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84992. ذِمِّيّ1 84993. ذَمِّي1 84994. ذمِّي1 84995. ذَمِيم1 84996. ذميه1 84997. ذن484998. ذَنَّ 1 84999. ذنان1 85000. ذَنَّان1 85001. ذنب20 85002. ذَنْب2 85003. ذَنَبَ1 85004. ذَنَبُ الحُلَيف1 85005. ذَنَبَ 1 85006. ذَنَبَان1 85007. ذَنبه1 85008. ذُنْتُول1 85009. ذَنَم1 85010. ذنم1 85011. ذنن8 85012. ذَنُورة1 85013. ذُنُّون1 85014. ذه4 85015. ذها1 85016. ذَها1 85017. ذِهَاب1 85018. ذَهَّابة1 85019. ذهابه1 85020. ذهب17 85021. ذَهَب1 85022. ذَهَبَ3 85023. ذهب وأخوه1 85024. ذَهَبَ 1 85025. ذَهْبَانُ1 85026. ذَهَبَانُ1 85027. ذهبتُ الشامَ1 85028. ذهبن1 85029. ذَهْبَنٌ1 85030. ذهبه1 85031. ذَهَبِيّ1 85032. ذَهَبِيَّة1 85033. ذَهْدان1 85034. ذَهِر1 85035. ذهر4 85036. ذَهَرَ 1 85037. ذَهِرِيّ1 85038. ذُهري1 85039. ذهضة1 85040. ذهط4 85041. ذهف4 85042. ذهل16 85043. ذَهِل1 85044. ذَهَلَ 1 85045. ذهلب1 85046. ذهلل1 85047. ذَهَلَهُ1 85048. ذهله1 85049. ذهن14 85050. ذَهَنَ 1 85051. ذِهْنِيّ1 85052. ذُهْنِيّ1 85053. ذِهْنيَّة1 85054. ذُهْنِيَّة1 85055. ذهه1 85056. ذهو2 85057. ذَهْوة1 85058. ذَهْوَطٌ1 85059. ذَهْوَطُ1 85060. ذَهِيّ1 85061. ذُهَيْبَان1 85062. ذُهَيْبَة1 85063. ذَهِيَّة1 85064. ذهير1 85065. ذَهِيل1 85066. ذُهَيْل1 85067. ذُهَيْن1 85068. ذَهِين1 85069. ذِهْيَوْط1 85070. ذُو2 85071. ذو8 85072. ذو أربعة أضلاع1 85073. ذو أَشْرَقَ1 85074. ذو الأرحام1 85075. ذُو الاسْمين1 85076. ذو الاسمين1 85077. ذُو الجلال1 85078. ذُو الحِجّة2 85079. ذو الرؤيتين1 85080. ذو الرّحم1 85081. ذو الرَّحِم2 85082. ذُو الرَّحِم1 85083. ذو الزّنقة1 85084. ذُو الزِّيَادَةِ1 85085. ذو العقل1 85086. ذُو الْعقل1 85087. ذُو الْعقل وَالْعين...1 85088. ذُو الْعين1 85089. ذو الغَضَوَين1 85090. ذُو الغَفَّار1 85091. ذُو الغِنى1 Prev. 100


باب الذّال والنّون ذ ن يستعمل فقط

ذن: ذّنَّ يَذِنُّ ذَنيناً إذا سالَ من أنف الفَحْل ماءٌ خاثِرٌ، ومن المَزكُومِ. والذءنون: نبات أمثال العراجين ينبت، الواحدة بالهاء، وهي مُستطيلة، يأكُلُها الناسُ من نَباتِ الفُطْر.
لشَيْء ذنينا سَالَ ذنينه يُقَال ذنت الْعين وذن الْأنف وَالْبرد اشْتَدَّ وَفِي مشيته مَشى بِضعْف وَيُقَال مَا زَالَ يذن فِي حَاجته يتَرَدَّد فِيهَا بتؤدة ورفق

(ذن) ذننا سَالَ ذنينه فَهُوَ أذن وَهِي ذناء (ج) ذن وَيُقَال امْرَأَة ذناء لَا يَنْقَطِع حَيْضهَا وقرحة ذناء لَا ترقأ
ذن: ذَنَّ الفَحْلُ يَذِنُّ ذَنِيْناً: إذا سالَ من أنْفِه ماءٌ خاثِرٌ. ورَجُلٌ أذَنُّ: يَسِيْلُ أنْفُه. وهو ذُنَانُ الأنْفِ وذَنِيْنُه. والذُّنَانيُّ: الرَّجُلُ الذي يَسِيْلُ منه الذُّنَانُ.
والذَّنّاءُ: المَرْأةُ التي لا يَنْقَطِعُ حَيْضُها.
وجُرْحٌ لا يَزَالُ يَذِنُّ.
والذُّؤْنُوْنُ: نَبَاتٌ يَنْبُتُ أمْثالَ العَرَاجِيْنِ؛ من نَبَاتِ الفُطْرِ، الواحِدَةُ ذُؤْنُونَةٌ. وخَرَجَ القَوْمُ يَتَذَأْنَنُوْنَ: أي يَأْخُذُوْنَ الذَّآنِيْنَ.
والذُّنَانَةُ: الحاجَةُ والطَّلِبَةُ، وما ذُنَانَتُكَ.
وعليه ذُنَانَاتٌ من دَيْنٍ: أي ذُبَابَاتٌ.
وذَنِيْنَةٌ من خَيْرٍ وذُنَانَةٌ وذانَّةٌ: أي بَقِيَّةٌ.
وقَطَعَ اللهُ ذَانَّ فلانٍ وذانَّتَه: أي ما ذَنَّ منه وسالَ من عَرَقِه أو من ذَكَرِه من مَنِيٍّ.
والذَّنِيْنُ: ما يَسِيْلُ من قَضِيْبِ الحِمَارِ.
والمُذَانَّةُ: العَوْدُ في تَنَجُّزِ قَضَاءِ الحاجَةِ والتَّرَدُّدُ فيه، وقد ذانَنْتُه، وذَنَّ في الأمْرِ يَذِنُّ. والذَّنَاذِنُ: أسْفَلُ القَمِيْصِ كالذَّلاذِلِ، واحِدُها ذِنْذِنٌ.


1 ذَنَّ, aor. ـن inf. n. ذَنِينٌ (S, M, K) and ذنَنُ, (K, [but the latter app. belongs to the verb as said of a man,]) It (what is termed ذَنِين, S, or mucus, TA, or a thing, and likewise the seminal fluid, M,) flowed; (S, M, K, * TA;) [like ذَمَّ, aor. ـِ as also ↓ ذنّن, inf. n. تَذْنِينٌ, (IAar, T, K,) said of what is termed ذَنِين. (IAar, T.) b2: And ذَنَّ said of the nose, It flowed [with what is termed ذَنِين]; (Lth, T;) like ذَمَّ. (S and K in art. ذم.) b3: And ذَنَّ said of a man, (MA,) or ذَنِنَ, (K, [but this latter I think doubtful,]) see. Pers\. ذَنِنْتَ, (A'Obeyd, T, S, M,) aor. ـَ (A'Obeyd, T, S,) inf. n. ذَنَنٌ (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, K) and ذَنِينٌ, (K, [but this latter app. belongs to the verb in the senses explained above,]) His nose flowed (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, MA, K *) with what is termed ذَنِين: (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, K: *) and both his nostrils flowed. (M.) b4: ذَنَنٌ also signifies The flowing of the eye with tears. (M.) [You say, app., ذَنَّتِ العَيْنُ, meaning The eye flowed with tears] b5: إِنَّهُ لَيَذِنُّ (tropical:) Verily he is weak and perishing, by reason of extreme old age, or of disease; (S, K, TA;) said of a man: (S:) or يَذِنُّ, (K,) or يَذِنُّ فِى مَشْيِهِ, inf. n. ذَنِينٌ, (As, T,) means he walks, or goes along, in a weak manner. (As, T, K.) and ذَنٌّ, as an inf. n. [of ذَنَّ], signifies (assumed tropical:) The being in a state of perishing. (KL.) b6: مَا زَالَ يَذِنُّ فِى تِلْكَ الحَاجَةِ حَتَّى أَنْجَحَهَا (tropical:) He ceased not to labour, or exert himself, (A, K, TA,) with moderation and gentleness [to attain that object of want until he accomplished it]. (A, TA.) b7: ذَنَّ البَرْدُ, inf. n. ذَنِينٌ, (assumed tropical:) The cold became intense. (TA.) 2 ذَنَّّ see 1, first sentence.3 هُوَ يُذَانُّهُ عَلَى حَاجَةٍ (assumed tropical:) He seeks, or demands, of him an object of want. (S, L, K. *) 4 أَذْنَ3َ see ذُنَانَةٌ, below.

ذَنْ, for إِذَانْ or إِذًا: see إِذًا, in art. اذا.

ذَنَنٌ [originally an inf. n.: see 1:] Dirt, or filth; and تفل [i. e. تُفْل or تَفْل, meaning saliva; or froth, or foam, or the like; or perhaps it is a mistranscription for ثُفْل, meaning sediment, settlings, dregs, or lees, &c.]: mentioned by Suh. (TA.) ذُنَانٌ: see what next follows.

ذَنِينٌ (Lh, T, S, M, K) and ↓ ذُنَانٌ (Lh, S, M, K) [the former originally an inf. n.: see 1:] Mucus (Lh, T, * S, M, K) of any sort, (Lh, M,) or thin mucus, (M, K,) or a thin fluid, (K,) or any fluid, (Lh, M, K,) that flows from the nose. (Lh, T, S, M, K.) b2: And the former signifies also The seminal fluid of a stallion, and of an ass, and of a man, (M, TA,) that flows from the penis by reason of excessive appetence. (TA.) ذُنَانَةٌ A remainder, or remains, of a thing that is weak, or frail, (S, L, K,) and perishing; (S, L; in both of which is added, شَيْئًا بَعْدَ شَىْءٍ ↓ يُذِنُّهَا [app. meaning that leaves it portion after portion, by perishing, or passing away, gradually; but this rendering is purely conjectural, for I have not found the verb here used anywhere explained, nor elsewhere even mentioned];) and particularly of a debt, or of a promise: it is distinguished from ذُبَابَةٌ, which signifies a remainder, or remains, of a thing that is sound, or valid, or substantial. (S, L.) b2: Also An object of want; syn. حَاجَةٌ. (K.) ذُنَانَى The mucus of camels: (K:) or [a fluid] like mucus, that falls from the noses of camels: or, accord. to Kr, it is ذُنَابَى: [but see this latter word:] or, as is said by some persons in whom confidence is placed, [in the TA, “in whom confidence is not placed,”] it is termed زُنَانَى: (M:) or it is a dial var. of زُنَانَى: or it is correctly with ذ. (K.) ذُنَيْنَآءُ is mentioned by AHn as being in wheat, but not explained by him, except by his likening it to مُرَيْرَآء, which is taken forth from wheat and thrown away. (M.) [It is perhaps a mistranscription for ذُنَيْبَآءُ, q. v.]

ذُنْذُنٌ, (S, M,) or ذِنْذِنٌ, (T,) The lower, or lowest, part (T, M) of a shirt, (T,) or of a long shirt; a dial. var. of ذُلْذُلٌ (M) [or ذِلْذِلٌ]; mentioned by AA: pl. ذَنَاذِنُ: (T:) the ذَنَاذِن of a shirt, (ISk, S,) or of a garment, (K,) are like its ذَلَاذِل: (ISk, S, K:) and some say that the ن of the former is a substitute for the ل of the latter. (TA.) أَذَنٌّ A man (S, M) whose nose flows with what is termed ذَنِين: (S, M, K:) and one whose nostrils flow: (T, M:) fem. ذَنَّآءُ, (S, M, K,) applied to a woman. (S, M.) b2: It is also applied to a nose; as in the prov., أَنْفُكَ مِنْكَ وَإِنْ كَانَ

أَذَنَّ [Thy nose is a part of thee though it be flowing with ذَنِين]. (TA.) b3: Hence, (TA,) the fem. signifies also (tropical:) A woman whose menstrual discharge ceases not. (S, M, K.) b4: and قَرْحَةٌ ذَنَّآءُ (assumed tropical:) [A wound] that will not be stanched. (TA.)
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