1 زَحَمَهُ, (
aor. ـَ
inf. n. زَحْمٌ (
K) and زَحْمَةٌ (
Msb) and زِحَامٌ, with kesr; (
K; [but see what here follows, and see also زَحْمَةٌ below;] and ↓ زاحمهُ, (
inf. n. مُزَاحَمَةٌ (
TA) and زِحَامٌ; (
i. q. ضَايَقَهُ [i. e. He straitened him, meaning, in this instance, by pressure; and properly, being in like manner straitened by him]: (
K in explanation of زَحَمَهُ, and
TA in explanation of زاحمهُ:) or
i. q. دَفَعَهُ [he pushed him, or repelled him]; generally meaning [he pushed against him] in a strait, or narrow, [or crowded,] place: (
Msb in explanation of زَحَمَهُ, and
app. in explanation of زاحمهُ also:) [or
i. q. دَافَعَهُ, which often signifies the same as دَفَعَهُ; but more properly, he pushed him, &c., being pushed, &c., by him: for] زَحَمَنِىَ النَّاسُ means دَافَعُونِى [i. e. The people pushed against me; or pushed me, &c., being pushed, &c., by me;] in a strait, or narrow, [or crowded,] place: (
Mgh:) [or pressed, crowded, or thronged, me:] and مُزَاحَمَةٌ is
syn. with مُدَافَعَةٌ: (
TA in art. دفع:) ↓ اِزْدَحَمَهُ in the place of زَحَمَهُ is a mistake. (
Mgh.) One says, زَحَمَ القَوْمُ بَعْضُهُمْ بَعْضًا The people straitened one another;
syn. تَضَايَقُوا; [or pressed, crowded, or thronged, one another;] in a sitting-place, or place of assembly: (
Msb:) as also ↓ ازدحموا, (
K, *
TA,) in whatever place it be; (
Msb;) and ↓ تزاحموا. (
K, *
TA.) One may also use the
pass. form of زَحَمَ, i. e. زُحِمَ [meaning He was straitened, by pressure; &c.]; and that of زَاحَمَ, i. e. ↓ زُوحِمَ [meaning the same]. (
A2: ↓ زَحِمَ زُحْمَةً He gobbled a gobbet, or morsel, or mouthful: so in the “ Nawádir; ” as also زَهِمَهَا. (
TA.) 3: see above, in two places.
b2: [Hence,] one says, زَاحَمَ عَلَى الرِّئَاسَةِ وَأَرَادَهَا (assumed
tropical:) [He strove for headship, or command, and desired it]. (
TA in art. رأس.) [And hence the
prov. زَاحِم بِعَوْدٍ أَوْ دَعْ: see art. عود.]
b3: [Hence, likewise,] زاحمهُ also signifies (assumed
tropical:) He treated him, or behaved towards him, with roughness, rudeness, hardness, harshness, or ill-nature. (
TA. [I find this explanation noted down by me as taken from the
TA, but without any reference to the art. from which I obtained it. It is not in the present art.])
b4: زاحم الخَمْسِينَ He (a man,
TA) approached, (
TA,) and reached, or attained, (
TA,) the [age of] fifty [years]; (
TA;) as also زَاهَمَهَا. (
TA.) 6 تَزَاْحَمَ see 1, and 8.
b2: تزاحمت الأَمْوَاجُ and ↓ ازدحمت The waves dashed against each other. (
TA.) See a verse cited below,
voce زَحْمٌ.
8 إِزْتَحَمَ see 1, in two places; and see also an
ex. in a verse cited below,
voce زَحْمٌ. One says also, ازدحموا عَلَى كَذَا and عَلَيْهِ ↓ تزاحموا [They pushed, pressed, crowded, or thronged, together, upon, or against, such a thing]. (
b2: Hence, by way of
metaphor, ازدحم الغُرَمَآءُ (
tropical:) [The creditors were, or became, numerous and pressing]. (
b3: See also 6.
زَحْمٌ [originally an
inf. n.,]
i. q. قَوْمٌ مُزْدَحِمُونَ [A party, or company of men, straitening one another by pressure; pushing, pressing, crowding, or thronging, one another; i. e. a press, crowd, or throng]. (
K, *
TA.) A poet says, ↓ جَآءَ بِزَحْمٍ مَعَ زَحْمٍ فَازْدَحَمْ المَوْجِ إِذَا المَوْجُ الْتَطَمْ ↓ تَزَاحُمَ [He brought a crowd with a crowd, and they pressed, one against another, like the dashing together of the waves when the waves beat one another]: he uses [here] an
inf. n. not conformable to the verb. (
TA.) زُحْمٌ, with damm, a name of Mekkeh: (
K, *
TA:) so says
Th: but
ISd says that the name commonly known is رُحْم [or أُمُّ رُحْمٍ or أُمُّ الرُّحْمِ]: (
TA:) or it is أُمُّ الزُّحْمِ [probably, I think, a mistranscription for أُمُّ الرُّحْمِ]. (
TA.) زَحْمَةٌ [an
inf. n. of زَحَمَهُ
accord. to the
i. q. ↓ زِحَامٌ [likewise an
inf. n. of زَحَمَهُ
accord. to the
K, and of زَاحَمَهُ
accord. to the
Msb: both signify A straitening, pushing, pressing, crowding, or thronging]. (
b2: زَحْمَةُ الوِلَادَةِ The moaning, or hard breathing, (زَحْرَة,) with which the child comes forth; as also زَجْمَة and زَكْمَة. (
K in the present art. and in art. زجم.) زُحْمَةٌ A gobbet, morsel, or mouthful. (
TA.) See 1, last sentence.
زِحَامٌ: see زَحْمَةٌ.
i. q. كَثِيرُ الزِّحَامِ or شَدِيدُهُ [i. e. One who straitens, pushes, presses, crowds, or throngs, much or vehemently]. (
K.) Hence, مَنْكِبٌ مِزْحَمٌ [A shoulder that pushes vehemently]. (
TA.) هُوَ سَيِّدُ قَوْمِهِ غَيْرُ مُزَاحَمٍ
i. q. غَيْرُ مُدَافَعٍ, (
K in art. دفع,
q. v.) مُزَاحِمٌ, (
TA,) or أَبُو مُزَاحِمٍ, (
TA,) or اِبْنُ مُزَاحِمٍ, (
TA,) The elephant: (
K:) and a bull having horns: so in the
T, on the authority of
IAar: (
TA:) or a bull having the horns broken. (
b2: مُزَاحِمٌ is also the name of A certain horse. (
K, *