Q. 1 فَرْشَحَ, inf. n. فَرْشَحَةٌ (S, K) and فَرْشَحَى, (K,) He (a man, S) parted his legs; (K:) or he parted his legs in sitting; and so فَرْشَطَ: (Lh, S:) or he spread his legs wide apart: (A 'Obeyd, TA:) and he stood with his legs wide apart in prayer; (Ks, S;) and so فرشح رِجْلَيْهِ: (S:) or he sat in a relaxed state, with his thighs cleaving to the ground; (K;) and so فَرْشَطَ: (TA:) or he leaped, or jumped; (K;) or made short leaps or jumps. (TA.) And فَرْشَحَتْ, (S, L, and so in some copies of the K,) or ↓ تَفَرْشَحَتْ, (thus in other copies of the K, and thus in the CK,) She (a camel) parted her kind legs to be milked (S, L, K) and to stale. (L.) Q. 2 تَفَرْشَحَتْ: see what immediately precedes.فِرْشَاحٌ A broad, or wide, land: (K, TA:) accord. to the K, syn. with فِرْسَاحٌ; but Sh says that the latter is a mistranscription; the former being the correct word, from فَرْشَحَ فِى جِلْسَتِهِ: and Az mentions the latter as from the JM, but not found by him as on trustworthy authority. (TA in art. فرسح.) b2: And A spreading, or wide, solid hoof. (S, K.) b3: And Clouds (سَحَاب) in which is no rain. (K.) b4: And An unseemly, or ugly, and old, woman, and she-camel. (K.) الفِرْشِيحُ (tropical:) The penis: (K, TA:) a tropical term. (TA.)