلَأِ, and غُنَّةٍ, and ثُنَّةِ, i. e. We were in abundant herbage. (TA.) A4: Also The دِقْدَان (thus [correctly, as will be shown by an explanation in what follows, confirmed by an ex. from a poet,] in more than one of the copies of the K, in the CK دَقْدان, in the copy of the K followed in the TA وقدان, and in the L رقدان,) of the cooking-pot: (K, TA:) MF read وقدان, and conjecturally, and from analogy, supposed it [to be وَقَدَان and] to mean غَلَيَان; but the word is arabicized from the Pers\. ديكدان, [correctly ديگدان, pronounced dēgdān,] a name for the thing upon which the cooking-pot is set up; and thus it [i. e. عُنَّةٌ] is expl. in the M and other lexicons [among which may be mentioned the L]: hence the saying of a poet, عَفَتْ غَيْرَ أَنْآءٍ وَمَنْصَبِ عُنَّةٍ

وَأوْرَقَ مِنْ تَحْتِ الخَصَاصَةِ هَامِدِ [It (the دار, or place of abode,) was effaced, save trenches dug around the tents to keep off the torrent, and the place of the setting-up of the support of the cooking-pot, and ashes beneath the space between the three stones that formed that support, in a state of extinction]. (TA.) عِنَّةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, first sentence.

عَنَنٌ is a subst. [as well as an inf. n.] of عَنَّ; (Msb, K, TA;) [as such,] i. q. اِعْتِرَاضٌ [used as a simple subst., meaning Opposition]; (K, * TA;) as also ↓ عِنَانٌ: (K, TA:) or opposition of oneself to another, from either side of him, with an abominable, or evil, action. (Msb.) El-Hárith Ibn-Hillizeh says, عَنَنًا بَاطِلًا وَظُلْمًا كَمَا يُعْ تَرُ عَنْ حُجْرَةِ الرَّبِيضِ الظِّبَآءُ (TA,) meaning In wrong opposition, (اِعْتِرَاضًا بَاطِلًا), [and injurious conduct], like as when gazelles are sacrificed [in fulfilment of a vow] for what is due on the part of the flock of sheep, or herd of goats. (EM p. 281.) And it is said in a trad., بَرِئْنَا إِلَيْكَ مِنَ الوَثَنِ والعَنَنِ i. e. [We are clear, to thee,] of the idol (الصَّنَم) and opposition (الاِعْتِرَاض); as though saying, of associating another with God and of wrongdoing: or, as some say, the meaning [of the last word] in this case is disagreement, or opposition, or contravention, (الخِلَاف), and that which is wrong (البَاطِل). (TA.) And in another trad., دَهِمَتْهُ المَنِيَّةُ فِى عَنَنِ جِمَاحِهِ [Death came upon him suddenly in the opposition of his heedless, or inconsiderate, course]. (TA. [There expl. only by the words هُوَ مَا لَيْسَ بِقَصْدٍ.]) And one says, هُوَ لَكَ بَيْنَ الأَوْبِ وَالعَنَنِ, meaning [He is to thee in a state] between obedience and disobedience. (TA.) ↓ وَرْهَآءُ العِنَانِ, a phrase used by a poet, means [A woman foolish in] opposing herself, or intervening, in every discourse. (TA.) And العَنَنُ signifies also [particularly] Death's opposing itself, and preceding: (TA, JM:) occurring in a trad. of Sateeh [the Diviner]. (TA.) b2: See also عِنَانٌ, near the middle of the paragraph. b3: Also The place in which a person, or thing, presents, or opposes, himself, or itself. (TA.) b4: See also أَعْنَانٌ.

A2: And see عُنَّةٌ, former half.

عَنَانٌ Clouds: (S, Msb, K:) or, accord. to some, clouds appearing, or presenting themselves, or extending sideways, in the horizon; as also ↓ سَحَابٌ عَانٌّ: (TA:) such as retain the water: (K:) one whereof is termed ↓ عَنَانَةٌ, (S, Msb, K,) and ↓ عَانَّةٌ. (S.) b2: And عَنَانُ السَّمَآءِ, (Mgh, MF, TA,) in the K said to be ↓ عِنَان, with kesr, but the former is the right, (MF, TA,) The lofty region of the sky: (Mgh:) or what appears, of the sky, to one looking at it. (K. [See also أَعْنَانٌ.]) b3: And عَنَانُ الدَّارِ, likewise with fet-h, accord. to the K ↓ عِنَان, with kesr, which is wrong, (TA,) The side of the house, (K, TA,) that appears to one. (TA.) عِنَانٌ: see عَنَنٌ, in two places. b2: Also an inf. n. of 3 [q. v.]. (TA.) A2: And A certain appertenance of a horse or the like; (S, Msb;) [i. e. the rein;] the strap of the bridle, by means of which the horse, or similar beast, is withheld: (K:) [said to be] so called because it lies over against the mouth, not entering into it, (Msb,) or because its two straps lie over against the two sides of the neck of the beast, on the right and left: (TA:) pl. أَعِنَّةٌ (S, Msb, K) and عُنُنٌ, (K,) or, accord. to Sb, the former only. (TA.) [Sometimes it may be rendered The bridle; as in the first of the following phrases.] ثَنَيْتُ عَلَى الفَرَسِ عِنَانَهُ I put upon the horse his bridle. (TA.) فَرَسٌ قَصِيرُ العِنَانِ [A horse short in the rein] implies discommendation, as denoting shortness of the neck: [but] هُوَ قَصِيرُ العِنَانِ [said of a man] means قلِيلُ الخَيْرِ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) He is one possessing little, or no, good; or few, or no, good things; or little, or no, goodness]: and إِنَّهُ لَطَوِيلُ العِنَانِ [lit. Verily he is one whose rein is long] means, (assumed tropical:) an exalted person; of great chiefdom, or eminence. (TA.) رَجُلٌ طَرِفُ العِنَانِ (S, * K, TA, TK, in one of my copies of the S طَرفُ, and in the other طرَفُ, and in copies of the K طَرْقُ, [but correctly طَرِف, q. v., like كَتِف, as is said in the TK,]) means (tropical:) A man light, or active. (S, K, TA.) فُلَانٌ

أَبِىُّ العِنَانِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one is one who refuses the rein. (TA.) ذُو العِنَانِ applied to the horse means (assumed tropical:) The tractable, or submissive. (TA.) And ذَلَّ عِنَانُ فُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:) Such a one became submissive. (TA.) ابْغ مِنْ عِنَانِهِ [in which the first word is written in my original thus, but it has been altered by the copyist, and I doubt not that it is correctly أَرْخِ, the phrase, reading thus, being well known, i. e. Slacken thou his rein,] means (assumed tropical:) ease thou him, or relieve him. (TA.) اِثْنِ عَلَىَّ عِنَانَهُ means Turn thou back [or bend thou] towards me his rein. (TA.) جَآء ثَانِيًا فِى عِنَانِهِ [thus in my original, but correctly مِنْ عنانه, as in the S in art. ثنى, i. e. He came bending a part of his rein, turning from his course,] means (assumed tropical:) he [came having] accomplished the object of his want. (TA.) مَلَأَ عِنَانَ دَابَّتِهِ (assumed tropical:) He made, or urged, his beast to run vehemently. (TA.) And [hence, app.,] اِمْتَلَأَ عِنَانُهُ (assumed tropical:) The utmost of his power, or ability, was accomplished. (TA.) هُمَا يَجْرِيَانِ فِى عِنَانٍ (assumed tropical:) They two are equal in excellence or otherwise. (TA.) b2: Also (assumed tropical:) A heat; or single run to a goal, or limit: one says, جَرَى الفَرَسُ عِنَانًا (assumed tropical:) The horse ran a heat: and كَبَا فِى عِنَانِهِ (assumed tropical:) He stumbled in his heat. (TA.) See also an ex., in a verse of Et-Tirimmáh, voce عَنْ, in the middle of the paragraph. And ↓ عَنَنٌ signifies the same, i. e. A heat of a beast: and also the beginning of speech: whence the prov., مُعْتَرِضٌ لِعَنَنٍ لَمْ يَعْنِهِ meaning (assumed tropical:) Addressing himself to that which is not of his business (مَا لَيْسَ مِنْ شَأْنِهِ). (Meyd.) b3: And A long rope or cord. (TA.) b4: And العِنَانُ signifies حَبْلُ المَتْنِ [The cord of the portion of the back along which extends the spine; app. meaning the spinal cord, also called medulla spinalis, considered as a single cord]: (K:) [but this consists of two lateral cords, connected together: and therefore, app., it is said that] عِنَانَا المَتْنِ signifies حَبْلَاهُ [the two cords of the مَتْن]. (S.) A3: شِرْكَةُ العِنَانِ is The copartnership of two persons in one particular thing, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) exclusive of the rest of the articles of property of either: (S, Msb, * K:) as though a thing presented itself to them (عَنَّ لَهُمَا, S, Mgh, Msb) and they bought it (S) and they then became copartners in it: (S, Mgh, Msb:) so says ISk: (Mgh:) or it is from the عِنَان of the horse, because each assigns to his companion the عنان of the free management of part of the property: (Mgh, Msb:) or because it is allowable for them to differ, like as does the عنان in the hand of the rider when pulled and when slackened: (Mgh:) or, accord. to Az, it is the case in which each of the two copartners produces deenárs or dirhems, which they mix together, and each gives permission to the other to traffic therewith: and the lawyers differ not in respect of its being lawful; if they gain upon the two sums, the gain being between them; and if they lose, the loss being on the head of each of them [equally]: the partnership of two persons in everything that is in their possession is called شِرْكَةُ المُفَاوَضَةِ [q. v.]: (TA:) or it is the case of one's competing with a man in the making of a purchase, and saying to him, “ Make me to be a partner with thee; ” this being before he [the purchaser] becomes entitled to الغَلَق, or الغِلْق, or العلق, or العَلَق: (K: [the last word in this explanation, thus written in four different ways in different copies of the K, following the words قَبْلَ أَنْ يَسْتَوْجِبَ, I think to be most probably الغَلَقَ, and to mean irredeemability by the seller, from غَلِقَ الرَّهْنُ:]) or it is the case of two persons' being equal in partnership, (Z, Msb, K, TA,) in respect of what they contribute of gold or silver; and is from the عِنَان of the beast; (TA;) because the عنان of the beast consists of two equal single pieces: (Z, Msb, K, TA:) or it is from العِنَان as syn. with ↓ المُعَانَّة, meaning المُعَارَضَة; (Msb, TA;) because each of them does like as does the other in respect of his property [that he supplies] and in selling and buying. (TA.) See an ex. in a verse cited in art. شرك, conj. 3. b2: See also عَنَانٌ, in two places.

عَنُونٌ and ↓ عَانٌّ One who presents, or opposes, himself, with meddling, or impertinent, speech; with speech respecting that which does not concern him: pl. [of the former agreeably with analogy]

عُنُنٌ. (TA.) b2: And the former, A beast (دَابَّة) that precedes in journeying, or progress; (S, K, TA;) that vies with the [other] beasts in journeying, or progress, and precedes them; and applied to a wild ass in this sense. (TA.) عَنِينٌ One unable to retain the wind of his belly. (K.) b2: See also عِنِّينٌ.

عَنَانَةٌ: see عَنَانٌ: A2: and see also عُنَّةٌ, former half, in two places.

عِنِينَةٌ: see عُنَّةٌ, former half.

عُنَانَاكَ means The utmost of thy power, or ability, or of thy case: (S, K:) so in the saying, عُنَانَاكَ أَنْ تَفْعَلَ كَذَا [The utmost of thy power, &c., is, or will be, thy doing such a thing]: (S:) as though from ↓ المُعَانَّةُ; (S, TA;) the case being that thou desirest to do a thing, and an obstacle intervenes in the way to it, preventing thee and withholding thee from it: (TA:) but it is disputed whether it be correctly thus, or غُنَامَاكَ. (IB, TA.) هُوَ عَنَّانٌ عَلَى آنُفِ القَوْمِ He is wont to precede, or outstrip, the people, or party. (TA.) b2: and هُوَ عَنَّانٌ عَنِ الخَيْرِ He is [one who holds back from doing good, or] slow, or tardy, to do good. (K.) العَنُّونُ, of the measure فَعُّول, is an intensive epithet applied to the present world (الدُّنْيَا) [as meaning The offerer of much opposition]; because it opposes itself to mankind. (TA.) عِنِّينٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb, * K, TA,) of the measure فِعِّيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, (S,) and ↓ عَنِينٌ, [thus written in two places in the TA, and written without teshdeed in my copy of the Msb, but in the latter case app. from carelessness of the copyist, for otherwise the well-known form عِنِّينٌ is not there mentioned,] of which (i. e. of عَنِينٌ) عُنُنٌ is pl., [which seems to show that عَنِينٌ is not a mistranscription for عِنِّينٌ, for فُعُلٌ is a measure of a pl. of many epithets of the measure فَعِيلٌ, as جَدِيدٌ and نَذِيرٌ &c., but not, to my knowledge, of any word of the measure فِعِّيلٌ,] (TA,) A man incapable of going in to women; (Mgh, Msb;) one who does not go in to women by reason of impotence: (K:) or, as some say, one who has connection with her who is not a virgin, but not with the virgin: (TA:) or a man who is not desirous of women: (S, K:) and ↓ مَعْنُونٌ and ↓ مُعَنٌّ (Msb, TA) and ↓ مُعَنَّنٌ (TA) signify the same. (Msb, TA.) And عِنِّينَةٌ signifies A woman not desirous of men: (S, Msb, * TA:) but there is disagreement in respect of the application of the epithet to a woman. (TA.) عِنِّينَةٌ, as a subst.: see عُنَّةٌ, former half, in two places.

عُنْوَانٌ and عِنْوَانٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ عُنْيَانٌ and عِنْيَانٌ, (S, K,) the first of which is the most chaste, (S,) originally عُنَّانٌ, (K,) of a book, or writing, (S, Msb,) The superscription, or title, thereof: (TK:) what these words denote is thus called because it occurs (يَعِنُّ, K, TA, i. e. يَعْرِضُ, TA) in a bordering part thereof: (K, TA:) and they also signify [sometimes, as indicating the nature of the contents,] the preface of a book, or writing. (TK.) And Anything that serves as an indication of another thing is called its عُنْوَان. (Msb, K.) One says, الظَّاهِرُ عُنْوَانُ البَاطِنِ, meaning The outward state of the man is the indication of the inward state. (TK.) And one says of a man who speaks obliquely, not plainly, جَعَلَ كَذَا عُنْوَانًا لِحَاجَتِهِ He made such a thing to be an indication of his want. (TA.) [See also art. عنو.]

عُنْيَانٌ and عِنْيَانٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

عِنِّينِيَّةٌ: see عُنَّةٌ, former half.

عَانٌّ and عَانَّةٌ: see عَنَانٌ. b2: And for the former, see also عَنُونٌ. b3: Also, the former, A long mountain (جَبَل), (K, TA, in some copies of the K حَبْل [i. e. rope],) that presents itself in the direction in which one is going, and interrupts his way. (TA.) أَعْنَانٌ The sides, quarters, tracts, or regions, of anything: (Yoo, TA:) this is the proper signification: (TA:) [hence,] أَعْنَانُ السَّمَآءِ [in one of my copies of the S السَّحَابِ, but altered from السَّمَآءِ,] means The sides, quarters, tracts, or regions, of the sky: (K:) or the surfaces thereof, and what present themselves to view of the sides, quarters, tracts, or regions, thereof; as though pl. of ↓ عَنَنْ, (S, TA,) or of ↓ عَنٌّ: (TA:) the vulgar say عِنَانُ السَّمَآءِ. (S, TA.) b2: And [it is said that]

أَعْنَانُ الشَّيَاطِينِ means The natural dispositions of the devils. (K.) It is said of camels, in a trad., خُلِقَتْ مِنْ أَعْنَانِ الشَّيَاطِينِ [as though meaning They are created of the natural dispositions of the devils]: and in another trad., أَعْنَانُ الشَّيَاطِينِ occurs as said [app. by Mohammad] in answer to a question respecting camels: [but] accord. to IAth, the meaning seems to be, that, by reason of their many evil affections, they are as though they were from the tracts of the devil in respect of their natural dispositions. (TA.) تَعْنِينَةٌ: see عُنَّةٌ, former half.

مُعَنٌّ: see عِنِّينٌ.

مِعَنٌّ One who enters into that which does not concern him, and interferes in everything; (K;) i. q. عِرِّيضٌ, (S,) or عَرِّيضٌ مِتْيَحٌ: (TA: [see these two words:]) fem. with ة (S, K.) b2: and An orator, or a preacher; syn. خَطِيبٌ: (S, K:) or an eloquent خطيب. (TA.) A2: See also the next paragraph.

مُعَنَّنٌ: see عِنِّينٌ: b2: and see also مُعَنًّى, in art. عنو.

A2: مُعَنَّنَةُ الخَلْقِ (tropical:) A girl, or young woman, compact in make; (K, TA;) [as though] compactly twisted like the عِنَان [or rein]: (A, TA:) and ↓ مِعَنَّةٌ (assumed tropical:) a woman compact in make, not flabby in the belly. (TA.) A3: See also عُنَّةٌ, near the middle.

مُعَنًّى: see عُنَّةٌ, near the middle.

مَعْنُونٌ [pass. part. n. of 1, q. v.

A2: And] i. q. عِنِّينٌ; q. v. (Msb, TA.) b2: And Possessed; or mad, or insane. (K, TA.)
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