Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 غَزُرَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. غَزَارَهٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and غَزْرٌ (Mgh, L, Msb, K) and غُزْرٌ, (L, K,) or غَزْرٌ is a simple subst., (S, L, TA,) It (a thing, S, K, or water, Mgh, Msb) was, or became, much, abundant, or copious. (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) b2: غَزُرَتْ She (a camel, S, Msb, or a beast, K) bad much milk; abounded in milk, became abundant in milk; (S, Msb, K:) عَنِ الكَلَأ from the (??) (TA;) or عَلَيْهِ [by feeding] upon it; (K;) as also ↓ أَغْزَرَتْ: (IKtt:) and it (a well, and a spring,) abounded in water; and it (an eye) abounded in tears. (K.) 2 تَغْزِيرٌ signifies The omitting a milking between two milkings, when the milk of the camel is backward. (S, K, TA,) A similar meaning is mentioned in art. غرز: see 2 in that art (TA.) 3 غازرهُ, inf. n. مُغَازَرَةٌ, He gave him a small and mean thing in order that he might give him in return twice as much: he sought to obtain from him more than he gave. (I Aar, TA: but only the inf. n. is mentioned.) 4 أَغْزَرَ see 1.

A2: أَغْزَرَ اللّٰهُ مَالَهُ [God caused his camels, or sheep, or goats, to have much milk]. (TA.) b2: اغزر المَعْرُوفَ He made the beneficence to be abundant. (K.) A3: اغزر القَوْمُ The people's camels, (S, K,) and their sheep or goats, (TA,) became abundant in milk. (S, K, TA.) b2: and The people became in the state of having much rain. (IKtt.) غَزْرٌ [Abundance in milk: or abundance of milk: of camels &c.:] a subst. from غَزُرَتِ النَّاقَةُ; pl. غُزْرٌ; like as جُونٌ is pl. of جَوْنٌ, and حُشْرٌ of حَشْرٌ. (S.) A2: Also A vessel made of [the coarse grass called] حَلْفَآء and of palm-leaves: (IDrd, K:) a well-known Arabic word. (IDrd, TA.) غُزْرَى [as though fem. of أَغْزَرُ] is applied to a she-camel by Honeyf-El-Hanátim [as meaning Surpassingly abundant in milk]. (IAar in TA in art. بهى.) غُزْرَانٌ mentioned by Freytag as an epithet applied to camels, meaning Abounding in milk, on the authority of the K, is a mistake; it is mentioned in the K only as the name of a place.]

غَزِيرٌ, and the fem. غَزِيرَةٌ, Much; abundant; copious: (S, Msb, K:) applied to water, (Msb,) and rain, (K,) and beneficence, (S,) and knowledge, (TA,) and anything. (S, K.) b2: A she-camel, (S, Msb, K,) and a sheep or goat or other beast, (TA,) having much milk; abounding in milk: (S, Msb, K:) a well, and a spring, (K,) and a subterranean channel for water, (Msb,) abounding in water: (Msb, K:) and an eye abounding in tears: (K:) pl. غِزَارٌ. (S, Msb.) قَوْمٌ مُغْزَرٌ لَهُمْ, in the pass. form, A people having abundance of milk; whose camels abound in milk. (K.) مَغْزَرَةٌ, (as written in the L, [and so agreeably with analogy, as meaning A cause of abounding in milk; similar to مَبْخَلَةٌ and مَجْبَنَةٌ &c.;]) or مُغْزِرَةٌ, (accord. to the K,) a thing [from the feeding of a beast] upon which the milk becomes abundant. (L, K.) b2: And, (K, TA,) hence, (TA,) A certain plant, the leaves of which are like those of the حُرْف [q. v.], (K, TA,) dust-coloured, and small, and which has a red blossom, like that of the pomegranate: (TA:) it pleases the cows (K, TA) much, (TA,) and they become abundant in milk [by feeding] upon it: (K, TA:) it is of the [season called] رَبِيع; and is mentioned by AHn, who says that all cattle pasture upon it. (TA.) مِغْزَارٌ [Abounding much in milk; applied to a she-camel &c.]. (The Lexicons passim.) أَرْضٌ مَغْزُورَةٌ Land upon which much rain has fallen. (K.) مُغَازِرٌ and ↓ مُسْتَغْزِرٌ One who gives a thing in order that he may obtain in return more than he gives. (K.) One of the Tábi'ees says الجَانِبُ يُثَابُ مِنْ هِبَتِهِ ↓ المُسْتَغْزِرُ The stranger who seeks to obtain more than he gives shall be rewarded for his gift: meaning, when the stranger, who is not related to thee, gives thee a thing, he seeks to obtain more than it; so do thou requite him for his gift, and exceed it to him. (TA.) مُسْتَغْزِرٌ: see مُغَازِرٌ, in two places.



1 دَرِبَ بِهِ, (T, * S, M, A, Msb, * K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. دَرَبٌ (T, M, Msb, K) and دُرْبَةٌ, (S, * M, A, K,) or the latter is a simple subst.; (Msb;) and ↓ تدرّب, (M, A, Msb, * K,) and دَرْدَبَ [which is generally regarded as a quadriliteralradical word (see art. دردب)]; (S, K;) He was, or became, accustomed, or habituated, to it; attached, addicted, given, or devoted, to it; (T, S, M, Msb, K;) and bold to do it, or undertake it: (Msb:) or he knew it, had knowledge of it, or was knowing in it. (A, TA.) And دَرِبَ عَلَى

الصَّيْدِ He (a hawk) was, or became, accustomed, or habituated, or trained, to the chase; and bold to practise it. (A.) 2 درّبهُ بِهِ (M, Msb, * K) and عَلَيْهِ and فِيهِ, (M, K,) inf. n. تَدْرِيبٌ, (K,) He accustomed, or habituated, him to it; made him to become attached, addicted, given, or devoted, to it. (M, Msb, * K.) And درّب, (M,) or درّب عَلَى الصَّيْدِ, (T, S, A, * K, *) inf. n. as above, (K,) He accustomed, or habituated, or trained, (T, S, M, A, K, *) a hawk, (T, S, A,) or an eagle, (K,) or a bird or beast of prey, (M,) to the chase; (T, S, M, A, K; *) and made it bold to practise it. (A.) And دَرَّبَتْهُ الشَّدَائِدُ Difficulties, or hardships, exercised him so as to render him strong to endure them, and habituated, or inured, to them. (Lh, T, S.) A2: And دَرَّبَ, (IAar, T,) inf. n. as above, (IAar, T, K,) He was, or became, patient in war in the time of flight. (IAar, T, K.) 4 ادرب القَوْمُ The people, or party, entered a land of the enemy pertaining to the territory of the رُوم [or people of the Greek Empire]. (S.) أَدْرَبْنَا occurs in a trad. as meaning We entered the دَرْب [q. v.]. (TA.) A2: ادرب He beat a drum; (IAar, T, TA;) as also دَرْدَبَ and دَبْدَبَ. (TA.) 5 تدرّب quasi-pass. of 2: (Msb:) see 1.

دَرْبٌ is not a word of Arabic origin: (Msb:) الدَّرْبٌ is [the Arabic name of the ancient Derbe, near the Cilician Gates, which were the chief mountain-pass, from the direction of the countries occupied by the Arabs, into the territory of the Greek Empire: these “ Gates ” are mentioned by El-Idreesee as fortified, and guarded by troops who watched the persons going and coming:] a well-known place in الرُّوم [or the territory of the Greek Empire], mentioned by Imra-el-Keys, [as El-Idreesee also says,] in the words, بَكَى صَاحِبِى لَمَّا رَأَى الدَّرْبَ حَوْلَهُ [My companion wept when he saw the درب around him; knowing himself to be in the power of the Greeks]. (MF, TA.) [Hence,] Any place of entrance, (Kh, T, M, A, Mgh [in my copy of which it is written دَرَب in all its senses], K,) or a narrow pass, (Mgh,) to [the territory of]

الرُّوم: (Kh, T, M, A, Mgh, K:) or such as is not open at both ends: such as is open at both ends being called ↓ دَرَبٌ: (K:) or a place of entrance between two mountains: (Msb:) or a narrow pass in mountains: and hence it has another meaning well known: (S:) [i. e.] the gate of a سِكَّة [here meaning street: misunderstood by Golius, who has consequently explained دَرْبٌ as having, for one of its meaning, “porta ingressusve palmeti ”]; used in this sense by the Arabs because it [i. e. the درب properly so called] is like a gate, or entrance, to that whereto it leads: (Msb:) or the gate of a wide سِكَّة: (T:) or a wide gate of a سِكَّة; and the largest gate; (M, K;) both of which explanations mean the same: (M:) and also a wide سِكَّة itself: so in the phrase, زُقَاقٌ أَوْ دَرْبٌ غَيْرُ نَافِذٍ [a narrow street or a wide street not being a thoroughfare]: (Mgh: [in my copy of which, دَرَبٌ is put for دَرْبٌ:]) [but in the present day, and as used by El-Makreezee and others, a by-street, whether wide or narrow, branching off from a great street, or passing through a حَارَة (or quarter), open, or having a gate, at each end:] pl. دُرُوبٌ (Kh, T, M, Mgh, TA) and دِرَابٌ. (Sb, K. [The former pl., the only one commonly known, is not mentioned in the K.]) b2: Also A place in which dates are put to dry. (M, K.) دَرَبٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

دَرِبٌ [part. n. of دَرِبَ]. You say, هُوَ دَرِبٌ بِهِ [He is accustomed, or habituated, to it; attached, addicted, given, or devoted, to it; and bold to do it, or undertake it: and] he knows it, has knowledge of it, or is knowing in it. (A, TA.) and some use ↓ دَارِبٌ as part. n. of دَرِبَ: (Msb:) it signifies Skilful in his handicraft: (IAar, T, Msb:) and with ة, intelligent: (IAar, T, K:) and skilful in her handicraft: (K:) and [hence] a female drummer. (IAar, T, K.) And عُقَابٌ

↓ دَارِبٌ (M) or عُقَابٌ دَارِبٌ عَلَى الصَّيْدِ (K) meansدَرِبَةٌ (K) or دَرِبَةٌ بِالصَّيْدِ (M) [An eagle accustomed, or habituated, or trained, to the chase; and bold to practise it].

دُرْبَةٌ Custom, or habit; (IAar, T, S, M, A, K;) or habituation; (T, Msb;) and boldness to engage in, or undertake, war, and any affair: (IAar, T, S, A, * Msb, * K:) and ↓ دُرَّابَةٌ, (M, TA,) with teshdeed, (TA,) on the authority of IAar, (M, TA,) but written in the K ↓ دُرَابَة, (TA,) signifies the same. (M, K, TA.) One says, مَا زِلْتُ

أَعْفُو عَنْ فُلَانٍ حَتَّى اتَّخَذَهَا دُرْبَةً [I ceased not to forgive such a one until he took it as a habit]. (T, * S.) دَرَبُوتٌ (Lh, M, K [in the CK دَرَبُوبٌ]) and ↓ دَرُوبٌ, (K,) the former like تَرَبُوتٌ, in which the [initial] ت is [said to be] a substitute for د, (Lh, M,) A he-camel, (M, K,) or such as is termed بَكْرٌ, (Lh, M,) and a she-camel, (Lh, M, K,) submissive, or tractable, (M, K,) or rendered submissive or tractable: and a she-camel that will follow a person if he takes hold of her lip or her eyelash. (Lh, M, K. [But I read بِهُدْبِ عَيْنِهَا, as in the explanation of تَرَبُوتٌ in the TA, instead of نَهَزْتَ عَيْنَهَا in the M and CK in this art., and نَهَزَتْ عَيْنُهَا in my MS. copy of the K. See also تَرَبُوتٌ.]) دَرُوبٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

دُرَابَةٌ and دُرَّابَةٌ: see دُرْبَةٌ.

دَارِبٌ: see دَرِبٌ, in two places.

مُدَرَّبٌ A man, (S, M,) or an old man, (T,) tried, or proved, in affairs, and whose qualities have become known; or tried, or proved, and strengthened by experience in affairs; experienced, or expert: or whose qualities have been tried, or proved: syn. مُجَرَّبٌ (T, S, M, A, * K) and مُنَجَّذٌ: (M, K:) and ↓ مُدَرِّبٌ is syn. with مُجَرّبٌ: (S:) or in every word of the measure مُفَعَّلٌ syn. with مُجَرَّبٌ, the medial radical letter may be pronounced with fet-h or with kesr, except مُدَرَّبٌ. (M, K.) b2: And hence, (M,) One afflicted with trials or troubles. (Lh, M, K.) b3: And A camel well trained, and accustomed to be ridden, and to go through the [narrow passes in mountains called] دُرُوبٌ: fem. with ة. (K.) b4: المُدَرَّبٌ The lion. (Sgh, K.) مُدَرِّبٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.



1 فَاتَ الأَمْرُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. فَوْتٌ and فَوَاتٌ, originally signifies فَاتَ وَقْتُ فِعْلِهِ [i. e. The time, or opportunity, of the doing, or performing, of the affair passed, passed away, elapsed, or escaped, neglected by him, without his doing it or performing it]; and hence the phrase فَاتَتِ الصَّلَاةُ, meaning The time of prayer passed, passed away, elapsed, or escaped, without his performing it therein (Msb:) and ↓ افتات is syn. with فَاتَ. (M, O.) [And both of these verbs are trans.:] one says فَاتَهُ الشَّىْءُ, (S, O, Msb,) or الأَمْرُ, (M, K,) aor. as above, (O,) and so the inf. ns.; (S, * M, O, * Msb, K;) and ↓ افتاتهُ: (K;) The thing, (??) affair, passed, or passed away, from him [neglected by him]; (M, K;) [or the time, or opportunity, of the doing, or performing, thereof passed, or passed away from him neglected by him;] or the thing escaped him, [or became beyond his reach,] so that he was unable to attain it, or to do it, or to accomplish it. (Msb.) But this explanation is not applicable except in the case of prayer, and the like: in other cases, فَاتَهُ signifies He, or it, preceded him; was, or became, or got, before him; outwent him; passed beyond him; or had, got, or look, precedence of him: and went, or passed, away from him: and the like. (MF, TA.) One says, فَاتَنِى كَذَا, meaning سَبَقَنِى [i. e. Such a thing preceded me, &c., app. so as to become beyond my reach]: and فُتُّهُ

أَنَا [I preceded it, &c.]: (T:) and جَارَيْتُهُ حَتَّى

فُتُّهُ I ran with him until I passed beyond him, or outwent him: (A, TA:) and فَاتَهُ فُلَانٌ بِذِرَاعٍ

Such a one preceded him, or outwent him, by a cubit. (Msb.) فَلَا فَوْتَ, in the Kur xxxiv. 50, means فَلَا فَوْتَ لَهُمْ مِنًّا [And there shall be for them no escaping from us], i. e. لَا يَفُوتُونَنَا [they shall not escape us]. (Jel. [And Bd says the like; adding, “by flight, or fortifying themselves. ”]) An Arab of the desert is related to have said, الحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ الَّذِى لا يُفَاتُ وَلَا [expl. in art. ليت) (T. And they assert that a man went forth from his family, and when he returned, his wife said to him, “If thou hadst been present with us, we would have related to thee what hath happened; ” whereupon he said to her, لَمْ تُفَاتِى

فَهَاتِى (M, Meyd) i. e. It has not escaped thee [lit. thou hast not been escaped], so adduce what thou hast [to tell]: the saying is a proverb. (Meyd.) b2: See also 5: and see 8, in three places. b3: فَاتَ is also syn. with فَادَ [as signifying He died; in which sense the aor. is يَفُوتُ, and the inf. n. فَوْتٌ]. (A in art. فيد.) And ↓ أفْتِيتَ signifies He died suddenly. (TA in art. فأت, q. v.) 4 افاتهُ الشَّىْءَ, (S, MA,) or الأَمْرَ, (K,) He made the thing, or affair, to pass, or pass away, from him [neglected by him; or he made the time, or opportunity, of the doing, or performing, thereof to pass, or pass away, from him neglected by him; or he made the thing to escape him, or become beyond his reach, so that he was unable to attain it, or to do it, or to accomplish it: see 1, second sentence]. (M, A, K.) 5 تفوّت عَلَيْهِ فِى مَالِهِ means بِهِ ↓ فَاتَهُ, (A 'Obeyd, T, S, M, O, K,) i. e. He acted exclusively of him, (M,) [or passed him over], namely, his father, (A 'Obeyd, T, M, O, *) in respect of his property, (A 'Obeyd, T, &c.,) i. e. his own property, (A 'Obeyd, T,) by giving it away, (A 'Obeyd, T, M, O,) and squandering it, (A 'Obeyd, T, M.) without consulting him, or asking his permission: (O, TA:) occurring in a trad., relating to a case in which the Prophet ordered the father to cause the property to be restored to his son; and informed him that the son had no right to act thus to his father. (A 'Obeyd, T, O. *) b2: See also 8 latter half, in two places: b3: and see the paragraph here following, in two places.6 تفاوت has for its inf. n. تَفَاوُتٌ and تَفَاوَتٌ and تَفَاوِتٌ, (S, M, O, K,) the second and third of which are mentioned by Az; the second is said by ISk (who mentions this and the third, M) to be of the dial. of the Kilábees, and the third is mentioned by El-'Ambaree; both anomalous, for the inf. n. of a verb of the measure تَفَاعَلَ is تَفَاعُلٌ.

[in the copies of the S يتفاعل, and said to be so in J's handwriting,] with damm to the ع except in this instance (S. O:) but Sb said that there is not among inf. ns. an instance of تَفَاعَلٌ nor of تَفَاعِلٌ. (M.) مَا تَرَى فِى خَلْقِ الرَّحْمٰنِ مِنْ تَفَاوُتٍ, (T, M, O, K,) or ↓ تَفَوُّتٍ, (T, O, K.) [the former in the CK and the latter in other copies of the K,] the latter being the reading of Hamzeh and Ks, in the Kur [lxvii. 3], (O,) means Thou seest not in the creation of the Compassionate, (M, O,) i. e. in his creation of the heaven, (M,) any incongruity, or discordance; (T, M, O;) or any fault, defect, or imperfection, so that the beholder might say, “If it were thus, it were better; ” (T, O, K;) thus the latter reading is expl. by Es-Suddee; (T, O, TA;) and Fr says that both readings have one meaning: (T, TA:) you say of a thing ↓ تفوّت and تفاوت. (M.) b2: And one says, تفاوت الشَّيْآنِ The two things were far apart, one from the other; or widely distinct or separated; (S, O, K;) or differed, or were different. (Msb.) And تَفَاوَتَا فِى الفَضْلِ They two were distinct, or dissimilar, in respect of excellence, (Msb,) or فِى الشَّرَفِ [in eminence, or nobility]. (A.) 8 إِفْتَوَتَ see 1, first and second sentences. b2: As, relating the verse of Ibn-Mukbil, يَا حُرَّ أَمْسَيْتُ شَيْخًا قَدْ وَهَى بَصَرِى

وَافْتِيتَ مَا دُونَ يَوْمِ لبَعْثِ مِنْ عُمُرِى

[which may be rendered O ingenuous woman, (حُرَّ being an abbreviation of حُرَّةٌ,) I have become an old man, my sight has become weak, and what is anterior to the day of resurrection, of my life, has been passed, or has run out like water poured forth (فَرِغَ)], says, it is from الفَوْتُ, and الاِفْتِيَاتُ [app. as the inf. n. of the pass. v. افتيت used in this verse] signifies الفَرَاغُ. (T.) b3: See also 1, last sentence. b4: الاِفْتِيَاتُ signifies also The betaking oneself, or applying oneself, before another or others, or hastily, (S, O, Msb,) to a thing, (S, O,) or to the doing of a thing, (Msb,) without obeying him who should be obeyed, (S, O,) or following his own opinion only, without consulting him who had the best right to order in the case: (Mgh, * Msb:) you say, افتات عَلَيْهِ بِأَمْرِ كَذَا i. e. بِهِ ↓ فَاتَهُ [app. meaning He so betook himself, &c., in opposition to him: or فاته به may be here used in the sense in which it is expl. above voce تَفَوَّتَ]. (S, O.) And you say, فُلَانٌ لَا يُفْتَاتُ عَلَيْهِ Such a one, nothing is to be done without his order; (S, O, K; *) and so عليه ↓ لَا يُفَاتُ; (Har p. 63;) or لَا يُفْتَاتُ عَلَيْهِ شَىْءٌ دُونَ أَمْرِهِ [which means the same]. (Msb.) أَمِثْلِى يُفْتَاتُ عَلَيْهِ فِى بَنَاتِهِ, (T, M, O,) or فِى أَمْرِ بَنَاتِهِ, (S, TA,) occurs in a trad., (S, M, Mgh, O, TA,) meaning Shall such a one as I [am] have anything done in respect of his daughters without his order? (Mgh, * TA;) and was said by 'Abd-Er-Rahmán the son of Aboo-Bekr to his sister 'Áïsheh, on the occasion of her having given in marriage his daughter, the elder Hafsah, during his absence, to El-Mundhir the son of Ez-Zubeyr. (T, * O, TA. *) And you say, افتات عَلَيْهِ فِى شَىْءٍ, and بشَىْءٍ ↓ فَاتَهُ, meaning He brought to pass a thing exclusively of him [i. e., of another person, without the latter's having any part therein]. (TA.) And افتات عَلَيْهِ فى كَذَا, and عَلَيْهِ فِيهِ ↓ تفوّت, He followed his own opinion only, exclusively of him [i. e., of another], in the disposal, or management, of such a thing: the verbs being trans. by means of عَلَى because implying the meaning of الثَّغَلُّب. (TA.) and افتات عَلَيْهِ فِى الأَمْرِ, (M, K, * TA,) and ↓ تفوّت عَلَيْهِ فِيهِ, (MA,) He decided against him in the affair. (M, MA, K, * TA.) b5: And افتات بِأَمْرِهِ He effected, or executed, his affair without consulting any one: thus accord. to As, without hemz: (T, TA:) and, as is related on the authority of ISh and ISk, one says, افتأت بأمره, with hemz, meaning he was alone in his affair; and in like manner one says, بِرَأْيِهِ in his opinion. (TA. [See also art. فأت.]) b6: And افتات الكَلَامَ He originated, or excogitated, the speech: (O, K, TA:) and he extemporized the speech; spoke it without consideration, or thought, or preparation, or without pausing, or hesitating; as also اِفْتَلَتَهُ. (TA.) فَوْتٌ an inf. n. of 1. (S, * M, &c.) b2: فَوْتَ فَمِهِ and فَوْتَ رُمْحِهِ and فَوْتَ يَدِهِ [lit. Beyond the reach of his mouth and of his spear and of his hand, or arm (in several copies of the K erroneously written فَوْتُ)] mean where he sees it but will not [be able to] reach it, or attain it. (K, TA.) A man said to another, reviling him, [or rather said of him,] جَعَلَ اللّٰهُ رِزْقَهُ فَوْتَ فَمِهِ i. e. [May God make his sustenance to be beyond the reach of his mouth,] where he shall see it and shall not attain it. (S, O. [And the like is said in the M and A.]) And one says, هُوَ مِنِّى فَوْتَ الرُّمْحِ [He, or it, is] where my spear will not reach him, or it. (S, A, O.) And هُوَ مِنِّى فَوْتَ اليَدِ [He, or it, is] beyond the reach of my hand, or arm: mentioned by Sb among what are peculiarly adverbial expressions. (M.) And أَفْلَتَنَا فُلَانٌ فَوْتَ اليَدِ and فَوْتَ الظُّفْرِ [Such a one escaped from us beyond the reach of a hand, or an arm, and beyond the reach of a finger-nail]. (A. [Golius, as on the authority of the A, has ظُفْرٍ ↓ فُوَيْتَ, which he explains as syn. with فَوْتَ يَدٍ; but it signifies A little beyond the reach of a finger-nail.]) b3: أَسْمَعُ صَوْتًا وَأَرَى فَوْتًا means I hear a sound, or voice, but I see not a deed, or no deed. (TA in art. صوت.) b4: فَوْتٌ signifies also The space between two fingers [when they are extended apart (see بُصْمٌ)]: (S, M, O, K:) pl. أَفْوَاتٌ. (S, M, O.) b5: And you say, ↓ بَيْنَهُمَا فَوْتٌ فَائِتٌ like as you say بَوْنٌ بَائِنٌ [i. e. Between them two (meaning two men) is a wide distance; app. in respect of rank or estimation: the last word being in this case a corroborative, like the latter word in مَوْتٌ مَائِتٌ and لِيْلٌ لَائِلٌ]. (M.) فَوْاتٌ an inf. n. of 1. (S, * M, &c.) b2: [Hence,] مَوْتٌ الفَوَاتِ Sudden death: (S, M, A, O, K:) likewise termed المَوْتُ الفَوَاتُ and المَوْتُ الفُوَاتُ. (IAar, TA.) You say, مَاتَ مَوْتَ الفَوَاتِ He died a sudden death. (S, O.) The Prophet, passing by a leaning wall, quickened his pace; and being asked wherefore he did so, answered, أَخَافُ مَوْتَ الفَوَاتِ [I fear sudden death]. (O.) فُوَيْتٌ One who follows his, or her, own opinion only, (M, O, K,) not consulting any one: (O:) applied alike to a man and to a woman: (M, O, K:) on the authority of Er-Riyáshee: pronounced by Az with hemz. (O.) b2: See also فَوْتٌ [of which it is the dim.]

فَائِتٌ act. part. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (T.) b2: See also فَوْتٌ, last sentence.



1 غَدَرَهُ, (K,) and [more commonly] غَدَرَ بِهِ, aor. ـِ (S, M, IKtt, Msb, K) and غَدُرَ; (M, IKtt, K;) and غَدِرَ, aor. ـَ (Lh, K,) but ISd doubts the correctness of this last; (TA;) inf. n. غَدْرٌ, (S, Msb, K,) of غَدَرَ; (S, Msb, TA;) and غَدَرٌ (TA, and so in the CK in the place of غَدْر,) and غَدَرَانٌ, (K, TA,) which are both of غَدِرَ; (TA;) He acted perfidiously, unfaithfully, faithlessly, or treacherously, to him; (M, K;) he broke his compact, contract, covenant, or the like, with him; (Msb;) he neglected the performance, or fulfilment, of his compact, &c., with him: (S:) غَدْرٌ is the contr. of وَفَآءٌ, (K,) or of وَفَآءٌ بِعَهْدٍ: (M:) or it signifies the being remiss in a thing, and neglecting it. (B.) A2: غَدَرَ, aor. ـِ (T, O, K,) inf. n. غَدْرٌ, (T, O,) He drank the water of the غَدِير [q. v.]: (T, O, K:) and, accord. to the K, غَدِرَ, he drank the water of the sky; but this is a sheer mistake, occasioned by a misunderstanding of a saying in the T; here following: (TA:) Az says that غَدَرَ meaning as expl. above should accord. to analogy be غَدِرَ, like كَرِعَ meaning “ he drank the كَرَع,” i. e. the water of the sky: (O, TA:) moreover, a distinction is strangely made in the K between the water of the غَدِير and the water of the sky. (TA.) A3: غَدَرَتْ وَلَدَهَا, said of a woman, is like دَغَرَتْهُ [q. v.]. (TA.) A4: غَدِرَ, [aor. ـَ inf. n. غَدَرٌ,] He remained, or lagged, behind; as also ↓ تغدّر, accord. to As, who cites the following verse of Imra-el-Keys: عَشِيَّةَ جَاوَزْنَا حَمَاةَ وَسَيْرُنَا

أَخُو الجَهْدِ لَا نَلْوِى عَلَى مِنْ تَغْدَّرَا [In the evening when we passed beyond Hamáh, and our journeying was laborious, we not waiting for such as lagged behind]: but accord. to one relation it is تَعَذَّرَ, which means [the same, or]

“ held back, or withheld himself, for a cause rendering him excused. ” (TA.) You say غَدِرَ عَنْ

أَصْحَابِهِ He remained, or lagged, behind his companions. (TA.) And غَدِرَتِ النَّاقَةُ عَنِ الإِبِلِ, (S, K,) and الشَّاةُ عَنِ الغَنَمِ, (S,) The she-camel remained, or lagged, behind the other camels, (S, K,) not coming up to them, (TA,) and so the sheep, or goat, behind the other sheep, or goats. (S.) And غَدَرَ فُلَانٌ بَعْدَ إِخْوَتِهِ Such a one remained after the death of his brothers. (TA. [But غَدَرَ, here, is app. a mistake for غَدِرَ, unless both forms be allowable.]) A5: غَدِرَ اللَّيْلُ; (K;) or غَدِرَتِ اللَّيْلَةُ, aor. ـَ inf. n. غَدَرٌ; and ↓ أَغْدَرَت; (S;) The night became dark: (K:) or became intensely dark. (S.) A6: غَدِرَتِ الغَنَمُ, (K,) inf. n. غَدَرٌ, (TA,) The sheep, or goats, became satiated in the place of pasture in the first of the growth thereof. (K.) A7: غَدِرَتِ الأَرْضُ The land abounded with غَدَر [q. v.]. (K.) 2 غدّر He cast men, or made them to fall, into what is termed غَدَر [q. v.]; and ↓ اغدر may signify the same. (O.) 3 غادرهُ, inf. n. مُغَادَرَةٌ (S, K) and غِدَارٌ; (K;) and ↓ اغدرهُ; (S, K;) He left him, or it; (S, K;) he left him, or it, remaining. (K.) It is said in the Kur xviii. 47, لَا يُغَادِرُ صَغِيرَةً وَلَا كَبِيرَةً It will not leave, or omit, or it will not fall short of, (TA,) a small sin nor a great sin. (Jel.) And in a trad., يَا لَيْتَنِى غُودِرْتُ مَعَ أَصْحَابِ نُحْصِ الجَبَلِ Would that I had [been left behind, and had] suffered martyrdom with the people of the foot of the mountain of Ohud, who were slain there, and the other martyrs: said by Mohammad. (A 'Obeyd.) [See also a verse of 'Antarah cited voce مُتَرَدَّمٌ; and another, of Kutheiyir, voce عَسْبٌ.] b2: اغدر also signifies He left behind. (TA.) You say النَّاقَةَ ↓ اغدر, and الشَّاةَ, He (the pastor) left the she-camel behind the other camels, and the sheep, or goat, behind the other sheep, or goats. (S.) And لَهُ ذٰلِكَ فِى قَلْبِى مَوَدَّةً

i. e. [Such a one aided me, and that] left remaining [in my heart a love for him]. (Lh, TA.) 4 أَغْدَرَ see 3, in four places: A2: and see also 1: A3: and 2.5 تَغَدَّرَ see غَدِرَ.10 استغدر It (a place) had in it pools of water left by a torrent or torrents. (K.) b2: and اِسْتَغْدَرَتْ هُنَاكَ غُدُرٌ Pools of water left by a torrent or torrents became formed there. (S.) غَدَرٌ; pl. غُدُورٌ: see غُدْرَةٌ, in three places. b2: [Hence,] one says, أَلْقَتِ النَّاقَةُ غَدَرَهَا The she-camel cast forth what her womb had left remaining in it of blood and foul matter [after her bringing forth]. (TA.) And أَلْقَتِ الشَّاةُ غُدُورَهَا The ewe, or she-goat, cast forth the water and blood and other remains in her womb after bringing forth. (TA.) b3: And فِى النَّهْرِ غَدَرٌ In the river, or rivulet, is slime remaining when the water has sunk into the earth. (TA.) A2: غَدَرٌ signifies also A place such as is termed ظَلِف [app. as meaning hard, and that does not show a footmark, or rugged and hard], abounding with stones: (S, O, TA:) or a place abounding with stones, difficult to traverse: (TA:) or any difficult place, through which the beast can hardly, or in nowise, pass: (K:) or soft ground, in which are [trenches, or channels, such as are termed] لَخَاقِيق: (TA:) or burrows, (Lh, S, K, TA,) and banks, or ridges, worn and undermined by water, (Lh, TA,) and uneven لَخَاقِيق in the ground: (Lh, S, K, TA: [and the like is also said in the TA on the authority of As:]) and stones (K, TA) with trees; thus accord. to Az and IKtt: (TA:) and anything that conceals one, and obstructs his sight: pl. أَغْدَارٌ. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] one says, مَا أَثْبَتَ غَدَرَهُ, meaning مَا أَثْبَتَهُ فِى الغَدَرِ [How firm is he in traversing the rugged and hard and stony place! &c.]: this is said of the horse: and also (assumed tropical:) of the man when his tongue is firm in the place of slipping and of contention or litigation: (S, TA:) or, accord. to Lh, it means (assumed tropical:) how firm, or valid, is his argument, or plea, and how seldom does harm in consequence of slipping and stumbling befall him! or, accord. to Ks, how firm is what remains of his intellect or understanding! but ISd says that this explanation did not please him. (TA.) And فَرَسٌ ثَبْتُ الغَدَرِ A horse firm, or steady, in the place of slipping. (Ibn-Buzurj, TA.) And رَجُلٌ ثَبْتُ الغَدَرِ (tropical:) A man firm, or steadfast, in fight, or conflict, (S, K, TA,) or in altercation or disputation, or in speech, (S accord. to different copies,) or and in altercation or disputation, (K, TA,) and in speech; (TA;) and also in everything that he commences. (K, TA.) And accord. to Ibn-Buzurj one says, إِنَّهُ لَثَبْتُ الغَدَرِ, meaning (assumed tropical:) Verily he is strong in talking or discoursing, with men, and in contending, or disputing, with them. (L.) [See also ثَبْتٌ.]

غَدِرٌ [part. n. of غَدِرَ]. b2: See غَادِرٌ, last sentence but one.

A2: And see also غَدُورٌ.

A3: You say also لَيْلَةٌ غَدِرَةٌ and ↓ مُغْدِرَةٌ (S, K) meaning A dark night; (K;) as also ↓ غَدْرَآءُ: (IKtt, TA:) or an intensely-dark night, (S,) in which the darkness confines men in their places of alighting or abode, and their shelter, so that they remain behind: or, as some say, such a night is termed ↓ مُغْدِرَةٌ because it casts him who goes forth therein into the غدر [i. e. غَدَر]. (L, TA.) غُدَرُ and غُدَرٌ: see غَادِرٌ, in six places: A2: and for غُدَرٌ, see also غَدِيرٌ.

غَدْرَةٌ [an inf. n. un., signifying An act of perfidy. unfaithfulness, faithlessness, or treachery]: see two exs. voce غَادِرٌ.

غُدْرَةٌ and ↓ غِدْرَةٌ, (K,) or ↓ غِدَرَةٌ, (ISk, Az, TA,) and ↓ غَدَرَةٌ and ↓ غَدَرٌ, (Lh, TA,) and ↓ غُدَارَةٌ, with damm, (K,) or ↓ غِدَارَةٌ, (as written in the L,) A portion that is left, or left remaining, of a thing; (K, * TA;) a remain, remainder, remnant, relic, or residue: (Lh, ISk, Az, L:) the pl. of غُدْارَةٌ is غُدْرَاتٌ (K) [and accord. to analogy غُدَرَاتٌ and غُدُرَاتٌ] and app. غُدَرٌ; (TA;) and that of ↓ غِدَرَةٌ [or ↓ غِدْرَةٌ] is غِدَرٌ and غِدَرَاتٌ; (ISk, Az;) and that of ↓ غَدَرٌ is غُدُورٌ. (TA.) You say, عَلَى

مِنَ الصَّدَقَةِ ↓ فُلَانٍ غِدَرٌ Such a one owes arrears of the poor-rate. (ISk.) And عَلَى بَنِى فُلَانٍ

مِنَ الصَّدَقَةِ ↓ غَدَرَةٌ and ↓ غَدَرٌ The sons of such a one owe an arrear of the poor-rate. (Lh, L.) And مِنْ مَرَضٍ ↓ بِهِ غَادِرٌ In him is a relic of disease; like غَابِرٌ. (TA.) غِدْرَةٌ, and the pl. غِدَرٌ: see غُدْرَةٌ, in three places.

غَدَرَةٌ: see غُدْرَةٌ, in two places.

غِدَرَةٌ, and the pl. غِدَرٌ: see غُدْرَةٌ, in three places.

غَدْرَآءُ Darkness. (K.) b2: See also غَدِرٌ.

A2: أَرْضٌ غَدْرَآءُ Land abounding with places of the kind termed غَدَر. (IKtt, TA.) غَدَارِ: see غَادِرٌ.

غَدُورٌ: see غَادِرٌ, in two places.

A2: Also A she-camel that remains, or lags, behind the other camels: (K, TA:) in some of the copies of the K غَدُورَةٌ, with ة; but the former is the right. (TA.) And غَبِرَةٌ غَمْرَةٌ ↓ نَاقَةٌ غَدِرَةٌ A she-camel that remains, or lags, behind the other camels, in being driven. (Lh.) غَدِيرٌ A pool of water left by a torrent: (A 'Obeyd, S, M, K:) of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مُفَاعِلٌ, from غَادَرهُ, or مُفْعَلٌ, from أَغْدَرَهُ; or, as some say, of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure فَاعِلٌ; (S;) because it is unfaithful to those who come to it to water, failing when much wanted: (S, * TA:) but it is a subst.; [not an epithet; or an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates, and only used as a subst.:] you do not say هٰذَا مَآءٌ غَدِيرٌ: (Lh:) or a place in which rain-water stagnates, whether small or large, not remaining until the summer: (Lth:) or a river: (Msb:) [but this is extr.:] pl. [of pauc. أَغْدِرَةٌ, (occurring in a verse cited voce إِلَّا, &c.,) and of mult.] غُدْرَانٌ (S, Msb, K, TA) and غُدُرٌ (S, Nh, L, TA,) which last is sometimes contracted into غُدْرٌ: (TA:) in the K, the last pl. is said to be of the measure of صُرَدٌ; [i. e. ↓ غُدَرٌ;] but this is inconsistent with what is said in other lexicons, as shown above: and it is also said in the K that غُدَرٌ signifies the same as غَدِيرٌ, in the sense first given above; but it appears that this is a pl. of غُدْرَةٌ; and that, in the K, we should read, for وَالغَدِيرُ, كَالغَدِيرِ, and place this before, instead of after, its explanation. (TA.) b2: Hence, (tropical:) A piece of herbage; (TA;) as also ↓ غَدِيرَةٌ: pl. غُدْرَانٌ: (K, TA;) this is the only pl. (TA.) b3: Hence also, (TA,) (tropical:) A sword; (K, TA;) like as it is called لُجٌّ. (TA.) b4: and ↓ غَدِيرَةٌ also signifies A she-camel left by the pastor (S, K) behind the other camels; and in like manner, a sheep, or goat. (S.) غُدَارَةٌ or غِدَارَةٌ: see غُدْرَةٌ.

غَدِيرَةٌ: see غَدِيرٌ, last two sentences.

A2: Also A portion, or lock, or plaited lock, of hair, hanging from the head; syn. ذُؤَابَةٌ: (S, K:) accord. to Lth, every عَقِيصَة is a غَدِيرَة; and the غَدِيرَتَانِ are the two portions, or locks, or plaited locks, of hair (ذَؤَابَتَانِ) which fall upon the breast: (TA:) pl. غَدَائِرُ: (S, K:) or غدائر pertain to women, and are plaited; and ضَفَائِر, to men. (TA.) A3: غَدِيرَةُ الحَائِكِ means The hollow, in the ground, in which the weaver puts his legs, or feet: also called الوَهْدَةُ. (Mgh in art. وهد.) غَدَّارٌ: see غَادِرٌ; the first and third, in two places.

غَدِّيرٌ: see غَادِرٌ; the first and third, in two places.

غَدَّارَةٌ: see غَادِرٌ; the first and third, in two places.

غَادِرٌ and ↓ غُدَرٌ [respecting which see below] (S, K) and ↓ غَدُورٌ and ↓ غَدَّارٌ and ↓ غِدِّيرٌ (K) are epithets applied to a man [and signifying, the first, Perfidious, unfaithful, faithless, or treacherous; or acting perfidiously, &c.; and the rest, very perfidious, &c.]: (S, K:) and ↓ غَدُورٌ and ↓ غَدَّارٌ and ↓ غَدَّارَةٌ are epithets applied to a woman [and signifying as above]: (K:) but ↓ غُدَر is mostly used in calling to a man and reviling him: (S:) you say to a man, يَا غُذَرُ [O very perfidious man]; (S, K;) and in like manner, ↓ يَا مَغْدَرُ, and ↓ يا مَغْدِرُ, and ↓ يَا ابْنَ مَغْدَرٍ, and ↓ يا ابن مَغْدِرٍ, all determinate; (K, TA;) and to a woman, ↓ يا غَدَارِ, like قَطَامِ: (K:) [accord. to some, ↓ غُدَر is only used in this manner, and is therefore without tenween; for] it is said that رَجُلٌ غُدَرُ is not allowable, because غُدَرُ is determinate: but Sh says رَجُلٌ غُدَرٌ, writing it, says Az, with tenween, contr. to what Lth says; and this is correct; a word of the measure فُعَل being imperfectly decl. [only] when it is a determinate subst., like عُمَرُ and زُفَرُ: and IAth says that غُدَرُ is altered from its original form, which is غَادِرٌ, for the sake of intensiveness: (TA:) in the pl. [sense] you say يَالَ غُدَرَ, (S,) or يَا لَغُدَرَ, [for يَا آلَ غُدَرَ, (see the letter ل, and see آلٌ, in art. اول,)] like يَا لَفُجَرَ. (TA.) It is said in a trad., ↓ يَا غُدَرُ

↓ أَلَسْتُ أَسْعَى فِى غَدْرَتِكَ [app. meaning, O thou very perfidious: am I not striving, or labouring, in respect of thine act of perfidy, to rectify it?]. (S: but in one copy, غُدْرَتِكَ.) And in another trad., relating to El-Hodeybiyeh, وَهَلْ ↓ يَا غُدَرُ

إِلَّا بِالْأَمْسِ ↓ غَسَلْتَ غَدْرَتَكَ [O thou very perfidious: and didst thou wash away thine act of perfidy save yesterday?]: said by 'Orweh Ibn-Mes'ood to El-Mugheereh. (TA.) And in another trad., ↓ اِجْلِسْ غُدَرُ [Sit thou, O very perfidious]; for يَا غُدَرُ: said by 'Áïsheh to El-Kásim. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] ↓ سِنُونَ غَدَّارَةٌ (tropical:) Years in which is much rain and little herbage; from [the inf. n.] الغَدْرُ; i. e. that excite people's eager desire for abundance of herbage, by the rain, and then fail to fulfil their promise. (TA.) b3: [And ↓ غَدِرٌ is app. syn. with غَادِرٌ; for] غَدِرَةٌ occurs in a trad. applied to land (أَرْض), as though meaning (assumed tropical:) Not producing herbage bountifully; or giving growth to herbage, and then soon becoming blighted, or blasted; wherefore it is likened to the غَادِر, who acts unfaithfully. (TA.) A2: See also غُدْرَةٌ, last sentence.

مَغْدَر and مَغْدِر: see غَادِرٌ, each in two places.

لَيْلَةٌ مُغْدِرَةٌ: see غَدِرٌ, in two places.



1 وَجَدَهُ, aor. ـِ and يَجُدُ, (S, L, Msb, K,) the latter of the dial. of the tribe of 'Ámir (S, L, Msb) Ibn-Saasa'ah, (MF,) and without a parallel (S, L, Msb, K) in verbs of this class, (S, L, Msb,) the و in it being dropped because it falls out in the original form of the aor. , (Msb,) both of which forms are said by several authors to apply to the verb in all its significations, though F seems to restrict the latter to two significations, (TA,) inf. n. وُجُودٌ (S, L, Msb, K) and وِجْدَان (L, Msb, K,) and إِجْدَانٌ, (IAar, L, K,) in which the و is changed into ء, (L,) and وَجْدٌ and وُجْدٌ and جِدَةٌ; (L, K;) and وَجِدَهُ, aor. ـِ (K;) but this form of the verb is not found in the lexicons, [the K only accepted,] (MF,) in the sense here assigned to it; (TA;) He found it; lighted on it; attained it; obtained it by searching or seeking; discovered it; perceived it; saw it; experienced it, or became sensible of it; (F, in the K and in the Basáïr, on the authority of Abu-l-Kásim El-Isbahánee;) namely, a thing sought, sought for or after, or desired; (S, L, K;) and simply a thing. (L.) وُجُود is of several kinds. It is The finding, &c., by means of any one of the five senses: as when one says وَجَدْتُ زَيْدًا [I found, &c., Zeyd]: and وَجَدَتُ طَعْمَهُ, and رَائِحَتَهُ, and صَوْتَهُ, and خُشُونَتَهُ, [I found, or perceived, &c., its taste, and its odour, and its sound, and its roughness]. Also, The finding, &c., by means of the faculty of appetite, [or rather of sensation, which is the cause of appetite:] as when one says وَجَدْتُ الشِّبَعَ [I found, experienced, or became sensible of, satiety]. Also, The finding, &c., by the intellect, or by means of the intellect: of which kind is one's knowing God: and here it should be observed, that وجود attributed to God is simple knowledge: (Abu-l-Kásim El-Isbahánee, cited in the Basáïr:) وَجَدَ اللّٰهُ, wherever it occurs, means God knew. (Er-Rághib, Z, &c.) i. e., in the Kurn. (TA.) b2: وَجَدَ [He found, in the sense of] he knew [by experience]. (A, TA, &c.) [In this sense, it is a verb of the kind called أَفْعَالُ القُلُوبِ; having two objective complements; the first of which is called its noun, and the second its predicate.] Ex. وَجَدْتُ زَيْدًا ذَا الحِفَاظِ I [found, or] knew Zeyd to possess the quality of defending those things which should be sacred, or inviolable. (A.) Used in this sense, as doubly trans., its inf. n. is وَجْدَانٌ (Akh) and وُجُودٌ. (Seer.) It is also used as singly trans., as syn. with عَلِمَ. (TA.) b3: When وَجَدَ signifies he found, or lighted on, a thing after it had gone away, its inf. n. is وِجْدَانٌ. (IKtt.) b4: وَجَدَ الضَّالَّةَ, (S, A, Msb,) aor. ـِ (Msb) and يَجُدُ, (MF,) inf. n. وَجْدَانٌ (S, Msb) and لَمْ أَجِدْ مِنْ ذٰلِكَ بُدًّا (Msb) [He found the stray beast]. b5: لَمْ أَجِدْ مِنْ ذٰلِكَ بُدًّا, for which one also says لَمْ اجدِ, I found no means of avoiding, or escaping, that. (Kz, TA.) b6: وَجَدَ, (L,) and وَجَدَ فِى المَالِ, (Fs, T, S, L, Msb,) and وَجَدَ المَالَ وَغَيَرَهُ, (Lh, M, K,) aor. ـِ (Lh, M, L, K,) inf. n. وُجْد and وِجد and وَجْدٌ- and جِدَهٌ (Lh, T, S, M, K) and وِجْدَانٌ (T, L) an[id وُجُودٌ, (Yz,) He became possessed of wealth, or property: (T:) or he was, or became, rich; possessed of competence, or sufficiency; in no need; without wants, or with few wants; (S, M, L, K;) so as not to be poor afterwards: (L:) and he gained, acquired, or earned wealth. (Exps. of the Fs.) Hence the saying of the Arabs, وِجْدَانُ الرَّقِينِ يُغَطِّى أَفَنَ الأَفِينِ [The possession of money hides the weakness of judgment of the weak in judgment]. (T, L.) A2: وَجَدَ عَلَيْهِ, (S, L, K, &c.) aor. ـِ (Fs, M, L, K) and يَجُدُ; (M, L, K;) and وَجِدَ, as heard by Fr from certain of the Arabs; (Kzz;) inf. n. مَوْجِدَةٌ, (Fs, S, A, L, Msb, K,) by some pronounced مَوْجَدَةٌ, (Fr,) and وَجْدٌ and جِدَةٌ (L, K) and وِجْدَانٌ (Lh, S, M, L) and وُجُودٌ (Fr, Kzz) He was angry with him: (Fs, S, A, L, Msb, K) or he was angry with him with the anger that proceeds from a friend. (TA, voce عَتْبٌ.) A3: وَجَدَ بِهِ, (aor. ـِ L,) inf. n. وَجْدٌ, He loved him. (L, K.) وَجَدَ بِهَا, (A, L,) and ↓ توّجد, (A,) He loved her; (A, L;) he loved her passionately or fondly. (L.) لَهُ بِهَا وَجْدٌ He has a love [or passionate or fond love] for her. (A.) A4: وَجَدَ, [aor. ـِ ('Eyn, Fs, S, L, Msb, &c.,) and وَجِدَ, [aor. ـْ (El-Hejeree, M, K,) the latter the only form mentioned in the K, but the former is the only form generally known, (MF, TA,) and وَجُدَ, (Lh, M, L,) inf. n. وَجْدٌ, (S, L, Msb, K, &c.,) He grieved; mourned; sorrowed. (S, L, Msb, K, &c.) You say, وَجَدْتُ بِهِ, (Msb,) and لَهُ ↓ توجّدت, (S, L,) I grieved, mourned, or sorrowed, for such a one. (S, L, Msb.) Ibn-Hishám El-Lakhmee says, that in this sense وجد is not transitive: (MF:) [i. e., without a prep.].

A5: وُجِدَ, (inf. n. وُجُودٌ, A, Msb,) It existed; it became existent (A, Msb) from a state of nonexistence. (S, L, K.) 4 اوجدهُ إِيَّاهُ He (God, S, A, L) made him to find, attain, or obtain, it; (Lh, S, A, L, K;) namely, the thing that he sought, sought for or after, or desired; (S, L, K;) or a stray beast. (A.) b2: اوجدهُ He (God, S, &c.) enriched him; made him to be possessed of wealth or property; to be possessed of competence or sufficiency; to be in no need, or without wants, or with few wants. (S, A, L, K.) Ex. الحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ الِّذِى

أَوْجَدَنِى بَعْدَ فَقْرٍ وَآجَدَنِى بَعْدَ ضَعْفٍ Praise be to God who enriched me after poverty and strengthened me after weakness. (S, L.) b3: He strengthened him after weakness; like آجَدَهُ. (K.) [But see what immediately precedes.]

A2: اوجدهُ, (inf. n. إِيجَادٌ, TA,) He (God) made it; meaning, created it; originated it; caused it to be or exist, or to come to pass; brought it into existence (S, L, Msb, K) from a state of nonexistence, (Msb,) not after the similitude of anything preëxisting. (TA.) وَجَدَهُ in this sense is not allowable. (S, L, K.) 5 توجّدهُ He complained of it; namely, sleeplessness by night, (L, K,) &c., (K,) or a particular affair. (L.) A2: See 1, in two places.6 تواجد He feigned, or made a show of, love [or passionate love]. (A.) وَجْدٌ and جِدَةٌ: see وُجْدٌ; and see 1.

وُجْدٌ and ↓ وِجْدٌ and ↓ وَجْدٌ [and ↓ جِدَةٌ &c., see 1,] (the first of which is the most chaste, IKh, MF) Richness, or competence, or sufficiency; state of being in no need, or of having no wants, or few wants: (M, L, K:) ability; capacity; power. (M, L.) b2: هٰذَا مِنْ وُجْدِى This is a result of my power, or ability. (L.) وَاجِدٌ, act. part. n of 1, Finding; or a finder; &c. (L.) b2: Rich; possessing competence, or sufficiency; in no need; without wants, or with few wants; (L;) solvent; one who finds that wherewith to pay what he owes. (A 'Obeyd, L.) Ex. لَىُّ الوَاجِدِ يُحِلُّ عُقُوبَتَهُ The solvent man's putting off the payment of his debt with promises repeated time after time makes his punishment allowable. (L, from a trad. See Mgh art. لوى.) الوَاجِدُ, as an epithet applied to God, He who has no wants. (IAth, L.) A2: هُوَ وَاجِدٌ عَلَى صَاحِبِهِ He is angry with his companion. (A.) A3: أَنَا وَاجِدٌ لِلشَّىْءِ I am able to do the thing. (Msb.) A4: هُوَ وَاجِدٌ بِفُلَانَةَ, and عَلَيْهَا, and ↓ مُتَوَجِّدٌ, He is in love [or passionately in love] with such a female. (A.) b2: وُجُدٌ is mentioned in the Towsheeh as a pl. of وَاجِدٌ; but this is strange. (TA.) مَوْجُودٌ, part. n. of وُجِدَ, Being, or existing; come to pass: (S, L, K:) or, as an irreg. pass. part. n. of أَوْجَدَهُ, caused to be, or exist; or to come to pass; brought into existence: (MF:) pl. مَوْجُودَاتٌ: which is a term applied to three kinds of things: namely, that which exists and has neither beginning nor end; and such is only God: that which exists and has a beginning and an end; as the substances of the present world: and that which exists and has a beginning but no end; as men in the world to come. (TA.) b2: [Present.] b3: مَوْجُودٌ A thing within one's power; over which one has power. (Msb.) مُتَوَجِّدٌ: see وَاجِدٌ.



1 رَغِبَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. رَغْبَةٌ (JK, TA) and رَغْبَى (JK) [and app. رَغَبٌ &c. as in the next sentence but one], He desired a thing [app. in an absolute sense, agreeably with what follows in the next sentence but one: and also,] vehemently, eagerly, greedily, very greedily, with avidity, excessively, or culpably; he coveted a thing, longed for it, or lusted after it. (TA.) رَغَبُ النَّفْسِ means The [soul's] hoping largely, and desiring much. (TA.) b2: رَغِبَ فِيهِ, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.,) and رَغِبَهُ, (Msb, TA,) aor. ـَ (K, TA,) inf. n. رَغْبَةٌ (S, A, * Mgh, K) and رَغَبٌ (S, Msb) and رَغْبٌ (Mgh, Msb, K) and رُغْبٌ (K) and رُغْبَى (A, * Msb) and رَغْبَى (Msb) and رَغْبَآءُ, (A, * Msb,) He desired it, or wished for it; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also فيه ↓ ارتغب. (S, K.) You say, مَا لِى فِيهِ رَغْبَةٌ and رُغْبَى and رَغْبَآءُ [I have not any desire, or wish, for it]. (A.) and رُهْبَاكَ خَيْرٌ مِنْ رُغْبَاكَ, i. e. The fearing thee is better than the loving thee; رهباك being an inf. n. prefixed to an objective complement; and so رغباك: and said to mean, thy being given a thing through fear of thee is better than through desire: a prov., similar to رَهَبُوتٌ خَيْرٌ مِنْ رَحَمُوتٍ. (Meyd. [Freytag explains it otherwise: see his Arab. Prov. i. 542.]) b3: رَغِبَ عَنْهُ He did not desire it, or wish for it; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) he shunned, or avoided, it; abstained from it; (S, TA;) or left it, relinquished it, or forsook it, (JK, S, TA,) intentionally. (JK, TA.) b4: رَغِبَ

إِلَيْهِ, inf. n. رَغَبٌ (K) and رَغْبٌ and رُغْبٌ (TA) and رُغْبَى (Mgh, * K) and رَغْبَى (K) and رَغْبَآءُ (A, * K) and رَغْبَةٌ (Mgh, * TA) and رُغْبَةٌ and رَغَبَةٌ and رَغَبُوتٌ, and رَغَبُوتَى and رَغَبَانٌ, (K,) He made petition to him, addressed a petition to him, asked him, petitioned him, sought of him, or demanded of him: (TA:) or he prayed to him, or supplicated him, with humility or abasement, or with sincerity or earnestness or energy: or he humbled, or abased, himself, and made petition to him. (K, A, TA.) You say, رَغِبَ إِلَى فُلَانٍ فِى كَذَا He made petition to such a one, petitioned him, or asked him, for such a thing. (TA.) And إِلَى

اللّٰهِ أَرْغَبُ To God I humble, or abase, myself, and make petition; syn. أَضْرَعُ: and إِلَيْهش أَرْفَعُ رَغْبَتِى

[To Him I raise my humble petition]. (A.) and الرُّهْبَى مِنَ اللّٰهِ وَالرُّغْبَى إِلَيْهِ [Fear should be of God; (not of a creature;) and petition, &c., should be to Him]. (Lth, TA in art. رهب.) See also another ex. in a verse cited voce رَغِيبَةٌ. b5: رَغِبَ بِنَفْسِهِ عَنْهُ [lit. He made himself to be not desirous of, or to shun, or abstain from, or leave, him, or it; the ب having the same effect as in ذَهَبَ بِهِ &c.; and hence,] he held himself above, or superior to, him, or it. (K.) And رَغِبْتُ بِفُلَانٍ عَنْ هٰذَا I made such a one to shun, abstain from, or leave, this, disliking it for him. (MF.) A2: رَغُبَ (assumed tropical:) It (anything) was, or became, wide, or ample. (TA. [See also 6.]) You say, رَغُبَ الوَادِى, aor. ـُ inf. n. رُغْبٌ and رُغُبٌ (K) and رَغَابَةٌ, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) The valley was large and wide, taking, or receiving, much water. (K, * TA.) And رَغُبَتِ الأَرْضُ, inf. n. رُغْبٌ [&c.], (assumed tropical:) The land was soft (S, TA) and wide, with even, or sandy, soil: (TA:) or (S, TA) took much water; (TA;) was such as would not flow unless in consequence of much rain. (S, TA.) b2: And [hence,] رَغُبَ, inf. n. رُغْبٌ (S, K *) and رُغُبٌ, (K, * TA,) (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, voracious, a great eater; (K, TA;) very greedy, or gluttonous; (S, K, TA;) vehemently, excessively, or culpably, desirous of worldly goods, and one who made himself to be large, or abundant, therein: or as some say, large in his hopes, and desirous of much. (TA.) Accord. to the T, رُغْبُ البَطْنِ signifies (assumed tropical:) Voracity: and رُغْبٌ, alone, as occurring in a trad., is explained as meaning capaciousness of the belly, and voracity. (TA.) And رَغُبَ رَأْيُهُ, inf. n. رُغْبٌ, (tropical:) He was, or became, liberal, or bountiful, and large in opinion or judgment. (A.) 2 رغّبهُ فِى شَىْءٍ, [inf. n. تَرْغِيبٌ,] He made him to desire, or wish for, a thing; (S, * MA, K; *) as also فيه ↓ ارغبهُ. (S, * K: *) both signify the same. (S.) You say, رَغَّبْتُهُ فِى صُحْبَتِهِ [I made him to desire, or wish for, his companionship]. (A.) b2: And رغّبهُ, inf. n. تَرْغِيبٌ; (IAar, TA;) and رغّب إِلَيْهِ; (TA;) He gave him what he desired, or wished for. (IAar, TA.) b3: [رغّب is also said by Golius to signify Cupivit avide et expetivit; as on the authority of the KL: but this signification is not in my copy of that work, nor do I find it in any other lexicon.]3 راغب is said by Golius, as on the authority of the KL, and by Freytag after him, to signify Cupiditatem monstravit: but it is not mentioned in any sense in my copy of the KL, nor have I found it in any other lexicon.]4 أَرْغَبَ see 2. b2: [ارغبهُ app. signifies also He made it wide, or ample. b3: And hence,] أَرْغَبَ اللّٰهُ قَدْرَكَ means (tropical:) May God enlarge thy power, and make its steps to extend far. (A, TA.) 6 تراغبوا فِيِه They vied, one with another, in desiring it; or they desired it with emulation; syn. تنافسوا فيه. (A and TA in art. نفس.) b2: تراغب المَكَانُ (assumed tropical:) The place was, or became, wide, or ample. (TA. [See also رَغُبَ.]) 8 إِرْتَغَبَ see 1, third sentence.

رَغِبٌ: see رَغِيبٌ, second sentence.

رُغُبٌ: see رَغَابٌ, and رَعِيبٌ; with both of which it is synonymous. b2: It is also a pl. of the latter, (L in art. أسد,) and of رَغِبٌ. (TA.) رَغْبَةٌ A desire, or wish: pl. رَغَبَاتٌ. (Mgh, Msb.) Hence, قَلَّتْ رَغَبَاتُ النَّاسِ [The desires, or wishes, of the people, or of mankind, became few]. (Mgh.) b2: See also رَغِيبَةٌ.

رَغْبَى: see رَغِيبَةٌ.

رَغَبُوتٌ, an epithet applied to a man, [signifying One who makes petition; who asks, petitions, seeks, or demands: or who prays, or supplicates, with humility or abasement, or with sincerity or earnestness or energy: or who humbles, or abases, himself, and makes petition: originally an inf. n. of رَغِبَ إِلَيْهِ; or] from الرَّغْبَةُ. (S, TA. [In one copy of the former erroneously written رَغَبُوبٌ; in another, رَغْبُوبٌ; and in another, omitted.]) رُغْبَانَةٌ The [knot called] سَعْدَانَة of a sandal; (K;) i. e. the knot beneath the [appertenance called] شِسْع [which passes through the sole and between two of the toes, and to which the شِرَاكَ, also called زِمَام, is attached]. (TA.) أَرْضٌ رَغَابٌ (A'Obeyd, ISk, S, K) and ↓ رُغُبٌ (K) (assumed tropical:) Land that is soft, (A'Obeyd, S, K, TA,) and wide, with even, or sandy, soil: (K, TA:) or (S, K, TA) that takes much water; (TA;) that will not flow unless in consequence of much rain. (ISk, S, K, TA.) رَغِيبٌ (assumed tropical:) Wide, or ample; applied in this sense to a watering-trough or tank, and to a skin for water or milk, (S, TA,) &c.: pl. رِغَابٌ (TA) and رُغُبٌ. (L in art. أسد.) You say also ↓ طَرِيقٌ رَغِبٌ (assumed tropical:) A wide road: pl. رُغُبٌ. (TA.) And مَكَانٌ

↓ مُرَاغِبٌ (assumed tropical:) A wide, or an ample, place. (TA.) And ↓ وَادٍ رُغُبٌ (assumed tropical:) A wide valley; (TA;) [and] so وَادٍ رَغِيبٌ: (JK:) or (tropical:) a wide valley, that takes much water; as also رَغِيبٌ; (AHn, K;) contr. of وَادٍ زهِيدٌ. (TA.) And طَعْنَةٌ رَغِيبَةٌ (assumed tropical:) A wide wound inflicted with a spear or the like. (TA.) And سَيْفٌ رَغِيبٌ (assumed tropical:) A wide sword, that inflicts a large wound. (TA.) b2: (assumed tropical:) A man, or other animal, (K,) having a capacious inside, or belly: (S, K:) pl. رِغَابٌ. (TA.) b3: (assumed tropical:) Voracious; a great eater: (A, K: [but accord. to the former, not tropical in this sense:]) desirous of much eating: (Msb:) very greedy, or gluttonous: (S, K: [see also رِغِّيبٌ:]) vehemently, excessively, or culpably, desirous of worldly goods; and one who makes himself to be large, or abundant, therein: or large in his hopes, and desirous of much: (TA:) and رَغِيبُ الجَوْفِ a man who is a great eater; (TA;) or capacious in the inside, or belly, and a great eater: (JK:) and بَطْنٌ رَغِيبٌ a belly that devours much. (Ham p. 418.) b4: هُوَ رَغِيبُ العَيْنِ, (T and A and TA in art. زهد,) and لَهُ عَيْنٌ رَغِيبَةٌ, (A in that art.,) (assumed tropical:) He is not content but with much; contr. of هو زَهِيدُ العَيْنِ, (T and A in that art.,) and of لَهُ عَيْنٌ زَهِيدَةٌ. (A in that art.) [رَعِيبُ العَيْنِ has a different meaning: see art. رعب.] b5: فَرَسٌ رَغِيبُ الشَّحْوَةٍ (S, in a copy of the A and in the TA الشحو,) (tropical:) A horse of wide step, that takes a large space of ground (A, TA) with his legs: pl. رِغَابٌ. (TA.) b6: إِبِلٌ رِغَابٌ, the latter word being the pl. form, (assumed tropical:) Camels yielding a copious supply of milk, and very profitable. (IAth, TA) And (assumed tropical:) Many camels. (TA.) b7: حِمْلٌ رَغِيبٌ and ↓ مُرْتَغِبٌ (assumed tropical:) A heavy load. (TA.) رَغِيبَةٌ A thing desired, or wished for; (K;) as also ↓ رَغْبَةٌ: (Ham p. 501:) a thing of high account or estimation; that is desired, or wished for: pl. رَغَائِبُ. (A, Mgh.) You say, إِنَّهُ لَوَهُوبٌ, لِكُلِّ رَغِيبَةٍ, i. e. [Verily he is a liberal giver] of everything that is desired. (TA.) [And ↓ رَغْبَى

has a similar meaning; for] you say also, أَصَبْتُ مِنْهُ الرَّغْبَى, i. e. I obtained from him abundance of what I desired. (TA.) b2: A large gift: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) pl. as above. (S, Mgh, Msb.) A poet (En-Nemir Ibn-Towlab, TA) says, وَمَتَى تُصِبْكَ خَصَاصَةٌ فَارْجُ الغِنَى

وَإِلَى الَّذِى يُعْطِى الرَّغَائِبَ فَارْغَبِ [And when poverty befalls thee, then hope thou for competence, and to Him who gives large gifts humble thyself, and make petition]. (S, * TA.) b3: And A large recompense that one desires to obtain [in the world to come] by prayer: (El-Kilábee, TA:) or that which is wished for by one who has large hope and who desires much: whence the prayer called صَلَاةُ الرَّغَائِبِ [generally said to be a supererogatory prayer]. (TA.) الرُّغَابَى, like الرُّغَامَى (JK, K) and الرُّعَامَى, (TA,) What is called the زِيَادَة of the liver. (JK, K.) رِغِّيبٌ Very, or intensely, or exceedingly, desirous of much eating. (Msb.) [See also رَغِيبٌ.]

رَاغِبٌ Desiring, or wishing; (K;) [as in the phrase رَاغِبٌ فِى كَذَا desiring, or wishing for, such a thing;] and so ↓ مُرْتَغِبٌ. (TA.) مَرْغَبٌ [A place, or time, of desire or wish: and hence, an object thereof]. You say, خَطَبَ فَأَصَابَ المَرْغَبَ [app. meaning He demanded a woman in marriage, and attained the object of desire]. (A.) مُرْغِبٌ (tropical:) Possessing competence or sufficiency; rich, or wealthy; (K, TA;) possessing much property. (JK, TA.) مَرْغَبَةٌ: see مَرَاغِبُ.

مَرْغُوبٌ فِيهِ Desired, or wished for. b2: مَرْغُوبٌ عَنْهُ Not desired, &c. b3: مَرْغُوبٌ إِلَيْهِ Petitioned, &c.: see an ex. voce مَرْهُوبٌ.]

هُوَ مُرَغَّبٌ لَهُ كَذَا وَكَذَا To him are allowed, or permitted, such and such things; like مُسَعَّبٌ and مُسَغَّبٌ. (TA in art. سعب.) مَرَاغِبُ [lit. Causes of desire; sing., if used, ↓ مَرْغَبَةٌ, a word of the same class as مَبْخَلَةٌ and مَجْبَنَةٌ &c.: and hence,] things that are eagerly desired, or coveted; syn. أَطْمَاعٌ [which also signifies soldiers' stipends, or allowances]: (TA:) and (TA) things that are desired to be gained for subsistence, or sustenance; i. q. مضطربات لِلْمَعَاشِ. (K, TA. [In the CK, the former of the two nouns in this explanation is مُضْطَرِبات: in two MS. copies of the K, it is without the syll. signs: the right reading is evidently مُضْطَرَبَات, syn. with مُكْتَسَبَات: Freytag renders the explanation personæ quæ in rebus quæ spectant ad victum perturbatæ et anxiæ sunt; deriving this meaning from the rendering in the TK: Golius, with a near approach to correctness, renders it res ad sustentandam vitam necessariæ; but he has given this explanation as on the authority of J, by whom it is not mentioned; and has put مَرَاغِبٌ for مَرَاغِبُ.]) مُرَاغِبٌ: see رَغِيبٌ.

مُرْتَغِبٌ: see رَاغِبٌ. b2: See also رَغِيبٌ, last sentence. b3: Also (assumed tropical:) A large, big, bulky, or corpulent, man. (JK.)



8 اِكْتَهَلَ

, said of a plant, It became tall and full-grown: (TA:) or it became of its full height, and blossomed: (S:) see زَاخِرٌ.

كَهْلٌ Of middle age; or between that age and the period when his hair has become intermixed with heaviness. See شَبَابٌ; and شَيْخٌ and غُلَامٌ.


: see شَبَابٌ.

كَاهِلٌ [The withers of a horse, &c.] i. q. حَارِكٌ: or the anterior portion of the upper part of the back, next the neck, which is the upper third part, containing six vertebra: or the part between the two shoulder-blades: or the part where the neck is joined to the back how: [the base of the neck: see ثَبَجٌ]. (K.)



1 خَطِفَهُ, aor. ـَ (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. خَطْفٌ; (S, TA;) this is the approved form of the verb; (T, S;) and خَطَفَهُ, aor. ـِ (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. as above; (Msb;) a form of the verb mentioned by Akh, (S,) but this is rare, (S, K,) or (K) bad, (S, K,) scarcely, or not at all, known; (S;) and ↓ اختطفهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb, TA,) and ↓ تخطّفهُ; (S Msb, TA;) He seized it; or took it, or carried it off, by force: (S, K:) or he did so quickly; snatched it away: (Mgh, Msb, TA:) and ↓ خطّف has been said to imply repetition of the action [unless it be a variation of اختطف as in a case mentioned below]; but this is strange, and not known on any other authority than that of the “ Akáneem et-Taaleem ” by El-Khuweiyee, a disciple of El-Fakhr Er-Rázee. (MF, TA.) Hence, in the Kur [xxix. 67], وَيُتَخَطَّفُ ↓ النَّاسُ مِنْ حَوْلِهِمْ CCC [And men are carried off by force from around them]. (TA.) b2: [And hence,] هٰذَا سَيْفٌ يَخْطَفُ الرَّأْسَ (tropical:) [This is a sword that will strike off the head]. (TA.) b3: And خَطِفَ البَصَرَ and خَطَفَهُ, said of lightning, (K,) and of a ray of light, and of a [glistening] sword, and of any polished body, (TA,) (tropical:) It took away the sight: (K, TA:) and ↓اُخْتُطِفَ بَصَرُهُ (tropical:) His sight was suddenly taken away. (M and K in art. ملس.) It is said in the Kur [ii. 19], يَكَادُ البَرْقُ يَخْطَفُ أَبْصَارَهُمْ (tropical:) [The lightning almost taketh away their sight, lit. sights]: (TA:) Yoo read يَخْطِفُ ابصارهم; (S, TA;) and so did Aboo-Rejà and Mujáhid: and some read ↓يِخِطِّفُ, and ↓يَخَطِّفُ, originally يَخْتَطِفُ, accord. to the opinion of the Basrees, disputed by Fr, but confirmed by Zj. (TA.) b4: And خَطِفَ السَّمْعَ, (K,) aor. ـَ (S,) said of a devil, (tropical:) He stole [an opportunity of] hearing [the speech of the angels, from the confines of the lowest Heaven; or snatched it]; (S, K, TA;) as also ↓اختطفهُ: (K:) the two verbs being like نَزَعَهُ and اِنْتَزَعَهُ. (Sb, TA.) Hence, in the Kur [xxxvii. 10], ↓إِلَّا مَنْ خَطِفَ الخَطْفَةَ (tropical:) Except him who steals the [opportunity of] hearing: (TA:) or who snatches unawares and by stealth, (Bd,) or hears and snatches, (Jel,) the speech of the angels: (Bd, Jel:) EL-Hasan read ↓ الّا من خَطَّفَ الخطفة, originally اخْتَطَفَ: (S, TA:) and another reading, ascribed to him and others, is ↓خِطِّفَ; but this is very weak. (TA.) b5: خَطِفَ, aor. ـَ and خَطَفَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. خَطَفَانٌ; (K;) thus in all the copies of the K, but correctly خَطْفٌ, as in the L; (TA;) said of a camel, (assumed tropical:) He went along quickly. (K, TA.) and مَرَّ يَخْطَفُ خَطْفًا مُنْكَرًا (assumed tropical:) He went along at a quick rate [such as was deemed strange, or disapproved]. (TA.) And خَطِفَتِ السَّفِينَةُ, and خَطَفَت, (assumed tropical:) The ship sailed, or voyaged: you say, خَطِفَتِ اليَوْمَ مِنْ عُمَانَ (assumed tropical:) She sailed,. or voyaged, to-day, from 'Omán. (TA.) 2 خَطَّفَ see 1, first sentence.4 اخطف بِالأَمْرِ He said, Seize thou this [thing], O man; or take it, or carry it off, by force; or snatch it away. (Sgh.) A2: أَخْطَفَ لِى مِنْ حَدِيثِهِ شَيْئًا ثُمَّ سَكَتَ, inf. n. إِخْطَافٌ, (assumed tropical:) He cut short somewhat of his discourse, or narrative, which he had begun to me, on some other thing's occurring to his mind, and was silent. (TA.) b2: أَخْطَفَتْهُ الحُمَّى, (Lh, O, TA,) or أَخْطَفَتْ عَنْهُ, (JK,) or b3: اِخْتَطَفَتْهُ, (K,) (assumed tropical:) The fever left him, or quitted him. (Lh, JK, O, K.) b4: اخطفهُ المَوْتُ (assumed tropical:) [Death missed him by a little;] he escaped death by a little. (JK.) And اخطف الرَّمِيَّةَ (assumed tropical:) He missed the animal at which he shot or cast, (JK, S, K,) nearly hitting it: (JK:) and in like manner, الشَّىْءَ the thing. (Ibn-Buzurj, TA.) And He captured, or caught, the animal at which he shot or cast; expl. by إِذَا كَانَ يَصِيدُهَا [perhaps a mistranscription for يُصِيبُهَا, and, if so, meaning he hit]. (JK.) And اخطف said of an arrow, (assumed tropical:) [It missed: or it fell upon the ground, and then glided along upon the ground to the butt, or object of aim: (see خَاطِفٌ:) and] it went straight. (TA.) b5: اخطف said of a man, (assumed tropical:) He became affected with a slight sickness, and then speedily recovered. (TA.) b6: أِخْطَافُ الحَشَا i. q. اِنْطِوَآؤُهُ [meaning (assumed tropical:) The state of being lean, or lank, in the belly: see مُخْطَفٌ]. (S, TA.) الأِخْطَافُ in horses is a fault: it is (assumed tropical:) The contr. of الاِنْتِفَاخُ: AHeyth says that it is, in horses, (assumed tropical:) smallness of the جَوْف [here meaning the belly, or abdomen]. (TA.) 5 تَخَطَّفَ see 1, in two places.6 تخاطفوا الكُرَةَ بَيْنَهُمْ [They contended together in snatching away the ball] with the goffsticks. (K * and TA in art. جحف.) 8 اختطف; and its variations خَطَّفَ and خِطِّفَ; and يِخِطِّفُ and يَخِطِّفُ, variations of its aor.: see 1, in seven places. b2: كَأَنَّهُ يَخْتَطِفُ فِى

مَشْيِهِ عُنُقَهُ, said of a swift camel, means As though he were straining, or stretching, (يَجْتَذِبُ,) in his going along, his neck. (S.) A2: See also 4.

خُطْفٌ (assumed tropical:) A slight disease; as also ↓ خَطْفَةٌ. (JK.) b2: مَا مِنْ مَرَضٍ إِلَّا وَلَهُ خُطْفٌ (assumed tropical:) There is no disease but there is for it a cure. (JK, K.) b3: خُطْفٌ and ↓ خُطُفٌ (assumed tropical:) Leanness; or lankness of the belly: and (assumed tropical:) lightness of the flesh of the side. (TA) خُطُفٌ: see what next precedes. b2: بِهِ خُطُفٌ (assumed tropical:) In him (namely, a man, JK) is madness, or diabolical possession; (JK, TA;) as also ↓ خُطَّفٌ: but this latter may be either a pl., like ضُرَّبٌ [pl. of ضَارِبٌ], or a sing. (TA.) خَطْفَةٌ A single act of seizing; or, of taking, or carrying off, by force: (TA:) or, of doing so quickly; of snatching away. (Mgh, Msb, TA.) Hence, [in a trad.,] accord. to one reading, نَهَى عَنْ كُلِّ ذِى خَطْفَةٍ, meaning He prohibited the prey of whatever snatches away the prey, and goes away with it, not withholding it for its owner: or, as some say, what snatches away with its talon, or claw: but the reading commonly known is, نَهَى عَنِ الخَطْفَةِ: (Mgh:) and الخَطْفَةُ signifies what the wolf, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) or the like, (Msb,) snatches away, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) of the limbs, or members, of a living sheep or goat, (Mgh, TA,) or of a living animal; (Msb;) or what the dog snatches away from the limbs, or members, of the animal of the chase, of flesh &c., while the animal is alive: (Mgh, TA:) or the limb, or member, which the beast or bird of prey seizes, or carries off by force, or which a man cuts off, from the beast that is alive: (K, TA:) for whatever is separated from the living animal, (Mgh, TA,) of flesh or fat, (TA,) is carrion, (Mgh, TA,) unlawful to be eaten: the prohibition originated from the Prophet's finding, when he came to El-Medeeneh, that the people loved and ate the humps of camels and the tails of sheep: (TA:) the reading الخَطَفَة, of the measure فَعَلَة, with fet-h to the medial radical letter, as pl. of خَاطِفٌ, is a mistake. (Mgh.) b2: Also (assumed tropical:) A single suck of a small quantity of milk quickly taken by a child from the breast. (TA.) b3: For its meaning in the Kur xxxvii. 10, see 1. b4: See also خُطْفٌ.

خَطَفَى (assumed tropical:) Quickness in pace or going, (S, K,) of a camel, as though he were straining, or stretching, his neck, in going along; (S; [see 8;]) as also ↓ خَيْطَفَى, (K,) and ↓ خَيْطَفٌ. (JK, TA.) b2: See also the last of these words below.

خَطِيفٌ: see خَيْطَفٌ.

خَطِيفَةٌ The act of seizing, or carrying off by force; or, of snatching away at unawares. (TA.) A2: Flour sprinkled upon milk, (S,) or flour upon which milk is sprinkled, (JK, K,) then cooked, (JK, S, K,) and licked, or eaten with the finger, (S, K,) and snatched up with spoons: (K:) IAar says that it is [what is called] جَبُولَآءُ [a word I have not found in any other instance]: (S:) or, with the Arabs, it is a food made with milk (لَبَنِيَّةٌ), which is heated, then flour is sprinkled upon it, and then it is cooked, and people lick it, or eat it with the finger, snatching it up hastily. (Az, TA.) خُطَّفٌ: see خُطُفٌ.

الخَطَّافُ [lit. He that is wont to seize, &c.: and particularly (assumed tropical:) he that is wont to snatch, or steal, opportunities of hearing the speech of the angels, from the confines of the lowest Heaven: and hence.] applied in a trad. to (assumed tropical:) the Devil, or Satan: (S, TA:) or, as some say, it is in this instance ↓ الخُطَّافُ, as pl. of خَاطِفٌ, [and therefore meaning (assumed tropical:) the devils,] or as being likened to the hooked iron called خُطَّاف. (TA.) b2: أَبُو الخَطَّافِ a surname of The حِدَأَة [or kite]. (TA in art. حدأ.) خُطَّافٌ [The swallow; thus called in the present day;] a certain bird, (JK, S, Mgh,) well known; (JK, Mgh;) a certain black bird; (K;) the عُصْفُور [or passerine bird] which the common people call عُصْفُورُ الجَنَّةِ [the عصفور of Paradise]: pl. خَطَاطِيفُ. (ISd, TA.) [See also خُشَّافٌ.] b2: The bent, or crooked, piece of iron which is on each side of the sheave of a pulley, and in which is the pin whereon the sheave turns: (As, * JK, S, K:) it confines the sheave on each side: (TA:) that which is of wood is termed قَعْوٌ. (As, TA.) Also (S [in the K “ or ”]) Any crooked, or hooked, iron: (S, K, TA:) pl. as above. (TA.) [An iron hook: a grapple: a grapnel: and the like.] The خُطَّافَانِ of a bit are The two bent pieces of iron in the مِسْحَل and the شَكِيمَة, on the right and left. (IDrd in his “ Book on the Saddle and Bridle. ”) And خَطَاطِيفُ signifies (tropical:) The claws, or talons, of a beast or bird of prey; (S, TA;) as being likened to a hooked iron. (TA.) b3: (assumed tropical:) A wicked thief: so in the saying of Abu-nNejm, وَاسْتَصْحَبُوا كُلَّ عِمٍ أُمِّىِّ مِنْ كُلِّ خُطَّافٍ وَأَعْرَابِىِّ (assumed tropical:) [And they took as companions every blind illiterate man, of every wicked thief and Arab of the desert]. (TA.) يَا ابْنَ خُطَّافٍ [app. meaning (assumed tropical:) O son of a wicked thief] was said by a woman to Jereer, in derision. (TA.) b4: See also the paragraph next preceding this. b5: (assumed tropical:) A mark made with a hot iron upon a camel, like the خُطَّاف of the sheave of a pulley. (JK, L, K. *) b6: (assumed tropical:) The part, of a horse, which is the place of the heel of the rider. (JK.) A2: Also pl. of خَاطِفٌ. (TA. See الخَطَّافُ.) خَاطِفٌ [act. part. n. of 1, Seizing, &c.]: pl. خُطَّافٌ. (TA.) b2: الخَاطِفُ The wolf; (JK, S, K;) because he seizes, or carries off by force, his prey. (TA.) b3: خَاطِفُ ظِلِّهِ A certain bird, (JK, S, K,) said by Ibn-Selemeh to be called الرَّفْرَافُ; (S, [so in three copies, not رَقْرَاق as in Freytag's Lex.,] TA;) that sees its shadow, and thinks it to be a bird; (JK;) or when it sees its shadow in the water, it advances to it to seize it, (S, L, K,) thinking it to be a prey: (L, TA:) [see خَيَالٌ:] it is one of the birds of the deserts, and is [said to be] thus called because of the swiftness with which it pounces down; it is green, or of a dark, or an ashy, dust-colour, (أَخْضَرُ,) in the back; white in the belly; long in the wings, and short in the neck: (Msb in art. لعب:) also called مُلَاعِبُ ظِلِّهِ. (S and Msb in that art.) b4: بَرْقٌ خَاطِفٌ (tropical:) Lightning that takes away the sight. (JK, S, * TA. *) b5: سَهْمٌ خَاطِفٌ (assumed tropical:) An arrow that falls upon the ground, and then glides along upon the ground to the butt, or object of aim; as though snatching something from the ground: pl. خَوَاطِفُ: (Ham p. 573:) or خَوَاطِفُ signifies arrows that miss; for مُخْطِفَاتٌ. (TA.) خَيْطَفٌ, (K,) or ↓ خَطِيفٌ, (S, [so in my copies,]) (assumed tropical:) A quick, or swift, camel; (S, K, TA;) as though he strained, or stretched, his neck, in going along: (S: [see 8:]) and the former, (assumed tropical:) a camel of the [excellent and swift] kind called مَهَارِىّ: pl. خَيَاطِفُ. (TA.) b2: خَيْطَفٌ, (TA,) or ↓ خَطَفَى, (JK,) [as meaning (assumed tropical:) Quick,] is also applied to [the pace termed] عَنَقٌ; (JK, TA;) and so ↓ خَيْطَفَى. (JK.) b3: See also خَطَفَى.

خَيْطَفَى: see خَطَفَى: b2: and see also خَيْطَفٌ.

خَاطُوفٌ A thing like a reaping-hook, which is tied to a snare, and by which the gazelle is caught. (JK, O, L, K.) أَخْطَفُ الحَشَا: see what next follows.

مُخْطَفُ الحَشَا, applied to a horse, (assumed tropical:) Lean, or lank, in the part of the belly that is behind the place of the girth: (S:) and مُخْطَفٌ [alone] is applied to a man [in a similar sense]; as also ↓ مَخْطُوفٌ: (TA:) and مُخْطَفُ البَطْنِ (assumed tropical:) lean, or lank, in the belly; syn. مُنْطَوِيهِ; (Lth, K;) applied to a camel, and to an ass: (Lth, TA:) and الحَشَا ↓ أَخْطَفُ and ↓ مَخْطُوفُهُ, applied to a man, [signify the same,] (tropical:) i. q. ضَامِرُهُ. (TA.) مِخْطَفٌ (tropical:) A sword that takes away the sight by its glistening. (TA.) مَخْطُوفٌ: see مُخْطَفُ الحَشَا, in two places.

A2: Also (assumed tropical:) A camel branded with a mark like the خُطَّاف of the sheave of a pulley. (JK, L, K.)



1 بَرَزَ, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, TA,) inf. n. بُرُوزٌ, (S, Msb, TA,) He (a man, S) went, or came, or passed, out, or forth; he issued. (S, A.) He (a man, TA) went, or came, or passed, out, or forth, into the field, plain, or open tract or country: (K:) or did so to satisfy a want of nature: (TS, TA:) as also, in the former sense, (K,) or in the latter, (S,) ↓ تبرّز; (S, K, TA;) and بَرِزَ; (Sgh, TA;) and so, in the former sense, ↓ برّز inf. n. تَبْرِيزٌ; (Har p. 510;) [and in the latter sense, ↓ بارز accord. to an explanation of its part. n. مُبَارِزٌ in Har p. 566:] or ↓ تبرّز signifies he voided his excrement, or ordure. (Mgh, Msb.) You say, بَرَزَإِلَى القِرْنِ فِى الحَرْبِ He went, or came, out, or forth, into the field to his adversary in battle or war. (TA.) b2: He, or it, (a man, TA, or thing, Msb, or anything, Fr,) appeared, or became apparent, (Fr, Sgh, Msb, K,) after concealment, (Fr, K,) or after obscurity; (Sgh;) as also بَرِزَ (Sgh, K.) b3: [It was, or became, prominent, or projecting: often used in this sense.]

A2: بَرُزَ, (Msb, K,) inf. n. بَرَازَةٌ, (Msb,) He (a man) was, or became, such as is termed بَرْزٌ q. v.: (Msb, K:) and in like manner, بَرُزَتْ, inf. n. as above, she (a woman) was, or became, such as is termed بَرْزَةٌ (A.) 2 برّزهُ, (inf. n. تَبْرِيزٌ, S, K,) He made it apparent, manifest, plain, or evident; he showed, or manifested, it; (S, A, K;) namely, a writing, or book, (A,) or other thing; (S, A;) as also ↓ ابرزهُ: (A, Msb:) or الكِتَابَ ↓ ابرز signifies he put forth, or produced, the writing, or book; syn. أَخْرَجَهُ: (TA:) and [as it often signifies in the present day,] published, it; syn. نَشَرَهُ. (K, TA.) [See also 4 below.] It is said in the Kur [xxvi. 91 and lxxix. 36], وَ بُرِّزَتِ الجَحِيمُ, meaning And Hell shall be uncovered. (A.) b2: برّز رَاكِبَهُ He (a horse) saved his rider. (K.) A2: See also 1. b2: [Hence,] برّز الفَرَسُ, (S, Msb,) or برّز عَلَى

الخَيْلِ, (K,) inf. n. تَبْرِيزٌ, (Msb,) The horse outstripped (S, Msb, K) the [other] horses (Msb, K) in the race-ground: (Msb:) it is said of a horse that outstrips in a race: and, accord. to some, the like is said of whatever outstrips: (TA:) and برّز عَلَى الغَايَةِ [He (a horse) passed beyond the goal]. (A.) b3: Hence, برّز فِى العِلْمِ, inf. n. as above, He surpassed, or excelled, his fellows in knowledge. (Msb.) And [simply] برّز He surpassed his companions (S, K) in excellence, or in courage. (K.) And برّز عَلَى أَقْرَانِهِ [He surpassed, or excelled, his fellows, or his opponents]. (A.) A3: See also 4, last signification.3 بارزهُ فِى الحَرْبِ, (A, Msb,* K*) inf. n. مُبَارَزَةٌ and بِرَازٌ (S, A, Msb, K,) He went, or came, out, or forth, in the field, to [encounter] him (i. e. his adversary) in battle, or war. (K,* TA.) A2: See also 1.4 ابرزهُ He made, or caused, him (a man) to go, or come, or pass, out, or forth: (S:) [or to go, or come, or pass, out, or forth, into the field, plain, or open tract or country: (see 1:)] and he made, or caused, it (a thing) to go, or come, or pass, out, or forth; or he put it, or took it, or drew it, out, or forth; syn. أَخْرَجَهُ; as also ↓ استبرزهُ. (K.) See also 2, in two places.

A2: ابرز He determined, resolved, or decided, upon journeying: (IAar, K:) the vulgar say ↓ برّز (TA.) 5 تَبَرَّزَ see 1, in two places.6 هُمَا يَتَبَارَزَانِ They two (meaning two adversaries) go, or come, out, or forth, into the field, each to [encounter] the other, in battle or war. (K,* TA.) b2: تبارزا They both separated themselves, each from his company, and betook themselves each to the other. (K.) 10 إِسْتَبْرَزَ see 4.

بَرْزٌ A man characterized by pleasing or goodly aspect, and by intelligence: fem. with ة: (S, TA:) or a man of open condition or state: (TA:) or pure in disposition; (TA;) abstaining from what is unlawful and indecorous; (S, A, Msb:) of great dignity or estimation: (Msb:) fem. with ة: (A, Msb:) pl. fem. بَرْزَاتٌ: (A:) or, as also ↓ بَرْزِىٌّ a man who abstains from what is unlawful and indecorous, and in whose intelligence, (K,) or, as in some copies of the K, in whose excellence, بِفَضْلِهِ, but this is app. a mistranscription, or, as some say, in whose abstinence from what is unlawful and indecorous, (TA,) and his judgment, confidence is placed: (K:) and بَرْزَةٌ a woman whose good qualities or actions, or whose beauties, are apparent: (K:) or open in her converse; syn. مُتَاجِرَةٌ: or, as in some correct lexicons, disdainful of mean things; syn. مُتَجَالَّةٌ: or of middle age, (كَهْلَةٌ,) who is not veiled or concealed like young women: (TA:) or of great dignity or estimation: (AO, TA:) or who goes or comes forth to people, and with whom they sit, and of whom they talk, and who abstains from what is unlawful and indecorous, and is intelligent: (TA:) or who abstains from what is unlawful and indecorous, and goes or comes forth to men, and talks with them, and is advanced in age beyond those women who are kept concealed: (Mgh, Msb:) or open in her converse, (مُتَجَاهِرَةٌ,) of middle age, (كَهْلَةٌ,) of great dignity or estimation, who goes or comes forth to people, and with whom they sit and talk, and who abstains from what is unlawful and indecorous: (K:) or in whose judgment, and her abstaining from what is unlawful and indecorous, confidence is placed: (TA:) or who does not veil her face from a man and bend her head down towards the ground. (IAar, on the authority of Ibn-EzZubeyr.) بَرْزِىٌّ: see بَرْزٌ بَرَازٌ A field, plain, or wide expanse of land, (S, Msb, K,) without trees; (Msb;) as also ↓ بِرَازٌ; but this latter form is rare: (Msb:) or an open tract of land destitute of herbage and trees and without hills or mountains: (Mgh, Msb:) or a place in which is no covert of trees or other things: (Fr, S:) an open place in which is no covert of trees or other things: (Fr, S:) an open place in which is no covert. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] خَرَجَ إِلَى البَرَازِ (tropical:) He went forth to satisfy a want of nature. (A.) And إِذَا أَرَادَ البَرَازَ أَبْعَدَ (tropical:) [When he desired to satisfy a want of nature, he went far off]: a trad.; respecting which El-Khattábee says that the relaters of traditions err respecting the word, pronouncing it with kesr, for ↓ بِرَازٌ is an inf. n.: but (SM says that) authorities differ as to this point. (TA.) b3: [It is further said,] بَرَازٌ, (Mgh, Msb,) or ↓ بِرَازٌ (S, K,) is metonymically applied to (tropical:) Excrement; human ordure; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) the feces of food. (S.) بِرَازٌ: see بَرَازٌ, in three places.

بَارِزٌ act. part. n. of بَرَزَ [q. v.]. b2: Wholly, or entirely, apparent or manifest. (TA.) b3: أَرْضٌ بَارِزَةٌ Land that is apparent, open, or uncovered, (Bd and Jel in xviii. 45, and TA,) upon which is no mountain nor any other thing, (Jel,) or that has no hill nor mountain nor sand. (TA.) إِبْرِزِىٌّ: see what next follows.

إِبْرِيزٌ (Sh, IAar, A, Msb, K) and ↓ إِبْرِزِىٌّ, (Sh, IAar, K,) the latter of which is incorrectly written in [some of] the copies of the K إِبْرِيزِىٌّ, (TA,) Pure gold: (Sh, Msb, K:) or an ornament of pure gold: (IAar:) the former an arabicized word [app. from the Greek ὄβρυζον, as also the latter]: (Msb:) of the measure إِفْعِيلٌ; the ء and ى being augmentative. (IJ.) مَبْرَزٌ [lit. A place to which one goes forth in the field, or plain, or open tract or country;] a privy, or place where one performs ablution; syn. مُتَوَضَّأْ; (S;) [as also ↓ مُتَبَرَّزٌ, occurring in the TA in art. جوز.]

كِتَابٌ مُبْرَزٌ, (K,) and ↓ مَبْرُوزٌ, (S, Msb, K,) A writing, or book, put forth, or published; syn. مَنْشُورٌ: (S, K:) or made apparent, shown, or manifested: (Msb:) ↓ the latter anomalous; (S, Msb;) being from أَبْرَزَ; (Msb;) and AHát disapproved it; and thought that it might be a mistake for مَزْبُورٌ, meaning “written;” but it [is said that it] occurs in two poems of Lebeed: (S:) in one of these instances, however, for المَبْرُوزُ, some read المُبْرَزُ; and Sgh says that he found not the other instance in the poems of Lebeed: IJ says that ↓ المَبْرُوزٌ is for المَبْرُوزٌ بِهِ. (TA.) You say, ↓ قَدْ أَعْطَوْهُ كِتَابًا مَبْرُوزًا They had given him a writing, or book, published; i. e., مَنْشُورًا. (TA.) مَبْرُوزٌ: see مُبْرَزٌ, throughout.

مُتَبَرَّزٌ: see مَبْرَزٌ.



أ1 جَرُؤَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. جَرَآءَةٌ (S, Msb, K) and جَرَائِيَةٌ and جَرَايَةٌ, with ى [in the place of ء], which is extr., (K,) and جُرْأَةٌ and جُرَةٌ, (S, K,) thus sometimes, without ء, like as one says مَرْأَةٌ and جُرْأَةٌ, (S,) [all mentioned as inf. ns. in the TK, and app. as such in the K, but only the first is explicitly mentioned as an inf. n. in the S and Msb, and ↓ استجرأ is said in the Msb to be a simple subst.,] He was, or became, bold, daring, brave, or courageous; (S, Msb, * K, TA;) so as to attempt, or venture upon, a thing without consideration or hesitation: (TA:) [said of a brute and the like, as well as of a man:] and ↓ استجرأ is syn. therewith. (IJ, W p. 146.) 2 جَرَّأْتُهُ عَلَيْهِ, (inf. n. تَجْرِىْءٌ, K,) I emboldened him, or encouraged him, against him. (S, Msb, * K, TA.) 5 تَجَرَّاَ see 8.8 اجترأ عَلَيْهِ, (S, K,) or ↓ تجرّأ, (Msb,) He became emboldened or encouraged, or he emboldened or encouraged himself, against him. (S, Msb, * K, TA.) b2: اجترأ عَلَى القَوْلِ He ventured upon the saying hastily and unhesitatingly. (Msb.) 10 إِسْتَجْرَاَ see 1.

جُرْأَةٌ Boldness, daringness, bravery, or courage; as also جُرَةٌ: (S: see 1:) the quality of venturing upon a saying [&c.] hastily and unhesitatingly. (Msb.) جَرِىْءٌ Bold, daring, brave, or courageous: (S, Msb, * K, TA:) pl. أَجْرَآءٌ, accord. to a MS. copy of the K; [and so in the CK;] but in the M, أَجْرِئَآءُ, with two hemzehs, on the authority of Lh; and so in some copies of the K; and sometimes جُرَأءُ, like حُلَمَآءُ, occurring in a trad., as some relate it; but the reading commonly known is حُرَأء, with the unpointed ح. (TA.) b2: جَرِىْءُ المُقْدَمِ Bold, daring, brave, or courageous, in venturing [against an adversary, or upon an undertaking]. (S.) b3: الجَرِىْءُ The lion; as also ↓ المُجْتَرِىءُ. (O, K.) جَرِيْئَةٌ A chamber (K, TA) constructed of stones, with a stone placed over its entrance, (TA,) for the purpose of entrapping wild beasts: (K, TA:) the piece of flesh-meat for the wild beast is put in the hinder part of the chamber; and when he enters to take the piece of meat, the stone falls upon the entrance, and closes it: (TA:) pl. جَرَائِىُ (accord. to some copies of the K,) or جَرَائِىءُ, (accord. to others,) mentioned by Az as one of the forms of pl. repudiated by the Arabic grammarians except in some anomalous instances. (TA.) الجِرِّيْئَةُ The قَانِصَة [here app. meaning the stomach, or triple stomach, or the crop, or craw, of a bird], and the حُلْقُوم [here app. meaning the gullet of a bird]; like الجِرِّيَّةُ; (K;) i. e. the حَوْصَلَة [meaning the stomach, or the crop, of a bird]: it is said in the T, on the authority of Az, that القِرِّيَّةُ and الجِرِّيَّةُ and النَّوْطَةُ signify the حَوْصَلَة of a bird. (TA.) المُجْتَرِىءُ: see جَرِىْءٌ.



1 عَسُرَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عُسْرٌ (S, A, O, Msb, K) and عُسُرٌ (S, A, K) and عَسَارَةٌ (Msb, K) [and مَعْسُورٌ and عُسْرَةٌ and مَعْسَرَةٌ and مَعْسُرَةٌ and عُسْرَى (see عُسْرٌ below)]; and عَسِرَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. عَسَرٌ; (S, O, Msb, K;) and ↓ تعسّر, (A, O, Msb, K,) and ↓ تعاسر, (K,) and ↓ استعسر; (A, O, Msb, K;) It (an affair, or a thing, S, A, O, Msb) was, or became, difficult, hard, strait, or intricate. (S, A, O, Msb, K, * TA.) You say, عَسُرَ عَلَيْهِ, (TA,) and عَسِرَ, (S, O,) and ↓ تعسّر, and ↓ تعاسر, and ↓ استعسر, (K,) It was, or became, difficult, hard, strait, or intricate, to him. (S, * O, * K.) b2: عَسُرَ مَا فِى البَطْنِ, (as in the CK and a MS. copy of the K,) or عَسَرَ, (accord. to the TA,) What was in the belly would not come forth. (K.) You say عَسَرَ عَلَيْهِ مَا فِى البَطْنِ What was in his belly would not come forth. (TA.) b3: See also 4. b4: عَسُرَ, (Msb,) or عَسَرَ, (IKtt, TA,) or عَسِرَ, (TK,) inf. n. عُسْرٌ and عَسَارَةٌ (Msb, IKtt, TA) and عَسَرٌ, (IKtt, K,) He (a man) had little gentleness, (Msb, IKtt,) فِى الأُمُورِ [in the execucution of affairs]; (Msb;) and was narrow, or niggardly, in disposition: (IKtt:) or he was hard in disposition; or illnatured. (K, * TK.) b5: عَسُرَ عَلَيْهِ, (A, and so in the CK and a MS. copy of the K,) or عَسَرَ, (as in the TA,) inf. n. عُسْرٌ, (TA,) He acted contrarily, or adversely, to him; opposed him; (A, K;) as also ↓ عسّر, (K,) inf. n. تَعْسِيرٌ: (TA:) and عليه ↓ عسّر also signifies he straitened him. (Sb, O, * TA.) b6: عَسُرَ الزَّمَانُ, (so in the CK and in a MS. copy of the K,) or عَسَرَ, (so in the TA,) Time, or fortune, became severe, rigorous, afflictive, or adverse, (K,) عَلَيْنَا to us. (TA. b7: عَسُرَتِ النَّاقَةُ and عَسِرَت The she-camel was untrained. (O.) b8: And عَسَرَتْ, (K, TA,) and عَسَرَتْ بِذَنَبِهَا, (S, O, TA,) aor. ـِ inf. n. عَسَرَانٌ (S, O, K, TA) and عَسْرٌ, (O, K, TA,) She (a camel) raised her tail, after conception, to show the stallion that she was pregnant: (S, * O, TA:) and [as also, app., ↓ عسّرت, or عسّرت دَنَبَهَا, inf. n. تَعْسِيرٌ, (see ناقة عَسِيرٌ, voce عَسِرٌ,)] she (a camel) raised her tail in her running. (K, TA.) [In the former case, the action denotes repugnance to the stallion: in the latter, a degree of refractoriness: in both, difficulty.]

A2: عَسَرَ الغَرِيمَ, aor. ـِ and عَسُرَ, (S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. عَسْرٌ; (S, O;) and ↓ أَعْسَرَهُ; (O, Msb, K;) He demanded the debt of the debtor, it being difficult to him to pay it: (S, O, Msb, K: *) and he took it of him, it being difficult to him to pay it, and was not lenient towards him until he was in easy circumstances. (TA.) b2: عَسَرَهُ, (As, TA,) and ↓ اعتسرهُ, (S, TA,) He forced, or compelled, him, against his wish; [عَلَى الأَمْرِ to do the thing;] i. q. قَسَرَهُ, (As, TA,) and اقتسرهُ. (S, O, TA.) A3: عَسِرَ, and عَسِرَتْ, (TK,) or عَسَرَتْ, (K, TA,) aor. ـِ (TK,) inf. n. عَسَرٌ, (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K,) He, (a man, TK,) and she, (a woman, TK,) was left-handed. (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K.) b2: عَسَرَنِى, (O, L, and K, and so in a copy of the S,) aor. ـِ (L,) or ـُ (TA,) inf. n. عَسْرٌ; (L, TA;) and ↓ عَسَّرَنِى, (K,) or عَسِرَنِى, (L and TA, and so in a copy of the S,) aor. ـَ (TA;) He came on my right side. (S, O, L, K, TA.) 2 عَسَّرَ see 1, in four places: and see 4.3 عاسرهُ, (K,) inf. n. مُعَاسَرَةٌ, (S, O,) He treated him, or behaved towards him, with hardness, harshness, or ill-nature; (S, * O, * K;) مُعَاسَرَةٌ is the contr. of مُيَاسَرَةٌ. (S, O.) 4 اعسر, (S, K, &c.,) inf. n. إِعْسَارْ, (Kr, Mgh, &c.,) and, accord. to Kr, عُسْرٌ; but correctly, the former is an inf. n., and عُسْرَةٌ is a simple subst.; [as is also عُسْرٌ;] (TA;) He was, or became, in a state of difficulty; possessing little power or wealth: (TA:) he became poor: (Mgh, Msb, K:) he lost his property. (S, O.) عَسَارٌ in the sense of إِعْسَارٌ is a pure mistake. (Mgh.) b2: اعسرت She (a woman) had, or experienced, difficulty in bringing forth; (Lth, S, O, K;) as also ↓ عَسَرَتْ. (O, TA.) You say, in praying for a woman in labour, أَيْسَرَتْ وَأَذْكَرَتْ (Lth, A) May she have an easy birth, and may she bring forth a male child: (Lth, O:) and in the contr. case you say, أَعْسَرَتْ وَآنَثَتْ [May she have a difficult birth, and may she bring forth a female child]. (Lth, A, O, TA.) b3: And in like manner, She (a camel) had difficulty in bringing forth, her young one sticking fast at the time of the birth. (O, TA.) b4: And She (a camel) did not conceive during her year [after she had been covered]; (K, * TA;) as also ↓ عُسِّرَتْ, in the pass. form. (TA.) A2: اعسر الغَرِيمَ: see عَسَرَ.5 تعسّر: see 1, in two places. b2: It (spun thread, غَزْلٌ, in the K قَوْلٌ [speech], but this is a mistake, TA) became entangled, so that it could not be unravelled; as also تغسّر, with the pointed غ: so accord. to Lth, as related by Az, who confirms it as of the language of the Arabs: but Sgh, in the TS [and O], says, You say of a thing, when it has become difficult, استعسر and تعسّر; but of spun thread, when it has become entangled, so that it cannot be unravelled, تغسّر, with the pointed غ; not with the unpointed ع, unless using a forced, or constrained, mode of speech. (TA.) 6 تَعَاسَرَا [They were difficult, or hard, each with the other; they treated, or behaved towards, each other with hardness, harshness, or illnature;] they disagreed, each with the other; said of a buyer and seller, and of a husband and wife; (TA;) تَعَاسُرٌ is the contr. of تَيَاسُرٌ: (S, O:) see Kur lxv. 6. (TA.) b2: See also 1, in two places.8 اعتسرهُ in the sense of اقتسرهُ: see عَسَرَهُ. b2: اعتسر النَّاقَةَ He rode the she-camel before she was trained, (S, A, O,) while she was difficult to manage: (A:) or he took her in the first stage of her training, while yet difficult to manage, and attached her rein to her nose, and rode her. (K.) b3: Hence, اعتسر الكَلَامَ (tropical:) He uttered the speech without premeditation; without measuring and preparing it in his mind. (Az, A.) b4: اعتسر مِنْ مَالِ وَلَدِهِ He took of the property of his son, or child, or children, against the wish of the latter: (S, O, K:) so occurring in a trad., with س; from الاعتسار signifying “ the act of forcing, or compelling: ” but accord. to one relation of that trad., it is with ص. (TA.) 10 إِسْتَعْسَرَ see 1, in two places.

A2: استعسرهُ He sought, or desired, or demanded, that in which he experienced, or would experience, difficulty. (O, K.) عَسْرٌ, or العَسْرُ: see عِسْرٌ, in two places.

عُسْرٌ and ↓ عُسُرٌ (S, A, O, K) and ↓ عَسَرٌ (S, A, K) and ↓ مَعْسُورٌ [respecting which, as well as some other words here mentioned, see below, in this paragraph, and see what is said of its contr.

مَيْسُورٌ, voce يُسْرٌ,] and ↓ عُسْرَةٌ and ↓ مَعْسَرَةٌ and ↓ مَعْسُرَةٌ and ↓ عُسْرَى [all of which are app. inf. ns., of 1, q. v.,] (K) Difficulty; hardness; straitness; intricacy; contr. of يُسْرٌ. (S, A, O, K.) b2: 'Eesà Ibn-'Omar observes that every noun of three letters of which the first is with damm and the second quiescent is pronounced by some of the Arabs with the second movent like the first; as عُسْرٌ and عُسُرٌ, and رُحْمٌ and رُحُمٌ, and حُلْمٌ and حُلُمٌ. (S, O.) b3: It is said in the Kur [lxv. 7], سَيَجْعَلُ اللّٰهُ بَعْدَ عُسْرٍ يُسْرًا [God will give, after difficulty, ease]. (O, TA.) And again, [xciv. 5 and 6,] فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا [And verily with difficulty shall be ease: verily with difficulty shall be ease]: on reciting which, Ibn-Mes'ood said, لَنْ يَغْلِبَ عُسْرٌ يُسْرَيْنِ [A difficulty will not predominate over twofold ease], which, says Abu-l-'Abbás, is meant as an explanation of the words of the Kur immediately preceding it, agreeably with a rule mentioned by Fr [and applying to most cases, but not to all]: for العسر being mentioned, and then repeated with ال, the latter is known to be the same as the former; and يسرا being mentioned, and repeated without ال, the latter is known to be different from the former. (O, * TA.) b4: It is also said, لَوْ دَخَلَ العُسْرُ جُحْرًا لَدَخَلَ اليُسْرُ عَلَيْهِ [If difficulty were to enter a burrow in the ground, ease would enter upon it]. (TA.) b5: As to ↓ مَعْسُورٌ, it is the contr. of مَيْسُورٌ, and both are inf. ns.: (S, O:) or they are put in the places of عُسْرٌ and يُسْرٌ: (TA:) or accord. to Sb, they both are epithets; for he holds that there is no inf. n. of the measure مَفْعُولٌ; and the saying دَعْهُ إِلَى مَيْسُورِهِ وَإِلَى

مَعْسُورِهِ is expl. as signifying Leave thou him to a thing in which he experiences ease, and to a thing in which he experiences difficulty: and مَعْقُولٌ is also expl. in like manner. (S, O.) [In like manner also,] فُلَانٍ ↓ بَلَغْتُ مَعْسُورَ [may be expl. as signifying I effected a thing in which such a one experienced difficulty; meaning I treated such a one with hardness, harshness, or illnature; being] said when thou hast not treated the person of whom thou speakest with gentleness, graciousness, courtesy, or civility. (O, TA.) You also say, [using معسور and its contr. ميسور as epithets,] ↓ خُذٌ مَيْسُورَهُ وَدَعٌ مَعْسُورَهُ [Take thou what is easy thereof, and leave thou what is difficult thereof]. (A.) b6: عُسْرٌ also signifies Poverty: (Msb:) and ↓ عُسْرَةٌ, [the same: or] littleness of possessions, of property, of wealth, or of power: (S, TA:) and ↓ مَعْسَرَةٌ and ↓ مَعْسُرَةٌ, [the same: or] difficulty, and poverty; contr. of مَيْسَرَةٌ: (O, TA:) both inf. ns.: (O:) and ↓ عُسْرَى, [the same: or] difficult things, affairs, or circumstances; (TA;) contr. of يُسْرَى: (S, O, TA:) and fem. of أَعْسَرُ, applied to a thing, or an affair, or a circumstance. (TA.) b7: ↓ جَيْشُ العُسْرَةِ [The army of difficulty] is an appellation given to the army of Tabook; because they were summoned to go thither during the intense heat of summer, (O, K,) and in the season of the ripening of the fruit, (O, TA,) so that it was hard to them; (O, K;) and because the Prophet never warred before with so numerous an army, amounting to thirty thousand. (O, TA.) b8: ↓ فَسَنُيَسِّرُهُ لِلْعُسْرَى, in the Kur [xcii. 10], signifies, as some say, [We will smooth his way] to punishment, and a difficult case. (O, TA.) عِسْرٌ, (S,) or العِسْرُ, (O, K,) A certain tribe of the Jinn, or Genii; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ عَسْرٌ, (S,) or العَسْرُ: (O, K:) or the first, (S, O,) or second and ↓ last, (K,) a land inhabited by Jinn. (S, O, K.) عَسَرٌ: see عُسْرٌ.

عَسِرٌ Difficult, hard, hard to be done or accomplished, hard to be borne or endured, distressing, strait, or intricate; (S, O, Msb, K; *) applied to an affair, or a thing; (S, O, Msb;) as also ↓ عَسِيرٌ. (S, A, O, Msb, K.) b2: حَاجَةٌ عَسِرٌ, and ↓ عَسِيرٌ, (K,) or عَسِيرٌ and ↓ عَسِيرَةٌ, (L,) A want difficult of attainment. (L, K.) b3: يَوْمٌ عَسِرٌ, (K,) and ↓ عَسِيرٌ, (S, K,) and ↓ أَعْسَرُ, (K,) A difficult day; a day of difficulty; (S;) a hard, distressful, or calamitous, day; or an unfortunate, or unlucky, day. (K.) b4: رَجُلٌ عَسِرٌ A man having little gentleness in [the execution of] affairs: (Msb:) or hard in disposition; or illnatured. (K.) [See 1.]

b5: ↓ نَاقَةٌ عَسِيرٌ, (S, A, O,) or ↓ عَسِيرَةٌ, (as in one copy of the S,) A she-camel not trained: (S, A, O:) or ↓ نَاقَةٌ عَسِيرٌ and ↓ عَوْسَرَانَةٌ and ↓ عَيْسَرَانَةٌ [and app. ↓ عَيْسَرَانِيَّةٌ] (K) or ↓ عَوْسَرَانِيَّةٌ (Lth, Az, S, O, L) and ↓ عَيْسَرَانِيَّةٌ (Lth, Az, TS, O, L) and ↓ عَيْسُرَانِيَّةٌ, (Lth, Az, TS, O,) but what Lth says is not agreeable with the usage of the Arabs, (Az, TS, O,) a she-camel that is ridden, (Lth, Az, S, O, TA,) or laden, (TA,) before she has been trained: (Lth, Az, S, O, TA:) or that has been taken in the first stage of her training, while yet difficult to manage, and had her nose-rein attached, and been ridden: (K:) and the epithet applied to a he-camel is ↓ عَسِيرٌ, (K, TA,) or عَسِرٌ, (CK,) and ↓ عَيْسَرَانٌ (Lth, Az, and so in some copies of the K,) and ↓ عَيْسُرَانٌ (Lth, Az, TA, and so, in the place of the form immediately preceding, in some copies of the K,) and ↓ عَيْسَرَانِىٌّ (TA) and ↓ عَيْسُرَانِىٌّ (K, TA) and ↓ عَوْسَرَانِىٌّ. (S, O.) b6: Also ↓ نَاقَةٌ عَسِيرٌ A she-camel that raises her tail in her running; as also ↓ عَاسِرٌ: (K:) or the latter, raising her tail after conception: (TA:) [see 1:] and [its pl.] ↓ عَوَاسِرُ, applied to wolves, that are agitated in their running, and shake the head, and contort (تَكْسِرُ) their tails, (S, TA,) by reason of briskness. (TA.) And ↓ نَاقَةٌ عَوْسَرَانِيَّةٌ A she-camel that is wont to raise her tail when she runs, (TS, O, K,) by reason of sprightliness. (O, TA.) In the L, instead of تَعْسِيرُ, preceding ذَنَبِهَا, we find تَكْسِيرُ. (TA.) b7: Also, ↓ نَاقَةٌ عَسِيرٌ, (Lth, O, K,) or ↓ عَسِيرَةٌ, (S,) accord. to Lth, (TA,) A she-camel not conceiving during her year [after having been covered]: (Lth, S, O, K:) but Az says that this explanation by Lth is not correct, and that ناقة عسير signifies, as expl. above, “a she-camel that is ridden before she has been trained; ” and so As explains it; and ISk says the same. (TA.) عُسُرٌ: see عُسْرٌ.

عُسْرَةٌ: see عُسْرٌ, in three places.

عَسَرَهٌ: see أَعْسَرُ, last sentence.

عُسْرَى: see عُسْرٌ, in three places: and see also أَعْسَرُ.

عَسِيرٌ and عَسِيرَةٌ: see عَسِرٌ, throughout.

عَاسِرٌ; and [its pl.] عَوَاسِرُ: see عَسِرٌ, latter half.

عَوْسَرَانَةٌ and عَوْسَرَانِيٌّ and عَوْسَرَانِيَّةٌ: see عَسِرٌ; the last in two places.

عَيْسَرَانٌ and عَيْسُرَانٌ and عَيْسَرَانَةٌ and عَيْسُرَانَةٌ and عَيْسَرَانِىٌّ and عَيْسُرَانِىٌّ and عَيْسَرَانِيَّةٌ and عَيْسُرَانِيَّةٌ: see عَسِرٌ.

أَعْسَرُ [More, and most, difficult, hard, strait, or intricate; contr. of أَيْسَرُ;] applied to a thing, or an affair, or a circumstance: fem. ↓ عُسْرَى. (TA.) b2: Applied to a day, i. q. عَسِرٌ, q. v.; (K;) unfortunate, or unlucky, (O.) A2: A left-handed man; one who works with his left hand; (S, O, Msb, K;) one whose strength is in his left hand or arm, and who does with that what others do with the right: (TA:) fem. عَسْرَآءُ: (K:) and pl. عُسْرَانٌ, (O, TA,) like as سُودَانٌ is a pl. of أَسْوَدُ, (TA,) and عُسْرٌ. (O.) None is stronger in casting or shooting than the أَعْسَر. (TA.) b2: أَعْسَرُ يَسَرٌ A man who uses both his hands [alike]; ambidextrous; an ambidexter: (S, O, K:) fem. عَسْرَآءُ يَسَرَةٌ: (TA:) you should not say [of a man that he is] أَعْسَرُ أَيْسَرُ; (S, TA;) nor of a woman that she is عَسْرَآءُ يَسْرَآءُ. (TA.) b3: العَسْرَآءُ, fem. of الأَعْسَرُ, The left hand or arm. (TA.) b4: حَمَامٌ

أَعْسَرُ A pigeon, or pigeons, having a whiteness in the left wing. (S, O.) And عُقَابٌ عَسْرَآءُ An eagle whose feathers on the left side are more numerous than those on the right: (S, O, K: *) and (S, O, K) some say (S, O) having, in its wing, white primary feathers. (O, K.) And عَسْرَآءُ A white primary feather; (O, K;) and so ↓ عَسَرَةٌ. (S, O, K; in one of my copies of the S written عِسْرَة.) مِعْسَرٌ A man who presses his debtor, and straitens him, or puts him in difficulty. (T, TS, O, K.) [See 1, latter half].

مَعْسَرَةٌ and مَعْسُرَةٌ: see عُسْرٌ; each in two places.

مَعْسُورٌ: see عُسْرٌ, in four places.



1 قَسَطَ, (S, M, &c.,) aor. ـِ (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. قُسُوطٌ (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K) and قَسْطٌ, (Mgh, Msb, K,) He declined, or deviated, from the right course; acted unjustly, wrongfully, injuriously, or tyrannically. (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K.) A2: See also 4, in two places: A3: and see 2.2 قسّطهُ, (IAar, M, TA,) inf. n. تَقْسِيطٌ, (IAar, TA,) He distributed it; or dispersed it. (IAar, M, TA.) It is implied in the K that the verb in this sense is ↓ قَسَطَ, of three letters [only, without teshdeed]. (TA.) You say, قسّط المَالَ بِيْنَهُمْ He distributed the property among them. (TA.) And قسّط الخَرَاجَ عَلَيْهِمْ He assigned the several portions which each one of them should pay of the [tax called] خراج: (TA:) or قسّط الخَرَاجَ, inf. n. as above, signifies he assessed, or apportioned, the خراج (Mgh, Msb) with equity and equality, (Mgh,) to be paid at certain times. (Msb.) b2: قسّط عَلَى عِيَالِهِ النَّفَقَةَ, (TA,) inf. n. as above, (K,) He was niggardly, or parsimonious, towards his household in expenditure. (K, * TA.) 4 اقسط, (S, M, Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. إِقْسَاطٌ, (Mgh, K,) He acted equitably, or justly, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) in his judgment or the like; (M, TA;) as also, (Msb, K,) accord. to IKtt, (Msb,) ↓ قَسَطَ, aor. ـِ (Msb, K) and قَسُطَ, (K,) but the former of these aor. ., as well as the former verb, is the more known, (TA,) inf. n. قَسْطٌ, (Msb, TA,) or قِسْطٌ [q. v. infra]; (M, K;) or إِقْسَاطٌ is only in division: (TA:) thus the latter of these two verbs is made to have two contr. significations: (Msb, TA:) in the former of them, accord. to some, the أ has a privative effect, [so that the verb properly signifies he did away with, or put away, injustice, or the like,] as [it has in اشكاه] in the phrase شَكَى إِليَسْهِ فَأَشْكَاهُ [he complained to him and he made his complaint to cease]. (TA.) It is said in the Kur, [iv. 3,] وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تُقْسِطُوا فِى اليَتَامَى [And if ye fear lest ye should not act equitably with respect to the orphans]: (Mgh:) or, accord. to one reading, ↓ تَقْسُطُوا, with damm to the س. (TA.) And you say also, أَقْسَطْتُ بَيْنَهُمْ [I acted equitably between them], and إِلَيْهِمْ [towards them]. (TA.) 5 تَقَسَّطُوا الشَّىْءِ بَيْنَهُمْ They divided the thing among themselves (Lth, S, * M [in which last بينهم is omitted] and O, L, K) equitably, (M, O,) or equitably and equally, (L,) or with equality. (Lth, K.) You say also, المَالَ بَيْنَهُمْ ↓ إِقْتَسَطُوا They divided the property among themselves; (TK;) إِقْتِسَاطٌ being syn. with إِقْتِسَامٌ. (K.) 8 إِقْتَسَطَ see 5.

قُسْطٌ a dial. var. of كُسْطٌ, or, accord. to Yaakoob, the ق is a substitute [for ك]; (M;) said by IF to be Arabic; (Msb;) [Costus; so in the present day;] a certain substance, (AA, Msb,) or perfume, (Mgh,) or wood, (M,) or a certain Indian wood, and also Arabian, (K,) with which one fumigates; (AA, M, Mgh, Msb;) well known; (Msb;) also called كُسْطٌ and كُشْطٌ (AA) and قُشْطٌ: (TA in art. قشط:) or a wood which is brought from India, and which is put into the substances used for fumigating, and into medicine: (Lth:) or a certain drug of the sea: (S:) [it is said in the S and TA, voce حِنْزَابٌ, that the carrot of the (جَزَرُ البَحْرِ) is called قُسْطٌ:] in a trad., القُسْطُ البَحْرِىُّ [or قُسْط of the sea] is mentioned as one of the best of remedies: and in another trad., قُسْط is coupled by the conjunction و with أَظْفَار, or, accord. to one relation thereof, is prefixed to the latter word, governing it in the gen. case: and IAth says, that it is a sort of perfume: but some say that it is aloes-wood (عُود, q. v.): [see also ظَفَارِىٌّ:] and others, a well-known drug, of sweet odour, with which women and infants are fumigated: (TA:) it is diuretic, beneficial to the liver in a high degree, and for the colic, and for worms, and the quartan fever, as a beverage; and for rheum, and defluxions, and pestilence, when the patient is fumigated therewith; and for the [leprous-like disorder called] بَهَق, and the [discolouration of the face termed] كَلَف, when applied as a liniment; (K;) and it confines the bowels, expels wind, strengthens the stomach and heart, occasions pleasurable sensation, is an ingredient in many sorts of perfume, and is the best of perfumes in odour when one fumigates therewith. (TA.) قِسْطٌ Equity; justice: (S, * M, Mgh, Msb, K: *) [an inf. n. having no proper verb, or] a subst. from أَقْسَطَ. (Mgh, Msb.) A2: Equitable; just: (S, * M, K:) an inf. n. used as an epithet, like its syn. عَدْلٌ; (M, K;) and [therefore] applied alike to a sing. n. [and to a dual] and to a pl.: (K:) you say مِيزَانٌ قِسْطٌ an equitable, or a just, balance; and مِيزَانَانِ قِسْطٌ; and, agreeably with the usage of the Kur, xxi. 48, مَوَازِينُ قِسْطٌ. (M.) A3: A portion, share, or lot; (S, M, Msb, K;) of a thing; (K;) and pertaining to a person: (TA:) pl. أَقْسَاطٌ. (Msb.) You say, وَفَّاهُ قِسْطَهُ He gave him in full his portion, share, or lot. (TA.) And أَخَذَ كُلٌّ مِنَ الشُّرَكَآءِ قِسْطَهُ Every one of the partners took his portion, or share. (TA.) b2: A portion, or piece. (So accord. to an explanation of the pl., أَقْسَاطٌ, in the TA.) b3: The means of subsistence: (K:) or the portion thereof which is the share of every created being. (TA.) يَخْفِضُ القِسْطَ وَيَرْفَعُهُ, said of God, in a trad., has been explained as meaning He maketh the portion of the means of subsistence which is the share of any created being little, and maketh it much. (TA.) [See, below, another meaning which is assigned to it in this instance; and see also art. خفض.] b4: A quantity, (K, TA,) of water only; or any quantity, of water and of other things. (TA.) b5: A measure with which corn is measured, (S, Mgh, K,) which holds (K) half of a صَاع; (S, Mgh, K;) six thereof making a فَرْقَ: (S:) accord. to Mbr, four hundred and eighty-one dirhems. (TA.) Sometimes it is used for performing the ablution termed وُضُوْء: and hence it is said in a trad., إِنَّ النِّسَآءَ مِنْ أَسْفَهِ السُّفَهَآءِ

إِلَّا صَاحِبَةَ القِسْطِ وَالسِّرَاجِ; (K;) the قِسْط being here the vessel in which the وضوء is performed; (TA;) the meaning app. being, [Women are of the most lightwitted of the lightwitted,] except she who serves her husband, and assists him to perform the وضوء, [so I render تُوَضِّئُهُ,] and takes care of the vessel which he uses for that purpose, and stands at his head with the lamp: (K:) or who performs his affairs with respect to his وضوء and his lamp. (Nh.) b6: A [mug of the kind called]

كُوز; (M, K;) so called by the people of the great towns: (M:) now applied to one with which olive-oil is measured. (TA.) b7: A balance, or weighing-instrument. (K.) Some say that this is its meaning in the phrase mentioned above, يَخْفِضُ القِسْطَ وَيَرْفَعُهُ He depresseth the balance, and raiseth it: alluding to the means of subsistence which He decrees. (TA.) قَاسِطٌ Declining, or deviating, from the right course; acting unjustly, wrongfully, injuriously, or tyrannically: pl. قَاسِطُونَ (S, M, Mgh, TA) and قُسَّاطٌ. (TA.) You say, هُوَ قَاسِطٌ غَيْرُ مُقْسِطٍ He is declining, or deviating, from the right course; &c.: not acting equitably, or justly. (TA.) And it is said in the Kur, [lxxii. 15,] أَمَّا الْقَاسِطُونَ فَكَانُوا لِجَهَنَّمَ حَطَبًا [As for the deviators from the right course, they shall be fuel for hell]. (S, M, Mgh.) [See also عَادِلٌ.] b2: القَاسِطُونَ is also specially applied to The party of Mo'áwiyeh; (Mgh;) the people of Siffeen. (TA.) b3: [and it has the contr. meaning, i. e. Acting equitably, or justly. See, again, عَادِلٌ.]

أَقْسَطُ More [and most] equitable, just, or right: occurring in the Kur, ii. 282, and xxxiii. 5: (TA:) formed from the triliteral verb [قَسَطَ], not from the quadriliteral [أَقْسَطَ], as some assert it to be, holding it anomalous. (MF.) تَقْسِيطٌ The register in which is written a man's portion, or share, (قِسْط,) of property &c: a subst., like تَمْتِينٌ. (TA.) مُقْسِطٌ Acting equitably, or justly. (S, M.) It is said in the Kur, [v. 46, and xlix. 9, and lx. 8,] إِنَّ اللّٰهَ يُحِبُّ المُقْسِطِينَ [God loveth those who act equitably, or justly]. (S, M.) b2: المُقْسِطُ is one of the names of God, meaning The Equitable. (TA.)



1 كَرُمَ

, inf. n. كَرَمٌ, It (a thing) was, or became, highly esteemed or prized or valued; excellent, precious, valuable, or rare: (Msb:) followed by عَلَيْهِ: see 1 in art. فجع. b2: كَرُمَتْ

أَرْضُهُ His land yielded increase of its seed-produce, (ISh, K,) and its soil became good, (ISh,) being manured; (ISh, K;) [or it was, or became, generous, or good; i. e., productive, or fertile]. b3: كَرُمْتُ عَلَيْهِ, (S, K, art. عز,) I exceeded him in generosity, or nobleness. (TK, voce عَزٌّ.) 2 كَرَّمَهُ عَلَىَّ [He honoured him above me]. (Kur, xvii. 64). b2: كَرَّمَهُ عَنْ كَذَا [He preserved him from such a thing]: see an ex. in a verse cited in art. عل (conj. 3): and see, here, 4 and 5. b3: كَرَّمَ He highly regarded a horse or the like. b4: See تَكْرِمَةٌ.4 أَكْرَمَهُ He treated him with honour, or courtesy. b2: أَكْرَمَ, and ↓ اِسْتَكْرَمَ, He found a generous horse (فَرَسًا كَرِيمًا). (TA in art. ربط.) See رَبَطَ. b3: أَكْرَمْتُ عَنْهُ عِرْضِى

I preserved myself from it. (S in art. عرض. See also 2.) 5 تَكَرَّمَ عَنْهُ

, and ↓ تَكَارَمَ, He shunned it; avoided it; kept, or removed, himself far from it; or preserved himself from it; (K;) for in stance, from foul speech. (TA in art. دقع.) b2: تَكَرَّمَ He affected, or constrained himself, to be generous. (S.) 6 تَكَاْرَمَ see 5.10 اِسْتَكْرَمَ الشَّىْءَ

: see 10 in art. فره. b2: See also 4.

إِبْنُ الكَرْمِ The قِطْف [i. e. grape, or bunch of grapes]. (T in art. بنى.) كَرَمٌ in a horse, &c., generous quality. See حَسَبٌ; and see كَرِيمٌ, and مَكْرُمَةٌ, and شَرِيفٌ.

ذُو الجَلَالِ وَالإِكْرَامِ (Kur, lv. 27) Possessed of majesty, or greatness, and bounty: (Jel:) or, of absolute independence and universal bounty. (Bd.) الكُرْكُمُ الصَّغِيرُ

: see العُرُوقُ الصُّفْرُ.

كَرِيمٌ Generous; liberal; honourable: noble; high-born; contr. of لَئِيمٌ. (K, &c.) b2: [A generous, a noble, a high-bred, a well-born, or an excellent, horse, &c.; of generous, high, or good, breed or quality.] b3: A thing highly esteemed or prized or valued; excellent, precious, valuable, or rare. (Msb.) b4: [أَرْضٌ كَرِيمَةٌ Productive land. See كَرُمَتْ أَرْضُهُ.] b5: بَعِيرٌ كَرِيمٌ عَلَى أَهْلِهِ [A camel held in high estimation by his owner]. (TA in art. دفع.) b6: [وَجْهُ اللّٰهِ الكَرِيمُ means The glorious face of God: see an ex. voce سُبْحَةٌ.] b7: كَراَئِمُ المَالِ (TA) or الأَمْوَالِ (Mgh, Msb) Such as are held in high estimation, precious, or excellent, of cattle or other possessions; (Mgh, Msb, TA;) the choice, or best, thereof. (Mgh, Msb.) حُبًّا وَكَرَامَةٌ

, see حُبٌّ. b2: لَا وَلَا كَرَامَةً

No; nor a jar-cover: i. e., No: (I will not give thee, or I will not do, what thou requirest,) nor anything else. See حُبٌّ; and see تَكْرِمَة. b3: كَراَمَةٌ, the kind of miracle so called: pl. كَرَامَاتٌ; like the term χαρίσματα as used by St. Paul in 1 Cor. xii. 9: it may be well rendered thaumaturgy: and صاَحِبُ كَراَمَاتٍ a thaumaturgus, or thaumaturgist: see مُعْجِزَهٌ, and قَرَاسَةٌ.

أَكْرَمُ in the sense of كَرِيمٌ, as in أَكْرَمُهُمْ أَبًا: see بَيَاضٌ.


, syn. with تَكْرِيمٌ; (Mgh;) subst. from كَرَّمْتُهُ; as also ↓ كَرَامَةٌ. (Msb.) مَكْرَمَةٌ A means. or cause, of attaining honour. (Mgh, Msb.) مَكْرُمٌ

: see أَلُوكٌ and يُسْرٌ.

مَكْرُمَةٌ A generous, or honourable, quality or action. (Msb, &c.) b2: عَلِىَ فِى المَكَارِمِ [He became eminent in generous, or honourable, actions or practices or qualities or dispositions]. (Msb in art. علو.) b3: مَكَارِمُ may often be rendered Excellencies.

أَرْضٌ مَكْرُمَةٌ and ↓ كَرَمٌ (tropical:) Generous, good, land: (K, TA:) [good and fertile land:] or dunged and tilled land. (TA.) And أَرْضٌ مَكْرُمَةٌ لِلنَّبَاثِ (tropical:) Land producing good herbage or plants. (S, TA. [In some copies of the S, good for herbage or plants.])



ى1 وَلِيَهُ , (S, Msb, K,) and وَلِى عَلَيْهِ, (Msb, K,) inf. n. وِلَايَةٌ (S, Msb, K,) and وَلَايَةٌ, (K,) or the former is a simple subst., (TA,) and signifies the office, and authority, (K,) He held command or authority over it; had charge of it; presided over it, or superintended it, (namely a thing, S, Msb, K, and a country, province, town, or the like, S, Msb,) as a prefect, commander, governor, lord, prince, king, administrator, or manager; (K, TA;) i. q. ↓ تَوَلَّاهُ. (Msb.) b2: وَلِىَ كَذَا He performed the act or office of doing such a thing; he did such a thing himself.2 وَلَّى He caused to turn away, or back. (Kur-án, ch. ii. v. 136.) b2: He caused to turn towards, with acc. (Idem, ch. ii. v. 139.) b3: He turned away, or departed. (TA.) b4: وَلَّى عَنْهُ He turned away from, avoided, shunned, and left, him or it. (Msb.) b5: وَلَّتِ الحَرْبُ [The war declined]. (A, K, in art. سفر.) b6: وَلَّى هَارِبًا He went back, or retreated, fleeing. (S.) b7: وَلَّيْتُهُ ظَهْرِى

I placed him behind me, and betook myself to defending him. (TA in art. شزن.) b8: More commonly I turned my back upon him, or it: see Har, p. 564. b9: وَلَّى اللَّيْلُ لِيَذْهَبَ The night [declined, i. e.] retreated to depart; syn. أَدْبَرَ. (T in art. دبر.) b10: وَلَّى أَمْرُ القَوْمِ لِفَسَادِ The case of the people, or party, declined, or became reduced to a bad state; syn. أَدْبَرَ. (M in art. دبر.) b11: [وَلَّى كِبَرًا, and وَلَّى alone, both of frequent occurrence in the lexicons, &c., He became in a declining state by reason of age.]

وَلَّى said of a man is syn. with دَبَرَ; as also شَيَّخَ. (S in art. دبر.) See also two exs., p. 75, col. 3. b12: التَّوْلِيَةُ, like الإِدْبَارُ, properly signifies Retrogression; and hence, like this English word, tropically, declension. b13: وَلَّاهُ أَمْرًا He set him over the thing; appointed him superintendent of it; or set him to do it; as also إِيَّاهُ ↓ أَوْلَاهُ. b14: وَلَّى دُبُرَهُ and وَلَّاهُ دُبُرَهُ; see دُبُرٌ, and see three phrases voce ذَنَبٌ.3 وَالَاهُ It was next, or adjacent, to it. Said of one place or tract with respect to another. b2: وَالَى He made a consecution, or succession, of one to the other; (S, K;) بَيْنَهُمَا between them two; (S;) or بَيْنَ الأَمْرَيْنِ between the two things or affairs; he made a successive connexion, or no interruption. (K.) And والاه He made it consecutive, successive, or uninterrupted, in its progressions, or gradations, or the like; syn. تَابَعَهُ [which see]. (Msb.) b3: وَالَاهُ, (MA,) inf. n. مُوَالَاةٌ, (S, KL, TA,) He befriended him, or was friendly to him. (S, MA, KL, TA.) See شَايَعَهُ.4 أَوْلَى He gave: and he made near. (KL.) b2: أَوْلَاهُ مَعْرُوفًا He did to him, or conferred upon him, a benefit, or favour; syn. أَسْدَاه إِلَيْهِ; as though he made it cleave to him, being next to him: or he put him in possession of it. (TA.) You say also, أَوْلَاهُ ذُلَّا [He brought upon him abasement, or ignominy], (S, K, in art. خسف,) and الذُّلَّ وَالهَوَانَ. (Msb in that art., voce خَسْفٌ, q. v.) 5 تَوَلَّى He turned himself, الى towards. (Jel, ii. 139.) He turned away (Idem, xix. 50; and S, Msb) عَنْهُ from him, or it. (S.) b2: تَوَلَّى He turned the back to another: see a verse in art. فيل, conj. 1. b3: تولّى أَمْرًا He took upon himself an affair. b4: تَوَلَّى كِبْرَهُ He took upon himself, or undertook, the main part thereof; syn. تَحَمَّلَ مُعْظَمَهُ. (Jel, xxiv. ii.) b5: تَولَّاهُ: see وَلِيَهُ.10 اِسْتَوْلَى عَلَيْهِ He mastered, or gained the mastery over, him or it; (Msb;) he got it in his hand, possession, or power. (TA.) b2: إِسْتَوْلَتْ عَلَيْهِ الحُجَّةُ [The argument, allegation, or pled, overcame him]. (L in art. بهت.) وَلِىٌّ The manager of a thing, or of the affairs of another: (Msb:) the guardian, or manager of the affairs, and maintainer, of an orphan: the guardian of a women, who affiances her, and independently of whom marriage cannot be contracted by her. (TA.) The executor of a deceased person: (Bd, xvii. 35:) the heir of a deceased person. (Bd, Jel, ibid.) The hair [or next-of-kin] of a slain person, (Bd, Jel, xvii. 35,) who has the management of the affairs after the death of that person. (Bd, ibid.) and the slayer's next-of-kin, who is answerable for him. b2: وَلِىُّ عَهْدٍ and وِلَايَةُ عَهْدٍ: see art. عهد. b3: وَلِىّ اللّٰهِ may be rendered The friend of God: or وَلِىٌّ has the meaning of an act. part. n., i. e. the constant obeyer [of God]: or that of a pass. part. n., i. e. [the favourite of God;] the object of the constant beneficence and favours of God. (TA.) See عَدُوٌّ. b4: أَللّٰهُ وَلِىُّ الحَمْدِ signifies both مُسْتَحِقُّهُ and صَاحِبُهُ. (IbrD.) b5: وَلِىٌّ pl. أَوْلِيَاءُ A saint, &c. b6: وَلِىٌّ The rain after the وَسْمِىّ. (TA in art. عنو.) وَلَآءٌ Relationship: so in the phrase بَيْنَهُمَا وَلَآءٌ [Between them two is relationship]. (JM.) b2: Also used for أَصْحَابُ وَلَآءٍ: see a verse cited voce عَيْرٌ. b3: وَلَآءٌ The right to the inheritance of the property left by an emancipated slave.


: see وَلِىٌّ.


A prefect, governor, ruler, king, regent, judge, magistrate, &c. See مَعُونَةُ.

فُلَانٌ أَوْلَى بِكَذَا Such a one is more, or most, entitled to such a thing; has a better, or the best, right, or title, or claim, to it; is more, or most, deserving, or worthy, of it; is more, or most, competent to it; is more, or most, fit for it; syn. أَحَقُّ بِهِ. (Msb.) But see أَحَقٌّ. See also an ex. voce أُولُو, from the Kur, viii., last verse, and xxxiii. 6. b2: أَوْلَى بِشَىْءٍ

More worthy, or deserving, of a thing. More fit, apt, or proper, for a thing. b3: بِالطَّرِيقِ لِأَوْلَى

A fortiori: see طَرِيقٌ.


A lord, or chief; syn. سَيِّدٌ. (TA in the addenda.) b2: The son of a paternal uncle: (S, Msb:) or a relation, (K,) such as a son of a paternal uncle (IAar, K) and the like, (K,) [i. e.] and such as a son of a sister. (IAar, TA.) b3: And A freedman; (S, Msb, K;) so called because he is in the condition of the son of a paternal uncle; being one [under the patronage of his emancipator, i. e.,] whom the emancipator is bound to aid, and whose property he inherits if he dies having no [natural or other legal] heir. (TA.) And (K) a slave: (M, K:) fem. with ة. (M.) مَوَالِيَا

, vulg. مَوَّال (not مَوَالِيَّا) A kind of short poem, generally of five lines, of which all but the penultimate end with the same rhyme: see note 5 to ch. xxvi. of my “ 1001 Nights. ”



ى1 رَوِىَ مِنَ المَآءِ, (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) and اللَّبَنِ, (M, K,) aor. ـْ (T, S, Msb, K,) inf. n. رِىٌّ (T, S, M, Mgh, * K) and رَىٌّ, (S, K,) or the former is a simple subst. and the latter is the inf. n., (Msb,) or the latter is an inf. n. and also a simple subst., (M, K,) and رِوًى, (S, M, K,) the last erroneously written, in [some of] the copies of the K, رَوَى, as though it were a pret. verb [like رَوِىَ]; (TA;) and ↓ ارتوى and ↓ تروّى; (S, M, Msb, K;) all signify the same; (T, S, M, * Msb, K;) [or the last probably has an intensive meaning;] He was satisfied, or he satisfied himself, with drinking of water [and of milk]; he drank thereof enough to quench, or satisfy, his thirst; contr. of عَطِشَ. (Mgh in explanation of the first.) b2: And رَوِىَ النَّبَاتُ, (M,) or الشَّجَرُ, (K,) مِنَ المَآءِ; (TA;) and ↓ تروّى; (M, K;) [The plant, or herbage, or the trees, had plentiful irrigation: or] i. q. تَنَعَّمَ [i. e., became flourishing and fresh, luxuriant, juicy, succulent, or sappy]; (M, K;) or became bright and fresh, by reason of plentiful irrigation. (TK.) b3: رَوِىَ and ↓ ارتوى and ↓ تروّى are also used metaphorically, as meaning (tropical:) He was, or became, in a good state or condition; and in the enjoyment of much ease, pleasantness, softness, or delicacy, of life. (Har p. 100.) b4: شَبِعْتُ مِنْ هٰذَا الأَمْرِ وَ رَوِيتُ is likewise metaphorical, meaning (tropical:) I have become, or I became, disgusted [or satiated to loathing] with this thing, or affair. (S * and TA in art. شبع.) b5: See also a verse cited voce إِلَى, (p.

85,) in which يَرْوَى is made trans. by means of that particle in the place of مِنْ.

A2: رَوَى عَلَى أَهْلِهِ, (T, S, M, K,) and لِأَهْلِهِ, (S, M, K,) aor. ـْ inf. n. رَيَّةٌ, or رِيَّةٌ, (accord. to different copies of the T, [the former app. indicated to be the right by what is said in the next sentence,]) or رَىٌّ, (M, [probably also correct,]) He brought water to his family: (S, M, K:) [but in the T it is implied that the meaning is like that of the phrase here following:] رَوَى القَوْمَ, (ISk, T, S, K,) aor. as above, (ISk, T, S,) inf. n. ريّة, (so in the TA,) He drew water for the people, or party. (ISk, T, S, K.) You say, مِنْ أَيْنَ رَيَّتُكُمْ, with fet-h to the ر, (S,) or رِيَّتُكُمْ, (so in the T,) meaning Whence is your providing of yourselves with water? (المَآءَ ↓ مِنْ أَيْنَ تَرْتَوُونَ: T, immediately after the latter of the foregoing phrases; and S, immediately after the former of them:) so says ISk. (T.) And رَوَى عَلَى اليَعِيرِ He drew water upon the camel. (M. [See سَانِيَةٌ.]) b2: And رَوَى

المَآءَ, aor. ـْ [inf. n., app., رِوَايَةٌ,] He (a camel) bore, carried, or conveyed, water. (Msb, TA.) b3: Hence, (Msb, TA,) رَوَى الحَدِيثَ, (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) and الشِّعْرَ, (T, S, M, Mgh,) عَنْهُ, (MA,) aor. ـْ (T,) inf. n. رِوَايَةٌ; (T, S, M, Mgh, K;) and ↓ تروّاهُ; (M, K;) both signify the same; (K;) He bore in his memory, knowing by heart, (حَمَلَ,) and transmitted [orally], related, recited, or rehearsed, the tradition, narrative, or story, (Msb, TA,) and the poetry, (TA,) [as learned, or heard, or received,] from him; (MA;) [he related, recited, or rehearsed, the tradition, &c., and the poetry, by heart from him:] you say to a man, أَنْشِدِ القَصِيدَةَ [ “ Recite thou the ode ”]; but you do not say, اِرْوِهَا unless you mean thereby Relate thou it by heart. (S, TA.) [One says also, رُوِىَ عَنْهُ, meaning It has been related as heard, or received, from him. And رُوِىَ كَذَا, and يُرْوَى كَذَا, meaning It has been related, and it is related, (otherwise, i. e.) thus; with the substitution of such a word &c.: and often meaning it has been read, and it is read, &c. And فِى رِوَايَةٍ كَذَا, meaning According to one relation, or way of relation or relating, thus: and often meaning according to one reading, thus.]

A3: رَوَى الحَبْلَ, (M, K,) [aor. ـْ inf. n. رَىٌّ, (M,) He twisted the rope: (M, K:) or he twisted the rope well, or thoroughly, or soundly. (M.) b2: رَوَى عَلَى الرَّجُلِ, (S, M, TA,) in the copies of the K, erroneously, الرَّحْلِ, (TA,) He bound the man (S, M, K, * TA) with the rope called رِوَآء (M, TA) upon the back of the camel, (S, K, *) lest he should fall (S, M, K, * TA) from the camel (M) in consequence of his being overcome by sleep. (S, M, * TA.) And رَوَيْتُ عَلَى

الرَّاوِيَةِ, aor. ـْ inf. n. رَىٌّ, I bound the رِوَآء

upon the leathern water-bag, or pair of leathern water-bags, called راوية. (T.) You say, رَوَى

عَلَيْهِ, inf. n. رَىٌّ; and ↓ اروى; He bound him, or it, with the rope [called رِوَآء, as is implied in the M]. (M, * TA.) And الرِّوَآءَ عَلَى البَعِيرِ ↓ اروى

[He bound the رواء upon the camel]; like رَوَاهُ. (TA.) And ↓ رواى He bound a load with the رِوَآء. (TA.) 2 روّى, inf. n. تَرْوِيَةٌ: see 4, in two places: b2: and 5. [Hence,] يَوْمُ التَّرْوِيَةِ [The day of providing oneself with water;] the eighth day of Dhu-l-Hijjeh; (T, Msb;) the day before that of 'Arafeh: (M:) so called because they (the pilgrims, T) used to provide themselves (يَتَزَوَّدُونَ, T, M, or ↓ يَتَرَوَّوْنَ, Msb, and so in a copy of the T, or ↓ يَرْتَوُونَ, S, K) on that day with water (T, S, M, * Msb, K) for the aftertime, (S, Msb, K,) and to rise and go, or when rising to go, to Minè, where is no water, [or, accord. to the Msb, where was little water,] therefore they provided themselves fully with water, or therefore they provided themselves with water from Mekkeh for the alighting and abiding at Minè: (T, accord. to two different copies:) or [it means the day of consideration, or thought; (from another signification of the verb, as will be seen from what follows;) and is so called] because Abraham was considering, or thinking upon, his dream (وَ يَتَفَكَّرُ فِى رُؤْيَاهُ ↓ كَانَ يَتَرَوَّى) [on that day], and on the ninth he knew [that his dream was from God], and on the tenth he desired to act [according to his dream] (اِسْتَعْمَلَ). (K. [and in a similar manner it is explained in the Ksh and by Bd in xxxvii. 101. See also 2 in art. روأ]) b3: روّى رَأْسَهُ بِالدُّهْنِ, and الثَّرِيدَ بِالدَّسَمِ, (T, TA,) He moistened [his head, app. much, or saturated it, i. e. its hair, with oil, or grease, and the broken, or crumbled, bread with grease, or gravy]. (TA.) A2: روّاهُ الشِّعْرَ, (T, S, M, Mgh, K,) and الحَدِيثَ, (M, Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. as above; (S;) and إِيَّاهُ ↓ ارواهُ; (S, K;) He made him to relate by heart the poetry, (S, M, * Mgh, * K, * TA,) and the tradition, narrative, or story; (M, Mgh, TA;) he made him to bear in his memory, knowing by heart, and to transmit, relate, recite, or rehearse, (Msb, TA,) the poetry, (TA,) and the tradition, narrative, or story; (Msb, TA;) [or he taught him to do so; i. e.] he related to him by heart (رَوَى لَهُ) the poetry, (T, TA,) and the tradition, narrative, or story, (TA,) until he retained it in his memory, for the purpose of relating it by heart [as learned, or heard, or received,] from him. (T, TA. *) and رُوِّينَا الحَدِيثَ [We had the tradition, narrative, or story, related to us by heart; and in like manner, الشِّعْرَ the poetry]. (Msb, TA.) A3: رَوَّيْتُ فِى

الأَمْرِ, (S, K, [though Freytag represents the verb as being in the K without teshdeed, and Golius explains the verb nearly in the same manner with and without teshdeed,]) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He looked into the thing, or affair, or case; inspected it; examined it; considered it; or thought upon it; (S, M, K, TA;) deliberately, or leisurely; without haste; a dial. var. of رَوَّأْتُ [q. v.]: (M, TA:) [and فِيهِ ↓ تَرَوَّيْتُ app. signifies the same:] see يَتَرَوَّى in the former half of this paragraph, in an explanation of يَوْمُ التَّرْوِيَةِ.4 ارواهُ (M, MA, Msb, K) مِنَ المَآءِ (MA) [and من اللَّبَنِ], inf. n. إِرْوَآءٌ; (KL, and Har p. 67;) and ↓ روّاهُ (MA, Msb) مِنْهُ, (MA,) inf. n. تَرْوِيَةٌ; (KL;) He satisfied him, or made him to be satisfied, with drinking of water [and of milk]; he satisfied, or quenched, his (another's) thirst, by a drink, or draught, of water [and of milk]; (M, * MA, Msb, * K, * KL; *) he did away with his thirst [thereby]. (Har ubi suprà.) One says of a she-camel abounding in milk, هِىَ تُرْوِى

الصَّبِىَّ [She satisfies the thirst of the young child]: because he sleeps in the beginning of the night, and they desire that her flow of milk may be early, before his sleeping. (M, TA.) [And in like manner, ارواهُ is said of water, and of milk, &c., meaning It satisfied his thirst.] b2: [Hence, اروى and ↓ روّى signify also He watered, or irrigated, plentifully a plant, or herbage, or a tree; or rendered it flourishing and fresh, luxuriant, succulent, or sappy, by plentiful irrigation: see 1, second sentence.]

A2: See also 2, in the middle of the paragraph.

A3: And see 1, last three sentences.5 تروّى: see 1, first three sentences. b2: Yousay also, تَرَوَّوْا and ↓ رَوَّوْا, meaning They provided themselves with water. (M.) And كَانُو يَتَرَوَّوْنَ مِنَ المَآءِ; (Msb, and so in a copy of the T; see 2, second sentence;) or من المآء ↓ يَرْتَوُونَ; (S and K; see again 2, second sentence;) [They used to provide themselves with water:] and المَآء ↓ مِنْ أَيْنَ تَرْتَوُونَ [Whence do ye provide for yourselves water?]. (T and S; see 1, in the middle of the paragraph.) b3: And تَرَوَّتِ اللُّقْمَةُ بِالسَّمْنِ [The morsel was imbued, or soaked, with clarified butter]. (En-Nadr, TA in art. ريغ.) A2: تروّى الحَدِيثَ, and الشِّعْرَ: see 1, in the latter half of the paragraph.

A3: تَرَوَّتْ مَفَاصِلُهُ: see 8.

A4: تروّى فِيهِ: see 2, in two places.8 ارتوى: see 1, first and third sentences: b2: and see also 5, in two places. b3: ارتوت النَّخْلَةُ The palm-tree, having been planted in a hollow dug for the purpose, was watered at its root. (Lth, T.) A2: It (a rope) was twisted: (M, K:) or was twisted well, or thoroughly, or soundly: (M:) or was thick in its strands: (S:) or was composed of many strands, and thick, and very compact. (Lth, T.) b2: And ارتوت مَفَاصِلُهُ His joints (those of a beast, T, or those of a man, S) were, or became, well-proportioned and thick; (T, S, K;) and so ↓ تروّت. (M, K.) رَوٌّ: see رَوَآءٌ.

رُىٌّ: see what next follows: A2: and see also art. رى.

رِىٌّ, said by Esh-Shámee, in his “Seereh [of the Prophet],” to be also with damm [i. e. ↓ رُىٌّ, which is anomalous, like رُيَّا, for رُؤْيَا], (MF, TA,) is an inf. n. of رَوِىَ: (T, S, M, Mgh, * K:) and also (M, K) a simple subst. from that verb [meaning The state of being satisfied with drinking of water and of milk; the state in which one is satisfied with drinking or drink; the state of having drunk enough to quench, or satisfy, the thirst]. (M, Msb, K.) One says, فُلَانٌ فِى رِىٍّ

وَ مَشْبَعٍ [Such a one is in a state in which he is satisfied with drink and food]. (T, A, TA, all in art. نظر.) b2: [Also, as is indicated in the K &c., in relation to plants or herbage, or to trees, The state of having plentiful irrigation; or of being flourishing and fresh, luxuriant, juicy, succulent, or sappy, by reason of plentiful irrigation.]

A2: عَيْنٌ رِبَّةٌ A source abounding with water. (S.) A3: See also art. رى.

رِوًى: see رَوَآءٌ. b2: رُطَبٌ رِوًى Dates when they ripen [after they have been cut off,] not upon their palm-trees; as also ↓ مُرْوٍ. (TA.) رُويَا: see رُؤْيَا, in art. رأى.

رَوَآءٌ and ↓ رِوًى (T, S, M, K [in this last improperly said to be like إِلَى, which is without tenween,]) and ↓ رَوِىٌّ (M, K) Sweet water: (S:) or water that causes him who comes to it to return with his thirst satisfied; (T, S; *) applied only to water that has a continual increase, and does not become exhausted, nor cease: (T:) or abundant water, that satisfies the thirst. (M, K.) b2: [Hence,] الرَّوَآءُ is a name of The well of Zemzem. (K, TA.) A2: And رواء, (so in the TA, as from the K, and as mentioned by Az on the authority of IAar, [but I have looked for it in vain in two copies of the T, app. رَوَآءٌ, or perhaps ↓ رِوَآءٌ, like the Pers\.

رِوَا, for one of these two may be from the other,] or ↓ رَوٌّ, (so accord. to my MS. copy of the K and accord. to the TK, [but this I think very dubious, and still more strange is the reading in the CK, which is رِو,]) Abundance of herbage, or of the goods, conveniences, or comforts, of life. (K.) رُوَآءٌ [for رُؤَآءٌ, (see رِئْىٌ, in art. رأى,) or of the measure فُعَالٌ from الرِّىُّ, (see Har p. 24,)] i. q. مَنْظَرٌ [as meaning A pleasing, or goodly, aspect; or beauty of aspect]: so in the phrase رَجُلٌ لَهُ رُوَآءٌ [A man having a pleasing, or goodly, aspect]. (S.) رِوَآءٌ A rope with which the two leathern water-bags are bound upon the camel: (T:) or a rope with which goods, or furniture, or utensils, &c., are bound upon the camel; (S, K;) and with which a man is bound upon a camel, lest he should fall in consequence of his being overcome by sleep: (M, and Ham p. 321:) or one of the ropes of the [tent called] خِبَآء: and sometimes the load is bound therewith upon the camel: accord. to AHn, it is thicker than well-ropes: (M:) and ↓ مِرْوًى signifies the same: (T, K:) pl. of the former أَرْوِيَةٌ; (T, S, K;) and of ↓ the latter مراوى, (T, K,) i. e. مَرَاوَى, and مَرَاوٍ. (TA.) A2: See also رَوَآءٌ.

رَوِىٌّ: see رَوَآءٌ. b2: Also A full, or complete, drink. (K, TA.) You say, شَرِبْتُ شُرْبًا رَوِيًّا (S, TA) I drank a full, or complete, drink. (TA.) b3: And A cloud of which the rain-drops are large, (S, K,) and vehement in their fall; like سَقِىٌّ: (S:) pl. أَرْوِيَةٌ. (TA.) b4: And, accord. to IAar, One who gives to drink; or a waterer; syn. سَاقٍ: [in one copy of the T, in the place of السَّاقِى as explanatory of الرَّوِىُّ, I find التَّأَنِّى, which I think an evident mistranscription:] b5: and Weak: b6: and Sound in body and intellect. (All three from the T.) A2: Also The [funda-mental] rhyme-letter; (S, M, K;) the letter upon which the ode is founded, and which is indispensable in every verse thereof, in one place; as, for instance, the [final] ع in the verse here following: إِذَا قَلَّ مَالُ المَرْءِ قَلَّ صَدِيقُهُ وَ أَوْمَتْ إِلَيْهِ بِالعُيُونِ الأَصَابِعُ [When the wealth of the man becomes little, his friends become few, and, together with the eyes, the fingers make signs to him]: (Akh, M:) [when two or more letters are indispensable to the rhyme, only one of them is thus termed, according to rules fully explained in the M and in the treatises on versification:] IJ mentions رَوِيَّاتٌ as its pl.; but [ISd says,] I think him to have stated this carelessly, and not to have heard it from the Arabs. (M.) One says قَصِيدَتَانِ عَلَى

رَوِىٍّ وَاحِدٍ [Two odes constructed upon one rhymeletter; or having one fundamental rhyme-letter]. (S.) رِوَايَةٌ [an inf. n. of رَوَى, q. v., when used as a subst., meaning A relation, or recital, &c.,] has for its pl. رَوَايَا. (JM.) See رَاوِيَةٌ, last sentence but one.

رَوِيَّةٌ A want, or thing wanted: (A 'Obeyd, T, S:) so in the saying, لَنَا عِنْدَ فُلَانٍ رَوِيَّةٌ [We have a want to be supplied to us on the part of such a one; meaning we want a thing of such a one]: (A 'Obeyd, T:) and لَنَا قِبَلَكَ رَوِيَّةٌ [We have a want to be supplied to us on thy part; we want a thing of thee]. (S.) b2: And The remainder of a debt and the like. (S.) A2: Also, (S,) or رَوِيَّةٌ فِى أَمْرٍ, (M, K, *) thus usually pronounced without ء, (S,) [originally رَوِيْئَةٌ,] Inspection, examination, consideration, or thought, of an affair; (S, M, K;) without haste: (M:) pl. رَوَايَا. (JM, TA.) You say, مَضَى عَلَى وَجْهِهِ بِغَيْرِ رَوِيَّةٍ [He went at random, heedlessly, or in a headlong manner, without consideration]. (A in art. ركب.) See رَاوِيَةٌ, near the end. [See also رَوِيْئَةٌ in art. روأ.) رَجُلٌ رَوَّآءٌ A man whose habitual work, or occupation, is the drawing of water by means of the رَاوِيَة [q. v.]: you say, جَآءَ رَوَّآءُ القَوْمِ [The people's habitual drawer of water by means of the راوية came]. (T.) رَيَّا [originally رَوْيَا] A sweet odour (T, M, K) of anything. (T.) One says of a woman, إِنَّهَا لَطَيِّبَةُ الرَّيَّا, meaning Verily she is sweet in the odour of her body: and hence the saying of Imrael-Keys, إِذَا قَامَتَا تَضَوَّعَ المِسْكُ مِنْهُمَا نَسِيمَ الصَّبَا جَآءَتْ بِرَيَّا القَرَنْفُلِ [When they stand, the fragrance of musk is diffused from them, like the breath of the east wind that has brought the sweet odour of the clove]. (T.) A2: It is also fem. of رَيَّانُ. (T, S, M, &c.) رَيَّانُ [originally رَوْيَانُ] an epithet from رَوِىَ; (T, M, Mgh, Msb, K;) Satisfied with drinking [of water and of milk &c.]; having drunk [thereof] enough to quench, or satisfy, his thirst; contr. of عَطْشَانُ: (S, Mgh: *) fem. رَيَّا, (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) in which the ى is not changed into و because the word is an epithet; for it is changed into و only in a subst., of the measure فَعْلَى, of which ى is the final radical, as in تَقْوَى; so that if it were a subst., it would be رَوَّى; (S, M;) originally رَوْيَا: (M:) as to رَيَّا that is thought to be used as the proper name of a woman, it is, thus used, an epithet, like الحَارِثُ and العَبَّاسُ, though without the article ال: (S, * M:) the pl. is روَآءٌ, (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) with kesr and medd., (S,) in measure like كِتَابٌ, (Msb,) masc. and fem. (Mgh, Msb.) You say قَوْمٌ رِوَآءٌ مِنَ المَآءِ [A people, or party, satisfied with drinking of water]. (S.) b2: And نَبْتٌ رَيَّانُ and شَجَرٌ رِوَآءٌ [A plant, or herbage, and trees, having plentiful irrigation: or flourishing and fresh, luxuriant, juicy, succulent, or sappy, by reason of plentiful irrigation: see the verb]. (M.) b3: [Hence,] رَيَّانُ signifies also (assumed tropical:) Full of fat and flesh. (JM.) And you say وَجْهٌ رَيَّانُ (tropical:) [A plump face]; an expression of dispraise [app. when relating to a man, but not otherwise; for رَيَّانُ, or رَيَّا, applied to a youth, or to a woman, or a limb of a woman, meaning plump and juicy, is used by way of praise]: opposed to وَجْهٌ ظَمْآنُ. (A and TA in art. ظمأ.) And اِمْرَأَةٌ رَيَّا المُخَلْخَلِ (assumed tropical:) [A woman full, or plump, in the place of the anklet]. (JM.) And فَرَسٌ رَيَّانُ الظَّهْرِ (assumed tropical:) A horse fat in the portion of flesh and sinew next the back-bone on each side. (T.) رَاوٍ [as the act. part. n. of رَوَى] is used in relation to water [as meaning Bringing, or one who brings, water to his family: and drawing, or one who draws, water for others: and a camel carrying, or that carries, water; whence the subst.

رَاوِيَةٌ, q. v.]. (S, TA.) b2: And [hence] it is used also in relation to poetry (T, S, M) and to traditions or narratives or stories (T, M, Mgh, K) [as meaning A relater, reciter, or rehearser, by heart, of poetry, and of traditions, or narratives or stories, learned, or heard, or received, from another]: and in like manner ↓ رَاوِيَةٌ, but in an intensive sense [as meaning a large, or copious, relater or reciter or rehearser, &c.]; (T, S, M, Mgh, K;) i. e. كَثِيرُ الرِّوَايَةِ; (T, * TA;) as in the phrase رَجُلٌ رَاوِيَةٌ لِلشِّعْرِ [a man who is a large, or copious, relater &c. of poetry]: (S:) the pl. of رَاوٍ is رُوَاةٌ. (S, TA.) A2: Also One who has the superintendence, management, or care, of horses (مَنْ يَقُومُ عَلَى الخَيْلِ [strangely rendered by Freytag, who seems to have read عَلَى الجَمَلِ, “constrictus fune et stans super cameli dorso ”]). (M, K.) رَاوِيَةٌ A camel, (A 'Obeyd, T, S, K,) or a mule, or an ass, (S, and so in the K with the exception of “ and ” for “ or,”) upon which water is drawn: (A 'Obeyd, T, S, K: [see سَانِيَةٌ:]) or a camel that carries water; (M, * Mgh, Msb;) and then applied to any beast upon which water is drawn: (Msb:) [but it is disputed whether this be the primary or proper signification, or whether it be secondary or tropical, as will be shown by what follows:] and also a man who draws water (A 'Obeyd, T, TA) for his family: (TA:) the ة is affixed [لِلنَّقْلِ, i. e. for the purpose of transferring the word from the category of epithets to that of substantives; or] to give intensiveness to the signification: (Msb:) pl. رَوَايَا [by rule رَوَآءٍ, being originally of the measure فَوَاعِلُ, not فَعَائِلُ]. (S, M, TA.) Also A مَزَادَة [or leathern water-bag] (A 'Obeyd, T, S, M, Mgh) composed of three skins, (Mgh,) containing water; (M, K;) so called as being the receptacle in which is the water borne by the camel [thus called]; (A 'Obeyd, T;) or the مزادة is thus termed by the vulgar, but this application of the word is allowable as metaphorical: (S:) or it signifies a pair of such water-bags (مَزَادَتَانِ [see مَزَادَةٌ in art. زيد]): (T:) [accord. to ISd,] it is applied to the مزادة, and then to the camel, because of the nearness of the latter to the former: (M:) or its primary application is to the camel: (S, Mgh:) accord. to some, its application to the camel is proper; and to the مزادة, tropical: accord. to others, the reverse is the case: (MF, TA:) the pl. is رَوَايَا, as above. (Mgh, TA.) b2: One says of a weak person who is in easy circumstances, مَا يَرُدُّ الرَّاوِيَةَ, meaning He is unable to turn back the راوية [or camel bearing a water-bag or pair of water-bags,] notwithstanding its being heavily burdened by the water that is upon it. (M.) b3: And the Prophet applied the appellation رَوَايَا البِلَادِ [The camels bearing water for the irrigation of the countries, or the water-bags borne by camels for the irrigation of the countries,] to (assumed tropical:) the clouds, by way of comparison. (TA.) b4: رَوَايَا is also applied as an appellation to (assumed tropical:) The chiefs of a people; (IAar, Th, T;) as pl. of رَاوِيَةٌ; the chief who bears the burden of the bloodwits owed by the tribe being likened to the camel thus termed. (T, M. *) A Temeemee, mentioning a party that had attacked his tribe, said, لَقِينَاهُمْ فَقَتَلْنَا الرَّوَايَا وَ أَبَحْنَا الزَّوَايَا meaning [We encountered them, and] we slew the chiefs, and gave permission to occupy, or to plunder, the houses, or tents. (T.) b5: رَوَايَا also occurs in a trad., in which it is said, شَرُّ الرَّوَايَا رَوَايَا الكَذِبِ, and accord. to some, it is, in this instance, pl. of رَاوِيَةٌ (JM, TA) in the first of the senses explained above; so that the meaning is, (assumed tropical:) The worst of those who carry tidings are those who carry false tidings; such persons being likened to the beasts so called, in respect of the fatigue that they undergo: (JM:) or it is pl. of ↓ رَوِيَّةٌ; (JM, TA;) and the meaning is, the worst of thoughts are those that are untrue, not right, nor tending to good: or it is pl. of ↓ رِوَايَةٌ; and the meaning is, the worst of relations, or recitals, are those that are untrue. (JM.) b6: See also رَاوٍ.

أَرْوَى: see the next paragraph, in two places.

أُرْوِيَّةٌ, (T, S, M, Msb, K,) originally [أُرْوُويَةٌ,] of the measure أُفْعُوِلَةٌ, (S, M, Msb,) and إِرْوِيَّةٌ, (Lh, M, K,) The female of the وُعُول, (El-Ahmar, A 'Obeyd, T, S, M, Msb, K,) which means mountain-goats: (TA:) or the female and the male; the former of which is also called عَنْزٌ, and the latter وَعِلٌ; (Az, T, Msb;) and which are of the [kind called] شَآءٌ; not of the [kind called] بَقَرٌ: (Az, T:) pl. أَرَاوِىٌّ, (El-Ahmar, A 'Obeyd, T, S, M, Msb, K,) of the measure أَفَاعِيلُ, (S,) a pl. of pauc., Msb,) applied to three (El-Ahmar, A 'Obeyd, T, S, M, K) and more, to ten [inclusive], (El-Ahmar, A 'Obeyd, T, M, K,) and ↓ أَرْوَى, applied to many, (El-Ahmar, A 'Obeyd, T, S, M, Msb, K,) of the measure أَفْعَلُ, (S, M, Msb,) erroneously held by Abu-l-'Abbás to be of the measure فَعْلَى; (M;) an irregular pl.; (Msb, K;) or [rather] it is a quasi-pl. n.; (M, K;) and أَرَوِىُّ is a broken pl. (M.) It is also a proper name of a woman: and so is ↓ أَرْوَى. (S.) مُرْوٍ: see رِوًى

مِرْوًى: see رِوَآءٌ, in two places.



أ1 قَضِئَ السِّقَآءُ, (K,) or قَضِئَتِ القِرْبَةُ, aor. ـَ inf. n. قَضَأٌ, (Az, S, O, K,) The water-skin became rotten, and fell in pieces, (Az, S, O, K, TA,) as is the case when it has been folded while damp. (TA.) You say ↓ سِقَآءٌ قَضِئٌ (TA) and ↓ قِرْبَةٌ قَضِئَةٌ. (Az, S, O.) b2: And قَضِئَ said of a garment, (S, O, TA,) or of a rope, (K, TA,) It became old and worn out, and dissundered, (K, TA,) and rotten, (S, * O, * TA,) when said of a garment, (S, O,) from being long moist and folded: (S, O, TA:) or, said of a rope, it broke in pieces in consequence of its having been long buried in the earth. (K, TA.) b3: And قَضِئَتِ العَيْنُ, (K, TA,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) The eye became red, and flaccid in its inner angle, and in an unsound, or a corrupt, state, (K, TA,) ulcerated, or sore. (TA.) You say ↓ عَيْنٌ قَضِئَةٌ. (TA.) And فِى

↓ عَيْنِهِ قُضْأَةٌ (S, O, TA) meaning In his eye is unsoundness, or corruptness [&c.]. (S, O.) b4: and قَضِئَ حَسَبُهُ, inf. n. قَضَأٌ (K, TA) and قَضَأَةٌ or قَضَآءَةٌ, (accord. to different copies of the K,) in the L the latter of these, and قُضُوْءٌ also, (TA,) His حَسَب [or grounds of pretension to respect or honour] were unsound, (K, TA,) and faulty. (TA.) A2: قَضِئَ, (El-Umawee, S, O, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. قَضْءٌ, (El-Umawee, S, O, [and the same is indicated in the K,]) He ate (El-Umawee, S, O, K) a thing; said of a man. (El-Umawee, S, O.) 4 اقضأهُ He gave him to eat; (S, O, K;) namely, a man: (S, O:) some say that it is with ف: (TA in this art.:) but Sh says that it is with ق, after mentioning افضآه as transmitted from A 'Obeyd from As (TA in art. فضا.) 5 تَقَضَّؤُوا مِنْهُ أَنْ يُزَوِّجُوهُ They accounted his grounds of pretension to respect or honour [too] low [for them to marry him], or [too] mean, (Ibn-Buzurj, K, TA,) and [too] faulty. (Ibn-Buzurj, TA.) b2: See also تَفَسَّأَ.

قَضِئٌ part. n. of قَضِئَ; and its fem, with ة: see 1, in three places.

قَضْأَةٌ: see the following paragraph.

فِى عَيْنِهِ قُضْأَةٌ: see 1. b2: One says also, مَا عَلَيْكَ فِى هٰذَا الأَمْرِ قُضْأَةٌ i. e. [There is not] any disgrace [to be imputed to thee in, or in respect of, this affair]. (S, O.) And فِى حَسَبِهِ قُضْأَةٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ قَضْأَةٌ (K) [In his grounds of pretension to respect or honour is] faultiness, (S, O, K,) and unsoundness. (K.) And نَكَحَ فِى قُضْأَةٍ (S, O, TA) He married in a disparaging manner. (TA.)



1 غَرَزَ, aor. ـِ (S, K,) inf. n. غَرْزٌ, (S,) He pricked a thing with a needle, (S, K,) and with a stick or the like. (K in art. نخس.) b2: He inserted a needle into a thing; as also ↓ غرّز: (TA:) he stuck, (TA,) or fixed, (Msb, TA,) a thing, (Msb,) or a stick, (TA,) into the ground; (Msb, TA;) he inserted and fixed a stick into the ground; (Mgh;) he planted a tree; [like غَرَسَ;] (TA;) with the same aor. , (Msb,) and the same inf. n.; (Mgh, Msb;) as also ↓ اغرز. (Msb.) b3: [Hence,] غَرَزَ رِجْلَهُ فى الغَرْزِ, (S, K,) or فِى

الرِّكَابِ, (A,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (S,) (tropical:) He put his foot into the غَرْز, (S, K,) or stirrup; (A;) as also ↓ اغترز [alone, from غَرْزٌ meaning a kind of stirrup]. (A, K.) b4: [Hence also,] غَرَزَتِ الجَرَادَةُ; and ↓ غرّزت, (TA,) or غرّزت بِذَنَبِهَا, inf. n. تَغْرِيزٌ; (S;) The locust stuck her tail into the ground to lay her eggs. (S, TA.) b5: And hence, أَقَامَ بِأَرْضِنَا وَغَرَزَ ذَنَبَهُ (tropical:) [He stayed. or abode, in our land, and remained fixed, or] did not quit it. (A and TA in art. ذنب.) b6: غُرِزَ and ↓ غُرِّزَ are also said of anything when one means It was tucked up (شُمِّرَ) into a thing. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of El-Hasan, ضُفُرَ رَأْسِهِ ↓ وَقَدْ غَرَّزَ, i. e., And he had twisted [the locks or plaits of] his hair, and inserted its extremities into its roots. (TA.) A2: غَرِزَ, aor. ـَ (Sgh, K,) inf. n. غَرْزٌ, (TK,) (tropical:) He obeyed the Sultán after having been disobedient to him: (Sgh, K:) as though he laid hold of his غَرْز [or stirrup] and went with him. (TA.) A3: غَرَزَتْ, (S, A, K,) aor. ـُ (S,) inf. n. غِرَازٌ (A, K) and غَرْزٌ, (K,) She (a camel, S, A, K, and a sheep or goat, and an ass, TA) had little milk; her milk became little. (S, K.) 2 غَرَّزَ see 1, in four places.

A2: غرّز النَّاقَةَ He abstained from milking the she-camel: (A:) and غرّز الغَنَمَ he ceased to milk the ewes or she-goats, desiring that they should become fat: (TA:) and غُرِّزَتِ النَّاقَةُ, inf. n. تَغْرِيزٌ, the she-camel was left unmilked: or her udder was dashed with cold water in order that her milk might cease: or she was left unmilked once between two milkings: (K:) this is when her milk has withdrawn: (TA: [see also 2 in art. غزر:]) or تَغْرِيزٌ signifies the sprinkling a she-camel's udder with water, then daubing the hand with earth or dust and slapping the udder, so that the milk is driven upwards, then taking her tail and pulling it vehemently, and slapping her with it, and leaving her; whereupon she goes away for a while at random. (AHn, TA.) It is said in a trad. of 'Atà, that he was asked respecting the تغريز of camels; and answered, “If it be for emulation, [to make them more fat than those of other men,] no; but if from a desire of putting them in a good state for sale, yes: ” and IAth says that the تغريز thereof may mean them increase, or offspring, (نِتَاج,) and fatness; from غَرْزُ الشَّجَرِ [the planting of trees]; but that the more proper explanation is that before given [which appears to be one of the explanations here preceding]. (TA.) 4 أَغْرَزَ see غَرَزَ.

A2: اغرز الوَادِى The valley produced the plant called غَرَز. (K, TA.) 8 إِغْتَرَزَ see غَرَزَ. b2: اغترز السَّيْرُ (tropical:) The journeying, or time of journeying, (السَّيْرُ, K, or المَسِيرُ, S,) drew near: (S, K:) or his journeying, or time of journeying, drew near: (TA:) from غَرْزٌ [meaning a kind of stirrup]. (S, TA.) [But the reading adopted by the author of the TA is app. السَّيْرَ; agreeably with what I find in a copy of the A, اِغْتَرَزْتَ السَّيْرَ, expl. by دَنَا مَسِيرُكَ.] b3: It is said in a trad., that a man asked him [meaning, app., Mohammad,] respecting the most excellent warring against unbelievers, and that he was silent respecting at until اِغْتَرَزَ فِى الجَمْرَةِ الثَّالِثَةِ, i. e., (assumed tropical:) He entered upon [the period of] the third جَمْرَة: [meaning, that the most excellent is when the weather has become hot; because warring is then the most arduous: see جَمْرَةٌ:] like as the foot of the rider enters into the غَرْز [or stirrup]. (TA.) غَرْزٌ The stirrup (S, Mgh, K) of the camel's saddle, (S, Mgh,) made of skin, (S, K,) sewed; (TA;) that of iron [or brass] or wood being called رِكَابٌ; (S;) the camel's stirrup: (Msb:) IAar says that it is to the she-camel like the حِزَام to the horse: but others say, that it is to the camel like the رِكَاب, to the mule. (TA.) Yousay, اِلْزَمْ غَرْزَ فُلَانٍ [lit. Keep thou to the stirrup of such a one; meaning,] (tropical:) keep thou to the commands and prohibitions of such a one. (K, TA.) And اُشْدُدْ يَدَيْكَ بِغَرْزِهِ (tropical:) Cleave thou to him, (A, K,) and leave him not. (A.) And it is said in a trad., اِسْتَمْسِكْ بِغَرْزِهِ, meaning, (tropical:) Cling thou to him, and follow what he says and does, and disobey him not; like as one lays hold upon the stirrup of the rider and goes with him. (TA.) A2: Also sing. of غُرُوزٌ, which signifies Sprigs ingrafted upon the branches of the grape-vine. (K.) غَرَزٌ A species of panic grass (ثُمَام), (K, TA,) small, growing upon the banks of rivers, having no leaves, consisting only of sheaths (أَنَابِيب) set one into another; and it is of the plants called حَمْض: or, as some say, the [kind of rush called]

أَسَل: and spears are so called as being likened thereto: As says, it is a plant which I have seen in the desert, growing in plain, or soft, tracts of land: (TA:) or its growth is like that of the [sweet rush called] إِذْخِر; of the worst of pasture: (K, TA:) AHn says, it is an unwholesome pasture; for when the she-camel that pastures upon it is slaughtered, the غَرَز is found in her stomach separate from the water, not diffused: and it does not beget the cattle strength: the n. un. is with ة: it has been erroneously mentioned as being called عَرَز, with the unpointed ع (TA.) غَرْزَةٌ A single puncture; syn. خَرْزَةٌ. (TA in art. خرز.) غُرْزَةٌ [i. q. خُرْزَةٌ; q. v.: see Freytag's Arab. Prov., i. 626: in the present day applied to A stitch: expl. by Golius, as on the authority of Meyd, as signifying “ sutura seu consutio vestis, quæ densioribus fit punctorum interst(??) ” the pl. is غُرَزٌ; not غُرْزٌ, as in the Lex. of Golius.) غَرِيزَةٌ Nature: or natural, native, innate, or original, disposition, temper, or other quality or property; idiosynerasy; [of the measure فَعِيلَةٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولَةٌ; as though signifying a disposition, &c., implanted by the Creator;] syn. طَبِيعَةٌ, (Lh, S, Msb, K,) and قَرِيحَةٌ, (S,) and سَجِيَّةٌ, (TA.) and أَصْلٌ; (Lh, TA;) whether good or bad; as, for instance, courage, and cowardice: pl. غَرَائِزُ. (TA.) غَرِيزِىٌّ Natural, native, or innate.]

جَرَادَةٌ غَارِزٌ A locust that has stuck her tail into the ground to lay her eggs; as also غَارِزَةٌ, and ↓ مُغَرِّزَةٌ. (K.) b2: [Hence the saying, مَا طَلَعَ السِّمَاكُ قَطُّ إِلَّا غَارِزًا ذَنَبَهُ فِى بَرْدٍ [(assumed tropical:) Es-Simák has never risen aurorally unless in conjunction with cold]; meaning السِّمَاكُ الأَعْزَلُ, a well-known star in the sign of Libra, [a mistake for Virgo, for it is Spica Virginis, the Fourteenth Mansion of the Moon,] which rises with the dawn on the 5th of Tishreen el-Owwal, [or October O. S., nearly agreeing with my calculation, accord. to which it rose aurorally in Central Arabia, about the commencement of the era of the Flight, on the 4th of October O. S.,] (A, * TA.) when the cold commences. (TA.) b3: [Hence also the saying,] هُوَ غَارِزٌ رَأْسَهُ فِى سِنَتِهِ (tropical:) He is ignorant, (Sgh, K,) and departs from the care of himself which is incumbent on him and pertaining to him. (Sgh, TA.) A2: Also غَارِزٌ A she-camel, (S, K,) [and a ewe or a she-goat,] and an udder, (TA,) having little milk: (S, K, TA:) or a she-camel that has drawn up her milk from her udder: (As, S:) pl. غُرَّزٌ (TA) [and غَوَارِزُ, for] you say also غَنَمٌ غَوَارِزُ. (Az, TA.) b2: [Hence,] عُيُونٌ غَوَارِزُ (tropical:) Eyes that shed no tears. (Az, TA.) b3: [Hence also,] غَارِزٌ applied to a man, (tropical:) [Parum seminis habens; and hence,] that seldom indulges in نِكَاح: pl. غُرَّزٌ. (TA.) تَغْرِيزٌ, sing. of تَغَارِيزُ, (K,) which signifies Offsets of palm-trees, &c., that have been transplanted. (KT, S, K.) مَغْرِزٌ The place of growth, [or of insertion,] (أَصْل,) of a feather, and the like, [such as a tooth, and also of the neck,] and of a rib, and of the udder; [of which last, and of the neck, and the like, it means the base, which is also termed اصل:] pl. مَغَارِزُ. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] The place in which the locust lays its eggs. (TA.) b3: [Hence also the saying,] اُطْلُبِ الخَيْرَ فِى مَغَارِزِهِ (tropical:) [Seek thou good in the persons in whom it is naturally implanted]; as also فى مَغَارِسِهِ. (A, TA.) وَادٍ مُغْرِزٌ A valley in which is the plant called غَرَز. (K, TA.) مَنْكِبٌ مُغَرَّزٌ A shoulder-joint stuck close to the كَاهِل [or withers]. (TA.) جَرَادَةٌ مُغَرِّزَةٌ: see غَارِزٌ, first sentence.



1 جَدَلَهُ, aor. ـُ (S, K) and جَدِلَ, (K,) inf. n. جَدْلٌ, (S,) He twisted it firmly; (S, K;) namely, a rope. (S.) b2: He made it firm, strong, or compact. (TA.) b3: [Hence,] جَارِيَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ الجَدْلِ (assumed tropical:) [A girl of beautiful compacture; of beautiful, compact make]. (S.) b4: [Hence also,] عَمِلَ عَلَى

شَاكِلَتِهِ الَّتِى جُدِلَ عَلَيْهَا (assumed tropical:) [He did according to his own particular way, course, mode, or manner, of acting, or conduct, to which he was strongly disposed by nature]. (TA.) A2: See also 2.

A3: جَدَلَ, inf. n. جُدُولٌ, It (a thing) was, or became, hard, and strong. (K, * TA.) b2: جَدَلَ الحَبُّ فِى

السُّنْبُلِ The grain became strong in the ears: (S. O, TA:) or accord. to the K, it means وَقَعَ [i. e., came into the ears]. (TA.) b3: جَدَلَ said of a young gazelle, &c., He became strong, and followed his mother. (K.) [See also جَادِلٌ.]

A4: جَدِلَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. جَدَلٌ, [said in the S to be a subst. from 3, q. v.,] He contended in an altercation, disputed, or litigated, vehemently, or violently. (Msb.) 2 جدّلهُ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَجْدِيلٌ, (Msb,) He threw him down (S, Msb, K) upon the جَدَالَة, (Msb, K,) i. e., (TA,) upon the ground; (S, TA;) as also ↓ جَدَلَهُ, (K,) inf. n. جَدْلٌ: (TA:) or the former signifies he did so much, or often. (TA.) You say, طَعَنَهُ فَجَدَّلَهُ [He thrust him, or pierced him, with a spear or the like, and threw him down &c.]. (S, Msb.) [See also 3.]3 جادلهُ, inf. n. مُجَادَلَةٌ and جِدَالٌ, (S, Mgh, K,) He contended in an altercation, or disputed, or litigated, with him: (S, TA:) or did so vehemently, or violently, (Mgh, K,) and ably, or powerfully: (K:) [or he did so obstinately, or merely for the purpose of convincing him; for]

مجادلة signifies the disputing respecting a question of science for the purpose of convincing the opponent, whether what he says be wrong in itself or not: (Kull p. 342:) [he wrangled with him:] or جادل, inf. n. مجادلة and جدال, as above, signifies originally he contended in an altercation, or disputed, or litigated, by advancing what might divert the mind from the appearance of the truth and of what was right: and accord. to a later usage, of the lawyers, he compared evidences [in a discussion with another person, or other persons,] in order that it might appear which of those evidences was preponderant: and the doing this is commendable if for the purpose of ascertaining the truth; but otherwise it is blameable: (Msb:) accord. to Er-Rághib, جدال signifies the competing in disputation or contention, and in striving to overcome [thereby]; from جَدَلْتُ الحَبْلَ, meaning, “I twisted the rope firmly; ” as though each of the two parties twisted the other from his opinion: or, as some say, it originally means the act of wrestling, and throwing down another upon the جَدَالَة [or ground]: accord. to Ibn-El-Kemál, a disputing that has for its object the manifesting and establishing of tenets or opinions. (TA.) [See also جَدِلَ.]4 اجدلت She (a gazelle) had her young one [sufficiently grown to be] walking with her. (Zj, K.) 5 تَجَدَّلَ see 7.6 تجادلوا The contended in an altercation, disputed, or litigated, [or did so vehemently, or violently, &c., (see 3,)] one with another. (KL, MA, &c.,) 7 انجدل He fell down upon the ground: (S:) he became thrown down upon the جَدَالَة, i. e., the ground; and in like manner ↓ تجدّل, he became thrown down, &c., much, or often. (TA.) 8 اِجْتِدَالٌ The act of building, or constructing. (TA.) El-Kumeyt says, مَجَادِلَ شَدَّ الرَّاصِفُونَ اجْتِدَالَهَا (S, TA) i. e. [Pavilions of which the masons have made strong] the building, or construction. (TA.) Q. Q. 1 جَدْوَلَ He ruled a book with lines; such as are ruled round a page, &c. See جَدْوَلٌ.]

جَدْلٌ Hard, and strong; as also ↓ جَدِلٌ. (K, * TA.) b2: Also, and ↓ جِدْلٌ, A strong, firm, or compact, penis. (K, * TA.) b3: Also, (K,) or the former, (S, TA,) Any member, or limb: (S, K:) pl. جُدُولٌ. (S, TA.) b4: Also, (K,) or the former, (TA,) Any complete bone, [app. with its flesh,] not broken, nor mixed with aught beside: pl. [of pauc.] أَجْدَالٌ and [of mult.] جُدُولٌ. (K, TA.) b5: Also, (K,) or [the pl.] جُدُولٌ , (Lth, TA,) The bones of the arms and legs (Lth, K, TA) of a man: (Lth, TA:) and of the fore and hind legs of the victim termed عَقِيقَة. (TA from a trad.) جِدْلٌ: see جَدْلٌ.

جَدَلٌ Vehemence, or violence, in altercation or disputation or litigation; (S, K;) and ability, or power, to practise it: (K:) [or simply contention in an altercation; disputation; or litigation:] a subst. from جَادَلَهُ: (S:) or inf. n. of جَدِلَ [q. v.]. (Msb.) b2: Hence, as a term of logic, A syllogism composed of things well known, or conceded; the object of which is to convince the opponent, and to make him to understand who fails to apprehend the premises of the demonstration. (TA.) جَدِلٌ: see جَدْلٌ.

A2: Also One who contends in an altercation, disputes, or litigates, vehemently, or violently, (Msb, K,) and ably, or powerfully; and so ↓ مِجْدَلٌ and ↓ مِجْدَالٌ. (K.) جَدْلَآءُ fem. of أَجْدَلُ.

A2: Also syn., in two senses, with جَدِيلَةٌ, which see, in two places.

جَدْوَلٌ A rivulet; a streamlet; (S, Msb, K;) [whether natural, or formed artificially for irrigation; being often applied to a streamlet for irrigation, in the form of a trench, or gutter;] it is less than a سَاقِيَة; and this is less than a نَهْر: (Mgh in art. سَقى:) as also جِدْوَلٌ: (K:) pl. جَدَاوِلُ. (Msb.) b2: Hence, اِسْتَقَامَ جَدْوَلُهُمْ (tropical:) Their affair, or case, was, or became, in a right, a regular, or an orderly, state; like the جدول when its flow is uniform and uninterrupted. (TA.) And اِسْتَقَامَ جَدْوَلُ الحَاجِّ (assumed tropical:) The caravan of the pilgrims formed an uninterrupted line. (TA.) b3: [Hence also جَدْوَلٌ as meaning (assumed tropical:) A kind of small vein. (Golius from Ibn-Seenà.)]

b4: Hence also جَدْوَلُ كِتَابٍ (assumed tropical:) [A ruled line, (such as is ruled round a page, &c.,) and a column, and a table, of a book]. (TA.) جَدِيلٌ applied to a rope, Firmly twisted; as also ↓ مَجْدُولٌ. (TA.) b2: A camel's nose-rein (S, K) of hide, or leather, (S,) firmly twisted: (S, K:) and a cord of hide, or leather, or of [goats'] hair, [that is put] upon the neck of the camel: (K:) and the [kind of women's ornament termed] وِشَاح (S, K) is sometimes thus called: (S:) pl. جُدُلٌ. (K.) جَدَالَةٌ The ground: (S, Msb, K:) or hard ground: (TA:) or ground having fine sand. (K.) جَدِيلَةٌ A رَهْط, [q. v.,] i. e., (TA,) a thing like an إِتْب, of hide, or leather, which boys, and menstruous women, wear round the waist in the manner of an إِزَار. (K, TA.) A2: A [tribe, such as is termed] قَبِيلَة: and a region, quarter, or tract; syn. نَاحِيَةٌ: (S, K:) and so ↓ جَدْلَآءُ, in both these senses, as used in the phrase, هٰذَا عَلَى

جَدْلَائِهِ [This is according to the way of his region, and of his tribe]. (TA.) You say also, ↓ ذَهَبَ عَلَى جَدْلَائِهِ, in the K, erroneously, جَدْلَانِهِ, (TA,) i. e., على وَجْهِهِ [He went his own way], (K, TA,) and نَاحِيَتِهِ [towards his region, or quarter, or tract]. (K.) b2: A state, or condition. (K.) b3: (tropical:) A particular way, course, mode, or manner, of acting, or conduct; syn. شَاكِلَةٌ, (S, K,) and طَرِيقَةٌ. (K.) You say, عَمِلَ عَلَى جَدِيلَتِهِ, i. e. [He did according to his own particular way, &c.; or] عَمِلَ عَلَى شَاكِلَتِهِ الَّتِى جُدِلَ عَلَيْهَا [explained above: see 1]. (TA.) b4: (tropical:) A determination of the mind. (TA.) b5: (assumed tropical:) The management, or ordering, of a people's affairs; the exercise of the office of عَرِيف. (AA, TA.) جَادِلٌ A boy becoming, or become, strong; vigorous, or robust. (S.) b2: A she-camel's young one above such as is termed رَاشِح, which is such as has become strong, and walks with his mother-(As, S.) [See also جَدَلَ.]

جَنْدَلٌ: and جُنْدَلٌ: &c.: see art. جندل.

أَجْدَلُ; fem. جَدْلَآءُ: see مَجْدُولٌ, in three places

A2: Also, [accord. to most of the grammarians أَجْدَلٌ, but accord. to some أَجْدَلُ,] The hawk; syn. صَقْرٌ; (S, K;) as also ↓ أَجْدَلِىٌّ: (K:) or an epithet applied to the hawk [and therefore without tenween]: (TA:) pl. أَجَادِلُ. (K.) أَجْدَلِىٌّ: see what next precedes.

مِجْدَلٌ A قَصْر [or palace, or pavilion, &c.,] (S, K, TA [in the CK القَصِيرُ is erroneously put for القَصْرُ]) strongly constructed: (TA:) pl. مَجَادِلُ. (S, K.) A2: See also جَدِلٌ.

مِجْدَالٌ A piece of rock or stone: [an oblong roofing-stone, of those which, placed side by side, form the roof of a subterranean passage, &c.:] pl. مَجَادِيلُ. (TA.) A2: See also جَدِلٌ.

مَجْدُولٌ: see جَدِيلٌ. [Hence,] دِرْعٌ مَجْدُولَةٌ (tropical:) A compact coat of mail; (S, TA;) as also ↓ جَدْلَآءُ: (S, K:) pl. [of the latter] جُدْلٌ. (K.) b2: (tropical:) A man (K, TA) of slender make, (TA,) slender in the (bones called] قَصَب, of firm, or compact, make (مُحْكَمُ الفَتْلِ [as though firmly twisted]): (K, TA:) or slender, slim, thin, spare, lean, or light of flesh; not from emaciation: (S:) and مَجْدُولُ الخَلْقِ, as some say, of firm, or compact, make. (TA.) And مَجْدُولَةٌ (assumed tropical:) A woman small in the belly, and compact in flesh: (A in art. فيض:) or مَجْدُولَةُ الخَلْقِ a girl of beautiful compacture; of beautiful, compact make; syn. حَسَنَةُ الجَدْلِ. (S.) Also سَاعِدٌ

↓ أَجْدَلُ (assumed tropical:) [A fore arm, or an upper arm,] of firm, or compact, make. (K, * TA.) And سَاقٌ مَجْدُولَةٌ and ↓ جَدْلَآءُ (tropical:) [A shank of beautiful compacture;] well rounded; well turned; syn. حَسَنَةُ الطَّىِّ. (K, TA.)



1 جَازَ المَوْضِعَ, (S, K,) or المَكَانَ, (A, Mgh, Msb,) aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. جَوَازٌ (S, Msb, K) and جَوْزٌ and جُؤُوزٌ and مَجَازٌ, (K,) He went, or passed, in, or along, the place, and left it behind; (Mgh, K;) [whether this be meant for one signification or two, does not appear; but in either case it is evident that one signification is he passed through, or over, or along, and beyond, the place; and this signification is of frequent occurrence;] as also جاز بِهِ; (K;) and ↓ اجازهُ; (Mgh;) and ↓ جاوزهُ, (Mgh, K,) inf. n. جِوَازٌ; (K, TA; in the CK جَوَازٌ;) and ↓ تجاوزهُ; (Mgh;) lit., he traversed, or crossed, its جَوْز, i. e., middle, and passed through it: (Mgh:) or he went, or passed, in, or along, the place; (As, S, A, Msb, TA;) as also جاز بِهِ, and ↓ جاوزهُ, (TA,) and ↓ اجازهُ, (A,) and ↓ اجتازهُ: (S: [so it appears from its being said that اِجْتِيَازٌ is syn. with سُلُوكٌ:]) and in like manner, الطَّرِيَقَ the road: (TA:) الموضعَ ↓ جاوز and جازهُ signify the same: (TA:) or ↓ اجازهُ (As, S, Msb, K) and ↓ جاوزهُ and ↓ تجاوزهُ (A) signify he left it behind him, (As, S, A, K,) and traversed, or crossed, it; (As, S, A, Msb;) and ↓ جاوزهُ and بِهِ ↓ جاوز also signify he left it behind. (TA.) You say, جُزْتُ خِلَالَ الدِّيَارِ, which is like جُسْتُ [I passed amid, or among, the houses: (see the remarks on the letter ز:) or I went to and fro amid, or among, the houses, in a hostile attack upon them: or went round about them]. (Ibn-Umm-Kásim, TA.) and جُزْتُ بِكَذَا, i. e., بِهِ ↓ اِجْتَزْتُ [I passed by, and beyond, such a thing]. (TA.) And جاز عَلَيْهِ He passed by him, or it; syn. مَرَّ بِهِ, and اِمْتَرَّ بِهِ and عَلَيْهِ. (M and K in art. مر.) And جَازَهُ He passed, or crossed, over it. (L.) جاز and ↓ اجاز are syn. [in this last sense]. (TA.) You say, الصِّرَاطِ ↓ أَعَانَكَ اللّٰهُ عَلَى إِجَازَةِ (A, TA) May God aid thee [to pass, or cross, over, or] to pass along, and to leave behind thee, the Sirát. (TA.) and it is said in a trad. respecting the Sirát, فَأَكُونُ أَنَا عَلَيْهِ ↓ وَأُمَّتِى أَوَّلَ مَنْ يُجِيزُ [And I, with my people, shall be the first who will pass over it]: يجيز being here syn. with يَجُوزُ. (TA.) b2: جُزْتُ الشَّىْءَ إِلَى غَيْرِهِ: see 3. b3: ↓ جاز الدِّرْهَمُ فَتَجَوَّزَهُ [The piece of money passed, or was current, and he accepted it as current: in the TA written جاز الدرهم كتجوزه, and without any syll. signs; but that the reading which I have adopted is right appears from what immediately follows:] a poet says, وَزُيَّفُ [Pieces of money whereof there are current and bad]: and Lh mentions the saying, لَمْ أَرَ النَّفَقَةَ تَجُوزُ بِمَكَانٍ كَمَا تَجُوزُ بِمَكَّةَ [I have not seen money for expenses pass away in a place as it passes away in Mekkeh]: ISd says, He has not explained it, but I think that the meaning is تَنْفُقُ. (TA.) b4: جاز الشَّىْءُ, inf. n. جَوَازٌ, The thing was, or became, allowable; it passed for lawful: as though it kept the middle (جَوْز) of the road. (TA.) You say, جَازَ البَيْعُ, and النِّكَاحُ, (A, Mgh,) and العَقْدُ وَغَيْرُهُ, (Msb,) [The sale, and the marriage, and the contract, or other thing, was, or became, allowable; or] passed as right, sound, valid, or good [in law:] (Msb:) or had effect. (Mgh.) [And جاز لَهُ أَنْ يَفْعَلَ كَذَا It was allowable to him to do so. And يَجُوزُ أَنْ يَكُونَ كَذَا It may be so; or such a thing may be.]

A2: جَازَهُ in the sense of اجازهُ: see 4, second sentence, in two places.2 جَوَّزَ see 4, in nine places.3 جاوزهُ and جاوز بِهِ, inf. n. جِوَازٌ: see 1, in six places. b2: جاوز الحَدَّ, and القَدْرَ, inf. n. مُجَاوَزَةٌ; and so ↓ تجاوز, alone; He exceeded, or transgressed, the proper bound, or limit, or measure; acted extravagantly, exorbitantly, or immoderately: he, or it, was, or became, excessive, extravagant, exorbitant, or immoderate. (The Lexicons &c. passim.) b3: جَاوَزْتُ الشَّىْءِ أِلَى غَيْرِهِ (S, Msb *) I passed from the thing [to another thing]; (Msb;) as also ↓ تَجَاوَزْتُهُ; (S, Msb;) i. q. ↓ جُزْتُهُ. (S.) b4: جاوز عَنْ ذَنْبِهِ: see 6. b5: [Hence, app.,] كَانَ مِنْ خُلُقِى الجِوَازُ It was of my disposition to be easy, or facile, in selling and demanding. (TA from a trad.) A2: جاوز بِهِ: see 4, in two places.4 اجاز and اجازهُ: see 1, in six places.

A2: اجازهُ He made him to go, or pass along; as also ↓ جَازَهُ: (TA:) he made him to pass through, or over, or along and beyond: (S, IF, Msb, K;) as also [بِهِ ↓ جاوز, as will be shown by an ex. below, and ↓ جوّزهُ, and ] ↓ جَازَهُ, for which we find جاوزهُ incorrectly substituted in the K. (TA.) A rájiz says,

خَلُّوا الطَّرِيقَ عَنْ أَبِى سَيَّارَهْ حَتَّى يُجِيزَ سَالِمًا حِمَارَهْ [Leave ye the road to Aboo-Seiyárah until he make his ass to pass through, or over, safely]. (S.) And it is said in the Kur [vii. 134, and x. 90], بِبَنِى إِسْرَائِيلَ البَحْرَ ↓ وَجَاوَزْنَا [And we made the Children of Israel to pass through the sea]. (TA.) You say also لَهُمْ إِبِلَهُمْ ↓ جَوَّزَ, inf. n. تَجْوِيزٌ, He led for them their camels one by one until they passed. (K.) b2: [He made it to pass, or be current; as also ↓ جوّزهُ: as in the following phrases.] أَجَزْتُ عَلَى اسْمِهِ i. q. جَعَلْتُهُ جَائِزًا [I made his name to pass, or be current, by stamping money with it]: (ISk, S, TA:) and ضَرَبْتُ [I coined, or minted, money in his name]. (ISd, TA.) And الضَّرَّابُ الدَّرَاهِمَ ↓ جوّز, inf. n. تَجْوِيزٌ, [The coiner, or minter,] made the dirhems, or pieces of money, to pass, or be current. (Mgh.) b3: He made it, or held it, to be allowable, or to pass for lawful; he allowed it, or permitted it; (S, K, TA;) as also ↓ جوّزهُ: (S, TA:) syn. سَوَّغَ: (S, K:) and syn. of إِجَازَةٌ, [the inf. n. of the former verb,] إِذْنٌ. (K, TA: omitted in the CK.) You say, اجاز لَهُ مَا صَنَعَ, (S, K, *) and له ↓ جوّز, (S,) He made, or held, what he did to be allowable, &c. (S, K.) And العَقْلُ ↓ هٰذَا مِمَّا لَا يُجُوِّزُهُ [This is of the things which reason will not allow]. (A, TA.) b4: [He granted him the authority or degree of a licentiate in some one or more of the various departments of learning, for the instruction of others therein;] he granted him a license with respect to the matters that he had related and heard [from other learned men, to teach the same]. (TA.) You say also, اجاز لِفُلَانٍ جَمِيعَ مَسْمُوعَاتِهِ مِنْ مَشَائِخِهِ [He ters which he had heard from his sheykhs, to teach the same to others]. (TA.) The licentiate is termed ↓ مُجَازٌ: and the matters which he relates are termed ↓ مُجَازَاتٌ. (TA.) b5: اجاز البَيْعَ, (A, Mgh, K,) and النِّكَاحَ, (A, Mgh,) and العَقْدَ, (Msb,) He (the judge, A, Mgh) made the sale, (A, Mgh, K,) and the marriage, (A, Mgh,) and the contract, (Msb,) to have effect; he executed or performed it; (Mgh, Msb K;) لَهُ for him: (K:) he decreed it. (Mgh.) And [in like manner] اجاز رَأْيَهُ, and ↓ جوّزهُ, He made his judgment, or opinion, to have effect; he executed or performed it. (K.) Hence the saying, in a trad. of Aboo-Dharr, قَبْلَ أَنْ يُجَيزُوا عَلَىَّ, i. e., Before they slay me, and execute your order upon me. (TA.) A3: أَجَازَنِى (S, K *) (tropical:) He gave me water for, (S,) or he watered [for me], (K,) my land, or my beasts. (S, K.) And إِبِلَهُ ↓ جوّز, (K,) inf. n. تَجْوِيزٌ, (TA,) He watered his camels. (K.) And اجاز الوَفْدَ He gave to the party who came as envoys, or the like, the quantity of water sufficient to pass therewith from one watering-place to another. (TA.) and أَجَازَهُ مَآءً يَجُوزُ بِهِ الطَّرِيقَ (assumed tropical:) He gave him water wherewith to travel the road. (A.) And أَجِزْنِى

مَآءً Give thou me some water that I may go my way, and pass from thee. (Aboo-Bekr, TA.) b2: Hence, (Aboo-Bekr, TA,) اجازهُ بِجَائِزَةٍ, (Aboo-Bekr, TA,) and اجازهُ بِجَائِزَةٍ سَنِيَّةٍ, (S, A,) (assumed tropical:) He (the Sultán) gave him a gift, or present, (Aboo-Bekr, TA,) and he gave him a gift, or present, of high estimation. (S, A. *) Or the origin of the expression was this: Katan the son of 'Owf, of the tribe of Benoo-Hilál-Ibn-'Ámir-Ibn-Saasa'ah, gave the government of Fáris to 'Abd-Allah Ibn-'Abbás; and El-Ahnaf passing by him with his army on an expedition to Khurásán, he waited for them upon a bridge, and said, أَجِيزُوهُمْ [Make ye them to pass over]; and he began to mention the lineage of each man and to give him according to his rank: (S:) or from the fact that a certain commander, having a river between him and an opposing force, said, مَنْ جَازَ هٰذَا النَّهْرَ فَلَهُ كَذَا [Whoso passeth this river shall have such a thing]; and whenever one passed over, he received a جَائِزَة. (TA.) You say also, أَجَازَهُ, meaning (assumed tropical:) He gave him. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., أَجِيزُوا الوَفْدَ بِنَحْوِ مَا كُنْتُ أُجِيزُهُمْ بِهِ Give ye to the party who come as envoys, or the like, a similar جَائِزَة to that which I used to give them. (TA.) 5 تجوّز اللَّيْلُ The darkness of the night cleared away. (A.) A2: تجوّز فِى صَلَاتِهِ He relaxed, or remitted, in his prayer; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K, TA;) and so in other things; (A;) and abridged it; and was quick in it: said to be from الجَوْزُ “the act of traversing, and going, or passing along:” (TA:) or did less than was sufficient in it. (Msb.) b2: Hence, تجوّز فِى أَخْذِ الدَّرَاهِمِ, (A, Mgh,) or تجوّز الدَّرَاهِمَ, (K,) He accepted the dirhems, or pieces of money, as current; did not reject them: (A, Mgh:) see 1: or he accepted them as they were, or notwithstanding what was in them: (Lth, TA:) or he accepted them notwithstanding what was intermixed with them, (K, TA,) [of bad money,] concealed therein, and notwithstanding their fewness. (TA.) In the phrase التَّجَوُّزُ بِدُونِ الحَقِّ [The accepting less than what was due], the inf. n. is made trans. by means of بِ because it implies the meaning of الرِّضَا [which is made trans. by the same means]. (Mgh.) ↓ تَجَاوَزْ also occurs in the sense of تَجَوَّزْ in a trad. of Ibn-Rawáhah: هٰذَا لَكَ وَتَجَاوَزْ فِى

القَسْمِ This is thine, or for thee, and be thou remiss, or not extreme, in, or with respect to, the division: and is allowable, though we have not heard it. (Mgh.) You say also, تَجَوَّزَ فِى هٰذَا الأَمْرِ مَا لَمْ يَتَجَوَّزْ فِى غَيْرِهِ He bore patiently, or with silence and forgiveness, and with feigned neglect, or connivance, in this affair, or case, what he did not so bear in another. (K, * TA.) b3: See also 6, in three places.

A3: تجوّز فِى كَلَامِهِ He made use of a trope, or tropes, in his speech. (S, K.) [See مَجَازٌ, below.]6 تجاوزهُ: see 1, first sentence: and see also 3.

A2: تجاوز i. q. أَفْرَطَ, [i.e., جاوز الحَدَّ, explained above,] فِيهِ in it, or with respect to it. (K. See 3.) b2: تجاوز عَنْهُ, (S, A, Mgh, Msb,) and ↓ تجوّز; (S, A, Mgh;) and تجاوزعَنْ ذَنْبِهِ, (A, K,) and ↓ تجوّز, and ↓ جاوز; (K;) He (God, S, A, or a man, Msb) passed him by, or over, without punishing him; or forgave him; (S, A, Mgh, Msb;) namely, an evil-doer; (A, Mgh, Msb;) and He passed by, or over, without punishing, or forgave, his sin or offence. (A, K. *) You say, اَللّٰهُمَّ تَجَاوَزْ عَنِّى, and عَنِّى ↓ تَجَوَّزْ, O God, pass me by, or over, without punishing me; or forgive me. (S, A.) تجاوز عَنْهُ, followed by a noun in the accus. case, also signifies He forgave him a thing. (L.) And the same alone, He feigned himself neglectful of it; he connived at it. (K.) b3: [Also, this last phrase alone, He transcended it.] b4: تَجَاوَزْ فِى القَسْمِ: see 5.8 اجتازهُ: and اجتاز بِهِ: see 1.10 استجازهُ He asked, or demanded, of him permission. (K, * TA.) b2: He asked, or demanded, of him [the authority or degree of a licentiate; i. e.,] a license with respect to the matters that he had related and heard [from other learned men, to teach the same]. (TA.) [See 4.]

A2: (tropical:) He asked, or demanded, of him (S, K) water for, (S,) or to water [for him], (K,) his land, or his beasts. (S, K.) A3: He approved it. (Har p. 326.) جَوْزٌ The middle (S, K) of a thing, (K,) or of anything; (S;) [as, for instance,] of a desert, (A,) and of a camel, (TA,) and of the night: (A, TA:) and the main part of a thing, (K,) or of the night: (TA:) pl. أَجْوَازٌ; (Sb, S, A;) beside which it has no other. (Sb.) A2: [The walnut; or walnuts;] a well-known fruit, (K,) which is eaten: (Msb:) a Persian word, (S,) arabicized; (S, Msb, K;) originally گَوْزْ: (Mgh, Msb, K:) n. un. جَوْزَةٌ: (S, TA:) pl. جَوْزَاتٌ: (S, K, TA: in the CK جَوْزَانٌ:) the tree thereof abounds in the land of the Arabs, in the province of El-Yemen, where it bears fruit and is cultivated; and in the Sarawát (السَّرَوَات) are trees thereof, which are not cultivated: the wood thereof is characterized by hardness and strength. (AHn. TA.) b2: جَوْزُ بَوَّي, (K,) or جَوْزُ بَوَّا, with the short alif, as heard from the physicians, in Persian گَوْزِ بُويَا, (Mgh, under the letter ب,) [vulgarly called جَوْزُ الطِّيبِ, The nutmeg;] a certain medicine; (K;) it is of the size of the gall-nut (عَفْص), easily broken, with a thin coat, (Mgh, TA,) having a pleasant odour, (Mgh,) or a pleasant and sharp odour; and the best kind is the red, with a black coat, and heavy: (TA:) it is good for the [affection of the face termed] لَقْوَة, strengthens the stomach and heart, and removes cold. (Mgh.) b3: جَوْزُ مَاثِلٍ [The datura stramonium, or thorn-apple;] also a certain medicine; (K;) having the property of producing torpor; resembling the جَوْزُ القَىْءِ (see what follows); having upon it small, thick thorns; and its seed is like that of the أُتْرُجّ [or citror.]. (TA.) b4: جَوْزُ القّىْءِ [Nux vomica;] also a certain medicine, (K,) having a power similar to that of the white خَرْبَق [or hellebore]. (TA.) b5: جَوْزُ الهِنْدِ [The cocoa-nut;] what is commonly called the نَارَجِيل. (TA.) جَوْزَةٌ: see جَائِزَةٌ, in four places.

A2: Also n. un. of جَوْزٌ [q. v.].

جِيزَةٌ: see جَائِزَةٌ.

الجَوْزَآءُ A certain constellation (نَجْمٌ); (S;) a certain sign of the Zodiac; (K;) [namely, Gemini;] said to cross the جَوْز (i. e. the middle, TA) of the sky; (S, TA;) for which reason it is [asserted to be] thus called. (TA.) b2: Also i. q. الجَبَّارُ [The constellation Orion]: (A and K in art. جبر:) it has three very bright stars disposed obliquely in the midst thereof, called by the Arabs النَّظْمُ, and نِطَاقُ الجَوْزَآءِ, and فَقَارُ الجَوْزَآءِ. (Har p. 456.) جَوَازٌ (assumed tropical:) The act of watering, or giving to drink: (S:) or a single watering of, or giving drink to, camels. (TA.) [See also جَائِزَةٌ.] A rájiz says, يَا صَاحِبَ الْمَآءِ فَدَتْكَ نَفْسِى

عَجِّلْ جَوَازِي وَأَقِلَّ حَبْسِى

[O master of the water (may my soul be thy ransom) hasten the watering of my camels, and make my detention little]. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) The water with which beasts are watered, or with which seed-produce is watered: (AA, S, K:) [and] water which is given one that he may travel with it the road. (A, Mgh.) [See also جَائِزَةٌ.] b3: Hence, (Mgh,) (assumed tropical:) The traveller's pass, (A, Mgh, K,) given him to prevent any one's offering opposition to him: (A, Mgh:) pl. أَجْوِزَةٌ. (A, TA.) A2: The office, or authority, of a guardian and affiancer. (TA.) جَائِزٌ [act. part. n. of جَازَ, in all its senses]. b2: Passing, or current, money. (Mgh.) See an ex. above, voce جَازَ. [And hence,] جَوَائِزُ الأَشْعَارِ, and الأَمْثَالِ, (K, TA,) for the former of which we find, in some copies of the K, الشِّعْرِ, which is incorrect, (TA,) Verses, or poems, and proverbs, current from country to country, or from town to town. (K, TA.) b3: Applied to a contract, [and a sale and a marriage, Allowable; passing for lawful;] passing as right, sound, valid, or good [in law]; having effect. (Msb.) A2: [The beam of a house, or chamber, upon which rest the عَوَارِض, or rafters;] that upon which are placed the extremities of the pieces of wood in the roof of a house or chamber; (AO, TA;) the palm-trunk, (S,) or piece of wood, which passes across between two walls, (K,) called in Persian تِيْر, (S, K,) which is the سَهْم of the house or chamber: (S:) pl. [of pauc.] أَجْوِزَةٌ, (S, CK, TA,) in [some of] the copies of the K, incorrectly, أجْوُزٌ, (TA,) [and both these are given in the CK,] and [of mult.]

جُوزَانٌ (S, K) and جِيزَانٌ (CK, but omitted in my MS. copy of the K and in the TA,) and جَوَائِزُ. (Seer, K.) جَائِزَةٌ (assumed tropical:) A draught of water; (S, K;) as also ↓ جَوْزَةٌ: (K:) or ↓ the latter signifies a single watering, or giving of water to drink; (S, K; [see an ex. in art. اذن, conj. 2;]) or such as a man passes with from one person to another: and ↓ both signify the quantity of water with which the traveller passes from one watering-place to another; as also ↓ جِيزَةٌ. (TA.) It is said in a prov., ثُمَّ يُؤُذَّنُ ↓ لِكُلِّ جَابِهٍ جَوْزَةٌ, i. e., (assumed tropical:) For every one that comes to us for water is a single water-ing, or giving of water to drink; then he is repelled from the water: or, as in the M, then his ear is struck, to indicate to him that he has nothing more than that to receive from us. (TA.) b2: Hence, (A, Mgh,) accord. to Aboo-Bekr, (TA,) [but see 4,] (assumed tropical:) A gift, or present: (Aboo-Bekr, S, Mgh, K:) pl. جَوَائِزُ. (S, A, Mgh.) b3: Hence also, (Mgh,) (tropical:) Kindness and courtesy: (K:) or kindnesses and courtesy shown to those who come to one as envoys or the like: (Mgh:) or provisions for a day and a night given to a guest at his departure after entertainment for three days. (Mgh, TA.) It is said in a trad., الضِّيَافَةُ ثَلَاثَةُ أَيَّامٍ وَجَائِزَتُهُ يَوْمٌ وَلَيْلَةٌ وَمَا زَادَ فَهُوَ صَدَقَةٌ, meaning, [The period of] the entertainment of a guest is three days, during the first of which the host shall take trouble to show him large kindness and courtesy, and on the second and third of which he shall offer him what he has at hand, not exceeding his usual custom; then he shall give him that wherewith to journey for the space of a day and a night; and what is after that shall be as an alms and an act of favour, which he may do if he please of neglect if he please. (TA.) مَجَازٌ A way, road, or path, (S, K, TA,) which one travels from one side [or end] to the other; (K, TA;) as also ↓ مَجَازَةٌ. (TA.) You say, جَعَلَ فُلَانٌ ذٰلِكَ الأَمْرَ مَجَازًا إِلَى حَاجَتِهِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one made that thing a way to the attainment of his want. (S, TA.) نَهْرٍ ↓ مَجَازَةُ signifies A bridge. (A.) And ↓ مَجَازَةٌ alone [also] signifies A road (طَرِيقَةٌ) in a سَبْخَة [or salt tract]. (K.) b2: A privy, or place where one performs ablution; syn. مُتَبَرَّزٌ. (TA.) A2: A trope; a word, or phrase, used in a sense different from that which it was originally applied to denote, by reason of some analogy, or connexion, between the two senses; as, for instance, أَسَدٌ, properly signifying “ a lion,” applied to “ a courageous man; ” (KT, &c.;) what passes beyond the meaning to which it is originally applied; (TA;) [being of the measure مَفْعَلٌ in the sense of the measure فَاعِلٌ;] contr. of حَقِيقَةٌ. (K.) [This is also called مَجَازٌ لُغَوِىٌّ, and مَجَازٌ لُغَةً; to distinguish it from what is termed مَجَازٌ عُرْفِىٌّ, and مَجَازٌ عُرْفًا, which is A word, or phrase, so little used in a particular proper sense as to be, in that sense, conventionally regarded as tropical; as, for instance, دَابَّةٌ in the sense of “ a man,” or “ a human being; ”

it being commonly applied to “ a beast,” and especially to “ a horse ” or “ a mule ” or “ an ass. ”] A حَقِيقَة, when little used, becomes what is termed مَجَازٌ عُرْفًا. (Mz, 24th نوع.) The مَجَاز is either what is termed اِسْتِعَارَةٌ [i. e. a metaphor] (as أَسَدٌ used as meaning “ a courageous man ”), or مَجَازٌ مُرْسَلٌ [a loose trope] (as يَدٌ used as meaning “ a benefit,” “ benefaction,” “ favour,” or “ boon ”). (KT, &c.) [مَجَازٌ also signifies A tropical meaning.]

مُجَازٌ: and مُجَازَاتٌ: see 4, in the middle of the paragraph.

مُجِيزٌ A commissioned agent of another; an executor appointed by a will; syn. وَكِيلٌ, and وَصِىّ; because he executes what he is ordered to do: so in the conventional language of the people of El-Koofeh: (Mgh:) or a slave who has received permission to traffic. (Mgh, K.) b2: The guardian and affiancer [of a woman]; syn. وَلِىٌّ. (K.) You say, هٰذِهِ امْرَأَةٌ لَيْسَ لَهَا مُجِيزٌ [This is a woman who has no guardian and affiancer]: and Shureyh is related to have said, إِذَا أَنْكَحَ الْمُجِيزَانِ فَالنِّكَاحُ لِلْأَوَّلِ [When the two guardians and affiancers give a woman in marriage, the marriage is the former's]. (TA.) b3: The manager of the affairs of an orphan. (K.) مَجَازَةٌ: see مَجَازٌ, in three places.

A2: أَرْضٌ مَجَازَةٌ (S, A) A land containing trees of the جَوْز [or walnut]: (S:) or a land (in the K, مَكَان [a place], which is wrong, TA) abounding with جَوْز. (A, K.) مَجَازِىٌّ Tropical.]

مُجَتَازٌ Going, or passing along. (K.) b2: One who travels, or penetrates, along a road. (K.) b3: One who loves to hasten, or outstrip. (K, TA.)



1 بَسَطَهُ, (M, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (M, TA,) inf. n. بَسْطٌ, (S, M, Msb,) contr. of تَبْسيِطٌ; (M, TA;) as also ↓بسّطهُ, (M,* TA,) inf. n. تَبْسيِطٌ. (TA.) [As such,] He spread it; spread it out, or forth; expanded it; extended it; (S, Msb, K, B;) as also ↓بسّطهُ: (K:) and he made it wide, or ample: these are the primary significations; and sometimes both of them may be conceived; and sometimes, one of them: and the verb is also used, metaphorically, as relating to anything which cannot be conceived as composed or constructed: (B:) and بَصْطٌ is the same as بَسْطٌ, (S, and K in art. بصط,) in all its meanings. (K.) You say, بَسَطَ الثَّوْبَ [He spread, spread out, expanded, or unfolded, the garment, or piece of cloth]. (Msb.) And بَسَطَ رِجْلَهُ (tropical:) [He stretched forth, or extended, his leg]. (TA.) And بَسَطَ ذِرَاعَيْهِ, and ↓بَسَّطَهُمَا, (assumed tropical:) He spread his fore arms upon the ground; the doing of which [in prostrating oneself] in prayer is forbidden. (TA.) And بَسَطَ يَدَهُ (M, Msb, K) (tropical:) He stretched forth, or extended, his arm, or hand; (M, K;) as in the saying بَسَطَ إِلِىَّ يَدَهُ بِمَا أُحِبُّ وَأَكْرَهُ (tropical:) [He stretched forth, or extended, towards me his arm, or hand, with, i. e. to do to me, what I liked and disliked]: (M, TA: *) or he stretched forth his hand opened. (Msb.) It is said in the Kur [v. 31], لَئِنْ بَسَطْتَ إِلَىَّ يَدَكَ لِتَقْتُلَنِي (assumed tropical:) [Assuredly if thou stretch forth towards me thy hand to slay me]. (M, TA.) بَسْطُ اليَدِ and الكَفِّ is sometimes used to denote assaulting and smiting: [as in the last of the exs. given above; and] as in the words of the Kur [lx. 2], وَيَبُسُطُوا إِلَيْكُمْ أَيْدِيَهُمْ وَأَلْسِنَتَهُمْ بِالسُّوْءِ (tropical:) [And they will stretch forth towards you their hands and their tongues with evil]; (TA;) i. e., by slaying, (Bd, Jel,) and smiting, (Jel,) and reviling. (Bd, Jel.) And sometimes to denote giving liberally: (TA:) [as in] بَسَطَ يَدَهُ فِى الإَنْفَاقِ (tropical:) He [stretched forth his hand, opened, or] was liberal or bountiful or munificent [in expenditure]: (Msb:) see بَسِيطٌ, below. (TA.) And sometimes to denote taking, or taking possession, or seizing: as in the saying, (TA,) بُسِطَتْ يَدُهُ عَلَيْهِ (tropical:) [His hand was stretched forth against him]; i. e. he was made to have dominion over him by absolute force and power. (K, TA.) And sometimes to denote seeking, or demanding: [as in بَسَطَ كَفَّيْهِ فِى الدُّعَآءِ (tropical:) He expanded his two hands in supplication; a common action, in which the two hands are placed together like an open book upon a desk before the face, in supplicating God:] see بَاسِطٌ, below. (TA.) b2: [And hence,] بَسَطْتُ لَهُ أَمْرِى (tropical:) I displayed, or laid open, to him my state, or case, or affair; syn. فَرَشْتُهُ إِيَّاهُ: (A in art. فرش:) and أَمْرَهُ [his state, &c.]. (TA in that art.) b3: [Hence also,] اَللّٰهُ يَبْسُطُ الأَرْوَاحَ فِى الأَجْسَادِ عِنْدَ الحَيَاةِ (assumed tropical:) [God diffuses the souls in the bodies at the time of their being animated]. (TA.) b4: [Hence also,] بَسَطَ اللّٰهُ الرِّزْقَ (assumed tropical:) God multiplied, or made abundant, and amplified, enlarged, or made ample or plentiful, the means of subsistence. (Msb, K. *) It is said in the Kur [ii. 246], وَاللّٰهُ يَبِضُ وَيَبْسُطُ (Msb and TA in art. قبض, q. v.) and you say, بَسَطَ عَلَيْهِمُ العَدْلَ (tropical:) [He largely extended to them equity, or justice]; as also ↓بسّطهُ. (TA.) b5: [Hence also,] فُلَانٌ يَبْسُطُ عَبِيدَهُ ثُمَّ يَقْبِضُهُمْ (tropical:) [Such a one enlarges the liberty of his slaves; then abridges their liberty]. (A in art. قبض.) b6: [Hence also, بَسَطَ وَجْهَهُ (assumed tropical:) It unwrinkled, as though it dilated, his countenance: see 7. and بَسَطَ قَلْبَهُ (assumed tropical:) It dilated his heart: see remarks on قَبْضٌ and بَسْطٌ, as used by certain of the Soofees, near the end of 1 in art. قبض. And] بَسَطَهُ, alone, [signifies the same; or] (tropical:) it rejoiced him; rendered him joyous, or cheerful: (M, K, TA:) because, when a man is rejoiced, his countenance becomes unwrinkled (يَنْبَسِطُ), and he becomes changed [and cheerful] in [its] complexion: it is wrongly said, by MF, to be not tropical: that it is tropical is asserted by Z, in the A: MF also says that it is not post-classical; and in this he is right; for it occurs in a saying of Mohammad: thus in a trad. respecting Fátimeh, يَبْسُطُنِى مَا يَبْسُطُهَا What rejoices her rejoices me: (TA:) [see also قَبَضَهُ, where this saying is cited according to another relation:] ↓أَبْسَطَنِى [as signifying (tropical:) it rejoiced me] is a mistake of the vulgar [obtaining in the present day]. (TA.) b7: [Hence also,] الخَيْرُ يَقْبِضُهُ وَالشَّرُّ يَبْسُطُهُ (tropical:) [Wealth makes him closefisted, tenacious, or niggardly; and poverty makes him open-handed, liberal, or generous]. (A in art. قبض.) b8: [Hence also,] بُسَطَ مِنْ فُلَانٍ (tropical:) He rendered such a one free from shyness, or aversion: (S, O, K, TA:) he emboldened him; incited him to [that kind of presumptuous boldness which is termed] دَالَّة. (Har p. 155.) [In the CK, بَسَطَ فُلاناً من فُلانٍ is erroneously put for بَسَطَ فُلَانٌ مِنْ فُلَانص] b9: [Hence also,] بَسَطَ اللّٰهُ فُلَانًا عَلَىَّ (tropical:) God made, or judged, such a one to excel me. (Z, Sgh, K, TA.) b10: [Hence also,] بَسَطَ المَكَانُ القَوْمَ (tropical:) The place was sufficiently wide, or ample, for the people, or company of men. (K, TA.) And هٰذَا فِرَاشٌ يَبْسُطُكَ (tropical:) This is a bed ample, (S, K,) or sufficiently wide for thee. (A.) And فَرَشَ لِى فِرَاشاً لَا يَبْسُطُنِى He spread for me a bed [not wide enough for me, or] that was [too] narrow [for me], (ISk, S.) b11: [Hence also,] بَسَطَ العُدْرَ, (K,) aor. as above, (TA,) and so the inf. n., (S, TA,) (tropical:) He accepted, or admitted, the excuse. (S, K, TA.) b12: All these significations of the verb are ramifications of that first mentioned above. (TA.) A2: بَسَطَ, aor. ـُ (M, K,) inf. n. بَسَاطَةٌ, (M,) (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, free, or unconstrained, (مُنْبَسِطٌ,) with his tongue. (M, K.) 2 بَسَّطَ see 1, in four places.3 باسطهُ, inf. n. مُبَاسَطَةٌ and بِسَاطٌ (tropical:) [He conversed, or acted, with him without shyness, or aversion; boldly; in a free and easy manner; or cheerfully]: (TA:) he met him laughingly, or smilingly, so as to show his teeth. (So accord. to an expl. of the latter of the two inf. ns. in the TA.) [See كَاشَرَهُ.] You say also, بَيْنَهُمَا مُبَاسَطَةٌ (tropical:) [Between them two is conversation, or behaviour, free from shyness, or aversion; bold; free and easy; or cheerful]. (TA.) 4 أَبْسَطَ see 1, latter half.5 تَبَسَّطَ see 7. b2: تبسّط فِى البِلَادِ (assumed tropical:) He journeyed far and wide in the countries. (S, TA.) b3: خَرَجَ يَتَبَسَّطُ (assumed tropical:) He went forth betaking himself to the gardens and green fields: from بَسَاطٌ signifying

"land having sweet-smelling plants." (TA.) 7 انبسط quasi-pass. of بَسَطَهُ; as also ↓تبسّط is of بَسَّطَهُ; both signifying It became spread or spread out or forth, or it spread or spread out or forth; it became expanded, or it expanded, or it expanded itself; it became extended, or it extended, or it extended itself: [&c.]. (M, K, TA.) Yousay, انبسط الشَّيْءُ عَلَى الأَرْضِ [The thing became spread or spread out, &c., upon the ground]. (S.) And انبسط النَّهَارُ The day became advanced, the sun being high: it became long: (M, K, TA:) and in like manner one uses the verb in relation to other things. (M, TA.) b2: [And hence, (assumed tropical:) He expatiated. b3: And] انبسط وَجْهُهُ (assumed tropical:) [His countenance became unwrinkled, as though dilated; i. e. it became open, or cheerful; and so انبسط alone; or he became open, or cheerful, in countenance, as is said in the KL.]. (TA.) [And انبسط, alone, (tropical:) He became dilated in heart; or he rejoiced; or became joyous, or cheerful: see بَسَطَهُ.] b4: [Hence also,] انبسط (tropical:) He left shyness, or aversion; he became free therefrom: (S, TA:) he was, or became, bold, forward, presumptuous, or arrogant: (KL, PS:) he became emboldened, and incited to [that kind of presumptuous boldness which is termed] دَالَّة. (Har p. 155.) And انبسط إِلَيْهِ (tropical:) [He was open, or unreserved, to him in conversation: and he acted towards him, or behaved to him, without shyness or aversion; or with boldness, forwardness, presumptuousness, or arrogance: and he applied himself to it (namely, an affair,) with boldness, forwardness, presumptuousness, or arrogance.] (TA.) بَسْطٌ, as signifying A certain intoxicating thing, [a preparation of hemp,] is post-classical. (TA.) بُسْطٌ: see بَسِيطٌ, in seven places.

بِسْطٌ: see بَسِيطٌ, in seven places.

بُسُطٌ: see بَسِيطٌ, in seven places.

بَسْطَةٌ Width, or ampleness; syn. سَعَةٌ: (S, Sgh, Msb:) and length, or height: (Sgh:) pl. بِسَاطٌ: (Sgh:) and increase: or redundance, or excess: (TA:) and, (M, K,) as also ↓بُسْطَةٌ, (K,) excel-lence; (M, K;) in science and in body: (M:) or in science, expatiation, or dilatation: (K:) or profit to oneself and others: (TA:) and in body, height, or tallness; and perfection, or completeness. (K.) It is said in the Kur [ii. 24], وَزَادَهُ بَسَطَةً فِى العِلْمِ الجِسْمِ [And hath increased him in excellence, &c., in respect of science, or knowledge, and body]: (M,TA:) Zeyd Ibn-'Alee here read ↓بُسْطَةً. (TA.) b2: [An arm's length.] See بَاسِطٌ b3: اِمْرَأَةٌ بَسْطَةٌ. A woman beautiful and sleek in body: and in like manner, ظَبْيَةٌ a gazelle that is so. (M.) بُسْطَةٌ: see بَسْطَةٌ, in two places.

أُذُنٌ بَسْطَآءُ (tropical:) A wide and large ear. (M, K, TA.) بُسْطِىٌّ A seller of بُسْط [or carpets, &c.]: pl. بُسْطِيُّونَ. (TA, but only the pl. is there mentioned and explained.) بَسْطَانُ: see بَسِيطٌ بُسْطَانٌ: see بَسِيطٌ بَسَاطٌ Land (أَرْض) expanded and even; as also ↓ بَسِيطَةٌ: (M, K:) and wide, or spacious; (AO, S, K;) as also ↓ بِسَاطٌ, (Fr, K,) in his explanation of which Fr adds, in which nothing is obtained; (TA;) and ↓ بَسِيطٌ; (K;) and ↓ بَسِيطَةٌ: (AO, K:) and in like manner, a place; (S, TA;) as also ↓ بِسِاطٌ; (TA;) and ↓ بَسِيطٌ: (S, TA;) and land in which are sweet-smelling plants: (TA:) or ↓بَسِيطةٌ is a subst., (IDrd, M,) as some say, (M,) and signifies the earth. (IDrd, M, Msb, K.) You say, وَسَعَة ↓نَحْنُ فِى بِسَاطٍ (tropical:) [We are in an ample and a plentiful state]. (TA.) And بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَ المَآءِ مِيلٌ بساطٌ [the last word thus, without any vowel-sign to the ب] (assumed tropical:) Between us and the water is a long mile. (TA.) [See also بَاسِطٌ.] And مِثْلُ فُلَانٍ ↓مَا عَلَى البَسِيطَةِ There is not upon the earth the like of such a one. (TA.) And ↓ذَهَبَ فِى بُسَيْطَةَ, a dim., imperfectly decl., He (a man, TA) went away in the earth, or land. (A, O, L, K.) b2: Also A great cooking-pot. (Sgh, K.) بِسَاطٌ A thing that is spread or spread out or forth; (S, M, K, B;) whatever it be; a subst. applied thereto: (B:) [and particularly a carpet; which is meant by its being said to be] a certain thing well known; the word being of the measure فِعَالٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, like كِتَابٌ in the sense of مَكْتُوبٌ, and فِرَاشٌ in the sense of مَفْرُوشٌ, &c.: (Msb:) pl. [of mult.] بُسُطٌ (M, Msb, K) and بُسْطٌ and [of pauc.] أَبْسطَةٌ. (TA.) b2: See also بَسِيطٌ; near the middle of the paragraph. b3: اِنْبَرَى لِطَىِّ بِسَاطِهِ. is a phrase meaning (assumed tropical:) He hastened to cut short his speech. (Har p. 280.) A2: Also The leaves of the tree called سَمُر that fall upon a garment, or piece of cloth, spread for them, the tree being beaten. (M, K.) A3: See also بَسَاطٌ, in three places.

بَسِيطَ, and بَسِيطَةٌ: see بَسَاطٌ, in six places. b2: وَقَعَ الغَيْثُ بَسِيطًا مُتَدَارِكًا The rain fell spreading widely upon the earth, continuously, or consecutively. (TA.) b3: فُلَانٌ بَسِيطُ الجِسْمِ (assumed tropical:) [Such a one is tall of body]. (S, TA.) b4: بَسِيطُ الوَجْهِ (tropical:) A man (M) having the countenance [unwrinkled, or] bright with joy: (M, K, TA:) pl. بُسُطٌ (M, K. *) b5: بَسِيطُ اليَدَيْنِ (tropical:) A man large, or extensive, in beneficence; (M, TA;) liberal, bountiful: (K, TA:) pl. بُسُطٌ: (M, K:) [and so] بَسِيطُ البَاعِ (S,) [and] البَاعِ ↓ مُنْبَسِطُ. (TA.) And ↓ يَدُهُ بِسْطٌ (S, K,) like طِحْنٌ in the sense of مَطْحُونٌ, and قِطْفٌ in the sense of مَقْطُوفٌ, (TA,) and ↓ بُسُطٌ (Z, K,) like أُنُفٌ and سُجُحٌ, (Z,) and (Z, K) by contraction, (Z,) ↓بُسْطٌ, (Z, K,) and ↓مَبْسُوطَةٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) His hand is liberal; syn. مُطْلَقَةٌ, (S, K, TA,) and طَلْقٌ; (TA;) or he is large in expenditure. (TA.) It is said in the Kur [v. 69], بَلْ

↓يَدَاهُ مَبْسُوطَتَانِ; (TA;) and accord. to one reading, ↓بِسْطَانِ; (S, K;) and accord. to another, with damm, [as though it were ↓ بُسْطَانِ,] (Z, K, TA,) [but it is said that] in this case it is used as an inf. n., [and therefore ↓بُسْطَانٌ, for an inf. n. is applied as an epithet to a dual and a pl. subst. without alteration,] like غُفْرانٌ and رُضْوَانٌ; or, accord. to some, it is most probably [↓بَسْطَانُ,] like رَحْمَانُ; and Talhah Ibn-Musarrif read

↓بِسَطَانِ: (TA:) the meaning is, (tropical:) Nay, his hands are liberal, or bountiful; the phrase being a simile; for in this case there is no hand, nor any stretching forth. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., لِمُسِىْءِ النَّهَارِ حَتَّى يَتُوبَ ↓يَدَا اللّٰهِ بُسْطَانِ بِاللَّيْلِ وَلِمُسِىْءِ اللَّيْلِ حَتَّى يَتُوبَ بِالنَّهَارِ, (K, * TA,) or, accord. to one relation, ↓ بِسْطَانِ, (TA,) meaning (tropical:) God is liberal in forgiveness to the evil-doer of the day-time until he repent [in the night, and to the evil-doer of the night-time until he repent in the day]: for a king is said to be اليَدِ↓مَبْسُوطُ when he is (tropical:) liberal in his gifts by command and by sign, although he gives nothing thereof with his hand, nor stretches it forth with them at all. (Sgh. TA.) b6: بَسِيطٌ also signifies اللّسَانِ↓مُنْبَسِطُ, (Lth,) or مُنْبَسِطٌ بِلِسَانِهِ, (M, K,) (assumed tropical:) [Free, or unconstrained, in tongue, or with his tongue,] applied to a man: (M:) fem. with ة. (K.) b7: البَسِيطُ is also the name of A certain kind of metre of verse; (S, M, * K;) namely, the third; the measure of which consists of مُسْتَفْعِلُنْ فَاعِلُنْ eight [a mistake for four] times: (K:) so called because of the extension of its أَسْبَاب, commencing with a سَبَب immediately followed by another سَبَب, as is said by Aboo-Is-hák. (M.) b8: [بَسِيطٌ is also used in philosophy as signifying (assumed tropical:) Simple; uncompounded.]

بَسِيطَةٌ, as an epithet; and as a subst.: see بَسَاطٌ, in four places. b2: [In philosophy, (assumed tropical:) A simple element: pl. بَسَائِطُ.]

ذَهَبَ فِى بُسَيْطَةَ: see بَسَاطٌ.

بَاسِطٌ act. part. n. of بَسَطَ. b2: It is said in the Kur [vi. 93], وَالمَلَائِكَةُ بَاسِطُوا أَيْدِيهِمْ, meaning (tropical:) The angels being made to have dominion over them by absolute force and power (K, * TA.) And again, in the Kur [xiii. 15], كَبَاسِطِ كَفَّيْهِ

إِلَى المَآءِ لِيَبْلُغَ (tropical:) Like the supplicator of water, making a sign to it [with his two hands], in order that it may [reach his mouth, and so] answer his prayer; (K, * TA;) or, but it will not answer his prayer. (O, TA.) b3: البَاسِطُ (assumed tropical:) God, who amplifies, or enlarges, or makes ample or plentiful, the means of subsistence, to whomsoever He will, (K, TA,) by his liberality and his mercy: (TA:) or who diffuses (يَبْسُطُ) the souls in the bodies at the time of [their] being animated. (TA.) b4: مَآءٌ بَاسِطٌ (tropical:) Water that is distant from the herbage, or pasturage, (M, K, TA,) but less so than what is termed مُطْلِبٌ. (M, TA.) and خَمْسٌ بَاسِطٌ (assumed tropical:) A difficult [journey of the kind termed] خِمْسَ [i. e. of five days, whereof the second and third and fourth are without water]; syn. بَائِصٌ. (Sgh, K.) And عُقْبَةٌ بَاسِطَةٌ (ISK, S, M, K [in the CK, erroneously, عَقَبَةٌ]) (assumed tropical:) [A stage of a journey, or march or journey from one halting-place to another,] that is far, or distant, (ISk, S,) or long: (TA:) or in which are two nights to the water. (M, K.) You say, سِرْنَا عُقْبَةً بَاسِطَةً (assumed tropical:) [We journeyed a stage, &c.,] that was far, or distant, or long. (ISk, S, * TA.) b5: رَكِيَّةٌ قَامَةٌ بَاسِطَةٌ, [in the CK,] and قامَةُ باسِطَةٌ, as a prefixed n. with its complement imperfectly decl., as though they made it determinate, i. q. ↓قَامَةٌ وَبَسْطَةٌ [A well measuring, or of the depth of, a man's stature and an arm's length]. (O, K.) Az says, حَفَرَ الرَّجُلُ قَامَةً بَاسِطَةً

The man dug to the depth of his stature and his arm's length (L, TA.) مَبْسَطٌ Width, or extent; syn. مُتَّسَعٌ: (K:) as in the phrase بَلَدٌ عَرِيضُ المَبْسَطِ [A region wide in extent]. (TA.) [See also بَسْطَةٌ.]

مَبْسُوطُ اليَدِ: and يَدَهُ مَبْسُوطَةٌ, and يَدَاهُ مَبْسُوطَتَانِ: see بَسِيطٌ.

مُنْبَسِطُ البَاعِ: and مُنْبَسِطُ اللِّسَانِ: see بَسِيطٌ.
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