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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2309. شيع18 2310. شيف5 2311. شيق8 2312. شيل5 2313. شيم16 2314. شين112315. شيه6 2316. ص6 2317. صأب9 2318. صأك6 2319. صأى3 2320. صب4 2321. صبأ12 2322. صبح20 2323. صبر21 2324. صبع15 2325. صبغ19 2326. صبن12 2327. صبو8 2328. صح3 2329. صحب15 2330. صحر16 2331. صحف20 2332. صحل9 2333. صحم7 2334. صحن15 2335. صحو11 2336. صخ4 2337. صخب12 2338. صخد11 2339. صخر13 2340. صخم4 2341. صد5 2342. صدأ14 2343. صدح12 2344. صدر22 2345. صدع20 2346. صدغ16 2347. صدف20 2348. صدق20 2349. صدل6 2350. صدم16 2351. صدن8 2352. صدو3 2353. صدى9 2354. صر6 2355. صرب14 2356. صرج11 2357. صرح19 2358. صرخ12 2359. صرد18 2360. صرط13 2361. صرع16 2362. صرف27 2363. صرم20 2364. صرى7 2365. صطب9 2366. صعب15 2367. صعتر6 2368. صعد21 2369. صعر18 2370. صعط5 2371. صعق17 2372. صعل11 2373. صعلك13 2374. صعو9 2375. صغر18 2376. صغو7 2377. صف5 2378. صفح19 2379. صفد15 2380. صفر21 2381. صفرد6 2382. صفط2 2383. صفع11 2384. صفق19 2385. صفن21 2386. صفو13 2387. صقب13 2388. صقر17 2389. صقع15 2390. صقل14 2391. صك3 2392. صكم10 2393. صل5 2394. صلب19 2395. صلت14 2396. صلح17 2397. صلخ10 2398. صلد17 2399. صلط7 2400. صلع16 2401. صلغ14 2402. صلف17 2403. صلق16 2404. صلم17 2405. صلهب6 2406. صلو9 2407. صلى8 2408. صم4 Prev. 100




1 شَانَهُ, aor. ـِ (S, Msb, K, &c.,) inf. n. شَيْنٌ, (S, * Msb, TA,) He, or it, disgraced him, or dishonoured him; rendered him ugly or unseemly, disfigured him, or blemished him; (MA, PS;) i. q. عَابَهُ; (Msb, TA;) contr. of زَانَهُ; (S, * K;) [and ↓ شيّنهُ, inf. n. تَشْيِينٌ, signifies the same, (the verb alone rendered by Freytag, on the authority of Meyd, “dehonestavit,”) like as the contr. زيّنهُ signifies the same as زَانَهُ.] b2: The saying of Lebeed, يَشِينُ صَحَاحَ البِيدِ كُلَّ عَشِيَّةٍ

بِعُوجِ السَّرَآءِ عِنْدَ بَابٍ مُحَجَّبِ [They deface what is unmarred of the deserts, every evening, with the crooked things (i. e. the bows) of the wood of the tree called سَرَآء, at a veiled door, (referring to a company of men, and therefore the verb is sing.,)] means that they vie, one with another, in glorying, or boasting, and make marks, or lines, with their bows, upon the ground, as though they disfigured it (شَانُوهَا) with those marks, or lines. (S.) 2 شَيَّنَ see 1.

A2: شيّن شِينًا حَسَنًا (T, TA) or حَسَنَةً (K) He made, (Th, TA,) or wrote, (K,) a beautiful ش. (Th, K, TA.) شَيْنٌ is the contr. of زَيْنٌ: (S, Msb;) and ↓ مَشَايِنُ [in the CK مَشائِن] is an anomalous pl. thereof: (TA:) the latter signifies Disgraces or dishonours, i. e. things, or qualities, that cause to be disgraced or dishonoured; things that render ugly or unseemly, that disfigure, or that blemish; syn. مَعَايِبُ, (S, K, TA,) and مَقَابِحُ; (S, TA;) on the authority of Fr.: (TA:) [↓ شَائِنَةٌ, also, signifies the same; and its pl. is شَوَائِنُ;] one says هٰذِهِ شَائِنَةٌ مِنَ الشَّوَائِنِ [This is one of the things that disgrace or dishonour, &c.]. (TA.) b2: [It is also used as epithet, like as is its contr. زَيْنٌ:] one says, وَجْهُهُ شَيْنٌ, i. e. His face is ugly, or unseemly; for ذُو شَيْنٍ; mentioned by Az. (TA.) شِينٌ One of the letters of the alphabet, (S, K,) [i. e. the name of that letter; (see art. ش,)] of the letters termed مَهْمُوسَة [expl. in art. ش], with somewhat of التَّنْغِيم and التَّغْشِيَة [app. meaning that kind of utterance which is undertoned, and muffled, exactly like our “ sh ”], its place of utterance being the شَجْر, i. e. the place of the opening of the mouth, (K, TA,) near the place of utterance of ج: masc. [as meaning a حَرْف, or letter], and fem. [as meaning a كَلِمَة, or word]: pl. أَشْيَانٌ and شيانات [a mistranscription for شِينَاتٌ]. (TA.) A2: Also, thus with kesr, A man having many رِقَاع [i. e. patches in his garment, pl. of رُقْعَةٌ]. (Kh, TA.) A3: And A long مَرْكَب [app. meaning ship or boat]. (TA.) فِعْلٌ شَائِنٌ [An action that disgraces or dishonours, &c.]. (TA.) شَائِنَةٌ [a subst. from شَائِنٌ]: see شَيْنٌ.

مَشِينٌ Disgraced, or dishonoured; rendered ugly or unseemly, disfigured, or blemished; pass. part. n. of 1. (Msb.) مَشَايِنُ an anomalous pl. of شَيْنٌ, q. v. (TA.)
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