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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2483. ضبن12 2484. ضبنط3 2485. ضبو5 2486. ضج4 2487. ضجر15 2488. ضجع182489. ضجم10 2490. ضح2 2491. ضحك17 2492. ضحل15 2493. ضخم11 2494. ضد5 2495. ضر5 2496. ضرب23 2497. ضرج15 2498. ضرح15 2499. ضرس18 2500. ضرط18 2501. ضرع20 2502. ضرغم12 2503. ضرم15 2504. ضرو5 2505. ضَعٌّ1 2506. ضعف20 2507. ضعو4 2508. ضغث18 2509. ضغط17 2510. ضغن17 2511. ضف4 2512. ضفدع10 2513. ضفر17 2514. ضفو10 2515. ضل5 2516. ضلع17 2517. ضم6 2518. ضمحل6 2519. ضمحن4 2520. ضمخ13 2521. ضمد15 2522. ضمر16 2523. ضمن18 2524. ضن5 2525. ضنأ8 2526. ضنك17 2527. ضنو2 2528. ضنى3 2529. ضهأ8 2530. ضهب11 2531. ضهد10 2532. ضهضب2 2533. ضهو4 2534. ضهى3 2535. ضهيأ1 2536. ضو1 2537. ضوأ13 2538. ضوح3 2539. ضود4 2540. ضور13 2541. ضوز8 2542. ضوض3 2543. ضوع13 2544. ضوف5 2545. ضوم4 2546. ضون7 2547. ضوى3 2548. ضيح11 2549. ضير14 2550. ضيز10 2551. ضيع16 2552. ضيف21 2553. ضيق15 2554. ضيل8 2555. ضيم11 2556. ط7 2557. طأ1 2558. طب5 2559. طباهج1 2560. طبخ14 2561. طبرزذ7 2562. طبع19 2563. طبق17 2564. طبل13 2565. طبن11 2566. طبو6 2567. طجن12 2568. طح2 2569. طحل12 2570. طحلب12 2571. طحم9 2572. طحن16 2573. طخو3 2574. طدو2 2575. طر4 2576. طرأ13 2577. طرب18 2578. طربل10 2579. طرث10 2580. طرح17 2581. طرد17 2582. طرز17 Prev. 100




1 ضَجَعَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. ضَجْعٌ and ضُجُوعٌ, [He lay upon his side; or] he laid his side upon the ground; [and simply he lay; and he slept;] as also ↓ اِضْطَجَعَ, (S, Msb, K, TA,) which is also expl. as syn. with نَامَ, [which has the second and third of the meanings mentioned above,] and with اِسْتَلْقَى, [which has the third of those meanings,] (TA,) the ط being substituted for the ت of اِضْتَجَعَ, (Lth, S, Msb,) and ↓ اِضَّجَعَ, (S, Msb, K,) and ↓ اِلْطَجَعَ, (S, L, K, in the CK [erroneously]

اطَّجَعَ,) the ض in اضطجع being changed into ل, which is the letter nearest in sound thereto, because the combination of two such letters as ض and ط is disliked, (S, L,) the same change occurring in اِلْطِرَادٌ for اِضْطِرَادٌ, (Az, TA,) though this change is anomalous; (L;) and ↓ أَضْجَعَ likewise signifies the same as ضَجَعَ; (Msb;) [and] so does ↓ انضجع, (K, TA,) as quasi-pass. of the trans. verb اضجع. (TA.) b2: [And accord. to Freytag, it occurs in the Deewán of the Hudhalees as signifying He declined from the way.] b3: ضَجَعَ النَّجْمُ means (tropical:) [The star, or asterism, or the Pleiades,] inclined to setting; as also ↓ ضجّع, (K, TA,) inf. n. تَضْجيعٌ. (TA.) And ضَجَعَتِ الشَّمْسُ is a dial. var. of ↓ ضجّعت, (TA,) which means (tropical:) The sun approached the setting; (S, K, TA;) like ضَرَّعَت. (S, TA.) b4: ضَجَعَ فِى أَمْرِهِ (tropical:) He was, or became, weak in his affair; as also ↓ اضجع; and so ضَجِعَ, like فَرِحَ [in measure], on the authority of IKtt. (TA. [See also 2, and 5, and 6.]) And ضُجِعَ فِى رَأْيِهِ [not a mistranscription for ضَجِعَ, as is shown by its part. n., q. v.,] (tropical:) He was, or became, weak in his judgment, or opinion. (TA.) 2 ضَجَّعَ see above, in two places. b2: ضجّع فِى الأَمْرِ, (Mgh, K,) inf. n. تَضْجِيعٌ, (S,) (tropical:) He fell short of doing what was requisite, or due, in the affair; (S, Mgh, K, TA;) and was, or became, weak therein. (Mgh.) [See also ضَجَعَ فِى أَمْرِهِ, and see 5, and 6.] b3: Hence, التَّضْجِيعُ فِى النِّيَّةِ (assumed tropical:) The wavering, or vacillating, in intention, and not making it to take effect. (Mgh.) 3 ضاجعهُ, (S, TA,) inf. n. مُضَاجَعَةٌ, He lay upon his side, or simply he lay, or slept, with him. (TA.) And ضَاجَعَهَا, (Msb, TA,) inf. n. as above, (Msb,) He lay, or slept, with her, (Msb, TA,) namely, his girl, or young woman, (TA,) in, or on, one bed, (Msb,) or in one innermost garment. (TA.) b2: And hence, ضاجعهُ الهَمُّ (tropical:) Anxiety clave to him. (TA.) 4 أَضْجَعْتُهُ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِضْجَاعٌ, (TA,) I laid him upon his side; (S, * Msb;) I laid his side upon the ground. (K.) b2: And (tropical:) I lowered it, or depressed it, namely, a thing. (K, TA.) b3: اضجع الرُّمْحُ الطَّعْنَ (tropical:) [app. The spear made the thrusting to be in a downward direction]. (TA.) b4: اضجع جُوَالِقَهُ (assumed tropical:) He emptied his sack, it being full. (O, K.) b5: الإِضْجَاعُ in relation to the vowel-sounds is (tropical:) like الإِمَالَةُ and الخَفْضُ. (K, TA. [See arts. ميل and خفض.]) A2: See also 1, in two places.5 تضجّع فِى الأَمْرِ (tropical:) He held back in the affair, (S, K, TA,) and did not undertake it. (S, TA.) [See also 1, and 2, and 6.] b2: And تضجّع السَّحَابُ (tropical:) The clouds continued raining (أَرَبَّ) in the place. (S, K, TA.) 6 تضاجع عَنْ أَمْرِ كَذَا وَكَذَا (tropical:) He feigned himself unmindful, or heedless, of such and such an affair. (Z, TA.) [See also 1, and 2, and 5.]7 إِنْضَجَعَ see 1, first sentence.8 اِضْطَجَعَ, and its vars. اِضَّجَعَ and اِلْطَجَعَ: see 1, first sentence. b2: الاِضْطِجَاعُ فِى السُّجُودِ is (tropical:) The not drawing up the body from the ground in prostration [in prayer]; (Mgh, TA;) the contracting oneself, and making the breast to cleave to the ground, therein. (K, TA.) [See also its part. n., below.]

ضَجْعٌ [The species of glasswort, or kali, called]

غَاسُول, for [washing] clothes: n. un. with ة: (K:) accord. to IDrd, the gum of a certain plant, or a certain plant [itself], with which clothes are washed: (O:) of the dial. of El-Yemen: (TA:) and, (O, K,) accord. to Ed-Deenawaree, (O,) i. e. AHn, (TA,) a certain plant, (K,) resembling small cucumbers, (O, K, TA,) [or] in shape like asparagus, (TA,) but thicker (O, K, TA) in a great degree, (O, TA,) four-sided in the stalks, (O, K, TA,) and having in it an acidity (O, TA,) and a bitterness (مَرَارَة O) or a taste between sweet and sour (مَزَازَة TA): it is crushed (يُشْدَخُ O) or cut into slices (يشرح TA) and its juice is expressed into milk such as is termed رَائِب [q. v.], which in consequence becomes pleasant, (O, K, TA,) and somewhat biting to the tongue; and its leaves are put into sour milk, like as is done with the leaves of the mustard: (O, TA:) it is good as an aphrodisiac. (O, K, TA.) ضِجْعٌ (assumed tropical:) Inclination: (O, K:) so in the phrase ضِجْعُ فُلَانٍ إِلَى فُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:) [The inclination of such a one is towards such a one], (O,) or إِلَىَّ [towards me]. (K.) ضَجْعَةٌ A single act of lying, upon the side or otherwise, or of sleeping: (IAth, O, * TA:) a sleep. (K, TA.) b2: And (tropical:) Weakness in judgment; (O, K, TA;) as also ↓ ضُجْعَةٌ. (K.) One says, فِى رَأْيِهِ ضَجْعَةٌ (tropical:) In his judgment is weakness. (O, TA.) b3: And (tropical:) Ease; repose; freedom from trouble or inconvenience, and toil or fatigue; as also ↓ ضُجْعَةٌ. (TA.) ضُجْعَةٌ One whom people often lay upon his side [or throw down]. (K, TA.) b2: [And app., One who lays others on the side, or prostrates them; as is implied by what here follows.] b3: (assumed tropical:) A disease: (K, TA:) because it lays the man upon his bed. (TA.) b4: See also ضَجْعَةٌ, in two places. b5: And see ضُجَعَةٌ.

ضِجْعَةٌ A mode, or manner, of lying upon the side [or in any posture], (S, O, Msb, K,) or of sleeping. (TA.) b2: And (assumed tropical:) Sluggishness, laziness, or indolence. (K, TA.) b3: Also, for ذَاتُ ضِجْعَةٍ, (assumed tropical:) A bed. (JM. [See also مَضْجَعٌ.]) It is said in a trad. that the ضِجْعَة of the Apostle of God was of skins, (IAth, JM, TA,) stuffed with fibres of the palm-tree: (IAth, TA:) meaning his bed. (JM.) ضَجَعَةٌ a gen. n. (O, K) in the sense of اِضْطِجَاعٌ [i. e. The act of lying upon the side, or in any manner; and of sleeping]. (O.) ضُجَعَةٌ, (S, O, K,) and, accord. to the K, ↓ ضُجْعَةٌ, but this [as an epithet] has the meaning first assigned to it above, (TA,) and ↓ ضُجْعِيَّةٌ and ↓ ضِجْعِيَّةٌ and ↓ ضُجْعِىٌّ and ↓ ضِجْعِىٌّ, (O, K,) the last two [in the CK, erroneously, ضُِجْعَى, but] like قُعْدِىٌّ and قِعْدِىٌّ, (O,) and ↓ ضَاجعٌ, (K,) [or this last is a simple part. n.,] (tropical:) A man who lies upon his side [or in any manner, or sleeps,] much, or often: (S, O, K, TA:) sluggish, lazy, or indolent: (S and O in explanation of the first, and K in explanation of all:) or who keeps to the house or tent; seldom, or never, going forth; nor rising and speeding to do a generous deed: or impotent and stationary: (K, TA:) [or,] accord. to IB, ↓ ضَاجِعٌ and ↓ ضُجْعِىٌّ and ↓ ضِجْعِىٌّ signify one who is content with his poverty, and betakes himself to his house or tent. (TA.) ضُجْعِىٌّ and ضِجْعِىٌّ: see each in two places in the next preceding paragraph.

ضُجْعِيَّةٌ and ضِجْعِيَّةٌ: see ضُجَعَةٌ.

ضَجُوعٌ A water-skin (قِرْبَةٌ) that makes the drawer of water to lean by reason of its heaviness. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) b2: A wide دَلْو [or leathern bucket]; (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K;) as also ↓ ضَاجِعَةٌ. (Ibn-'Abbád, O.) b3: (tropical:) A cloud (سَحَابَةٌ) slow by reason of the abundance of its water. (IDrd, O, K, TA.) b4: A well (بِئْرٌ) hollowed in the sides, the water having eaten its interior. (AA, O, K. *) b5: A she-camel that pastures aside. (A'Obeyd, O, K.) b6: A wife contrarious to the husband. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K. [See also أَضْجَعُ.]) b7: and (tropical:) A man weak in judgment; (IDrd, O, K;) as also ↓ مَضْجُوعٌ. (K.) ضَجِيعٌ [A bedfellow]. ضَجِيعُكَ means He who lies, or sleeps, with thee; (S, O, Msb;) i. q. ↓ مُضَاجِعُكَ; (K;) which latter is likewise applied to a female; as also ضَجِيعَةٌ: and you say, هُوَ ضَجِيعُهَا meaning He is he who lies, or sleeps, with her in one innermost garment; and هِىَ ضَجِيعَتُهُ She is she who so lies, or sleeps, with him. (TA.) And [hence] one says, بِئْسَ الضَّجِيعُ الجُوعُ (tropical:) [Very evil is the bedfellow, hunger]. (TA.) ضَاجِعٌ Lying upon his side [or in any manner; and sleeping; see its verb]; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ مُضْطَجِعٌ (TA) and ↓ مُضْجِعٌ. (Msb.) See also ضُجَعَةٌ, in two places. b2: (tropical:) Stupid, foolish, or unsound in intellect: (IAar, O, K, TA:) because of his impotence, and his cleaving to his place. (TA.) b3: دَلْوٌ ضَاجِعَةٌ A leathern bucket that is full, (IAar, ISk, O, K,) so that it leans in rising from the well by reason of its heaviness. (ISk, O, K.) See also ضَجُوعٌ. b4: And ضَاجِعٌ (tropical:) A star inclining to setting: pl. ضَوَاجِعُ: (O, K, TA:) [or] الضَّوَاجِعُ signifies [or signifies also] the fixed stars. (Ham p. 364.) b5: and (tropical:) Inclining as in the saying أَرَاكَ ضَاجِعًا إِلَى فُلَانٍ (tropical:) [I see thee inclining towards such a one]. (O, TA.) b6: And (assumed tropical:) A place of bending of a valley: pl. ضَوَاجِعُ. (O, K.) b7: Also, applied to a beast, (assumed tropical:) Worthless; in which is no good. (TA.) [But]

b8: غَنَمٌ ضَاجِعَةٌ means Numerous sheep or goats; as also ↓ ضَحْعَآءُ. (Fr, S, O, K.) b9: And إِبِلٌ ضَاجِعَةٌ and ضَوَاجِعُ (assumed tropical:) Camels keeping to the plants called حَمْض; remaining among them. (TA.) ضَاجِعَةٌ as a subst. i. q. مَصَبُّ وَادٍ; (AA, T, O, K, TA; [app. meaning The place where the water flows into it, of a valley; for] Az adds, in the T, as though it were a رَحَبَة, [see رَحَبَةُ الوَادِى

in art. رحب,] then, afterwards, it takes a straight direction, and becomes a valley (وَادٍ): pl. ضَوَاجِعُ. (TA.) b2: ضَوَاجِعُ [which is like wise pl. of ضَاجِعٌ] also signifies [Hills such as are called] هِضَاب [pl. of هَضْبَةٌ]; (S, O, K;) and is said to have no sing. [in this sense]: occurring in a verse of En-Nábighah Edh-Dhubyánee: (S:) but ISk says that, in this instance, it is the name of a certain place. (O.) أَضْجَعُ الثَّنَايَا (tropical:) Having the central incisors inclining; (O, K, TA;) applied to a man: (O:) pl. ضُجْعٌ. (TA.) b2: And أَضْجَعُ signifies also Contrarious to his wife. (O, K. [See also ضَجُوعٌ.]) b3: For a meaning of its fem., ضَجْعَآءُ, see ضَاجِعٌ, last sentence but one.

مَضْجَعٌ A place in which, or on which, one lies upon his side [or in any manner, or sleeps]; (O, Msb, K;) as also ↓ مُضْطَجَعٌ: (O, K:) [a bed; and the like:] pl. مَضَاجِعُ: (Msb, TA:) which means sometimes places of sleep, or of passing the night: (Bd in iv. 38:) and beds; or other things spread upon the ground to lie upon. (Jel ibid., and Bd in xxxii. 16.) b2: [Hence] the pl. is used as meaning (assumed tropical:) Wives, or women: so in the saying, هُوَ طَيِّبُ المَضَاجِعِ i. e. (assumed tropical:) He has well-born wives or women; like كَرِيمُ المَفَارِشِ. (TA.) b3: and مَضَاجِعُ الغَيْثِ means (tropical:) The places of falling of rain. (O, K, TA.) One says, بَاتَتِ الرِّيَاضُ مَضَاجِعَ لِلْغَيْثِ (tropical:) [The meadows were during the night places of the falling of rain]. (A, TA.) مُضْجِعٌ: see ضَاجِعٌ, first sentence.

مَضْجُوعٌ: see ضَجُوعٌ, last sentence.

مُضَاجِعٌ: see ضَجِيعٌ مُضْطَجَعٌ: see مَضْجَعٌ. b2: It is also used as an inf. n. (Har p. 664.) مُضْطَجَعٌ: see ضَاجِعٌ, first sentence. b2: [It is said that] صَلَّى مُضْطَجِعًا means (tropical:) He prayed lying upon his right side, [or app., inclining towards that side,] facing the Kibleh. (TA. [But see 8.])
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