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107655. عَدَوِيّ1 107656. عَدَويَّة1 107657. عَدَّى1 107658. عدى2 107659. عَدِيّ2 107660. عدي2107661. عُدَيّةُ1 107662. عَديدٌ1 107663. عَدِيدَة1 107664. عَدِيدُو1 107665. عَدِيل2 107666. عُدَيْل1 107667. عَدِيلَة1 107668. عُدَيِّم1 107669. عُدَيْم1 107670. عَدِيم1 107671. عَدِيم الأَخْلاق1 107672. عَدِيم الإحساس1 107673. عُدَيْمَان1 107674. عَدِيمة1 107675. عُدَينَةُ1 107676. عَدِينة1 107677. عذ2 107678. عَذا1 107679. عذا5 107680. عَذَا1 107681. عِذَاب1 107682. عَذَّاب1 107683. عَذَاب1 107684. عِذَابِي1 107685. عَذَابِيّ1 107686. عَذَاةُ1 107687. عِذَارٌ1 107688. عَذَّار1 107689. عَذَّاريّ1 107690. عَذَاري1 107691. عَذَّافَة1 107692. عذافر1 107693. عُذامَةُ1 107694. عَذِبٌ1 107695. عَذْب1 107696. عذب17 107697. عَذُبَ1 107698. عَذَبَ 1 107699. عَذْبَان1 107700. عَذْبَةُ1 107701. عَذْبة1 107702. عَذَبة1 107703. عذبه1 107704. عَذَبِيَّة1 107705. عذج3 107706. عذر23 107707. عَذِرَ1 107708. عَذَرَ على1 107709. عَذَرَ 1 107710. عَذْرَاء1 107711. عَذْراء1 107712. عَذَرَةُ1 107713. عُذرة المرأة1 107714. عَذِرَت1 107715. عُذْرَت1 107716. عُذَرِطٌ1 107717. عذط8 107718. عذف9 107719. عذفر6 107720. عَذْفَرَ1 107721. عذفط2 107722. عذفل1 107723. عَذَقٌ1 107724. عَذْقٌ1 107725. عذق14 107726. عَذِقَ1 107727. عَذَقَ 1 107728. عذقل1 107729. عَذُلَ1 107730. عذل16 107731. عَذَلَ على1 107732. عَذَلَ 1 107733. عَذْلَجَ1 107734. عذلج5 107735. عذلط2 107736. عُذَلِطٌ 1 107737. عذلق2 107738. عذلم1 107739. عذله1 107740. عَذْلِيّ1 107741. عذم11 107742. عَذَمُ1 107743. عَذَمَ2 107744. عَذَمَ 1 107745. عذمهر2 107746. عَذَمْهَرٌ1 107747. عذن4 107748. عَذْنونُ1 107749. عذو7 107750. عذى2 107751. عذي5 107752. عَذَيَ 1 107753. عَذِيب1 107754. عُذَيْب1 Prev. 100


الْعين وَالدَّال وَالْيَاء

العَيْدَانَة: أطول مَا يكون من النّخل، وَلَا تكون عيْدانَةً حَتَّى يسْقط كربها كُله وَيصير جذعها اجرد من أَعْلَاهُ إِلَى أَسْفَله، عَن أبي حنيفَة. وَقَالَ أَبُو عبيد: هِيَ كالرقلة.


عَدِيَ(n. ac. عَدًا [ ])
a. [La], Hated, was hostile to.
عَدَّيَa. Made to pass, go through; made to overstep
b. Made active, transitive (verb).
c. [acc. & 'An], Turned from.
عَاْدَيَa. Ran after; chased, pursued; raced.
b. Treated as an enemy; resisted.

أَعْدَيَa. see I (e)b. [Fī], Went too far in; transgressed in.
c. [acc. & 'Ala], Helped against.
d. [acc. & Min], Infected with, communicated to (
disease ).
تَعَدَّيَa. Overstepped the bounds; transgressed.
b. Was active, transitive (verb).
c. [Ila], Passed to.
d. ['Ala], Wronged.
e. Took, received (dowry).
تَعَاْدَيَa. Ran, raced together.
b. Were enemies.
c. Infected one another.
d. [Min], Was distant, far off, remote from: withdrew from.
e. Was uneven.

a. ['Ala], Was hostile. badly disposed to; wronged, injured.

a. [acc. & 'Ala], Asked the help of...against.
b. Made to run, urged on.

عَدْوa. Run; race; course.

عَدْوَى []
a. Infectious disease; infection, contagion.
b. Complaint ( in law ).
عِدْوa. Flat stone, covering.

عُِدْوَة [عِدْيَة
3t ], (pl.
عِدَآء [] )
a. High place; bank, edge, riverside.
b. see 22 (b)
عُدْوَى []
a. Oppression, tyranny.

عَدًى (pl.
أَعْدَآء [] )
a. Bank, edge, side; region.

عِدًىa. see 2 & 4c. Hostile.

عُدًىa. see 7 (c)
مَعْدًى []
a. Passage, outlet.
b. Refuge.

عَادٍ (pl.
عُدَاة [] )
a. Running; runner.
b. [art.], The lion.
c. see 26
عَادِيَة [] (pl.
عَوَادٍ [] )
a. fem. of
b. Injustice, wrong, oppression.
c. Distance.
d. Hindrance.
e. see 25 (a)
عَدَآء []
a. see 1b. Equal; like.

عَدَاوَة []
a. Enmity, hostility; hatred.
b. see 3ya
عِدَآّ []
a. see 1 & 2 & 22 ( b).
عَدَيّa. Advanced guard; skirmishers.
b. Name of an Arab tribe.

عَدُوّ [] (pl.
أَعَادٍ []
أَعْدَآء [] )
a. Enemy, foe.

عَدَّآء []
a. Runner; courier; courser (horse).

عُدْوَان []
a. see 3ya
عَدَوَان []
a. Fleet, swift.

عَوَادٍ []
a. Vicissitudes ( of fortune ).
عُدَوَآء []
a. Dry ground.
b. Discomfort, uncomfortableness ( of a seat & c. ).
c. Distance.
d. Obstacle, hindrance, impediment.

مَعْدُوّ مَعْدِيّ [ N. P.
a. I] ['Ala], Oppressed.
تَعْدِيَة [ N.
a. II], Transitiveness ( of a verb ).

مُعْدٍ [ N. Ag.
a. IV], Infectious, contagious.

مُتَعَدٍّ [ N.
a. V], Active, transitive (verb).
b. ['Ala], Transgressor, trespasser; oppressor.
تَعَدٍّ [ N. Ac.
a. V], Injustice, oppression; molestation.
b. Transgression, iniquity.

a. [ A. Ag. VI], Uneven, rugged (
ground ).
تَعَادِي [ N.
a. VI] [art.], Uneven, rugged ground.
مُعْتَدٍ [ N.
a. VIII] ['Ala]
see N. Ag.
V (b)
إِعْتِدَآء [ N.
a. VIII]
see N. Ac.
a. مَا عَدَا Except, save; without.

عَادِيَانِ [
du. ]
a. The two sides ( of a board ).
أَعْدَى عَدُوّ
a. The greatest enemy.
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