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83622. دَهْنَش1 83623. دهنق1 83624. دَهْنِين1 83625. دُهْنِين1 83626. دَهْوُ1 83627. دهو683628. دهو ودهي1 83629. دَهْوانُ1 83630. دُهُور1 83631. دَهُّور1 83632. دهور4 83633. دَهُوس1 83634. دُهُول1 83635. دهول1 83636. دَهُوم1 83637. دهوم1 83638. دَهْوَن1 83639. دَهُونِيّ1 83640. دَهْوِيّ1 83641. دهوي1 83642. دهى3 83643. دَهَى 1 83644. دهي8 83645. دهيان1 83646. دُهَيْبَة1 83647. دهيبة1 83648. دَهِيبيّ1 83649. دَهْيَة1 83650. دَهِيَّة1 83651. دَهِيرة1 83652. دهيره1 83653. دُهَيْس1 83654. دَهِيس1 83655. دَهِيف1 83656. دَهِيفي1 83657. دُهَيْلَان1 83658. دُهَيْلِيس1 83659. دُهَيْم2 83660. دَهِيم1 83661. دُهَيْمَان1 83662. دهيمه1 83663. دَهِينة1 83664. دهيني1 83665. دهيه1 83666. دو2 83667. دَوْ1 83668. دو الفِرْق1 83669. دو الفَرِق1 83670. دو الفَقَار1 83671. دو المَكَان1 83672. دو المكَّان1 83673. دو ضِياف1 83674. دو مورجة1 83675. دو نصر1 83676. دَوَّ 1 83677. دوء1 83678. دوأ12 83679. دَوَا1 83680. دوا2 83681. دَواءود1 83682. دوائر الأزمان1 83683. دوائر العروض1 83684. دوائر تسعة1 83685. دَوَاة1 83686. دَوَاج1 83687. دَوَاجِيّ1 83688. دَوَّاح1 83689. دَوَاحِم1 83690. دَوَّاحيّ1 83691. دَوَاد1 83692. دُوَاد1 83693. دَوادار1 83694. دُوَادِميّ1 83695. دُوَّار1 83696. دَوَّار1 83697. دَوَار1 83698. دَوّار1 83699. دَوَّارُ1 83700. دُوَّارُ1 83701. دَوَّارة1 83702. دُوَّارَة1 83703. دَوَارد1 83704. دَوَارِس1 83705. دَوَّاريَة1 83706. دَوَّاس1 83707. دَوَّاشة1 83708. دواعيَ1 83709. دُوَافٌ1 83710. دَوَّاف1 83711. دَوَاليب1 83712. دَوَاليبيّ1 83713. دواليك1 83714. دوَام الْإِمْكَان وَإِمْكَان الدَّو...1 83715. دُوَّامة1 83716. دَوَّامة1 83717. دَوَّانُ1 83718. دُوَانُ1 83719. دَوَّانَة1 83720. دُوانَّة1 83721. دواه1 Prev. 100


(دهو) الرجل دهاء صَار عَاقِلا فَهُوَ دهي (ج) أدهياء ودهواء


دَهِيَ(n. ac. دَهْي
a. [1I ]
دَهَآء [] دَهَآءَة [دَهَاْو]), Was astute, sagacious, cunning.
b. Attributed cunning or treachery to.
دها يَدهُو، ادْهُ، دَهْوًا، فهو داهٍ، والمفعول مدهُوّ
• دهَتِ المصيبةُ فلانًا: أصابته، نزلت وأحلَّت به "ما دهاك؟: ماذا أصابك ونزل بك؟ - تجلّى صبرُه حين دهته الدّاهيةُ". 

دَهْو [مفرد]: مصدر دها. 
: (و ( {دَاهِيَةٌ} دَهْواءُ {ودُهْوِيَّةُ، بالضَّمِّ) : أَي (شَديدَةٌ جدّاً) .
مُقْتضى كِتَابَته بالأَحْمر أَنَّ الجوهريَّ أَهْمَلَةُ، وليسَ بل ذَكَره فِي الَّذِي سَبَقَ، فنقَلَ عَن ابنِ السِّكّيت:} دِاهِيَةٌ {دَهْياءُ} ودَهْواءُ، وَهُوَ توكيدٌ لَهَا.
(ويَوْمُ {دَهْوٍ، بالفتْحِ: من أَيَّامِهم) .
قالَ نَصْر: هُوَ مَوْضِعٌ بالحجازِ.
وممَّا يُسْتدركُ عَلَيْهِ:
} الدّهْوُ: النّكْرُ.
{دَهَوْتُه} دَهْواً فَهُوَ {مَدْهوٌّ: أَصَبْته بِهِ.
ودَهَوْتُه نَسَبْتُه إِلَى الدّهاءِ؛ عَن الليْثِ.
(د هـ و)

الدَّهْوُ، والدَّهاءُ: الْعقل، وَقد دَهَى يَدْهَى ويَدْهُو دَهاً ودَهاءَةً، فَهُوَ داهٍ من قوم دُهاةٍ. ودَهُوَ دَهاءَةً فَهُوَ دَهِىٌّ من قوم أَدْهِياء ودُهَواءَ. ودَهِىَ دَهَاءً فَهُوَ دَهٍ من قوم دَهِينَ.

ودَهاهُ دَهْواً: نسبه إِلَى الدَّهاءِ.

وأَدْهاه: وجده داهِياً. وَقَالُوا: هِيَ داهِيَةٌ دَهْواءُ ودُهْوِيَّة، وَقد تقدم كل ذَلِك فِي الْيَاء، لِأَن الْكَلِمَة يائية وواوية.

ودَهاه دَهْواً: ختله.

وَيَوْم دَهْوٍ: يَوْم تناهض فِيهِ بَنو المنتفق وهم رَهْط الشنآن بن مَالك، وَله حَدِيث.

دهو and دهى 1 دَهِىَ, aor. ـْ (JK, K,) inf. n. دَهْىٌ and دَهَآءٌ and دَهَآءَةٌ; (K;) and دَهَى, aor. as above, inf. n. دَهْىٌ; (JK;) and دَهَا, (JK, TA,) aor. ـه (JK,) or ـْ [or يَدْهَى], (TA,) inf. n. دَهَآءٌ (JK, TA) and دَهَآءَةٌ; (JK;) and دَهُوَ, aor. ـْ (JK,) [inf. n. app. دَهَآءَةٌ;] He possessed cunning; i.e. intelligence, or sagacity; or intelligence mixed with craft and forecast; and excellence of judgment; (K, TA;) he was, or became, such as is termed دَاهٍ and دَهِىٌّ and دَهٍ. (JK.) [See دَهَآءٌ, below.]

A2: دَهَوْتُهُ, (JK, TA,) inf. n. دَهْوٌ; (TA;) and دَهَيْتُهُ, (JK,) third Pers\.

دَهَاهُ, inf. n. دَهْىٌ; (TA;) I treated him with cunning, &c. (JK, * and TA in explanation of the former.) [Both signify also I outwitted, deceived, deluded, beguiled, or circumvented, him.]

And دُهِيتُ means I was turned, or kept, from a thing, or an affair, by deceit, or guile. (JK, TA.)

b2: Also دَهَاهُ, inf. n. دَهْىٌ, He attributed, or imputed, to him cunning, &c.; expl. by نَسَبَهُ

إِلَى الدَّهَآءِ [an inverted phrase]: or he attributed, or imputed, to him a vice, or fault, or the like; blamed him, censured him, found fault with him, or detracted from his reputation: or he smote him with a دَاهِيَة, i. e. great, formidable, grievous, or distressing, thing or event or accident or action: and ↓ دهّاهُ signifies the same: (K:) thus in the K, with teshdeed: but in the M and Tekmileh it is said that دَهَيْتُهُ and دَهَوْتُهُ signify I attributed, or imputed, to him cunning (الدَّهَآء); without

mention of تَدْهِيَةٌ [inf. n. of دَهَّى]. (TA.)

b3: You say also دَهَاهُ الأَمْرُ, aor. ـْ The thing, or event, befell him: (Msb:) and دَهَتْهُ دَاهِيَةٌ [a calamity befell him]. (S.) And مَا دَهَاكَ What

befell, or hath befallen, thee? (S.)

2 1َ2َّ3َ see above.

3 داهاهُ (inf. n. مُدَاهَاةٌ, M in art. ارب, and K in art. ورب, &c.,) He strove, or endeavoured, to outwit, deceive, delude, beguile, or circumvent, him; syn. آرَبَهُ, (S in art. ارب,) and وَارَبَهُ, (K in art. ورب,) and نَاكَرَهُ. (TA in art. نكر.)

b2: and داهى بِدَاهِيَةٍ, inf. n. as above, He smote people with a calamity. (TA.)

4 ادهاهُ He found him to be such as is termed دَاهٍ [i. e. cunning, &c.], (IDrd, TA,) or دَاهِيَة

[which signifies the same in an intensive sense]. (JK.)

b2: [ادهى preceded by مَا is also used as a verb of wonder.] A poet says, أَبَا خَالِدٍ مَا كَانَ أَدْهَى مُصِيبَةً

أَصَابَتْ مَعَدًّا يَوْمَ أَصْبَحْتَ ثَاوِيَا

Aboo-Khálid, how great was the calamity that befell Ma' add on the day when thou diedst [or wast slain]! (Ham p. 440.)

5 تدهّى [He acted cunningly;] he did as do the دُهَاة [or cunning, &c., pl. of دَاهٍ]. (ISd, K.)

6 تداهى [He affected, or pretended, to possess دَهَآء; i. e., to be cunning, &c.]. (IAar, K in art. خزر: see 1 and 2 in that art.)

دَهٍ: see دَاهٍ, in two places.

A2: إِلَّا دَهٍ فَلَا دَهٍ: see art. ده.

دَهْوٌ: see دَهَآءٌ.

دَهْىٌ: see دَهَآءٌ.

A2: Also A large [bucket such as is called] غَرْب. (AA, TA.)

دَهْوَآءُ: see the next paragraph.

دَهْيَآءُ: see دَاهِيَةٌ.

b2: It is also used as a corroborative: (ISk, S:) you say دَاهِيَةٌ دَهْيَآءُ (ISk, JK, S, Msb) and ↓ دَهْوَآءُ (ISk, JK, S, Msb, K) and ↓: دُهْوِيَّةٌ, (JK, K,) meaning A severe, grievous, or distressing, calamity or misfortune: (JK:) or a very severe or grievous or distressing [calamity]. (K.)

دُهْوِيَّةٌ: see what next precedes.

دَهَآءٌ (in which the ء is converted from ى not from و S) and ↓ دَهْىٌ(JK, S, K) and ↓ دَهْوٌ (JK, TA) [are all inf. ns., and] are syn., (JK, S, K, TA,) signifying Cunning; i. e. intelligence, or sagacity; or intelligence mixed with craft and forecast; (TA in art. احد;) i. q.إِرْبٌ, (K,) and نُكْرٌ: (S, K:) and excellence of judgment. (S, K.)

[It is said in the S, app. with reference to دَهَآءٌ, that the dual is دَهْيَاوَانِ: but this is the regular dual of دَهْيَآءُ ; like حَمْرَاوَنِ, dual of حَمْرَآءُ]

دَهِىٌّ: see what next follows, in three places.

دَاهٍ and ↓ دَهٍ (JK, K) and ↓ دَهِىٌّ, part. ns. of دَهَى and دَهِىَ and دَهُوَ [respectively]: (JK,) and ↓ دَاهِيَةٌ, applied to a man, Cunning; i. e. possessing

intelligence, or sagacity; or intelligence mixed with craft and forecast: and excellent in judgment: (S, K:) i. q. مُنْكَرٌ [as syn. with نَكِرٌ] : (TA, and JK in explanation of دَاهِيَةٌ :) knowing, or skilful, in affairs: (TA:) or ↓دَهِىٌّ signifies [simply] intelligent: (AA, K:) and ↓دَاهِيَةٌ is [an intensive epithet, signifying very cunning; i. e. possessing much intelligence, &c.;] from دَهَآءٌ explained above: or [it means one who is as though he were calamity, or misfortune, personified;] from الدَّاهِيَةُ in the sense commonly known [which see below]: (TA in art. احِد:) the pl. (of دَاهٍ, JK, TA) is دُهَاةٌ, and (of ↓دَهٍ, JK, TA)

دَهُونَ, (JK, K, TA,) and of ↓دَهِىٌّ, أَدْهِيَآءُ (JK, M, TA) and دُهَوَآءُ, in the K, erroneously, أَدْهِيَةٌ and دَهْوَآءُ. (TA.)

b2: [Hence,] الدَّاهِى The lion. (K.)

دَاهِيَةٌ A calamity, a misfortune, an evil accident; (JK, Msb;) a great, formidable, grievous, or distressing, thing or event or accident or action; (S, K;) and ↓دَهْيَآءُ signifies the same: (JK, TA:*)

[the dim. of the former, ↓دُوَيْهِيَةٌ, generally means a great calamity &c.; being an instance of what is termed تَصْغِيرُ تَعْظِيمٍ:] the pl. of دَاهِيَةٌ is دَوَاهٍ: (Msb, TA:) and دَوَاهِى الدَّهْرِ means the great, formidable, grievous, or distressing, events of fortune that befall men. (S, TA.)

A2: See also دَاهٍ, in two places.

دُوَيْهِيَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

أَدْهَى [More, and most, cunning, &c. Hence,] أَدْهَى مِنْ قَيْسِ بْنِ زُهَيْرٍ [More intelligent, or sagacious, than Keys the son of Zuheyr] : a prov. (Meyd.)

مَدْهُوٌّ and مَدْهِىٌّ pass. part. ns.; (JK, TA;)

Treated with cunning, &c. (TA in explanation of the former.)
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