1 حَاصَ عَنْهُ,
aor. ـِ
inf. n. حَيْصٌ and حُيُوصٌ and مَحِيصٌ and مَحَاصٌ (
K) and حَيَصَانٌ (
K) and حَيْصُوصَةٌ (
TA) and ↓ حَيْصَةٌ, (
K,) [or the last is an
inf. n. of un.,] He turned away from him, or it: (
K:) and he returned, or went back, and fled, from him, or it: (
TA:) and عنه ↓ انحاص signifies the same; (
TA;) and so does عنه ↓ تحايص: (
TA:) or (
K) one says of friends, (
K,) حَاصُوا, (
K,) or حاصوا عَنِ العَدُوِّ [they turned away from the enemy]; (
S;) [and in like manner, اِنْحَازُوا;] and of enemies, اِنْهَزَمُوا; (
K;) [and in like manner, وَلَّوْا مُدْبِرِينَ.] You say also, حَاصَ عَنِ القِتَالِ He turned away from the fight. (
A.) And حَاصَ عَنِ الحَقِّ He turned away from the truth; he deviated from it. (
Msb.) And حَاصَ عَنِ الشَّىْءِ He turned away from the thing, and became safe from it. (
TA.) And it is said in a
trad. respecting the battle of Ohod, فَحَاصَ المُسْلِمُونَ
↓ حَيْصَةٌ And the Muslims made a wheel away, desiring flight: or,
accord. to one relation, فَحَاضَ حَيْضَةً, which means the same. (
TA.) حَيْصٌ also signifies The retiring, or going back, from a thing. (
TA.) [See also مَحِيصٌ, below.]
3 حايصهُ, (
inf. n. مُحَايَصَةٌ, (
TA,) He acted towards him with artifice, or guile; (
K;) vied with him; (
TA;) and strove to overcome him. (
K.) Hence the saying of Mutarrif, related in a
trad., when he was asked respecting his going forth from the pestilence, هُوَ المَوْتُ نُحَايِصُهُ وَلَا بُدَّ مِنْهُ, may be interpreted as meaning, [It is death:] we are eager to flee from it [though there is no avoiding it]. (
TA.) 6 تَحَاْيَصَ see 1.
7 إِنْحَيَصَ see 1.
وَقَعَ فِى حَاصِ بَاصِ: see what next follows.
وَقَعَ, (
A, and
K in art. بيص,) and وَقَعُوا, (
S,) فِى حَيْصَ بَيْصَ, (
A, and
K ubi suprà,) and حيص بِيصَ, (
S in this art. and in art. بيص; and so in the
CK ubi suprà, and in a
MS. copy of the
K, [though
app. contradicted by what follows in that work, as will be seen below,] or حِيصِ بِيصِ, (
K ubi suprà,
accord. to some copies, and so in the
TA,) and حَيْص بَيْصِ, (
K ubi suprà,) with fet-h to the first [letter] of each and to the last of each, (
K ubi suprà,) and with kesr to the first of each, (
S in art. بيص,) or to both, and with fet-h to the first of each and kesr to the last of each; and sometimes each of the two [vars., namely, حَيْص بَيْص and حِيص بِيص,] is made perfectly
decl. in the second [word], (
K ubi suprà,) [so that you say also حَيْصَ بَيْصٍ, and حِيصِ بِيصٍ, and حَيْصِ بَيْصٍ; (though the copies of the
K differ in respect of these forms, two, for instance, giving one form, which is written حَيْصٍ بَيْصٍ, and one adding حِيصٍ بِيصٍ;) for it is said,] the whole make six
dial. vars.; and,
accord. to
MF, each of the two [vars.] is sometimes made perfectly
decl. in the first [word] also, [so that you say حَيْصٍ بَيْصٍ, and حيصٍ بِيصٍ,] but this he may have inferred from what will be afterwards mentioned on the authority of
ISk, (
TA in art. بيص,) and بَاصِ ↓ فِى حَاصِ, (
K ubi suprà,)
indecl., with kesr for the termination, the ا being [originally] ى; (
TA ubi suprà;) He fell, (
K,) and they fell, (
S,) into confusion in respect of their case, or affair, from which there was no escape for them: (
S and
K ubi suprà:) or into straitness and difficulty: (
S:) حَيْصَ بَيْصَ and حِيصَ بِيصَ are each two nouns made into one, and made
indecl. with fet-h for their termination, as in the instance of جَارِى بَيْتَ بَيْتَ: or, as some assert, they are two nouns, from حَيْصٌ meaning the “ turning away,” and “ retiring,” or “ going back,” and بَوْصٌ meaning the “ outstripping,” and “ fleeing; ” and بوص is altered to assimilate it to حيص; and the meaning is, an affair, or a case, of any kind, from which one retires, or goes back, and flees. (
S.) You say also, جَعَلْتُمُ الأَرْضَ عَلَيْهِ حَيْصَ بَيْصَ, (
S and
K, both in art. بيص,) or حِيصَ بِيصَ, (
S ubi suprà,) and حَيْصًا بَيْصًا, (
ISk, and
K ubi suprà,) with fet-h to each, and حِيصًا بِيصًا, with kesr to each, not compounded, (
ISk, and
TA ubi suprà,) Ye have straitened [the earth, or land,] to him, (
S and
K ubi suprà,) so that he may not act as he pleases therein: (
K:) or so that he may not travel therein in search of sustenance, nor employ himself as he would to make gain. (
Nh.) and إِنَّكَ لَتَحْسِبُ عَلَىَّ الأَرْضَ حَيْصًا بَيْصًا, or, as some say, حيصِ بيصِ, [i. e., حَيْصِ بَيْصِ or حِيصِ بِيصِ, meaning, Verily thou thinkest the earth to be straitened to me, so that I may not act as I please therein: &c.] (
b2: حَيْصَ بَيْصَ also signifies The hole of the rat or mouse. (
TA in art. بيص.) حَيْصَةٌ: see 1, in two places.
حَيُوصٌ A beast (دَابَّةٌ) that takes fright, and runs away at random; (
K;) turning away from that which its master desires: (
TA:) a mule evil in disposition. (
TA.) مَحِيصٌ [an
inf. n.: (see 1:) and also a
n. of place, signifying A place to which one turns away, or aside; to which one flees; a place of refuge:]
syn. مَحِيدٌ (
K) and مَعْدِلٌ (
K) and مَمِيلٌ (
K) and مَهْرَبٌ. (
K.) You say, مَا عَنْهُ مَحِيصٌ [There is no turning away, &c., or no place to which to turn away, &c., from it]. (