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98924. شَكِيس1 98925. شَكِيل1 98926. شَكِين1 98927. شُكَيْوات1 98928. شَلّ1 98929. شل698930. شلّ1 98931. شَلَّ 1 98932. شلأ1 98933. شلا4 98934. شَلَا1 98935. شَلّاتي1 98936. شُلَّاتي1 98937. شَلاثا1 98938. شَلاثَى1 98939. شَلَّاح1 98940. شَلَّاخة1 98941. شَلَّاخِي1 98942. شُلّافيّ1 98943. شَلّاك1 98944. شَلَّال1 98945. شَلَّالَة1 98946. شَلالَتَين1 98947. شَلَّالِيَّة1 98948. شِلَّالِيَّة1 98949. شَلامُ1 98950. شُلانْجِرْد1 98951. شَلَّانِيّ1 98952. شلاني1 98953. شَلاهِطُ1 98954. شِلْبُ1 98955. شِلْبٌ1 98956. شلب3 98957. شلباش1 98958. شِلْبَاية1 98959. شلبط1 98960. شلبن2 98961. شَلْبَنَة1 98962. شَلَبي1 98963. شلبية1 98964. شِلَّة1 98965. شلت1 98966. شُلَّتْ يَدُهُ1 98967. شَلْتَاع1 98968. شلتة1 98969. شِلْتَه1 98970. شلتون1 98971. شلث1 98972. شَلْجُ2 98973. شِلْجُ1 98974. شلج1 98975. شلجم5 98976. شَلْجِيكَث1 98977. شَلَحَ1 98978. شِلْحُ1 98979. شلح9 98980. شلح الْعين1 98981. شَلَحَ 1 98982. شَلْحَاوِيّ1 98983. شَلْحَبٌ1 98984. شلحب1 98985. شَلْحَت1 98986. شلحف1 98987. شلحه1 98988. شلحي1 98989. شَلْحِيّ1 98990. شلخَ1 98991. شلخ5 98992. شلخب1 98993. شلخف2 98994. شلخَف1 98995. شَلْخِيّ1 98996. شلد1 98997. شلدق1 98998. شلدي1 98999. شلر2 99000. شلز1 99001. شلس1 99002. شَلش1 99003. شلش2 99004. شلشكه1 99005. شَلْشَلَ1 99006. شلشل5 99007. شلشلن1 99008. شَلْضُوم1 99009. شلط7 99010. شلطيث1 99011. شَلْطِيش1 99012. شلع2 99013. شلعف2 99014. شلعلع1 99015. شلغ6 99016. شَلَغَ1 99017. شلغط1 99018. شلغف3 99019. شلغم1 99020. شلغن1 99021. شلف5 99022. شلفان1 99023. شَلْفَان1 Prev. 100


الشين واللام

شَنْبَلٌ اسمٌ الشَمْشِلُ القليل عن كُراع
الدَّابَّة شلا طردها وساقها وَيُقَال شلت الْعين الدمع أَرْسلتهُ وشل الصَّباح الظلام غَلبه وَالثَّوْب خاطه خياطَة خَفِيفَة متباعدة

(شل) الْعُضْو شللا أُصِيب بالشلل أَو يبس فبطلت حركته أَو ضعفت وَيُقَال شل فلَان وَيُقَال فِي الدُّعَاء للرجل لَا شلت يَمِينك وَفِي الدُّعَاء عَلَيْهِ شلت يَمِينه فَهُوَ أشل وَهِي شلاء (ج) شل وَالثَّوْب أَصَابَهُ سَواد وَنَحْوه لَا يذهب بِالْغسْلِ
شل: الشَّلُّ: الطَّرْدُ، شَلَلْتُه فانْشَلَّ. وذَهَبُوا شِلاَلاً: مَطْرُوْدِيْنَ. والشَّلَلُ: ذَهَابُ اليَدِ، شُلَّتْ يَدُه تُشَلُّ؛ وشلت تشل شَلاَلاً وشَلَلاً. ولا شَلَلَ: في موْضِعِ لا تَشْلَلْ. وعَيْنٌ شَلاّءُ: أي ذَهَبَ بَصَرُها، وأشَلَّها كذا. والشّلَلُ: لَطْخٌ يُصِيْبُ الثَّوْبَ فَيَبْقى فيه أثرٌ. والشَّلْشَلَةُ: قَطَرَانُ الماءِ المُتَتَابِعُ القَلِيلُ. والصَّبِيُّ يُشَلْشِلُ بِبَوْلِه. والمُتَشَلْشِلُ: الذي ذَهَبَ لَحْمُه وقَلَّ. والشُّلْشُلُ: الخَفِيْفُ، وكذلك المِشَلُّ في قَوْلِ الأعْشى. والشَّلِيْلُ: ثَوْبٌ قَصِيْرٌ تَحْتَ الدِّرْعِ. والحِلْسُ أيضاً، والجَميعُ أَشِلَّةٌ. وهو من الوادي: وَسَطُه حَيْثُ يَسِيْلُ م'عْظَمُ الماءِ. والشُّلَّةُ: الشُّقَّةُ البُعْدُ، والمَكانُ البَعِيدُ. والشَّلُوْلُ من إناثِ الإِبلِ والنَّسَاءِ: نَحْوُ النّابِ. وانْشِلالُ المَطَرِ: انْحِدَارُه.
باب الشين واللاّم ش ل، ل ش يستعملان

شل: الشلُّ: الطرد.. شللتُه فانشلّ. وذهبوا شِلالاً، أي: انشلوا مطرودين. والشَّللُ: ذهابُ اليد.. شلَّت يدُه تشلُّ شللاً. وتقول: لا شللِ، في معنى: لا تشلل، لأنه وقع موقِع الأمر، فشُبِّه به فجرَّ، فلو كان نعتاً لنصب، قال:

ضرباً على الهامات لا شللِ

وقال نصر بن سيّار:

إني أقول لمن جدّت صريمتُه ... يوماً لغانيةٍ : تصرم ولا شلل  والشَّللُ: لقحٌ يصيب الثَّوب، فيبقى فيه أثر والشَّلشلةُ: قطران الماء، انشلّ الماء، وشلّشل، والصبيّ يُشلشلُ ببوله. والشَّليلُ: ثوبٌ يُلبسً تحت الدرع. والشليل: الحلس. قال:

إليك سار العيسُ في الأشلَّه

وقال بعضهم: الشَّليلُ: الدِّرع القصيرة، وجمعها: أشلّة، قال دُريد بن الصِّمة:

تقولُ هلالٌ خارجٌ من غمامةٍ ... إذا جاء يعدو في شليلٍ وقونسِ

لش: اللَّشلشةُ: كثرةُ التَّردُدِ عند الفزع واضطرابِ الأحشاء في موضعٍ بعد موضع، يقال: جَبان لَشلاش.
الشين وَاللَّام

الشّلَل: يبس الْيَد.

شَلَّت يَده تَشَلُّ شلاًّ، وشلَلا.

قَالَ اللحياني: شَلَّ عشره وشَلَّ خمسه، قَالَ وَبَعْضهمْ يَقُول: شَلَّت. قَالَ: يَعْنِي: أَن حذف عَلامَة التَّأْنِيث فِي مثل هَذَا أَكثر من بَقَائِهَا، وَأنْشد:

فشلَّت يَمِيني يَوْم أعلُو ابنَ جَعْفَر ... وشلَّ بنانها وشلَّ الخناصِرُ

هَكَذَا أنْشدهُ بِإِثْبَات الْعَلامَة فِي " شلَّت يَمِيني " وبحذفها فِي " شلَّ بنانها ".

وَرجل أشلّ، وَقد أشلَّ يَده.

وَلَا شَلَلاً، وَلَا شَلالِ، مبينَة كحذام: أَي تَشْلَلْ يدك.

والشَّلَل فِي الثَّوْب: أَن يُصِيبهُ سَواد أَو غَيره فَإِذا غسل لم يذهب.

والشَّلِيل: مسح من صوف أَو شعر يَجْعَل على عجز الْبَعِير من وَرَاء الرحل، قَالَ جميل:

تئج أجِيجَ الرَّحْل لما تحسَّرَت ... مَنَاكِبُها وابتُزَّ عَنْهَا شَلِيلُها

والشَّلِيل: الحِلْس، قَالَ:

إِلَيْك سَار العِيسُ فِي الأشِلَّةْ

والشَّلِيل: الغلالة الَّتِي لبس تَحت الدرْع.

وَقيل: هِيَ الدرْع الصَّغِيرَة القصيرة تكون تَحت الْكَبِيرَة.

وَقيل: هِيَ الدرْع مَا كَانَت.

والشَّلِيل: مجْرى المَاء فِي الْوَادي.

وَقيل: وَسطه الَّذِي يجْرِي فِيهِ المَاء.

والشَّلِيل: النخاع، وَهُوَ الْعرق الْأَبْيَض الَّذِي فِي فقار الظّهْر.

والشليل: طرائق طوال من لحم تكون ممتدة مَعَ الظّهْر. واحدتها شَلِيلة، كِلَاهُمَا عَن كرَاع. وَالسِّين فيهمَا أَعلَى.

والشَّلَ والشَّلُل: الطَّرْد.

شلَّه يشُلُّه فانشلَّ.

وَكَذَلِكَ: شلّ العير أتنه والسائق إبِله.

وحمار مِشَلّ: كثير الطَّرْد.

وَرجل مِشَلّ، وشَلُولٌ، وشُلُل، وشُلْشُل: خَفِيف سريع، قَالَ الْأَعْشَى:

وَقد غَدَوتُ إِلَى الحانوتِ تبعُني ... شاوٍ مشَلّ شَلُولٌ شُلْشُل شَوِلُ

قَالَ سِيبَوَيْهٍ: جمع الشُلُل: شُلُلُون، وَلَا يكسر لقلَّة فعل فِي الصِّفَات.

وَرجل شُلْشل، ومُتَشَلْشِل: قَلِيل اللَّحْم خَفِيف فِيمَا اخذ فِيهِ من عمل أَو غَيره، وَقَالَ تأبط شرا:

ولكنني أُروى من الْخمر هامتي ... وأنْضُو المَلا بالشاحِبِ المتشَلشِل

إِنَّمَا يَعْنِي: الرجل الْخَفِيف المتخدد الْقَلِيل اللَّحْم.

والشَّلْشَلة: قطران المَاء.

وَقد تشلشل.

وَمَاء شَلْشَل، ومُتَشَلْشِل، تشلشل يتبع قطران بعضه بَعْضًا.

وَكَذَلِكَ: الدَّم.

وشَلْشَل السَّيْف الدَّم، وتشلشل بِهِ: صبه. وَقيل لنصيب: مَا الشلشال فِي بَيت قَالَه، فَقَالَ: لَا أَدْرِي، سمعته يُقَال فقلته.

وشلشل بَوْله وببوله شَلْشَلَةً، وشِلْشالا: فرقه وأرسله منتشرا.

وَالِاسْم: الشَّلْشال.

وشلَّت الْعين دمعها: كشنته. وَزعم يَعْقُوب: أَنه من الْبَدَل.

والشُّلَّة: النِّيَّة حَيّ انتوى الْقَوْم. والشَّلّة والشُّلَّة: الْأَمر الْبعيد تطلبه قَالَ أَبُو ذُؤَيْب:

وَقلت تجنَّبَنْ سُخْط ابْن عَمّ ... ومطلب شُلّة وهْي الطَّرُوح

وَرَوَاهُ الْأَخْفَش: " سخط ابْن عَمْرو " قَالَ: يَعْنِي ابْن عُوَيْمِر.

وشَلِيل: اسْم بلد، قَالَ النَّابِغَة الْجَعْدِي:

حَتَّى غَلَبنا وَلَوْلَا نَحن، قد علمُوا، ... حَلَّت شَلِيلا عذارهم وجَمَّالا


1 شَلَّتْ يَمِينُهُ, (S, O,) or يَدُهُ, (Mgh, TA,) or اليَدُ, (Msb, K,) originally شَلِلَتْ, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) aor. ـَ (S, O, &c.,) inf. n. شَلَلٌ (S, * O, * Mgh, Msb, K) and شَلٌّ, (Msb, K,) or the latter is not allowable; (Ham p. 69;) this is the chaste form of the verb; (Th, TA;) and ↓ أُشِلَّتْ; (Th, K;) and شُلَّتْ, (Th, O, K,) but this last is bad, (Th, O, TA,) and is disallowed by Fr; (TA;) His right hand or arm, or his hand or arm, or the hand or arm, was, or became, unsound, or vitiated: (S, O, TA:) or deprived of the power of motion by an unsound, or a vitiated, state of its عُرُوق [meaning veins or nerves]: (Msb:) or dried up; or stiff: or it went [or wasted] away. (K, TA.) One says, in praying for a person, لَا تَشْلَلْ يَدُكَ [May thy hand, or arm, not become unsound, &c.]: (S, Msb, * K: *) and لَا شَلَلًا and ↓ لَا شَلَالِ, which mean the same; the last word like قَطَامِ. (K.) And شَلَّ عَشْرُهُ, and خَمْسُهُ, [His ten fingers became unsound, &c., and his five fingers,] and some say شَلَّتْ, but this is more rare; i. e., the suppression of the fem. ت is more usual in a case of this kind. (Lh, TA.) To one who has shot or thrown, or who has pierced or thrust, well, one says, لَا شَلَلًا وَلَا عَمًى [Mayest thou not experience unsoundness, &c., nor blindness]; and لَا شَلَّ عَشْرُكَ [May thy ten fingers not become unsound, &c.], meaning أَصَابِعُكَ. (S, O.) He who says شَلَّ المَارِنُ and شَلَّتِ الأُذُنُ is a foreigner. (Mgh.) The lawyers [improperly] use الشَّلَل in relation to the ذَكَر. (Msb.) One says also, شَلِلْتَ يَا رَجُلُ [Thou hast become unsound, &c., in thy hand or thine arm, O man]. (S, O.) And لَا شَلَلَ, meaning لَا تَشْلَلْ, because it occupies the place of an imperative. (Lth, TA.) In the saying of the rájiz, (S,) namely, Abu-l-Khudree El-Yarboo'ee, (O, TA,) مُهْرَ أَبِى الجَبْحَابِ لَا تَشَلِّى

[Colt of Abu-l-Habháb, mayest thou not become unsound, &c., in the fore leg], (S, TA, [in the O, ابى الحَرِثِ, for ابى الحٰرِثِ,]) the last word is thus [for لا تَشْلَلْ] on account of the rhyme: (S, O, TA:) [for] the next hemistich is بَارَكَ فِيكَ اللّٰهُ مِنْ ذِى أَلِّ [God bless thee as one possessing fleetness, or swiftness]; (O, TA;) ذى الّ in this instance meaning ذى سُرْعَةٍ. (S in art. ال.) A2: شَلَّهُ; (K;) and شَلَلْتُ الإِبِلَ, (S, O,) and الرَّجُلَ; (Msb;) aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. شَلٌّ (S, O, Msb, K *) and شَلَلٌ, (K, * and Ksh in xii. 3,) like as قَصَصٌ is inf. n. of قَصَّ, (Ksh ibid.,) or شَلَلٌ is a simple subst.; (S, O;) He drove him away; (K;) and I drove away (S, O, Msb) the camels, (S, O,) and the man. (Msb.) And مَرَّ فُلَانٌ يَشُلُّهُمْ بِالسَّيْفِ Such a one passed along urging them on, and driving them, with the sword. (S.) [See also 4. b2: Hence,] الصُّبْحُ يَشُلُّ الظَّلَامَ (tropical:) The dawn drives away the darkness. (TA.) b3: And شَلَّتِ العَيْنُ دَمْعَهَا (assumed tropical:) The eye sent forth [or shed] its tears: (Lh, K:) like شَنَّتْهُ: (Lh, TA:) asserted by Yaa-koob to be formed by substitution [of ل for ن]. (TA.) b4: And شَلَّ الدِّرْعَ, (O, TA,) and شَلَّهَا عَلَيْهِ, aor. ـُ inf. n. شَلٌّ, (TA,) He put on himself the coat of mail; on the authority of ISh. (O, TA.) b5: شَلَلْتُ الثَّوْبَ, (S, O, Msb, TA,) inf. n. شَلٌّ, (O,) I sewed the garment, or piece of cloth, (S, O, Msb, TA,) slightly; (S, O, TA; [omitted, probably by inadvertence, in my copy of the Msb;]) [previously to the second sewing termed الكَفُّ;] strangely omitted in the K: ↓ شِلَالَةٌ is [app. a subst., not an inf. n., signifying The act, or art, of so sewing;] the contr. of كِفَافَةٌ. (TA.) 4 اشلّ يَمِينَهُ, (S,) or يَدَهُ, (Fr, K,) He (i. e. God, S) made his right hand or arm, (S,) or his hand, or arm, (K,) to become unsound, or vitiated: (S:) or to become dried up, or stiff: or to go [or waste] away: (K:) or اشلّ اليَدَ He (i. e. God) made the hand or arm to become deprived of the power of motion by an unsound, or a vitiated, state of its عُرُوق [meaning veins or nerves]. (Msb.) And اشلّ اللّٰه يَدَهُ is said by way of imprecation [as meaning May God render his hand or arm unsound, &c.]. (O.) See also 1, first sentence.

A2: [It is said that] إِشْلَالٌ signifies The driving away a camel, and a troop or company with the sword: [like شَلٌّ: see 1, latter half:] b2: and The making war. (KL.) 7 انشلّ He became driven away. (K, TA. [In some of the copies of the K, انشلّ بِهِ, meaning He became driven away by, or with, him, or it.]) And انشلّت الإِبِلُ The camels became driven away. (S.) And انشلّوا مَطْرُودِينَ [They went driven away]; referring to a company of people. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] انشلّ الذِّئْبُ فِى الغَنَمِ (assumed tropical:) The wolf made an incursion among the sheep or goats; as also انشنّ: mentioned by Az in art. نشغ. (TA.) b3: And انشلّ السَّيْلُ (assumed tropical:) The torrent began to be impelled, before its becoming vehement: (Sh, O, K:) and so انسلّ. (Sh, O.) b4: And انشلّ المَطَرُ (assumed tropical:) The rain descended. (K.) R. Q. 1 شَلْشَلْتُ المَآءَ I made the water to fall in drops; (S;) in consecutive drops. (TA.) And شَلْشَلَ بَوْلَهُ, (K, TA, [in the CK, erroneously, تَشَلْشَلَ,]) and بِبَوْلِهِ, (S, O, K, TA,) inf. n. شَلْشَلَةٌ and شِلْشَالٌ, [both incorrectly written by Freytag,] (K, TA,) He (a boy, S, O, TA) scattered his urine; emitted it dispersedly: (K, TA:) the subst. [signifying the act of doing so] is ↓ شَلْشَالٌ with fet-h. (K.) And شَلْشَلَ السَّيْفُ الدَّمَ, [in the CK, erroneously, بالدَّمِ,] and بِهِ ↓ تَشَلْشَلَ, The sword poured forth the blood. (K, TA.) R. Q. 2 تَشَلْشَلَ It (water) fell in consecutive drops. (TA.) And تَشَلْشَلَ دَمًا It (a wound) dripped with blood in consecutive drops. (TA.) See also R. Q. 1, last sentence.

شَلَّةٌ: see the next paragraph.

شُلَّةٌ i. q. نِيَّةٌ [app. as meaning The thing, or place, that one proposes to himself as the object of his aim]: (S, O, K:) the place that a company of men have proposed to themselves as the object of their aim or journey: so in the M: (TA:) or the نِيَّة [in the sense thus expl. in the M and TA] in journeying: (T, K:) and thus also ↓ شُلَّى, and likewise in fasting, and in warring: one says, ↓ أَيْنَ شُلَّاهُمْ [Where is the place that they propose to themselves as the object of their aim in journeying, &c.?]. (TA.) b2: And A remote affair (S, O, K) that one seeks; (K;) as also ↓ شَلَّةٌ. (O, K.) A2: See also شَلَلٌ.

A3: And see شَلِيلٌ.

شَلَلٌ An unsoundness in the hand or arm, or a vitiated state thereof. (S, O.) [See also 1, first sentence, where it is mentioned as an inf. n.] b2: And (tropical:) A stain, (S, O,) or a blackness, (K,) or a dust-colour, (TA,) in a garment, or piece of cloth, that does not become removed by washing. (S, O, K, TA.) One says, مَا هٰذَا الشَّلَلُ فِى ثَوْبِكَ, (S, O,) or بِثَوْبِكَ, (TA,) (tropical:) [What is this stain, &c., in thy garment?]

A2: Also The act of driving away: (S, O, K:) a subst.: (S, O:) or an inf. n., (Ksh in xii. 3,) [see 1, latter half,] i. q. طَرْدٌ, like [the inf. n.] شَلٌّ, (K,) as also ↓ شُلَّةٌ. (TA.) شُلَلٌ and شُلُلٌ: see شُلْشُلٌ.

لَا شَلَالِ: see 1, second sentence.

جَاؤُوا شِلَا لًا They came driving away the camels. (S, O.) b2: And ذَهَبَ القَوْمُ شِلَالًا The people went driven away (اِنْشَلُّوا مَطْرُودِينَ). (TA.) b3: And شِلَالٌ signifies A company of men in a scattered, or dispersed, state. (S, O.) شَلُولٌ, of she-camels, and of women, (O, K, in the latter of which, in the place of وَالنِّسَآءِ, is found والشَّآءِ [i. e. and of sheep or. goats], TA,) is like نَابٌ [meaning Aged]. (O, K.) b2: See also شُلْشُلٌ, in two places.

شَلِيلٌ, (S, O, K,) accord. to AO, (S,) or A 'Obeyd, (O, TA,) An innermost covering for the body, worn beneath the coat of mail, (S, O, K,) whether it be a ثَوْب or some other thing: (S, O:) and, (S, O, K,) sometimes, (S, O,) a short coat of mail, (S, O, K,) worn beneath the upper one, (S, O,) or worn beneath the large one: or in a general sense: (K:) [i. e.] a coat of mail itself is called شَلِيلٌ; (ISh, TA;) and also ↓ شُلَّةٌ: (TA:) pl. أَشِلَّةٌ; (S, O, TA;) in the K, erroneously, شِلَّةٌ. (TA.) b2: Also (S, O, K) A [cloth such as is termed] حِلْس, (S, O,) or مِسْح, of wool or of [goats'] hair, (K,) that is put upon the rump, or croup, of the camel, (S, O, K,) behind the [saddle called] رَحْل. (K.) [See also سَنِيفٌ.]

A2: and The part, of a valley, in which the water flows: (K:) or the middle of a valley, (S, O, K,) where flows the main body of water: (S, O:) so says A 'Obeyd, on the authority of AO; but the word commonly known [in this sense] is سَلِيلٌ, with the unpointed س. (O.) A3: And The نُخَاع [or spinal cord]; (K, TA;) [also called the سَلِيل;] i. e. the white عِرْق [or nerve] that is in the vertebræ of the back: mentioned by Kr. (TA.) b2: And Long streaks, or strips, of flesh, extending with the back: (K, TA:) n. un. with ة also mentioned by Kr: but the more approved word is with [the unpointed] س. (TA.) A4: And Clouds in which is no water; syn. جَهَامٌ. (AA, O.) شِلَالَةٌ: see 1, last sentence.

شُلَّى: see شُلَّةٌ, in two places.

شَلْشَلٌ Water, and blood, falling in consecutive drops; as also ↓ مُتَشَلْشِلٌ. (K, TA.) b2: A زِقّ [or skin for wine &c.] flowing [or leaking]. (TA.) And Roasted flesh-meat (شِوَآءٌ) of which the grease, or gravy, drips; like شَرْشَرٌ and رَشْرَاشٌ. (TA in art. شر.) b3: مَآءٌ ذُو شَلْشَلٍ (S, O) and ↓ شَلْشَالٍ (S, O *) Water having a dripping. (S, O.) A2: See also the next paragraph.

شُلْشُلٌ A man light, active, or agile; (S;) [and] so ↓ مِشَلٌّ, (O,) and ↓ شَلُولٌ: (O, TA:) or the first, a boy, or young man, sharp-headed; light, or active, in spirit; brisk, lively, or sprightly, in his work; and so شُعْشُعٌ, and جُلْجُلٌ: (IAar, TA:) or a man clever, ingenious, acute, or sharp; light, active, or agile: (O:) or light, active, or agile, in accomplishing that which is wanted; quick; a good companion; cheerful in mind; as also ↓ شَلْشَلٌ, and ↓ مِشَلٌّ [in the CK (erroneously) مُشِلٌّ], and ↓ شَلُولٌ, and ↓ شُلُلٌ, and ↓ شُلَلٌ, (K, TA,) of which last the pl. is شُلَلُونَ, it having no broken pl. because of the rareness of فُعَلٌ as the measure of an epithet: (Sb, TA:) and having little flesh; light, active, or agile, in that which he commences, (K, TA,) of work &c.; (TA;) as also ↓ مُتَشَلْشِلٌ: (K, TA:) or this latter [simply] lean, or having little flesh. (S, O.) شَلْشَلَةٌ The falling of water in drops, (K, TA,) consecutively. (TA.) [If an inf. n. in this sense, its verb is most probably شُلْشِلَ.]

شَلْشَالٌ: see R. Q. 1: b2: and see also شَلْشَلٌ.

شُلَاشِلٌ, applied to a plant, or herbage, Fresh, juicy, or sappy. (TA.) أَشَلُّ A man whose hand, or arm, has become unsound, or vitiated: (S, TA:) or deprived of the power of motion by an unsound, or a vitiated, state of its عُرُوق [meaning veins or nerves]: (Msb:) or dried up, or stiff: or whose hand, or arm, has gone [or wasted] away: (K, TA:) fem.

شَلَّآءُ. (S, Msb.) b2: And يَدٌ شَلَّآءُ (Mgh, TA) A hand, or an arm, that will not comply with that which its possessor desires of it, by reason of disease therein. (TA.) b3: And عَيْنٌ شَلَّآءُ An eye of which the sight has gone. (O, Msb, K.) مِشَلٌّ A [spear of the kind called] مِطْرَد [q. v.]. (TA.) b2: And A he-ass that drives away [his she-asses] much. (K. [In the CK, in this sense, erroneously written مِشْلٌ. See مُشَلِلٌ.]) b3: See also شُلْشُلٌ, in two places. b4: One says also إِنَّهُ لَمِشَلٌّ عَوْنٌ [thus app., but written in my original without any syll. signs,] meaning Verily he is a writer soundly, or thoroughly, learned; or skilled, intelligent, and experienced; and sufficing. (TA.) A2: Also A garment with which the neck is covered: mentioned by the sheykh Zádeh in his Commentary on El-Beydáwee. (TA.) مُشَلِّلٌ A he-ass much busied by the care of his she-asses. (IAar, O, L, K. [See also مِشَلٌّ.]) مُتَشَلْشِلٌ: see شَلْشَلٌ: b2: and see also شُلْشُلٌ.
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