Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
824. حد8 825. حدأ12 826. حدب18 827. حدث22 828. حدج12 829. حدر18830. حدس16 831. حدق21 832. حدلق3 833. حدم13 834. حدو11 835. حدى1 836. حذ6 837. حذر19 838. حذف21 839. حذفر7 840. حذق15 841. حذلق5 842. حذم15 843. حذو9 844. حذى2 845. حر7 846. حرب16 847. حرث20 848. حرج18 849. حرح5 850. حرد21 851. حردن3 852. حرذن5 853. حرز18 854. حرس19 855. حرش16 856. حرص19 857. حرض19 858. حرف24 859. حرق19 860. حرقد4 861. حرقص9 862. حرقف6 863. حرك17 864. حرم20 865. حرن14 866. حرو8 867. حرى6 868. حز5 869. حزب19 870. حزر17 871. حزق13 872. حزم19 873. حزن19 874. حزو8 875. حس9 876. حسب21 877. حسد16 878. حسر20 879. حسك13 880. حسل13 881. حسم19 882. حسن21 883. حسو10 884. حسى3 885. حش7 886. حشب7 887. حشد16 888. حشر18 889. حشرج9 890. حشف19 891. حشك11 892. حشم19 893. حشو11 894. حشى3 895. حص7 896. حصب22 897. حصد18 898. حصر21 899. حصرم11 900. حصف14 901. حصل16 902. حصن21 903. حصو4 904. حض8 905. حضأ6 906. حضر20 907. حضن17 908. حضو4 909. حط6 910. حطأ9 911. حطب16 912. حطم19 913. حظ6 914. حظر21 915. حظل11 916. حظو8 917. حف7 918. حفث9 919. حفد18 920. حفر18 921. حفز12 922. حفش13 923. حفظ16 Prev. 100




1 حَدَرَ, aor. ـُ (M, Msb, K, &c.) and حَدِرَ, (M, K,) inf. n. حُدُورٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K) and حَدْرٌ, (T, M, K,) He made to descend, or to go down or downwards or down a declivity; sent, let, or put, down, or from a higher to a lower place or position; (T, S, M, A, Msb, K;) as also ↓ احدر: (Msb:) [or this latter is not chaste; for, accord. to J,] one says, حَدَرَ السَّفِينَةَ he lowered the ship; or sent it to a lower place, (S,) or from a higher to a lower part of a river; (A;) but one should not say, احدرها. (S.) You say also, حَدَرَ الحَجَرَ مِنَ الجَبَلِ He rolled down the stone from the mountain. (A.) b2: حَدَرَتْهُمُ السَّنَةُ (tropical:) Dearth, scarcity, or drought, made them to descend [from the desert]; brought them to a descent; (T, S;) brought them, (TA,) or brought them down, or made them to descend, (A,) to the towns, or villages. (A, TA.) b3: حَدَرَ اللِّثَامَ عَنْ حَنَكِهِ He turned down the لثام [or muffler] from the part beneath his chin. (TA.) b4: حَدَرَ الدَّمْعَ, aor. ـُ and حَدِرَ, inf. n. حُدُورٌ and حَدْرٌ, He shed, or let fall, tears; as also ↓ حدّرهُ. (TA.) And العَيْنُ تَحْدُرُ الدَّمْعَ, (A, K, *) and تَحْدِرُهُ, inf. n. حَدَرٌ, (K,) (tropical:) The eye sheds, or lets fall, tears; (A;) or flows with tears. (K.) And الدَّمْعُ يَحْدُرُ الكُحْلَ (tropical:) [The tears make the collyrium to flow down]. (A.) b5: حَدَرَ الدَّوَآءُ بَطْنَهُ, (A,) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. حَدْرٌ, (K,) (tropical:) The medicine made his belly to discharge itself. (A, K.) [And الطَّمْثَ ↓ حدّر (assumed tropical:) It (a medicine) caused the menstrual flux to descend: see مُحَدِّرٌ.]

A2: حَدَرَ, (T, S, Mgh, K,) aor. ـُ and حَدِرَ, (K,) inf. n. حَدْرٌ; (S, Mgh, K;) and ↓ احدر, (T, S, A, K,) inf. n. إِحْدَارٌ; (K;) (tropical:) He made the skin to swell, (T, S, A, Mgh, K,) and to become thick, (A,) by beating. (T, S, A, Mgh.) A3: حَدَرَ الثَّوْبَ, (A, K,) aor. ـُ and حَدِرَ, inf. n. حَدْرٌ; (K;) and ↓ احدرهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. إِحْدَارٌ; (K;) (tropical:) He twisted the unwoven warp, (K,) or the extremities of the unwoven warp, (S, A,) of the garment, or piece of cloth; (S, A, K;) like as is done with the ends of [garments of the kind called] أَكْسِيَة [pl. of كِسَآء]: (S:) because its length is thus diminished. (A.) A4: See 7. b2: [Hence,] حَدَرَ فِى القِرَآءَةِ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, *) and فِى الأَذَانِ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) and فِى الإِقَامَةِ, (Msb,) aor. ـُ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and حَدِرَ, (K,) inf. n. حَدْرٌ; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) and ↓ حدّر, inf. n. تَحْدِيرٌ; (K;) and حَدَرَ القِرَآءَةَ, (A, Msb,) and الأَذَانَ, and الإِقَامَةَ; (Msb;) (tropical:) He hastened, or was quick, in the reading, or recitation, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K, *) and in the call to prayer, (S, Mgh, Msb,) and in the [form of words called the] اقامة; (Msb;) and he hastened the reading, or recitation, &c. (Msb.) A5: حَدَرَ and حَدُرَ, inf. n. [of the latter, accord. to analogy,] حُدُورَةٌ, It (a bow-string) was thick and strong. (TA. [See also حَادِرٌ.]) b2: And [hence, app.,] (tropical:) It (a boy) was, or became, such as is termed حَادِرٌ [q. v.]: (TA:) [or] حَدُرَ, aor. ـُ (Lth, As, S, A, K;) and حَدَرَ, aor. ـُ (ISd, K;) inf. n. [of the former] حَدَارَةٌ (A, K) and حَدْرٌ; (S, K;) (tropical:) he was, or became, compact in make, (As, S, K,) and thick: (TA:) or short and fleshy: (A:) and he was, or became, fat, with thickness, (K, TA,) and shortness. (TA. [See حَادِرٌ.]) b3: and حَدَرَ, (T, S, A, K,) aor. ـُ (T, S, K) and حَدِرَ, (K,) inf. n. حُدُورٌ (T, S, A) and حَدْرٌ; (K;) and ↓ احدر, inf. n. إِحْدَارٌ; and ↓ حدّر, inf. n. تَحْدِيرٌ; (K, TA;) or tho first form only; (T;) (tropical:) It (the skin) became swollen, (T, S, TA,) as also ↓ انحدر, (S, K,) by reason of beating: (T, S, TA:) or became swollen and thick, by reason thereof. (A, K.) b4: حَدُرَتِ العَيْنُ, inf. n. حَدَارَةٌ, (assumed tropical:) The eye was, or became, large and wide: (Msb:) was, or became, beautiful. (TA.) 2 حَدَّرَ see 1, in four places.4 أَحْدَرَ see 1, in four places.

A2: Also احدر الثَّوْبَ (assumed tropical:) He sewed the garment, or piece of cloth, the second time, after the [slight sewing termed] مَلّ, or شَلّ. (S.) 5 تحدّر الدَّمْعُ (S, K *) and ↓ تحادر (A) The tears descended gently, or little by little. (S, A, K. *) And عَلَى لِحْيَتِهِ ↓ رَأَيْتُ المَطَرَ يَتَحَادَرُ I saw the rain descending and dropping upon his beard. (TA.) 6 تَحَاْدَرَ see 5, in two places.7 انحدر He, or it, descended; went down, downwards, down a declivity, or from a higher to a lower place or position: (S, A, Msb, K:) and [in like manner] ↓ حَدَرَ, inf. n. حَدْرٌ, (TA,) or حُدُورٌ, (A,) he went down, or descended, a declivity. (A, TA.) [Hence,] اِنْحَدَرْتُ إِلَى البَصْرَةِ I went down to El-Basrah. (S.) b2: Also He journeyed, or went, towards El-'Irák, and Syria, and 'Omán: opposed to أَصْعَدَ, which signifies “ he journeyed, or went, towards Nejd, and El-Hijáz, and El-Yemen: ” (ISk, on the authority of 'Omárah, TA in art. صعد:) or the former, he journeyed, or went, towards El-'Irák: and the latter, “ he journeyed, or went, towards the Kibleh: ” (Aboo-Sakhr, T, TA ubi suprà:) and ↓ مُنْحَدَرٌ is used as an inf. n. of the former; like as مُصعَدٌ is of the latter: (T, TA ubi suprà:) also, the former verb, he returned from any town or country: and the latter, “he commenced a journey or the like, in any direction. ” (Ibn-'Arafeh, TA ubi suprà.) b3: Also, said of a place, It sloped down. (Msb.) A2: See also 1, last sentence but one.

حَدَرٌ: see حَدُورٌ, in two places.

حَدْرَةٌ A single thread, of the threads of a [garment of the kind called] كِسَآء. (TA.) [See حَدَرَ الثَّوْبَ.]

A2: عَيْنٌ حَدْرَةٌ (As, T, S, Msb, K) and ↓ حُدُرَّى (K) (assumed tropical:) An eye compact and hard: (As, T, S:) or thick and hard: (K:) or wide and large and projecting: (T:) or large and wide: (Msb:) or large: (K:) or wide: (TA:) or sharp-sighted. (K.) حُدْرَةٌ A herd of camels, (S, K,) like, or about, a صِرْمَة, (S,) which is [as some say] from ten to forty: when they amount to sixty, they are termed a صِدْعَة: (TA:) a flock of sheep or goats. (Lh, TA.) b2: See also حُدُورَةٌ.

حَدْرَآءُ: see حَدُورٌ.

A2: عَيْنٌ حَدْرَآءُ (assumed tropical:) A beautiful eye. (TA.) حُدُرَّى: see حَدْرَةٌ.

حَدُورٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and ↓ حَدَرٌ (S, K) and ↓ حَدْرَآءُ, (T, K,) of the same measure as صَفْرَآءُ, (T,) [in the CK, erroneously, حُدَرَآء,] and ↓ أُحْدُورٌ and ↓ حَادُورٌ (K) and ↓ مُنْحَدَرٌ (S, K) [which is of frequent occurrence] and ↓ مُنْحُدُرٌ and ↓ مُنْحَدِرٌ, or ↓ مَنْحَدِرٌ, or ↓ مُنْحَدُرٌ, (as in different copies of the K, the last of these being the third form given in the CK,) A declivity, or declivous place; a place sloping down; a slope; a place of descent, or by which one descends: (S, A, Msb, K:) a حدور is at the foot of a mountain, and in any place. (TA.) You say, هَبَطْنَا فِى حَدُورِ صَعْبَةٍ

[We descended a difficult declivity]. (A.) and ↓ كَأَنَّمَا يَنْحَطُّ فِى حَدَرٍ [As though he were descending a declivity]: (S:) occurring in a trad. (TA.) حَدُورَةٌ: see what next follows.

حُدُورَةٌ and ↓ حَدُورَةٌ and ↓ حَادُورَةٌ (tropical:) A flow, or flowing, of tears from the eye. (Lh, ISd, K, TA.) A2: Also the first, (S,) so accord. to the M, &c., (TA,) or ↓ حُدْرَةٌ, (K,) Multitude, and congregation. (S, M, K.) You say حَىٌّ ذُو حُدُورَةٍ

A tribe numerous and congregated. (S, M.) حَادِرُ A rope strongly twisted: a bow-string strong and full. (TA. [See also 1.]) b2: A thick spear. (TA.) And كُعُوبٌ حَوَادِرُ Thick and round knots, or joints, of a spear. (TA.) b3: A cake of bread (رَغِيف) complete: or having thick edges. (TA.) b4: (tropical:) A man compact in make: (S:) a boy short and fleshy: (A:) a youth thick and compact: (TA:) or full of fat and flesh, with softness, or thinness, of skin: (Lth, Az:) a boy full in body, and of great force: (Th:) or a boy full of youthful vigour; as also حَادِرَةٌ: [but this is an intensive epithet:] (Lth, Az:) or a fat boy: (K:) or a boy fat, thick, and compact in make: (ISd:) or goodly, or beautiful: (ISd, K:) pl. حَدَرَةٌ. (TA.) Also the fem., حَادِرَةٌ, (assumed tropical:) A thick, or bulky, she-camel. (T in art. رنب.) And the same, (assumed tropical:) Bulky in the shoulder-joints. (IB.) And حَوَادِرُ [the pl. fem.] (assumed tropical:) Compact and bulky camels or the like. (TA.) b5: (assumed tropical:) Anything full of moisture, and of beautiful make. (TA.) And حَادِرَةُ العَيْنَيْنِ (assumed tropical:) A she-camel having full eyes: (S:) or having eyes full of fat, equal, and beautiful. (TA.) b6: A tribe congregated. (TA.) b7: A lofty mountain. (TA.) b8: See also الحَيْدَرَةُ.

حُنْدُرٌ and ↓ حُنْدُورَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ حُنْدُورٌ (K) and ↓ حِنْدُورَةٌ (Th, K) and ↓ حِنْدَوْرَةٌ, and ↓ حِنْدِيرٌ and ↓ حِنْدِيرَةٌ and ↓ حِنْدَوْرٌ and ↓ حِنْدَارَةٌ, (K,) of which ↓ حِنْدِيرَةٌ is the most approved form, (TA,) The black of the eye. (S, K.) One says, هُوَ عَلَى

حُنْدُرِ عَيْنِهِ and عَيْنِهِ ↓ حُنْدُورَةِ (S, K) and ↓ حُنْدُورِ عَيْنِهِ and عَيْنِهِ ↓ حِنْدَوْرَةِ (TA) (assumed tropical:) He is deemed burdensome, or troublesome, by him, so that he cannot look at him by reason of hatred. (S, K.) and عَيْنِى ↓ جَعَلْتُهُ عَلَى حِنْدِيرَةِ and عَيْنِى ↓ حُنْدُورَةِ (assumed tropical:) I made him, or it, a conspicuous object, or a thing in full view, of my eye. (S, K.) Several lexicographers mention these forms in art. حندر, regarding the ن as a radical letter, as it should not be held to be augmentative, when occupying the second place in a word, unless on strong evidence. (TA.) حَيْدَرٌ and الحَيْدَرُ: see what next follows.

الحَيْدَرَةُ (assumed tropical:) The lion; (S, K;) as also ↓ الحَيْدَرُ, (K,) and ↓ حَيْدَرٌ, without ال, (TA,) and ↓ الحَادِرُ: (Kudot;:) or the lion that is, among other lions, like the king among men; (IAar;) because of the thickness of his neck, and the strength of his fore legs. (Th, TA.) b2: Also حَيْدَرَةٌ (tropical:) Destruction, or perdition; (Az, K;) and so ↓ حَادُورٌ: (K:) or a severe calamity; as though it were a lion in its severity. (A.) حَادُورٌ: see حَدُورٌ.

A2: Also An ear-ring; syn. قُرْطٌ: (S, K:) pl. حَوَادِيرُ. (TA.) A3: (tropical:) A laxative medicine; (A, K, * TA;) contr. of عَاقُولٌ. (A.) A4: See also الحَيْدَرَةُ.

حَادُورَةُ: see حُدُورَةُ.

حُنْدُورٌ and حِنْدَوْرٌ: see حُنْدُرٌ, in three places.

حِنْدِيرٌ: see حُنْدُرٌ.

حِنْدَارَةٌ: see حُنْدُرٌ.

حُنْدُورَةٌ and حِنْدُورَةٌ and حِنْدَوْرَةٌ: see حُنْدُرٌ, in six places.

حِنْدِيرَةٌ: see حُنْدُرٌ, in three places.

أَحْدَرُ (assumed tropical:) More, most, or very, fat and thick. (TA.) أُحْدُورٌ: see حَدُورٌ.

مُحَدِّرٌ لِلطَّمْثِ (assumed tropical:) [Emmenagogue]. (K in arts.

نجذ and جزر &c.) مُنْحَدَرٌ and مُنْحُدُرٌ and مُنْحَدِرٌ, or مَنْحَدِرٌ, or مُنْحَدُرٌ: see حَدُورٌ: A2: and for the first, see also 7.
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