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113589. غَمَنَ 1 113590. غمه1 113591. غمهج2 113592. غمو3 113593. غَمُوشِيّ1 113594. غمى5113595. غمي10 113596. غُمِيَ1 113597. غَمَيَ 1 113598. غَمْيان1 113599. غُمَيَّان1 113600. غُمَيْدِيّ1 113601. غَمِيدِيّ1 113602. غُمَيْرٌ1 113603. غُمَيْر1 113604. غَمِير1 113605. غُمَيْرَان1 113606. غُمَيْرِي1 113607. غَمِيري1 113608. غَمِيزُ الجوعِ1 113609. غَمِيسٌ1 113610. غَمِيش1 113611. غَمِيشا1 113612. غُمَيْض1 113613. غَمِيض1 113614. غَمِيلة1 113615. غن5 113616. غنّ1 113617. غَنَّ 1 113618. غَنَّأمِيّ1 113619. غِنَا1 113620. غَنَّا1 113621. غَنَا2 113622. غنا4 113623. غِنَاء1 113624. غَنَّاء1 113625. غَنَاء1 113626. غَنّاج1 113627. غُنَاج1 113628. غِنَاج1 113629. غَنّاجُ1 113630. غَنَّاجَة1 113631. غَنَّادة1 113632. غَنَادَوْسْت1 113633. غَنَّاش1 113634. غِنَاظٌ1 113635. غَنَّام1 113636. غَنَّامَة1 113637. غَنّامو1 113638. غَنَّان1 113639. غَنَانِيم1 113640. غَنَّاوِيّ1 113641. غَنَّاوِي1 113642. غَنّاوِيّ1 113643. غِنَاوِيّ1 113644. غَنَّايات1 113645. غَنَايم1 113646. غنب5 113647. غنباز1 113648. غنبش3 113649. غنبل3 113650. غنت1 113651. غنتج2 113652. غنتل3 113653. غنتم1 113654. غُنْتُمٌ1 113655. غنث5 113656. غَنِثَ1 113657. غُنْثُرُ1 113658. غنثر6 113659. غَنْثَرَ1 113660. غنج11 113661. غَنِجَ1 113662. غَنَجَ 1 113663. غَنجَاتِيّ1 113664. غُنْجَاتِيّ1 113665. غُنجارُ1 113666. غَنْجاوِي1 113667. غَنْجَة1 113668. غنجت1 113669. غنجد1 113670. غُنْجُدةُ1 113671. غنجر1 113672. غنجف1 113673. غنجل4 113674. غَنْجَلٌ 1 113675. غنجم1 113676. غَنَجِيّ1 113677. غُنْجِيّ1 113678. غند1 113679. غَنْدَابُ1 113680. غُنْدَارِيّ1 113681. غندب5 113682. غندج1 113683. غَنْدَجانُ1 113684. غُنْدِجَانُ1 113685. غندجن1 113686. غُنْدَرٌ1 113687. غُنْدُر1 113688. غندر6 Prev. 100


(غمى) الْبَيْت غماه وَالشَّيْء ستره وغطاه
غمى: غمى: أخفى، خبأ. ففي ألف ليلة (3: 605): الأمر مَغْمِيّ.
غَمَّى (بالتشديد): عصب العينين. (بوشر) غما: قناع. (بوشر).
غما: حامية الخوذة، غِماء، وهي قطعة في الخوذة متحركة تقي العينين. (بوشر).
غميان: إغماء، فقدان الحس. (بوشر).
الغِمَاءُ: سَقْفُ البَيْتِ، غَميْتُ البَيْتَ والإناءَ: غَطَّيْتَه. وغَمى بَيْتَه يَغْموه وَيغْمِيه.
وفي السَّماءِ غَمْيٌ: أي غَيْمٌ. وأغْمى يَوْمُنا: دامَ غَيْمُه، وكذلك لَيْلَةٌ مُغْمَاة -.
وأغْمِيَ على فلانٍ: إذا ظُنَّ أنَّه قد ماتَ، وغُمِيَ عليه: مِثْلُه، فهو مَغْمِىِّ عليه.
والغَمى: الرَّجُلُ المَرِيضُ والطَّلى كذلك، والاثنانِ غَمَيَانِ، والجميع أغْماء.
وتقول غَمَا واللَّهِ لأفْعَلَنَّ: بمعنى أمَا واللَّهِ.
[غمى] تركت فلاناً غَمًى مثل قفاً مقصورٌ، أي مغشيًّا عليه. وكذلك الاثنان والجمع والمؤنث. وإن شئت قلت: هما غَمَيانِ وهم أغْماءٌ. وقد أُغمِيَ عليه فهو مُغْمًى عليه، وغَمِيَ عليه فهو مَغْمِيٌّ عليه على مفعولٍ. وأُغمِيَ عليه الخبر، أي استعجم، مثل غُمَّ. وغَمى البيتِ: ما فوقَ السقف من القصب والتراب ونحوه، فإن كسرت العين مددت. وقد غميت البيت. الفراء: يقال صمنا للغمى وللغمى، إذا غم عليهم الهلال. وهى ليلة الغمى. قال الراجز: ليلة غمى طامس هلالها * أو غلتها ومكره إيغالها


ى1 غَمَيْتُ البَيْتَ, (S, K, TA,) aor. ـْ inf. n. غَمْىٌ, (TA,) I roofed the house, or chamber: (K, TA:) or covered its roof (S, K) with earth &c. (K) or with reeds, or canes, and earth, and the like: (S:) and ↓ غَمَّيْتُهُ signifies the same: (K:) and غَمَا البَيْتَ, aor. ـْ (K, TA,) inf. n. غَمْوٌ, (TA,) signifies he covered [the roof of] the house, or chamber, [in like manner, or] with clay, or earth, and wood. (K, TA.) And غَمَىِ الشَّىْءَ He covered the thing. (Har p. 422.) b2: غُمِىَ اليَوْمُ, and اللَّيْلُ, The day, and the night, was constantly clouded, so that the sun was not seen therein nor the new moon: so accord. to Es-Sara- kustee: and he says that عَلَيْكُمْ ↓ فَإِنْ أُغْمِىَ means And if your day be constantly clouded, so that ye see not the new moon, then complete ye [the reckoning of the days of] Shaabán: (Msb:) or فَإِنْ غُمَّ عَلَيْكُمْ and غُمِىَ and ↓ أُغْمِىَ, thus differently related, all mean, and if it, i. e. the new moon, be covered, or concealed: or and if there be a covering [of clouds] over you: (Mgh:) [see also 1 in art. غم:] or يَوْمُنَا ↓ أُغْمِىَ means Our day was one whereof the covering of clouds was constant: and لَيْلَتُنَا ↓ أُغْمِيَتْ, Our night was one whereof the new moon was veiled, or concealed. (K, TA.) b3: See also 4.2 غَمَّىَ see the preceding paragraph, first sentence.4 أَغْمَىَ see 1, in four places. b2: One says also, أُغْمِىَ عَلَيْهِ الخَبَرُ The information, or narration, was dubious, confused, or vague, to him; such as was difficult to be understood; or such as was not to be understood; like غُمَّ: (S:) or was obscure, or unapparent, to him. (Msb.) b3: And أُغْمِىَ عَلَيْهِ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِغْمَآءٌ; (Mgh, Msb;) and عليه ↓ غُمِىَ; (S, Msb, K;) said of a sick man, (S, Msb, K,) He swooned, i. e. became senseless, (غُشِىَ عَلَيْهِ, S, * K,) and then recovered his senses: (K:) or إِغْمَآءٌ is a weakness of the faculties by reason of the overpowering effect of disease: (Mgh:) or it is an abstraction, or absence of mind, that overtakes a man, with languor of the limbs, or members, or organs, by reason of a malady; (Mgh, Msb;) thus it is defined by the scholastic theologians; and is the same as غُشْىٌ: (Mgh:) or it is a repletion of the venters of the brain with a cold, thick, phlegm; (Mgh, Msb;) thus accord. to the physicians, who distinguish between it and غُشْىٌ, as do the lawyers: (Mgh:) [see also غُشِىَ عَلَيْهِ:] the patient is said to be عَلَيْهِ ↓ مُغْمًى, (S, Mgh, and so in some copies of the K,) and عَلَيْهِ ↓ مَغْمِىٌّ, (S, Msb, and so in some copies of the K,) and ↓ غَمًى, which last epithet is applied to a single person, (S, K,) and to two persons, (S,) and to a pl. number, (S, K,) and to a female [as well as a male], (S,) or (if you will, S) you say هُمَا غَمَيَانِ and هُمْ أَغْمَآءٌ. (S, K.) فِى السَّمَآءِ غَمْىٌ, (K,) or كَانَ عَلَى السَّمَآءِ غَمْىٌ, (Msb,) and ↓ غَمًى, (Msb, K,) mean [Upon the sky is, or was,] what veiled, or concealed, the new moon: (Msb, K:) not from غُمَّ: (K:) this addition in the K is meant as an indirect slur upon J, for his having mentioned [in this art.] the statement of Fr that one says صُمْنَا لِلْغُمَّى and لِلْغَمَّى, meaning We fasted when the new moon was veiled, or concealed, to us; and هِىَ لَيْلَةُ الغَمَّى

[or الغُمَّى]; the [proper] place of which is [the section of words whereof the last radical is] م: (TA:) [see غَمٌّ, in that art.: but accord. to Fei,] one says [also], ↓ صُمْنَا لِلْغُمْيَةِ. (Msb. [It is there added that this noun is like مُدْيَة in measure: otherwise I should think that the right reading is لِلْغُمِّيَّة, which has been mentioned voce غَمٌّ.]) غَمًى and ↓ غِمَآءٌ (T, S, K) The roof of a house, or chamber: (T, K:) or the covering of the roof, (S, K,) consisting of earth &c., (K,) or consisting of reeds, or canes, and earth, and the like; (S;) and غَمًا also signifies [the same, or] the covering of a house, or chamber, consisting of clay, or earth, and wood: (TA in art. غمو:) the dual [of the first and last] is غَمَيَانِ and غَمَوَانِ: and the pl. is أَغْمَآءٌ, (K, TA,) which is [of the same] like

أَنْقَآءٌ pl. of نَقًى [and نَقًا], (TA,) and أَغْمِيَةٌ, (K, TA,) which is of ↓ غِمَآءٌ. (TA.) b2: Also, the first, [in the CK, erroneously, غَماء,] A covering that is put upon a horse in order that he may sweat. (ISd, K.) b3: See also غَمْىٌ.

A2: And see 4, near the end.

صُمْنَا لِلْغُمْيَةِ: see غَمْىٌ.

غِمَآءٌ: see غَمًى, in two places.

غَامِيَآءُ One of the entrances to the burrow of the jerboa. (K.) مُغْمًى عَلَيْهِ and مَغْمِىٌّ عَلَيْهِ: see 4, near the end.
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