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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2391. صك3 2392. صكم10 2393. صل5 2394. صلب19 2395. صلت14 2396. صلح172397. صلخ10 2398. صلد17 2399. صلط7 2400. صلع16 2401. صلغ14 2402. صلف17 2403. صلق16 2404. صلم17 2405. صلهب6 2406. صلو9 2407. صلى8 2408. صم4 2409. صمت17 2410. صمج7 2411. صمخ13 2412. صمد14 2413. صمر13 2414. صمع18 2415. صمغ14 2416. صمقر3 2417. صملخ7 2418. صمي7 2419. صن4 2420. صنب9 2421. صنبر12 2422. صنج16 2423. صند9 2424. صندق6 2425. صندل9 2426. صنر9 2427. صنط3 2428. صنع19 2429. صنف16 2430. صنم15 2431. صنو10 2432. صنى3 2433. صه8 2434. صهب17 2435. صهر16 2436. صهرج9 2437. صهصلق5 2438. صهصى1 2439. صهل13 2440. صهو7 2441. صو1 2442. صوب19 2443. صوبج1 2444. صوت16 2445. صوج5 2446. صوح13 2447. صوخ6 2448. صود5 2449. صور20 2450. صوع15 2451. صوغ16 2452. صوف17 2453. صوك8 2454. صول15 2455. صولج2 2456. صوم19 2457. صون14 2458. صوى8 2459. صيب9 2460. صيح12 2461. صيد18 2462. صير17 2463. صيص10 2464. صيع7 2465. صيغ5 2466. صيف18 2467. صيك6 2468. صيل5 2469. صين7 2470. ض6 2471. ضأ1 2472. ضأبل2 2473. ضأز6 2474. ضأل13 2475. ضأن11 2476. ضب3 2477. ضبأ10 2478. ضبث12 2479. ضبح15 2480. ضبر17 2481. ضبط19 2482. ضبع19 2483. ضبن12 2484. ضبنط3 2485. ضبو5 2486. ضج4 2487. ضجر15 2488. ضجع18 2489. ضجم10 2490. ضح2 Prev. 100




1 صَلَحَ, (S, Mgh, Msb, &c.,) aor. ـُ (S, MA, Mgh, Msb,) the well-known form, though omitted in the K, (TA,) and صَلَحَ, (MA, K, Msb,) [said by some to be] the more chaste, because agreeable with analogy, (TA,) [but the former is the more common,] inf. n. صُلُوحٌ (S, MA, Mgh, Msb, K * [in the CK الصَّلُوح is erroneously put for الصُّلُوح]) and صَلَاحٌ (S, * MA, Mgh, Msb, K *) and مَصْلَحَةٌ; (MA;) and صَلُحَ, aor. ـُ (S, MA, Mgh, Msb, K,) mentioned by Fr, on the authority of his companions, (S, TA,) but said by IDrd to be not well established, (TA,) inf. n. صَلَاحٌ and صَلَاحَةٌ, (MA,) or صَلَاحِيَةٌ; (TA;) said of a thing, (S, Mgh, Msb,) and of a man, (TA,) It, and he, was, or became, good, incorrupt, right, just, righteous, virtuous, or honest; it was or became, in a good, incorrupt, sound, right, or proper, state, or in a state of order; he, or it, throve; contr. of فسد [i. e. فَسَدَ and فَسُدَ]; (MA; [and S and A and Mgh and K by implication; see صَلَاحٌ below;]) in Pers\. نيك شد; (MA;) [and ↓ استصلح signifies the same, for] صَلَاحٌ and اِسْتِصْلَاحٌ both signify in Pers\. نيك شدن. (KL.) One says, صَلَحَتْ حَالُ فُلَانٍ [The state, or condition, of such a one became good, right, or proper]. (A, TA.) b2: [Hence,] هٰذَا أَدِيمٌ يَصْلُحُ لِلنَّعْلِ (tropical:) [This is leather that is suitable for the sandal]. (A.) And هٰذَا الشَّىْءُ يَصْلُحُ لَكَ (tropical:) This thing is suitable to thee; or fit, or meet, for thee. (S, K, * TA.) And فُلَانٌ لَا يَصْلُحُ لِصُحْبَتِكَ (tropical:) [Such a one is not fit for being thy companion]. (A.) 3 صالحهُ, (A, Msb, K,) inf. n. صَلَاحٌ (S, Msb, K) and مُصَالَحَةٌ, (S, K,) the former of which is made fem. in a verse of Bishr Ibn-Abee-Házim, (TA,) [He made peace, or became at peace or reconciled, with him; or he reconciled himself with him: for] مُصَالَحَةٌ is the contr. of مُخَاصَمَةٌ. (Mgh.) And صالحهُ عَلَى كَذَا He made peace, or reconciliation, [or a compromise,] with him on the condition of such a thing. (MA.) and صالحهُ عَلَى بَعْضِ مَا لَهُ [He compounded with him for part of what was owed to him; he made a compromise with him on the condition of receiving part of what was due to him]; said of a creditor and debtor. (Mgh in art. ضغط.) And صَالَحْتُ بَيْنَ القَوْمِ, inf. n. مُصَالَحَةٌ, I made peace, or a reconciliation, between the people, or party; syn. لَآءَمْتُ. (Msb in art. لأم. [See also 4.]) 4 اصلحهُ, (A, Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِصْلَاحٌ, (S, A,) and quasi-inf. n. صَلَاحٌ, (L in art. لقح,) said of a man, (A, Msb,) and of God, (TA,) [and of a thing,] He, and it, made, or rendered, it, or him, good, incorrupt, right, just, righteous, virtuous, or honest; constituted it, disposed it, arranged it, or qualified it, well, rightly, or properly; rectified, corrected, redressed, or reformed, it; put it into a good, incorrupt, sound, right, or proper, state; or restored it to such a state; put it to rights, or in a state of order; set it right, set it in order, ordered it, managed it well, cultured it; adjusted, dressed, or trimmed, it; prepared it properly for use; repaired, mended, amended, or improved, it; made it, or him, to thrive; contr. of أَفْسَدَهُ. (S, * K. [And so by implication in the Mgh &c.]) One says, أَصْلَحْتُ القِدْرَ بِالتَّابَلِ [I made good, qualified properly, or seasoned, (the contents of) the cooking-pot with the seeds that are used in cooking]. (Msb in art. تبل.) And أَصْلَحْتُ السِّقَآءَ بِالرُّبِّ [I seasoned the skin with rob, or inspissated juice]. (S in art. رب.) And أَصْلَحْتُ بَيْنَ القَوْمِ [in which الأَمْرَ is understood, so that the meaning is I rectified, or reformed, or amended, the circumstances subsisting between the people, or party; or] I made peace, or I effected a rectification of affairs, an agreement, a harmony, a reconciliation, an accomodation, or an adjustment; [or I adjusted the affair;] between the people, or party. (Msb.) And سَعَى فِى إِصْلاَحِ ذَاتِ البَيْنِ [He laboured in rectifying, or improving, the bad, or the good, state of circumstances, or the disunion or union, subsisting between people]. (A.) One says also, اصلح الدَّابَّةَ, (TA,) and اصلح إِلَى الدَّابَّةِ, (T, A, Mgh, TA,) the latter because اصلح implies the meaning of أَحْسَنَ, (Mgh,) (tropical:) He acted well to the beast, (T, A, TA,) and put it into a good, or right, or proper, state, or took care of it, or paid frequent attention to it. (A, TA.) and اصلح إِلَيْهِ (tropical:) He acted well to him, did good to him, or benefited him. (K, TA.) And اصلح [alone] (assumed tropical:) He did that which was good, right, or just. (Msb.) 6 تصالحا and اِصَّالَحَا &c.: see 8, in four places.7 انصلح [quasi-pass. of أَصْلَحَهُ; thus signifying It became rectified, &c.: see تَشَعَّبَ]. (K in art. شعب.) 8 اصطلحا (S, A, K) and اصتلحا, (K,) and ↓ تصالحا (S, A, K) and ↓ اِصَّالَحَا, (S, K,) [the last a var. of تصالحا,] all signify the same, (TA,) and القَوْمُ ↓ تصالح, and اصطلحوا, (Mgh,) [They two, (i. e. two persons or two parties,) and] the people, or party, made peace, or became at peace or reconciled, [each with the other, and] one with another: (Msb:) [اِصْطِلَاحٌ is the contr. of اِخْتِصَامٌ and] ↓ تَصَالُحٌ is the contr. of تَخَاصُمٌ. (Mgh.) b2: And اصطلحوا عَلَى أَمْرٍ They (a particular class of persons) agreed together, or among themselves, respecting a particular thing. (ElKhafájee, MF.) b3: [Hence,] اِصْطِلَاحٌ signifies also The agreement of a people to name a thing by any name turned from the primary application. (KT.) b4: And [as an inf. n. used in the sense of a pass. part. n., for مُصْطَلَحٌ عَلَيْهِ,] Conventional [or technical] language: and a conventional [or technical] term: opposed to [لُغَةٌ and] تَوْقِيفٌ. (Mz 1st نوع.) 10 استصلح is the contr. of استفسد: (S, L, K:) [i. e. it signifies He regarded, or esteemed, a thing good, incorrupt, right, just, or the like; as expl. in the TK; and in like manner, a man. b2: He wished, or desired, a thing to be good, incorrupt, right, just, &c.; as in the TK; and in like manner, a man. b3: And He sought to render good, incorrupt, &c. b4: And hence, He treated in such a manner as to render well affected, or obedient.]

A2: Also He sought to do good or to act well [إِلَى فُلَانٍ to such a one]. (KL.) b2: And He sought peace, or concord. (KL.) b3: And It happened well. (KL.) b4: See also 1.

صُلْحٌ a subst. from مُصَالَحَةٌ, (S, Msb, KT,) syn. with the latter; (Mgh;) masc. and fem.; (S, K;) Peace, reconciliation, or agreement, (Mgh, Msb, K, KT, TA,) after contention: and in the law it means a compact to give over, or relinquish, contention. (KT.) One says, وَقَعَ بَيْنَهُمَا صُلْحٌ (A, TA) Peace, or reconciliation, took place between them two. (TA.) [And أُخِذَ صُلْحًا It (a fortress or the like) was taken peacefully, or by surrender.] b2: Also That in respect of which there has been made a peaceful compact: or which has been taken in the way of peace. (Mgh.) b3: And A party at peace with others. (TA.) You say, هُمْ لَنَا صُلْحٌ They are [a party] at peace with us. (A, TA.) And you say also ↓ قَوْمٌ صُلُوحٌ A people, or party, who are at peace: the latter word in this case being app. an inf. n. used as an epithet. (TA. [See also صَالِحٌ.]) صَلْحٌ: see صَالِحٌ.

صَلَاحٌ an inf. n. of صَلَحَ (MA, Mgh, Msb) and of صَلُحَ: (MA:) [used as a simple subst, it signifies Goodness, incorruptness, rightness or rectitude, justness, righteousness, virtue, honesty; &c.: see 1:] contr. of فَسَادٌ; (S, A, Mgh, K;) as also ↓ صُلُوحٌ: (K, TA: [الصَّلُوح in the CK being a mistake for الصُّلُوح:]) accord. to some, it is not used as an attribute of a prophet nor of an apostle, but only of a person inferior to these: accord. to others, however, this restriction is wrong. (MF.) b2: Also quasi-inf. n. of 4. (L in art. لقح.) b3: And [hence,] A thing that is good, and right. (Msb.) See also مَصْلَحَةٌ.

A2: صَلَاحِ, like قَطَامِ, is a name of Mekkeh; (S, A, K;) either from الصُّلْحُ or from الصَّلَاحُ; (TA;) and sometimes it is perfectly decl. [pronounced صَلَاحٌ]. (S, K.) صُلُوحٌ: see صُلْحٌ, and صَلَاحٌ: b2: and see also صَالِحٌ.

صَلِيحٌ: see what next follows.

صَالِحٌ, (MA, L, Msb, K,) from صَلَحَ; (MA;) and ↓ صَلِيحٌ, (IAar, L, K,) from صَلُحَ; (MA;) and ↓ صِلْحٌ; (K;) applied to a thing, (Msb,) and to a man, (MA,) Good, incorrupt, right, just, righteous, virtuous, or honest; &c.; [see 1; contr. of فَاسِدٌ:] (MA, L, K:) pl. صُلَحَآءُ [accord. to general analogy of صَلِيحٌ, and app. applied only to rational beings, like صَالِحُونَ,] and ↓ صُلُوحٌ [q. v.; this being said by some to be a pl. of صَالِحٌ; and by others, to be originally an inf. n.; like as is said of شُهُودٌ]. (L.) One says رَجُلٌ صَالِحٌ فِى نَفْسِهِ [A man good, incorrupt, &c., in himself], مِنْ قَوْمٍ صُلَحَآءَ [of a people good, incorrupt, &c.]. (L.) And هُوَ عَلَى حَالَةٍ صَالِحَةٍ [He is in a good, right, or proper, state or condition]. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] صَالِحٌ signifies also (assumed tropical:) Suitable, fit, or meet: so in the saying, هُوَ صَالِحٌ لِلْوِلَايَةِ (assumed tropical:) [He is fit for the office of prefect, or the like]. (Msb.) b3: And (tropical:) Much, copious, or frequent: one says مَطْرَةٌ صَالِحَةٌ (tropical:) A copious rain. (Yaakoob, L, TA.) And hence the saying of IJ, أُبْدِلَتِ التَّآءُ مِنَ الوَاوِ إِبْدَالًا صَالِحًا, meaning (tropical:) [ت is substituted for و] frequently. (TA.) b4: The ا in صَالِحٌ is [often] omitted in writing [though not in pronunciation] when it is used as a proper name [so that the name is written صلح, or more properly صٰلِحٌ]. (Durrat el-Ghowwás in De Sacy's Anthol. Gram. Ar. p. 66 of the Arabic text.) صَالِحَةٌ [a subst. from صَالِحٌ, made so by the affix ة; A good deed or action; an act of beneficence; a benefit]. One says, لَا تُعَدُّ صَالِحَاتُهُ [His good deeds, or beneficent actions, are not to be numbered]. (A, TA.) And أَتَتْنِى صَالِحَةٌ مِنْ فُلَانٍ

[A benefit came to me from such a one]. (TA.) اِصْطِلَاحٌ [for مُصْطَلَحٌ عَلَيْهِ: see 8, last sentence].

اِصْطِلَاحِىٌّ Conventional [or technical] language: opposed to [لُغَوِىٌّ and] تَوْقِيفِىٌّ. (Mz 1st نوع.) مُصْلِحٌ [act. part. n. of 4, q. v.]. One says, رَجُلٌ مُصْلِحٌ فِى أُمُورِهِ وَأَعْمَالِهِ [A man who does well, rightly, justly, or properly, in his affairs and his actions]. (L.) مَصْلَحَةٌ A cause, a means, or an occasion, of good; a thing, an affair, or a business, conducive to good, or that is for good; [and hence it may often be rendered simply an affair, when the context shows it to mean what is conducive to good or done for a good purpose;] contr. of مَفْسَدَةٌ; (S and Msb and K in art. فسد;) a good, right, or virtuous, affair; (KL;) a thing that is good and right; syn. ↓ صَلَاحٌ [q. v.]: pl. مَصَالِحُ. (S, A, Msb, K.) One says, نَظَرَ فِى مَصالِحِ النَّاسِ [He considered the things that were for the good of the people]. (A, TA.) And هُمْ مِنْ أَهْلِ المَفَاسِدِ لَا المَصَالِحِ [They are of the people who occupy themselves in the things conducive to evil, not the things conducive to good]. (A, TA. *) And فِى الأَمْرِ مَصْلَحَةٌ In the affair is that which is good: (Msb:) [or a cause of good.] and رَأَى الإِمَامُ المَصْلَحَةَ فِى كَذَا The Imám saw what was good and right [or what was conducive to good] in such a thing. (TA.) b2: It is also an inf. n. of صَلَحَ. (MA.) مُتَصَلَّحٌ A place, of a garment [&c.], that is to be repaired, or mended; syn. مُتَرَدَّمٌ. (T in art. ردم.)
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