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105856. ظما2 105857. ظَمَا 1 105858. ظمخ5 105859. ظَمَد1 105860. ظمو1 105861. ظمى3105862. ظمي6 105863. ظَمْيا1 105864. ظَمْيَاء1 105865. ظَمْيان1 105866. ظَمْيَان1 105867. ظمية1 105868. ظميت1 105869. ظَمِيدِي1 105870. ظُمَيْدي1 105871. ظن8 105872. ظنّ1 105873. ظنّ السُّوء1 105874. ظَنَّ في1 105875. ظَنَّ 1 105876. ظنب11 105877. ظَنَبَ1 105878. ظَنَبَ 1 105879. ظِنَّة1 105880. ظنم2 105881. ظنن16 105882. ظَنُنَ1 105883. ظنو1 105884. ظنى1 105885. ظني1 105886. ظِنيّ1 105887. ظَنِّي1 105888. ظَنِّيَّة1 105889. ظَنِيقة1 105890. ظُنَيْقَة1 105891. ظَنِينَة1 105892. ظهار1 105893. ظهر20 105894. ظَهَرَ1 105895. ظُهْر1 105896. ظَهْر1 105897. ظُهُر الله1 105898. ظَهْرُ حِمَارٍ1 105899. ظَهر غِني1 105900. ظَهَرَ 1 105901. ظَهْرَات1 105902. ظَهَرات1 105903. ظَهْرانِيهم1 105904. ظُهْرِية1 105905. ظهم3 105906. ظَهَمَ1 105907. ظُهُورٌ1 105908. ظهور1 105909. ظهُور الدّين1 105910. ظُهُورِيّة1 105911. ظَهِير1 105912. ظُهَيْر1 105913. ظَهِير الحق1 105914. ظَهِير الدين1 105915. ظَهِيرَات1 105916. ظُهَيْرَة1 105917. ظَهِيرَة1 105918. ظوأ2 105919. ظوا1 105920. ظَواهِري1 105921. ظوب3 105922. ظَوَّة1 105923. ظور1 105924. ظوظ1 105925. ظوف7 105926. ظُوفِ1 105927. ظول1 105928. ظوم2 105929. ظوي3 105930. ظُوَيَّان1 105931. ظَوْيان1 105932. ظُوَيْعِن1 105933. ظُوَيْف1 105934. ظُوَيْهِري1 105935. ظى1 105936. ظيّ1 105937. ظيأ1 105938. ظيا1 105939. ظِيرٌ1 105940. ظيق1 105941. ظين3 105942. ظيى1 105943. ظيي4 105944. ع6 105945. عَائب1 105946. عَائِتَة1 105947. عَائِج1 105948. عائدٌ1 105949. عَائِد1 105950. عَائِدَة1 105951. عَائِدون1 105952. عائذٌ1 105953. عائِرٌ1 105954. عَائِسي1 105955. عَائِش1 Prev. 100


[ظمى] شفة ظَمْياء بيِّنة الظَمَى، إذا كانَ فيها سمرة وذبولٌ. ولِثةٌ ظَمْياءُ: قليلة الدم. وعينٌ ظَمْياءُ: رقيقة الجفن. وساقٌ ظَمْياءُ: قليلة اللحم. وظِلٌّ أَظْمى: أسودُ. ورمحٌ أَظْمى: أسمر. والمَظْمِيُّ من الزرع: ما تسقيه السماء. والمسقوى: ما يسقى بالسيح. والظميان: شجرٌ ينبت بنجدٍ، يشبه القَرَظَ.
ظمى: الظَّمى: قِلَّةُ دَمِ اللِّثَةِ، والنَّعْتُ: رَجُلٌ أظْمى وامْرَأَةٌ ظَمْيَاءُ، والجَميعُ الظُّمْيُ.
وعَيْنٌ ظَمْأَى وظَمْيَاءُ: رَقِيْقَةُ الجَفْنِ.
وساقٌ ظَمْيَاءُ: مُعْتَرِقَةُ اللَّحْمِ.
ورُمْحٌ أظْمى: أي دَقِيْقٌ أسْمَرُ.
وإبِلٌ ظُمْيٌ: سُوْدٌ.
والظِّمُ: لُغَةٌ في الظِّمْءِ مَهْمُوْزٌ.


ى1 ظَمِىَ, [and ظَمِيَتْ, aor. ـَ inf. n. ظَمًى, He, or it, [and she, or it,] had any of the qualities denoted by the epithet أَظْمَى [and its fem. ظَمْيَآءُ]. (M, TA. [See أَظْمَى, and see also ظَمًى expl. below.]) 2 ظَمَّىَ see the next paragraph.4 أُظْمِىَ, inf. n. إِظْمَآءٌ, He (a horse) was made lean, or lank; as also ↓ ظُمِّىَ, inf. n. تَظْمِيَةٌ. (T, TA. [See also 4 in art. ظمأ.]) ظَمًى is the inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]: and [it is said that it] signifies The withering, or drying up, of the lip, from thirst: (M:) so says Lth: but it signifies paucity of the flesh and blood of the lip; not the withering, or drying-up, in consequence of thirst: it is a quality that is commended: (T:) or a tawny, or brownish, or dusky, colour, and a withering, or drying-up, in the lip. (S.) b2: and Paucity of the blood of the gum: (Lth, T:) or paucity of the blood and flesh of the gum. (M.) [In the T is added ويعتريه الحُسْنُ: and in the M, وهو يعترى الحُبْسَ, in which الحُبْسَ seems to be evidently a mistranscription for الحُبْشَ: I therefore think it most probable that in the T, as well as in the M, the right reading is وَهُوَ يَعْتَرِى الحُبْشَ, meaning and it is incidental to the Abyssinians.] b3: And Tawniness of a spearshaft. (T.) ظَمٍ: see أَظْمَى.

ظِمَآءٌ: see ظَمْآنُ, in art. ظمأ.

ظَامٍ: see ظَمْآنُ, in art. ظمأ.

أَظْمَى Anything withering, or withered; or becoming, or become, dried up; from heat; as also ↓ ظَمٍ. (M.) b2: [Hence,] شَفَةٌ ظَمْيَآءُ A lip that is not swollen, [not] having much blood; (T;) accord. to Lth, from thirst; but Az says that it is not so: (TA: [see ظَمًى:]) or a lip in which is a tawny, or brownish, or dusky, colour, and a withering, or lack of moisture: (S:) or a lip withering, or withered, or lacking moisture, inclining to a tawny, or brownish, or dusky, colour. (K.) b3: And لِثَةٌ ظَمْيَآءُ A gum having little blood: (S, K:) or, accord. to the M, having little blood and flesh. (TA.) b4: And عَيْنٌ ظَمْيَآءُ An eye having a thin, or delicate, lid: (T, S, M, K:) and so عين ظَمْأَى. (M and TA in art. ظمأ.) b5: And سَاقٌ ظَمْيَآءُ A lean shank: (S, M, K:) and so ساق ظَمْأَى. (T and TA in art. ظمأ.) And أَظْمَى الشَّوَى means A horse having little flesh upon the legs: (TA:) and so ظَمْآنُ الشَّوَى. (T in art. روى.) b6: أَظْمَى is also applied to a man, as signifying Black in the lip: (M:) and so ظَمْيَآءُ applied to a woman. (T, M.) b7: and the former applied to a man, and the latter to a woman, Having the quality of the gum termed ظَمًى expl. above. (M.) b8: Both also, accord. to Lh, signify Tawny, brownish, or dusky; the former as applied to a man, and the latter to a woman: (M:) and thus the former applied to a spear, (As, T, S, M,) and the latter to a spearshaft (قَنَاة). (TA.) b9: And أَظْمَى signifies also Black: (T:) thus as applied to shade: (S:) and so the fem. applied to a she-camel: (K:) or the latter applied to a she-camel, and [the pl.] ظُمْىٌ applied to camels, in the colour of which is a blackness. (T.) [See also أَظْمَأُ, in art. ظمأ.]

مَظْمِىٌّ Land, (M,) or [rather] seed-produce (زَرْع), (S, K,) watered only by the rain: (S, M, K:) and so مَظْمِئِىٌّ: (K in art. ظمأ:) such as is irrigated by running water is termed مَسْقَوِىٌّ. (S.)
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