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10270. اضمحل2 10271. اط1 10272. اطا1 10273. اطاف1 10274. اطباه1 10275. اطر210276. اطراح1 10277. اطِّراد1 10278. اطربال1 10279. اطرجل1 10280. اطرَحهُ1 10281. اطْرَخَم1 10282. اطرد1 10283. اطْرَغَشَّ1 10284. اطْرَغَشَّ 1 10285. اطْرَغَمَّ1 10286. اطرف1 10287. اطْرِيفُل واطريفال1 10288. اطط1 10289. اطعمت1 10290. اطعنا1 10291. اطفح1 10292. اطفر1 10293. اطل1 10294. اطلبه1 10295. اطلع1 10296. اطَّلَعَ1 10297. اطلق1 10298. اطلمس1 10299. اطْلَنْسَى1 10300. اطْلَنْسى1 10301. اطلى1 10302. اطم2 10303. اطْمَأَن1 10304. اطْمَأَنَّ لـ1 10305. اطْمَحَرَّ1 10306. اطْمَخَرَّ1 10307. اطْمَخَر1 10308. اطمر1 10309. اطمل1 10310. اطناب1 10311. اطنى1 10312. اطهر1 10313. اطوى1 10314. اطيط1 10315. اظأرت1 10316. اظفر1 10317. اظلم1 10318. اظنه1 10319. اعْ1 10320. اع1 10321. اعاراطس1 10322. اعانة1 10323. اعْتَادَ على1 10324. اعتاده1 10325. اعتاص1 10326. اعتاض1 10327. اعتاطت1 10328. اعتاف1 10329. اعتاقه1 10330. اعتام1 10331. اعتان1 10332. اعتبأ1 10333. اعتبار2 10334. اعْتِبَاطِيَّة1 10335. اعتبده1 10336. اعْتبر1 10337. اعْتَبَر1 10338. اعتبط1 10339. اعتتب1 10340. اعتثم1 10341. اعتثه1 10342. اعتجر1 10343. اعتجن1 10344. اعْتد1 10345. اعْتَدَّ بنفسه1 10346. اعتدل1 10347. اعْتَدُوا1 10348. اعْتدى1 10349. اعتذار2 10350. اعتذب1 10351. اعتذر1 10352. اعْتَذَر عن1 10353. اعْتَذَر عن الحضور1 10354. اعْتَذَر لـ1 10355. اعتذل1 10356. اعتر1 10357. اعتراض1 10358. اعتراض الكلام1 10359. اعتراه1 10360. اعترش1 10361. اعترص1 10362. اعْترض1 10363. اعْترف1 10364. اعترق1 10365. اعتركوا1 10366. اعترم1 10367. اعتز1 10368. اعتزال1 10369. اعتزل1 Prev. 100


[اطر] فيه: حتى تأخذوا على يدي الظالم و"تأطروه" على الحق "أطرا" أي تعطفوه عليه. ط: أي لا تنجون من العذاب حتى تميلوه من جانب إلى جانب من أطرت القوس أطرها بكسر طاء أطراً بسكونها إذا حنيتها أي تمنعوه من الظلم وتميلوه عن الباطل إلى الحق وتقصروه أي تحبسوه عليه. قوله فضرب الله قلوب بعضهم ببعض أي خلط. غ ومنه: "إطار" القوس والظفر. نه ومنه في آدم: أنه كان طوالاً "فأطر" الله منه أي ثناه وقصره ونقص من طوله. ومنه: "فأطره" إلى الأرض أي عطفه. وفيه: "فأطرتها" بين نسائي أي شققتها وقسمتها بينهن، وقيل: هو من طار له في القسمة كذا أي وقع في حصته فهو من "الطاء". وفيه: يقص الشارب حتى يبدو "الإطار" يعني حرف الشفة الأعلى وكل شيء أحاط بشيء فهو إطار له. ومنه في شعر علي: إنما كان له "إطار" أي شعر محيط برأسه ووسطه أصلع.


1 أَطَرَهُ, aor. ـِ (S, Msb, K) and اَطُرَ, (K,) inf. n. أَطْرٌ; (S, Msb, K;) and ↓أطّرهُ inf. n. تَأْطِيرٌ; (K;) He bent it, or curved it; (S, Msb, K, &c.;) namely, a bow, (S, A,) and a twig, or the like: (A:) he laid hold upon one of its two extremities, and curved it: he bent it, or curved it; namely, anything; عَلَى شَّىْءٍ upon a thing: and the latter verb, [or both,] he bent it into the form of a hoop, bringing its two extremities together. (TA.) b2: It is said of Adam, اللّٰهُ ↓كَانَ طُوَالًا فَأَطَّرَهُ He was tall, and God bent him, and diminished his height. (TA.) b3: And one says, أَخَذَ عَلَى

يَدَىِ الظَّالِمِ وَأَطَرَهُ عَلَى الحَقِّ (tropical:) [He laid hold upon the two hands, or arms, of the wrongdoer, or prevented, restrained, or withheld, him from doing that which he desired,] and bent him to [conformity with] what was right. (AA, from a trad.) And أَطَرْتَ فُلَانًا عَلَى مَوَدَّتِكَ (tropical:) [Thou hast bent such a one to love thee]. (A.) b4: أَطَرَ السَّهْمَ (S, K,) aor. ـِ and اَطُرَ, (K,) inf. n. as above, (S, K,) He wound an أُطْرَة upon the arrow. (S, K.) b5: أَطَرَ البَيْتَ, (TK,) inf. n. as above, (K,) He made an إِطَار, which is a thing resembling a zone or belt, to the tent or house. (K, TK.) 2 اَطَّرَ see 1, in two places.

A2: أَطَّرَتْ, inf. n. تَأْطِيرٌ She (a girl, IAar) remained in the house, or tent, of her father, some time, or long, (IAar, K,) without marrying. (IAar.) [See also 5.]5 تأطّر It (a spear) bent: (S, K:) it (a thing) became crooked, curved, or bent; as also ↓ انأطر: (K, TA:) it became bent into the form of a hoop, its two extremities being brought together. (TA.) b2: تَأَطَّرَتْ She affected a bending of her person, body, or limbs, in her gait. (A.) A2: He confined himself (K, TA) in a place. (TA.) b2: تَأَطَّرَتْ She (a woman) remained, or stayed, in her house, or tent; (S, K;) she kept to it. (TA.) [See also 2.]7 إِنْاَطَرَ see 5.

أَطْرٌ The place of curvature (مُنْحَنَى) of a bow, and of a cloud: (K, TA:) an inf. n. used as a subst., and, being so used, admitting the dual form: or the bent, or curved, part of the extremity of a bow; to which Tarafeh likens the curving of the ribs of a she-camel: (TA:) and what resembles a curvature, seen in the clouds: an inf. n. in the sense of a pass. part. n. (Skr, TA.) أُطْرَةٌ The sinew that is wound immediately above the notch of an arrow; (S, K;) as also ↓ إِطَارٌ. (K.) b2: The edge of the glans of the penis; (K, * TA;) as also ↓ the latter word. (K, TA.) b3: The flesh surrounding the nail: (K:) pl.أُطَرٌ and إِطَارٌ. (TA.) b4: A mixture of ashes and blood with which a fracture in a cooking-pot is smeared (S, K) and repaired. (TA.) إِطَارٌ Anything that surrounds another thing: (S, A, Msb, K:) as the hoop of a tambourine, (A, Mgh, TA,) and of a sieve. (S, A, Mgh, K.) b2: A ring of hair surrounding the head, the middle of it being bald. (TA.) b3: b4: The branches of a vine, bent, or wreathed, so as to form a covering over-head. (K.) b5: See also أُطْرَةٌ, in two places. b6: إِطَارُ الحَافِرِ The part of the hoof of a horse or the like which surrounds, or extends around, the أَشْعَر [q.v.]. (S.) b7: إِطَارُ الشَّفَةِ (S, K, &c.) (tropical:) The part, (A,) or flesh, (Msb,) surrounding the lip: (A, Msb:) or the part that separates between the lip and the hairs of the mustache: (K:) or the edge of the upper lip, between the lip itself and the parts where the hair grows: (IAth:) or the rising edge, or ridge, between the part where the mustache is clipped and the lip, intermixing with the mouth. (A'Obeyd.) The Muslim should clip his mustache so that this part shall appear. (Msb, TA.) b8: إِطَارُ بَيْتٍ A thing resembling a zone, or belt, of a tent or house. (K.) b9: إِطَارِ مِنَ النَّاسِ (tropical:) A ring, or circle, of men. (K.) One says, هُمْ إِطَارٌ لِبَنِى فُلَانٍ (tropical:) They have alighted and taken up their abode [so that they form a ring] around the sons of such a one. (A, Msb.) أَطِيرٌ A sin; a crime; an offence. (S, K.) One says, أَخَذَنِى بِأَطِيرِ غَيْرِى He punished me for the sin, crime, or offence, of another than myself. (S.) مَأْطُورَةٌ A bow. (A.) b2: A milking-vessel of skin (عُلْبَةٌ) for the head of which a twig is bent into the form of a hoop, and put round, after which its lip is covered; (K, TA;) or, sometimes, the edges of the skin of the علبة are folded upon the hoop-formed twig, and dry upon it. (TA.)
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