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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1268. درك18 1269. درن16 1270. دره12 1271. درهره2 1272. درهم11 1273. درى101274. دس4 1275. دست7 1276. دستبند1 1277. دستور3 1278. دسر17 1279. دسع13 1280. دسكر8 1281. دسم19 1282. دشت7 1283. دع4 1284. دعب16 1285. دعج13 1286. دعر16 1287. دعك10 1288. دعم16 1289. دعمص9 1290. دعو9 1291. دعى2 1292. دغر15 1293. دغص11 1294. دغفل7 1295. دغل16 1296. دغم15 1297. دف3 1298. دفأ12 1299. دفتر9 1300. دفر14 1301. دفع17 1302. دفق17 1303. دفل11 1304. دفن14 1305. دفو5 1306. دق6 1307. دقر12 1308. دقع14 1309. دقل16 1310. دك4 1311. دكن15 1312. دل4 1313. دلب13 1314. دلج16 1315. دلس14 1316. دلص9 1317. دلع12 1318. دلف15 1319. دلق17 1320. دلقم4 1321. دلك20 1322. دلم15 1323. دلمص4 1324. دله12 1325. دلهم8 1326. دلو13 1327. دلى3 1328. دم7 1329. دمث16 1330. دمج15 1331. دمر18 1332. دمع14 1333. دمغ19 1334. دمل17 1335. دملج13 1336. دملص3 1337. دملق7 1338. دملك8 1339. دمن15 1340. دن4 1341. دنأ9 1342. دنر13 1343. دنس14 1344. دنف14 1345. دنق16 1346. دنو10 1347. ده6 1348. دهدر4 1349. دهدى2 1350. دهر19 1351. دهش15 1352. دهقن14 1353. دهليز2 1354. دهم18 1355. دهن18 1356. دهو6 1357. دو2 1358. دوأ12 1359. دوج9 1360. دوح15 1361. دوخ13 1362. دود15 1363. دور19 1364. دوس18 1365. دوف14 1366. دوك12 1367. دول16 Prev. 100




ى1 دَرَى الشَّىْءَ He knew the thing; syn. عَلِمَهُ; (M;) [and so دَرَى بِالشَّىْءِ; for] you say, دَرَيْتُهُ (S, Msb, K) and دَرَيْتُ بِهِ, (S, K,) aor. ـْ (Msb, K,) inf. n. دَرْىٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and دِرْىٌ (Lh, M, K) and دِرْيَةٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and دَرْيَةٌ, (M, * K,) which last is said by Sb to be not used as an inf. n. of un., but as denoting a state, or condition, (M,) and, accord. to some copies of the S, دُرْيَةٌ, (TA, [so in one of my copies of the S,]) and دِرَايَةٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and دَرَيَانٌ and دِرْيَانٌ (M, K) and دُرِىٌّ, (TS, K,) I knew it; (S, Msb, K;) syn. عَلِمْتُهُ (Msb, K) or عَلِمْتُ بِهِ: (S:) or it has a more special meaning than عَلِمْتُهُ: it is said to signify I knew it after doubting: so says Aboo-'Alee: (TA:) or I knew it by a sort of artifice, or cunning, or skill; (K, TA;) or with painstaking, and artifice or cunning or skill; (Har p. 24;) and therefore دَرَى is not said of God: (TA:) a rájiz says, (S, * TA,) but this is an instance of the rude speech of the Arabs of the desert, (TA,) ↓ لَا هُمَّ لَا أَدْرِى وَأَنْتَ الدَّارِى

[O God, I know not, but Thou art the knowing]: (S, TA: [in Har, p. 24, it is cited as commencing with اَلّٰهُمَّ, and therefore as a prose-saying, ascribed to Mohammad, and as adduced by some to show that الدَّارِى is allowable as an epithet applied to God:]) or, as some relate it, لَا أَدْرِ, (S,) in which the ى is elided in consequence of the frequent usage of the phrase; (S, M;) like the phrases لَمْ أُبَلْ and لَمْ يَكُ; (S;) and like لَا يَأْلُ in the saying أَقْبَلَ بِضَرْبَهٍ لَا يَأْلُ [q. v. in art. الو]. (M.) [The saying لَا دَرَيْتُ وَلَا ائْتَليْتَ or أَلَيْتَ &c. is explained in the latter part of the first paragraph of art. الو.] One says, مَا أَدْرِى أَىُّ النَّاسِ هُوَ [I know not who of mankind he is]. (The Lexicons passim.) And IAar mentions the saying مَا تَدْرِى مَا دِرْيْتُهَا, (M,) or دُرَيْتُهَا, (TA,) as meaning Thou knowest not (مَا تَعْلَمُ [which may also be rendered she knows not]) what is her knowledge. (M, TA.) A2: دَرَى, (T, M, K,) aor. ـْ (T, S,) inf. n. دَرْىٌ, (T, M, K,) He deceived, deluded, beguiled, circumvented, or outwitted, (ISk, T, S, M, K,) a man, (ISk, T,) and an object of the chase; as also ↓ اِدَّرَى and ↓ تدرّى: (T, S, M, K: [ادْراهُ in the CK is a mistake for ادّراهُ:]) he hid, or concealed, himself, and deceived, deluded, &c. (S.) A rájiz says, ↓ كَيْفَ تَرَانِىأَذَّرِى وَأَدَّرِى

غِرَرِى ↓ غِرَّاتِ جُمْلٍ وَتَدَرَّى (T, S, M) i. e. How seest thou me winnowing the dust of the mine and deceiving Juml by looking at her while she is inadvertent, (T, S,) she also deceiving me [by looking at me while I am inadvertent]: تَدَرَّى being for تَتَدَرَّى. (S.) See also 3.

A3: دَرَى رَأْسَهُ, (K,) aor. ـْ inf. n. دَرْىٌ, (TA,) He scratched his head with the مِدْرَى: (K:) or رَأْسَهُ ↓ درّى he combed his head with the مِدْرَى: (M: [see Ham p. 159, line 11: and see also ذَرَّىَ:]) and ↓ تَدَرَّتْ she (a woman, S) loosed and let down, or loosed and separated, or combed, her hair (S, K, TA) with the مِدْرَاة. (TA.) 2 دَرَّىَ see above, last sentence. b2: دَرَّيْتُ تُرَابَ المَعْدِنِ, inf. n. تَدْرِيَةٌ, [I winnowed the dust of the mine to separate its gold: a dial. var. of ذَرَّيْتُ: or perhaps a mistake for the latter.] (Msb.) 3 داراهُ, (T, M, Msb,) inf. n. مُدَارَاةٌ, (T, S, Mgh, Msb,) He treated him with gentleness, or blandishment; soothed, coaxed, wheedled, or cajoled, him: (S, * M, Msb:) or deceived, deluded, beguiled, circumvented, or outwitted, him; or strove, endeavoured, or desired, to do so: (T, Mgh:) مُدَارَاةُ النَّاسِ and مُدَارَأَةُ النَّاسِ both signify المُدَاجَاةُ and المُلَايَنَةُ: (S in the present art.:) and دَارَأْتُهُ and دَارَيْتُهُ both signify I was fearful, or cautious, of him; and treated him with gentleness or blandishment, or soothed him, coaxed him, wheedled him, or cajoled him: (S in art. درأ:) or دَارَأْتُهُ means “ I was fearful, or cautious, of him,” as says Az; or “ of his evil, or mischief: ” and دَارَيْتُ signifies I deceived, deluded, beguiled, circumvented, or outwitted; as also ↓ دَرَيْتُ: (T in art. درأ:) and مُدَارَاةٌ also signifies [the acting with] good nature or disposition; and the holding familiar intercourse with others. (T in the present art.) You say also, داراهُ عَنِ الأَمْرِ, and عَلَيْهِ, He endeavoured to turn him, or entice him, by blandishment, or by deceitful arts, from the thing, and to it; syn. رَاوَدَهُ. (L in art. رود.) b2: And دارى عَنْهُ He defended him; or spoke, or pleaded, or contended, in defence of him; like رَاجَمَ عَنْهُ. (TA in art. رجم.) 4 ادارهُ بِهِ He made him to know, or have knowledge of, it; acquainted him with it. (S, M, Msb, K.) The reading وَلَا أَدْرَأَكُمْ بِهِ, with ء, [in the Kur x. 17,] is incorrect: the proper reading is without ء. (S, M.) A2: ادرى دَرِيَّةً, and ↓ تدرّى, (M, TA,) He took for himself, or prepared, a دريّة. (TA.) [See also تَدَرَّأَ.]5 تَدَرَّىَ see 1, latter part, in two places, A2: and also in the last sentence: A3: and see also 4.

A4: جَيْشٌ يَتَدَرَّى [as though for يَتَدَرَّأُ] An army of which one part presses upon another; like يَتَجَعْبَى. (TA in art. جعب.) 7 اِنْدَرَى for اِنْدَرَأَ is vulgar. (TA in art. درأ.) 8 إِدْتَرَىَ see 1, latter part, in two places. b2: اِدَّرَوْ مَكَانًا means They directed their course to, or towards, a place, making an inroad, or incursion, upon an enemy, and going to fight and plunder: (M, TA:) or as though they did so. (S.) دُرْيَةٌ, accord. to some copies of the S, is an inf. n. of دَرَيْتُهُ meaning عَلِمْتُهُ, like دِرْيَةٌ &c. (TA.) b2: أَتَى هٰذَا الأَمْرُ مِنْ غَيْرِ دُرْيَةٍ means This thing, or event, came without any act, or deed. (T, TA.) دَرِيَّةٌ, without ء, A beast, (As, T, S,) or a camel, (ISk, T,) or a she-camel, or a cow, (M,) by means of which one conceals himself from the objects of the chase, or wild animals, (As, ISk, T, S, M,) so deceiving them, (ISk, T, M,) shooting, or casting, when he is able to do so: (As, ISk, T, S:) or, accord. to Az, it is with ء, [دَرِيْئَةٌ,] because the دريئة is driven (تُدْرَأُ, i. e. تُدْفَعُ,) towards the objects of the chase. (S, M.) b2: Also A wild animal, or wild animals, (وَحْش,) specially of such as are objects of the chase. (M, TA.) b3: And A thing, (K,) or ring, (Ham p. 75,) by aiming at which one learns to pierce or thrust [with the spear]. (Ham, K.) So in a verse cited voce دَرِيْئَةٌ, in art. درأ. (Ham ubi suprà.) الدَّارِى, as an epithet applied to God: see 1.

مِدْرًى and ↓ مِدْرَاةٌ (T, S, M, K) and ↓ مَدْرِيَةٌ, (T, M, K,) the last with fet-h to the م and with kesr to the ر, (TA, [in the CK, erroneously, مِدْرِيَة,]) An iron instrument with which the head is scratched, called [in Pers\.] سَرْ خَارَهْ; (T;) a thing like a large needle, with which the female hair-dresser adjusts, or puts in order, the locks of a woman's hair; (S;) a thing with which the head is scratched: (W p. 125, in explanation of the first:) or a wooden instrument which a woman puts into her hair: (TA voce مِشْقَأَةٌ, in explanation of the second:) and, (T, S,) as being likened to the iron instrument thus called, (T,) a horn (T, S, M, K) of a [wild] bull [and of a gazelle], (T, S,) with which the female hairdresser sometimes adjusts, or puts in order, the locks of a woman's hair, (S,) or with which one scratches his head: (K:) and, accord. to some copies of the K, a comb: (TA:) the pl. is مَدَارٍ and مَدَارَى, (M, K, TA,) in the latter of which, the alif [written ى] is a substitute for ى [properly so called]. (M, TA.) [Hence,] جَأْبٌ المِدْرَى, or جَابُ المدرى (accord. to different copies of the S, [or جَأْبَةُ المِدْرَى, or جَأْبَةُ المدرى, see arts.

جأب and جوب,]) A gazelle whose horn is thick; which shows it to be young. (S.) A2: [See also مِرْدًى (in art. ردى), last sentence.]

مِدْرَاةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مَدْرِيَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
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