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137747. نَجِيم الدين1 137748. نُجَيْمة1 137749. نَجِيمة1 137750. نُجَيمي1 137751. نَجِيمي1 137752. نح3137753. نَح1 137754. نَحّ1 137755. نَحَّ1 137756. نَحَّ 1 137757. نِحا1 137758. نَحَا2 137759. نحا6 137760. نَحَائِتُ1 137761. نحاة1 137762. نُحَاسٌ1 137763. نحاس1 137764. نَحَّاس1 137765. نَحَّاسة1 137766. نِحاسَة1 137767. نَحَّال1 137768. نَحَامِديّ1 137769. نَحايت1 137770. نحب19 137771. نَحَبَ1 137772. نَحَبَ 1 137773. نَحْبَة1 137774. نُحْبَة1 137775. نحبق1 137776. نَحْبِق1 137777. نُحَبِّق1 137778. نَحْبَلُه1 137779. نَحْبَهُ1 137780. نُحبُّه1 137781. نَحْبَه1 137782. نحبه1 137783. نحبي1 137784. نحت15 137785. نَحَتَ في1 137786. نَحَتَ 1 137787. نَحْتَرم جميعًا1 137788. نحَتَه1 137789. نحث4 137790. نحج2 137791. نَحْجِر1 137792. نحجل1 137793. نحح8 137794. نحد3 137795. نُحدِّث1 137796. نحر19 137797. نَحْرُ1 137798. نَحَرَ1 137799. نَحَرَ 1 137800. نُحراز1 137801. نحرر1 137802. نَحره1 137803. نَحَزَ1 137804. نحز12 137805. نَحَزَ 1 137806. نَحَزَهُ1 137807. نَحَسَ1 137808. نحس21 137809. نَحَسَ 1 137810. نحسه1 137811. نحش3 137812. نحص10 137813. نَحَصَ1 137814. نَحَصَ 1 137815. نحصت1 137816. نحض10 137817. نَحَضَ1 137818. نَحَضَ 1 137819. نحط9 137820. نَحَطَ1 137821. نَحَطَ 1 137822. نَحُفَ1 137823. نحف15 137824. نَحَف1 137825. نَحِف1 137826. نَحُفَ 1 137827. نَحْلُ1 137828. نحل17 137829. نَحَلَ1 137830. نَحْل قليل العسل1 137831. نَحَلَ 1 137832. نَحْلَةُ1 137833. نِحْلَة1 137834. نَحْلة1 137835. نحله1 137836. نِحْلي1 137837. نَحْلِيّ1 137838. نَحْلِينُ1 137839. نحم14 137840. نَحَمَ2 137841. نحمان1 137842. نحمد1 137843. نَحْمَدُ الله1 137844. نَحْمَده1 137845. نَحْمِينا1 137846. نَحْنُ1 Prev. 100


نحيحا تردد صَوته فِي جَوْفه
النَّحْنَحَةُ والتَّنَحْنُحُ: أسْهَلُ السُّعَال، وهي عِلَّةُ البَخِيْل. والنَّحَاحَةُ: الصَّبْرُ. وما نَفْسي بِنَحِيْحَةٍ عن كذا. والنَّحَاحَةُ: السَّخَاءُ. والبُخْلُ، معاً، وهو من الأضْدَاد. ونَحَحْتُ الجَمَلَ أنُحُّه: أي حَثَثْتَه. وَنحْنُ: كَلمةٌ يُعْنى بها الجَميعُ.


1 نَحَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. نَحِيحٌ, He (a man) reiterated a sound, or made it to reciprocate, (رَدَّدَهُ,) in his inside: (S, L:) or his voice was reiterated, or made to reciprocate, (تَرَدَّدَ,) in his inside; as also ↓ نَحْنَحَ and ↓ تَنَحْنَحَ: (K:) [each of these verbs, of which the last seems to be the most common, signifies, as is implied in the L &c., and accord. to present usage, he made a reiterated humming in his throat, like a slight coughing, or, as some say, more violent than coughing; as is often done by a niggard when he is asked for a thing:] التَّنَحْنُحُ is well known, (S,) and النَّحْنَحَةُ is like it; (Lth, S;) it is [the making a sound, or sounds, in the throat,] slighter than coughing; and is the pretence of the niggard: (Lth:) or it is more violent than coughing; as also النَّحِيحُ. (L.) See also حِرَّةٌ. b2: [Hence, from the sound employed,] نَحَّ, aor. ـُ He incited, or urged on, a camel. (K.) R. Q. 1 See نَحَّ. b2: نَحْنَحَهُ He repulsed him (namely an asker, or a beggar, L) in a foul, or an abominable, manner. (L, K.) R. Q. 2 see نَحَّ.

نَحَاحَةٌ Niggardliness; avarice. (K.) b2: Also, contr., Liberality; bounty; munificence; generosity. (K.) شَحِيحٌ نَحِيحٌ [Very niggardly, or avaricious]: the latter word is an imitative sequent: (S, K:) or it is a corroborative syn. of the former: (MF:) as though meaning one who when asked for something, disliking to give it, has recourse to a pretence, and makes a reiterated breathing [or humming in his throat] as a feint to hide his unwillingness. (L.) [See also نَحَانِحَةٌ.]

نَحْنَحٌ: see نَحَانِحَةٌ.

نَحَانِحَةٌ Niggardly, or avaricious, men: base, ungenerous, mean, or sordid, men, who make a reiterated humming in the throat (يَتَنَحْنَحَونَ) when they are asked for something: (A:) pl. of ↓ نَحْنَحٌ: or a pl. having no sing. (TA.) [See also نَحِيحٌ.]
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