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104115. طجل1 104116. طجمان1 104117. طجن12 104118. طَجَنَ 1 104119. طجنه1 104120. طح2104121. طحّ1 104122. طَحَّ 1 104123. طَحا1 104124. طحا6 104125. طَحَا1 104126. طِحابٌ1 104127. طِحَابٌ1 104128. طُحَال1 104129. طِحَالٌ1 104130. طَحَّان1 104131. طَحَايِنَة1 104132. طحب1 104133. طَحْبَرْتُ1 104134. طحث3 104135. طَحَثَه1 104136. طحج1 104137. طحح5 104138. طَحَرَ1 104139. طحر11 104140. طَحَرَ 1 104141. طحرب6 104142. طحربة1 104143. طَحَرَتِ1 104144. طحرر1 104145. طحرف1 104146. طحرم4 104147. طَحْرَمَ1 104148. طِحْرِمَةٌ1 104149. طُحرور1 104150. طحز3 104151. طَحَسَ1 104152. طحس5 104153. طحط1 104154. طحطح3 104155. طَحْطَح1 104156. طَحْطُوطُ1 104157. طحف2 104158. طحك2 104159. طحل12 104160. طَحَلَ 1 104161. طحلب12 104162. طُحْلُب1 104163. طحلم2 104164. طِحْلِمَة1 104165. طحله1 104166. طحم9 104167. طَحَمَ 1 104168. طَحْمَةُ1 104169. طَحْمَر1 104170. طَحْمَرَ2 104171. طحمر5 104172. طَحْمورَثُ1 104173. طَحَنَ2 104174. طحن16 104175. طَحَنَ 1 104176. طحنه1 104177. طحه1 104178. طحو6 104179. طحو وطحى1 104180. طَحَوَ 1 104181. طَحُون1 104182. طحى1 104183. طحي1 104184. طُحَيْح1 104185. طُحَيمر1 104186. طِحِين1 104187. طخ2 104188. طخَّ1 104189. طَخَّ 1 104190. طَخَا1 104191. طخا5 104192. طَخَّاخ1 104193. طَخَارَانُ1 104194. طَخارستان1 104195. طُخَامٌ1 104196. طَخَّان1 104197. طخت1 104198. طخَخَ1 104199. طخخ5 104200. طخر5 104201. طخَر1 104202. طَخَرَ 1 104203. طَخْرَبَ1 104204. طخرب3 104205. طَخْرَبَةٌ1 104206. طِخْرِبَةٌ1 104207. طخرذ1 104208. طخرف1 104209. طخَرم1 104210. طخز1 104211. طخَس2 104212. طخس4 104213. طخَش1 104214. طَخْشُ1 Prev. 100


الطَّحُّ: أنْ يَضَعَ عَقِبَه على شَيْءٍ يُسَحِّجُه بها. والمِطَحَّةُ من الشّاةِ: مُؤخَّرُ ظِلْفِها. والطَّحْطَحَةُ: التَّفَرُّقُ وإهْلاكُ الشَّيْءِ. وأتانا وما عليه طِحْطِحَةٌ: أي خِرْقَةٌ. والطَّحْطَحُ من الأرْضِ: بمنزلةِ الصَّحْصَح. وما على رَأْسِه طِحْطِحَةٌ: أي شَعرةٌ.


1 طَحَّهُ, aor. ـُ (S, O,) inf. n. طَحٌّ, (S, O, K,) He scraped it with his heel so as to remove its superficial part; grazed it with his heel: (S, O, K: *) or he put his heel upon it and then so scraped it. (TA.) b2: And He spread it, or expanded it. (IDrd, O, K.) 4 اطحّهُ He made it to fall, threw it down, or let it fall: and he threw it. (Fr, O, K.) 7 انطحّ It (a thing, O) became spread or expanded; or it spread, or expanded, itself. (O, K.) R. Q. 1 طَحْطَحَ بِهِمْ, (S, O,) inf. n. طَحْطَحَةٌ and طِحْطَاحٌ, (S,) He dispersed, or scattered, them, (S, O, TA,) destroying them: (TA:) or he dispersed, or scattered, them, and overcame them. (IF, O.) And طَحْطَحَهُ He dispersed, or scattered, it, destroying it: (Lth, TA:) or he destroyed it: (IDrd, O:) and he broke it: (S, O:) or he broke it, destroying it: (TA:) and he dispersed, or scattered, it. (S, O.) And طَحْطَحَهُمْ, said of time, or fortune, It destroyed them; and dispersed, or scattered, them. (A.) And طَحْطَحَ مَالَهُ He dispersed, or scattered, his property. (A.) A2: And طَحْطَحَ He laughed slightly: (K:) or so طَحْطَحَ فِى ضَحِكِهِ; (TA;) which means the same as طَهْطَهَ and كَتْكَتَ (O, TA) and طَخْطَخَ and كَدْكَدَ and كَرْكَرَ. (TA.) طُحُحٌ i. q. مَسَاحِجُ [pl. of مَسْحَجٌ and of مَسْحَجٌ: see these two words]. (IAar, O, K.) طَحَّانُ [A grinder of corn &c. with a mill] is said by Ks to be of the measure فَعْلَانُ from [the inf. n.] الطَّحُّ. (O, TA.) [But see art. طحن.]

مَا عَلَى رَأْسِهِ طِحْطِحَةٌ means There is not upon his head a single hair: so says Az: Lh says, أَتَانَا وَمَا عَلَيْهِ طِحْطِحَةٌ He came to us not having upon him anything: (O:) or the last word in ما عليه طحطحة signifies anything: or any hair. (K.) [See also طِحْلِبَةٌ.]

الطَّحْطَاحُ The lion. (IDrd, O, K.) مِطَحَّةٌ The hinder part of the hoof of a sheep or goat: (Lth, IAar, O, K:) or a thing resembling a فَلْكَة [generally meaning the whirl of a spindle], in its foot, with which it scrapes the ground: (Th, O, K:) Lth says that, beneath its hoof, in the place of the مِطَحَّة, is a little bone like the فَلْكَة. (O.)
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