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113610. غَمِيش1 113611. غَمِيشا1 113612. غُمَيْض1 113613. غَمِيض1 113614. غَمِيلة1 113615. غن5113616. غنّ1 113617. غَنَّ 1 113618. غَنَّأمِيّ1 113619. غِنَا1 113620. غَنَّا1 113621. غَنَا2 113622. غنا4 113623. غِنَاء1 113624. غَنَّاء1 113625. غَنَاء1 113626. غَنّاج1 113627. غُنَاج1 113628. غِنَاج1 113629. غَنّاجُ1 113630. غَنَّاجَة1 113631. غَنَّادة1 113632. غَنَادَوْسْت1 113633. غَنَّاش1 113634. غِنَاظٌ1 113635. غَنَّام1 113636. غَنَّامَة1 113637. غَنّامو1 113638. غَنَّان1 113639. غَنَانِيم1 113640. غَنَّاوِيّ1 113641. غَنَّاوِي1 113642. غَنّاوِيّ1 113643. غِنَاوِيّ1 113644. غَنَّايات1 113645. غَنَايم1 113646. غنب5 113647. غنباز1 113648. غنبش3 113649. غنبل3 113650. غنت1 113651. غنتج2 113652. غنتل3 113653. غنتم1 113654. غُنْتُمٌ1 113655. غنث5 113656. غَنِثَ1 113657. غُنْثُرُ1 113658. غنثر6 113659. غَنْثَرَ1 113660. غنج11 113661. غَنِجَ1 113662. غَنَجَ 1 113663. غَنجَاتِيّ1 113664. غُنْجَاتِيّ1 113665. غُنجارُ1 113666. غَنْجاوِي1 113667. غَنْجَة1 113668. غنجت1 113669. غنجد1 113670. غُنْجُدةُ1 113671. غنجر1 113672. غنجف1 113673. غنجل4 113674. غَنْجَلٌ 1 113675. غنجم1 113676. غَنَجِيّ1 113677. غُنْجِيّ1 113678. غند1 113679. غَنْدَابُ1 113680. غُنْدَارِيّ1 113681. غندب5 113682. غندج1 113683. غَنْدَجانُ1 113684. غُنْدِجَانُ1 113685. غندجن1 113686. غُنْدَرٌ1 113687. غُنْدُر1 113688. غندر6 113689. غُنْدُرانيٌّ 1 113690. غندرذ1 113691. غندف1 113692. غندق1 113693. غندل2 113694. غُنْدُوذ1 113695. غَنْدُور1 113696. غُنْدُور1 113697. غُنْدُورَة1 113698. غُنْدُوري1 113699. غُنْدُوريّ1 113700. غَنْدِير1 113701. غنذ3 113702. غَنْذَى1 113703. غنذي1 113704. غَنْزَي1 113705. غَنَس1 113706. غنش2 113707. غنص5 113708. غنض2 113709. غنضف3 Prev. 100


غنا وغنة كَانَ فِي صَوته غنة يُقَال غن الرجل وغن الظبي وَنَحْو ذَلِك وَالرَّوْضَة أَو الْوَادي كثر شَجَره والتف فَكثر ذبابه فَسمع لَهُ غنة فَهُوَ أغن وَهِي غناء (ج) غن
الغُنَّةُ صَوْث فيه تَرْخِيْمٌ من نحو الخَياشِيم.
وقَرْيَةٌ غَنّاءُ: جَمَّةُ الأهل كثِيرةُ البُنْيانِ. ووادٍ أغَنُّ: من العُشْب أخْضَر، ورَوْضَة غَناءُ. وبها غُنَانٌ. وأغَن النبْتُ. وأجِدُ رِيْحَ غُنَانَةٍ. ومَكانٌ مُغِن.
باب الغين والنون غن، نغ مستعملان

غن: الغُنَّةُ: صوت فيه ترخيمٌ نحو الخياشيم يغُور من نحو الأنف بعونِ من نفسِ الأنفِ. قال الخليل: النون أشد الحروف غُنَّةً. وقرية غَنّاءُ أي: جمة الأهل والبنيان. ويجمع الأغَنُّ والغَنّاء على غُنٍّ. وهو بين الغُنَّة أو الغَنَن.

نغ: النُّغْنُغُ: موضعٌ بين اللهاة وشواربِ الحنجورِ. ونُغْنِغَ فلان: عرض له في نُغْنُغِه داء، قال جرير:

غمز ابن مرة يا فرزدق كينها ... غمز الطبيب نغانغ المعذور
الْغَيْن وَالنُّون

الغُنة: أَن يجْرِي الكلامُ فِي اللَّهاة، وَهِي أقل من الخُنّة.

غَنّ يَغَنّ، فَهُوَ أغنّ.

وَقيل: الأغنّ: الَّذِي يخرج كَلَامه من خياشيمه.

وظبَي أغنّ: يخرج صَوته من خَيشومه، قَالَ:

فقد أَرَنيِّ وَلَقَد أرَنيِّ غُرّاً كَآرم الصَّريم الغُن

وَمَا أَدْرِي مَا غَنَّنَه، أَي: جعله أغن.

وَقَوله: وجعلتْ لَخَّتها تُغنِّيه أَرَادَ: تُغننه، فحوَّل إِحْدَى النونين يَاء، كَمَا قَالُوا: تظنّيت، وَفِي " تظننت " وَقَالَ ابْن جني، وَذكر النُّون، فَقَالَ: إِنَّمَا زيدت النُّون هُنَا، وَإِن لم تكن حرف مدّ، من قبيل إِنَّهَا حرف اغن، وَإِنَّمَا عَنى بِهِ أَنه حرف تحدث عَنهُ الغُنة، فنسب ذَلِك إِلَى الْحَرْف.

وَاسْتعْمل يزِيد بن الاعور الثّنِّي: " الغُنّة " فِي تَصويت الْحِجَارَة، فَقَالَ:

إِذا عَلا صَوّانُهُ أرَنّا يَرْمَعها والجَنْدلَ الأغَنَّا

وأَغنت الأرضُ: اكتهل عُشبها.


فظَلْن يَخْبطن هَشِيمَ الثِّنِّ بعد عَمِيم الرَّوضة المُغِنِّ

يجوز أَن يكون " المُغن " من نعت " العَميم "، وَيجوز أَن يكون من نعت " الرَّوْضَة "، كَمَا قَالُوا: امْرَأَة مُرضع، وَلَيْسَ هَذَا بِقَوي.

وأغن الذُّبَاب: صّوت.

وَالِاسْم الغُنان، قَالَ: حَتَّى إِذا الْوَادي أغنّ غُنانُه وروضة غنّاء: تمر الرّيح فِيهَا غير صَافِيَة الصَّوْت، من كَثَافَة عُشبها والتفافه.

وواد أغنّ، كَذَلِك.

وغنّ الْوَادي، وأغن: كَثر شَجَره.

وقرية غَنّاء: جمة الْأَهْل والبُنيان.

وكُله من " الغُنة " فِي الْأنف.

وغَنّ النخلُ، وأغن: أدْرك.


1 غَنَّ, (MA, Msb, K,) originally غَنِنَ, (Msb, MF,) [sec. Pers\. غَنِنْتَ,] aor. ـِ (Msb, K,) inf. n. غُنَّةٌ (MA, KL) and غَنَنٌ, (MA, [and the same seems to be indicated in the Msb by its being said that the verb is of the class of تَعِبَ,]) or غَنٌّ, (TK, [but this I think a mistake,]) He spoke (MA, Msb, KL) in, (MA,) or from, (Msb, KL,) or [rather] through, (KL,) his nose, (MA, KL,) or his خَيَاشِيم [app. here meaning the innermost parts of the air-passages of the nose]. (Msb.) [The author of the K gives no indication of the proper signification of this verb but that of its implying what he states to be meant by غُنَّةٌ, which see below.] b2: See also 4, in two places.2 غنّنهُ, inf. n. تَغْنِينٌ, It rendered him أَغَنّ [q. v.]. (K.) One says, مَا أَدْرِى مَا غَنَّنَهُ I know not what rendered him, or has rendered him أَغَنّ. (TA.) b2: And غنّن صَوْتَهُ He made his voice to have in it a غُنَّة [q. v.]. (Mughnee, art. حَرْفُ النُّونِ. [See مُغَنٍّ, voce غَنَّآءٌ, in art. غنى.]) 4 اغنّ said of a man, He made one to hear his ↓ غُنَّة, i. e. soft, or gentle, plaintive, and melodious, voice, in singing. (Har p. 645.) b2: اغنّ الذُّبَابُ The flies made a sound [or humming]. (K.) b3: اغنّ الوَادِى (tropical:) The valley had in it the sound [or humming] of flies, [or resounded therewith,] being abundant in herbs, or herbage: (S:) or abounded with trees; as also ↓ غَنَّ. (K, TA.) b4: اغنّت الأَرْض (assumed tropical:) The land had its herbs, or herbage, tall, full-grown, or of full height, and in blossom. (TA.) b5: اغنّ النَّخْلُ (tropical:) The palm-trees attained to maturity; as also ↓ غَنَّ. (K, TA.) b6: and اغنّ السِّقَآءُ (tropical:) The skin became filled (S, K, TA) with water. (S, TA.) A2: And [it is also trans.:] one says, اغنّ اللّٰهُ غُصْنَهُ (tropical:) God made its branch beautiful and bright. (K, TA.) غُنَّةٌ [mentioned above as an inf. n. of غَنَّ but generally expl. as a simple subst. signifying A sort of nasal sound, or twang:] a sound that comes forth from the nose; (Ham p. 339;) a sound (S, Msb) in, (S,) or that comes forth from, (Msb,) the خَيْشُوم [app. here meaning the innermost part of the air-passages of the nose]: (S, Msb:) or a sound from the لَهَاة [q. v., app. here meaning the arches, or pillars, of the soft palate, or the furthest part of the mouth,] and the nose, like [that which is heard in the utterance of] the ن of مِنْكَ and عَنْكَ, for the tongue has not part in it: (Mgh:) or the flowing [or passage] of the speech in the لَهَاة [app. here also meaning as expl. above]: (K:) or a mixture of the sound of the خَيْشُوم [expl. above] in the pronunciation of a letter: (Mbr, TA:) ن is that one of the letters in which it is greatest in degree: (Kh, Mgh, Msb, TA:) خُنَّةٌ is [a sound] greater in degree than غُنَّةٌ. (TA.) b2: [Also The roughness of the voice, of a boy, consequent upon the attaining to puberty; or, as Mtr says,] الغُنَّةُ signifies also what is incident to the boy on the occasion of his attaining to puberty, when his voice becomes rough. (Mgh.) b3: And A soft, or gentle, plaintive, and melodious, voice, in singing. (Har p. 645.) See 4. b4: And The sound [or humming] produced by the flying of flies; (TA;) and ↓ غُنَانٌ [likewise] signifies the sound of flies. (K, TA.) [See مُغِنٌّ and أَغَنُّ. And see also an ex. voce ثُنَّةٌ: and another voce عُنَّةٌ.] b5: And the poet Yezeed Ibn-El-Aawar has used it in relation to the sounding of stones: (K:) [or rather] he has so used the epithet ↓ أَغَنّ. (TA.) عُنَانٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, near the end.

أَغَنُّ One who speaks [with a nasal sound, or twang, i. e.] in [or rather through] his nose; (TA;) who speaks from his خَيَاشِيم [app. here meaning (as expl. before) the innermost parts of the airpassages of the nose]: (S, Msb:) or, accord. to Az, (Mgh, TA,) whose speech flows, (Mgh, K, *) or passes forth, (TA,) in his لَهَاة [app. (as expl. voce غُنَّةٌ) the arches, or pillars, of the soft palate, or the furthest part of the mouth]: (Mgh, K, TA:) fem. غَنَّآءُ, applied to a woman. (Msb.) b2: It is also applied to a gazelle (ظَبْىٌ), meaning Whose cry issues from his خَيَاشِيم [expl. above]: J has erred in saying that it is applied to طَيْر [i. e. birds, or flying things]: (K:) or if by طير he mean flies (ذُبَابٌ), his saying thus is not a mistake, for it is applied to them [as meaning making a humming sound]. (TA.) b3: [Hence,] وَادٍ أَغَنُّ (assumed tropical:) A valley abounding with herbs or herbage: for to such the flies constantly keep, and in their sounds is a غُنَّة. (S. [See also مُغِنٌّ.]) And (for this reason, TA) one says رَوْضَةٌ غَنَّآءُ i. e. (assumed tropical:) [A meadow, or garden,] abounding with herbs or herbage: or in which the winds pass with a sound that is not clear, [i. e. with a confused, humming, or murmuring, sound,] by reason of the denseness of its herbs or herbage. (K, TA.) And [for the same reason one says]

عُشْبٌ أَغَنُّ (assumed tropical:) Herbs, or herbage, tall, full-grown, or of full height, and in blossom. (TA.) b4: and (hence also, S) قَرْيَةٌ غَنَّآءُ (tropical:) [A town, or village,] abounding with inhabitants (S, K, TA) and buildings (K, TA) and herbs or herbage [so that in it is heard the hum of men and women and of flies &c.]. (S, TA.) b5: حَرْفٌ أَغْنُّ means A letter from [the utterance of] which results what is termed غُنَّة [i. e. the nasal sound thus termed]. (TA.) b6: See also غُنَّةٌ, last sentence.

وَادٍ مُغِنٌّ (tropical:) A valley in which is [heard] the sound [or humming] of flies; these not being in any valley but such as abounds with herbs or herbage; (S;) a valley of which the flies are abundant, by reason of the denseness, or luxuriance, of its herbs or herbage, so that a غُنَّة [or humming] is heard, produced by their flying: the epithet being applied to it, but being properly applicable to the flies. (TA.) [See also أَغَنُّ.]
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