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89397. زجى1 89398. زَجَى 1 89399. زُجَيّ1 89400. زجي2 89401. زُجَيْجٌ1 89402. زح289403. زحّ1 89404. زَحَّ 1 89405. زَحَّاف1 89406. زحاف1 89407. زَحَّافة1 89408. زَحام1 89409. زحب5 89410. زَحَبَ1 89411. زحح7 89412. زحر13 89413. زَحَرَ 1 89414. زحزب2 89415. زحزح8 89416. زَحْزَحَ1 89417. زحزحه1 89418. زحط2 89419. زحف21 89420. زَحَفَ2 89421. زَحَفَ على1 89422. زَحَفَ 1 89423. زحقف1 89424. زحقل2 89425. زَحْكٌ1 89426. زَحَكَ1 89427. زحك6 89428. زَحَلَ2 89429. زحل14 89430. زَحَلَ 1 89431. زحلط5 89432. زحلف8 89433. زحلق8 89434. زِحْلِقٌ1 89435. زحلقه1 89436. زحلك3 89437. زحله1 89438. زحم13 89439. زَحْم1 89440. زَحَمَ 1 89441. زَحْمَرَ1 89442. زحمر1 89443. زَحْمَرْتُ1 89444. زحمك2 89445. زحمه1 89446. زَحَمَهُ1 89447. زَحَنَ1 89448. زحن6 89449. زَحَنَ 1 89450. زحنقف2 89451. زَحَّه1 89452. زحه1 89453. زحوله2 89454. زُحَيْرِية1 89455. زُحَيْفٌ1 89456. زَحِيفة1 89457. زخ3 89458. زَخَّ1 89459. زُخٌّ1 89460. زخّ1 89461. زَخْ1 89462. زَخَّ 1 89463. زخا2 89464. زخاراي1 89465. زخاري1 89466. زَخَّامَة1 89467. زخب3 89468. زَخْبَرٌ1 89469. زخبر1 89470. زَخَّة1 89471. زَخّةُ1 89472. زخخ9 89473. زخَخَ1 89474. زَخَخَ1 89475. زخر14 89476. زَخَرَ2 89477. زخَر1 89478. زَخَرَ 1 89479. زخرب2 89480. زِخْرِطُ1 89481. زخَرط1 89482. زخرط3 89483. زُخْرُفُ1 89484. زخَرف1 89485. زخرف12 89486. زَخْرَفَ1 89487. زخرفه1 89488. زَخْزَبَ1 89489. زخزب2 89490. زَخَفَ1 89491. زخَف1 89492. زخف6 89493. زَخلب1 89494. زخلب1 89495. زخَلط1 89496. زخلط1 Prev. 100


الزَّحُّ: جَذْبُ الشَّيْءِ في عَجَلَةٍ، زَحَّه يَزُحُّه زَحّاً. والزَّحْزَحَةُ: التَّنْحِيَةُ عن الشَّيْءِ. والزّحْزَاح: البَعِيدُ.


1 زَحَّهُ, (S, L, K,) aor. ـُ (S, L,) inf. n. زَحٌّ; (L;) and ↓ زَحْزَحَهُ; (L;) He removed him, or it, from his, or its, place: (S, L, K:) and he pushed, or thrust, away, him, or it: (L, K:) or the latter, he removed him, or it, far away; placed, or put, him, or it, at a distance, far away, or far off: (S, A, Mgh, L, Msb:) and the former signifies also he drew, dragged, or pulled, away, him, or it, in haste. (L, K.) You say, ↓ زَحْزَحَهُ عَنْهُ He removed him, or it, far away; (S, K;) or pushed, or thrust, away; and removed; him, or it; (TA;) from it; (S, K;) i. e. from his, or its, place. (TA.) It is said in the Kur [iii. 182], عَنِ النَّارِ وَأُدْخِلَ الجَنَّةَ فَقَدْ فَازَ ↓ فَمَنْ زُحْزِحَ, i. e. [And he] who shall be removed [from the fire of Hell], or removed far away [therefrom, and made to enter Paradise, shall attain good fortune]. (TA.) R. Q. 1 زَحْزَحَ: see above, in three places: A2: and see also the paragraph here following. R. Q. 2 تَزَحْزَحَ He, or it, removed, or became removed; (S, A, Mgh, Msb;) and (Mgh, Msb) removed, or became removed, far away: (Mgh, Msb, K:) and accord. to Es-Semeen, ↓ زَحْزَحَ is likewise used in an intrans. sense, as well as a trans.; but MF says that its use in an intrans. sense is strange. (TA.) You say, دَخَلْتُ عَلَى

فُلَانٍ فَتَزَحْزَحَ لِى عَنْ مَجْلِسِهِ, i. e. [I went in to such a one, and] he removed [for me from his sitting-place]. (Mgh, Msb. *) زَحْزَحٌ Distance: so in the saying, هُوَ بِزَحْزَحٍ مِنْهُ [He, or it, is at a distance from him, or it]. (S, K.) Az says that, accord. to some, this is a reduplicative word from زَاحَ, aor. ـِ meaning تَأَخَّرَ; and some hold it to be from الزَّوْحُ meaning “ the driving vehemently,” as also الذَّوْحُ. (TA.) زَحْزَاحٌ Distant; remote. (K.) مُتَزَحْزَحٌ A place to which one removes, or may remove, [in an absolute sense, as is implied in the A, or] far away. (Ham p. 655.) One says, مَالِى

عَنْهُ مُتَزَحْزَحٌ [There is not for me any place to which to remove from him, or it]. (A.)
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