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126183. لْبِيْضَة1 126184. لَبِيق1 126185. لبيْك ولبيه1 126186. لُبَيْنَةُ1 126187. لتّ1 126188. لت3126189. لَتَّ 1 126190. لتء1 126191. لتأ8 126192. لَتَأَ 1 126193. لتأه1 126194. لَتَأَهُ1 126195. لتا1 126196. لَتَّاح1 126197. لُتَاح1 126198. لتب7 126199. لَتَبَ 1 126200. لَتَتَ1 126201. لتت12 126202. لَتَجَ 1 126203. لتح8 126204. لتحه1 126205. لَتَحَهُ1 126206. لتّخ1 126207. لتخَ1 126208. لتخ3 126209. لَتَخَ 1 126210. لَتَخَهُ1 126211. لتد4 126212. لَتَدَهُ1 126213. لتر2 126214. لتز6 126215. لتغ4 126216. لَتَغَهُ1 126217. لتل1 126218. لَتْلَةُ1 126219. لتلت3 126220. لتم9 126221. لَتَمَ 1 126222. لتن2 126223. لَتَنْكَشَةُ1 126224. لَتَنُوءُ بِالْعُصْبَةِ...1 126225. لتى1 126226. لتي5 126227. لث5 126228. لَثَّ 1 126229. لثء1 126230. لثأ5 126231. لَثَأَ1 126232. لثبت1 126233. لَثَة1 126234. لِثَّة1 126235. لَثَثَ1 126236. لثث10 126237. لَثْجَةُ1 126238. لَثَدَ1 126239. لثد5 126240. لثط4 126241. لثع2 126242. لَثِغ1 126243. لثغ12 126244. لَثَغَ 1 126245. لَثْغَة1 126246. لثف1 126247. لثِق1 126248. لثق10 126249. لَثِقَ2 126250. لَثَقَ 1 126251. لثل1 126252. لَثْلَثٌ1 126253. لثلث3 126254. لَثَمَ3 126255. لثم17 126256. لَثَمَ 1 126257. لَثِنَ1 126258. لثن2 126259. لَثَهَ1 126260. لثه3 126261. لثو1 126262. لثى2 126263. لثي7 126264. لَثِيَ 1 126265. لَثِيَّا1 126266. لَثِيَا1 126267. لثيا1 126268. لُثَيْق1 126269. لَثِيق1 126270. لجّ1 126271. لج5 126272. لَجَّ 1 126273. لجء1 126274. لَجَأَ2 126275. لَجأ1 126276. لجأ15 126277. لَجَأ1 126278. لَجَأَ 1 126279. لجأه1 126280. لجا1 126281. لَجَاةُ1 126282. لِجَاجَة1 Prev. 100


اللَتُ: الفِعْلُ من اللُتَاتِ وهو كُلُّ شَيْءٍ يُلَتُّ به سَوِيْق أو غَيْرُه. ولَتَثُ الشيْءَ: إذا أوْثَقْته. واللَتُ: الجَمْعُ.
ولَت الحَصى: رَمى بها. وأصَابَنَا مَطَرٌ من صَبِيْرٍ لَت ثِيَابَنا لَتاً فأرْوَضَتْ منه الأرْضُ: أي بَلَّها.
السويق وَنَحْوه لتا خلطه بِسمن أَو غَيره والعجين وَنَحْوه بله بِشَيْء من المَاء (وَهُوَ أخف من البس) وَيُقَال فلَان يلت ويعجن إِذا كَانَ ثرثارا يبدئ وَيُعِيد فِيمَا يَقُول وَالشَّيْء فته وسحقه وَيُقَال لت الْحَصَى دقه


1 لَتَّ, (aor.

لَتُ3َ, TA,) inf. n. لَتٌّ, He bruised, or brayed, or broke up into small fragments, or particles. (A, M, K.) He (an ass) broke in pieces, or bruised, with his hoof, the pebbles over which he passed. (TA.) b2: I. q., فَتَّ, He crumbled a thing, or broke it into small pieces, with his fingers: or broke a thing with his fingers: &c. (K.) b3: He pounded, or bruised, small; he pulverized; syn. سَحَقَ. (Sgh, K.) A2: لَتَّ السَّوِيقَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. لَتٌّ, He moistened the سويق with a little water, [or clarified butter, or fat of a sheep's tail, &c. (see لُتَاتٌ)]: (Msb:) it signifies less than بَسَّ: (Lth, Msb:) he stirred it about with water &c. until they became of a uniform consistence; or stirred it about with a مِجْدَح; i. q. جَدَحَهُ: (S:) and in like manner, الأَقِطَ and the like: (TA:) or [simply] he moistened the سويق: (Lth:) or he moistened the سويق in the manner termed بَسٌّ, with water and the like: (TA:) [accord. to present usage, he moistened, and beat up, or mingled, the سويق with water &c.] b2: لَتَّ ثِيَابَهُ, [aor. ـُ inf. n. لَتٌّ, (assumed tropical:) It (a rain) wetted his clothes. (A.) A3: لَتَّ, (aor.

لَتُ3َ, S,) inf. n. لَتٌّ He bound a thing. (As, S, K.) b2: لُتَّ فُلَانٌ بِفُلَانٍ Such a one was joined, connected, coupled, or associated, with such a one; expl. by لُزَّ بِهِ وَقُرِنَ مَعَهُ. (S, K.) لُتَاتٌ What is crumbled, or broken into small pieces, with the fingers, (مَا فُتَّ,) of the barks of trees: (K:) i. e., what is so crumbled, or broken, of the dry, outer bark: but Az says, I know not whether it be لِتَاتٌ or لُتَاتٌ. (TA.) Esh-Sháfi'ee is related to have pronounced the performance of تَيَمُّمٍ therewith not allowable. (TA.) b2: مَا أَبْقَى

مِنِّى إِلَّا لُتَاتًا, occurring in a trad., means, It (the disease) left nothing remaining of me but dry skin like the bark of trees. (TA.) A2: That with which one moistens [سَوِيق &c.]; expl. by مَا يُلَتُّ بِهِ: (K:) anything with which سويق &c. are moistened; such as clarified butter, and the fat of a sheep's tail. (Lth.) لَتْلَتَةٌ An oath that plunges the swearer thereof into sin, and then into hell-fire: or, by which he cuts off the property of another, for himself; an intentionally false oath: syn. يَمِينٌ غَمُوسٌ. (IAar, Sgh, A, K.) اللَّاتُّ, occurring in the Kur [liii. 19,] (TA,) so accord. to the reading of Ibn-'Abbás and 'Ikrimeh and some others, (K,) and so originally accord. to Fr.: (TA:) afterwards contracted into اللَّاتُ: (Fr, K:) which is the common reading: (Fr:) A certain idol; thus called by the appellation of a man who used to moisten سَوِيق with clarified butter at the place thereof: (K:) the man who did this was thus called, and afterwards the idol itself. (TA.) Some of the lexicologists say, that it was a mass of rock, at the place whereof was a man who used to moisten سويق for the pilgrims, and which, when he died, was worshipped: (L:) but ISd says, I know not what is the truth in this case. (TA.) In the R it is said, that the man who used to do this was 'Amr Ibn-Lu-eí; that when the tribe of Khuzá'ah obtained the dominion over Mekkeh, and banished the tribe of Jurhum, the Arabs made him a Lord, or an object of worship; and that he was El-Látt, who used to moisten سويق for the pilgrims upon a well-known rock, called صخْرَةُ اللَّاتِّ: or, it is said, that the man in question was of the tribe of Thakeef; and that when he died, 'Amr Ibn-Loheí (لحى: so in the TA) said to the people, “He hath not died, but hath entered the rock: ” and ordered them to worship it, and built over it a house called اللات: it is also said to have continued thus during the life of this man and that of his son, for three hundred years: then that rock was named اللَّاتُ, without teshdeed to the ت, and was taken for an idol, to be worshipped. (TA.) It is disputed whether it were [an idol] of the tribe of Thakeef at Et-Táïf, or of the tribe of Kureysh at En-Nakhleh. (MF.) Some say, that the ت is originally without teshdeed, and to denote the fem. gender: Ks used to pronounce the word in a case of pause اللَّاهْ; and Aboo-Is-hák [Zj] says, that this is agreeable with analogy; but that the more approved mode is to pronounce it in such case with ت. AM says, that the manner in which Ks pronounced it in a case of pause shows that he did not derive it from لَتٌّ. The polytheists who worshipped this idol used to compare its name with the name of اللّٰه. It is also said, that اللَّاتُ, without teshdeed, is of the measure فَعَلَةٌ [originally اللَّوَيَةُ] from the root لوى; [and that the said idol was so called] because they used to compass it, or perform circuits round it. (TA.) [See art. لوى: and see also arts. لوه and ليه: and الرَّبَّةُ, in art رب.]
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