Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1260. درب19 1261. دربان1 1262. درج18 1263. درد13 1264. درز13 1265. درس211266. درع18 1267. درق14 1268. درك18 1269. درن16 1270. دره12 1271. درهره2 1272. درهم11 1273. درى10 1274. دس4 1275. دست7 1276. دستبند1 1277. دستور3 1278. دسر17 1279. دسع13 1280. دسكر8 1281. دسم19 1282. دشت7 1283. دع4 1284. دعب16 1285. دعج13 1286. دعر16 1287. دعك10 1288. دعم16 1289. دعمص9 1290. دعو9 1291. دعى2 1292. دغر15 1293. دغص11 1294. دغفل7 1295. دغل16 1296. دغم15 1297. دف3 1298. دفأ12 1299. دفتر9 1300. دفر14 1301. دفع17 1302. دفق17 1303. دفل11 1304. دفن14 1305. دفو5 1306. دق6 1307. دقر12 1308. دقع14 1309. دقل16 1310. دك4 1311. دكن15 1312. دل4 1313. دلب13 1314. دلج16 1315. دلس14 1316. دلص9 1317. دلع12 1318. دلف15 1319. دلق17 1320. دلقم4 1321. دلك20 1322. دلم15 1323. دلمص4 1324. دله12 1325. دلهم8 1326. دلو13 1327. دلى3 1328. دم7 1329. دمث16 1330. دمج15 1331. دمر18 1332. دمع14 1333. دمغ19 1334. دمل17 1335. دملج13 1336. دملص3 1337. دملق7 1338. دملك8 1339. دمن15 1340. دن4 1341. دنأ9 1342. دنر13 1343. دنس14 1344. دنف14 1345. دنق16 1346. دنو10 1347. ده6 1348. دهدر4 1349. دهدى2 1350. دهر19 1351. دهش15 1352. دهقن14 1353. دهليز2 1354. دهم18 1355. دهن18 1356. دهو6 1357. دو2 1358. دوأ12 1359. دوج9 Prev. 100




1 دَرَسَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. دُرُوسٌ, It (a trace, or mark, or what is termed رَسْمٌ, S, A, K, and a house, A, or a thing, M) became effaced, erased, rased, or obliterated; (S, M, A, K;) as also ↓ اندرس, (K, TA,) said of what is termed رسم: (TA:) or it (the trace, or mark, of a house; or what remained, cleaving to the ground, marking the place of a house;) became covered with sand and dust blown over it by the wind: (TA in art. دثر:) or it (an abode, or a place of sojourning,) became effaced, erased, rased, or obliterated, and its traces, or remains, became concealed, or unseen: (Msb:) and دَرُسَ signifies the same as دَرَسَ in the first of the senses explained above, but in an intensive manner. (M.) b2: [Hence الآيَاتُ ↓ دَارَسَتِ as explained near the end of this paragraph.] b3: Hence, also, (AHeyth,) دَرَسَ الثَّوْبِ, (AHeyth, S, A, K,) inf. n. دَرْسٌ, (S, TA,) (tropical:) The garment, or piece of cloth, became old and worn out. (AHeyth, S, A, K.) b4: And دَرَسَ الكِتَابُ (assumed tropical:) The writing, or book, became old. (Msb.) b5: [Hence, also,] دَرَسَتْ, (S, M, A, K,) aor. ـُ (M,) inf. n. دُرُوسٌ (S, M, K) and دَرْسٌ, (M, K,) (tropical:) She (a woman, S, M, A, K, or, accord. to Lh, a girl, M) menstruated. (S, M, A, K.) A2: دَرَسَتْهُ الرِّيحُ, (S, M, K,) or الرِّيَاحُ, (A,) [aor. ـُ inf. n. دَرْسٌ, (A, TA,) The wind, (S, M, K,) or winds, (A,) effaced, erased, rased, or obliterated, it, (S, M, A, K,) by repeatedly passing over it; (A;) namely, a trace, or mark, [of a house &c.,] or what is termed رَسْمٌ; (S, K;) and [erased, or rased,] a house; (A;) or a thing: (M:) and دَرَسَهُ القَوْمُ The people effaced, erased, rased, or obliterated, it. (M.) b2: Hence, (AHeyth,) دَرَسَ الثَّوْبَ, (AHeyth, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. دَرْسٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) He rendered the garment, or piece of cloth, old and worn-out. (AHeyth, K.) b3: دَرَسَ الطَّعَامَ, (M,) or الحِنْطَةَ, (S, A, Msb, K,) وَنَحْوَهَا, (Msb,) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. دَرْسٌ (M, K) and دِرَاسٌ, (S, A, Msb, K,) (tropical:) He trod, or thrashed, the wheat, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) and the like: (Msb:) [because he who does so passes repeatedly over it:] of the dial. of El-Yemen: (M, TA:) or دِرَاسٌ in the sense here indicated is of the dial. of Syria. (TA.) b4: دَرَسَ المَرْأَةَ, (A,) or الجَارِيَةَ, (K,) (tropical:) He compressed the woman, (A,) or the girl. (K.) b5: دَرَسَ النَّاقَةَ, (M, A,) aor. ـُ inf. n. دَرْسٌ, (M,) (tropical:) He broke, or trained, the she-camel: (M, A:) [and so, app., ↓ دَارَسَهَا; for it is said that] the primary signification of مُدَارَسَةٌ is the breaking, or training, or disciplining, [a beast;] and returning time after time (تَعَهُّدٌ) to a thing. (TA.) You say also, بَعِيرٌ لَمْ يُدْرَسُ, meaning (tropical:) A camel that has not been ridden. (S, TA.) b6: Hence, (M,) [or from دَرَسَتْهُ الرِّيحُ, or from دَرَسَ الثَّوْبَ,] دَرَسَ الكِتَابَ, (S, M, A, K,) aor. ـِ (M, K) and دَرِسَ, (K,) inf. n. دَرْسٌ and دِرَاسَةٌ (S, M, K) and دَرَاسَةٌ and دِرَاسٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) He read the book; (M, K;) as though he opposed it until it became easy for him to remember it: (M:) or he read it repeatedly, [or studied it,] in order to remember it: (A:) or he made it easy to remember, by much reading: (TA:) or he read and learned it: (Bd in vi. 105:) and ↓ دَارَسَهُ, inf. n. مُدَارَسَةٌ and دِرَاسٌ, signifies the same: (M:) and so ↓ دَرَسَّهُ, and ↓ أَدْرَسَهُ: (K:) or the former of the last two has an intensive signification: the latter of them is mentioned by IJ: (TA:) [but accord. to the M, it is said by IJ that both of these are doubly trans., and have a different signification, which is also indicated in the A as that of the former of them: see 2:] الكُتُبَ ↓ دَارَسَتْ, and ↓ تَدَارَسْتُهَا, and ↓ اِدَّارَسْتُهَا, signify the same as دَرَسْتُهَا [I read the books, or read them repeatedly, &c.]: (S, TA:) and القُرْآنَ ↓ تَدَارَسَ signifies He read the Kur-án, and returned to it time after time, in order that he might not forget it. (TA.) Yousay also, دَرَسْتُ العِلْمَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. دَرْسٌ and دِرَاسَةٌ, (tropical:) I read science. (Msb.) It is said in the Kur [vi. 105], accord. to different reading, وَلِيَقُولُوا دَرَسْتَ, and ↓ دَارَسْتَ, (tropical:) [And to the end that they may say, Thou hast read, &c.:] but some say that the former means Thou hast read the books of the people of the Scriptures: and the latter, Thou hast consulted, or conferred, with them; expl. by ذَاكَرْتُهُمْ: (M:) or the former means Thou hast learned: (Abu-l-'Abbás:) and the latter, Thou hast read, or studied, under the Jews as thy teachers, and they have read, or studied, under thee as their teacher: (I'Ab, Mujáhid, K:) and another reading is ↓ دَارَسَ; i. e. دَارَسَ النَّبِىُّ اليَهُودَ [he prophet hath read, or studied, with the Jews] : and another, ↓ دَارَسَتْ, which may be rendered in two ways: The Jews have read, or studied, or consulted, or conferred, with (دَارَسَتْ) Mohammad: and The signs (آيَات) have vied in length of time [or antiquity] with those of other scriptures so that every one of them has for the most part become obliterated: (TA:) and another reading is دَرَسَتْ; and another, دَرُسَتْ; both meaning, They (these stories, or histories,) have become obliterated: (M:) or they are things which have long since passed: (Abu-l-' Abbás:) but the latter of these two verbs has a more intensive signification: and it is also said to signify They have been dissipated. (M.) [You also say, دَرَسَ عَلَيْهِ (tropical:) He read, or studied, under him as his teacher; like قَرَأَ عَلَيْهِ.]2 دَرَّسَ غَيْرَهُ (tropical:) [He made another to read, or to read repeatedly, or to study, in order to remember; or to read and learn: he taught him to read, &c.: he lectured him]. (A.) And دَرَّسْتُهُ الكِتَابَ and إِيَّاهُ ↓ أَدْرَسْتُهُ (tropical:) [I made him, or taught him, to read the book, or to read it repeatedly, or to study it, or to read and learn it]. (IJ, M.) b2: See also دَرَسَ الكِتَابَ.3 دَارَسَتِ الآيَاتُ: see 1.

A2: دارس النَّاقَةَ: see 1. b2: دارس غَيْرَهُ (tropical:) [He read, or studied, with another, each of them teaching the other]. (A.) and دَارَسْتُهُ الكِتَابَ, inf. n. مُدَارَسَةٌ, (tropical:) [I read, or read repeatedly, or studied, or read and learned, with him the book, each of us teaching the other]. (A.) And دَارَسَهُمْ (assumed tropical:) He called to mind with them a subject of discourse, &c.; or he conferred with them; syn. ذَاكَرَهُمْ. (M.) See also 1, latter half, in five places.4 أَدْرَسَ see 2: b2: and see دَرَسَ الكِتَابَ.5 تَدَرَّسْتُ أَدْرَاسًا وَتَشَمَّلْتُ شِمَالًا (tropical:) [app., I clad myself in old and worn-out garments, and wrapped myself in shemlehs]. (A, TA.) 6 تَدَارَسُوا الكِتَابَ حَتَّى حَفِظُوهُ (tropical:) [They read the book, or read it repeatedly, or studied it, or read and learned it, together, teaching one another, until they retained it in memory]. (A.) b2: تَدَارَسْتُ الكُتُبَ, and اِدَّارَسْتُهَا, and تَدَارَسَ القُرْآنَ: see دَرَسَ الكِتَابَ.7 إِنْدَرَسَ see 1, first signification.

دَرْسٌ A road, or way, that is unapparent; (S, K;) as though the traces thereof had become effaced. (TA.) b2: See also دِرْسٌ.

A2: [A lecture: pl دُرُوسٌ.]

دِرْسٌ The relic, trace, or mark, of a thing that becomes effaced, erased, rased, or obliterated. (M.) b2: (tropical:) An old and worn-out garment, or piece of cloth; (S, M, A, K;) [app. an epithet used as a subst.;] as also ↓ دَرْسٌ (M) and ↓ دَرِيسٌ; (S, M, A, K;) ↓ which last also signifies an old and worn-out carpet; (A;) ↓ and as an epithet, signifying old and worn-out, is applied to a coat of mail, (M, TA,) and to a sword, and to a مِغْفَر [&c.]: (TA:) pl. [of the first] أَدْرَاسٌ, (M, K,) [a pl. of pauc.,] and [of the same or of either of the others] دِرْسَانٌ. (S, M, K.) b3: [Hence, or, as IF says, from الحَيْض,] أَبُو أَدْرَاسٍ [in some copies of the K أُمُّ أَدْرَاسٍ] (tropical:) The pudendum muliebre. (S, O, K.) دُرْسَةٌ (assumed tropical:) Training, or discipline. (K.) دَرِيسٌ: see دِرْسٌ, in three places. b2: [Also Dry بِرْسِيم, or Alexandrian trefoil.]

رَبْعٌ دَارِسٌ [A house of which the remains are becoming effaced, erased, rased, or obliterated: or i. q. رَبْعٌ مَدْرُوسٌ]. (A.) b2: اِمْرَأَةٌ دَارِسٌ, (M, K,) or, accord. to Lh, جَارِيَةٌ دَارِسٌ, (M,) (tropical:) A woman, (M, K,) or girl, (Lh, K,) menstruating: (Lh, M, K:) pl. دُرَّسٌ and دَوَارِسُ. (M.) أَبُو إِدْرِيسَ (tropical:) The penis. (A, K.) تَدْرِيسٌ [inf. n. of 2, q. v.]

A2: [Also (assumed tropical:) A conventional term or signification used by the مُدَرِّسُون, or lecturers, tutors, or professors, of colleges]. (Mgh, in arts. حنف and دين, &c.) مِدْرَسٌ (assumed tropical:) A book, or writing: (K, TA: but omitted in some copies of the former:) [also, accord. to Golius, a commentary by which any one is taught; Heber.

מִדְרשׁ.] b2: See also the next paragraph.

مَدْرَسَةٌ (tropical:) A place of reading, or study; (Msb;) in which persons read, or study; (TA;) [a college, a collegiate mosque; an academy;] as also ↓ مِدْرَسٌ (TA) and ↓ مِدْرَاسٌ; (M, K;) the measure of which last, [as well as that of the next preceding word,] as that of a n. of place, is strange: (ISd, TA:) whence the ↓ مِدْرَاس of the Jews; (K;) their house in which is repeatedly read the Book of the Law revealed to Moses: (A:) or their house in which the Book of God is read, or read repeatedly: (TA:) or their synagogue: (Msb:) the pl. of مدرسة is مَدَارِسُ; (TA;) and that of مدارس is مَدَارِيسُ. (Msb.) b2: مَدْرَسَةُ النَّعَمِ (tropical:) The road or track (طَرِيق) [of camels, or of camels and sheep or goats]. (A, TA.) مُدَرَّسٌ (tropical:) A bed made plain, even, smooth, or easy to lie upon. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) A man tried and proved, or tried and strengthened, by use, practice, or experience; expert, or experienced. (A, TS, K.) مُدَرِّسٌ (tropical:) A man who reads much and repeatedly. (K, TA.) b2: Hence, the مُدَرِّس of مَدْرَسَة (tropical:) [i. e. The lecturer, tutor, or professor, of a college, a collegiate mosque, or an academy: from which it is not to be understood that there is but one such person to every college; for generally one college has several مُدَرِّسُون]. (TA.) مِدْرَاسٌ: see مَدْرَسَةٌ, in two places. b2: Also (tropical:) One who reads, or reads repeatedly, or studies, the books of the Jews: the measure of the word implies intensiveness. (TA.) رَبْعٌ مَدْرُوسٌ [A house of which the remains are effaced, erased, rased, or obliterated: see also دَارِسٌ]. (A.) b2: طَرِيقٌ مَدْرُوسٌ (tropical:) A road much beaten by passengers, so as to be made easy by them. (A, TA.) مُدَارِسٌ (tropical:) One who reads, or studies, with another; syn. مُقَارِئٌ: (K:) or one who has read books. (K.)
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