Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 نَصَرَهُ, (M, A, K,) aor. ـُ (M,) inf. n. نَصْرٌ (M, A, K) and نُصْرَةٌ, (A,) or this is a simple subst., (S, Msb,) and نُصُورٌ, (K,) [but see the verse of Khidásh in what follows,] He aided or assisted him, (M, K,) namely, a person wronged, misused, or treated unjustly or injuriously, (M. A, K,) against his enemy: (TA:) [he avenged him: (see the verse here following, and see 8:) he supplied his want, or somewhat thereof (TA.) Kidásh Ibn-Zuheyr says.

فَإِنْ كُنْتَ تَشْكُو مِنْ خَلِيلٍ مَخَانَةً

فتِلْكَ الجَوَازِى عَقْبُهَا وَنُصُورُهَا [And if thou complain of treachery from a friend. those requitals are its result and its avengers, or avengement]: here نُصُور may be a pl. of نَاصِرٌ.

like شُهُودٌ is of شَاهِدٌ; or it may be an inf. n., like دُخُولٌ and خُرُوجٌ. (M.) You say, تَصَرَهُ عَلَى عَدُوِّهِ, (S, A, Msb,) and مِنْ عَدُوِّهِ, (A, Msb,) aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. نَصْرٌ (S, A, Msb) and نُصْرَةٌ, (A,) or this, as remarked above, is a simple subst., (S, Msb.) He (namely, God. S, A, or a man, Msb,) aided or assisted him, and strengthened him, against his enemy: (Msb:) [he avenged him of his enemy. (See 8.)] and نَصَرَهُ اللّٰهُ God made him to be victorious, to conquer, or to overcome: so in the Kur, xxii. 15, where the pronoun relates to Mohammad. (TA.) In the Kur, xlvii. 8. إِنْ تَنْصُرُوا اللّٰهَ يَنْصُرْكُمْ means, If ye aid God's religion and his apostle, He will aid you against your enemy: (Bd, Jel) or if ye aid his servants, &c.: or if ye keep his ordinances and aid his orders and comply with his commands and shun the things which He hath forbidden, &c. (El-Basáïr.) And the trad.

أُنْصُرْ أَخَاكَ ظَالِمَّا أَوْ مَظْلُومًا is explained as meaning, Prevent thou thy brother from wronging when he is a wronger, and aid him against his wronger when he is wronged. (TA.) Also, نَصَرَهُ مِنْهُ, (K,) inf. n. نَصْرٌ and نُصْرَةٌ, (TA,) [or the latter in this sense, as in the cases above mentioned, is a simple subst.,] He served or Preserved him from him or it. (K.) b2: نَصَرَاللّٰهُ الأَرْضَ God gave rain to the earth or land. (A.) And نَصَرَ الغَيْثُ الأَرْضَ (S, M, K,) [aor. ـُ inf. n. نَصْرٌ, (M,) (tropical:) The rain aided the earth or land: (S:) or watered it: (M:) or watered it generally and copiously, (K, TA,) and caused it to produce herbage: (TA:) and نَصَرَ البَلَدَ (tropical:) it assisted the country to produce abundance of herbage: (TA:) and نُصِرَتِ الأَرْضْ (tropical:) the earth or land was watered by rain. (S.) b3: Hence, نَصَرَهُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نَصْرٌ, (tropical:) He gave to him. (M.) An Arab of the desert [in the A a beggar] accosted a people saying, أُنْصُرُونِى نَصَرَكُمُ اللّٰهُ, meaning, (tropical:) Give ye to me: may God give to you. (M, A.) b4: نَصَرَهُ اللّٰهُ also signifies (assumed tropical:) God bestowed upon him the means of subsistence, or the like; syn. رَزَقَهُ. (IKtt.) 2 نصّرهُ, (inf. n. تَنْصِيرٌ, K,) He made him a Christian. (S, M, K.) It is said in a trad., [relating to the natural disposition of a child to adopt the true faith,] فَأَبَوَاهُ يُهَوِّدَانِهِ وَيُنَصِّرَانِهِ [But his two parents make him a Jew or make him a Christian]. (S.) 3 نَاْصَرَ [ناصرهُ He rendered reciprocal aid to him. See an ex. voce عَاصَرَ.]5 تنصّر He laboured, or strove, to aid, or assist; syn. عَالَجَ النَّصْرَ: (M, K:) not of the same category as تَحَلَّمَ [he endeavoured to acquire حِلْم] and تبرّر [he endeavoured to characterize himself by بِرّ]. (M.) A2: He became a Christian. (M, K.) 6 تناصروا They aided or assisted one another: (S, Msb, TA:) they assisted one another to aid. (M, A, K, TA.) b2: تناصرت الأَخْبَارُ (tropical:) The accounts, or tidings, confirmed, or verified, one another. (M, K, TA.) 8 انتصر He defended himself: (Bd, Jel, lv. 35:) he defended himself against his wronger, or injurer. (TA.) b2: انتصر مِنْهُ He exacted, or obtained, his right, or due, completely, from him, so that each of them became on a par with the other: (Az, TA:) he revenged himself upon him. (Az, S, M, * Msb, K.) 10 استنصر He asked, sought, or desired, aid, or assistance. (M, K.) And استنصره He asked him to aid him, (S, Msb, K,) عَلَيْهِ against him, (S, K,) i. e. against his enemy. (S, TA.) b2: (tropical:) He begged; (K;) as though he asked for a gift, which is termed نَصْر. (TA.) نَصْرٌ [used a subst.,] Aid or assistance, rendered to another, especially against an enemy: [avengement or another:] victory or conquest: (Bd, xxix. 9:) and ↓ نُصْرَةٌ is a subst. from نَصَرَهُ [and therefore signifies the same]: (S, Msb:) or the ↓ latter signifies good aid, or assistance: (M, K:) and this ↓ same word, when the object is God, signifies aid of God's servants; &c.; as explained above: see 1. (El-Basáïr.) b2: Spoil; plunder; booty. (Bd, ubi supra.) b3: (tropical:) Rain; (A, TA;) as also ↓ نُصْرَةٌ: (TA:) in like manner as it is called فَتْح: (A, TA:) or the ↓ latter signifies a complete rain. (IAar.) b4: [Hence,] (tropical:) A gift: (S, TA:) and نَصَائِرُ gifts. (M.) b5: See also نَاصِرٌ.

نُصَرٌ: see نَاصِرٌ.

نُصْرَةٌ: see نَصْرٌ, in five places.

نَصْرِىٌّ: see نَصْرَانِىٌّ.

نَصْرَانٌ: see نَصْرَانِىٌّ.

نَصْرَانِىٌّ, (S, A, Msb, K, &c.) and ↓ نَصْرَانٌ, (M, A,) or this latter has not been used without the addition of the relative ى, (S,) or it has been sometimes used, (M,) and ↓ نَصْرِىٌّ, (M, Msb, K,) but we have not heard this used, (M,) [A Christian: or this is a secondary application, and the original meaning is a Nazarene:] fem. نَصْرَانِيَّةٌ, (S, A, Msb, K,) and نَصْرَانَةٌ, (S, A, K,) or the latter is used only by poetic licence: (IB:) ↓ نَصَارَى [applied to the Christians] is a rel. n. from نَاصِرَةُ, [or Nazareth,] a town of Syria, (S, M, K,) also called نَصْرَانَةُ, (Lth, IDrd, K,) or نَصْرَانُ, (S, Msb,) and نَصُورِيَةٌ, (M, Sgh, K,) without teshdeed, accord. to Sgh, (TA,) and نُصْرِىٌّ and نُصْرَى, (as in a copy of the M,) or نَصْرَى and نَصْرَوَةُ: (TA:) so originally, and then applied to such as hold the religion of its inhabitants: (Msb:) this is the opinion of the lexicologists; but it is of weak authority, though admissible as there are other anomalous rel. ns.: (M:) or [so in K, but in the S, and] نَصَارَى is pl. of نَصْرِىٌّ, (Kh, M, Msb, K,) like as مَهَارَى is pl. of مَهْرِىٌّ; (Msb, K;) or of نَصْرَانٌ (Kh, S, M) and نَصْرَانَةٌ, (S,) like as نَدَامَى is pl. of نَدْمَانٌ (Kh, S, M) and نَدْمَانَةٌ; (S;) but more probably of نَصْرَانٌ, because this word has been sometimes used, whereas we have not heard نَصْرِىٌّ used: (M:) and it is implied in the copies of the K, that أَنْصَارٌ is pl. of نَصْرَانِىٌّ; but correctly, it is a pl. of نَصْرَانٌ, without ى, as is said in the TS, and the L, in both of which is mentioned the saying of the poet, لَمَّا رَأَيْتُ نَبَطًا أَنْصَارَا [When I saw Nabatheans, Christians], meaning نَصَارَى. (TA.) النَّصْرَانِيَّةُ The religion of the نَصَارَى [or Christians]. (K, TA.) نَصُورٌ One who aids, or assists, much or well. (TA in art. عقرب.) نَصِيرٌ: see نَاصِرٌ. It has the signification of the measure فَاعِلٌ or of the measure مَفْعُولٌ; for أَخَوَانِ نَصِيرَانِ, occurring in a trad., means Two brothers, aiders of, and aided by, each other. (TA.) نَصَارَى: see نَصْرَانِىٌّ.

نَصَائِرُ: see نَصْرٌ.

نَاصِرٌ act. part. n. of نَصَرَ, An aider or assister, especially against an enemy; &c.; as also ↓ نَصِيرٌ, (S, * M, A, Msb, K,) and ↓ نَصَرٌ: (Sgh, K:) pl. (of نَصِيرٌ, (S, M, Msb, and of نَاصِرٌ, M,) أَنْصَارٌ (S, M, A, Msb, K) and (of نَاصِرٌ, M) نُصَّارٌ, (M, K,) and نُصُورٌ may also be a pl. of the same, as occurring in the verse of Khidásh, cited above: (M:) and أَنَاصِيرُ is a pl. pl., being pl. of أَنْصَارٌ: (TA:) and ↓ نَصْرٌ is used as sing. and pl., (M, K,) being an inf. n. employed as an epithet, like عَدْلٌ. (M.) b2: الأَنْصَارُ also signifies The Assistants of the Prophet; (M, K;) of [the tribes of] El-Ows and El-Khazraj; (TA;) being an epithet applied to them especially, (M, K,) and used as a subst., as though it were the name of a tribe, wherefore the rel. n. أَنْصَارِىٌّ [which is used as sing.] is formed from it. (M.) نَاصُورٌ: see نَاسُورٌ.

أَنْصَارٌ: see نَصْرَانِىٌّ: b2: and ناصِرٌ.

أَنْصَارِىٌّ: see نَاصِرٌ.

مَنْصُورٌ [Aided or assisted, especially against an enemy, &c.]. b2: أَرْضٌ مَنْصُورَةٌ (tropical:) Land watered by rain; rained upon. (S, A.) مُسْتَنْصِرٌ [Asking, seeking, or desiring, aid, or assistance]. b2: (tropical:) A beggar. (M.)



1 نَظَرَ إِلَيْهِ, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) and نَظَرَهُ, (M, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (M, A, &c.,) and أَنْطُورٌ is substituted for أَنْظُرُ in the dial. of certain Arabs, (IDrd, TS, K,) or, accord. to Lb, in the Bughyetel-Ámál, the و is here added only [by poetic license,] to make the sound of the dammeh full, agreeably with other instances; (TA;) and نَظِرَ إِلَيْهِ, and نَظِرَهُ, aor. ـَ (A, K,) the verb being like سَمِعَ accord. to the correct copies of the K, [and so in the A,] but in one copy of the K, like ضَرَبَ; (TA;) inf. n. نَظَرٌ, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) and نَظْرٌ is allowable, as a contraction of the former, (Lth,) and نَظَرَانٌ (S, K,) and مَنْظَرٌ (M, A, K) and مَنْظَرَةٌ and تَنْظارٌ, (M, K,) [which last is an intensive form; He looked at, or towards, in order to see, him, or it;] he considered, or viewed, him or it with his eye; (S, A, K;) with the sight of the eye; (Msb;) [i. e. looked at him or it;] as also ↓ تنظّرهُ: (K:) and ↓ انتظرهُ signifies the same as تنظّرهُ and نَظَرَهُ [but app. in another sense, to be mentioned below, and not in the sense explained above, though the latter is implied in the TA; and the same may be meant when it is said that ↓ تنظّر is syn. with نَظَرَ, if this assertion, which I find in the M, have been copied without consideration, and be not confirmed by an example]: (TA:) or نَظَرَ إِلَيْهِ signifies he extended, or stretched, or raised, [or directed,] his sight towards him or it, whether he saw him or did not see him. (TA.) The usage of النَّظَرٌ as relating to the sight is most common with the vulgar, but not with persons of distinction, who use it more in another sense, to be explained below. (TA.) You say, نَظَرَ إِلَيْهِ نَظْرَةً حُلْوَةً [He looked at him, or towards him, with one sweet look.] (A.) And نَظَرَ فِى المِنْظَارِ [He looked in the mirror]. (A.) And نَظَرَ فِى الكِتَابِ [He looked into, or inspected, the writing or book], (A, Msb,) which is for نَظَرَ المَكْتُوبَ فِى الكِتَابِ [he looked at what was written in the writing or book], or has a different meaning to be explained below. (Msb.) And هُوَ يَنْظُرُ حَوْلَهُ [lit., He looks around him; meaning,] he looks much. (A.) [See also نَظَرٌ below.] b2: نَظَرَتِ الأَرْضُ, (Sgh, K,) and نَظَرَتِ الأَرْضُ بِعَيْنٍ, and بِعَيْنَيْنِ, (A,) (tropical:) The earth, or land, showed (A, Sgh, K) to the eye (Sgh, K) its plants or herbage. (A, Sgh, K.) b3: نَظَرَ إِلَيْهِ (tropical:) It looked towards, meaning faced, him or it. So in the Kur, [vii. 197,] وَتَرَاهُمْ يَنْظُرُونَ إِلَيْكَ وَهُمْ لَا يُبْصِرُونَ (tropical:) Thou seest them look towards thee, i. e., face thee, but they see not; referring to idols, accord. to A'Obeyd. (TA.) And you say, دَارِى يَنْظُرُ إِلَى دَارِ فُلَانٍ (tropical:) My house faces the house of such a one. (S.) And نَظَرَ إِلَيْكَ الجَبَلُ (tropical:) The mountain faced thee:(A:) as in the following ex.: إِذَا أَخَذْتَ فِى طَرِيقِ كَذَا فَنَظَرَ إِلَيْكَ الجَبَلُ فَخُذْ عَنْ يَمِينِهِ أَوْيَسَارِهِ (tropical:) [When thou takest such a road, and the mountain faces thee, then take thou the way by the right of it or the left of it.] (S.) b4: [Hence, perhaps,] نَظَرَ الدَّهْرُ إِلَى بَنِى فُلَانٍ فَأَهْلَكَهُمْ [app. meaning, (assumed tropical:) Fortune opposed the sons of such a one and destroyed them]: (S [immediately following there the ex. which immediately precedes it here:]) or نَظَرَ إِلَيْهِمُ الدَّهْرُ signifies (tropical:) Fortune destroyed them: (M, A:) but (says ISd) I am not certain of this. (M.) b5: النَّظَرُ also signifies (assumed tropical:) The turning the mind in various directions in order to perceive a thing [mentally], and the seeing a thing: and sometimes it means (assumed tropical:) the considering and investigating: [and as a subst., speculation, or intellectual examination:] and sometimes, (assumed tropical:) the knowledge that results from [speculation or] investigation. (El-Basáïr.) It is mostly used as relating to the intellect by persons of distinction; and as relating to the sight, most commonly by the vulgar. (TA.) [It is said that] when you say نَظَرْتُ إِلَيْهِ, it means only [I looked at, or towards, him or it] with the eye: but when you say نَظَرْتُ فِى الأَمْرِ, it may mean [(assumed tropical:) I looked into, inspected, examined, or investigated, the thing or affair] by thought and consideration, intellectually, or with the mind: (TA:) [this remark, however, is not altogether correct, as may be seen from what follows: the truth seems to be, that نَظَرَهُ and نَظَرَإِلَيْهِ may be used in the latter of these two senses, though نَظَرَ فِيهِ is most common in this sense.] It is said in the Kur, [x. 101,] قُلِ انْظُرُوا مَا ذَا فِى السَّمٰوَاتِ (assumed tropical:) Say, Consider ye what is in the heavens. (TA.) And you say, نَظَرَ إِلَيْهِ He saw it, and (assumed tropical:) thought upon it, and endeavoured to understand it, or to know its result. (TA.) [And He looked to it, or at it, or examined it, intellectually; regarded it; had a view to it.] And نَظَرَ فِيهِ (assumed tropical:) He considered it: (TA:) or thought upon it; namely a writing or book; or when such is the object it may have another meaning, explained before; and an affair: and with this is held to accord the saying وَفِيهِ نَظَرٌ, q. v. infrà, voce نَظَرٌ: (Msb:) and (tropical:) he though upon it, measuring it, or comparing it. (M, K, TK. In the M and K, only the inf. n., نَظَرَ فِى أَمْوَالِ الأَيْتَامِ, of the verb in this sense is mentioned.) And فَنَطَرَ نَظْرَةً فِى النُّجُومِ (assumed tropical:) He considered, or examined, [or estimated,] the possessions of the orphans, in order to know them. (Msb.) And similar to this is the phrase [in the Kur, xxxvii. 86,] النَّظَرُ, meaning, (assumed tropical:) and he examined the science of the stars: (Msb:) [or he took a mental view of the stars, as if to divine from them.] الاِعْتِبَارُ when used unrestrictedly by those who treat of scholastic theology means الاِعْتِبَارُ [(assumed tropical:) The thinking upon a thing, and endeavouring to understand it, or to know its result; or judging of what is hidden from what is apparent; or reasoning from analogy]. (MF.) b6: نَظَرَ بَيْنَهُمْ, inf. n. نَظَرٌ, [app. for نَظَرَ فِى مَا بَيْنَهُمْ,] (assumed tropical:) He judged between them. (K.) b7: نَظَرَتْ, (TA,) inf. n. نَظَرٌ, (assumed tropical:) She practised divination; (K, * TA;) which is a kind of examination with insight and skill. (TA, from a trad.) b8: أُنْظُرْ لِى فُلَانًا (tropical:) [look thou out for such a one for me;] seek thou for me such a one. (A, TA.) b9: أُنْظُرْنِى (assumed tropical:) Listen thou to me. (M, K, TA [in the CK, erroneously, أُنْطِرْنِى.]) The verb [says ISd] has this meaning in the Kur, ii. 98. (M.) b10: أَنَا أَنْظُرُ إِلَى اللّٰهِ ثُمَّ إِلَيْكَ [lit., I look to God, then to thee; meaning,] (tropical:) I look for the bounty of God, then for thy bounty. (A.) b11: نَظَرَ اللّٰهُ إِلَيْهِ (tropical:) God chose him, and compassionated him, pitied him, or regarded him with mercy; because looking at another is indicative of love, and not doing so is indicative of hatred: (IAth:) or (assumed tropical:) God bestowed benefits upon him; poured blessings, or favours, upon him: (El-Basáïr:) and نَظَرَ لَهُمْ (tropical:) he compassionated them, and aided them; (Sgh, K;) and simply, he aided them: (K, * TA:) and نَظَرَ لَهُ (assumed tropical:) he accomplished his want, or that which he (another) wanted. (Msb.) A2: نَظَرَهُ is also syn. with ↓ إِتْنَظَرَهُ, q. v. b2: Also syn. with أَنْظَرَهُ, q. v. b3: Also نَظَرَهُ, (K, TA,) inf. n. نَظْرٌ; (TA;) or ↓ نَظَّرَهُ; (so in a copy of the M, and in the CK; but from the mention of the inf. n. in the TA, the former seems to be the right reading;) He sold it (a thing, M) with postponement of the payment; he sold it upon credit. (M, * K, * TA.) See also 4. b4: [In these last three acceptations, accord. to the A, the verb is used properly, not tropically.]

A3: نُظِرَ He was, or became, affected by what is termed a نَظْرَة; (K, TA;) i. e., a stroke of an [evil] eye; (TA;) [or of an evil eye cast by a jinnee;] or a touch, or slight taint of insanity, from the jinn; (K;) or a swoon. (K, TA.) 2 نَظَّرَ see 1, last signification but one. b2: نظّر فِيهِ [He said of it فِيهِ نَظَرٌ, q. v.]. (TA passim.) 3 نَاظَرَهُ فِى أَمْرٍ, inf. n. مُنَاظَرَةٌ, (T, S, *) (tropical:) He considered, or examined, or investigated, with him a thing or an affair, to see how they should do it: (T, TA:) he investigated, or examined, with him a thing, and emulated him, or vied with him, in doing so, each of them adducing his opinion: (TA:) [he held a discussion with him respecting a thing:] or نَاظَرَهُ is syn. with جَادَلَهُ: (Msb:) or مناظرة signifies the examining mentally, or investigating, by two parties, the relation between two things, in order to evince the truth; (KT; and Kull, p. 342;) and sometimes with one's self; but مجادلة signifies the disputing respecting a question of science for the purpose of convincing the opponent, whether what he says be wrong in itself or not. (Kull.) b2: Also ناظرهُ [(tropical:) He, or it, looked towards, or faced, him, or it; was opposite, or corresponded, to him or it. (See نَظِيرٌ.)] b3: (tropical:) He was, or became, like him: (A, K:) or like him in discourse or dialogue. (TA.) b4: جَيْشٌ يُنَاظِرُ أَلْفًا (tropical:) An army that is nearly equal to a thousand. (A.) b5: نَاظَرَ فُلَانًا بِفُلَانٍ (tropical:) He made, or called, such a one like such a one. (K.) Hence the saying of Ez-Zuhree, (K,) Mohammad Ibn-Shiháb, (TA,) لَا تُنَاظِرْ بِكِتَابِ اللّٰهِ وَلَا بِكَلَامِ رَسُولِ اللّٰهِ, i. e., Thou shalt not call anything like the book of God, nor like the words of the apostle of God: (A'Obeyd, T, K:) or thou shalt not compare anything, nor call anything like, to the book of God, &c.: (A,) or thou shalt not apply [aught of] the book of God, nor the words of the apostle of God, as a proverb to a thing that happens: (A'Obeyd, T, K; in which last, we read لِشَىْءٍ لِغَرَضٍ, in the place of the right reading, لِشَىْءٍ يَعْرِضُ: TA:) for, as Ibráheem En-Nakha'ee says, they used to dislike the mentioning a verse of the Kur-án on the occasion of anything happening, of worldly events; (T;) as a person's saying to one who has come at a time desired by the former, (TA,) or to one named Moosà, who has come at a time desired, (K,) جِئْتَ عَلَى قَدَرٍ يَا مُوسَى [Thou hast come at a time appointed, O Moosà: (Kur, xx. 42:)] (T, K:) and the like: (T:) but the first explanation is the most probable (TA, as from Az; but I do not find it in the T) 4 أُنْظِرَ بِهِ (tropical:) [He, or it, was made like]. Yousay, مَا كَانَ هٰذَا نَظِيرًا لِهٰذَا وَلَقَدْ أُنْظِرَ بِهِ (tropical:) [This was not like this, but has been made like]. (T, K:) like as you say, مَا كَانَ خَظِيرًا لَهُ وَلَقَدْ

أُخْطِرَ بِهِ. (T.) A2: انظرهُ He postponed him; delayed him: (M, A, Msb, K:) he granted him a delay or respite; let him alone, or left him, for a while: (T, TA:) as, for instance, a debtor, (T, Msb, TA,) and a man in difficult circumstances: (TA:) and ↓ نَظَرَهُ signifies the same. (Msb.) You say, بِعْتُهُ شَيْئًا فَأَنْظَرْتُهُ I sold to him a thing, and granted him a delay. (T.) And a person speaking says to him who hurries him, أَنْظِرْنى أَبْتَلِعْ رِيقِى Grant me time to swallow my spittle. (T.) And it is said in the Kur, [xv. 36 and xxxviii. 80,] فَأَنْظِرْنِى إِلَى يَوْمِ يُبْعَثُونَ Then delay me until the day when they shall be raised from the dead. (TA.) See also 8. b2: He sold to him a thing with postponement of the payment; he sold to him a thing upon credit. (M.) See also 1 last signification but one.5 تَنَظَّرَ see 1, first signification.

A2: See also 8.6 تناظرا (tropical:) They faced each other. (K.) You say, تناظرت الدَّارَانِ (tropical:) The two houses faced each other. (M.) And دُورُنَا تَنَاظَرُ, (S,) or تَتَنَاظَرُ, [which is the original form,] (A,) (tropical:) Our houses faced one another. (S, A.) b2: See also تَرَاوَضَا.8 انتظره: see 1, first sentence.

A2: He looked for him; expected him; awaited him; waited for him; watched for his presence; syn. اِرْتَقَبَ حُضُورَهُ; (TA;) and تَأَنَّى عَلَيْهِ; (M, K;) and ↓ نَظَرَهُ (aor. ـُ T &c., inf. n. نَظَرٌ S, K) signifies the same; (T, M, A, Msb, K;) and so ↓ تنظرّهُ, (M, A, K,) and ↓ أَنْظَرَهُ; (Zj, TA;) [but respecting the last two, see what is said below:] but when you say انتظر without any objective complement, the meaning is, [he waited; or] he paused, and acted or behaved with deliberation, or in a patient, or leisurely, manner. (Lth, T.) It is said in the Kur, [lvii. 13,] اُنْظُرُونَا نَقْتبِسْ مِنْ نُورِكُمْ Wait for us (اِنْتَظِرُونَا) that me may take of your light: and accord. to Zj, أَنْظِرُونَا [which is another reading] is said to mean the same: or the latter means delay us: accord. to Fr, however, the Arabs say أَنْظِرْنِى meaning Wait thou for me (اِنْتَظِرْنِى) a little, (T.) ↓ التَّنَظُّرُ also signifies The expecting, or waiting for a thing: (TA:) or the expecting, or waiting for, a thing expected: (M, K, TA:) or ↓ تنظّرهُ signifies he expected, or waited for, (انتظر,) him, or it, leisurely, and so ↓ استنظرهُ. (S.) You say also, انتظر بِهِ خَيْرًا أَوْ شَرَّا (M, A, K, in art. ربص, in the last of which is added يَحُلٌّ بِهِ) [He looked for expected, awaited, or waited for, something good or evil to befall him, or betide him]10 استنظرهُ: see 8, last signification but one b2: He asked of him, or desired of him, a postponement, or delay. (M, A, K.) نِظْرٌ: see نَظِيرٌ.

A2: A man says to another, بَيْعٌ, [or perhaps بِيعٌ, like the word used in reply to it. here following and like خِطْبٌ and نِكْحٌ meaning, I sell and the other says, نِظْرٌ, meaning, Grant me a delay (أَنْظِرْنِى) that I may buy (أَشْتَرِى) of thee. (M, TA.) نَظَرٌ: see 1. [Used as a subst., as well as when used as an inf. n.,] it has no pl. (Sb, in TA, voce فِكْرٌ.) b2: ضَرَبْنَاهُمْ بِنَظَر, and مِنْ نَظَرِ, (tropical:) We saw them. (A, TA.) b3: بَيْنَنَا نَظَرٌ (tropical:) Between as is the extent of a look in expect of ?? (A, TA.) b4: حَىٌّ نَظَرٌ, (K, * TA,) and حَىٌّ جِلَالٌ وَنَظَرٌ, (S,) and حَىٌّ حِلَالٌ وَرِيَآءٌ وَنَظَرٌ, (A,) (tropical:) A tribe went together, (S, A, K, *) of which the several portions see one another. (S, A.) b5: وَفِيهِ نَظَرٌ (assumed tropical:) But it requires consideration, by reason of its want of clearness, or perspicuity: (Msb:) [a phrase used to imply doubt, and also to insinuate politely that the words to which it relates are false, or wrong:] like فِيهِ تَأَمُّلٌ. (MF, art. صفح.) b6: هُوَ بِخَيْرِ النَّظَريْنِ, said in a trad., of one who has purchased a ewe or she-goat that has been kept from being milked for some days; meaning, (assumed tropical:) He has the option of adopting the better of the two things; he may either retain it or return it. (TA.) نَظْرَةٌ A look: a quick look or glance: (T:) pl. نَظَرَاتٌ. (A.) Hence the trad., لَا تُتْبِعِ النَّطْرَةَ النَّظْرَةَ فَإِنَّ لَكَ الأُوْلَى وَلَيْسَتْ لَكَ الآخِرَةُ [Thou shalt not make a look to follow a look; for the former is thine or right, lad the latter is not thine: i. e., when thou hast once looked at anything forbidden, unintentionally, thou shalt not look at it a second time]. (T, TA.) And the saying of a certain wise man, مَنْ لَمْ تَعْمَلْ نَظْرَتُهُ لَمْ يَعْمَلْ لِسَانُهُ [He whose look does not produce an effect, his tongue does not produce an effect]; (T;) meaning, that he who is not restrained from a fault or offence by being looked at is not restrained by speech. (TA.) b2: A stroke of an [evil] eye: (TA:) a stroke of an [evil] eye by which one is affected from the jinn's looking at him; (T, S; *) as also سَفْعَةٌ: (T;) or a touch, or a slight taint or infection of insanity. (طَائِفٌ,) from the jinn: or a swoon. (M, K.) b3: An alteration of the body or complexion by emaciation or hunger or travel &c. (S, M, K.) b4: Foulness; ugliness: (AA, TA:) evilness; or badness, of form or appearance; a fault: a defect; an imperfection. (M, K.) b5: (assumed tropical:) Reverence, veneration, awe, or fear, (I Aar, T, K,) b6: (tropical:) Compassion, pity, merry. (I Aar, T, K,) نَظِرَةٌ A postponement; a delay. (T, S, M, Msb, K.) It is said in the Kur. [ii. 280.]

فَنَظرَةٌ إِلَى مَيْسَرَةٍ [Then let there be a postponement, or delay, until he shall be in an easy state of circumstances]; (T, M, Msb) a. c., فَإِنْظَارٌ, (T,) or فَتَأْخِيرٌ: (Msb) and accord. to another reading, ↓ فَنَاظِرَةٌ, like كَاذِبَةٌ, in the Kur, lvi. 2. (M.) You say also, بَاعَ مِنْهُ الشَّىْءَ بِنَظِرَةٍ He sold to him the thing with postponement of the payment, he sold to him the thing upon credit. (M.) and اِشْتَرَيْتُهُ مِنْهُ بِنَظِرَةٍ, and بِإِنْظَارٍ, I bought a of him with postponement of the payment; I bought a of him upon credit. (T.) نَظَرِىٌّ (assumed tropical:) [Speculative knowledge or science; such as is acquired by study;] that of which the origination rests upon speculation. and acquisition by study; as the conception of the intellect or mind, and the assent of the mind or the position, that the world has had a ??? (K, T.) [It is opposed to بَدِيهِىٌ and to صرورِىٌّ.]

سُمْعُنَّةٌ نُظْرُنَّةٌ, and vars. thereof, see in art. سمع.

نَظَارِ, like قَطَامِ, (S, K,) an imp. n., (T.) meaning, Wait thou: syn إِنْتَظِرْ. (T, S, K.) نَظُورٌ and ↓ نَظُورَةٌ and ↓ نَاظُورَةٌ and ↓ نُظِيرَةٌ A chief person, whether male or female, to whom one looks. (M, K.) You say, ↓ فُلَانٌ نَظِيرَةٌ قَوْمِهِ, and قَوْمِهِ ↓ نَظُورَةُ, Such a one is the person to whom his people look, (Fr, T, S,) and whom they imitate, or to whose example they conform. (Fr, T.) All these words are also used in a pl. sense: (M, K:) or [so in some copies of the K; but in others, and,] نظيرة and نظورة have نَظَائِرُ for their pl., (S, K,) sometimes. (K.) b2: Also, نَظُورٌ A man who neglects not to look at, (M, L, K,) or to consider, (A,) that which, (M, A, L,) or him who, (K,) disquiets him, or renders him solicitous. (M, A, L, K.) نَظِيرٌ (tropical:) Looking to, or facing, another person or thing; opposite or corresponding to another person or thing; as also ↓ مُنَاظِرٌ; syn. مُقَابِلٌ. (A.) [Hence, نَظِيرُ السَّمْتِ, and النَّظِيرُ, (tropical:) The nadir; the point opposite to the zenith.] نَظِيرُكَ signifies أَلَّذِى يُنَاظِرُكَ, (M,) or الذى تُنَاظِرُهُ وَيُنَاظِرُكَ, (T,) [which I suppose to mean (tropical:) He who looks towards, or faces, thee; who is opposite, or corresponds, to thee; or he towards whom thou lookest, &c., and who looks towards thee, &c.: though susceptible of other interpretations: see 3.] b2: (tropical:) Like; a like; a similar person or thing: (AO, T, S, M, A, K;) equal; an equal: (Msb:) applied to anything: (TA:) as also ↓ نِظْرٌ; (AO, S, K;) like نَدِيدٌ and نِدٌّ; (AO, S;) and ↓ مُنَاظِرٌ: (K:) fem. نَظِيرَةٌ: (T, M, A:) pl. masc., نُظَرَآءُ: (M, A, Msb, K:) and pl. fem. نَظَائِرُ, (T, A,) applied to words and to all things. (T.) You say, فُلَانٌ نَظِيرُكَ (tropical:) Such a one is thy like. (T.) And هٰذَا نَظِيرٌ لِهٰذَا, (T,) or نَظِيرُ هٰذَا, (Msb,) (tropical:) This is the like of this, (T,) or the equal of this. (Msb.) And عَدَدْتُ إِبِلَ فُلَانٍ نَظَائِرَ (tropical:) I counted, or numbered, the camels of such a one in pairs, or two by two; (As, T, K; *) if by looking at their aggregate, you say, عَدَدْتُهَا جَمَارًا. (As, T.) نَظُورَةٌ: see نَظُورٌ, in two places. b2: See also نَظِيرَةٌ.

نَظِيرَةٌ: see نَظُورٌ, in two places. b2: Also, A scout, or scouts; (T, Sgh, K;) and so ↓ نَظُورَةٌ: (Sgh, K:) pl. of both, نَظَائِرُ. (TA.) b3: Fem. of نَظِيرٌ, q. v. (T, &c.). [And hence,] النَّظَائِرُ [the pl.] The more excellent of men: (K, * TA:) because they resemble one another in dispositions and actions and sayings. (TA.) نَظَّارٌ (tropical:) A horse (A, K) that raises his eye by reason of his sharpness of spirit: (A:) or sharpspirited, and raising his eye. (T, K.) نَظَّارَةٌ A people looking at a thing; (S, K;) as also ↓ مَنْظَرَةٌ. (K.) b2: See also مِنْظَارٌ.

نَاظِرٌ act. part. n. of نَظَرَ; Looking; &c.: pl. نُظَّارٌ. (Msb.) b2: النَّاظِرُ [The pupil, or apple, of the eye, the smallest black of the eye, (S, Msb,) in which is [seen] what is termed إِنْسَانُ العَيْنِ, (S,) [and] with which the man sees; (Msb;) the black spot in the eye; (M, K;) the clear black spot that is in the middle of the [main] black of the eye, with which the looker sees what he sees: or that part of the eye which resembles a mirror, in which, when one faces it, he sees his person: (TA:) or a duct (عِرْق) in the nose, wherein is the water of sight: (M, K:) [app. a loose description of the optic nerve:] or the sight itself: (M, K:) or the eye: (K:) or the eye is called ↓ النَّاظِرَةُ; (S, A; *) the pl. of which is نَوَاظِرُ. (A.) b3: شَدِيدُ النَّاظِرِ, (so in a copy of the M and of the A and in some copies of the K,) or سَدِيدُ النَّاظِرِ, (so in some copies of the K and in the TA,) A man clear of suspicion, who looks with a full gaze: (M, K:) or clear of that with which he is upbraided. (A.) b4: النَّاظِرَانِ Two veins at the two edges of the nose, commencing from the inner angles of the eyes, towards the face. (Zj, in his Khalk el-Insán.) b5: Also, نَاظِرٌ (assumed tropical:) A guardian; a keeper; a watcher: (S, Msb:) and, as also ↓ نَاظُورٌ, i. q. نَاطُورٌ, (K, TA,) [which last is] a word of the Nabathean dialect. (TA.) b6: [The dim. is نُوَيْظِرٌ.] You say, عُيَيْنَتِى نُوَيْظِرَةٌ إِلَى اللّٰهِ ثُمَّ إِلَيْكُمْ (tropical:) My eye (lit. my little eye) is looking to God for His bounty, then to you for your bounty. (A.) A2: In the Kur, [lxxv. 23,] the words إِلَى رَبِّهَا نَاظِرَةٌ have been explained as signifying Waiting for (مُنْتَظِرَةٌ) their Lord: but this is a mistake; for the Arabs do not say نَطَرْتُ إِلَى الشَّىْءِ in the sense of إِنْتَظَرْتُهُ, but they say نَظَرْتُ فُلَانًا in that sense. (T.) نَاظِرَةٌ: see نَاظِرٌ.

A2: See also نَظِرَةٌ.

نَاظُورٌ: see نَاظِرٌ.

نَاظُورَةٌ: see نَظُورٌ.

أَنْظُورُ for أَنْظُرُ: see 1.

مَنْظَرٌ [A place in which a thing is looked at]: a place, or state, in which one likes to be looked at. (T, A, TA.) You say, فُلَانٌ فِى مَنْظَرٍ وَمَسْمَعٍ

وَفِى رِىٍّ ومَشْبَعٍ (tropical:) Such a one is in a state in which he likes to be looked at and listened to [and in a state in which he is satisfied with drink and food]. (T, A, TA.) And لَقَدْ كُنْتَ عَنْ هٰذَا المَقَامِ بِمَنْظَرٍ (tropical:) Thou wast in a state [in] which thou likedst [to be looked at], away from this place of abode. (T, TA.) b2: The aspect, or outward appearance, of a thing; opposite of مَخْبَرٌ: (S, art. خبر:) [when used absolutely, a pleasing, or goodly, aspect; or beauty of aspect; as also ↓ مَنْظَرَةٌ: this is implied by the usage of مَنْظَرَانِىٌّ, q. v., and is well known:] or what one looks at and is pleased by or displeased by; as also ↓ مَنْظَرَةٌ: (M, K:) or the former, a thing that pleases and rejoices the beholder when he looks at it: (T:) and the ↓ latter, the aspect (مَنْظَر) of a man when one looks at it and is pleased by it or displeased by it. (T, TA. *) You say, لَهُ مَنْظَرٌ حَسَنٌ [He has a goodly aspect]. (A.) And اِمْرَأَةٌ حَسَنَةُ المَنْظَرِ, and ↓ المَنْظَرَةِ, [A woman goodly of aspect.] (S.) And مَنْظَرُهُ خَيْرٌ مِنْ مَخْبَرِهِ [His aspect is better than his internal state]. (S.) And إِنَّهُ لَذُو مَنْظَرٍ بِلَا مَخْبَرٍ, (T,) and بَلَا مَخْبَرَةٍ ↓ ذُو مَنْظَرَةٍ, (A,) [Verily he has a pleasing aspect without a pleasing internal state.]

مَنْظَرَةٌ A high place on which a person is stationed to watch; (S;) a place on the top of a mountain, where a person observes and watches the enemy: (T:) and مَنَاظِرُ [the pl.] eminences; or elevated parts of the earth; or high grounds: (M, K:) because one looks from them. (M.) b2: Its application to A certain separate place of a house, [generally an apartment on the groundfloor overlooking the court, and also a turret, or rather a belvedere, and any building, or apartment, commanding a view,] is vulgar. (TA.) b3: See also نَظَّارَةٌ. b4: And see مَنْظَرٌ, in five places.

مَنْظَرِىٌّ: see what next follows.

مَنْظَرَانِىٌّ (S, M, A, K) and ↓ مَنْظَرِىٌّ, (M, K,) the latter contr. to analogy, (M,) A man (M,) of goodly aspect. (M, K.) You say, رَجُلٌ مَنْظَرَانِىٌّ مَخْبَرَانِىٌّ [A man of goodly aspect and of pleasing internal, or intrinsic, qualities]; (S, A;) i. e., ذُو مَنْظَرٍ and ذُو مَخْبَرٍ. (TA, art. خبر.) مِنْظَارٌ A mirror (A, K) in which the face is seen. (TA.) b2: Also, A telescope; a thing in which what is distant is seen [as though it were] near: vulgarly, ↓ نَظَّارَةٌ. (TA.) مَنْظُورٌ A man looked at with an evil eye: (A, TA;) affected by what is termed a نَظْرَة; (T, TA;) i. e., a stroke of an [evil] eye; [or of an evil eye cast by a jinnee; or a touch, or slight taint of insanity, from the jinn;] or a swoon. (TA.) b2: A person, (T,) or chief person, (A,) whose bounty is hoped for, (T, A,) and at whom eyes glance. (A.) b3: مَنْظُورَةٌ A woman in whom is a نَظْرَة, meaning, a fault, defect, or imperfection. (K, * TA.) مُنَاظِرٌ: see نَظِيرٌ.

نظف &c.



1 نَارَ intrans., in the sense of أَنَارَ: see the latter, in two places.

A2: نَارُوا النَّارَ: see 5.

A3: نُرْتُ البَعِيرَ (tropical:) I made a mark upon the camel with a hot iron. (M, K.) See نَارٌ.2 نوّر, intrans., in the sense of أَنَارَ, from النُّورُ: see 4, in two places. b2: نوّر بِالفَجْرِ, (Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. تَنْوِيرٌ, (Msb,) He performed the prayer of daybreak when the dawn had become light (Mgh, Msb:) (tropical:) or when the horizon had become bright: (TA:) تَنْوِيرُ الفَجْرِ, without بِ is an amplification. (Mgh.) تَنْوِيرٌ as a subst. from this verb, see below.

A2: نوّر, trans. in the sense of أَنَارَ, from النُّورُ: see 4. in three places.

A3: نوّر, (S, A, Msb, K.) inf. n. تَنْوِيرٌ, (S, K,) It (a tree. S, A, Msb, K, and a plant, Msb) blossomed, or flowered it put forth its نَوْر; (S, A, Msb, K;) as also ↓ أَنَارَ, (S, Msb, K,) originally أَنْوَرَ, (TA,) See also 4. b2: It (seed-produce) attained to maturity: (K:) [see an ex. in a verse cited in art. سمو, conj. 3:] تَنْوِيرٌ, the inf. n. of the verb in this sense, has a pl. تَنَاوِيرُ. (TA.) A4: نوّرهُ He smeared him or it with نُورَة. (Mgh, Msb.) b2: نوّر ذِرَاعَهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. تَنْوِيرٌ, (TA,) He pricked his fore-arm with a needle, and then sprinkled نَوُور, [q. v.] upon it. (S, K.) 4 انار, (inf. n. إِنَارَةٌ, Msb,) It (a thing) (S, Msb) gave light; or shone; or shone brightly; (S, A, * Msb, K; *) as also ↓ نوّر, (Lh, S, * A, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَنْوِيرٌ; (S, Msb;) and ↓ استنار; (S, A, Msb, K;) and ↓ نَارَ, (A, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) inf. n. نَوْرٌ, (K, TA,) or نُورٌ, (as in a copy of the A,) or نِيَارٌ: (Msb;) and ↓ تنوّر: (K:) نوّر (S, * Mgh, Msb, K) and انار (Mgh, Msb) and استنار, (Msb,) said of the dawn, signify as above; (Mgh, Msb;) or its light appeared. (S, * K) b2: [Hence,] الفِتْنَةُ ↓ نَارَتِ, aor. ـُ Sedition, or discord, or the like, happened and spread. (Msb.) b3: [Hence also,] انار and أَنْوَرَ, (K.) the latter being the original form; said of a plant; (TA;) It became beautiful: and it became apparent. (K, TA.) And أَنْوَرَتِ الشَّجَرَةُ The tree became beautiful in its verdure: or, as some say, put forth its blossoms or flowers. (TA.) See also 2.

A2: انار and ↓ نوّر He made to give light; to shine; or to shine brightly. (Msb.) ↓ التَّنْوِيرُ and الإِنَارَةُ signify the same. (S.) You say, انار السِّرَاجَ, and ↓ نوّرهُ, (A,) and المِصْبَاحَ ↓ نوّر, (Msb,) He made the lamp to give light; or to become bright. (Msb.) b2: انار المَكَانَ He illumined, or lighted, the place; (K;) i. e., put light [or a light] in it. (TA.) b3: [Hence,] انارهُ (tropical:) He elucidated it; rendered it apparent or plainly apparent, conspicuous, manifest, or evident; (TA;) as also ↓ نورّهُ. (A, TA. *) b4: And hence, انار اللّٰهُ بُرْهَانَهُ (tropical:) God taught him, or dictated to him, his proof. (TA.) 5 see 4, first signification.

A3: تنورّوا النَّارَ مِنْ بِعِيدٍ, (S, K,) and ↓ نَارُوهَا, (K,) They looked at the fire, or endeavoured to see it (تَبَصَّرُوهَا,) from afar: (S, K:) or تنوّر النَّارَ he looked at the fire, or endeavoured to see it, (تَبَصَّرَهَا) and repaired towards it: (A:) or he came to the fire: it has this signification as well as the first. (TA.) b2: تنوّر الرَّجُلَ, and المَرْأَةَ, He looked at the man, and the woman, at or by a fire, from a place where the latter did not see him; he stood in the dark to see the man, and the woman, by the light of the latter's fire, without the latter's seeing him; تَنَوُّرٌ being like تَضَوُّؤٌ. (TA.) A4: See also 8.8 انتار, (Th, T, S, M, K,) imp. إِنْتَرْ; (T;) and إِنْتَوَرَ, (T, K,) imp. إِنْتَوِرْ; (T;) and ↓ تنوّر; (S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) or only انتار and انتور; not تنوّر; (T;) or some say انتار; [implying that most say تنوّر;] (S;) He smeared himself with نُورَة [which is differently explained in the lexicons, so that these verbs are made to bear different meanings by different lexicons]. (Th, T, S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K.) 10 إِسْتَنْوَرَ see 4, first signification.

A2: استنار بِهِ He sought the aid of its light: (TA:) or of its rays. (M, K.) نَارٌ a word of which the meaning is well known; (M, K;) [Fire; not well explained as signifying] the flaming, or blazing, (لَهِيب,) that is apparent to the sense: (TA:) its ا is originally نُوَيْرَةٌ: (S, TA:) it is fem.: (S, M, Msb:) and sometimes masc.: (AHn, M, K:) and the dim. is أَنْوَارٌ, with و because it is the original medial radical, (S,) and with ة because نار is fem.: (Msb:) pl. [of pauc.] أَنْوُرٌ, (S, M, L,) in the K أَنْوَارٌ, [which is a mistake, though this is also said to be a pl. of نار,] (TA,) and [of mult.] نِيرَانٌ [which is the most common form] (S, M, K) and نُورٌ (AAF, S, M, Msb, K) and نِيَرَةٌ and نِيَارٌ, (M, K,) and أَنْيَارٌ also occurs, in the phrase نَارُ الأَنْيَارِ, in a trad. respecting the prison of hell; this phrase, if correctly related, perhaps meaning نَارُ النِّيِرَانِ, and انيار being originally أَنْوَار. (IAth.) النَّارُ is also applied to The fire of hell. (TA:) The Arabs say, in cursing their enemies, أَبْعَدَ اللّٰهُ دَارَهُمْ وَأَوْقَدَ نَارًا أَثَرَهُمْ [May God make their abode distant, and kindle a fire after them!] And it was a custom of Arab women, as related by IAar, on the authority of El-'Okeyleeyeh, when they feared evil from a man, and he removed from them, to kindle a fire behind him, with the view of causing his evil to depart with him. (T.) b2: نَارُ الْمُهَوِّلِ A fire which the Arabs used to kindle, in the time of ignorance, on the occasion of entering into a confederacy: they threw into it some salt, which crackled (يُفَقِّعُ) when the fire burned it: with this they frightened [one another] in confirmation of the swearing. (T.) b3: نَارُ الحُبَاحِبِ has been explained in art. حب. b4: نَارٌ also signifies simply Heat. (TA.) b5: Also, (tropical:) [The fire, meaning] the evil, and excitement, or rage, or war; as also ↓ نَائِرَةٌ. (TA.) Yousay, أَوْقَدَ نَارَ الحَرْبِ (tropical:) [He kindled the fire of war]. (A.) b6: Also, (tropical:) Opinion; counsel; advice. (IAar, T, K.) So in the trad., لَا تَسْتَضِيؤُوا بِنَارِ المُشْرِكِينَ, (T,) or بنار أَهْلِ الشِّرْكِ, (K,) (tropical:) [Seek ye not to enlighten yourselves by the counsel of the polytheists; i. e.,] seek ye not counsel of the polytheists. (IAar, T, A. *) b7: Also, (tropical:) Any brand, or mark, made with a hot iron, upon a camel; (As, T, S, M, A, K;) as also ↓ نُورَةٌ (M, K) and ↓ نُورٌ: (TA:) pl. as above: (M:) or the pl. is نِيَارٌ, and the pl. of the نار that burns is نِيرَانٌ. (IAar, Th, T.) The Arabs say, مَا نَارُ هٰذِهِ النَّاقَةِ (tropical:) What is the brand, or mark, of this she-camel, with which she is burned? (T, S, A. *) And they say, in a proverb, بِجَارُهَا نَارُهَا (T, S) Their origin is indicated by their mark with which they are burned. (T.) The Rájiz says, حَتَّى سَقَوْا آبَالَهُمْ بِالنَّارِ وَالنَّارُ قَدْ تَشْفِى مِنَ الأُوَارِ [Until, or so that, they watered their camels because of the brand that they bore: for the fire, or the brand, sometimes cures of the heat of thirst]: (T, S: *) he means, that, when they saw their marks with which they were burned, they left the water to them. (S. For another reading of this verse, see بِ.) See also نَجْرٌ.

نَوْرٌ Blossoms, or flowers, (M, Msb, K,) of a tree, and of a plant: (Msb:) or white blossoms or flowers; the yellow being called زَهْرٌ; (M, K;) for they become white, and then become yellow: (M:) and ↓ نَوْرَةٌ and ↓ نُوَّارٌ signify the same as نَوْرٌ: (M, K:) or [rather] نَوْرٌ and نُوَّارٌ signify the same; (S, Msb;) [but the former is often used as a generic n., signifying a kind of blossom or flower: though both are coll. gen. ns.;] and نَوْرَةٌ is the n. un. of نَوْرٌ, like as تَمْرَةٌ is of تَمْرٌ; (Msb;) and نُوَّارَةٌ is the n. un. of نُوَّارٌ: (S, M, L:) and the pl. of نَوْرٌ is أَنْوَارٌ. (M, Msb, K.) نُورٌ Light; syn. ضِيَآءٌ, (S,) or ضَوْءٌ; (M, A, Msb, K;) whatever it be; (M, A, K;) contr. of ظُلْمَةٌ: (Msb:) or the rays thereof: (M, A, K:) accord to Z, ضِيَآءٌ [with which ضَوْءٌ is syn.] is more intense than نُورٌ: in the Kur, x. 5, the sun is termed ضياء, and the moon نور: and it is said that ضياء is essential, but نور is accidental [light]: (TA:) it is of two kinds, the light of the present world and that of the world to come; and the former is either perceived sensibly, by the eye, and this is what diffuses itself from luminous bodies, as the sun and moon and stars, and is mentioned in the Kur, 10. 5, referred to above; or perceived by the eye of the intellect, and this is what diffuses itself of the divine lights, as the light of reason and the light of the Kur-án; of which divine light mention is made in the Kur, 5., former part of verse 15, and 24., latter part of verse 35; and both of these in common are spoken of in the Kur, 6. 1 and 39. 69: that of the world to come is mentioned in the Kur in lvii. 12 [and lxvi. 8]: (B:) the pl. is أَنْوَارٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and نِيرَانٌ; (M, K;) the latter mentioned by Th: (M:) and ↓ نَوْرَانيَّةٌ signifies the same as نُورٌ. (TA.) As نور is a convenience of the pious in the present world and the world to come, it is said in the Kur, [lvii. 13,] اُنْظُرُونَا نَقْتَبِسْ مِنْ نُورِكُمْ [Wait ye for us that we may take of your light]. (B.) [See also ظُلَمْةٌ.] b2: It is also applied to Mohammad: (T, M, K:) it is said by Aboo-Is-hak to be so applied in the Kur, v. 18. (T.) b3: And That which manifests things, (K, TA,) and shows to the eyes their true or real state: and therefore النُّور is applied in the Kur, vii.

156, to (tropical:) that [revelation] which the Prophet brought. (TA.) b4: النُّورُ is also one of the names of God; meaning, accord. to IAth, He by whose light the obscure in perception sees, and by whose guidance the erring is directed aright: or the Manifest, by whom is every manifestation. And أَللّٰهُ نُورُ السَّمٰوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ [in the Kur, xxiv. 35,] means God is the enlightener of the heavens and of the earth: like as فُلَانٌ غِيَاثُنَا means مُغِيثُنَا: (TA:) or, as some say, the right director of the inhabitants of the heavens and of the inhabitants of the earth. (T.) b5: See also نَارٌ, last signification.

نَوْرَةٌ: see نَوْرٌ.

نُورَةٌ: see نَارٌ, last signification.

A2: I. q. هِنَآءٌ [a word well known to mean Tar, or liquid pitch, or a kind thereof; but I do not know this signification as applying to نُورَةٌ, nor, app., did SM, for he has made it to be the same with that which here next follows, from the T]. (M, K:) or a kind of stone burned and made into كِلْس [or quick-lime] and used as a depilatory for the pubes: (T:) or lime-stone; syn. حَجَرُ الكِلْسِ: and by a secondary and predominant application, a mixture of quick lime (كلس) with arsenic, or orpiment, (زِرْنِيخ,) and other things, used for removing hair: (Msb:) [a depilatory composed of quick lime with a small proportion (about an eighth part) of orpiment: it is made into a paste with water, before application; and loosens the hair in about two minutes; after which it is immediately washed off: thus made in the present day:] some say that it is an Arabic word; and others, that it is arabicized. (Msb) See 8.

نَوْرَانِيَّةٌ: see نُورٌ.

نَيِّرٌ Giving light, shining, bright, or shining brightly; (A, Msb;) as also ↓ مُنِيرٌ and ↓ مُسْتَنِيرٌ (A) [and ↓ نَائِرٌ.] b2: Beautiful in colour, and bright; as also ↓ مُنِيرٌ and ↓ أَنْوَرُ: (TA:) or the last signifies [simply] beautiful; (K;) or conspicuous and beautiful. (TA.) It is said of Mohammad.

كَانَ أَنْوَرَ ↓ المُتَجَرَّدِ: He was beautiful and bright in the colour [of what was unclad] of his body. (TA.) نَوُورٌ, (S, Msb, and so in some copies of the K,) or نَؤُورٌ, (T, M, and so in some copies of the K,) or both, the former being the original form, (S, TA,) i. q. نِيلَجٌ [i. e. Indigo-pigment]; (S, K;) or نِيلَنْجٌ; [which appears from what follows to be the right reading, though both نيلج and نيلنج are used in the present day for the purpose described in explanations of نوور, to give a greenish colour to the marks made in tatooing;] (Msb;) i. e., (so accord. to the S and Msb; but in the K, and) the smoke [meaning the smokeblack] of fat, (IAar, T, S, M, Msb, K,) that adheres to the طَسْت, (IAar, T,) with which the punctures made in tatooing are dressed, (S, Msb,) or filled in, (M,) that they may become green; (S, Msb;) or with which the women of the Arabs of the time of ignorance tattooed themselves: (T:) i. q. غُنْجٌ [q v.]; (IAar, T:) or, accord. to to Lth, the smoke [or smoke-black] of the wick, used as a collyrium or for tatooing; but, [says Az,] I have not heard that the women of the Arabs used this as a collyrium in the time of ignorance nor in the time of El-Islám; their using it for tatooing, however, is mentioned in their poems: (T:) or lamp-black; the black pigment (نِقْس) prepared from the smoke of the lamp; used for tattooing. (Comm. on the Mo'allakát, printed at Calcutta, p. 143.) b2: Also, A kind of small stone, resembling إِثْمِد, which is bruised, or brayed, and then taken up, like as medicine is by the lip. (M.) [The same is found in the K, excepting that, in this latter lexicon, the explanation is less full, and اللِّثَةُ is substituted for الشَّفَةُ, the reading in the M.

نُوَّارٌ and نُوَّارَةٌ: see نَوْرٌ.

نَائِرٌ: see نَيِّرٌ. b2: (tropical:) Apparent or plainly apparent. conspicuous, manifest, or evident; as also ↓ مُنِيرٌ. (Thus the pl. fem. of each of these is explained in the TA.) b3: فِتْنَةٌ نَائِرَةٌ Sedition, or discord, or the like, happening and spreading. (Msb.) b4: And نَائِرَةٌ alone, Sedition, or discord, or the like: (Msb:) or sedition, or discord, or the like, happening: (TA:) and rancour, malevolence, or spite. (T:) enmity, or hostility, (T, S, A, Msb,) and violent hatred. (S, A, Msb.) See also نَارٌ.

You say, سَعَيْتُ فِى إِطْفَآءِ النَّائِرَةِ I laboured in stilling the sedition, or discord, or the like. (Msb.) And بَيْنَهُمْ نَائِرَةٌ Between them is enmity, or hatred, and violent hatred. (A, Msb.) A2: One who occasions evils among men. (T.) انْوَرُ: see نَيِّرٌ, in two places. b2: ذَا أَنْورُ مِنْ ذَاكَ [This is lighter, or brighter, than that], (TA.) تَنْوِيرٌ The time when the dawn shines, or becomes light. (T, Mgh.) You say, صَلَّى الفَجْرَ فِى التَّنْوِيرِ He performed the prayer of daybreak when the dawn shone, or became light. (Mgh.) See also 2.

مَنَارٌ [originally مَنْوَرٌ] A place of light; as also ↓ مَنَارَةٌ. (M. K.) b2: A sign, or mark, set up to show the way: (As, T, S, M, K:) and a thing that is put as a limit or boundary between two things; (M, K;) or between two lands, (As, T,) made of mud or clay or of earth: (As, TA:) pl. مَنَاثِرُ [respecting which see مَنَارَةٌ]. (A.) It is [also used as a coll. gen. n.; as, for instance, where it is] said, in a trad., لَعَنَ اللّٰهُ مَنْ غَيَّرَ مَنَارَ الأَرْضِ May God curse him who alters the marks of the limit between two lands: (T, TA:) or it may mean مَنَارَ الحَرَمِ the boundary-marks of the Haram [or sacred territory of Mekkeh], which [it is said] were set up by Abraham. (T, TA. *) And it is said in another trad, إِنَّ لِلْإِسْلَامِ صُوًى

وَمَنَارًا (tropical:) Verily there are to El-Islám signs and ordinances whereby it is known. (TA.) b3: See also صَوْمَعَةٌ. b4: The middle, or main part and middle, or part along which one travels, (مَحَجَّة,) of a road. (M, K.) مُنِيرٌ: see نَيِّرٌ, in two places. b2: See also نَائِرٌ.

مَنَارَةٌ, originally مَنْوَرَةٌ; (A, K;) see مَنَارٌ. b2: A stand for a lamp; a thing upon which a lamp is put: (T, S, M, A, K;) of the measure مَفْعَلَةٌ.

with fet-h (S, Msb) to the م; (S:) but by rule it should be with kesr, because it is an instrument (Msb.) Aboo-Dhu-eyb uses it, for the sake of metre, in the place of مِصْبَاح, in likening a bright spear-head, without rust, to a lamp. (M.) b3: Also, A candle having a سِرَاج [or lighted wick]. (T.) b4: [A pharos, or lighthouse.] b5: The mená reh [or turret of a mosque, whence the English term “ minaret,” so written in imitation of the Turkish pronunciation,] upon which the time of prayer is proclaimed; (S, Msb:) syn. مِئْذَنَةٌ, (K, TA,) vulgarly مَأَذَنَةٌ [which is the form given in the CK]. (TA.) b6: [Any pillar-like structure. (See زُرْنُوقٌ.) b7: The perch of a hawk, or falcon. (See مَرْبَأٌ.)] b8: The pl. is مَنَاوِرُ and مَنَائِرُ: he who uses the latter likens the radical letter to the augmentative; (S, Msb, K;) like as they say مَصَائِبُ, which is originally مَصَاوِبُ (S, Msb.) مُسْتَنِيرٌ: see نَيِّرٌ.



1 نَهَسَهُ, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K, MS) and نَهِسَ; (Msb;) and نَهِسَهُ, aor. ـَ (Fr, K;) inf. n. نَهْسٌ (S, Msb, TA) and نُهْسٌ; (TA;) He (a man, S, Msb) took it (namely flesh or flesh-meat) with his fore teeth, (S, A, Msb, K,) to eat it, (Msb,) and plucked it off; (A, K;) as also ↓ انتهسهُ: (S:) and he ate it off from a bone (تَعَرَّقَهُ) with his fore teeth: (Lh, TA:) or he pulled it off with the central incisors, to eat it: (TA:) and he took it with the fore part of his mouth; as also ↓ انتهسهُ: (A:) or he took it with his mouth: (IAth, TA:) or he took it with his mouth to bite it and make a mark upon it without wounding it: (TA, art. نهش:) and he (a dog, and any animal having a canine tooth,) bit it: or seized it, and then pulled it, or pulled it vehemently, or rent it with his teeth: but there is a difference of opinion respecting this verb in all its significations: some say that it is with the unpointed س; and thus, only, it is mentioned by ISk, who says, I heard El-Kilábee say, of a dog and of a wolf and of a serpent, ↓ انتهسهُ and نَهَسَهُ; (Msb;) [and J says, the نَهْس of the serpent is the same as its نَهْش; (S;) you say نَهَسَتْهُ الحَيَّةُ in the sense of نَهَشَتْهُ [the serpent bit him]: (Z, Sgh:) others say that the verbs are with س and ش throughout; and thus says IF on the authority of As: Az cites Lth as saying that نَهْشٌ, with the pointed ش, signifies taking, or reaching, from a distance, like the نهش of the serpent; and نَهْسٌ, with the unpointed letter, the seizing upon flesh, or flesh-meat, and pulling it, or pulling it vehemently, or rending it with the teeth: Th says that the latter is with the extremities of the teeth; and the former, with the teeth [absolutely], and with [those that are termed] the أَضْرَاس: IKoot says, like Lth, that one says of the serpent (الحَيَّة), نَهَشَتْهُ, with the pointed ش; and of the dog and wolf and hyena, نَهَسَهُ, with the unpointed letter. (Msb.) 8 إِنْتَهَسَ see 1, in three places.

نُهُوسٌ: see نَهَّاسٌ, in two places.

نَهِيسٌ: see مَنْهُوسٌ, in two places.

نَهَّاسٌ A dog that is wont to bite; (Msb;) and ↓ نَهُوسٌ, applied to a she-camel, signifies the same; (TA;) and the latter, a lion that bites a thing when able to do so: (IKh:) or the former, a dog that is wont to seize, and then pull, or pull vehemently, or rend with his teeth. (Msb.) b2: A lion; as also ↓ نَهُوسٌ and ↓ مِنْهَسٌ. (K.) b3: A wolf. (TA.) مَنْهَسٌ A place from which a thing [such as herbage &c.] is taken with the mouth and eaten: (K, * TA:) pl. مَنَاهِسُ. (TA.) You say, أَرْضٌ كَثِيرَةُ المَنَاهِسِ Land abounding in such places. (TA.) مِنْهَسٌ: see نَهَّاسٌ.

مَنْهُوسٌ A man having little flesh; (S, A, K;) [as though it were partly eaten off the bones;] as also ↓ نَهِيسٌ. (TA.) You say also, مَنْهُوسُ القَدَمَيْنِ, (A, K,) or الكَعْبَيْنِ, (TA,) A man (TA) having little flesh upon the feet, (A, * K, * TA,) or upon the ankles. (TA.) And وَظيفٌ

↓ نَهِيسٌ [A shank of a quadruped] light of flesh. (TA.) See also مَنْهُوشٌ.



1 نَجَشَ, aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. نَجْشٌ, (S, Msb, K,) He concealed himself. (Msb.) A2: [And hence, He pursued game, or objects of the chase: (see نَاجِشٌ:) or] he roused game, or objects of the chase, (S, Mgh, K,) and scared them from place to place. (TA.) You say also, نَجَشُوا عَلَيْهِ الصَّيْدَ, meaning, They scared the chase, or game, towards him, and drove and collected it to him. (TA.) b2: He searched after a thing, and roused it. (Sh, A'Obeyd, K.) This, accord. to Sh, is the primary signification: [but accord. to Fei, the primary signification is the first given above:] and hence the saying in a trad., لَا تَطْلُعُ الشَّمْسُ حَتَّى تَنْجُسُهَا ثَلٰثُمِائَةٍ وَسِتُّونَ مَلَكًا The sun does not rise until three hundred and sixty angels rouse it. (TA.) b3: He drew forth, educed, or elicited. (K.) b4: He collected together (S, K) camels [&c.] after a state of dispersion. (S.) b5: He drove vehemently. (TA.) A3: نَجَشَ, aor. ـُ (Msb, TA,) inf. n. نَجْشٌ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and نَجَشٌ, [which is the form generally used by the professors of practical law,] (ISh, Mgh, Sgh, TA,) or this is a simple subst., (Msb,) He demanded the sale of an article of merchandise for more than its price, (A, Mgh, Msb,) not meaning to purchase it, (Mgh, Msb,) in order that another might see him and fall into the snare thus laid for him: and in like manner it is used with respect to marriage, [i. e., with respect to dowers,] and other things: (A, Mgh, Msb:) and the doing thus is forbidden: (Mgh:) it is from نَجَشَ signifying

“ he roused ” game: (Mgh:) or from the same verb signifying “ he concealed himself; ” because he who does so conceals his intention: (Msb:) or he augmented the price of an article of merchandise, not desiring to purchase it, but in order that another might hear him and augment in the same manner: (A'Obeyd, L:) or he outbade in a sale, in order that another might fall into a snare, he himself not wanting the thing: (S:) or he augmented the price of an article of merchandise, or praised it, in order that another might see that, and be deceived by him: (Ibráheem El-Harbee:) or he praised an article of merchandise belonging to another in order that he might sell it, or dispraised it in order that it might not be easy for him to sell it: (ISh:) or he concurred with a man desiring to sell a thing, by praising him: (Abu-l-Khattáb, K:) or he bargained with a man desiring to sell a thing, offering him a large price, in order that another might see him and fall into a snare: or he scared people from one thing to another: (K:) also, he praised a thing; or praised it exceedingly, or for that which was not in it, or excessively and falsely; syn. مَدَحَ شَيْئًا and أَطْرَاهُ: and he invented, or forged, a lie. (TA.) It is said in a trad., (S,) ↓ لَا تَنَاجَشُوا, (S, Mgh, Msb,) i. e., Ye shall not practise نَجْش, or نَجَش: (Mgh, Msb:) or ↓ تَنَاجُشٌ signifies the bidding one against another, successively increasing their offers, in a sale, or other case; (K;) for it sometimes signifies the doing so in the case of a dowry, in order that the doing so may be heard, and the amount may consequently be augmented: (TA:) and Sh mentions, with respect to ↓ تَنَاجُشٌ, on the authority of Aboo-Sa'eed, another thing, which is allowable, namely, [that it signifies the conspiring to promote the marriage of] the woman who has been married and divorced time after time; and [the sale of] the article of merchandise that has been bought time after time and then sold. (TA.) 6 تَنَاْجَشَ see 1, last part.

نَجَشٌ, said to be a subst. from نَجَشَ: see 1.

نَجُوشٌ: see نَاجِشٌ.

نَجِيشٌ: see نَاجِشٌ.

نَجَاشِىٌّ and نِجَاشِىٌّ: see نَاجِشٌ.

A2: النَّجَاشِى, (S, Mgh, K,) the form preferred by El-Fárábee, (Mgh,) and النَّجَاشِىُّ, (Mgh, Msb, K,) which is the more common, (Msb,) but the former is the more chaste, (Sgh, K,) and [النِّجَاشِى and النِّجَاشِىُّ] with kesr to the ن, which is said to be the more chaste, (K,) and is preferred by Th, (TA,) but teshdeed of the ج is a mistake, (Mgh, MF,) The name of the King of the Abyssinians; (IDrd, S;) like as one says كِسْرَى and قَيْصَرٌ; and Abyssinian word: (IDrd:) or a certain King of the Abyssinians, whose name was أَصْحَمَةُ; (Mgh, Msb, K;) [as is commonly said; but authors differ respecting his name;] and IKt says, that النجاشى is in Coptic اصحمة, meaning “ a gift: ” (TA:) or originally the proper name of an individual, and afterwards a common title. (MF.) نَجَّاشٌ: see نَاجِشٌ, in four places.

نَجَّاشِىٌّ: see نَاجِشٌ, in two places.

نَاجِشٌ A pursuer, or capturer, or insnarer, of game, or objects of the chase; (Msb;) as also ↓ نَجِيشٌ and ↓ نَجَّاشٌ; (Ibn-'Abbád, K;) because he conceals himself: (Msb:) or [نَاجِشٌ and]

↓ نَجَّاشٌ and ↓ نَجُوشٌ signify one who rouses the game, or objects of the chase; (Az, TA;) and so ↓ مِنْجَشٌ and ↓ مِنْجَاشٌ: (L:) or نَاجِشٌ and ↓ نَجَاشِىٌّ (Akh, K) [and ↓ نِجَاشِىٌّ accord. to some copies of the K] and ↓ مِنْجَاشٌ (Az, K) one who rouses them in order that they may pass by the pursuer, or capturer, or insnarer, thereof: (Akh, Az, K:) or نَاجِشٌ signifies one who scares them towards him, and drives and collects them to him: (S, A, TA:) and ↓ نَجَّاشٌ one who drives vehemently; (TA;) or one who urges camels; (A;) or who collects them after a state of dispersion: (S:) and ↓ نَجَّاشِىٌّ [with teshdeed to the ج as well as to the ى,] one who drives, or urges, travelling-camels and other beasts of carriage, in the market-place, to elicit their qualities of pace: (AA, TA:) and this last also signifies [absolutely] one who draws forth, or elicits, a thing. (A'Obeyd, TA.) A2: Also, One who practises نَجْش, or نَجَش, in an affair of buying and selling: (Msb, TA: *) [see 1:] and ↓ نَجَّاشٌ one who does so much, or often. (Msb.) مِنْجَشٌ: see نَاجِشٌ; the latter, in two places.

مِنْجَاشٌ: see نَاجِشٌ; the latter, in two places.

قَوْلٌ مَنْجُوشٌ A saying drawn forth, or elicited: (TA:) and a forged saying, in which is falsehood. (IAar, TA.)



1 نَقَضَهُ, (M, Mgh, Msb,) aor. ـُ (M, Msb, TA,) inf. n. نَقْضٌ, (S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) He undid it; took it; or pulled it, to pieces: untwisted it: unravelled it: unwove it: dissolved it: broke it: or rendered it uncompact, unsound, or unfirm,: after having made it compact, sound, or firm: (JK, M, A, Msb, K, TA:) namely a building, or structure: and a rope, or cord: (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K, TA:) and silk, or flax: (TA:) and cloth: (L:) and (tropical:) a compact, contract, or covenant; (S, A, Msb, K, TA;) and (assumed tropical:) a sale: (Mgh:) and (assumed tropical:) other things; (A, K, TA;) such as (assumed tropical:) an affair, or a case; and (assumed tropical:) the state of a place through which the invasion of an enemy is feared: (TA:) contr. of أَبْرَمَهُ, (M, A, K, TA,) as relating to a building or structure, and to a rope or cord, (A, K, TA,) and to a compact or contract or covenant, &c.: (K, TA:) or i. q. حَلَّ بَرْمَهُ, as relating to a rope or cord, and to a compact or contract or covenant: (Msb:) or i. q. هَدَمَهُ, as relating to a building or structure: (TA:) or the inf. n. signifies إِفْسَادُ مَا أَبْرَمْتَ, as relating to a building or structure. (JK, TA,) and to a rope or cord, (JK,) and to a compact or contract or covenant. (TA.) [It is said in the K, that النَّقْضُ is the contr. of الإِبْرَامُ, like الإِنْتقَاضُ and التَّنَاقُضُ: but this is a glaring mistake; and seems to be a corruption of the following passage in the M: النَّقْضُ ضِدُّ الإِبْرَامِ نَقَضَهُ يَنْقُضُهُ نَقْضًا وَانْتَقَضَ وَتَنَاقَضَ, which is meant indicate that انتقض and تناقض are quasi-passives of نَقَضَهُ: and in like manner, the passage in the A, النَّقْضُ فِى البِنَآءِ وَالحَبْلِ وَغَيْرِهِ ضِدُّ الإِبْرَامِ وَانْتَقَضَ وَنَتَقَّضَ, indicates that انتقض and تنقّض are quasi-passives of نَقَضَهُ. Further. it should be observed that نَقَضَهُ, as relating to a building, is not well explained by هَدَمَهُ; for you say, نَقَضَ البِنَآءَ مِنْ غَيْرِ هَدْمٍ, (mentioned in the S and A, &c., in art. قوض,) meaning He took to pieces the building without demolishing, or destroying.] b2: [Hence,] نَقَصَ فُلَانٌ وَتَرَهُ [lit. Such a one undid, or untwisted, his bow-string]; meaning (tropical:) such a one took, or had taken, his blood-revenge. (A, TA.) And الدَّهْرُ ذُو نَقْضٍ

وَإِمْرَارٍ [lit. Time, or fortune, has a property of untwisting and twisting tightly]; meaning (tropical:) that which time, or fortune, [as it were] twists tightly, [or makes firm.] it, at another time, [as it were] untwists, or undoes. (TA.) And نَقَضْتُ مَا أَبْرَمَهُ (tropical:) I annulled [what he confirmed, or made firm]. (Msb.) And يَنْقُضُ عَلَيْهِ (tropical:) [He undoes, or annuls, or contradicts, what he (another) has said]; said of a poet replying to another poet. (Lth, A, K.) b3: نقض السقف, [i. e., app., نَقْضُ السَّقْفِ,] also signifies تحريك خشبه [i. e. تَحْرِيكُ خَشَبِهِ, The moving, or shaking, of the pieces of wood, or rafters, of the roof]. (TA. [But perhaps the phrase to be explained is السَّقْفُ ↓ نَقَّضَ, and the explanation, correctly, تَحَرَّكَ خَشَبُهُ, i. e. The pieces of wood, or rafters, of the roof moved, or shook, (for this, I am informed, is agreeable with modern usage,) app. so as to produce a sound: see also 5.]) A2: See also 4.2 نَقَّضَ see 4, in two places: b2: and 5; and see 1, next before the last break.3 المُنَاقَضَةُ فِى القَوْلِ is (tropical:) The saying that which is contradictory in its meaning [or meanings; as though one of its meanings undid, or annulled, the other]: (S, * K, TA:) from نَقْضُ البِنَآءِ: and meaning (tropical:) the contending with another in words, [or in contradiction,] each rebutting what the other said. (TA.) You say, ناقضهُ فِى الشَّىْءِ, inf. n. مُنَاقَضَةٌ and نِقَاضٌ, (tropical:) He contradicted him in, or respecting, the thing. (M, TA. *) and قُلْتُ لَهُ نِقَاضًا (tropical:) I contradicted him with respect to his saying, and his satirizing of me. (M, TA.) And ناقض أَحَدُ الشَّاعِرَيْنِ الأَخَرَ (tropical:) [One of the two poets contradicted the other]. (A.) And ناقض قَوْلُهُ الثَّانِى الآوَّلَ (tropical:) [His second saying contradicted the first]. (A, TA.) And ناقض آخِرُ قَوْلِهِ الأَوَّلَ (tropical:) [The last part of his saying contradicted the first]. (Mgh.) [See also 6.]4 انقض الكَمْأَةَ, (M, K, TA.) and انقض عَنْهَا. (M, TA,) He removed the crust of earth from over the truffles: (M:) or he extracted, or took forth, the truffles from the earth. (K, TA.) A2: انقض الكَمْءُ The crusts of earth ??? up (تَقَلْفَعَتْ) from over the truffle; as also ↓ نَقَّضَ. (M, TA.) [See also 5.] b2: انقضت الأَرْضُ The earth showed [or put forth] its plants, or herbage. (M, TA.) A3: انقض also signifies It produced, made, gave, emitted, or uttered, a sound, noise, voice, or cry: (S, M, K, TA:) and [particularly] a slight sound like what is termed نَقْرٌ: (S, TA:) said of a joint of a man, (M, K,) and of the fingers [when their joints are made to crack], and of the ribs, (A,) [see also 5,] and of a camel's saddle, (A, TA.,) and of a cupping-instrument when the cupper sucks it, (TA,) [&c., (see نَقِيضٌ,)] and of an eagle, (S, M, K,) and of a hen (S, A) on the occasion of her laying eggs, (A,) and of a chicken, (M, A, K,) and of an ostrich, and of a quail, and of a hawk, and of a scorpion, and of a frog, and of the [kind of lizard called] وَزَغ, and of the وَبْر [or Syrian hyrax], (M, K,) and of a young camel, the sounds of which are denoted by إِنْقَاضٌ and كَتِيتٌ, as those of a camel advanced in age are by قَرْقَرَةٌ and هَدِيرٌ: (S:) or إِنْقَاضٌ relates to animate things; and ↓ نَقْضٌ, inf. n. of نَقضَ, aor. ـُ and نَقِضَ, to inanimate things. (M, K.) [Accord. to the A, whether said of animate things or of inanimate, it is proper, not tropical, but accord. to what is said in the TA voce نَقِيض, it is properly said of animate things, and tropically of inanimate; though, if any such distinction exist, the reverse seems to me to be more probable.] b2: You say also, انقض بِالدَّابَّةِ, (K,) or بِالْحِمَارِ. (Lth,) or, as As says, (M, TA,) بِالعَيْرِ, (M,) or بِالبَعِيرِ, (TA,) and بِالفَرَسِ, (M, TA,) He made a sound to the beast of carriage, (M, K,) or to the ass, (Lth, As, M,) or to the camel, (As, TA,) and to the horse, (As, M, TA,) at the two sides of his tongue, after making it cleave to the roof of his mouth, (Lth, M, K, TA,) without removing its extremity from its place, (Lth, TA,) in order to chide the beast: (L:) or انقض بِهِ signifies i. q. نَقَرَ بِهِ [q. v.]; (As, M, A, TA;) the object being a [camel such as is called] قَعُود; (A;) or whatever be the object. (As, M, TA.) And انقض بِالْمَعْزِ, (S, Sgh, K,) or بِالعَنْزِ, (M, A,) He called the goats, (S, Sgh, K,) or the she-goat; (M, A;) accord. to Az, (S, Sgh,) or Ks. (M, L.) and انقض بِهِ He made a sound to him like as when thou makest a smacking with the tongue to a sheep or goat, [in the TA, كما تنقر الشاة, for which I read كَمَا تَنْقُرُ بِالشَّاةِ,] deeming him ignorant. (TA.) And He made a clapping to him with one of his hands upon the other, so as to cause a [sound such as is termed] نَقِيض to be heard. (El-Khattábee.) A4: انقض أَصَابِعَهُ (M, A, K) He made a sound, or sounds, [app. a cracking of the joints,] with his fingers: (M:) [and so ↓ نَقَّضَهَا, inf. n. تَنْقِيضٌ: (see فَرْقَعَ:)] or he struck with his fingers in order that they might make a sound, or sounds: (K:) if it mean cracking of the joints (فَرْقَعَة), it is disapproved; but if clapping, it is not. (TA.) And انقض العِلْكَ He caused the [kind of gum called] علك to make a sound, or sounds; [i. e., in chewing it, as many women do;] the doing of which is disapproved. (S, L, K. [But in the S and L, it said that إِنْقَاضُ العِلْكَ signifies تَصْوِيتُهُ, which does not necessarily indicate that the former verb is transitive.]) b2: Hence, (S, M, TA,) انقض الحِمْلُ ظَهْرَهُ (S, M, A, Msb, K *) The load made his back to sound by reason of its weight: (M:) or pressed heavily upon him, (S, M, Msb, K,) so that his back was heard to make a sound such as is termed نَقِيض; (M, K; * i. e. the sound of the camel's saddle when it becomes infirm by reason of the weight of the load; (Bd, xciv. 3;) or a slight sound, as when a man makes a smacking with his tongue (يُنْقِضُ) to his ass, in driving him: (TA:) or oppressed his back by its weight: (Msb:) or rendered him lean, or emaciated; جَعَلَهُ نِقْضًا, i. e. مَهْزُولًا. (Ibn-'Arafeh, K.) Thus in the phrase الَّذِى أَنْقَضَ ظَهْرَكَ, (S, M, K,) in [xciv. 3, of] the Kur. (S, M.) 5 تنقّض: see 8. b2: الأَرْضُ عَنِ الكَمْأَةِ The earth clave, or cracked, or burst, from over the truffles; (S, A, * TA;) syn. تَفَطَّرَتْ. (S, TA.) In all the copies of the K, we find تنقّض الدَّمُ, explained by تَقَطَّرَ; [as though meaning The blood was made to drop, drip, or fall in drops;] but how likely is this to be a mistranscription. (TA.) [The right reading of the phrase is probably تنقّض الكَمْءُ; and of the explanation, تَفَطَّرَ; and if so, the phrase is like أَنْقَضَ الكَمْءُ, and نَقَّضَ, explained above: see 4, second sentence.] b3: تنقّض الَبْيتُ The house, or chamber, became cleft, or cracked, in several places, so as to cause a sound to be heard (K, TA.) And تنقّض is also said of a building, [app. in the same sense,] like ↓ نَقَّضَ. (TA.) [See نَقَّضَ السَّقْفُ, in 1, next before the last break.] You say also, تنقّضت عِظَامُهُ (tropical:) His bones made a sound [app. in being broken]. (IF, K, TA.) [See also 4.]6 تناقض: see 8. b2: تَنَاقُضٌ also signifies (tropical:) Mutual contradiction, or repugnancy; contr. of تَوَافُقٌ. (O, TA.) You say, فِى كَلَامِهِ تَنَاقُضٌ (A, Mgh, Msb, TA,) (tropical:) [In his speech is contradiction, or repugnancy, between different parts;] one part of his speech necessarily implies the annulment of another part; (Msb;) his second saying contradicted (نَاقَضَ) his first. (TA.) And تَنَاقَضَ القَوْلَانِ, (A, Mgh,) or الكَلَامَانِ, (Msb,) (tropical:) The two saying, or sentences, contradicted each other; or were mutually repugnant; as though each undid the other; (Msb;) [they annulled each other.] And تناقض الشَّاعِرَانِ (tropical:) [The two poets contradicted each other.] (A, TA.) And تناقض مَعْنَاهُ (tropical:) Its meaning was contradictory. (S, * K, TA.) A2: [It is also used transitively:] you say, تَنَاقَضَا البَيْعَ (assumed tropical:) They two mutually dissolved the sale: as though compared with the saying تَرَآءَوُا الهِلَالَ, meaning “ they [together] saw the new moon; ” and تَدَاعَوُا القَوْمَ, meaning “ they [together] called the people; ” and تَسَآءَلُوهُمْ, meaning “ they [together] asked them; ” notwithstanding that تناقض is [properly] intransitive. (Mgh.) And تَنَاقَضُوا عُهُودَهُمْ (assumed tropical:) [They mutually dissolved, or broke, their compacts, contracts, or covenants]. (T, voce تناكثوا.) 8 انتقض quasi-pass. of نَقَضَهُ [It became undone; taken, or pulled to pieces: untwisted: unravelled: unwoven: dissolved; broken: or rendered uncompact, unsound, or infirm, after it had been made compact, sound, or firm]: (M, A, Mgh, Msb, TA:) as also ↓ تنقّض, (A,) and ↓ تناقض: (M, TA:) [respecting the first and last, see a remark upon a mistake in the K, following the first sentence in 1: but انتقض afterwards occurs in the K used properly in the phrase مَا انْتَقَضَ مِنَ البُنْيَانِ:] i. q. اِنْتَكثَ: (S:) said of a building, or structure: and of a rope, or cord: (A, Mgh, Msb, TA:) [and of silk, or flax: and of cloth: (see 1:)] and (tropical:) of a compact, contract, or covenant: (TA:) [and of a sale: (see 1:)] and (tropical:) of other things. (A, TA.) b2: [Hence,] انتقضت القَرْحَةُ (tropical:) The wound, or ulcer, became recrudescent. (IF, * A.) And انتقض الجُرْحُ بَعْدَ بُرْئِهِ (assumed tropical:) The wound became in a bad, or corrupt, state, after its healing. (Msb.) and انتقض الأَمْرُ بَعْدَ الْتِئَامِهِ (A, * Msb, TA) (tropical:) The affair, or case, became in a bad, or unsound state, after it had been in a sound state. (Msb.) and انتقض أَمْرُ الثَّغْرِ بَعْدَ سَدِّهِ (assumed tropical:) [The state of the place through which the invasion of an enemy was feared became unfortified, after its being fortified, or closed]. (TA.) And انتقضت الطَّهَارَةُ (assumed tropical:) The state of purity became annulled. (Msb.) And انتقض عَلَيْهِ الشِّعْرُ (tropical:) [The poetry became undone, annulled, or contradicted, by a reply against him: see يَنْقُضُ عَلَيْهِ]. (A, TA.) 11 انقاضّ It (a wall) cracked, without falling down; like إِنْقَضَّ. (K in art. قض.) See also إِنْقَاضَ, in art. قيض.]

نُقْضٌ: see نِقْضٌ, in two places.

نِقْضٌ i. q. ↓ مَنْقُوضٌ [Undone; taken, or pulled, to pieces: untwisted: unravelled: unwoven: dissolved; broken: &c. (see 1:)] (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) like نِكْثٌ (S, TA) in the sense of مَنْكُوثٌ: (TA:) as also ↓ نُقْضٌ; (Mgh, Msb;) and ↓ نَقَضٌ: (Sgh:) but El-Ghooree allows only the first: (Mgh:) Az, however, mentions only the second; (Msb;) which signifies as above, applied to a building, or structure; (M, Mgh;) or what has become taken, or pulled, to pieces, (مَا انْتَقَضَ,) of a building, or structure; (K;) as also the first: (TA:) or نَقْضٌ signifies مَا نَقَضْتَ what thou hast undone; taken, or pulled, to pieces; untwisted; &c.]: (M:) and what is undone, of [the stuff of the tents called] أَخْبِيَة, and of [the garments called] أَكْسِيَة, and twisted a second time; (M, K;) as also ↓ نَقَضٌ; (K;) and ↓ نُقَاضَةٌ: (L:) or this last signifies what is undone of a hair-rope: (S, O, K:) the pl. of نِقْضٌ is أَنْقَاضٌ [a pl. of pauc.], (M,) and of the same, (Msb,) or of ↓ نُقْضٌ, (Mgh, Msb,) نُقُوضٌ. (Mgh, Msb.) b2: (tropical:) Emaciated, or rendered lean, (S, M, K,) by travel; (S, K;) upon which one has journeyed time after time: (O:) Seer says, as though travel had unknit its frame; (M, TA;) thus indicating it to be tropical: (TA:) applied to a male camel, (S, M, K,) and to a horse, (M.) and to a female camel, (S, K,) or the female is termed نِقْضَةٌ: (M, K:) pl. أَنْقَاضٌ, (Sb, S, K,) only, (Sb, M,) both of the masc. and fem.; in the latter, the ة being imagined to be elided; (M;) and نَقَائِضُ is [also said to be] a pl. of نِقْضٌ signifying jaded, applied to a she-camel. (So in a copy of the S in art. نفص.) b3: [See an ex. in a verse cited voce سَدٌّ.] b4: The place, (S,) or crust of earth, (M, K,) that becomes broken from over truffles; (S, M, K;) for when they are about to come forth, they break asunder the surface of the earth: (O:) pl. [of pauc.] أَنْقَاضٌ and [of mult.]

نُقُوضٌ. (M, K.) b5: Accord. to the K, i. q. نِفْضٌ; but the latter is a mistranscription; (TA;) Honey that has in it [worms of the kind called] سُوس; wherefore it is taken, (M, K in art. نفض,) and pounded, (K, ubi supra,) and the place of the bees is smeared (يُلَطَّخُ [in a copy of the M يُطْبَخُ, which is doubtless a mistranscription,]) therewith, together with myrtle (آس) and the bees then come to it, and deposit their honey in it; (M, K, ubi supra;) on the authority of El-Hejeree: (M:) or the dung of bees in the place where they deposit their honey: (IAar, AHn, K, ubi supra:) or the bees that have died therein. (Sgh, K, ubi supra.) A2: See also نَقِيضٌ.

نَقَضٌ: see نِقْضٌ, in two places.

نَقِيضٌ (tropical:) A contradictor: applied to a man: fem. with ة. (M, TA.) You say [also], ذَا نقيضُ ذَاكَ (tropical:) This is a contradictor [i. e. the contrary] of that: (A, TA:) [or this is inconsistent with that: for] النَّقِيضَانِ لَا يَجْتَمِعَانِ وَلَا يَرْتَفِعَانِ [what are termed نقيضان cannot be coëxistent in the same thing, nor simultaneously nonexistent in the same thing]; as existence itself and nonexistence, and motion and rest. (Kull, pp. 231, 232) You say also, هٰذِهِ قَصِيدَةٌ نَقِيضُ قَصِيدَةِ فُلَانٍ (tropical:) [This poem is a contradictor of the poem of such a one]. (A.) And النَّقِيضَةُ in poetry is (tropical:) That by which one undoes or annuls or contradicts [what another poet has said]: (S:) or نَقِيضَةُ الشِّعْرِ consists in a poet's putting forth poetry, and another poet's undoing or annulling or contradicting it, by putting forth what is different therefrom: (Lth, K, * TA:) the subst is نَقِيضٌ: [or rather this seems to be an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant, and syn. with نَقِيضَةٌ:] and the act of the two is termed ↓ مُنَاقَضَةٌ: the pl. of نَقِيضَةٌ is نَقَائِضُ: (TA:) you speak of the نَقَائِض of Jereer and El-Farezdak. (A, TA.) A2: A sound, noise, voice, or cry; (Lth, S, M, O, K:) as also ↓ نِقْضٌ accord to the K; but this is an enormous error: (TA:) the former, of the joints (Lth, M, K) of a man, (M,) [a meaning also assigned to نِقْضٌ in the K,] and of the fingers, and of the ribs, (Lth, M, A,) and of camels' saddles, (S, K,) or of a camel's saddle, (M, O, K, [but in CK, for الرَّحْل, we find الرِّجْل, the foot,]) and of camels' litters, (S, K,) and of tanned skins, (K,) or of a tanned skin, (M,) and of a bow-string, (M, K,) and of نِسْع [q. v.] (O, K,) when new, (O,) and of the sucking of a cupping-instrument; (K;) [in all these senses said in the TA to be tropical; but see 4;] and also the former, (S, M, TA,) in the K, erroneously, the latter word, (TA,) of an eagle, (S, M, K,) and of chickens, and of an ostrich, and of a quail, and of a hawk, and of a scorpion, and of a frog, and of the [kind of lizard called] وَزَغ, and of the وَبْر [or Syrian hyrax; &c., see 4] (M,) نُقَاضَةٌ: see نِقْضٌ.

نَقِيضَةٌ: see نَقِيضٌ.

مَنْقُوضٌ: see نِقْضٌ.

مُنَاقَضَةٌ: see نَقِيَضٌ.

مُنْتقِضٌ i. q. مُترَيِّعٌ, [Refraining.] see art. ريع.



10 اِسْتَنْبَطَ He drew forth, elicited, extracted, extorted: see 4 in art. خرج. See also Bd, and Jel, iv. 85. It may sometimes be rendered He excogitated.


1 نَبَطَ, aor. ـُ and نَبِطَ, inf. n. نُبُوطٌ (S, K) and نَبْطٌ, (K,) It (water) welled, or issued forth. (S, K.) A2: See also 4.2 نَبَّطَ see 4.3 نَاْبَطَ see 10.4 انبط He (a digger) reached the water: (AA, S:) or reached the first that appeared of the water of a well, (K, TA,) and produced it, or fetched it out, by his labour. (TA.) and انبط فِى عَضْرَآءَ He produced, or fetched out, by labour, water from good clay, or from clay containing no sand. (TA.) A2: [It is also trans.: you say,] انبط الرَّكِيَّةَ; and ↓ استنبطها; (M, K;) and ↓ نبّطها; (IAar, M, TA;) in the K ↓ تنبّطها; (TA;) and ↓ نَبَطَهَا, (M, K [in the CK with teshdeed to the ب]) aor. ـِ (TA,) inf. n. نَبْطٌ; (M;) He produced, or fetched out, by his labour [in digging], the water of the well; syn. أَمَاهَهَا; (M, K;) and of the first, (TA,) and last, (TA,) [or rather of all,] استخرج مَآءَهَا. (K, TA.) And انبط المَآءَ, inf. n. إِنْبَاطٌ; and ↓ استنبطهُ; He (a digger [of a well]) produced, or fetched out, by his labour, or work, the water. (Msb.) b2: See also 10, in five places.

A3: إِنْبَاطٌ also signifies The producing an effect, or making an impression; syn. تَأثيرٌ. (Ibn-'Abbád, Sgh, K.) 5 تَنَبَّطَ see 4: b2: and 10.

A2: تنبّط also signifies He affected to be like, or imitated, the نَبَط [or Nabathæans]: or he asserted himself to be related to them. (K, TA.) [Compare 10, in the last of the senses assigned to it below.]8 إِنْتَبَطَ see 10.10 استنبط: see 4, in two places: its primary signification is [that mentioned above,] from نَبَطٌ signifying the “ water that comes forth from a well when it is first dug. ” (Zj.) b2: And hence, (Zj,) He drew out, or forth; extracted; educed; produced; elicited; fetched out by labour or art; got out; or extorted; syn. اسْتَخْرَجَ; (Zj, S;) a thing: (Zj:) and (assumed tropical:) He made anything to appear after occultation; as also ↓ انبط; (B;) [i. e. he brought it to light:] and اُسْتُنْبِطَ (assumed tropical:) it (anything) was made apparent, after occultation; as also ↓ أُنْبِطَ: (K:) or the latter, [simply,] (assumed tropical:) it was made apparent. (L.) And [hence] (tropical:) He (a lawyer) elicited (استخرج) an occult, or esoteric, doctrine of law, by his intelligence, and his labour, or study: (K, TA:) or you say استنبطهُ, meaning (assumed tropical:) he elicited it (استخرجهُ), namely a judicial sentence, by labour, or study; as also ↓ انبطهُ, inf. n. إِنْبَاطٌ: (Msb:) or (assumed tropical:) he searched out the knowledge of it. (Jel. iv. 85.) And استنبط مِنْهُ عِلْمًا, and خَيْرًا, and مَالًا, (tropical:) He drew forth, elicited, or extorted, (استخرج,) from him knowledge, and good, or wealth, and property. (TA.) And ↓ نِبَاطٌ [app. an inf. n. of نَابَطَ] signifies the same as إِسْتِنْبَاط حَدِيتٍ (assumed tropical:) The drawing forth, or eliciting, (إِسْتَخْرَاج) of discourse. (TA.) And الكَلَامَ ↓ تنبّط, accord. to the K, or, accord. to Sgh, on the authority of Ibn-'Abbád, ↓ انتبطهُ, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) He drew forth, or elicited, (استخرج,) speech. (Ibn-'Abbád, Sgh, K.) And العِلْمَ ↓ انبط (tropical:) He revealed knowledge, and spread it among men. (TA.) b3: استنبط الفَرَسَ (assumed tropical:) He sought to obtain offspring from the mare: occurring in a trad.: but accord. to one relation, it is إِسْتَبْطَنَهَا, meaning, “he sought what was in her belly. ” (TA.) A2: He (a man) became a [naturalized] نَبَطِىّ [or Nabathæan]. (S, * TA.) It is said by Eiyoob Ibn-El-Kirreeyeh, أَهْلُ عُمَانَ عَرَبٌ اسْتَنْبَطُوا وَأَهْلُ البَحْرَيْنِ نَبِيطٌ اسْتَعْرَبُوا [The people of 'Omán are Arabs who became naturalized Nabathæans, and the people of ElBahreyn are Nabathæans who became naturalized Arabs]. (S, TA.) [See also 5.]

نَبَطٌ What first appears of the water of a well (IDrd, K) when it is dug; (IDrd;) as also ↓ نُبْطَةٌ: (K:) or the water that comes forth from a well when it is first dug: (Zj:) or the water that issues forth from the bottom of a well when it is dug; (S, accord. to one copy;) or this is termed ↓ نَبِيطٌ: (S, accord. to another copy; and TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَنْبَاطٌ and [of mult.] نُبُوطٌ. (TA.) b2: [Hence the saying,] فُلَانٌ قَرِيبُ الثَّرَى بَعِيدُ النَّبَطِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one's promising is near, [but] his fulfilling is remote: i. e. he promises, but does not fulfil. (IAar.) And فلان لَا يُدْرَكُ نَبَطُهُ, (TA,) and لَا يُدْرَكُ لَهُ نَبَطٌ, (ISd, TA,) (tropical:) Such a one's depth is not known, (K, * TA,) and the extent of his knowledge: (TA:) or such a one's depth is not known; meaning that he is cunning, or possessing intelligence mixed with craft and forecast. (ISd, TA.) And فُلَانٌ لَا يُنَالُ نَبَطُهُ (assumed tropical:) Such a one is invincible, and inaccessible to his enemy. (TA.) b3: نَبَطٌ also signifies A well of which the water has been produced, or fetched out, by labour [of the digger]. (S, TA.) b4: And What oozes, or exudes, from a mountain, as though it were sweat, coming forth from the sides of the rock. (TA.) A2: النَّبَطُ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and ↓ النَّبِيطُ, (S, Msb, K,) and الأَنْبَاطُ, (K,) the last is a pl. (AAF, S, Msb) of the first, (AAF,) and the second is [a quasi-pl. n.] like كَلِيبٌ, (AAF, L,) [The Nabathæans;] a people who alight and abide in the بَطَائِح [see أَبْطَحُ] between the two 'Iráks: (S, K:) or a people (T, M, Mgh, Msb) who alight and abide, (T, TA,) or who used to alight and abide, (Msb,) in the سَوَاد (T, M, Mgh, Msb) of El-'Irák:) (M, Mgh, Msb:) afterwards applied to mixed people; or people of the lowest or basest or meanest sort; or the refuse of men; and the vulgar sort thereof: (Msb:) the people to whom these appellations properly apply were called نَبَط because of their fetching out by labour (لِاسْتِنْبَاطِهِمْ) what comes forth from the lands: (TA:) [for they were distinguished for agriculture; and hence their proper appellations are used as equivalent to “ clowns,” or “ boors: ”

but a derivation commonly obtaining with us is that from Nebaioth the son of Ishmael:] the n. un. is ↓ نُبَاطِىٌّ, (Yaakoob, IAar, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and ↓ نَبَاطِىٌّ, (IAar, S, Msb, K,) like يَمَانِىٌّ, (S,) and ↓ نِبَاطِىٌّ, (K,) and ↓ نَبَاطٍ, (S, K,) like يَمَانٍ, (S,) and ↓ نَبَطِىٌّ, (S, K,) like يَمَنِىٌّ, (S,) but this is disallowed by IAar, (Mgh, TA,) and, accord. to Lth, ↓ نَبَطَانِىٌّ, but this [also] is disallowed by IAar. (Msb.) نُبْطَةٌ: see نَبَطٌ.

نَبَطِىٌّ: see نَبَطٌ.

نَبَطَانِىٌّ: see نَبَطٌ.

نَبَاطٌ: see نَبَطٌ.

نَبِيطٌ: and النَّبِيطٌ: see نَبَطٌ.

نَبَاطِىٌّ and نُبَاطِىٌّ and نِبَاطِىٌّ: see نَبَطٌ.



مِنْسَغَةٌ An instrument for pricking bread: see مِرْقمٌ.



1 نَحَِلَ جِسْمُهُ His body became lean, or emaciated. (S.) نِحْلَةٌ i. q.

فَرِيضَةٌ; or دِيَانَةٌ; and دِينٌ, as in the saying مَا نِحْلَتُكَ [What is thy religion?]. (TA.)



1 نَخڤلَ see 8.5 تَنَخَّلَ see 8.8 اِنْنَخَلَهُ He cleared it [or sifted it]; as also ↓ نَخَلَهُ and ↓ تَنَخَّلَهُ: (K [see سَفْسَفَهُ]:) or he took the best of it (S, Msb) to the utmost: (S:) or he chose the best of it for himself. (TA.) نَخْلِىٌّ A cultivator of palm-trees: see عَطَلٌ.

نُخَالٌ Bran.



1 نَعِمَ عَيْشُهُ His life was, or became, plentiful and easy: (Msb:) was, or became, good, or pleasant. (Mgh.) See عَوْفٌ. b2: نَعِمَ, aor. نَعُمَ

, is like فَضِلَ, aor. نَعُمَ

, and حَضِرَ, aor نَعُمَ

. See the latter. b3: اِنْعِمْ ضَبَاحًا, and عِمْ صَباحًا: see تَرِبَ and صَبَاحٌ. b4: نَعُمَ, inf. n. نُعُومَةٌ; (S, Msb;) and نَعِمَ; (S;) It was, or became, soft, or tender, (S, Msb,) to the feet. (Msb.) 2 نَعَّمَهُ , (S, Msb, K,) and ↓ نَاعَمَهُ, (S, K,) He (God, S, Msb,) made him to enjoy, or lead, a plentiful, and a pleasant or an easy, and a soft, or delicate, state, or life; a state, or life, of ease and plenty. (S, Msb, K.) b2: نَعَّمَهُ He nourished well him, or it; pampered him.3 نَاْعَمَ see 2.4 أَنْعَمَ عَلَيْهِ بِشَىْءِ He conferred, or bestowed, upon him a thing as a favour. See أَحْسَنَ. b2: أَنْعَمَ عَجْنَهُ He kneaded it well, thoroughly, or soundly. (TA, voce رَيْعٌ.) b3: أَنْعَمَ الدَّقَّ He bruised or powdered finely: see دَقَّقَ. b4: أَنْعَمَ طَبْخَهُ He cooked it well; syn. أَجَادَ طَبْخَهُ. (IbrD.) The verb is often used in this sense. b5: أَنْعَمَ اللّٰهُ بِكَ عَيْنًا: see أَبْغَضَ.5 تَنَعَّمَ he enjoyed, or led, an easy, a pleasant, a soft, or a delicate, life, with ampleness of the means of subsistence; a life of ease and plenty. (K.) b2: تَنَعَّمَ It (a tree) became flourishing and fresh, (TK, art. روى, &c.,) luxuriant, succulent, sappy, soft, tender, and supple. See رَوِىَ. b3: تَنَعَّمَ i. q. تَمَتَّعَ. (Msb. *) نُعْمٌ contr. of بُؤْسٌ, (S,) [like ↓ نَعْمَآءُ and ↓ نُعْمَى and ↓ نَعْمَةٌ and ↓ نَعِيمٌ:] pl. أَنْعُمٌ. (S.) See نِعْمَةٌ.

نَعَمْ Even so; yes; yea. (Msb, &c.) See أَجَلْ and بَجَلْ.

نَعَمٌ Pasturing مَال [or cattle]; mostly applied to camels, and neat, and sheep and goats: or applied to all these, and to camels when alone, but neat and sheep or goats when alone are not thus termed; (Msb;) therefore, cattle, consisting of camels or neat or sheep or goats, or all these, or camels alone.

نِعْمَ الرَّجُلُ زَيْدٌ Excellent, or most excellent, or excellent above all, is the man, Zeyd; or [very or] superlatively good, &c. (Msb.) b2: See بئْسَ.

نَعْمَةٌ subst. of تَنَعُّمٌ (Msb, K) in the sense of تَرَفُّةٌ subst. of تَمَتُّعْ (Msb:) or i. q. b2: تَنَعُّمٌ: (S: in F's smaller copy, تَنَعِيمٌ, an evident mistake:) i. e. plentifulness, and pleasantness or easiness, and softness or delicacy, of life: ease and plenty. b3: نَعْمَةٌ A living in [or rather enjoyment of a life of] softness, daintiness, or delicacy, and ease, comfort, or affluence: (KL:) i. q. ↓ نَعِيمٌ; (Msb;) and مُتْعَةٌ: (Jel in xliv. 26:) it is from التَّنَعُّمُ; and ↓ نِعْمَةٌ is from الإِنْعَامُ. (Ksh, cited in Kull, p. 364.) See نِعْمَةٌ: and see تُرْفَةٌ. b4: نَعْمَةُ الشَّباَبِ [The flourishing freshness, softness, tenderness, or blooming loveliness or graces, of youth. See عَبْعَبٌ.] b5: نَعْمَةٌ Softness; tenderness; bloom; or flourishing freshness (IbrD;) of a branch; and of youth, or youthfulness. (M, art. ملد; &c.) نِعْمَةٌ and ↓ نُعْمَى and ↓ نَعْمَآءُ A benefit; benefaction; favour; boon; or good: (S, Msb:) a blessing; [bounty; gratuity;] or what God bestows upon one: and so ↓ نَعِيمٌ: (S:) [grace of God:] and ↓ نَعِيمٌ and ↓ نَعْمَةٌ, with fet-h, [and ↓ نُعْمَى and ↓ نَعْمَآءُ and ↓ نُعْمٌ, ease and plenty,] enjoyment; (Msb;) [welfare; well being; weal:] ↓ نُعْمَى and ↓ نَعْمَآءُ are the contr. of بُؤْسَى and بَأْسَآءُ: (TA, art. بأس:) بَعْدَ ضَرَّآءَ ↓ نَعْمَآءُ, in the Kur [xi. 13,] is like health after sickness; and richness, or competence, after want. (Bd.) b2: نِعْمَةٌ A blessing; (S;) a cause of happiness. (K.) A favour: a benefit; and the like. (S.) b3: نِعْمَةٌ Wealth, or property. (K.) The first explanations given to it above are assigned in the K, not to this word, but to ↓ نَعِيمٌ and ↓ نُعْمَى. b4: نِعْمَةٌ with the article seems generally to signify Wealth: and without the article, A benefit, benefaction, favour, boon, or blessing.

نُعْمَةٌ The act of rejoicing by a thing: and the state of rejoicing in a thing. (KL.) نُعْمَى contr. of بُؤْسَى; (S, TA in art. بأس;) and نَعْمَآءُ contr. of بَأَسَآءُ. (TA in that art.) b2: See نِعْمَةٌ.

نَعْمَآءُ : see نِعْمَةٌ.

نَعِيمٌ Enjoyment; [delight; pleasure;] as also ↓ نَعْمَةٌ, q. v.: (Msb:) plenty and ease. (K.) See نِعْمَةٌ.

نَعَامَةٌ The blackness of night. (S in art. سقط.) see an ex. voce سقْطٌ. b2: نَعَامَةٌ The ostrich: it sometimes denotes the female. See مَخْزُومٌ and جَراَدٌ. b3: شاَلَتْ نَعَامَتُهُمْ: see طَائِرٌ, زَأْلٌ, شَالَ, and a verse voce إِمَّا. b4: اِبْنُ النَّعَامَةِ The shank-bone: and a certain vein in the leg: and the middle, or beaten track, of the road: and the brisk, lively, or sprightly, horse: and the drawer of water (السَّانِى) who is at the head of the well. (T in art. بنى.) b5: نَعَامَةٌ and نَعَامَتَانِ of a well see زُرْنُوقٌ. b6: النَّعَائِمُ Nine stars [of Sagittarius], behind الشَّوْلَةُ, four in the Milky Way, [b, g, d, and ε,] called النعائمُ الوَارِدَةُ, as though drinking; and four without the Milky Way β, γ, δ, ε,, [c, s, t, and f,] called النعائمُ الصَّادِرَةُ, as though returning from drinking; and the ninth, λ,] [not mentioned by some,] high between them: each of the two fours forming the corners of a quadrilateral figure. The twentieth Mansion of the Moon. (El-Kazweenee.) عَيْشٌ نَاعِمٌ [A plentiful and easy life. See نَعِمَ عَيْشُهُ.] A pleasant life. (Mgh.) [A soft, or delicate, life.] b2: نَاعِمٌ Soft, or tender: applied to a plant or tree: (Mgh:) [smooth; sleek. And i. q. مُتَنِّعَمٌ.]

مُنَعَّلٌ , applied to a horse, white on the forelegs: see أَقْفَزُ.

أَنَاعِيمُ , pl. pl. of نَعَمٌ: see a verse cited voce دَانَى.



1 مَادَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. مَيْدٌ (S, L, Msb, K) and مَيَدَانٌ, (L, Msb, K,) It (a thing) was, or became in a state of motion, or commotion; was, or became agitated: (S, L, Msb, K:) or, in a state of violent motion or commotion; or violently agitated. (El-Basáïr, TA.) So in the expression in the Kur, [xvi. 15; and xxxi. 9;] أَنْ تَمِيدَ بِكُمْ Lest it (the earth) should be convulsed with you, and go round with you, and move you about violently. (El-Basáïr, TA.) b2: مَادَ It turned or twisted about, or became contorted and convulsed. (IKtt.) b3: مَادَ فِى الرُّمْحِ (tropical:) He (a man pierced) writhed upon the spear. (A.) b4: مَادَ It (the mirage, سَرَاب,) was in a state of commotion; it quivered, or trembled. (L, K.) b5: مَادَ (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, confounded, perplexed, or amazed. (TA.) b6: مَادَ, (aor. ـِ TA, inf. n. مَيْدٌ or مَيَدٌ, L,) (tropical:) He (a man, L,) became affected with a heaving of the stomach, or a tendency to vomit, and a giddiness in the head, by reason of intoxication, or of voyaging upon the sea. (L, K.) b7: You say also مَادَ بِهِ البَحْرُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. مَيْدٌ, (tropical:) The sea affected him with a heaving of the stomach, &c. (L.) and مَادَتْ بِهِ الأَرْضُ (tropical:) The ground went round with him. (A.) b8: مَادَتِ الحَنْظَلَةُ, (aor. ـِ L,) The colocynth became affected by day-dew, (L, K,) or by moisture, (L,) and in consequence, changed [in odour, or stinking]: (L, K:) and in like manner a date. (L.) b9: مَادَ, (S, A, L,) inf. n. مَيْدٌ (L) and مَيَدَانٌ; (A;) and ↓ تمايد; (A;) It (a branch) inclined from side to side. (S, A, L.) b10: (tropical:) He inclined from side to side in walking. (L.) b11: مَادَ, inf. n. مَيْدٌ and مَيَدَانٌ, It inclined to one side: as the earth is, in a trad., described to have done before the mountains were formed. (L.) b12: مَادَ (tropical:) He (a man, S,) affected a bending of his person, body, or limbs; (L;) he walked with an elegant and a proud and self-conceited gait, with an affected inclining of his body from side to side; (S, L, K;) and مَادَتْ and ↓ تميّدت signify the same, said of a woman. (A.) A2: مَادَ He conferred, or bestowed, a benefit or benefits, or a favour or favours. You say, مَادَنِى فُلَانٌ Such a one conferred a benefit or benefits upon me. (L.) b2: مَادَه, (L, Msb,) and ↓ امادهُ, (L,) He gave him. (L, Msb.) b3: مَادَ He furnished persons with, or gave them, provisions for travelling; syn. زَادَ. (L.) [In the K, زَارَ He visited.] b4: He brought a people wheat, or food; i. q. مَارَ, (S, L, K,) of which it is a dial. form. (S.) b5: He trafficked as a merchant. (L.) b6: مَادَ, inf. n. مَيْدٌ and مَيَدَانٌ, It increased, or grew; syn. رَاعَ and زَكَا. (M, L, K.) [In the copies of the K in my hands, for راع is put زاغ.]

4, أَمْيَدَ 5, and 6: see 1.8 امتادهُ He asked him, or desired him, to give him. (L.) b2: امتادهُ He asked or desired him to bring him wheat, or food. (A.) مَيْدَ a dial. form of بَيْدَ, (S,) in the sense of غَيْر: (S, L;) and in that of عَلَى: (L:) or that of مِنْ أَجْلِ. (S, L.) It is said in a trad., أَنَا أَفْصَحُ العَرَبِ مَيْدَ أَنِّى مِنْ قُرَيْشٍ وَنَشَأْتُ فِى بَنِى

سَعْدِ بْنِ بَكْرٍ [rendered in art. بيد]. (S, L.) See what next follows.

فَعَلْتُهُ مَيْدَا ذٰلِكَ, (M, K,) or مَيْدَ ذلك, (L,) I did it on account, or for the sake, of that. (M, L, K.) مِنْ مَيْدَا ذٰلِكَ has not been heard. (M, L.) مَيْدَةٌ: see مَائِدَةٌ.

مِيدَآءٌ The amount, and measure, of a thing: (L, K:) and the two sides, and distance, or extent, of a thing, (L,) or of a road; (K;) and the surface of a road. (L.) One says, لَمْ أَدْرِ مَا مِيدَآءُ ذٰلِكَ I knew not what was the amount of that, and its measure: or, what was the measure of its two sides, and its extent: as also مِيتَاؤُهُ. (L.) b2: The extreme limit of the distance to which horses run; and so ميِئْتآءٌ. (S, TA, art. أتى.) A2: مِيدَآءٌ A mode, manner, fashion, or from. Ex. بَنُوْا بُيُوتَهُمْ عَلَى مِيدَآءٍ وَاحِدٍ They built their houses, or constructed their tents, after one mode, &c. (L.) [See also مِئْتَآءٌ, in art. اتى.]

هٰذَا مِيدَاؤُهُ, [thus in the copies of the K and in the TA, app. a mistake for مِيدَآءَهُ, like تِلْقَآءَهُ,] and بِمِيدَائِهِ, and بِمِيدَاهُ, This is opposite to, or facing, it. (K.) And دَارِى بِمَيْدَا دَارِهِ, with fet-h to the م; (as also بِمِيتَآءِ داره, L in art. ميت; and بِمِئْتَآءِ داره, S in art. اتى;) My house is opposite to his house. (Yaakoob, L.) b2: مِيدَآءُ الطَرِيقِ: see مِئْتَآء in art. أَتَى, and مِيتَآء in art. ميت.

مَيْدَانٌ (S, L, Msb, K, &c.) and ↓ مِيدَانٌ (K) A horse-course; race-ground; hippodrome: (Msb, TA:) pl. مَيَادِينُ: (S, K, &c.:) of the measure فَعْلَانٌ, (IKtt,) from ماد “ it was in a state of motion; ” because the sides of the horsecourse shake on the occasion of a race: (Msb:) or from ماد “ it turned or twisted about, or became contorted and convulsed; ” because the horses wheel about, and bend or convulse themselves, in the place so called: or of the measure فَلْعَانٌ, from مَدًى “ a limit, or goal; ” because horses run to their goals in the place so called; originally مَدْيَانٌ, the second and third radicals being transposed; as in بِيزَانٌ, originally بُزْيَانٌ: or of the measure فَيْعَالٌ, from مَدَنَ “ he abode, or dwelt; ” because horses confine themselves especially to the place so called for wheeling about and the like. (IKtt.) A2: عَيْشٌ مَيْدَانٌ A delicate, a pleasant, or an ample and easy, life. (S, L.) b2: مَيْدَانُ الخُلَفَآءِ (tropical:) a term applied by historians to The period of the reign of Khaleefehs; from twenty to twenty-four years. (MF, TA.) مِيدَانٌ: see مَيْدَانٌ.

مَيُودٌ That moves about, or is agitated, much; that vacillates much: (L:) an intensive epithet; applied in a trad. to worldly prosperity. (L., art. حيد.) مَيَّادٌ: see مَائِدٌ.

مَائِدٌ (tropical:) A man affected with a heaving of the stomach, or a tendency to vomit, and a giddiness in the head, by reason of intoxication, or of voyaging upon the sea: pl. مَيْدَى. (L.) b2: مَائِدٌ A branch inclining [from side to side: see 1]: (A, L:) as also ↓ مَيَّادٌ: (L:) [or rather the latter signifies inclining much, or frequently, from side to side:] pl. [of the former] مُيَّدٌ. (TA.) b3: فُلَانٌ يَمْشِى عَلَى الأَرْضِ فَيَّادًا مَيَّادًا (tropical:) Such a one walks upon the ground with an elegant and a proud and a self-conceited gait, with an affected inclining of his body from side to side. (A, Art. فيد.) مَائِدَةٌ (and ↓ مَيْدَةٌ, El-Jarmee, L, K) A table with food upon it: (S, L, K:) without food upon it, a table is not thus called, but is called خِوَانٌ: (AAF, S, L:) or also applied to a table itself: (L:) MF says, that this latter application is allowable, considering that food has been, or is to be, placed upon the table: but El-Hareeree asserts it to be incorrect, and the former application only to be allowable: (TA:) مائدة is thus used in its proper sense of an act. part. n., and is from ماد “ it was in a state of motion; ” as though the table [which was generally a round piece of leather or the like spread upon the ground] moved about with what was upon it: (Zj, L, Msb: *) or from ماد “ he brought wheat or food; ” because food is brought upon it [or as though it brought food]: (L:) or from ماد “ he gave; ” as though it gave of what was upon it to those around it: (El-'Ináyeh:) or it is of the form of an act. part. n. and used in the sense of a pass. part. n., from ماد “ he gave,” (AO, S, L, Msb,) like رَاضِيَةٌ in the phrase عِيشَةٌ رَاضِيَةٌ; (AO, S, L;) because what is thus called is given by its owner to the people [who are to eat]: (Msb:) also, food itself; (Akh, AHát, ISd, L, K;) even if without a table: (L:) [pl. مَوَائِدُ]. See also فَاثُورٌ. b2: مَائِدَةٌ: (tropical:) A round piece of land or ground: (L, K:) likened to a table. (TA.) مَوَائِدُ: see مَائِدَةٌ. b2: Also, Calamities: formed by transposition from مَآوِدُ. (T, L.) مُمْتَادٌ Asking, or desiring, to give; asking or desiring, a gift. (K.) And Asked, or desired, to give; one of whom a gift is asked, or desired. (S, L, K.) b2: مُمْتَادٌ A man [asking, or desiring, and b3: ] asked, or desired, to bring wheat or food. (S, L.)



1 خَطَرَ بِذَنَبِهِ, (S, A, Mgh, K, TA,) aor. ـِ [in the CK, erroneously, خَطُرَ,] inf. n. خَطْرٌ and خَطَرَانٌ (S, Mgh, K) and خَطِيرٌ, (JK, K,) He (a camel, S, Mgh, or a stallion [camel], A, K) raised his tail time after time, and struck his thighs with it: (S:) or lashed with it to the right and left: (K:) or moved about his tail: (A, * Mgh, TA:) the stallion does so in threatening, through pride; (T, TA;) or in fighting with others, as though threatening; (A;) or by reason of emaciation occasioned by severe drought; or by reason of sprightliness: but a she-camel, to inform the stallion that she has become pregnant. (TA.) You say also, غَطَرَ بذنبه, aor. ـِ the غ being a substitute for the خ: (TA:) or each form may be original; but the latter is the less used. (IJ, TA.) b2: [Hence,] خَطَرَ بِرْمْحِهِ, (A, * K,) and بِسَيْفِهِ, (K,) and بِقَضِيبِهِ, and بِسَوْطِهِ, (TA,) inf. n. خَطَرَانٌ, (K,) (tropical:) He moved his spear up and down, and his sword, (K, TA,) and his rod, and his whip. (TA.) A man does so with the spear when he walks between the two [opposing] ranks. (A.) b3: And خَطَرَ بِيَدِهِ فِى مَشْيِهِ (tropical:) [He moved his arm up and down in his walking]. (A.) And خَطَرَ فِى مِشْيَتِهِ, (K,) aor. ـِ (TA,) inf. n. خَطَرَانٌ (K) and خَطِيرٌ, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) He moved his arms up and down in his mode of walking, (K, TA,) inclining his body from side to side at the same time. (TA.) And خَطَرَ, aor. ـِ (TA,) inf. n. خَطَرَانٌ, (S,) (assumed tropical:) He (a man) shook himself in walking; (S;) and walked with an elegant and a proud and self-conceited gait, with an affected inclining of the body from side to side. (S, TA.) الجُنْدُ يَخْطِرُونَ حَوْلَ قَائِدِهِمْ (assumed tropical:) [The troops strut around their leader] is said when they show their energy to their leader; and in like manner, when they assemble and equip themselves in war. (TA.) b4: And خَطَرَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. خَطْرٌ, (assumed tropical:) He (a man) raised his arm, or hand, with a stone which he lifted for the purpose of trying his strength, to cast, or throw, and shook the stone in lifting it. (TA.) b5: And خَطَرَ بِإِصْبَعِهِ إِلَى السَّمَآءِ (tropical:) He moved his finger, [or raised it towards the sky,] in supplication. (A.) [This one does in the ordinary prayers, in uttering the profession of belief in the unity of God; raising the first finger only (of the right hand, which is placed on the thigh, while sitting on the left foot), and not the hand itself.]

b6: And خَطَرَ, (S, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. خَطَرَانٌ, (S,) (assumed tropical:) It (a spear) quivered, vibrated, or shook: (S, K:) or moved up and down previously to a thrusting with it. (S.) b7: خَطَرَ بِبَالِى, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) and عَلَى بَالِى, (JK, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, ISd, IKtt, Mgh, K) and خَطِرَ, (ISd, IKtt, K,) inf. n. خُطُورٌ, (JK, S, Mgh, K,) or خَطَرٌ, (Msb,) and خَطَرَانٌ, (JK,) or this last is a mistranscription, (Mgh,) (tropical:) It bestirred itself in my mind: (A: [see خَاطِرٌ:]) or it moved my mind: (Msb:) or it occurred to my mind [absolutely, or] after I had forgotten it. (K.) b8: خَطَرَ الشَّيْطَانُ بَيْنَهُ وَبَيْنَ قَلْبِهِ (assumed tropical:) The devil put vain suggestions into his mind. (TA.) خَطَرَ الدَّهْرُ خَطَرَانَهُ, (S,) or مِنْ خَطَرَانِهِ, (TA,) (tropical:) [Fortune, or time, produced, or brought to pass, its events, or among its events such and such things]: a phrase like ضَربَ الدَّهْرُ ضَرَبَانَهُ, (S,) or مِنْ ضَرَبَانِهِ. (T, A. [See art. ضرب.]) A2: خَطُرَ, aor. ـُ (S, A, Msb, K,) inf. n. خُطُورَةٌ, (S, K,) or خَطَرٌ, (Msb,) (tropical:) He (a man, S &c.) was, or became, eminent, noble, or of high rank, (Msb, K,) or characterized by rank or station. (S, A.) And خَطَرَ, [or this is probably a mistranscription for خَطُرَ,] aor. ـُ inf. n. خَطَرٌ and خُطُورٌ, [or, more probably, خُطُورَةٌ,] (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, great in estimation, rank, or dignity, after having been little in respect thereof. (TA.) 2 خطّر, inf. n. تَخْطِيرٌ, (assumed tropical:) He took, got, or won, a bet, wager, or stake. (L in art. ندب, and TA.) 3 خاطر بِنَفْسِهِ, (S, A, Msb, K,) and بِقَوْمِهِ, (A,) inf. n. مُخَاطَرَةٌ; (TK;) and بقومه ↓ اخطر; (A;) He placed himself at the point of, or near to, destruction; perilled, imperilled, endangered, jeoparded, hazarded, or risked, himself; (S, A;) and his people or party: (A:) or خاطر بنفسه signifies he did that in which fear predominated: (Msb:) or he caused himself to be on the brink of destruction or of attaining dominion. (K.) And خاطر بِنَفْسِهِ وَمَالِهِ He threw himself and his property into destruction. (TA.) And ↓ اخطر لَهُ كَذَا He hazarded, or risked, to him such a thing. (L.) [See also 4, below.] b2: خاظرهُ عَلَى

كَذَا, (S, A,) or عَلَى مَالٍ, (Msb,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) (tropical:) He laid a bet, wager, or stake, with him, (S, * A, Msb,) for such a thing, (S, A,) or for property. (Msb.) [See, again, 4.]4 اخطرهُ اللّٰهُ بِبَالِى, (S, K,) [and عَلَى بَالِى, (see 1,)] (tropical:) God caused it [to bestir itself in my mind: or to move my mind: or] to occur to my mind after I had forgotten it. (K.) A2: See also 3, in two places. b2: اخطرالمَالَ, (S, K, &c.,) inf. n. إِخْطَارٌ, (Msb,) (tropical:) He made the property a stake (S, A, Msb, K) between the parties betting. (S, Msb, K.) And أَخْطَرَ لِى وَأَخْطَرْتُ لَهُ (tropical:) [He laid me a bet and I laid him a bet;] we laid bets, wagers, or stakes, one to another. (K. [See also 3.]) And اخطر المَوْتَ نَفْسَهُ (tropical:) He made his soul a stake to death [by exposing it to be taken by death, like as a stake is taken by one of two parties who have betted]. (TA.) And اخطر [alone] (tropical:) He made himself, or his soul, a stake to his adversary, and sallied forth against him. (K.) b3: أَخْطَرَهُمْ خَطَرًا and اخطر لَهُمْ خَطَرًا (assumed tropical:) He gave them liberally, or freely, a lot, portion, or share, or a compensation, such as contented them. (TA.) b4: اخطرهُ He (God) made him to be characterized by rank, or station. (A.) b5: اخطر فُلَانٌ فُلَانًا (assumed tropical:) Such a one became like in rank, or station, to such a one. (K.) And أُخْطِرْتُ لِفُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:) I was made like to such a one in rank, or station. (Lth, TA.) And أُخْطِرَ بِهِ He was made equal. (TA. [See أُنْظِرَ بِهِ.]) 6 تَخَاطَرَتِ الفُحُولُ بِأَذْنَابِهَا [The stallions of the camels lashed with their tails] previously to their attacking one another. (A.) A2: تخاطروا (tropical:) They laid bets, wagers, or stakes, one with another, (K, TA,) عَلَى أَمْرٍ for a thing. (TA.) and تخاطرا عَلَيْهِ (tropical:) They two laid bets, wagers, or stakes, for it. (A.) خَطْرٌ: see خِطْرٌ: A2: and خَطَرٌ, in two places: A3: and خَاطِرٌ.

خِطْرٌ A large number of camels: (S, K:) or forty: (K:) or two hundred; (AHát, K;) and the like of sheep or goats: (TA:) or a thousand thereof: (K:) and more: (TA:) and ↓ خَطْرٌ signifies the same: (K:) pl. أَخْطَارٌ. (S, K.) A2: A certain plant, with which one dyes or tinges, himself or his hair, (S, K,) its leaves being put into black dye: (TA:) it resembles the plant called كَتَم, with which it often grows; and old men dye their hair with it: (AHn:) or [the plant called] وَسْمَة: (K:) [a coll. gen. n.:] n. un. with ة. (AHn, K.) b2: Hence, (S,) (tropical:) Milk mixed with much water: (S, K, TA:) as though it were tinged [with the plant so called]. (TA.) b3: and A branch (K) of a tree: pl. خِطَرَةٌ, which is extr.; or as though the ة were imagined to be elided. (TA.) خَطَرٌ The being at the point of, or near to, destruction; (JK, S, A, Msb, K;) [imminent danger; peril; jeopardy; risk; hazard;] and fear of perishing: (Msb:) pl. أَخْطَارٌ. (A.) Yousay, هُوَ عَلَى خَطَرٍ عَظِيمٍ He is [in a state of great peril, or] on the brink of destruction. (A.) and رَكْبُوا الأَخْطَارَ [They embarked in perilous undertakings; or braved perils]. (A.) [And أَمْرُ لَهُ خَطَرٌ and ذُو خَطَرٍ A perilous affair or event or case: and hence, a momentous, or an important, affair or event or case; an affair, or event,. or a case, of moment or importance or magnitude: see also خَطِيرٌ.] And خَطَرٌ [alone] signifies A thing, or an affair, &c., of great magnitude: and a trial, or an affliction: pl. as above. (Har p. 264.) b2: (tropical:) A bet, wager, stake, or thing wagered; a thing staked at a shooting-match or a race, and taken by the winner: (T, S, * A, * Mgh, * Msb, * K, * TA:) [accord. to the TA, this is the primary signification; but accord. to the A, it is tropical:] pl. as above; (Msb;) or خِطَارٌ; and pl. pl. خُطُرٌ: (K: [but in some copies of the K, the last is written أَخْطَارٌ; and so in the TA, where it is added that some say it is pl. of خَطَرٌ, like as أَسْبَابٌ is of سَبَبٌ, and أَنْدَابٌ of نَدَبٌ:]) خَطَرٌ and سَبَقٌ and نَدَبٌ all signify the same. (TA.) You say, وَضَعُوا خَطَرًا (tropical:) [They laid a bet]. (A.) And أَحْرَزَ فُلَانٌ الخَطَرَ (tropical:) [Such a one won the bet]. (A.) b3: Hence, [app. as being likened to a stake won,] (TA,) (tropical:) Eminence; nobility; as also ↓ خَطْرٌ: (K, TA:) in which sense it has become so much used as to be, in this acceptation, conventionally regarded as proper: (TA:) also excellence: (TA:) and (as also ↓ خَطْرٌ, TA) rank; degree of dignity; station; of a man: (S, A, K, TA:) and highness of rank or account or estimation: and wealth: (TA:) pl. أَخْطَارٌ: (A:) accord. to some, it is only used to signify high rank: but accord. to others, you say, إِنَّهُ لَعَظِيمُ الخَطَرِ (tropical:) [Verily he is of great dignity] with respect to his good actions and his nobility, and صَغِيرُ الخَطَرِ (tropical:) [of little rank] with respect to his evil actions and his ignobleness. (TA.) Also (assumed tropical:) A lot, or portion, or share. (TA.) b4: And (assumed tropical:) A compensation. (TA.) A2: (assumed tropical:) A like, or fellow, (S, K,) in rank or station, (S,) or in eminence; (K;) as also ↓خَطِيرٌ. (S, K.) Yousay, هٰذَا خَطَرٌ لِهٰذَا, and ↓خَطِيرٌ, (assumed tropical:) This is like to that. (S.) And الجَنَّةُ لَا خَطَرَ لَهَا (assumed tropical:) Paradise has not its like. (TA.) And ↓فُلَانٌ لَيْسَ لَهُ خَطِيرٌ (assumed tropical:) Such a one has not his like or fellow. (TA.) A3: Also [an inf. n. of خَطَرَ in the phrase خَطَرَ بِبَالِى and عَلَى بَالِى, accord. to the Msb And hence,] (assumed tropical:) A vain suggestion of the devil. (JK.) [See خَاطِرٌ.]

خَطِرٌ: see خَاطِرٌ.

خَطْرَةٌ [inf. n. of un. of خَطَرَ: and hence,] (assumed tropical:) A going away; and walking with an elegant and a proud and self-conceited gait, with an affected inclining of the body from side to side. (Har p. 35.) b2: See also خَاطِرٌ. b3: مَا لَقِيتُهُ إِلَا خَطْرَةً (tropical:) [I met him not save] sometime; (A;) or sometimes. (K.) And مَا ذَكَرْتُهُ إِلَّا خَطْرَةً بَعْدَ خَطْرَةٍ (tropical:) [I remembered not, or mentioned not, him, or it, save sometime after sometime; i. e., save] sometimes. (A.) b4: أَصَابَتْهُ خَطْرَةٌ مِنَ الجِنِّ (assumed tropical:) A touch, or stroke, from the jinn, or genii, befell him; or madness, or insanity, [proceeding] from the jinn; syn. مَسٌّ. (K, * TA.) b5: بَيْنِى وَبَيْنَهُ خَطْرَةُ رَحِمٍ (IAar, TA) app. means (assumed tropical:) Between me and him is a tie of relationship. (TA.) b6: رَعَيْنَا خَطَرَاتِ الوَسْمِىِّ (assumed tropical:) We pastured [our beasts] upon the patches of herbage produced by the [rain called] وسمىّ. (K, * TA.) b7: خَطْرَةٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) A small quantity [or shower] of rain: pl. خِطَارٌ (JK) [and probably خَطَرَاتٌ also]. b8: And one says, ↓لَا جَعَلَهَا اللّٰهُ خَطْرَتَهُ وَلَا جَعَلَهَا آخِرَ مَخْطَرٍ

مِنْهُ [app. referring to rain, and meaning (assumed tropical:) May God not make it to be the only shower, or fall, thereof, or the only time thereof; nor make it to be the last time thereof]; (TA;) آخِرَ مَخْطَرٍ meaning آخِرَ عَهْدٍ. (K, * TA.) خطار: see what next follows.

خَطِيرٌ The falling of a camel's tail between the parts above his thighs, when he moves it about; [see 1, first sentence;] as also ↓خطار. (TA: in which the latter is written without any syll. signs.) A2: A camel's nose-rein; (S, K;) a nose-rein by which a she-camel is led: (Kr:) a rope: (Sh, K:) these, says Meyd, are one and the same thing. (TA.) It is related in a trad. of 'Alee that he said to [ a mistake for “ respecting ”] 'Ammár, جُرُّوا لَهُ الخَطِيرَ مَا انْجَرَّ لَكُمْ [Pull ye his noserein as long as it will be pulled by you]: or, as some relate the saying, مَا جَرَّهُ لَكُمْ [as long as he pulls it to you]: meaning follow him as long as there is ground for doing so: or, accord. to some, as Sh says, act patiently towards 'Ammar as long as he acts patiently towards you: Meyd mentions it as a proverb. (TA.) A3: (tropical:) Eminent; noble; of high rank: (Msb, K, TA:) characterized by rank or station: (S, A:) pl. خُطْرٌ (K) and خَطِيرُونَ. (A.) And (assumed tropical:) Anything excellent. (TA.) You say أَمْرٌ خَطِيرٌ (assumed tropical:) A thing, or an affair, of high account or estimation. (TA.) b2: Also (assumed tropical:) Ignoble; of low rank; (Az, TA;) contemptible. (Az, Msb.) b3: See also خَطَرٌ, in three places.

خَطَّارٌ [is probably applied to a he-camel in a sense like that of the fem., here following].

خَطَّارَةٌ, applied to a she-camel, That lashes with the tail to the right and left: (K:) or that moves about her tail, when going, in a brisk, or sprightly, manner: (A:) or that raises her tail, in going along, by reason of briskness, and exceeding sprightliness. (Har p. 557.) [See 1, first sentence.] b2: [Hence,] (tropical:) A spear that quivers, vibrates, or shakes: (S, A, K:) or that does so much: and in like manner, a man. (TA.) and خَطَّارٌ بِالرُّمْحِ (tropical:) A man who thrusts much with the spear. (S, K, TA.) b3: (assumed tropical:) A man who raises his arm, or hand, (K, TA,) with a stone which he lifts for the purpose of trying his strength, (TA,) to cast, or throw, (K, TA,) and who shakes the stone in lifting it. (TA.) b4: (assumed tropical:) A sling. (K.) (assumed tropical:) The [engine of war called] مَنْجَنِيق; (K;) as also ↓ خَطَّارَةٌ: its casting being likened to the action termed خَطَرَانٌ [inf. n. of 1, q. v.], of the stallion-camel. (TA.) b5: الخَطَّارُ (assumed tropical:) The lion: (K:) because of his proud walk, and self-admiration: or because of his shaking himself in his walk. (TA.) b6: مِسْكٌ خَطَّارٌ (tropical:) Musk that diffuses much odour or fragrance. (A.) خَطَّارَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

خَاطِرٌ [part. n. of 1, q. v.:] (tropical:) Walking with an elegant and a proud and self-conceited gait, with an affected inclining of the body from side to side; (K;) as also ↓ خَطِرٌ, (K, TA,) or ↓ خَطْرٌ. (So in the CK and in a MS. copy of the K.) A2: (tropical:) An opinion, or an idea, or object of thought, bestirring itself in the mind; (A and Kull p. 179;) i. q. هَاجِسُ, (M, K,) i. e. a thing coming at random into the mind: (S in art. هجس:) or a cogitation which bestirs itself, or occurs, (يَخْطُرُ,) in the mind, with a view to the end, issue, or result, of a thing: (Msb:) pl. خَوَاطِرُ: (A, K:) [and ↓ خَطْرَةٌ signifies the same; for] خَطَرَاتٌ [which is its pl.] is syn. with خَوَاطِرُ; (A;) [whence the phrase,] خَطَرَاتُ الشَّيَاطِينِ (assumed tropical:) The vain suggestions of the devils. (S and TA in art. همز, &c.) [See also خَطَرٌ, last sentence] b2: Hence it is applied to (assumed tropical:) The mind itself. (Kull p. 179.) مَخْطَرٌ: see خَطْرَةٌ.

بَادِيَةٌ مُخْطِرَةٌ (assumed tropical:) [A perilous, or dangerous, desert;] as though it made the traveller a stake between safety and perdition. (Msb.) مُخَاطِرٌ [act. part. n. of 3, q. v.:] (assumed tropical:) One who contends with another in shooting or casting [app. for a wager]. (JK, TA.)



1 دَلِمَ, (M, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. دَلَمٌ, (M,) He, or it, was, or became, intensely black, and smooth; (M, K;) said of a man and a lion (M, TA) and an ass (TA) and a mountain and a rock; (M, TA;) as also ↓ ادلامّ: (K:) or the latter, inf. n. اِدْلِيمَامٌ he, or it, was, or became, black; said of a man and an ass [&c.]. (S. [Golius erroneously assigns this signification to ادلّم as on the authority of the S.]) And اللَّيْلُ ↓ اِدْلَأَمَّ [so in the TA and in my MS. copy of the K, but in the CK ↓ ادْلامَّ,] i. q. اِدْلَهَمَّ [i. e. The night was, or became, black; or intensely dark]; (K;) the ه being a substitute for ه. (TA.) A2: دَلِمَتْ شِفَاهُهُ, inf. n. دَلَمٌ, His lips were, or became, flaccid and pendulous. (K, * TA. [Golius assigns this signification also to ↓ ادلمّ, but without indicating any authority.]) [See also دًلَمٌ below.]9 إِدْلَمَّ see 1. [Also mistaken by Golius for ادلامّ.]11 إِدْلَاْمَّ see 1, in two places. Q. Q. 4 اِدْلَأَمَّ: see 1.

دَلَمٌ A certain thing resembling the serpent, found in El-Hijáz: (K:) or resembling what is termed the طَبُّوع; not a serpent: (TA:) or it signifies, (TA,) or thus ↓ دُلَمٌ, (so in the T accord. to the TT,) the young one of a serpent: and the pl. is أَدْلَامٌ. (T, TA.) Hence the prov., هُوَ أَشَدُّ مِنَ الدَّلَمِ [He is more distressing than the دلم]: (K:) and one says also, هُوَ أَشَدُّ مِنَ الدَّلَمِ فِى الشَّفَةِ, meaning [He is more distressing] than flaccidity and pendulousness in the lip. (This, as well as the former saying, being mentioned in the TA, as from the K.) دُلَمٌ The elephant; (K;) because of his blackness. (TA.) b2: See also دَلَمٌ.

دُلْمَةٌ Intense blackness, with smoothness; like غُبْشَةٌ; in the colours of beasts or horses and the like [&c.: see 1]. (TA in art. غبش.) دَلَامٌ Blackness. (Seer, M, K.) b2: And the same, (K,) or ↓ دُلَامٌ, (M, accord. to the TT, in two places,) Black: (M, K:) mentioned by Sb. (M.) [See also أَدْلَمُ.]

دُلَامٌ: see what next precedes.

دَيْلَمٌ The blacks, or negroes. (T, TA. [But الدَّيْلَمُ is more commonly known as the name of a certain people to be mentioned in what follows.]) b2: The Abyssinian, i. e. black, ant: (M:) or, as some say, (M,) a place where ants and ticks collect, at the places where the camels stand when they come to drink at the watering-troughs, and where they lie down at the watering-places: (S, M, K:) [or] ants [themselves]; (T, TA;) and ticks; both said by Z to be so called because they are enemies to the camels [from a signification of the same word to be mentioned below]: (TA:) or numerous ants. (Har p. 586.) b3: (assumed tropical:) An army; likened to ants in respect of its numerousness: (TA:) or a numerous army. (T.) b4: (assumed tropical:) An assembly, or assemblage, (S, M, K,) or a numerous assembly or assemblage, (TA,) of men, (S, TA,) and of things of any kind. (M, TA.) b5: Camels [collectively]. (TA.) b6: (assumed tropical:) Enemies: (ISk, T, S, M, K:) and an enemy: pl. دَيَالِمَةٌ: so called because the people named الدَّيْلَمُ are notorious for evil and enmity: (Z, TA:) because the دَيْلَم are enemies to the Arabs: (M:) they are a certain people, (T, S, M, K,) well known; (M, K;) [inhabitants of a mountainous tract, a part of the ancient Media, on the south of the Caspian Sea;] called by Kr the تُرْك [or Turks]; (M;) but accord. to the opinion commonly held by the genealogists, (TA,) they are said to be of the descendants of Dabbeh Ibn-Udd, whom some of the kings of the 'Ajam [or Persians] placed in those mountains [which their posterity inhabit], and who there multiplied: (T, TA:) or الدَّيْلَمُ is a surname of the Benoo-Dabbeh, (S, * K,) because of their blackness, (K,) or because they, or the generality of them, are دُلْم [pl. of أَدْلَمُ]. (S.) b7: [Hence, perhaps,] دَيْلَمٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) A calamity, or misfortune. (S, K.) A2: Also The male of the دُرَّاج [i. e. attagen, francolin, heath-cock, or rail]. (Ktr, Kr, S, M, K.) b2: And A species of [the bird called] the قَطَا: or the male thereof [like دَلْهَمٌ]. (K.) A3: Also The tree called سَلَام, (T, K,) which grows in the mountains. (T.) أَدْلَمُ, applied to a man (S, M, K) and an ass (S) and a lion (M, K) and a horse (TA) and a mountain (M, K) and a rock, (M,) Black: (S: [see also دَلَامٌ:]) or intensely black, and smooth: (M, K:) or, as some say, (so in the M, but accord. to the K “ and,”) i. q. آدَمُ [q. v.]: (M, K:) or, applied to a man, tall and black; and in like manner applied to a mountain, but as meaning, with smoothness, and not intensely black, in its rock: or, accord. to IAar, i. q. أَدْغَمُ [q. v.]: (T:) pl. دُلْمٌ, (S, TA,) which is also applied to mules as meaning black. (TA.) b2: Also A black serpent. (T.) b3: And i. q. أَرَنْدَجٌ [Black leather, or a black skin or hide]. (Sh, T, K.) So, accord. to Sh, in the saying of 'Antarah, وَلَقَدْ هَمَمْتُ بِغَارَةٍ فِى لَيْلَةٍ

سَوْدَآءَ حَالِكَةٍ كَلَوْنِ الأَدْلَمِ [And verily I purposed a hostile incursion in a night intensely black, like the colour of black leather]. (T.) b4: [Hence,] by way of comparison, one says لَيْلٌ أَدْلَمُ [meaning (assumed tropical:) Black, or intensely dark, night]. (TA.) b5: الدَّلْمَآءُ [fem. of الأَدْلَمُ] (assumed tropical:) The thirtieth night (K, TA) of the [lunar] month: because of its blackness. (TA.)


هتك 1 هتك He rent open. (K, S.)

b2: هتك اللّٰه سِتْرَهُ

God dishonour him: see سِتْرٌ.


One who rends frequently tents and the like: see بَابٌ.



1 ضَاحَ اللَّبَنَ: see 2, in two places.

A2: ضَاحَتِ البِلَادُ The tracts of land became vacant, (K, TA,) by reason of drought. (TA.) 2 ضيّح اللَّبَنَ, (S, O, K,) inf. n. تَضْيِيحٌ, (S,) He mixed the milk with water, (S, O, K,) so that it became ضَيْح; (S;) as also ضَوَّحَهُ, as heard by Az from an Arab of the desert; (TA;) and ↓ ضَاحَهُ, (O, K,) inf. n. ضَيْحٌ, but this last is said by IDrd to be obsolete: (O:) or ↓ ضَاحَهُ, inf. n. ضَيْحٌ, he poured water into it, it being thick, and then stirred it about until it became of a uniform consistence. (T, TA.) b2: And ضيّحهُ He gave him to drink thin milk, mixed with water, such as is termed ضَيْح; (S, K;) as also ضوّحهُ. (K.) 4 اضاح, said of the مُقْل [or fruit of the Theban palm] It became what is termed ضَيْح, and fit to be eaten. (O.) 5 تضّيح It (milk) became what is termed ضَيَاح; (K;) i. e. it was diluted with water, and stirred about until it became of a uniform consistence: and so any medicine, or poison. (TA.) b2: And He (a man) drank what is termed ضَيَاح. (K.) ضَيْحٌ and ↓ ضَيَاحٌ Thin milk, mixed (S, O, K, TA) with much water: the former expl. by As as meaning milk in which is much water: the latter expl. in the T as thick milk into which water is poured, and which is then stirred about until it becomes of a uniform consistence: also, both words, milk, whether it be fresh or such as is termed رَائِب [q. v.], upon which water is poured until it has become thin: and ↓ ضَيَاحٌ and ↓ مُضَيَّحٌ any medicine or poison having water poured into it, and then stirred about until it becomes of a uniform consistence: or, accord. to Lth, only milk is termed ضَيَاح. (TA.) [See an ex. voce خَضَارٌ.] b2: ضَيْحٌ also signifies Honey. (O, K.) b3: And Ripe مُقْل [or fruit of the Theban palm]: (O, K: [see 4:]) this is of the dial. of El-Yemen, universally. (O.) ضِيحٌ i. q. ضِحٌّ [q. v.]: (K:) ascribed by IDrd to the vulgar. (TA.) b2: Also an imitative sequent to ريح, (K,) [i. e.] a corroborative of ريح, (O,) in the phrase جَآءَ بِالرِّيحِ وَالضِّيحِ [expl. voce ضِحٌّ], and therefore having no meaning if used alone. (O, * TA.) ضَاحَةٌ The sight: (O, K:) one says, مَا أَجْوَدَ ضَاحَتَهُ [How good, or excellent, is his sight!]: (O:) or the eye. (K.) ضَيْحَةٌ A single drink, or draught, of thin milk, such as is termed ضَيْح. (TA.) ضَيَاحٌ: see ضَيْحٌ, in two places.

مُضَيَّحٌ: see ضَيْحٌ.

عَيْشٌ مَضْيُوحٌ (tropical:) A turbid life; syn. مَمْذُوقٌ. (Fr, O, K, TA.) مُتَضَيِّحٌ (tropical:) Coming to the watering-trough when most of the contents thereof has been drunk and there remains but little, mixed, (IAth, * O, K, TA,) and turbid; (IAth, TA;) this being likened to milk mixed with water: (TA:) or coming to water the last of the people. (AHeyth, TA.)



1 ضَبَطَهُ, (Lth, IDrd, S, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb, MS, PS,) or ـُ (TA, TK,) inf. n. ضَبْطٌ (IDrd, Msb, K) and ضَبَاطَةٌ, (K,) He kept it, preserved it, guarded it, maintained it, or took care of it, (Lth, S, Msb, K,) namely, a thing, (Lth, S,) with prudence, precaution, or good judgment, (Lth, S, K,) or effectually: (Msb:) and hence, (assumed tropical:) he managed its affairs (namely, the affairs of a country &c.,) thoroughly, soundly, not imperfectly: (Msb:) [he managed it; namely, an affair, and his soul or self, his disposition or temper, &c.:] he kept to it inseparably, or constantly; namely, anything: (Lth:) he took it, or held it, or retained it, strongly, vehemently, or firmly: (IDrd:) and ضَبَطَ عَلَيْهِ [has this last signification, likewise; or signifies simply he detained it, or withheld it, or restrained it, or the like;] i. q. حَبَسَهُ, namely a thing. (TA.) b2: فُلَانٌ لَا يَضْبُطُ عَمَلَهُ [or لا يَضْبِطُهُ] (tropical:) Such a one does not, or will not, act vigorously in his work, or employment, which is committed to him; syn. لَا يَقُومُ بِهِ. (TA.) And ضَبَطَ أَمْرَهُ [He managed his affair thoroughly, or well]. (A in art. بد, &c.) [And ضَبَطَ alone, He (a camel) was strong to work or labour: and he (a man and a camel) was strong, or powerful. (See the act. part. n.)] b3: هُوَ لَا يَضْبُطُ قِرَآءَتَهُ [or لا يَضْبِطُهَا] (tropical:) He does not, or will not, perform well [or accurately] his reading, or reciting. (TA.) b4: [ضَبَطَ لَفْظًا, or كَلِمَةً, (assumed tropical:) He fixed the pronunciation of a word; by adding the syllabical signs, which mode is termed ضَبْطٌ بِالشَّكْلِ, and بِالحَرَكَاتِ, and بِالقَلَمِ; or by stating it to be similar in form, or measure, to another word which is too well known to admit of doubt, which mode is termed ضَبْطٌ بِمِثَالٍ; or by adding the measure, which mode is termed ضَبْطٌ بِوَزْنٍ.] b5: ضَبَطَ also signifies (assumed tropical:) He registered, or recorded, [a name, or] a matter of science, [or any other thing,] in a book or the like; syn. قَيَّدَ; (L in art. قيد;) i. q. أَحْصَى; (Jel in xxxvi. 11, and Bd and Jel in lxxviii.

29;) and كَتَبَ. (Bd in lxxviii. 29.) b6: ضَبَطَهُ وَجَعٌ (tropical:) A pain seized him. (TA.) b7: ضُبِطَتِ الأَرْضُ (tropical:) The land was rained upon. (IAar, K, TA.) [See also مَضْبُوطٌ.]

A2: ضَبِطَ, aor. ـَ (S, Msb,) inf. n. ضَبَطٌ, (Msb,) He was, or became, ambidextrous; he worked with each of his hands. (S, Msb.) IDrd knew not this verb. (TA.) 5 تضبّطهُ He took it with detention and force. (K, TA.) b2: تضبّطت الضَّأْنُ The sheep obtained somewhat of herbage: or hastened, or were quick, in pasturing, and became strong (K, TA) and fat. (TA.) The Arabs say, إِذَا تَضَبِّطَتِ الضَّأْنُ شَبِعَتِ الإِبِلُ [When the sheep obtain somewhat of herbage, or hasten, &c., the camels become satiated with food]: for the former are called the smaller camels, because they eat more than goats; and when the former become satiated with food, men [and camels] live [in plenty], by reason of the abundance of the herbage. (IAar.) ضَبْطٌ inf. n. of 1. b2: [It is often used as signifying (assumed tropical:) Exactness; correctness; honesty; and faithfulness: and particularly in an author or a relater.]

الضَّبْطَةُ A certain game of the Arabs; (K, TA;) also called المَسَّةُ and الطَّرِيدَةُ. (TA. [See the last of these words.]) رَجُلٌ ضَبَّاطٌ لِلْأُمُورِ (assumed tropical:) A man having much care, prudence, or precaution, [or good judgment,] with respect to [the management of] affairs; (TA;) [a man who manages affairs with much care, &c.]

ضَبَنْطًى: see the next paragraph.

ضَابِطٌ [Keeping, preserving, guarding, maintaining, or taking care of, a thing, with prudence, precaution, or good judgment, or effectually: (see 1:) and hence,] (assumed tropical:) one who manages his affairs with prudence, precaution, or good judgment; or soundly, taking the sure course therein, and exercising caution, or care, that they may not become beyond his power of management: (S, TA:) [keeping to anything inseparably, or constantly: (see, again, 1:)] taking, holding, or retaining, a thing strongly, vehemently, or firmly; applied to a man; as also ↓ ضَبَنْطًى: (IDrd:) or the latter of these, (S,) which is like حَبَنْطًُى, (K, [in some copies of the K erroneously written without tenween,]) the ن being augmentative, to render the word quasi-coordinate to سَفَرْجَلٌ; (S;) or both; applied to a man and to a camel; (K;) strong, or powerful: (S, K:) or [a man] great in might, or valour, and power, and body: (T, TA:) and the former, a camel strong to work or labour: and in like manner, applied to a man, ضَابِطُ الأُمُورِ (tropical:) the strong [and resolute or firm-minded] in the performance or management of affairs. (TA.) See also أَضْبَطُ. b2: [It often signifies (assumed tropical:) Exact; correct; or accurate; (like مُحَقِّقٌ, with which it is said to be syn. in Har p. 254;) and honest; and faithful: and particularly as applied to an author or a relater.]

A2: As a conventional term, ضَابِطٌ, (Msb in art. قعد,) or ↓ ضَابِطَةٌ, pl. ضَوَابِطُ, (TA,) is syn. with قَاعِدَةٌ, (Msb, TA,) signifying (assumed tropical:) A universal, or general, rule, or canon: (Msb:) or a ضابط is one that comprises subdivisions of one class only; whereas a قاعدة comprises [sometimes] subdivisions of various classes. (Kull, p. 290.) ضَابِطَةٌ A place in land, or in the ground, to which the rain-water flows, and which retains it; syn. مَسَّاكَةٌ. (TA.) A2: See also ضَابِطٌ, last sentence.

أَضْبَطُ [More, and most, strong, or firm, of hold]. It is said in a prov., أَضْبَطُ مِنْ ذَرَّةٍ [More strong, or firm, of hold than a little ant]: because it drags along a thing several times larger than itself, and sometimes both fall from a high place, and the ant does not let go the thing. (K.) and أَضْبَطُ مِنْ عَائِشَةَ بْنِ عَثْمٍ; (K;) so accord. to Hamzeh and Abu-n-Nedà; but accord. to ElMundhiree, عَابِسَة; (Sgh;) [More strong, or firm, of hold than 'Áïsheh the son of 'Athm; or than 'Ábiseh;] because he laid hold of the tail of a young she-camel, and pulled her by it out of a well into which she had fallen. (K.) And أَضْبَطُ مِنَ الأَعْمَى [More strong, or firm, of hold than the blind]. (TA.) b2: Ambidextrous; who works with each of his hands; (S, Mgh, Msb;) i. q. أَعْسَرُ يَسَرٌ; (Mgh, Msb;) who works with his left hand like as he works with his right; an explanation given by the Prophet; as also that next following; (AO, TA;) who works with both his hands: (AO, K:) fem. ضَبْطَآءُ. (S.) b3: الأَضْبَطُ The lion; (K;) who makes use of his left paw like as he makes use of his right; but some say that he is so called because he seizes his prey vehemently, and it hardly, or never, escapes from him; (TA;) as also ↓ الضّابِطُ. (K.) ضَبْطَآءُ is also applied as an epithet to a lioness; and to a she-camel. (TA.) مَضْبُوطٌ [pass. part. n. of ضَبَطَ in all its senses. b2: In the present day often used as signifying Well-regulated; exact; correct; honest; and faithful.] Applied to a book, or writing, (tropical:) Having its defects, faults, or imperfections, rectified. (TA.) [Applied to a word, (assumed tropical:) Having its pronunciation fixed, by any of the means described above in one of the explanations of the verb.] b3: بَلَدٌ مَضْبُوطٌ بِالمَطَرِ (tropical:) A country covered by the rain: so in the A: in the O, أَرْضٌ مَضْبُوطَةٌ (tropical:) land rained upon in common, or throughout its whole extent. (TA.) [See also 1, near the end of the paragraph.]



1 ضَخُمَ, [aor. ـُ (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. ضِخَمٌ, (S, Msb, TA,) accord. to the copies of the K ضَخْمٌ, but this is wrong, (TA,) and ضَخَامَةٌ, (S, Msb, K,) It, or he, was, or became, large, big, bulky, (S, * Msb, K,) or thick: (S:) or large in body, portly, or corpulent, and fleshy. (K.) 4 اضخم لَهُ (Ibn-'Abbád and K * voce أَدْلَفَ) [i. q. أَغْلَظَ لَهُ] (assumed tropical:) He spoke to him in a rough, harsh, coarse, rude, uncivil, or ungentle, manner. (TK in art. دلف.) ضَخْمٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ ضَخَمٌ (K) and ↓ ضُخَامٌ (S, K) and ↓ أَضْخَمُ, (K,) which last is also with teshdeed of the final letter, (S, K,) i. e. ↓ أضْخَمُّ, in poetry, (S, TA,) for there is no word [properly] of the measure أَفْعَلُّ, and IJ mentions ↓ إِضْخَمٌّ, [evidently in the same sense,] like إِرْدَبٌّ [in measure], (TA,) Large, big, bulky, (S, * Msb, K,) or thick; (S;) applied to a thing (Msb, K) of any kind: (K:) or large in body, portly, or corpulent, and fleshy: (K:) pl. ضخَامٌ; (S, Msb;) like سِهَامٌ pl. of سَهْمٌ: (Msb:) fem. ضَخْمَةٌ, (S, Msb,) applied to a woman; (Msb;) pl. ضَخْمَاتٌ, with the خ quiescent, (S, Msb,) because it is an epithet. (S.) See also مِضْخَمٌ. b2: It was said to a man, إِنَّ لَكَ لَخَيْرٌ [app. meaning “ Verily thou hast wealth ”]; and he replied, أَجَلْ خَيْرٌ ضَخْمُ العُنُقِ [app., (tropical:) Yea, large wealth]; which is tropical. (TA.) and one says, لَهُ سُودَدٌ ضَخْمٌ (assumed tropical:) [He has great lordship or dignity], and شَرَفٌ ضَخْمٌ [great nobility], and شَأْنٌ َضَخْمٌ [great importance or rank]. (TA.) b3: ضَخْمٌ applied to a road means (tropical:) Wide. (K, TA.) b4: And applied to water, (tropical:) Heavy. (K, TA.) ضَخَمٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

ضِخَمَّةٌ, applied to a woman, (tropical:) Very wide, or wide and fat, (عَرِيضَةٌ أَرِيضَةٌ,) and soft, or tender. (K, TA.) ضُخَامٌ: see ضَخْمٌ.

أَضْخَمُ: see ضَخْمٌ. b2: One says [also], هٰذَا

أَضْخَمُ مِنْهُ [This is larger, bigger, &c., than it, or he]. (S.) أَضْخَمُّ and إِضْخَمٌّ: see ضَخْمٌ.

أُضْخُومَةٌ A woman's عِظَامَة [or thing resembling a pillow], (S, K, TA,) with which she makes herself [to appear] large behind her waist [or posteriors]. (TA.) مِضْخَمٌ, as an epithet applied to a chief, or lord, (tropical:) Noble, and portly, or corpulent; (K, TA;) as also ↓ ضَخْمٌ. (TA.) b2: And, applied to a man, (TA,) (tropical:) Vehement in dashing himself against another; and in striking, or beating. (K, TA.)



1 غَاثَ: see 4.

A2: [And see also غَوِيثٌ.]2 غوّث, (S, K,) inf. n. تَغْوِيثٌ; (K;) and ↓ استغاث; (TA;) He cried out, (TA,) and said, (S, K,) ↓ وَا غَوْثَاهُ (S, K, TA) [Alas! a cry for aid, or succour! also pronounced وا غَوْثَاهِ (accord. to one of my copies of the S) and وا غَوْثَاهْ]. Yousay, ضُرِبَ فُلَانٌ فَغَوَّثَ Such a one was beaten, and cried وا غوثاه. (TA.) This is declared by the leading grammarians to be the primary signification of غوّث: then they used it as meaning He cried out, or called, desiring, or demanding, aid, or succour. (MF.) A2: See also غَوِيثٌ.4 اغاثهُ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِغَاثَةٌ (Msb, K) and ↓ مَغُوثَةٌ [which is anomalous], (K,) He aided, or succoured, him; (Msb;) He (i. e. God, Msb) removed from him trouble, or affliction: (Msb, TA:) ↓ غَاثَهُ, aor. ـِ is used in the sense of اغاثهُ, but is rare, and is said [by some] to be from الغَيْثُ, not الإِغَاثَةُ: غاثهُ, aor. ـُ is mentioned by Az as not heard by him from any one; but ISd mentions غاثهُ, inf. n. غَوْثٌ and غِيَاثٌ, though saying that اغاثهُ is more approved. (TA.) And one says also, أَغَاثَنَا المَطَرُ (assumed tropical:) [The rain gave us relief]. (Msb.) 6 تَغَاوَثُوا, accord. to Freytag, appears to be used in the Deewán of the Hudhalees as signifying They said, one to another, وَا غَوْثَاهُ: A2: and تغاوث as syn. with أَغَاثَ.]10 استغاثهُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) and استغاث بِهِ, (O, Msb, TA,) the latter disallowed by some, but used by Sb, (TA,) He sought, desired, or demanded, aid, or succour, of, or by means of, him, or it; he sought, &c., [or called for,] his aid, or succour. (O, MF, TA.) b2: See also 2.

[Hence, استغاث العُودُ (assumed tropical:) The lute sent forth plaintive sounds: a modern phrase.]

غَوْثٌ and ↓ غُوَاثٌ and ↓ غَوَاثٌ, (S, K,) the last deviating from the common course of speech, (K, TA,) with respect to analogy, as will be seen from what follows, (TA,) A cry for aid, or succour. (S, K, KL, PS.) One says, أَجَابَ اللّٰهُ

↓ دُعَآءَهُ وغُوَاثَهُ and ↓ غَوَاثَهُ [God answered his prayer, and his cry for aid]. (Fr, S.) ↓ غَوَاثٌ is said by Fr to be the only word significant of a sound, or cry, having fet-h [to the first letter]; other words of this kind being with damm, as بُكَآءٌ and دُعَآءٌ, or with kesr, as نِدَآءٌ and صِيَاحٌ. (S.) See also 2. b2: And see غِيَاثٌ.

غَوَاثٌ: see غَوْثٌ, in three places: b2: and see also غِيَاثٌ. b3: In the dial. of Himyer it signifies (assumed tropical:) Travelling-provision. (TA.) غُوَاثٌ: see غَوْثٌ, in two places: b2: and see also the paragraph here following.

غِيَاثٌ, (S, Msb, K, &c.,) in which the و is changed into ى because of the kesreh preceding it, (S,) a form disapproved by some of the lexicographers, but several others assign to it priority, (MF,) a subst. from أَغَاثَهُ, (S, Msb, K, &c.,) as also ↓ غَوَاثٌ, ascribed by Ibn-Hajar to the majority, and ↓ غُوَاثٌ, mentioned on the authority of Aboo-Dharr, (MF,) and ↓ غَوْثٌ; (Msb;) signifying Aid, or succour; (Msb;) or deliverance from difficulty, distress, or adversity, and [from] revenge; and aid to release from difficulties, distresses, or adverse circumstances. (MF.) In the T, الغِيَاثُ is expl. as signifying That with which God aids, or succours, one. (TA.) b2: And غِيَاثٌ signifies also An aider, or a succourer: you say, فُلَانٌ غِيَاثُنَا Such a one is our aider, or succourer; i. q. ↓ مُغِيثُنَا: (TA in art. نور:) and God is said to be غِيَاثُ المُسْتَغِيثِينَ [The Aider of the seekers of aid]. (O.) b3: [Hence,] أُمُّ غِيَاثٍ is a name for (assumed tropical:) The cooking-pot. (T in art. ام.) غَوِيثٌ Food, or other succour, with which one aids a person in necessity. (O, K.) A2: Also, (O, K,) in one copy of the K ↓ تَغْوِيثٌ, (TA,) [both perhaps inf. ns., the former like دَبِيبٌ &c.,] Vehemence of running (شِدَّةُ عَدْوٍ). (O, K.) مُغِيثٌ: see غِيَاثٌ, last sentence but one.

مَغُوثَةٌ, an [anomalous] inf. n.: see 4.

مَغَاوِثُ Waters: (O, K:) said to be one of those plurals that have no singulars. (TA.) يَغُوثُ A certain idol which belonged to [the tribe of] Medhhij: (Zj, ISd, K, TA:) or a certain good man, who lived between [the times of] Adam and Noah, and of whom, after his death, was made an image, which, after a long time, became an object of worship; like وَدٌّ and سُوَاعٌ and يَغُوقُ and نَسْرٌ, mentioned therewith in the Kur lxxi. 22 and 23. (Bd.)



1 غَضَفَهُ, (S, O, K,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. غَضْفٌ, (TA,) He broke it, namely, a branch, or stick, or the like, (S, O, K, TA,) and a thing, (TA,) but not thoroughly. (S, O, TA.) [See also 2.]

b2: And غَضَفَ أُذُنَهَ, (S, O, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (S, O,) He (a dog) relaxed his ear, and folded, or creased, it: (S, O, K, TA:) [see, again, 2:] or غَضَفَ أُذُنَهَ, inf. n. غَضْفَانٌ and غَضَفَانٌ, he (a dog) twisted his ear: and in like manner one says of the wind, [غَضَفَتْهَا,] i. e. it twisted it. (TA.) And غضَف الوِسَادَةَ He folded the pillow [so as to make creases in it]. (Ham p. 785. [But perhaps this is correctly ↓ غضّف: comp. its quasi-pass., 5.]) b3: غَضَفَتْ said of [wild] she-asses, (O,) or of a she-ass, (K,) aor. as above, (O, TA,) and so the inf. n., (TA,) signifies أَخَذَتِ الجَرْىَ أَخْذًا [as though meaning They, or she, restrained the running, i. e. their, or her, running; agreeably with what here follows]: (O, K, TA:) غَضَفَ, [for غَضَفَ مِنَ الجَرْىِ,] said of a horse &c., means he lessened, lit. took from, the rate of the running, (أَخَذَ مِنَ الجَرْىِ,) without reckoning: (L, TA:) Umeiyeh Ibn-Abee- 'Áïdh El-Hudhalee says, يَغُضُّ وَيَغْضِفْنَ مِنْ رَيِّقٍ (O, TA) meaning He (the ass) withholds somewhat of his running, (يَكُفُّ بَعْضَ جَرْيِهِ,) and they (the she-asses) lessen, lit. take from, the [or rather a] first, or former, rate of their running, (يَأْخُذْنَ

أَخْذًا مِنْ أَوَّلِ جَرْيِهِنَّ,) without reckoning: (Skr: see Kosegarten's “ Carmina Hudsailitarum,” p.

189:) Skr says, in explanation of the citation above from Umeiyeh, that غَضْفٌ signifies the act of taking and lading out [with the hand] (أَخْذٌ and غَرْفٌ); and on one occasion he says, the taking easily; [adding,] one says, غَضَفَ فُلَانٌ مِنْ طَعَامٍ لَيِّنٍ [Such a one took, or laded out with his hand, from soft food]. (TA.) A2: غَضَفَ العَيْشُ, inf. n. غُضُوفٌ, The life was soft, or easy, and plentiful. (TA.) A3: غَضِفَ, [aor. ـَ inf. n. غَضَفٌ,] He (a dog, S) was, or became, relaxed, or flabby, in the ear. (S, K, TA.) And غَضِفَتِ الأُذُنُ, inf. n. غَضَفٌ, is said to mean The ear was, or became, long and relaxed or flabby: or it advanced upon the face: or it retired towards the head: or its extremities folded upon the inner part thereof: or, in a dog, it turned towards the back of the neck: or it became folded, or creased, naturally. (TA.) [See also غَضَفٌ, below: and see 7.] b2: غَضِفَ اللَّيْلُ: see 4.2 غضّفهُ, inf. n. تَغْضِيفٌ, He broke it. (TA.) [See also 1, first signification.] b2: تَغْضِيفٌ signifies also The making [a thing] to hang down. (O, K.) b3: See also 1, third signification.4 اغضف اللَّيْلُ The night became dark and black; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ غَضِفَ, inf. n. غَضَفٌ. (S.) b2: اغضفت السَّمَآءُ The sky became clouded, and prepared to rain. (O, * K, * TA.) b3: اغضفت النَّخْلُ The palm-trees had many branches, and bad fruit: (K, TA:) or became laden, or heavily laden, with fruit; or abounded therewith. (O, K, TA.) b4: And اغضف العَطَنُ The usual abidingplace of camels, or cattle, or their place of lying down at, or around, the water or watering-trough, had many thereof. (K.) 5 تغضّف It broke, or became broken; as also ↓ انغضف. (TA.) b2: And تَغَضُّفٌ signifies The being, or becoming, creased, or wrinkled; (O, K, TA;) like تَغَيُّفٌ. (TA.) And تَغَضَّفَ He, or it, inclined, and bent, and became folded, or creased, much, or in several places, syn. مَالَ, and تَثَنَّى, and تَكَسَّرَ, (S, O, K, *) عَلَيْهِ upon him, or it. (S, O.) And تغضّفت الحَيَّةُ The serpent twisted, or coiled, itself. (O, K.) b3: نغضّفت البِئْرُ The sides of the well fell in ruins, or became demolished: (S, O, K:) the well collapsed, or broke down, عَلَى

فُلَانٍ upon such one, who had descended into it; (O;) as also ↓ انغضفت. (O, K.) b4: تغضّف عَلَيْنَا اللَّيْلُ The night covered us. (O, K.) b5: تغضّفت عَلَيْنَا الدُّنْيَا The world became abundant to us in its good things; and favourable to us. (O, K.) 7 إِنْغَضَفَ see 5, in two places. b2: انغضفت أُذُنُهُ His ear became folded, or creased, not naturally. (TA.) [See also 1, near the end.] b3: انغضف الضَّبَابُ The ضباب [or thin clouds, like smoke,] overlay one another. (TA.) b4: انغضفوا فِى الغُبَارِ They entered into the dust, or raised and spreading dust. (S, O, K.) غَضْفٌ: see غَضَفٌ.

غُضْفٌ [written by Golius غُضُفٌ]: see غَضَفَةٌ.

غَضَفٌ [inf. n. of غَضِفَ (q. v.): and, as a simple subst.,] Laxness, or flabbiness, in the ear: (S, O, K:) or, as in the T, a laxness, or flabbiness, of the upper part [of each] of the two ears, upon, or over, the concha thereof, by reason of its width and its largeness: (TA:) Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybánee says, after citing a verse of Abu-n-Nejm, describing a lion, that it signifies a twisting, in the ear, backwards: accord. to ISh, it is, in the lion, a laxness, or pendulousness, of the upper eyelids, upon the eyes; arising from anger and pride: (O:) and he says that, accord. to some, it is, in the lion, abundance of the fur, and a folding, or creasing, of the skin. (TA.) And one says, [app. in relation to the lion,] ↓ فِى أَشْفَارِهِ غَضْفٌ and غَضَفٌ [app. In the edges of his upper eyelids is a laxness, or pendulousness]; both meaning the same. (TA.) b2: Also Softness, or easiness, and plentifulness, of life: (S:) like غَطَفٌ. (O in art. غطف.) A2: And A species of tree in India, exactly like the palm-tree, (Lth, O, K,) except that (K) its fruit-stones are divested of covering, without a لِحَآء [or pulpy pericarp], and from its lowest to its uppermost part it has green سَعَف [or branches like those of the palm-tree], (Lth, O, K,) covered [thereby]: (Lth, O:) AHn says, it is a plant resembling the palm-tree exactly, (O, L, TA,) but not growing tall, (TA,) having many سَعَف, and prickles, and [leaves such as are termed] خُوص, of the hardest sort, whereof are made large [receptacles of the kind called] جِلَال [pl. of جُلَّةٌ], that serve for sacks, goods being carried in them by land and by sea; (O, L, TA;) it produces from its head unripe dates of disagreeable flavour, not eaten; and, he says, of its خُوص are made mats like carpets, (L, TA,) called سِمَام, pl. of سُمَّةٌ [q. v.], (L,) one of which may be spread for twenty years. (L, TA.) A3: See also the next paragraph, in two places.

غَضَفَةٌ A certain bird: or a قَطَاة [or sandgrouse]: (IDrd, O, K:) or the قَطَاة termed جُونِيَّة: pl. ↓ غَضَفٌ [or rather this, if correct, is a coll. gen. n.]: J says that ↓ الغَضَفُ [thus in the TA, but in my and other copies of the S ↓ الغُضْفُ, for which Golius appears to have found الغُضُفُ,] signifies القَطَا الجُونُ; but IB says that it is correctly القطا الجُونِىُّ. (TA. [See جُونِىٌّ: and particularly what is said at the end of the paragraph thus headed.]) A2: Also An [eminence of the kind called] أَكَمَة. (O, K, TA. [For اكمة, in this case, the TK has most strangely substituted اكمه, meaning أَكْمَهُ, for it explains it as signifying “ blind from the birth; ” and this, though an obvious mistake, Freytag asserts to be the right reading and explanation.]) غَاضِفٌ: see أَغْضَفُ, in two places. b2: Also [applied to a man] Soft, or easy, and plentiful, in his circumstances. (S, O, K.) أَغْضَفُ, applied to a dog, Relaxed, or flabby, in the ear; pl. غُضْفٌ; (S, O, K;) occurring in a verse of Dhu-r-Rummeh, cited voce عَذَبٌ; (O, TA;) and the fem. غَضْفَآءُ is applied [to a bitch, and] to an ear: (TA:) or a dog having the upper part of his ear folded, or creased, backwards; and ↓ غَاضِفٌ when it is forwards. (IAar, O, K.) And hence [the pl.] غُضْفٌ, as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant, is used as an appellation for Dogs of the chase. (TA.) b2: Applied to a lion, Having the ear folded, or creased; (Hr, O, K;) denoting a quality that renders him more abominable: (Hr, O:) or relaxed, or pendulous, in the ears: (O, K:) or whose upper eyelids are lax, or pendulous, upon his eyes, by reason of anger or pride; (K, TA;) so says ISh. (TA.) And accord. to Lth, A beast of prey whose upper part of his ear is folded, or creased, and the lower part thereof relaxed, or pendulous. (TA.) And the fem., غَضْفَآءُ, A she-goat whose extremities of her ears descend low, by reason of their length. (IA.) b3: Also Anything bending, folding, or creasing, and relaxed, flabby, or pendulous: fem. as above. (TA.) And ↓ مُغْضِفٌ is like أَغْضَفُ, (TA.) b4: And الأَغْضَفُ is one of the names of The lion (TA.) b5: سَهْمٌ أَغْضَفُ An arrow of which the feathers are thick; (S, O, K;) contr. of أَصْمَعُ, (S, O.) b6: لَيْلٌ أَغْضَفُ A night that is dark (S, O, K) and black; (S, O;) covering with its dark ness. (TA.) b7: عَيْشٌ أَغْضَفُ A soft, or an easy, and plentiful, life; as also ↓ غَاضِفٌ (S, O, K:) like

أَغْطَفُ. (S and O in art. غطف) And سَنَةٌ غَضْفَآءُ A fruitful, or plentiful, year. (TA.) مُغْضِفٌ: see أَغْضَفُ, latter half. b2: Applied to palm-trees (نَخْلٌ), Having many branches, and bad fruit; (O, TA;) thus without ة; (O;) and also with ة. (TA. [See also its verb.]) b3: and ثَمَرَةٌ مُغْضِفَةٌ A fruit that has become flaccid, but not completely ripe: (O:) or nearly, but not yet, ripe: (Sh, TA:) or whereof the goodness has not become apparent: or, accord. to AA, hanging upon its tree, flaccid. (TA.)
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