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126874. لَطِيفُون1 126875. لُطَيْفِيّ1 126876. لَطِيِفِي1 126877. لَطِيم1 126878. لظّ1 126879. لظ2126880. لَظَّ 1 126881. لظأ3 126882. لَظَة1 126883. لظظ9 126884. لَظَظَ1 126885. لظلظ1 126886. لظلظت1 126887. لَظَّى1 126888. لظى7 126889. لظَى1 126890. لظي9 126891. لظيت1 126892. لَظِيم1 126893. لَظِيميّ1 126894. لع3 126895. لع لع1 126896. لَعَّ 1 126897. لعا4 126898. لَعَّابَة1 126899. لَعَّاج1 126900. لعاج1 126901. لعّاصِيّ1 126902. لْعَاصِي1 126903. لْعَامِرِيّ1 126904. لعان1 126905. لَعِب1 126906. لَعِبَ2 126907. لعب17 126908. لعب الكرةَ1 126909. لَعِبَ بِـ1 126910. لَعِبَ دَوْرًا1 126911. لَعِبَ على2 126912. لَعِبَ 1 126913. لُعْبَا1 126914. لَعْبَاء1 126915. لُعْبَة2 126916. لُعَبَة1 126917. لعبط1 126918. لَعِبُو1 126919. لعث3 126920. لَعْثَمَ2 126921. لعثم9 126922. لَعَجَ1 126923. لعج11 126924. لَعَجَ 1 126925. لَعْجِيّ1 126926. لعذم3 126927. لعر1 126928. لْعَرَافة1 126929. لَّعْرَض1 126930. لعُروسِيّ1 126931. لْعُرُوضِيّ1 126932. لْعَرُوضِيّ1 126933. لْعَرِيبيّ1 126934. لْعَرِيبِيّة1 126935. لعز5 126936. لعس14 126937. لَعَسَ1 126938. لَعْسٌ1 126939. لَعَسَ 1 126940. لعست1 126941. لعسم2 126942. لعسه1 126943. لْعُسَيْرِيّ1 126944. لْعُسَيْلِيَّة1 126945. لْعَشَب1 126946. لْعُشُورِيّة1 126947. لْعَشُورِيَّة1 126948. لَعْشى1 126949. لعص5 126950. لَعَصَ 1 126951. لِعْصِيدِيّ1 126952. لعض4 126953. لَعَضَهُ1 126954. لِعُضَيْم1 126955. لَعَطَ1 126956. لعط9 126957. لَعَطَ 1 126958. لَعَطَهُ1 126959. لعطه1 126960. لعظ4 126961. لعظم3 126962. لعع8 126963. لَعَعَ1 126964. لعف6 126965. لَعَفَنَّشُ1 126966. لعق15 126967. لَعِقَ1 126968. لَعَقَ1 126969. لَعِقَ 1 126970. لعقط2 126971. لعقه1 126972. لَعِقَهُ1 126973. لعك1 Prev. 100


بِهِ لظا لزمَه وَلم يُفَارِقهُ وَعَلِيهِ ألح وَفُلَانًا طرده فَهُوَ لاظ وملظاظ


1 لَظَّ: see 4. b2: [The inf. n.] لَظٌّ is also syn. with طَرْدٌ [The act of driving away; &c.]. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) 3 مُلَاظَّةٌ, inf. n. of لَاظَّ: and, as also لِظَاظٌ, irregularly, of تَلَاظُّوا: see 4, and 6.4 الظّ بِهِ, (T, S, M, K, *) inf. n. إِلْظَاظٌ, (T, S,) He kept, or clave, or adhered, (T, S, M, K,) to him, (Az, T, S,) not quitting him, (T,) and to it: (T, S, M:) he applied himself to it perseveringly, assiduously, constantly, or incessantly; (A'Obeyd, * S, * M, TA;) as also الظّ عَلَيْهِ: (M:) and بِهِ ↓ لَظَّ, (IDrd, M, TA,) [aor., accord. to general rule, لَظِّ,] inf. n. لَظٌّ and ↓ لَظِيظٌ, (K, TA,) or the latter is a subst. from الظّ به; (M, TA;) in the former sense, (K,) and in the latter. (M, K.) You say, الظّ بِالكَلِمَةِ He kept to the expression. (M.) And hence, أَلِظُّوا فِى الدُّعَآءِ بِيَا ذَا الجَلَالِ وَالإِكْرَامِ Keep ye in prayer to [the expression] يا ذل الجلال والاكرام; (S, M, * TA; *) and repeat it often: (TA:) a saying of Ibn-Mes'ood. (S, TA.) Hence also, (S, M,) فِى الحَرْبِ ↓ المُلَاظَّةُ (Lth, T, S, M) The keeping, or applying oneself, perseveringly, assiduously, constantly, or incessantly, to fighting. (M, TA.) b2: He remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, (S, K,) in it, namely a place; (S;) as also الظّ عليه. (TA.) b3: الظّ المَطَرُ The rain continued, (S, M, K, *) and was incessant. (M.) 6 تَلَاظُّوا, inf. n., irregularly, ↓ مُلَاظَّةٌ and لِظَاظٌ, They kept, or applied themselves, perseveringly, assiduously, constantly, or incessantly, to fighting, one with another. (M.) تَلَاظٌّ is also syn. with تَطَاردٌ: (K, TA:) you say, مَرَّتِ الفُرْسَانُ تَلَاظُّ [The horsemen passed by charging upon, assaulting, or attacking, and fighting, one another]. (TA.) لَظٌّ, (K,) or لَظٌّ كَظٌّ, (T, S, M,) A man hard, or difficult, in disposition; (S, K;) as also ↓ لَظْلَاظٌ: (Ibn-'Abbád, K:) or a man hard, o difficult, in disposition, (T, M;) and treated with severity, or rigour, (T,) or straitened; (M;) as also ↓ مِلَظٌّ and ↓ مِلْظَاظٌ: (M:) كظّ is app. an imitative sequent. (M.) You say, إِنَّهُ

↓ لَحَدِيدٌ لَظْلَاظٌ Verily he is [sharp and] evil (زَعِر) in disposition. (TA.) لَظْلَاظٌ: see لَظٌّ, in two places. b2: It also signifies Chaste in speech; or eloquent. (TA.) b3: And sometimes, (Fr,) A hot day. (Fr, K.) مُلِظٌّ Keeping, cleaving, or adhering; (T;) not quitting. (T, S.) You say, هُوَ مُلِظٌّ بِهِ He is keeping, cleaving, or adhering, to him; (T;) not quitting him. (S, T.) b2: A man much attached, addicted, or given, to a thing; (T;) who applies himself perseveringly, assiduously, constantly, or incessantly, (T, S,) to it; as also ↓ مِلْظَاظٌ: (T:) or the latter signifies very persevering, assiduous, or constant. (S, K.) مِلَظٌّ Keeping, cleaving, or adhering, fast: applied to a creditor. (TA.) b2: See also لَظٌّ.

مِلْظَاظٌ: see مُلِظٌّ, and لَظٌّ.
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