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84982. ذمه5 84983. ذَمِهَ1 84984. ذَمَّهُ 1 84985. ذَمُوران1 84986. ذَمُّون1 84987. ذمى384988. ذَمَّى1 84989. ذَمَى 1 84990. ذمي6 84991. ذَمَي1 84992. ذِمِّيّ1 84993. ذَمِّي1 84994. ذمِّي1 84995. ذَمِيم1 84996. ذميه1 84997. ذن4 84998. ذَنَّ 1 84999. ذنان1 85000. ذَنَّان1 85001. ذنب20 85002. ذَنْب2 85003. ذَنَبَ1 85004. ذَنَبُ الحُلَيف1 85005. ذَنَبَ 1 85006. ذَنَبَان1 85007. ذَنبه1 85008. ذُنْتُول1 85009. ذَنَم1 85010. ذنم1 85011. ذنن8 85012. ذَنُورة1 85013. ذُنُّون1 85014. ذه4 85015. ذها1 85016. ذَها1 85017. ذِهَاب1 85018. ذَهَّابة1 85019. ذهابه1 85020. ذهب17 85021. ذَهَب1 85022. ذَهَبَ3 85023. ذهب وأخوه1 85024. ذَهَبَ 1 85025. ذَهْبَانُ1 85026. ذَهَبَانُ1 85027. ذهبتُ الشامَ1 85028. ذهبن1 85029. ذَهْبَنٌ1 85030. ذهبه1 85031. ذَهَبِيّ1 85032. ذَهَبِيَّة1 85033. ذَهْدان1 85034. ذَهِر1 85035. ذهر4 85036. ذَهَرَ 1 85037. ذَهِرِيّ1 85038. ذُهري1 85039. ذهضة1 85040. ذهط4 85041. ذهف4 85042. ذهل16 85043. ذَهِل1 85044. ذَهَلَ 1 85045. ذهلب1 85046. ذهلل1 85047. ذَهَلَهُ1 85048. ذهله1 85049. ذهن14 85050. ذَهَنَ 1 85051. ذِهْنِيّ1 85052. ذُهْنِيّ1 85053. ذِهْنيَّة1 85054. ذُهْنِيَّة1 85055. ذهه1 85056. ذهو2 85057. ذَهْوة1 85058. ذَهْوَطٌ1 85059. ذَهْوَطُ1 85060. ذَهِيّ1 85061. ذُهَيْبَان1 85062. ذُهَيْبَة1 85063. ذَهِيَّة1 85064. ذهير1 85065. ذَهِيل1 85066. ذُهَيْل1 85067. ذُهَيْن1 85068. ذَهِين1 85069. ذِهْيَوْط1 85070. ذُو2 85071. ذو8 85072. ذو أربعة أضلاع1 85073. ذو أَشْرَقَ1 85074. ذو الأرحام1 85075. ذُو الاسْمين1 85076. ذو الاسمين1 85077. ذُو الجلال1 85078. ذُو الحِجّة2 85079. ذو الرؤيتين1 85080. ذو الرّحم1 85081. ذو الرَّحِم2 Prev. 100


الْمَذْبُوح ذِمِّيا وذماء وذميانا بقيت فِيهِ حَرَكَة وَالْمَرِيض أَخذه النزع فطال احتضاره وَالرجل وَغَيره أسْرع وَالشَّيْء خرجت مِنْهُ ريح كريهة والرائحة الكريهة فلَانا آذته وَلفُلَان من كَذَا شَيْء تهَيَّأ يُقَال خُذ مِنْهُ مَا ذمِّي لَك
[ذمى] الذَماءُ ممدودٌ: بقية الروح في المذبوح. يقال: الضبُّ أطول شئ ذماء. وقد ذمى المذبوح يَذْمى ذَماءً، إذا تحرّك. والذَمَيانُ: الإسراع. وقد ذَمي يَذْمي، إذا أسرع. وذَمَتْني ريحُ كذا، أي آذَتْني. وأنشد أبو عمرو: ليست بعَصْلاَء تَذْمي الكلب نَكْهتُها * ولا بعَنْدَلَةٍ يَصْطَكُّ ثَدْياها واسْتَذْمَيْتُ ما عند فلان، إذا تتبَّعتَه وأخذتَه. يقال: خُذْ من فلان ما ذَمى لك، أي ما ارتفع لك.


ى1 ذَمِىَ, (M, K, and so in some copies of the S,) aor. ـْ (K, and some copies of the S;) or ـَ aor. ـْ (T, and so in some copies of the S;) or both; (Sgh, TA;) inf. n. ذَمَآءٌ; (T, * S, M, * K, * TA;) said of a slaughtered animal, (S, TA,) It moved. (T, S, M, Sgh, K, TA.) and ذَمِىَ; (M;) or ذَمَى, aor. ـْ (K;) inf. n. as above; (M, K; *) He retained remains of the soul, or vital principle: or had strength of heart [remaining: app. said of one dying]. (M, K. [These meaning are there indicated, but not expressed.]) You say, مَرَّ يَذْمِى, inf. n. as above, He passed by at his last gasp of breath. (Har p. 220.) And ذَمَى, aor. ـْ inf. n. ذَمْىٌ [and app. ذَمَآءٌ also, as seems to be indicated by what here follows, or perhaps the latter only], He (a sick person) was seized by the agony of death, and was long in suffering the disquietude thereof: whence one says, مَا أَطْوَلَ ذَمَآءَهُ [How long is his suffering of the agong and disquietude of death!]. (As, T.) [See ذَمآءٌ below.] You say also, of a man, ذَمِىَ, inf. n. ذَمَآءٌ, meaning He remained long sick, or diseased. (M.) A2: ذَمَى, aor. ـْ inf. n. ذَمَيَانٌ, He hastened, made haste, sped, or went quickly: (Fr, T, S, M, K:) some also mention ذَمِىَ, aor. ـْ [in this sense, and thus I find in one copy of the S,] but [ISd says,] I am not sure of this. (M.) A3: ذَمِىَ لِى مِنْهُ شَىْءٌ means Somewhat thereof was, or became, prepared for me; or feasible, or practicable, to me: (M:) [and so, app., ذَمَى لى: for] one says, خُذّ مِنْ فُلَانٍ مَا ذَمَى لَكَ, meaning Take thou, from such a one, what has risen up for thee, or arisen for thee; i. e. مَاارْتَفَعَ لَكَ. (S.) A4: ذَمَتْنِى الرِّيحُ signifies The odour annoyed me, or molested me; (S, M, K;) accord. to AHn: (M:) and took away my breath; referring to a wind emitted from the anus; inf. n. ذَمْىٌ: (M:) and killed me; (T, M;) accord. to Az; (T;) aor. ـْ (M,) inf. n. ذَمْىٌ: (TA:) but Aboo-Málik disallows this, and says, you say, ذَمَتْ فِى أَنْفِهِ الرِّيحُ, meaning The odour flew [or rose] into his [nose and] head: and accord. to As, you say, ذَمَى الحَبَشِىُّ فِى أَنْفِ الرَّجُلِ بِصُنَانِهِ, aor. ـْ inf. n. ذَمْىٌ, The Abyssinian annoyed the man in his nose by the odour of his armpits. (T.) One says also, ذَمَى, aor. ـْ meaning He, or it, emitted a displeasing odour. (M.) 4 اذماهُ He left him ill, or sick, (أَوْقَذَهُ, T, or وَقَذَهُ, K, [which latter may mean thus, or he beat him, or struck him, violently, or so that he became at the point of death, &c.,]) and left him at his last gasp. (T, K.) And اذمى رَمِيَّتَهُ He failed of hitting the animal at which he shot, or cast, in a vital part, and therefore hastened to kill it: (T.) [or] he hit the animal at which he shot, or cast, and drove it along, and it drove along with him. (M.) 10 استذمى He sought, or demanded, a thing: (M:) or he sought, sought for, or sought after, repeatedly, or gradually, (S, K,) and took, (S,) a thing that another had. (S, K.) ذَمًى A fetid odour: (M:) an odour that is disliked, hated, or hateful. (K.) ذَمَآءٌ [an inf. n. of 1, (q. v.,) in several senses: as a simple subst., it signifies] Motion [in a slaughtered animal: see 1]: (T, M, K:) and remains of the soul, or vital principle, (S, M, K, and Meyd in explanation of a prov. cited in what follows,) in a slaughtered animal: (S:) or strength of heart: (M, K:) or the state between slaughter and the exit of the soul; but there is no ذَمَآء in the case of a human being: or strong tenaciousness of life after slaughter. (Meyd in explaining the prov. above referred to.) It is said, الضَّبُّ أَطْوَلُ شَىْءٍ ذَمَآءً [The lizard called ضبّ is the longest thing in retaining the remains of life, &c.]. (T, S.) Hence the prov., أَطْوَلُ ذَمَآءً مِنَ الضَّبِّ [Longer in retaining the remains of life, &c., than the ضبّ]. (Meyd, TA.) b2: Also (tropical:) Sickness; as in the saying, فُلَانٌ بَاقِى

الذَّمَآءِ Such a one is long suffering sickness. (MF.) b3: And A fracture of the head: and a spear-wound, or the like, such as is termed جَائِفٌ [q. v.]. (Meyd ubi suprà.) ذَامٍ (M, K) and ↓ مُذَمَّاةٌ, (M,) or مَذْمَاةٌ, (K,) An animal shot at, or cast at, which is hit, (M, K,) and which one drives along, and which drives along with one. (M.) مُذَمَّاةٌ, or مَذْمَاةٌ: see what next precedes.
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