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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
998. حوث8 999. حود5 1000. حوذ13 1001. حور24 1002. حوز18 1003. حوش171004. حوص16 1005. حوض12 1006. حوط16 1007. حوف14 1008. حوق13 1009. حوقل5 1010. حوك13 1011. حول21 1012. حولق4 1013. حوم14 1014. حون4 1015. حوى6 1016. حيث10 1017. حيج5 1018. حيد15 1019. حير18 1020. حيز8 1021. حيس15 1022. حيص18 1023. حيض18 1024. حيط3 1025. حيعل5 1026. حيف18 1027. حيق15 1028. حيك12 1029. حيل13 1030. حين15 1031. حيهل2 1032. حيو3 1033. خ5 1034. خا3 1035. خاتون3 1036. خانقاه2 1037. خب6 1038. خبأ12 1039. خبث18 1040. خبر19 1041. خبز14 1042. خبص11 1043. خبط17 1044. خبعثن6 1045. خبل16 1046. خبن13 1047. خبو9 1048. خبى2 1049. ختر14 1050. ختعر6 1051. ختل14 1052. ختم20 1053. ختن15 1054. خثر18 1055. خثى4 1056. خجل16 1057. خد7 1058. خدب12 1059. خدج17 1060. خدر18 1061. خدش17 1062. خدع19 1063. خدل12 1064. خدلج9 1065. خدم17 1066. خدن18 1067. خذرف5 1068. خذف13 1069. خذل15 1070. خذم13 1071. خر7 1072. خرأ9 1073. خرب20 1074. خرت13 1075. خرث9 1076. خرج20 1077. خرد10 1078. خردل9 1079. خرز13 1080. خرس14 1081. خرش11 1082. خرص17 1083. خرط15 1084. خرطم9 1085. خرع14 1086. خرعب5 1087. خرف19 1088. خرفج9 1089. خرق20 1090. خرم18 1091. خرنب5 1092. خرو3 1093. خز5 1094. خزر19 1095. خزعبل6 1096. خزف12 1097. خزق13 Prev. 100




1 حَاشَ الصَّيْدَ, (S, A, K,) aor. ـُ (S,) inf. n. حَوْشٌ and حِيَاشٌ, (TA,) He came around the chase, or game, to turn it towards the snare; (S, A, K;) as also ↓ أَحَاشَهُ, and ↓ أَحْوَشَهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. إِحَاشَةٌ and إِحْوَاشٌ. (TA.) b2: حُشْتُ عَلَيْهِ الصَّيْدَ I aided him to hunt, or catch, the chase, or game; as also عليه ↓ أَحَشْتُهُ, and ↓ أَحْوَشْتُهُ عليه, and أَحْوَشْتُهُ إِيَّاهُ, on the authority of Th: (TA:) and حَاشَ عَلَيْهِ الصَّيْدَ He scared the chase, or game, towards him, and drove and collected it to him; as also ↓ احاشهُ. (TA.) b3: حَاشَ الذِّئْبُ الغَنَمَ The wolf drove along the sheep or goats. (TA.) b4: حَاشَ الإِبِلَ He collected together, and drove, the camels. (S, K.) b5: حَاشَهُ, inf. n. حَوْشٌ, also signifies [simply] He collected it; drew it together. (TA.) [See also 2.] b6: هُوَ يَحُوشُ الطَّعَامَ, (A,) inf. n. حَوْشٌ, (K,) He eats from the sides of the food so as to consume it: (A, K:) from IF. (TA.) A2: [See also 7.]2 حوّش, (TA,) inf. n. تَحْوِيشٌ, (K,) He collected several things: or collected much. (K, * TA.) [See also 1.]3 حاوش البَرْقَ He turned aside from the place of the rain of the lightning, whichever way it turned. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) b2: Hence, (TA,) حَاوَشَهُ, (A,) inf. n. مُحَاوَشَةٌ, (TA,) He circumvented him: or he endeavoured to induce him to turn, or incline, or decline; or endeavoured to turn him by deceit, or guile: syn. دَاوَرَهُ: (A, TA: *) in war, and in litigation or contention [&c.]. (TA.) You say, ظَلِتُ أُحَاوِشُهُ وَأُحَاوِتُهُ حَتَّى فَعَلَ [I continued during the day to circumvent him, or to endeavour to induce him to turn, &c., and to delude him, or act towards him with artifice, like a fish in the water, until he did what I desired: see also what next follows]. (A.) b3: [And hence,] حَاوَشْتُهُ عَلَيْهِ I excited, incited, urged, or instigated, him to do it. (Ibn-'Abbád, A, * Sgh, K.) [It is indicated in the A that in the ex. immediately preceding this, أُحَاوِشُهُ may also be rendered agreeably with this explanation.]4 احاش الصَّيْدَ, and أَحْوَشَهُ: see 1, in five places.5 تحوّش القَوْمُ عَنّى The people, or company of men, removed, withdrew, or retired to a distance, from me. (S, K. *) And تحوّش عَنِ القَوْمِ He removed, &c., from the people, or company of men. (TA.) b2: تحوّشت مِنْ زَوْجِهَا She became forlorn of her husband; syn. تَأَيَّمَتْ. (Sgh, K.) b3: تحوّش He felt, or had a sense of, or was moved with, shame, or shyness, or bashfulness. (AA, K.) 6 تَحَاْوَشَ see 8.7 انحاش عَنْهُ He took fright, and fled from him; or was averse from him; and shrank from him; (S, * K;) and was frightened at him; and was moved by him. (TA.) [In the TA it is here added, that this verb is quasi-pass. of الحَوْشُ in the sense of النِّفَارُ; but this seems to indicate that a copyist has written النفار by mistake for الإِنْفَارُ, which is a syn. of the inf. n. of 1 in a sense explained above: so that انحاش signifies He became scared, or the like.] Hr mentions this verb in art. حيش; but it belongs to the present art. (IAth.) You say, زَجَرَهُ فَمَا انْحَاشَ لِزَجْرِهِ He chid him (meaning a wolf or other animal) but he did not take fright and flee, &c., at his chiding. (TA.) And مَا يَنْحَاشُ فُلَانٌ مِنْ شَىْءٍ, (S, A, *) and لِشَىْءٍ, and مِنْ فُلَانٍ, (TA,) Such a one is not moved by, and does not care for, or regard, anything, (S, A, TA,) and such a one. (TA.) b2: انحاشت الإِبِلُ The camels became collected together. (Har p. 130.) 8 احتوش القَوْمُ الصَّيْدَ, (S, Msb, K,) and, more commonly, بِالصَّيْدِ, (Msb,) The people, or company of men, encompassed, or surrounded, the chase, or game: (Msb:) or scared it, one, or one party, to another: (S, K:) the و remaining here unchanged as it does in اِجْتَوَرُوا. (S.) And احتوشو فُلَانًا (A, TA) They encompassed, or surrounded, such a one: (A:) or they made such a one to be in the midst of them; (TA;) as also احتوشوا عَلَيْهِ, (S, K,) [and احتوشوا حَوَالَيْهِ, (M and O in art. حول,)] and ↓ تحاوشوهُ, (K,) or تحاوشوهُ بَيْنَهُمْ. (TA.) b2: Hence the phrase احتوش الدَّمُ الطُّهْرَ (assumed tropical:) [The blood invaded from every quarter the state of pureness]; as though the blood encompassed the pureness, and enclosed it on either side. (Msb.) [Alluding to the collecting of the blood about the uterus previously to menstruation.]

حَاشَ لِلّٰهِ i. q. تَنْزِيهًا لِلّٰهِ. One should not say حَاشَ لَكَ, but حَاشَاكَ, and حَاشَى لَكَ. (S, K.) [See these phrases explained in art. حشى.]

حَوْشٌ A thing resembling [the kind of enclosure, made of trees or of wood, &c, for camels or sheep or goats, called] a حَظِيرَة: a word of the dial. of El-'Irák. (Sgh, K.) b2: Applied by the people of Egypt to The court (فِنَآء) of a house: (TA:) [and to any court, or enclosure, surrounded by dwellings or the like, or by these and walls, or by walls alone: pl. of pauc. أَحْوَاشٌ, and of mult.


حُوشٌ: and الحُوشُ: see the next paragraph, in four places.

حُوشِىٌّ Wild; untamed; undomesticated; uncivilized; unfamiliar; syn. وَحْشِىٌّ. (S, Msb.) b2: Applied to a man, (tropical:) Wild; uncivilized; unfamiliar; (A;) unsociable; that does not mix with others. (S, A.) b3: Applied to a camel, or other [animal], Wild: (K:) [or] the epithet thus applied is tropical; (A, TA;) and what are thus called, (K,) or الإِبِلُ الحُوشِيَّةُ [the camels termed حوشيّة], (S, A, Msb,) are so named from ↓ الحُوشُ, the appellation of certain stallions of the camels of the jinn, or genii, which covered some of the she-camels of Arabs, (IKt, S, A, Msb, K,) as they assert, (S, K,) namely, of the she-camels of Mahrah, (K,) meaning the Benoo-Mahrah-Ibn-Heydán, (TA,) and the offspring were the camels called النَّجَائِبُ المَهْرِيَّةُ, (Msb, TA,) which scarcely ever become tired; and the like of this is said by AHeyth: (TA:) it is also said that ↓ الحُوشُ, (S, K,) from which the epithet above mentioned, thus applied, is a rel. n., (TA,) is the country of the jinn, (S, K,) beyond the sands of Yebreen, which no man inhabits: (S:) or an appellation of certain sons of the jinn, whose country is called بِلَادُ الحُوشِ by Ru-beh: (TA:) or it is like الوَحْش: (Msb:) or إِبِلٌ حُوشِيَّةٌ means camels of the jinn: or wild camels; (TA;) as also ↓ حُوشٌ: (S:) or camels not completely broken or trained, because of their unyielding spirit. (TA.) b4: Hence, (A,) رَجُلٌ حُوشِىٌّ الفُؤَادِ, (A,) or الفُؤَادِ ↓ حُوشُ, (S, K,) (tropical:) A man acute, or sharp, in intellect. (S, * A, K, * TA. *) b5: You say also, كَلَامٌ حُوشِىٌّ (tropical:) Strange, uncouth, unusual, extraordinary, or unfamiliar, speech; such as is difficult to be understood; (Msb, K, TA;) i. q. وَحْشِىٌّ; (S, A;) [opposed to فَصِيحٌ:] and in like manner, لَفْظَةٌ حُوشِيَّةٌ a word, or phrase, that is strange, uncouth, unusual, &c.; as also لَفْظَةٌ وَحْشِيَّةٌ, and غَرِيبَةٌ, and شَارِدَةٌ; all opposed to لَفْظَةٌ فَصِيحَةٌ. (Mz, 13th نوع.) b6: And لَيْلٌ حُوشِىٌّ (tropical:) A night that is dark (A, K) and terrible. (A, TA.) حُوشِيَّةٌ [Wildness; and the like; the quality of that which is termed حُوشِىّ:] (tropical:) unsociableness of disposition; or the quality of not mixing with others; in a man. (S.) مُحْتَوَشٌ Encompassed, or surrounded. (Msb.)
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