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69613. جدول1 69614. جَدْولة1 69615. جُدُون1 69616. جَدُون1 69617. جَدْوَى 1 69618. جدى369619. جدي10 69620. جِدّيّ1 69621. جِدْي1 69622. جَدَيَا1 69623. جَدْيانَة1 69624. جِدْيَانِيّ1 69625. جُدَيْب1 69626. جَدِيب1 69627. جُدَيْبَا1 69628. جُدَيْبَة1 69629. جَدِيبيّ1 69630. جِدِّيَّة1 69631. جَدِيَّةُ1 69632. جُدَيَّةُ1 69633. جَدِيح1 69634. جُدَيْدٌ1 69635. جدير2 69636. جُدَيْرة1 69637. جَدِيْرَة1 69638. جَدِيرِيّ1 69639. جَديسٌ1 69640. جَدِيس1 69641. جُدَيْع1 69642. جَدِيع1 69643. جُدَيْعَان1 69644. جُدَيْعَة1 69645. جَدِيلة1 69646. جَديلَةُ1 69647. جَدِيلَة1 69648. جُدَيْويّ1 69649. جذ5 69650. جَذَّ 1 69651. جذء1 69652. جذأر2 69653. جَذا1 69654. جذا6 69655. جَذًّا1 69656. جَذَّاءُ1 69657. جذاب القلوب، إلى طريق المحبوب...1 69658. جُذَاذة1 69659. جَذَّاع1 69660. جذاه1 69661. جَذَب1 69662. جَذْب1 69663. جذب16 69664. جَذَبَ1 69665. جذب القلب1 69666. جَذَبَ 1 69667. جَذَبَة1 69668. جَذْبَة1 69669. جَذَبَهُ1 69670. جذذ11 69671. جَذَذَ1 69672. جذذه1 69673. جذَرُ1 69674. جَذَرَ1 69675. جذر18 69676. جِذْرٌ 1 69677. جِذْرِيّ1 69678. جذع18 69679. جَذَعَ1 69680. جِذْعُ 1 69681. جذعم3 69682. جَذْعَمَ1 69683. جذعه1 69684. جذف10 69685. جَذَفَ 1 69686. جَذَفَهُ1 69687. جَذْل1 69688. جِذْل1 69689. جَذَل1 69690. جذل15 69691. جَذل1 69692. جَذَلَ1 69693. جَذَلَ 1 69694. جَذَمُ1 69695. جذم18 69696. جَذَمَ1 69697. جُذِمَ 1 69698. جَذْمان1 69699. جُذْمانُ1 69700. جذمت1 69701. جذمر4 69702. جذمه2 69703. جذن2 69704. جذه1 69705. جذو11 69706. جَذَوَ 1 69707. جَذُوب1 69708. جذوة البيان، في فريدة العقيان...1 69709. جذوة المقتبس، في تاريخ علماء الأندل...1 69710. جذى3 69711. جذي2 69712. جَذِيَة1 Prev. 100


(جدى) الرجل والسرج جعل لَهُ جدية
[جدى] الجدية، بتسكين الدال: شئ محشوٌّ يُجْعَلُ. تحت دَفَّتَي السرج والرحْل، وهما جَدْيَتانِ، والجمع جَدىً وجديات بالتحريك. وكذلك الجدية على فعيلة، والجمع الجدايا. ولا تقل جديدة. والعامة تقولها. والجدية أيضا: طريقة الدم، والجمع الجَدايَا. وقال أبو زيد: الجَدِيَّةُ من الدم: ما لزِق بالجسد. والبصيرةُ: ما كان على الأرض. والجَدْيُ من ولد المعز. وثلاثة أجْدٍ، فإذا كثُرتْ فهي الجداء، ولا تقل الجدايا ولا الجدى بكسر الجيم. والجدى: برج في السماء. والجَدْيُ: نجمٌ إلى جَنْبِ القطب تُعرف به القِبلةُ. ومطَرٌ جَدّى مقصورٌ، أي عامٌّ. يقال: اللهمَّ اسقِنا غيثاً غَدَقاً، وجدىً طَبَقاً. ويقال أيضا: جدا الدهر، أي يَدَ الدهر، أي أبداً. والجَدا، بالقصرِ أيضاً: الجَدْوى، وهُما العَطِيَّةُ. وفلان قليل الجَداءِ عنك بالمدّ، أي قليل الغنَاء والنفع. والجِدايَةُ والجَدايَةُ: الغَزالةُ. قال الأصمعي: هو بمنزلة العناق من الغنم. قال الراجز : تريح بعد النفس المحفوز * إراحة الجداية النفوز وجدوته واجْتَدَيْتُهُ واسْتَجْدَيْتُهُ بمعنىً، إذا طلبتَ جَدْواهُ. قال أبو النجم: جئنا نُحَيِّيكَ ونَسْتَجْديكا * من نائِلِ اللهِ الذي يُعْطيكا والجادي: السائلُ العافي. وأَجْداهُ، أي أعطاه الجَدْوى. وأَجْدى أيضاً، أي أصاب الجَدْوى. وما يُجْدي عنك هذا، أي ما يغنى. 


ى1 جَدَيْتُهُ: see 1 in art. جدو. b2: One says of the locust, يَجْدِى كُلَّ شَىْءٍ, meaning It eats everything. (TA.) A2: لَمْ أَجْدِ مِنْ ذٰلِكَ بُدًّا I found no means of avoiding, or escaping, that, is sometimes said for لَمْ أَجِدْ الخ??. (Kz, TA in art. وجد.) 2 جدّى الرَّحْلِ, inf. n. تَجْدِيَةٌ, He made, or put, to the camel's saddle a [جَدْيَة or] جَدِيَّة. (TA.) 4 اجدى It (a wound) flowed [with blood: see جَدِيَّةٌ]. (K.) جَدْىBٌ A kid: (S:) or a male kid; (IAmb, Msb, K;) the female being called عَنَاقٌ: (IAmb, Msb:) or a kid in his first year; (Mgh, Msb;) not yet a year old: (TA:) one should not say جِدْىBٌ; (S;) this being a bad dial. var.: (Msb:) pl. (of pauc., TA, applied to three, S) أَجْدٍ (S, Msb, K) and (of mult., TA, applied to more than three, S) جِدَآءٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and جِدْيَانٌ: (K:) جَدَايَا [as pl. of جَدْى] is not allowable. (S.) b2: Hence, as being likened thereto, (M, TA,) الجَدْىBُ (assumed tropical:) A certain star, (S, Msb, K,) [the star a of Ursa Minor, commonly called the pole-star,] that revolves with بَنَاتُ نَعْشٍ, (K,) by the side of the [north] pole, by which the kibleh is known, (S,) or according to which the kibleh is turned; (Msb;) the bright star at the extremity of the tail of the Lesser Bear; (Kzw;) the star of the kibleh; (Mgh;) also called جَدْىBُ الفَرْقَدِ; (Mgh, Msb;) and called by the astronomers ↓ الجُدَىُّ, in the dim. form, to distinguish it from what next follows. (Mgh, MF.) [See also القُطْبُ.] b3: Hence also, (M, TA,) A certain sign of the Zodiac; (S, K;) [namely, Capricornus;] the tenth of the signs of the Zodiac; (Mgh;) that next to the دَلْو; unknown to the Arabs [of the classical times]. (K.) This and the former together are called [the] جَدْيَانِ. (TA.) A2: جَدْيَانِ is also an anomalous dual of جَدْوَى, q. v. (Lh, M, K.) A3: See also what next follows.

جَدْيَةٌ and ↓ جَدِيَّةٌ, (S, K,) but not جَدِيدَةٌ, which is used by the vulgar, (S,) [A kind of pad, or] a stuffed thing, (S,) or a stuffed piece (K, TA) of a كِسَآء, (TA,) that is put beneath a horse's saddle, (K,) or beneath the two boards (الدَّفَّتَانِ) of a horse's and of a camel's saddle; [one on either side; for] there are two of such stuffed things: (S:) the pl. of the former is جَدَيَاتٌ, (Sb, S,) which may be used as a pl. of mult., (TA,) or جَدْيَاتٌ, so in [some of] the copies of the K, [but omitted in the CK and in my MS. copy of the K,] following the TS, as on the authority of A'Obeyd and AA and En-Nadr, (TA,) and ↓ جَدْىBٌ; (S, IB, [in some copies of the S جَدًا, but the former (which I find in two copies of the S) is said by IB to be the right; or rather this is a coll. gen. n.,]) like as شَرْىBٌ is of شَرْيَةٌ: (IB, TA:) the pl. of ↓ جَدِيَّةٌ is جَدَايَا. (S.) [See also جَدِيدَةٌ, and رِفَادَةٌ.]

جُدَآءٌ, (K in this art.,) or جُذَآءٌ, (A in art. جذر, and K in art. برج,) [the latter is the term commonly known, An arithmetical square;] the product of multiplication [of a number by itself]; as when you say, the جداء [or جذاء] of three [in some copies of the K, of three multiplied by three,] is nine; (K, * TA;) also called مَالٌ. (Msb in art. جذر.) [See جَذْرٌ.]

الجُدَيُّ: see جَدْىBٌ.

جَدَايَةٌ and جِدَايَةٌ A young gazelle; syn. غَزَالٌ: (K, and so in a copy of the S:) or a young doegazelle; syn. غَزَالَةٌ: (so in another copy of the S:) said by As to be like the عَنَاق of goats: (S:) or the male, and the female, of the young of gazelles, when it has attained the age of six months, or seven, and has run, and become strong: or, as some say, the male thereof: pl. جَدَايَا. (M, TA.) جَدِيَّةٌ: see جَدْيَةٌ, in two places.

A2: Also Flowing blood; (Lh, K;) blood not flowing being termed بَصِيرَةٌ: (Lh, TA:) or the former, blood adhering to the body; and the latter, blood upon the ground: (Az, S:) or the former, a streak of blood: (S:) or the first quantity that flows at once, of blood: (TA:) pl. جَدَايَا. (S.) b2: A piece of musk. (K.) b3: The colour of the face. (K, TA.) You say, اِصْفَرَّتْ جَدِيَّةٌ وَجْهِهِ [The colour of his face became yellow]. (TA.) A3: I. q. نَاحِيَةٌ [A side; a lateral, or an outward or adjacent, part or portion, region, quarter, or tract; &c.]. (K.) So in the saying, هُوَ عَلَى جَدِيَّتِهِ [app. meaning He is keeping to his own side: he is following his own course; like the phrase هُوَ عَلَى

طَرِيقَتِهِ: or he is by himself; like هُوَ عَلَى وَحْدِهِ and حِدَتِهِ]. (TA.) جَادٍ The locust; because it eats (يَجْدِى, i. e. يَأْكُلُ) everything: but the appellation [more] commonly known is جَابِئُ. (TA.) جَادِىٌّ [erroneously written in the CK, in this art. and in art. جود, without the sheddeh to the ى] Saffron; (Az, IF, K;) as also ↓ جَادِيَآءُ: (Sgh, K:) the former a rel. n. from الجَادِيَة, or جَادِيَة, a town of البَلْقَآء, in Syria, said to produce saffron: it is mentioned by Az and IF in this art., being held by them to be of the measure فَاعُولٌ [originally جَادُوىBٌ]: by J, in art. جود, as being of the measure فَعْلِىٌّ. (TA.) b2: Also (tropical:) Wine; (K, TA;) as resembling saffron in colour. (TA.) جَادِيَآءُ: see what next precedes.
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