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51436. املاح1 51437. املاس1 51438. املح1 51439. امم1 51440. امن2 51441. امه351442. اموبوه1 51443. امُونيل1 51444. اميت1 51445. اميتا1 51446. اميري1 51447. ان2 51448. ان پيرنج آي1 51449. انآد1 51450. انأطر1 51451. انا1 51452. انالي1 51453. انّالي1 51454. انب2 51455. انباج1 51456. انباز1 51457. انباش1 51458. انباص1 51459. انباع2 51460. انباق1 51461. انباك1 51462. انبت1 51463. انبتر1 51464. انبتك1 51465. انبتل1 51466. انبث1 51467. انبثق1 51468. انْبَثَقَ عن1 51469. انبج1 51470. انبجس2 51471. انبخقت1 51472. انبرى1 51473. انبزخ1 51474. انبزل1 51475. انبس1 51476. انْبسَاط1 51477. انْبَسَط1 51478. انبسط1 51479. انبضع1 51480. انبطح1 51481. انْبَعَثَ1 51482. انْبَعَث عن1 51483. انبعج1 51484. انبعق1 51485. انبغى1 51486. انبقر1 51487. انبلق1 51488. انبنى1 51489. انْبَنَى1 51490. انبه1 51491. اِنْبِهَاج1 51492. انبهر1 51493. انْبَهَمَ1 51494. انبولس1 51495. انبوه1 51496. انت1 51497. انتأش1 51498. انتأى1 51499. انتا1 51500. انتابه1 51501. انتاش1 51502. انتاصب1 51503. انتاط1 51504. انتاطت1 51505. انتاق1 51506. انتباه1 51507. انتبث1 51508. انتبذ1 51509. انتبر1 51510. انتبش1 51511. انتبط1 51512. انتبل1 51513. انتبه1 51514. انْتَبَه إلى1 51515. انتتر1 51516. انتتف1 51517. انتتق1 51518. انتتل1 51519. انْتَتَمَ1 51520. انتثر1 51521. انتثله1 51522. انتجب1 51523. انتجث1 51524. انتجخ1 51525. انتجع1 51526. انتجف1 51527. انتجل1 51528. انتجم1 51529. انتجى1 51530. انتحاء السَّنن، واقتفاء السُّنن...1 51531. انتحب1 51532. انتحت1 51533. انتحر1 51534. انتحس1 51535. انتحض1 Prev. 100


امه الأميهة جدري الغنم، أمهت تؤمه أمها وأميهة؛ فهي مأموهة ومؤمهة. والأمه النسيان، وقرئ " وادكر بعد أمهٍ ". وأمه الرجل أقر.
[امه] نه فيه: من امتحن في حد أي عوقب ليقر فأمه أي أقر ثم تبرأ فليس عليه عقوبة أي إقراره باطل. غ: الامه النسيان. ط: لا تضرب طعينتك كضرب "أميتك" بضم همزة وفتح ميم وشدة تحتية: مصغر امة، والظعينة المرأة.


1 أَمِهَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. أَمَهٌ, He forgot. (S, K.) Hence the reading of I'Ab, [in the Kur xii. 45,] وَادَّكَرَ بَعْدَ أَمَهٍ [And he remembered, or became reminded, after forgetting]. (S.) AHeyth is said to have read بَعْدَ أَمْهٍ; and accord. to AO, أَمْهٌ signifies نِسْيَانٌ [like أَمَهٌ]; but this is not correct. (Az, TA.) b2: He confessed, or acknowledged: (S, K:) occurring in this sense in a trad. of Ez-Zuhree; but not well known. (S.) The reading of I'Ab, mentioned above, بَعْدَ أَمَهٍ, is explained by A'Obeyd as meaning after confessing, or acknowledging. (TA.) 5 تأمّه أُمَّا He adopted a mother; (M, K;) as also تَأَمَّمَهَا. (M in art. ام.) أُمَّهَةٌ i. q. أُمٌّ [A mother of a human being and of any animal]: (M, K:) the former is [said by some to be] the original of the latter: (S:) Aboo-Bekr says that the ه in the former is a radical letter: (TA:) or the former applies to a rational creature; and the latter, to [ a rational and] an irrational: (K:) or, accord. to Az, the pl. of the former applies to the rational; and that of the latter, to the irrational: (TA:) the former sing. sometimes applies to an irrational creature: (IJ, TA:) [for some further remarks on both of these words and their pls., see the latter of them:] the pl. [of the former] is أُمَّهَاتٌ and [that of the latter is] أُمَّاتٌ: (T, S:) Az says that the امو is added in the former for the purpose of distinguishing between the daughters of Adam [to whom it is generally applied] and other animate beings. (TA.) أَمَتْ1 آمَتْ, (S, * M, K, [in the CK, erroneously, آمَتْ,]) second Pers\. أَمَوْتِ; (S;) and أَمِيَتْ, (M, K,) like سَمِعَتْ; (K;) and أَمُوَتْ, (Lh, M, K,) like كَرُمَتٌ; (K;) inf. n. أُمُوَّةٌ; (S, M, K;) She (a woman) became a slave; (S, * M, K;) as also ↓ تَأَمَّتْ. (Msb.) A2: أَمَتِ السِّنَّوْرُ, aor. ـْ inf. n. أُمَآءٌ, The cat [mewed, or] uttered a cry; (S, K;) like مَآءَ تْ, aor. ـُ inf. n. مُوَآءٌ. (S.) 2 أَمَّاهَا, (M, K,) inf. n. تَأْمِيَةٌ, (K,) He made her a slave. (M, K.) 5 تَأَمَّتُ: see 1.

A2: تأمّى أَمَةً He took for himself a female slave; (S, M, Msb, K;) as also ↓ اِسْتَأْمَاهَا. (S, K.) 8 هُوَيَأْتَمِى بِهِ He follows his (another person's) example; imitates him; i. q. يَأْتَمُّ بِهِ (TA in the present art.) And ائتمى بِالشَّىْءِ [ written with the disjunctive alif اِيتَمَى] is used for ائتَمَّ بِهِ [He made the thing to be a rule of life or conduct], by substitution [of ى for م], (M and K in art. ام,) the doubling [of the م] being disapproved. (M in that art.) 10 إِسْتَاْ^َََ see 5.

أَمَةٌ, originally اموة, (Msb,) [but whether أَمَوَةٌ or أَمْوَةٌ is disputed, as will be seen in what follows,] A female slave; (M, K;) a woman whose condition is that of slavery; (T;) contr. of حُرَّةٌ: (S:) [in relation to God, best rendered a handmaid:] dual أَمَتَانِ: (Msb:) pl. آمٍ, (Lth, T, S, M, Msb, K, &c.,) like قِاضٍ, (Msb,) a pl. of pauc. [respecting which see what follows after the other pls.], (Lth, T,) and إِمَآءٌ [the most common form] (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K) and إِمْوَانٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K) and أُمْوَانٌ (K, and so in some copies of the M) and أَمْوَانٌ (K, and so in some copies of the M) [the last, or last but one, accord. to different copies of the M, on the authority of Lh,] and أَمَوَاتٌ, (M, Msb, K,) for which one may say أَمَاتٌ. (Ibn-Keysán, TA.) Accord. to Sb (M) and Mbr (TA) it is originally أَمَوَةٌ, (S, M, K,) because it has for a pl. آمٍ, (S, M,) which is [originally أَأْمُوٌ,] of the measure أَفْعُلٌ, (Lth, T, S,) like آكُمٌ, pl. of أَكَمَةٌ, (Sb, M,) and like أَيْنُقٌ, [pl. of نَاقةٌ, which is originally نَوَقةٌ,] for a sing. of the measure فَعْلَةٌ has not a pl. of this form; (S;) and Mbr says that there is no noun of two letters but a letter has been dropped from it, which it indicates by its pl. or dual, or by a verb if it is derived therefrom: (TA:) or it is originally فَعْلَةٌ: (AHeyth, T, K:) AHeyth says that they suppressed its final radical letter, and, forming a pl. from it after the manner of نَخْلَةٌ and نَخْلٌ, instead of saying أَمٌ, which they disliked as being of only two letters, they transposed the suppressed و, changing it into ا, and placing it between the ا and م. (T: [in which this opinion, though it does not account for the termination of the pl. آمٍ, is said to be preferable.]) One says, جَآءَ تْنِىً أَمَةُ اللّٰهِ [The handmaid of God came to me]: and in the dual, جَآءَ تْنِى أمَتَا اللّٰهِ: and in the pl., جَآءَ نِى إِمَآءُ اللّٰهِ and إِمْوَانُ اللّٰهِ and أَمَوَاتُ اللّٰهِ; and one may also say, أَمَاتُ اللّٰه. (Ibn-Keysán, TA.) [ISd says,] وَمَاهُ اللّٰهُ مِنْ كُلِّ

أَمَةٍ بحَجَرٍ is mentioned by IAar as said in imprecating evil on a man; but I think it is من كلّ

أَمْتِ [May God cast a stone at him from every elevated place, or the like]. (M.) أَمَوِىُّ Of, or relating or belonging to, a female slave. (S.) أُمَيَّةٌ dim. of أَمَةٌ; (S, Msb;) originally أُمَيْوَةٌ. (Msb.)
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