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62208. تخرخر1 62209. تخردت1 62210. تخرس1 62211. تخرست1 62212. تخرسن1 62213. تخرص362214. تخَرص1 62215. تخرط1 62216. تخرع1 62217. تخرق1 62218. تخرم1 62219. تخرمل1 62220. تخريج أحاديث: (أنوار التنزيل)...1 62221. تخريج أحاديث: (الإحياء)...1 62222. تخريج أحاديث: (الخلاصة)...1 62223. تخريج أحاديث: (الشرح الكبير)...1 62224. تخريج أحاديث الطريقة المحمدية...1 62225. تخريج أحاديث: (الكشاف)...1 62226. تخريج أحاديث: (المنهاج)...1 62227. تخريج أحاديث: (الهداية)...1 62228. تَخْريجُ المناط1 62229. تخريج المناط2 62230. تخريجات: ابن أبي الدنيا...1 62231. تخزب1 62232. تَخَزْبَزَ1 62233. تخزبز1 62234. تخزع1 62235. تخزل1 62236. تَخَزْلَجَ1 62237. تخزم1 62238. تخس2 62239. تخْسَانْجْكَث1 62240. تَخْسيج1 62241. تخشبت1 62242. تخشخش1 62243. تخشع1 62244. تخشل1 62245. تخشم1 62246. تخشن1 62247. تخشى1 62248. تخصر1 62249. تخصص1 62250. تَخَصَّص في1 62251. تخصف1 62252. تخصيص1 62253. تَخْصِيص الْإِثْبَات وَتَخْصِيص الث...1 62254. تَخْصِيص الشَّيْء1 62255. تخصيص العلة1 62256. تخصيص العلّة1 62257. تخضب1 62258. تَخَضَّجَتِ1 62259. تخضخض1 62260. تخضد1 62261. تخضرع1 62262. تخضرم1 62263. تخضع1 62264. تَخَضْلَبَ2 62265. تخطأه1 62266. تخطاه1 62267. تَخْطَروان1 62268. تخطع1 62269. تخطفه1 62270. تخطل1 62271. تخفج1 62272. تخفر1 62273. تخفس1 62274. تخْفض1 62275. تخفف1 62276. تَخْفِقان1 62277. تخفى1 62278. تخفيف العمل، في الخلاف والجدل...1 62279. تَخِلّ1 62280. تخلج1 62281. تخلخل2 62282. تخلس1 62283. تخلص1 62284. تخلع1 62285. تخلف1 62286. تخلق1 62287. تخَلّل1 62288. تخلى1 62289. تَخَلِّي1 62290. تخلي1 62291. تخلّيتا1 62292. تَخْلِيل الْأَصَابِع...2 62293. تخليل اللحية في الوضوء...1 62294. تخَم2 62295. تَخَمَ1 62296. تخم13 62297. تُخُمٌ 1 62298. تُخْمَة2 62299. تخمرت1 62300. تخمش1 62301. تخمط1 62302. تخمم1 62303. تخنب1 62304. تخنث1 62305. تخنذذ1 62306. تخنس1 62307. تخوت1 Prev. 100



تخرص: التِّخْرِيص: لغة في الدِّخرِيص.

(تخرص) تكذب بِالْبَاطِلِ وَيُقَال تخرص القَوْل اخترصه


تِخْرِيصٌ and تِخْرِيصَةٌ (Lth, K) dial. vars. of دِخْرِيصٌ and دِخْرِيصَةٌ, (Lth,) A بَنِيقَة [or gore] of a garment: arabicized words, from تِيرِيزْ, (Lth, K, which is Persian. (Lth.) تخم and quasi تخم 1 تَخِمَ, [originally وَخِمَ,] aor. ـَ (Msb, and K in art. وخم,) inf. n. تَخَمٌ; (Msb;) and تَخَمَ, aor. ـ; (K ubi suprà;) and ↓ اِتَّخَمَ ; (Msb, and S and K &c. in art. وخم;) He suffered from indigestion, or heaviness of the stomach arising from food which it was too weak to digest; (Msb in art. وخم;) he suffered from a disease produced by unsuitable [or unwholesome] food, (K and TA in art. وخم,) or by fulness of the stomach: (TA in that art.:) followed by مِنَ الطَّعَامِ and عَنِ الطَّعَامِ. (S and TA in that art.) 3 تاخم, [inf. n. مُتَاخَمَةٌ,] It (a land or country) bordered upon, or was conterminous with or to, another land or country. (AHeyth, Mgh, K.) 4 اتخمهُ, (S and K in art. وخم,) originally

أَوْخَمَهُ; (S in that art.,) or formed from تُخَمَةٌ, in consequence of imagining the ت in this word to be radical; (MF;) said of food, It caused him to suffer from تُخَمَة [or indigestion]. (S and K in art. وخم.) 8 إِ1ْتَ2َ3َ see 1.

تَخْمٌ The limit, or boundary, (S, Msb,) of any town (S) or land: (S, Msb:) pl. تُخُومٌ: (S, Msb:) a poet (Aboo-Keys Ibn-El-Aslat, TA) says, يَا بَنِىَّ التُّخُومُ لَا تَظْلِمُوهَا (Fr, S,) or, as some relate it, ↓ التَّخُومُ: (TA:) accord. to the former reading, Fr says, the meaning is, [O my sons,] the limits, or boundaries, [misplace ye not them], for he does not say تَظْلِمُوهُ: but ISK says, I heard AA say, it is ↓ تَخُوم, and the pl. is تُخُمٌ; like صَبُورٌ and صُبُرٌ: (S:) both IAar and ISk say that the sing and pl. are like رَسُولٌ and رُسُلٌ: (Msb:) but the latter mentions also تُخُومٌ, with damm, as a pl. form, having no sing.: (TA:) or ↓ تَخُومٌ signifies a sign, or mark [of a boundary or of a way]: and limits, or boundaries: and is sometimes with ↓ [to the ت]: (Mgh:) Lth says that تخوم [written without any vowel-sign] signifies a division, or place of division, between two districts and two towns or villages; and the limit, or boundary, of the land of any district and town or village is its تخوم: and AHeyth says that this word signifies limits, or boundaries: (TA:) or تُخُومٌ, with damm, signifies a sign, or mark, and a limit, or boundary, that is a division between two lands; and is of the fem. gender: and the pl. is تُخُومٌ also, and تُخُمٌ: (K:) this app. means that these are pls. of تُخُومٌ; but the former is a word that is used as a sing. and as a pl.; and the latter is pl. of تَخُومٌ, like as صُبُرٌ is of صَبُورٌ, and غُفُرٌ of غَفُورٌ: (TA:) or (as ISk says, TA) the sing. is ↓ تُخْمٌ and تَخْمٌ (K) and ↓ تَخُومَةٌ: (AHn, S, * K:) accord. to A'Obeyd, the Arabic linguists say ↓ تَخُومٌ, like صَبُورٌ, making it fem. and sing.; but the people of Syria say تُخُومٌ, with damm to the ت, making it pl., and the sing. is تَخْمٌ: accord. to IB, one says ↓ تَخُومٌ and تُخُومٌ, and زَبُورٌ and زُبُورٌ, and عَذُوبٌ and عُذُوبٌ; and no fourth instance of the kind is known; [but see عَذُوبٌ;] and the Basrees pronounce it with damm [to the ت], and the Koofees with fet-h. (TA.) It is said in a trad., مَلْعُونٌ مَنْ غَيَّرَ تُخُومَ الأَرْضِ, meaning, accord. to A'Obeyd, [Cursed is he who alters] the limits, or boundaries, of land; and the signs, or marks, of the way: or, as some say, the limits, or boundaries, of the sacred territory. (TA.) And اجعل همّك تخومًا, [or rather اِجْعَلْ لِهَمِّكَ

↓ تَخُومًا,] means (tropical:) [Set thou to thy purpose] a limit, to which go thou, and pass not beyond it. (TA.) And هُوَ طَيِّبُ التُّخُومِ (assumed tropical:) He is good in respect of ancestry, or origin: (JK:) or in respect of natural dispositions; or, as some relate the saying, ↓ التَّخُومِ. (TA.) تُخُومٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) A state, or condition, that one desires [app. as the limit of his wish]. (IAar, Sh, K.) تُخْمٌ: see تَخْمٌ.

تُخَمَةٌ, (Msb in the present art., and S and K in art. وخم,) originally وُخْمَةٌ, (Msb, and S in art. وخم,) and تُخْمَةٌ, (Msb, and S and K in art. وخم,) the latter vulgar, (S in art. وخم,) but occurring in poetry, (S and K in that art.,) Indigestion, or heaviness of the stomach arising from food which it is too weak to digest; (Msb in art. وخم;) a disease produced by unsuitable [or unwholesome] food, (K and TA in that art.,) or by fulness of the stomach: (TA ibid.:) pl. تُخَمَاتٌ (S and K ibid.) and تُخَمٌ. (Msb, and S and K in art. وخم.) تَخُومٌ: see تَخْمٌ, in seven places.

تُخُومٌ pl. of تَخْمٌ, which see throughout: and also used as a sing.

تَخُومَةٌ: see تَخْمٌ.

طَعَامٌ مَتْخَمَةٌ, (JK, and S and K in art. وخم,) originally مَوْخَبَةٌ, (S in art. وخم,) Food that causes one to suffer from تُخَمَة [or indigestion]. (JK, and K in art. وخم.) مُتَاخِمٌ Conterminous to a land (لِأَرْضٍ). (Mgh.) You say also, هُوَ مُتَاخِمِى He is my neighbour, his house, or tent, adjoining mine. (TA in art. جمد .)
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