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52426. اونسا1 52427. اونوطيلون1 52428. اونوناس1 52429. اوَنِيسَا1 52430. اونييا1 52431. اوه252432. اوَهَّاب1 52433. اوى2 52434. اويب1 52435. اويدا1 52436. اى1 52437. ايا1 52438. ايارميا1 52439. ايَالّ1 52440. ايب2 52441. ايباك1 52442. ايبكي1 52443. ايت1 52444. ايْتَلَخَ1 52445. ايتلع1 52446. ايجا1 52447. ايجاز1 52448. ايجور1 52449. ايد3 52450. ايداي1 52451. ايَدَّاي1 52452. ايدر1 52453. ايدمير1 52454. ايديا1 52455. اير4 52456. ايرا1 52457. ايرار1 52458. ايراق1 52459. ايراين1 52460. ايرتني1 52461. ايرش1 52462. ايرف1 52463. ايركسيفورك1 52464. ايرلين1 52465. ايرنو1 52466. ايرنيه1 52467. ايري1 52468. ايزه1 52469. ايزير1 52470. ايس3 52471. ايساغوجي2 52472. ايسان1 52473. ايست1 52474. ايسي1 52475. ايسيزوري1 52476. ايش1 52477. ايشعيا1 52478. ايشن1 52479. ايشين1 52480. ايض3 52481. ايفا1 52482. ايفات1 52483. ايفلين1 52484. ايفيس1 52485. ايك2 52486. ايكا1 52487. ايكل1 52488. ايكم1 52489. ايكن1 52490. ايكندي آي1 52491. ايل2 52492. ايلاز1 52493. ايلاس1 52494. ايلان1 52495. ايلاوش1 52496. ايلباز1 52497. ايلتاع1 52498. ايلجا1 52499. ايلد2 52500. ايلدو1 52501. ايلزابث1 52502. ايلزى1 52503. ايلس1 52504. ايلشا1 52505. ايلشاع1 52506. ايلكر1 52507. ايللي1 52508. ايلول1 52509. ايلوي1 52510. ايليا1 52511. ايليتا1 52512. ايلين1 52513. ايم2 52514. ايماء1 52515. ايمار1 52516. ايماسيه1 52517. ايماند1 52518. ايمانويل1 52519. ايمْرَح1 52520. ايمرك1 52521. ايمري1 52522. ايمن1 52523. ايمنه1 52524. ايموري1 52525. ايمين1 Prev. 100


[اوه] فيه: "اوه" عين الربا، كلمة يقال عند الشكاية والتوجع وهي بسكون الواو وكسر الهاء، وربما قلبوا الواو ألفا، وقد يشدد الواو مكسورة وسكن الهاء، وقد يحذف الهاء أي هذا البيع نفس الربا. وفيه: "أواها" منيباً أي متأوهاً متضرعاً أي كثير البكاء وكثير الدعاء.


1 اَوڤهَand 2: see 5.5 تأوّه; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) and ↓ أوّه, (S, Mgh, K,) inf. n. تَأْوِيةٌ; (S, K;) and ↓ آهَ, inf. n. أَوْهٌ; (K;) He said آهِ or أَوْهِ &c. [i. e. Ah! or alas!]; (S, Mgh, K;) he moaned; or uttered a moan, or moaning, or prolonged voice of complaint; (S, TA;) i. q. تَوَجَّعَ. (Msb.) آهِ, (Az, S, Msb, K, &c.,) as also آهٍ, (IAmb, K,) and آهًا, and ↓ آهَةً, (TA,) and ↓ أَوْهِ, (S, Msb, K,) and ↓ أَوْهَ, (ISd, K,) and ↓ أَوْهُ, (K,) and ↓ أَوِّهْ, (S,) or ↓ أَوِّهِ, (K,) and ↓ أَوَّهْ, (Hr, Mgh, Msb, K,) so in some copies of the S, but in a copy in the author's handwriting ↓ آوَّهْ, there said to be with medd, and with teshdeed and fet-h to the و, and with the ه quiescent, (TA,) [or,] accord. to Aboo-Tálib, آوَّهْ, with medd, thus pronounced by the vulgar, is wrong, (T in art. او,) and ↓ أَوَّاه, and ↓ أَوُّوه, [in both of which, and in some other forms which follow, it is doubtful whether the ه be quiescent or movent, and if movent, with what vowel,] (TA,) and ↓ آوُوهُ, (K, TA,) or ↓ أَوُوهُ, but said by ISd to be with medd, and mentioned by AHát as heard from the Arabs, (TA,) and ↓ أَوَتَاه, (K, TA,) or ↓ أَوَتَاهُ, (CK,) or ↓ أَوَّتَاه, and ↓ آوَّتَاه, (S, [in one copy of which the ه is marked as quiescent,]) and ↓ آوَيَّاه, (K, TA,) with medd, (TA,) or ↓ أَوِيَّاهُ, (CK,) and أَوِّ (S, Msb, K,) and آوِ, and آوٍ, (K, TA,) and وَاهًا, and هَاهٌ or هَاهُ, (TA,) [Ah! or alas!] a word imitative of the voice, cry, or exclamation, of the مُتَأَهِّه; (Az and TA in explanation of آهِ;) [i. e.] a word expressive of pain, grief, sorrow, lamentation, complaint, or moaning; (S, Mgh, Msb, K, TA;) denoting the prolongation of the voice with complaint: (S, TA, after أَوَّهْ or آوَّهْ:) sometimes, also, a man says آهِ from a motive of affection, or pity, or compassion, and of impatience: (Az, TA:) [and it is also said that] آهًا is a word expressive of grief or lamentation, or of most intense grief or lamentation or regret; [that] it is put in the accus. case as being used in the manner of inf. ns.; and [that] the hemzeh is originally و: but IAth says, آهًا is a word expressive of pain, grief, sorrow, lamentation, complaint, or moaning, used in relation to evil, like as وَاهًا is used in relation to good: (TA in art. اه:) and آوَّهْ and آوِ and آوٍ are cries uttered to horses, to make them return. (ISh and TA in art. اوى.

See 2 in that art. in the present work.) You say, آهِ مِنْ كَذَا [Ah, or alas, on account of, or for, such a thing!]; (S, Msb;) and in like manner, أَوْهِ [&c.], followed by مِنْ, and by لِ, (S, TA,) and by عَلَى. (TA.) [See also أَوِّ in art. او.]

آهَةٌ a subst. from تَأَوَّهَ; occurring in the saying of El-Muthakkib El-'Abdee, إِذَا مَاقُمْتُ أَرْحَلُهَا بِلَيْلٍ

تَأَوَّهُ آهَةَ الرَّجُلِ الحَزِينِ [When I arise to saddle her, by night, she moans with the moaning of the sorrowful man]: (S, ISd:) ISd says that, in his opinion, the subst. is here put in the place of the inf. n., i. e. تَأَوُّه: (TA:) but some recite the verse differently, saying, أَهَّةَ, from أَهَّ meaning تَوَجَّعَ: (S:) and some say, تَهَوَّهُ هَاهَةَ. (TA.) And hence the saying, in imprecating evil on a man, آهَةً لَكَ [May God cause moaning to thee!], and أَوَّةً لَكَ, with the ه suppressed, and with teshdeed to the و. (S.) [See also أَوَّةٌ in art. او.] And see آهِ above.

A2: [Also] Measles: thus in the phrase, used in imprecating evil on a man, آهَةً وَمَاهَةً [May God cause] measles and small-pox [to befall thee]! (K, * TA,) mentioned by Lh on the authority of Aboo-Khálid. (TA.) أَوْهِ and ٰأَوْهَ and أَوْهُ and أَوِّه &c.: see آهِ.

أَوَّاهٌ A man often saying Ah! or alas! or often moaning: (Mgh:) or one who says Ah! or alas! from a motive of affection, or pity, or compassion, and fear: or mourning, or sorrowing, much, or often: (TA:) or compassionate; tender-hearted: or often praying, or frequent in prayer: (K, * TA:) or one who celebrates the praises of God, or praises Him greatly, or glorifies Him: or who praises much, or often: or who abases himself, or addresses himself with earnest supplication, [to God], confident of his prayer's being answered: (TA:) or one having certain knowledge (K, TA) of his prayer's being answered: (TA:) or inviting much, or often, to what is good: (TA:) or skilled in the law: or a believer; so in the Abyssinian language: (K:) occurring in the Kur [ix. 115 and xi. 77]. (TA.) A2: See also آهِ.

أَوُوهُ, or آوُوهُ, and أَوُّوه: see آهِ.

أَوَتَاه, or أَوَتَاهُ, or أَوَّتَاه, and آوَّتَاه: see آهِ.

أَوِيَّاهُ, or آوَيَّاه: see آهِ.

مُتَأَوِّهٌ [Saying Ah! &c.: (see the verb:) and] abasing himself; or addressing himself with earnest supplication [to God]. (TA.) [See also أَوَّاهٌ.]
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