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104632. طَسِيَ1 104633. طسي3 104634. طُسَيْل1 104635. طَشّ1 104636. طشّ1 104637. طش3104638. طَشَّ 1 104639. طشأ5 104640. طشا1 104641. طَشَاش1 104642. طشت3 104643. طَشْتخاناه1 104644. طشتدار1 104645. طشتن1 104646. طَشَدُور1 104647. طشر1 104648. طَشَشَ1 104649. طشش9 104650. طشطانة1 104651. طَشْعير1 104652. طِشْكَرُ1 104653. طشكَلَ1 104654. طَشْكَندي1 104655. طشن2 104656. طشي1 104657. طُشَيْت1 104658. طصّ1 104659. طَطَار1 104660. طَطَارِيّ1 104661. طَطَاوِيّ1 104662. ططر1 104663. ططه1 104664. طَعَّ 1 104665. طعا1 104666. طَعَّام1 104667. طَعَام1 104668. طَعام الغَدَاء1 104669. طَعَامِنَة1 104670. طَعَّانَة1 104671. طَعَّاوِيّ1 104672. طعب2 104673. طَعْبِيّ1 104674. طعثن4 104675. طِعْثِنَةٌ 1 104676. طعج3 104677. طعر4 104678. طعرب1 104679. طعز4 104680. طعزب2 104681. طَعَسَ1 104682. طعس4 104683. طعسب2 104684. طعسف3 104685. طَعْشَبٌ1 104686. طعشب2 104687. طعع3 104688. طعل2 104689. طعم18 104690. طَعِمَ1 104691. طَعَم1 104692. طَعَمَ 1 104693. طِعْمَة1 104694. طُعْمَة1 104695. طَعَنَ2 104696. طعن16 104697. طَعْنات1 104698. طَعَنَهُ1 104699. طعو1 104700. طَعُوم1 104701. طَعِّيّة1 104702. طُعَيْمة1 104703. طَعِيمة1 104704. طَغا1 104705. طغا4 104706. طَغَامَى1 104707. طغب1 104708. طغج1 104709. طَغَرَ1 104710. طغر6 104711. طغرش1 104712. طغغ2 104713. طغف1 104714. طَغْفَةُ1 104715. طغم12 104716. طَغَمَ1 104717. طَغَمَ 1 104718. طغمس4 104719. طغمش2 104720. طغن2 104721. طغنصا1 104722. طغو6 104723. طغو وطغى1 104724. طَغى1 104725. طغى1 104726. طَغَى 1 104727. طَغِيَ1 104728. طغي7 104729. طغيان1 104730. طَفّ1 104731. طف5 Prev. 100


(طش) أَصَابَهُ الطشاش وَالْأَرْض أَصَابَهَا الطشاش
طش: مَطَرٌ طَشِيْشٌ وطَشٌّ. وطَشَّتِ السَّمَاءُ وأطَشَّتْ: أتَتْ بمَطَرٍ قَليلٍ. وأرْضٌ مَطْشُوْشَةٌ.


1 طَشَّتِ السَّمَآءُ, (S, A, O, K,) aor. ـِ and طَشُّ, (O, K,) inf. n. طَشٌّ, (TK,) The sky let fall rain such as is called طَشّ [q. v.]; as also ↓ اطشّت. (S, A, O, K.) b2: [Hence,] طَشَّ [as meaning (assumed tropical:) He sprinkled the moisture from his nose like fine rain] is said of one affected with the malady termed طُشَّة, when he blows his nose. (O.) b3: And طُشَّ, (O, K,) with damm, (K,) He (a man) was, or became, affected with the malady termed طُشَّة: (O, K:) but Az says that the [better] known word is طُشِئَ. (TA.) 4 أَطْشَ3َ see the preceding paragraph.

طَشٌّ and ↓ طَشِيشٌ Weak [or fine] rain, (S, A, O, K,) but exceeding what is termed رَذَاذٌ: (S, O, K:) or the former is less than رَذَاذ: (El-Khattábee, and Suh in TA art. رذ:) or rain exceeding what is termed رَِكٌّ, but less than what is termed قِطْقِطٌ: (TA:) or the first of rain; (L, TA;) next to which is what is termed رَشٌّ: (L:) [but see these other terms for rain: طِشَاشٌ and طُشُوشٌ are pls. of طَشٌّ; both mentioned in the O, though not there said to be pls. of طَشٌّ:] one says, أَصَابَنَا طِشَاشٌ وَرِشَاشٌ [Rains such as are termed طشاش and رشاش fell upon us]. (O.) طُشَّةٌ and ↓ طُشَاشٌ, both with damm, A malady like the [rheum termed] زُكَام, (O, K,) incident to human beings: said by El-Kutabee to be termed طُشَّة because when he who is affected with it blows his nose he sprinkles the moisture from it like fine rain (إِذَا اسْتَنْثَرَ طَشَّ): but the [better] known word is طُشْأَةٌ (O.) [See also the next paragraph.]

طِشَّة is said in the K to signify A young child; its author having app. understood a young child to be meant thereby in a trad. respecting the [plant called] حَزَاة, in which it is said, يَشْتَرِيهَا

أَكَايِيسُ الصِّبْيَانِ لِلطِّشَّةِ [evidently meaning, Intelligent children purchase it for the malady termed طِشَّة, this word being doubtless either a dial. var. of طُشَّة, or a mistranscription]: that طشّة here denotes children is refuted by another relation of the trad., يَشْرَبُهَا أَكَايِيسُ النِّسَآءِ لِلطُشَّةِ [i. e. intelligent women drink a preparation of it for the طُشَّة]. (TA.) طَشَاشٌ i. q. رَشَاشٌ [i. e. Such as is sprinkled, or scattered,] (K, TA) of rain: or such as is weak. (TA.) [Not to be mistaken for the pls. طِشَاشٌ and رِشَاشٌ: see طَشٌّ.] b2: And hence, app., and, if so, tropical, Weakness of sight: whence the prov., الطَّشَاشُ وَلَا العَمَى [Weakness of sight, and not blindness]. (TA.) طُشَاشٌ: see طُشَّةٌ.

طَشِيشٌ: see طَشٌّ.

أَرْضٌ مطْشُوشَةٌ Land upon which has fallen rain such as is termed طَشٌّ. (S, A, O.) b2: And رَجُلٌ مَطْشُوشٌ A man affected with the malady termed طُشَّة. (TA.)
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