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88090. رُمَيْكي1 88091. رميل1 88092. رُمَيْلَةُ1 88093. رُمَيْلِيّ1 88094. رَمِيم1 88095. رن588096. رنّ1 88097. رَنَّ 1 88098. رنء1 88099. رنأ5 88100. رَنَأَ1 88101. رَنَا1 88102. رنا4 88103. رَنَّاتي1 88104. رِنَاد1 88105. رَنَّادا1 88106. رَنَّادي1 88107. رُنَانُ1 88108. رنب12 88109. رَنَبَ 1 88110. رنبر1 88111. رَنْبُويَه1 88112. رَنّةُ1 88113. رنج12 88114. رَنْجانُ1 88115. رنجح1 88116. رنجن1 88117. رَنْجِير1 88118. رنح14 88119. رَنَحَ1 88120. رَنَحَ 1 88121. رنخَ1 88122. رَنَخَ1 88123. رنخ6 88124. رَنَخَ 1 88125. رنخه1 88126. رَنْدٌ1 88127. رند12 88128. رَنَدَ 1 88129. رَنْدَا1 88130. رنداوي1 88131. رُنْدَةُ1 88132. رُنْدَة1 88133. رَنْدة1 88134. رَنْدَج1 88135. رندج1 88136. رَنْدَوَرْد1 88137. رَنْدِي1 88138. رنز8 88139. رنس2 88140. رنش1 88141. رنع6 88142. رَنَعَ1 88143. رَنَعَ 1 88144. رَنْعة1 88145. رَنَفَ1 88146. رَنْف1 88147. رنف11 88148. رَنَفَ 1 88149. رَنَقَ2 88150. رنق15 88151. رَنَقَ 1 88152. رنك3 88153. رنم16 88154. رَنَمَ1 88155. رَنَمَ 1 88156. رنن11 88157. رَنَنَ1 88158. رَنَن1 88159. رننت1 88160. رنو8 88161. رَنْوة1 88162. رَنُومٌ1 88163. رَنُون1 88164. رِنوه1 88165. رنى1 88166. رَنَى 1 88167. رُنَيْبة1 88168. رَنْيَة1 88169. رَنْيَةُ1 88170. رَنِيعي1 88171. رَنْيَق1 88172. رنين1 88173. ره1 88174. رَهَّ 1 88175. رهء1 88176. رهأ2 88177. رَهَأَ 1 88178. رها7 88179. رَهَا1 88180. رِهَاب1 88181. رَهَاب1 88182. رَهَابِنَة1 88183. رُهاطٌ1 88184. رِهَام1 88185. رُهَام1 88186. رِهان1 88187. رُهاوَةُ1 88188. رَهايف1 88189. رهب18 Prev. 100


رنينا صَوت وَصَاح وَإِلَيْهِ أصغى
(رن) (اختبار رن) (فِي الطِّبّ الباطني) اختبار التوصيل العظمي بشوكة رنانة (مج)
رن: الرَّنَّةُ: الصَّيْحَةُ الحَزِيْنَةُ، يُقال: عُوْدٌ ذُوْ رَنَّةٍ. والرَّنِيْنُ: الصِّيَاحُ عِنْدَ البُكَاءِ.
والإِرْنَانُ: الصَّوْتُ الشَّدِيْدُ كإرْنَانِ الحِمَارِ. وأرَنَّتِ القَوْسُ في إنْبَاضِها، والنِّسَاءُ في نِيَاحَتِها. وسَحَابَةٌ مِرْنَانَةٌ.
وأرَنَّ فلانٌ لكذا: أصْغَى إليه.
والرُّنَنُ: دُوَيْبَّةٌ تَكُونُ في الماءِ تَصِيْحُ أيّامَ الصَّيْفِ.
ويُقال لجُمَادى الأُوْلى: رُنّى، وجَمْعُه رُنَنٌ.
باب الراء والنّون ر ن مستعمل فقط

رن: الرَّنّةُ: الصَّيْحةُ الحَزِينةُ، يُقالُ: عُودٌ ذو رنّةٍ. والرَّنينُ: الصِّياحُ عند البُكاء. والإِرْنانُ: الصَّوْتُ الشَّديد، يُقال: أَرَنَّ الحِمارُ في نَهيقِهِ، وأَرَنَّتِ القَوْسُ في أنباضِها، وأَرَنَّتِ النِّساء في مناحتهن، والشاء في نِتاجها، وسَحابةٌ مِرنانٌ، أي: مُصَوِّتة، قال العجّاجُ يَصِفُ قَوْساً:

تُرِنُّ إرْنانا إذا ما أَنْضِبا ... إرْنانَ مَحْزُون إذا تَحَوَّبا

أراد: أُنْبِضَ فقَلَب.


1 رَنَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. رَنِينٌ; and ↓ ارنّ; (Msb, K;) It (a thing) emitted a sound: (Msb:) or he cried aloud; (K;) or رَنَّتْ, aor. and inf. n. as above; and ↓ ارنّت; she cried aloud, said of a woman: (S:) or رَنَّ and ↓ ارنّ signify he raised his voice in weeping: (Ham p. 11:) or رَنِينٌ signifies the crying aloud in weeping; (Lth, T;) or the uttering a plaintive, or mournful, voice or sound or cry: (M:) and ↓ إِرْنَانٌ, [inf. n. of ارنّ,] the uttering a loud, or vehement, sound or cry; (Lth, T, M;) or the uttering of the sound of reiterating the breath with weeping: (IAar, T:) or رَنِينٌ and ↓ إِرْنَانٌ signify the crying out loudly, or vehemently; and the uttering a plaintive, or mournful, voice or sound or cry, in singing, or in weeping: (M:) you say of a woman, رَنَّتْ, inf. n. as above; and ↓ ارنّت; (T, M;) and ↓ رنّنت, inf. n. تَرْنِينٌ and تَرْنِيَةٌ [which is properly inf. n. of رَنَّتْ as belonging to art. رنو]; all meaning she cried out loudly, or vehemently; and she uttered a plaintive, or mournful, voice or sound or cry, in singing or in weeping: (M:) and النِّسَآءُ ↓ أَرَنَّتِ فِى نِيَا حَتِهِنَّ [the women cried loudly, or vehemently, in their wailing]. (T.) See also 4.

A2: رَنَّ إِلَيْهِ, and ↓ ارنّ, He gave ear, hearkened, or listened, to him, or it. (K.) 2 رَنَّنْتُ القَوْسَ, inf. n. تَرْنِينٌ, [I twanged the bow;] I made the bow to produce a sound [by pulling the string and letting it go suddenly]. (S.) A2: See also 1.4 ارنّ, inf. n. إِرْنَانٌ: see 1, in seven places.

أَرَنَّتْ is said of a woman in her wailing [as expl. above]; and of a pigeon (حَمَامَة) in its cooing [app. as meaning It uttered plaintive sounds]; (M;) and of a bow (قَوْس), (T, S, M, Msb, TA,) on the occasion of its string's being pulled and let go, (T,) accord. to the K ↓ رَنَّتْ, but this is a mistake, (TA,) meaning it [twanged, or] produced a sound, (S, M, Msb,) accord. to AHn, above what is termed حَنِينٌ; (M;) and of a cloud (سَحَابَة) in its thundering [app. as meaning it resounded]. (M.) And ارنّ is also said of an ass in his braying; (T, M;) and of water in its murmuring, or gurgling, or running vehemently. (M.) A2: ارنّ فُلَانٌ لِكَذَا Such a one was cheered, or delighted, and pleased, or was diverted, by reason of such a thing; as also أَرَمَّ لَهُ, and رَنَا له, and استرنى. (T.) A3: ارنّ إِلَيْهِ: see 1, last sentence.

رَنَّهٌ A sound, voice, or cry, (IAar, T, S, K,) [in an absolute sense, or] in joy or sorrow: (IAar, T:) or a plaintive, or mournful, cry; whence one says عُودٌ ذُو رَنَّةٍ [a lute having a plaintive sound]: (Lth, T:) [or a moaning:] or a cry; (Msb;) or a loud cry: (M, Msb: *) and also a plaintive, or mournful, voice or sound or cry, in singing, or in weeping: (M:) pl. رَنَّاتٌ. (IAar, T.) رَنَنٌ A certain thing that utters a cry [or sound]

يَصِيحُ [in one of my copies of the S يَطِيحُ]) in the water, (S, K,) or in still water, (so in one copy of the S,) in the صَيْف [i. e. spring or summer], (S,) or in winter. (K.) A poet says, وَلَمْ يَصْدَحْ لَهُ الرَّنَنُ [And the رنن did not raise its voice at him, or it]. (S.) b2: Also A small quantity of water. (TA.) رَنِينٌ inf. n. of 1. (T, S, M, &c.) b2: [Accord. to Golius, El-Meydánee explains it also as meaning A woman afflicted and oppressed by misfortune; and Golius adds, as though moaning, or lamenting.]

الرُّنَّى Mankind, or all created beings. (AA, T, K.) One says, مَا فِى الرُّنَّى مِثْلُهُ [There is not among mankind, or all created beings, the like of him]. (AA, T.) A2: Also, (AA, T,) or رُنَّى, without ال, (K,) The month Jumádà: (AA, T:) or a name of Jumádà-l-Ákhireh; (K;) and so رُنَةُ, [said to be from رُونَةٌ, (see art. رون,) though app. belonging to art. رنو, being] without teshdeed: pl. رُنَنٌ: Aboo-' Amr Ez-Záhid disallowed رُبَّى, and pronounced it to be a mistranscription: but accord. to Ktr and IAmb and Abu-t-Teiyib 'AbdEl-Wáhid and Abu-l-Kásim Ez-Zejjájee, it is رُبَّى

only; because in it were known the results of their wars; from رُبَّى applied to a ewe or she-goat: and الحَنِينُ was a name of Jumádà-l-Oolà: see also art. رب, in which is said what somewhat differs from the statement here. (TA.) رُنَّآءٌ, like رُمَّانٌ, with teshdeed, accord. to Th, i. q. طَرَبٌ: (TA:) or so رُنَآءٌ, without teshdeed, (M, TA,) accord. to A 'Obeyd: the latter is mentioned in its proper place [in art. رنو, q. v.]. (TA.) أَرْوَنَانٌ, an epithet applied to a day, meaning Vehement in respect of anything, is of the measure أَفْوَعَالٌ, from الرَّنِينُ, accord. to IAar; but accord. to Sb, of the measure أَفْعَلَالٌ, from رُونَةٌ, meaning “ hardness,” and “ grievousness,” of a thing, or an affair, or event: it is mentioned in art. رون. (M.) مُرِنَّةٌ is applied as an epithet to birds [app. as meaning Uttering plaintive sounds]: (S:) and, as also ↓ مِرْنَانٌ, as an epithet to a bow [as meaning twanging], and so to a cloud (سَحَابَة) [app. as meaning resounding with thunder]: (M:) and each is applied to a bow [itself]; (S, K;) and the latter, to a cloud [itself]; as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant [so as to imply, app., the meaning of resounding with thunder, or because it is hoped that it will resound with thunder, or because it often does so]. (M.) مِرْنَانٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
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