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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2503. ضرم15 2504. ضرو5 2505. ضَعٌّ1 2506. ضعف20 2507. ضعو4 2508. ضغث182509. ضغط17 2510. ضغن17 2511. ضف4 2512. ضفدع10 2513. ضفر17 2514. ضفو10 2515. ضل5 2516. ضلع17 2517. ضم6 2518. ضمحل6 2519. ضمحن4 2520. ضمخ13 2521. ضمد15 2522. ضمر16 2523. ضمن18 2524. ضن5 2525. ضنأ8 2526. ضنك17 2527. ضنو2 2528. ضنى3 2529. ضهأ8 2530. ضهب11 2531. ضهد10 2532. ضهضب2 2533. ضهو4 2534. ضهى3 2535. ضهيأ1 2536. ضو1 2537. ضوأ13 2538. ضوح3 2539. ضود4 2540. ضور13 2541. ضوز8 2542. ضوض3 2543. ضوع13 2544. ضوف5 2545. ضوم4 2546. ضون7 2547. ضوى3 2548. ضيح11 2549. ضير14 2550. ضيز10 2551. ضيع16 2552. ضيف21 2553. ضيق15 2554. ضيل8 2555. ضيم11 2556. ط7 2557. طأ1 2558. طب5 2559. طباهج1 2560. طبخ14 2561. طبرزذ7 2562. طبع19 2563. طبق17 2564. طبل13 2565. طبن11 2566. طبو6 2567. طجن12 2568. طح2 2569. طحل12 2570. طحلب12 2571. طحم9 2572. طحن16 2573. طخو3 2574. طدو2 2575. طر4 2576. طرأ13 2577. طرب18 2578. طربل10 2579. طرث10 2580. طرح17 2581. طرد17 2582. طرز17 2583. طرس16 2584. طرش14 2585. طرط7 2586. طرطب9 2587. طرف21 2588. طرق20 2589. طرمح5 2590. طرمذ6 2591. طرو7 2592. طس5 2593. طست10 2594. طسق8 2595. طسوج1 2596. طش3 2597. طشت3 2598. طعم18 2599. طعن16 2600. طغم12 2601. طغو6 2602. طف5 Prev. 100




1 ضَغَثَ الشَّىْءَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. ضَغْثٌ, He collected together the thing: whence ضِغْثٌ signifying

“ a handful of herbs &c. ” (Msb.) See also 2. b2: And [hence,] ضَغَثَ الحَدِيثَ, (A, K,) aor. as above, (K,) and so the inf. n., (S,) (tropical:) He confused, or confounded, [or related in a confused manner,] the tradition, or story, or the like. (S, A, K) b3: And ضَغَثَ الثَّوْبَ (tropical:) He washed the garment, or piece of cloth, without cleansing it, (O, K, TA,) so that it remained in a dubious state. (TA.) A2: ضَغَثَ السَّنَامَ, aor. as above, (K,) and so the inf. n., (S,) He felt the camel's hump in order to know whether it were fat or not: (S, K:) and ضَغَثَهَا he felt her [i. e. a she-camel] for that purpose. (TA.) A3: ضَغَثَ, accord. to the K, [and the O, as on the authority of Fr,] is also said of a وَرَل, meaning It uttered a cry: but this is correctly with ب [i. e. ضَغَبَ]. (TA.) 2 ضغّث النَّبَاتَ He made the plants, or herbage, what are termed أَضْعَاث [pl. of ضِعْثٌ]. (A, TA.) b2: [Hence,] ضغّث رَأْسَهُ (assumed tropical:) He poured water upon his head, and then divided the hair with his fingers into separate handfuls, in order that the water might reach to the skin. (L, TA.) [But see what follows.] It is said in a trad. of 'Áïsheh, كَانَتْ تُضَغِّثُ رَأْسَهَا, (TA,) or رأسها ↓ تَضْغَثُ, (so in the JM,) meaning She used to rub about the hair of her head with her hand, in washing, as though mixing it together, in order that the water with which she washed might enter into it. (TA.) 4 اضغث الرُّؤْيَا, said of a dreamer, (tropical:) He related the dream confusedly. (A, TA.) 8 اضطغث ضِغْثًا He collected a handful of herbage, fresh and dry mixed together. (K.) ضَغْثٌ The state of a thing's being confused, one part with another. (TA.) ضِغْثٌ A handful of herbs, (AHn, S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) mixed together, (S, A, Msb, K,) fresh and dry: (S, Msb, K:) or a handful of twigs of trees or shrubs; (Mgh, * Msb;) or of fruit-stalks of the raceme of a palm-tree: (Mgh, Msb:) originally, a number of twigs all having one root or stem: and afterwards applied to what is collected together: (Msb:) or a thing that one collects together, such as a bundle of [the species of trefoil called] رَطْبَة; and of what has a stem, and grows tall: (Fr, TA:) or whatever is collected together, and grasped with the hand: (AHeyth, TA:) or a bundle of herbs mixed together; or of firewood: pl. أَضْغَاثٌ. (TA.) In the Kur xxxviii. 43, it is said to mean A bundle of rushes (أَسَل, so in the Mgh and the O, in my copy of the Msb اثل [which I think a mistranscription, on account of what follows]), a hundred in number, (O, Msb,) consisting of slender stalks without leaves, (Mgh, Msb,) whereof mats are made. (Msb.) See also a prov. cited and expl. voce

إِلَالَةٌ. Hence, in a trad., ضِغْثَانِ مِنْ نَارٍ, meaning (tropical:) Two bundles of lighted firewood. (TA.) And, in another trad., مِنْهُمُ الآخِذُ الضِّغْثَ, meaning (assumed tropical:) Among them is he who obtains somewhat of worldly goods. (TA.) b2: Also (assumed tropical:) What is confused, and without truth, or reality, [of dreams, and] of news, or tidings, and of an affair. (Sh, TA.) أَضْغَاثُ أَحْلَامٍ, [occurring in the Kur xii. 44 and xxi. 5,] of which the sing. is ضِغْثُ حُلْمٍ, (Msb,) means (tropical:) Complications of dreams; (A;) or medleys of dreams, falsely resembling true dreams: (O, Msb:) or a dream of which the interpretation will not prove true, because of its confusedness: (ISh, S, K:) or a false dream; the pl. form being used to give emphasis to the meaning of unreality, or because the phrase comprehends various things: (Bd in xii. 44:) or أَضْغَاثُ الرُّؤْيَا means the terrors, or frightful things, of the dream. (Mujáhid, O, TA.) One says also, أَتَانَا بِأَضْغَاثٍ

مِنَ الأَخْبَارِ, meaning (tropical:) He brought us [various] sorts of news, or tidings. (TA.) ضِغْثٌ means also (assumed tropical:) A deed that is of a mixed kind, not pure, or not sincere. (IAth and O, from a trad.) and كَلَامٌ ضِغْثٌ (assumed tropical:) Speech in which is no good: pl. أَضْغَاثٌ. (TA.) ضَغُوثٌ, applied to a she-camel, i. q. ضَبُوثٌ; (S, K;) i. e. Of which one doubts whether she be fat, and which one therefore feels with his hand; (S;) or of which one feels the hump, in order to know whether she be fat or not: pl. ضُغْثٌ. (TA.) and A camel's hump of which one doubts whether it be fat or not. (Kr, TA.) ضَغِيثَةٌ A confused company of men. (O.) ضَاغِثٌ One who hides himself in a thicket or the like, and frightens boys by a sound reiterated in his fauces: (S:) the author of the K, following Sgh in the TS and O, and Az in the T, says that this is a mistake, and that the word is correctly written with ب [i. e. ضَاغِبٌ]; but IF and IM and others write it as in the S. (TA.) تَضْغِيثٌ Rain that moistens the earth and the herbage. (K.)
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