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126539. لخي3 126540. لخَي1 126541. لَخِيَ 1 126542. لُخَيْت1 126543. لْخَيْل1 126544. لد3126545. لَدّ1 126546. لُدٌّ1 126547. لَدَّ 1 126548. لَدَا1 126549. لدا1 126550. لَدَّاد1 126551. لَدَّادة1 126552. لدب1 126553. لدح4 126554. لَدَحَهُ1 126555. لَدَدَ1 126556. لدد14 126557. لدده1 126558. لدرجة أنّ1 126559. لَدَرجِيّ1 126560. لدُرَجِيّ1 126561. لَدْرَع1 126562. لِدْرِيس1 126563. لدس8 126564. لَدَسَ 1 126565. لدسه1 126566. لدع1 126567. لَدْعَة1 126568. لدغ12 126569. لَدَغَ1 126570. لَّدْغْ.1 126571. لَدَغَ 1 126572. لدغته1 126573. لَدَغَتْهُ1 126574. لَدَغَتْه الأَفْعَى...1 126575. لَدَغَتْهُ العقربُ1 126576. لدك3 126577. لَدِكَ1 126578. لَدْم1 126579. لدم16 126580. لَدَمَ 1 126581. لَدَنَ1 126582. لدن18 126583. لَدَنَ 1 126584. لده1 126585. لَدُودٌ1 126586. لدى6 126587. لَدَى3 126588. لدي2 126589. لِدِّيَّة1 126590. لدِّيَّة1 126591. لديك1 126592. لَدِينَا1 126593. لدينا نداءين1 126594. لذ3 126595. لذَّ1 126596. لَذَّ 1 126597. لَذَا1 126598. لذا2 126599. لذَبَ1 126600. لذب6 126601. لذَّة1 126602. لذة1 126603. لَذَجَ1 126604. لذج4 126605. لذجه1 126606. لَذَذَ1 126607. لذذ12 126608. لذذه1 126609. لذع14 126610. لَذَعَ2 126611. لَذَعَ 1 126612. لذغ1 126613. لذق1 126614. لذلذ2 126615. لذم7 126616. لَذِمَ 1 126617. لذمه1 126618. لَذِمَه1 126619. لذن3 126620. لذُو1 126621. لذو1 126622. لذى2 126623. لذِي2 126624. لذي3 126625. لرامترا1 126626. لِرْبَاش1 126627. لرت1 126628. لُرْتُ1 126629. لرج1 126630. لرز1 126631. لرفش1 126632. لرق1 126633. لُرقَةُ1 126634. لُرْقَةُ1 126635. لَرْيَش1 126636. لز3 126637. لزّ1 126638. لَزَّ 1 Prev. 100


فلَانا لدا شدد خصومته وَيُقَال لده جادله فغلبه فَهُوَ لد ولاد ولدود وَالْمَرِيض لدا ولدودا أَخذ بِلِسَانِهِ فمده إِلَى أحد شقي الْفَم وصب الدَّوَاء فِي الشق الآخر فَهُوَ لاد وَذَاكَ ملدود وَيُقَال لده باللدود وَلَده اللدود وَفُلَانًا عَن الْأَمر حَبسه

(لد) لددا اشتدت خصومته فَهُوَ أَلد وَهِي لداء (ج) لد
اللذُ: فِعْلُكَ اللَّدُوْدَ حِيْنَ تَلُد به إنساناً؛ وهو دَوَاءٌ يُوْجَرُ في أحَدِ شِقَّيْ فَمِه، والجَميعُ ألِدَّةٌ. واللَّدِيْدَانِ: صَفْقا العُنُقِ من دُوْنِ الأذُنَيْنِ. وجانِبَا كُل شَيْء: لَدِيْدَاه. والتلَددُ: التَّلَفُّتُ باللَّدِيْدَيْنِ. والمُتَلَددُ: العُنُقُ.
واللَدَدُ: مَصْدَرُ الألَد الشدِيْدِ الخُصوْمَةِ العَسِرِ الانْقِيَادِ، وهو اليَلَنْدَدُ والألَنْدَدُ. ولَدَدْتُ الرَّجُلَ: خَصَمْتَه وغَلَبْتَه.
ولَدَّه عن كذا: حَبَسَه. وما أجِدُ دُوْنَه مُلْتَدّاً: أي مَعْدِلاً وبُدّاً.
والْتَدَدْتُ عنه: زِغْتُ.
وشَدِيْدٌ لَدِيْدٌ: على الإتْبَاعِ.
ولُد: اسْمُ رَمْلَةٍ بالشأم.
ولَدَّني فلانٌ: أكْثَرَ مَسْألتيِ. ولَدَّنِي حَقي: مَطَلَنِي ومَنعَنِي.


1 لَدّ, originally لَدِدَ, (second Pers\. لَدِدْتَ, L,) aor. ـَ (L, Msb,) inf. n. لَدَدٌ (S, A, L, Msb,) He was violent, or vehement, in contention, or altercation; in dispute; in litigation. (S, A, L, Msb.) b2: لَدَّهُ, (S, L, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (S, L, Msb,) inf. n. لَدٌّ, (L, Msb,) He overcame him in contention, or altercation; in dispute; in litigation: (S, * L, K: *) or he opposed him violently, or vehemently, in contention, or altercation; in dispute; in litigation. (Msb.) لَدِدْتَ, (in some copies of the K, لَدَدْتَ,) inf. n. لَددٌ, (IKtt, L: in the K, لَدٌّ:) Thou becamest such as is called أَلَدّ [violent, or vehement, in contention, &c.]. (IKtt, L, K.) b3: لَدَّهُ عَنِ الأَمْرِ, (inf. n. لَدٌّ, L,) He restrained, withheld, debarred, hindered, or prevented, him from doing the thing: (L, K: *) he made him to return or revert, or turned him back or away, with gentleness, from the thing, or affair; like رَدَّهُ: (T and L, art. رد:) of the dial. of Hudheyl. (L.) A2: لَدَّهُ, (K,) or لَدَّهُ بِاللَّدُودِ, (M,) aor. ـُ (L,) inf. n. لَدٌّ and لُدُودٌ; (M, K;) and ↓ الدّهُ; (S, L, K;) and لَدَّهُ اللَّدُودَ; (M, L, K;) He administered to him the medicine, or draught, termed لَدُود. (S, * M, L, K. *) The action termed اللَّدُّ is the taking a child's tongue, and drawing it to one side, and pouring medicine in the other side, between the tongue and the side of the mouth. (Fr, L.) b2: لُدَّ He had a medicine, or draught, of the kind termed لَدُود administered to him. (S, L, K.) See also 8. b3: لَدَدْتُهُمُ النَّصِيحَةَ (tropical:) I administered to them sincere, or faithful, advice, or counsel, like as one administers the medicine, or draught, termed لَدُود. (L.) 2 لدّد بِهِ i. q. ندّد به, (L, K,) i. e., He rendered him notorious, or infamous. (L.) 3 لادّهُ, inf. n. لِدَادٌ (A, Msb) and مُلَادَّةٌ, (A,) He contended with him violently, or vehemently, in an altercation; in a dispute; in a litigation. (A, Msb.) b2: مَا زِلْتُ أُلَادُّ عَنْكَ I ceased not to repel from thee; or, to defend thee. (S.) 4 الدّهُ He found him to be such as is called أَلَدّ [violent, or vehement, in contention, &c]. (TA.) b2: الدّ بِهِ He opposed him in contention, or altercation; in dispute; in litigation. (TA.) See also 1 and 3.5 تلدّد (tropical:) He turned his face to the right and left, (S, L, K,) in confusion, perplexity, or amazement: (L, K:) from اللَّدِيدَانِ signifying “ the two sides ” of the neck. (S, L.) b2: He tarried, or waited, in expectation. (K, TA.) 8 التدّ, (S, L, K,) and التدّ لَدُودًا, (S, L,) He swallowed a medicine, or draught, of the kind termed لَدُود. (S, * L, * K.) See also لُدّض.

A2: التدّ عَنْهُ He declined from him, or it. (K.) لَدٌّ: see لَادٌّ. b2: A [sack of the kind called]

جُوَالِق: (S, L, K:) like لَبِيدٌ. (TA.) لَدُودٌ: see لَادٌّ.

A2: لَدُودٌ and ↓ لَدِيدٌ A medicine (or draught, As, L) that is poured into one of the two sides of the mouth (As, S, L, K) by means of the instrument called مُسْعُط: (L, K:) pl. أَلِدَّةٌ: (S, L, K:) from اللَّدِيدَانِ signifying

“ the two sides ” of a valley. (S, L.) It is said in a proverb, جَرَى مِنْهُ مَجْرَى اللَّدُودِ [It acted upon him, or affected him, like the medicine, or draught, termed لَدُود; i. e., unpleasantly, or disagreeably]. (ISk, S.) See Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 282 لَدِيدٌ: see لَدُودٌ.

A2: لَدِيدَانِ The two sides of a valley: (S, A, L:) each of them is called لَدِيدٌ: (L:) and the two sides of the neck, (S, A, L, K,) below the ears: (L, K:) or the two lateral muscles of the neck: (M, L:) the two sides of the mouth: (A, L:) and of the penis: (L:) and (as some say, L) of anything: (L, K:) pl. أَلِدَّةٌ: (S, L, K:) and لَدِيدٌ, accord. to AA, signifies the outside of the neck. (L.) A3: See لَادٌّ.

لَادٌّ and ↓ لَدُودٌ, (S, L, Msb, K,) the latter having an intensive sense, and ↓ لَدٌّ, which is an inf. n. used as an epithet [and therefore also intensive], (Msb,) A man who overcomes in contention, or altercation; in dispute; in litigation: (S, * L, K: *) or, who opposes violently, or vehemently, and very violently, or vehemently, in contention, or altercation; in dispute; in litigation: (Msb:) and ↓ أَلَدُّ (S, L, Msb, K) and ↓ أَلَنْدَدٌ and ↓ يَلَنْدَدٌ (S, L, K) a man violent, or vehement, in contention, or altercation; in dispute; in litigation: (S, L, Msb:) or difficult therein, and vehement in war: (IKtt:) or a contentious, disputatious, or litigious, (L,) and tenacious adversary, who will not incline to the truth: (L, K:) the fem. of ↓ ألَدُّ is لَدَّآءُ: (L, Msb:) and the pl, لُدٌّ (S, L, Msb, K) and لِدَادٌ: (L, K:) the أ in ↓ أَلَنْدَدٌ and the ى in ↓ يَلَنْدَدٌ are letters of quasi-coördination, [i. e., added to render those two words quasi-coordinate to سَفَرْجَلٌ,] as is shown by the two dáls being not incorporated by idghám; for it is allowable to add a letter at the beginning of a word for the purpose of quasi-coördination when the word has another augmentative letter: (IJ, L:) the dim. of ↓ أَلنْدَدٌ is ↓ أُلَيْدُّ, because it is originally أَلَدُّ, the ن being added to render it quasi-coördinate to سَفَرْجَلٌ. (S, L.) قَوْمًا لُدًّا in the Kur, [xix. 97,] is said to signify A people who are adversaries perverted from the truth: or, who are deaf to the truth. (L.) You say also, هُوَ شَدِيدٌ لَدِيدٌ [assimilating the second epithet in form to the first, He is strong, and one who overcomes in contention, &c.] (A.) أَلَدُّ and أَلَنْدَدٌ and يَلَنْدَدٌ and أُلَيْدُّ: see لَادٌّ.

مَلْدُودٌ A man who has had a medicine, or draught, of the kind termed لَدُود administered to him. (S, L, K.) المُتَلَدَّدُ (tropical:) The neck. (A, L, K.) مَا لِى عَنْهُ مُلْتَدٌّ I have no way of avoiding, or escaping, it: (S, L, K:) as also مُحْتَدٌّ. (S, L.)
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