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89452. زحه1 89453. زحوله2 89454. زُحَيْرِية1 89455. زُحَيْفٌ1 89456. زَحِيفة1 89457. زخ389458. زَخَّ1 89459. زُخٌّ1 89460. زخّ1 89461. زَخْ1 89462. زَخَّ 1 89463. زخا2 89464. زخاراي1 89465. زخاري1 89466. زَخَّامَة1 89467. زخب3 89468. زَخْبَرٌ1 89469. زخبر1 89470. زَخَّة1 89471. زَخّةُ1 89472. زخخ9 89473. زخَخَ1 89474. زَخَخَ1 89475. زخر14 89476. زَخَرَ2 89477. زخَر1 89478. زَخَرَ 1 89479. زخرب2 89480. زِخْرِطُ1 89481. زخَرط1 89482. زخرط3 89483. زُخْرُفُ1 89484. زخَرف1 89485. زخرف12 89486. زَخْرَفَ1 89487. زخرفه1 89488. زَخْزَبَ1 89489. زخزب2 89490. زَخَفَ1 89491. زخَف1 89492. زخف6 89493. زَخلب1 89494. زخلب1 89495. زخَلط1 89496. زخلط1 89497. زَخَم1 89498. زُخْمٌ1 89499. زَخَمَ1 89500. زخم7 89501. زخَم2 89502. زَخْمَانُ1 89503. زخمه1 89504. زخَن1 89505. زخن2 89506. زَخَّهُ1 89507. زخى1 89508. زُخَيٌّ1 89509. زُخَيْخٌ1 89510. زِدْ إلى1 89511. زدا2 89512. زدب2 89513. زددب1 89514. زدر5 89515. زدرم2 89516. زَدَعَ1 89517. زدع2 89518. زدغ2 89519. زدغِ1 89520. زدف4 89521. زدق3 89522. زدك1 89523. زدل2 89524. زدو4 89525. زَدَى1 89526. زذب2 89527. زذن1 89528. زر5 89529. زرّ1 89530. زر الله1 89531. زَرَّ 1 89532. زرأ2 89533. زرا1 89534. زُرّا1 89535. زَرَا1 89536. زُرَاباذ1 89537. زُرَّاح1 89538. زَرّاد1 89539. زرادشت1 89540. زرار1 89541. زُرَارَةُ1 89542. زَرّارِيّ1 89543. زرارية1 89544. زَرَّاع1 89545. زَرَّاعة1 89546. زُرَافَات1 89547. زَرّافاتُ1 89548. زَرَاقطِمى1 89549. زَرَاوَةُ1 89550. زَرَاوَنْد1 89551. زَرَايِبيّ1 Prev. 100


الْجَمْر وَنَحْوه زخا وزخيخا اشْتَدَّ وهجه وَفُلَان زخا اغتاظ ووثب وَالشَّيْء وَبِه دَفعه وَرمى بِهِ وَيُقَال زخه فِي قَفاهُ دَفعه وزخ ببوله رمى بِهِ وَالْإِبِل سَاقهَا سوقا سَرِيعا
زخ الزخ دفعك انسانا في وهدة. وزخخت في قفاه. والزخيخ شدة بريق الجمر والحر، زخ يزخ زخيخاً. وزخة الرجل امرأته. وزخها أتاها. وزخ ببوله مثل ضخ. والزخ الوثب. والسرعة. وزخ الدابة بحمله أي هو شديد به قوي. وزخ الحمار أسرع. والزخوخ الذي يدق الأرض بقوائمه. والزخة الحقد. والغيظ. والضرب في الذقن.


1 زَخَّهُ, (S, A, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. زَخٌّ, (TA,) He pushed him, or thrust him, (S, A,) or made him to fall, (K,) into a depressed place, or a deep hollow or cavity: (S, A, K:) [or he pushed him, or thrust him, in any manner; for] زَخٌّ signifies, accord. to IDrd, any pushing, or thrusting. (TA.) You say, زُخَّ فِى النَّارِ, (A,) or زُخَّ بِهِ فِى النَّارِ, He was pushed, or thrust, and thrown, or cast, into the fire [of Hell]. (TA.) And زُخَّ فِى قَفَاهُ (A, TA) He was pushed, or thrust, on the back of his neck: or he was pushed, or thrust, on the back of his neck, and expelled. (TA.) And it is said in a trad. of Aboo-Moosà, مَنْ يَتَّبِعِ القُرْآنَ يَهْبِطْ بِهِ عَلَى رِيَاضِ الجَنَّةِ وَمَنْ يَتَّبِعْهُ القُرْآنُ يَزُخَّ فِى قَفَاهُ حَتَّى يَقْذِفَ بِهِ فِى نَارِ جَهَنَّمَ [Whosoever follows the Kur-án as his guide, it will make him to alight upon the gardens, or meadows, of Paradise; and whomsoever the Kur-án follows as a punisher, it will push, or thrust, upon the back of his neck, until it shall cast him into the fire of Hell]. (S.) One says also of lambs or kids, تُزَخُّ, meaning They are driven; and impelled from behind them. (TA.) And of a driver, زَخَّ الإِبِلَ He drove the camels quickly, and urged them on. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] زَخَّ بِبَوْلِهِ, (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He cast forth his urine; (K, TA;) and propelled it. (TA.) and زَخَّتْ بِالمَآءِ, and زَخَّتِ المَآءَ, She (a woman) ejected the [seminal] fluid. (TA. [See زَخَّاخَةٌ.]) b3: Hence also, (TA,) زَخَّ المَرْأَةَ, (S, * A, * K,) aor. as above, (S, A,) and so the inf. n., (TA,) He compressed the woman; (A, K;) as also ↓ زَخْزَخَهَا, (K,) inf. n. زِخْزَاخٌ. (TA.) b4: and زَخَّهُ بِالرُّمْحِ i. q. زَجَّهُ [He pierced him, or thrust him, with the pointed iron foot of the spear]; like زَلَخَهُ. (TA in art. زلخ.) b5: And زَخَّ, (K,) and زَخَّ بِنَفْسِهِ, (TA,) [as though meaning “ he propelled himself,”] He leaped: (K, TA:) thus, sometimes a man leaps a نَهْر [here meaning a rivulet for irrigation], putting his مِسْحَاة in the middle of it. (TA.) b6: And زَخَّ, (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He went quickly; [as though propelling himself:] (TA:) he (a driver) went, or journeyed, a violent, or rigorous, pace. (K, TA.) A2: زَخَّ, (S, K,) [aor., accord. to analogy, زَخِّ,] inf. n. as above, (S,) He (a man) was, or became, angered, or enraged. (S, K. [See also زَخَّةٌ.]) A3: زَخَّ الجَمْرُ, (S, A, K,) in some copies of the K, erroneously, الخَمْرُ, (TA,) aor. ـِ (S, K,) with kesr, (S,) and زَخُّ, with damm, [which is anomalous,] (TA,) inf. n. زَخِيخٌ (S, * A, * K) and زَخٌّ, (K,) The live coals glistened: (K:) or glistened vehemently: (S, A:) and in like manner, الحَرِيرُ [the silk]. (TA.) R. Q. 1 زَخْزَخَ المَرْأَةَ: see 1, in the latter half of the paragraph.

زَخٌّ: see the next paragraph.

زَخَّةٌ: see مَزَخَّةٌ.

A2: Also, (S, L,) and ↓ زَخٌّ, (L,) [or the former is a simple subst. and the latter is an inf. n., (see 1, last sentence but one,)] Rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite; and anger, or rage: (S, L:) but زَخَّةٌ is said to have been heard in this sense only in a verse of Sakhrel-Gheí. (TA.) زُخَّةٌ The young ones of sheep or goats: of the measure فُعْلَةٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ; like قُبْضَةٌ and غُرْفَةٌ; so called لِأَنَّهَا تُزَخُّ, i. e. because they are driven, and impelled from behind them: from these, it is said in a trad. that no contribution to the poor-rates is to be taken. (TA.) زَخَّآءُ: see what next follows.

زَخَّاخَةٌ A woman who ejects the [seminal] fluid on the occasion of جِمَاع; (K, TA;) as also ↓ زَخَّآءُ. (TA.) مَزَخَّةٌ The vulva of a woman; (K, TA;) because it is the place of الزَّخُّ. (TA. [See زَخَّ المَرْأَةَ.]) b2: And (tropical:) A wife; (S, A, K;) as though she were the place of الزَّخُّ; (TA;) as also ↓ مِزَخَّةٌ and ↓ زَخَّةٌ. (K.) مِزَخَّةٌ: see what next precedes.
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