ى1 صَرِىَ, (S, M, Msb,) aor. ـَ (Msb,) inf. n. صَرًى, (M, Msb,) said of water, It remained, or stagnated, long: or it remained long, and became altered [for the worse]: (S, Msb:) or, said of water and of milk, it remained so that its flavour became altered [for the worse]: (M:) or, said of milk, it remained undrawn from the udder, so that its flavour became bad, or corrupt. (TA.) And صَرِىَ الدَّمْعُ The tears collected [in the eye] and did not run. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] صَرِيَتِ النَّاقَةُ, (Fr, M, Msb, TA,) aor. as above, (Msb,) and so the inf. n.; (M, Msb, TA;) but Ibn-Buzurj says صَرَت, aor. ـِ (TA;) The she-camel's milk became collected in her udder; (M, Msb, TA;) as also ↓ أَصْرَت. (M, TA.) b3: And صَرِىَ فِى يَدِهِ, (S, M, IKtt, TA,) with kesr; (S, TA;) or صَرَى فِىيَدِهِ;) (thus accord. to the K;) He (a man) remained in his hand, as a pledge, (S, M, K, TA,) held in custody. (S, K, TA.) b4: And صِرىِ [thus written without any syll. sign, app. صرِى,] i. q. اِنْقَطَعَ [It, or he, became cut off, cut short, or stopped; &c.: quasi-pass. of صَرَاهُ in one of the senses of the latter]: from IAar. (TA.) A2: صَرَاهُ, (IKtt, Msb, TA,) aor. ـِ (Msb,) inf. n. صَرْىٌ, (IKtt, Msb, TA,) He confined it, namely, water, in a resting-place or a vessel; and in like manner, milk, and tears: (IKtt, TA:) or he collected it, namely, water, and it remained long and became altered [for the worse], or remained or stagnated long; and in like manner, but in an intensive sense, ↓ صرّاهُ. (Msb.) One says also of cows [and the like], تَصْرِى اللَّبَنَ فِى ضُرُوعِهِنَّ They confine and collect the milk in their udders. (TA.) And [of a man] one says, صَرَى المَآءَ فِى ظَهْرِهِ زَمَانًا He retained the ماء [i. e. sperma] in his back a long time, (S, M, K, *) by abstaining from sexual intercourse. (M, K.) b2: [Hence,] صَرَيْتُهَا, (M, Msb,) aor. ـِ inf. n. صَرْىٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ صَرَّيْتُهَا, (S, M, Msb,) inf. n. تَصْرِيَةٌ, (S, Msb,) but the latter verb has an intensive meaning; (Msb;) and ↓ أَصْرَيْتُهَا; (M;) namely, a ewe or she-goat, (S,) or a she-camel, (M, Msb,) and any other milch animal, (M,) I caused the milk to collect in her udder, (S, M, Msb,) by abstaining from milking her for some days. (S, M.) A3: Also, i. e. صَرَاهُ, (M, K,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. صَرْىٌ, (M,) i. q. قَطَعَهُ [He cut it off, cut it short, or stopped it; &c.]; (M, K;) namely, a thing. (M.) You say, صَرَى بَوْلَهُ, inf. n. as above, meaning قَطَعَهُ [He, or it, cut short, or stopped, his urine]. (S.) And صَرَيْتُ المَآءَ [app. I cut short, or stopped, the drawing of the water; for it is expl. as said] إِذَا اسْتَقَيْتَ ثُمَّ قَطَعْتَ. (S.) and مَا يَصْرِيكَ مِنِّى أَىْ عَبْدِى, occurring in a trad., means What cuts short (يَقْطَعُ) thine asking of Me [O my servant]? (TA.) b2: And i. q. دَفَعَهُ [He repelled it]. (M, K.) One says, صَرَى اللّٰهُ عَنْهُ شَرَّهُ i. e. دَفَعَ [God repelled, or may God repel, from him his, or its, evil, or mischief]. (S.) b3: And i. q. مَنَعَهُ [He prevented it, &c.]. (S, M, K.) Dhu-r-Rummeh says, وَوَدَّعْنَ مُشْتَاقًا أَصَبْنَ فُؤَادَهُ هَوَاهُنَّ إِنْ لَمْ يَصْرِهِ اللّٰهُ قَاتِلُهْ [And they bade farewell to one affected with desire, whose heart they had smitten; the love of them, if God had not prevented it, had been his slayer]. (S. [But this verse may be well rendered as an ex. of صَرَاهُ in the sense next following, which is also a meaning of مَنَعَهُ: in the M, it is cited as an ex. of صَرَاهُ in the sense of دَفَعَهُ.]) b4: Said of God, (M,) He protected, defended, guarded, or preserved, him: (M, K:) or (M) He saved him (M, K) from destruction, or perdition: (K:) or (M) He sufficed him: (M, K:) or He aided him. (TA.) b5: صَرَى بَيْنَهُمْ, (K,) or صَرَى
مَا بَيْنَهُمْ, (S, M,) He decided [between them, or the case between them]; (S, K;) namely, persons who had applied to him as a judge: (S:) or he rectified, or adjusted, the case between them. (M.) A4: صَرَى also signifies عَطَفَ [He bent, or inclined]: (K, TA:) [app. intrans., or trans. by means of بِ, for] a poet uses the phrase صَرَيْنَ بِالأَعْنَاقِ [They bent, or inclined, with the necks]. (TA.) [But it is said in the TK that صَرَاهُ meansعَطَفَهُ He bent, or inclined, it.] Accord. to Ibn-Buzurj, صَرَتِ النَّاقَةُ عُنُقَهَا means The she-camel raised her neck by reason of the heaviness of the burden. (TA.) A5: Also He preceded, or went before; syn. تَقَدَّمَ. (IAar, K.) [Accord. to the TK, one says صَرَى القَوْمَ, meaning تَقَدَّمَهُمْ He preceded, or went before, the people, or party.]
b2: And [the contr., i. e.] He receded, or retreated; or became, or remained, or lagged, behind; syn. تَأَخَّرَ. (IAar, K.) [Accord. to the TK, one says صَرَى عَنْهُمْ, meaning He receded, or retreated, from them; &c.]. b3: Also He, or it, was, or became, high; syn. عَلَا. (IAar, K.) b4: And the contr., i. e. He, or it, was, or became, low; syn. سَفُلَ. (IAar, K.) 2 صَرَّىَ see 1, former half, in two places.4 أَصْرَىَ see 1, former half, in two places. b2: اصرى also signifies He sold a ewe or she-goat, (K, TA,) or a she-camel, (TA,) whose milk had been caused to collect in her udder in consequence of her not having been milked for some days; such as is termed مُصَرَّاةٌ. (K, TA.) 8 اِصْدَرَاهُ i. q. اِزْدَرَاهُ [the د in each being substituted for ت]: see the latter, in art. زرى.
صَرًى, (S, M, Msb, K,) an inf. n. used as an epithet, (Msb,) and ↓ صِرًى, (S, M, K,) [and Freytag adds ↓ صُرًى, as from the K, in which I do not find it,] Water remaining, or stagnating, long, accord. to Fr; (S;) or that has remained, or stagnated, long: (Msb:) or water remaining long, (K,) or that has remained long, and become altered [for the worse], (S, M, Msb,) accord. to AA. (S.) And the first, (M, K,) an inf. n. used as an epithet, (TA,) Milk that has remained (M, K) long (K) so that its flavour has become altered [for the worse]; (M, K;) as also ↓ صَرٍ, which is in like manner applied to water: (M:) or milk left [long] in the udder of the camel, not drawn, so that it becomes salt and windy: (IAar, TA:) or milk drawn in the night from a camel abounding therewith, having a bad and burning flavour. (Az, TA.) And, (M, K,) some say, (M,) [used as a subst.,] A portion remaining (M, K) of milk (M) in the udder, (Ham p. 661,) and of water. (TA.) And Tears (دَمْعٌ) that have become collected: and the sing. [or epithet applied to a single tear (دَمْعَةٌ)] is صَرَاةٌ. (M.) And نُطْفَةٌ صَرَاةٌ [Sperma of a man] altered [ for the worse]: and long retained by him in his back. (M. [This is also mentioned in the S, app. in the latter of these senses; the meaning being there only indicated by the context.]) b2: For the fem., صَرَاةٌ, see also مُصَرَّاةٌ.
صُرًى: see صَرًى, first sentence: b2: and see also مُصَرَّاةٌ.
صرًى: see صَرًى, first sentence. b2: In relation to a she-camel it is Her being pregnant twelve months, and bringing forth, and then yielding her biestings, or having her biestings milked: mentioned by Az. (TA. [But what is meant by this is, to me, doubtful; for sometimes an inf. n., and sometimes and epithet, and sometimes a subst., is expl. in this manner.]) صَرٍِ [part. n. of صَرِىَ]: see صَرًى. b2: Also A she-camel whose milk has collected in her udder. (Msb.) [See also مُصَرَّاةٌ.]
صَرْيَةٌ Milk collected [in the udder]: a poet says, وَكُلُّ ذِى صَرْيَةٍ لَا بُدَّ مَحْلُوبُ [And whatever udder has milk must be milked]. (TA.) صَرْيَآءُ: see مُصَرَّاةٌ.
صَرْيَانُ, applied to a man and to a beast, Whose مَآء [i. e. sperma] has collected in his back. (TA.) A2: Also The [bird called] يَمَامَة [n. un. of يَمَامٌ, q. v.]: and the [bird called] سَمَامَة [n. un. of سَمَامٌ, q. v.]. (TA.) صَرَآءٌ Colocynths (S, M, K, in the CK [erroneously] صِراءٌ [expressly said in the TA to be with fet-h and medd,]) when they become yellow; (S, M;) as also صَرَايَاتٌ: (so in one of my copies of the S [in which it is shown to be correct by an ex. in a verse of Suleyk there cited: in the M and TA صَرَايَا, which I think a mistranscription]: in the other of my copies of the S omitted:) one thereof is termed ↓ صَرَايَةٌ. (S, M, K. *) [In the M and K, صَرَآءٌ is termed pl. of صَرَايَةٌ; but it is properly speaking a coll. gen. n., originally صَرَاىٌ.]
b2: ↓ صَرَايَةٌ also signifies The water in which colocynths have been steeped. (M, K.) صَرِىٌّ One who acts with boldness towards the wife of his father: (K, TA:) such was Ibn-Mukbil. (TA.) صَرَايَةٌ: see صَرَآءٌ, in two places.
صُرَّى: see مُصَرَّاةٌ, below.
صَارٍ [act. part. n. of صَرَى: as such signifying] Guarding or preserving [&c.], or a guarder or preserver [&c.]. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] A sailor: (S, M, K:) because he guards, or preserves, the ship: (TA:) pl. صُرَّآءٌ (S, M, K) and (M, K) pl. pl. (M) صَرَارِىُّ and صَرَارِيُّونَ. (M, K. [But see صَرَارِىٌّ in art. صر.]) b3: Also [said to signify] The transverse piece of wood in the middle of the ship: (M, K:) [but] IAth says that it is the دَقَل [i. e. mast] of the ship, which is set up in the middle thereof, and upon which is the شِرَاع [or sail: it is now commonly called ↓ صَارِيَةٌ and سَارِيَةٌ: both of which are also sometimes applied to a column]: pl. صَوَارٍ. (TA.) صَارِيَةٌ A well (رَكِيَّةٌ) of which the water is old, altered for the worse, and overspread with [the green substance termed] عَرْمَض: (K, * TA:) mentioned by Az. (TA.) A2: See also صَارٍ, last sentence.
مُصَرَّاةٌ A ewe, or she-goat, whose milk has been caused to collect in her udder by her not having been milked for some days; (S, K;) as also ↓ صُرَّى, like رُبَّى; (so in copies of the K; [but this, if correct, should be mentioned in art. صر, in which the former is also mentioned; accord. to the TA, however, it seems to be ↓ صُرًى, without teshdeed, for it is there said to be like رُبى;]) both likewise applied to a she-camel, and to a cow; (TA;) and ↓ صَرَاةٌ signifies the same, (K,) applied to a she-camel and to a ewe or she-goat; (TA;) and so, applied to a she-camel, ↓ صَرْيَآءُ, of which the pl. is صَرَايَا, (M, K,) an irreg. pl. (M.) [See also صَرٍ.] b2: Aboo-'Alee, in the Bári', makes it syn. with مَصْرُورَةٌ; and so says the Imám EshSháfi'ee; as though originally مُصَرَّرَةٌ: but Suh, in the R, disallows this. (TA.)