1 مَغڤصَ [مَغَصَهُ, inf. n. مَغْصٌ, He pierced him with a spear or the like: for] مَغْصٌ is syn. with طَعْنٌ; as also مَغْسٌ. (TA.)
A2: [Hence, perhaps,] مُغِصَ, (ISk, S, Msb, K,) [of which مَغْصٌ, which see below, is app. the inf. n.] and مَغِصَ, (A, Msb, [in a copy of the former of which, instead of the former verb, I find مَغُصَ, but this is probably a mistranscription,]) inf. n. مَغَصٌ; (Msb;) He (a man, S, Msb,) had what is termed مَغْصٌ as explained below; (ISk, S, A, Msb, K;) as also مُغِسَ and مَغِسَ: (IKoot, Msb:) and مَعِصَ: (TA:) [it is most commonly with غ and ص; but Z says, that] the original word is with س, from مَغَسَهُ signifying طَعَنَهُ. (A.)
5 تمغّص بَطْنِى, and تَمَغَّصَنِى, My belly pained me; as also تمغّس, with س. (TA.) [In the CK, we find تمغّص بَطْنَهُ, explained by أَوْجَعَهُ, as though signifying It pained his belly: but بَطْنَهُ is doubtless a mistake for بَطْنُهُ. In MS.
copies of the K, I do not find this verb.]
b2: and [hence,] تَمَغَّصَنِى الشَّىْءُ (assumed tropical:) The thing hurt me: and in like manner, تَمَغَّصْتُ مِنْهُ (assumed tropical:) [I was hurt by it]. (TA.)
مَغْصٌ (ISk, S, A, Msb, K) and مَغَصٌ; (IDr, A, K;) but the former is the chaste word; (A;) or the latter, accord. to ISk, is vulgar, (S,) and Az pronounces him right in saying so, (Msb,) and Yaakoob disallows the latter word.
wherefore the author of the K is wrong in imputing error, in this matter, [if error it be,] to J; (TA;) [Colic; or] pain in the belly, (A, K,) and griping (تَقْطِيعٌ) in the bowels; (A;) or griping (تقطيع) in the bowels, and pain [therein]; (S;) or pain in the bowels, and contortion [therein]; (Msb;) as also مَغْسٌ. (Yaakoob, TA.)
مَمْغُوصٌ A man (S, Msb) having what is termed مَغْصٌ as explained above. (S, Msb, K.)