1 فَسُلَ, (S, M, O, K,) with damm, (S, O,) like كَرُمَ; (K;) and فَسِلَ, (M, K,) like عَلِمَ; (K;) and فُسِلَ, (M, K,) of the form of that whereof the agent is not named, (M,) like عُنِىَ; (K;) inf. n. فَسَالَةٌ and فُسُولَةٌ (S, M, O, K) and فُسُولٌ; (M, TA;) He (a man, S, O) was, or became, low, base, ignoble, vile, or mean; (S, M, O, K;) such as had no manliness, or manly virtue, (M, K,) and no hardiness. (TA.) A2: And فَسَلَ الصَّبِىَّ He weaned the boy; (AA, O, K;) as though a dial. var. of فَصَلَ. (TA.) 2 فَسَّلَ see the paragraph here following.4 افسل عَلَيْهِ مَتَاعَهُ He pronounced against him (i. e. against another man, Lth, O) that his goods were bad; syn. ارذله: (Lth, O, K:) and افسل عَلَيْهِ دَرَاهِمَهُ he pronounced against him that his dirhems, or pieces of money, were bad, or were such as are termed زُيُوف; (Lth, O, K; *) syn. زَيَّفَهَا, (Lth, O, K, TA,) and أَرْذَلَهَا: (TA:) and [in like manner] ↓ فسّلهُ, inf. n. تَفْسِيلٌ, signifies أَرْذَلَهُ and زَيَّفَهُ. (TA.) A2: See also what next follows.8 افتسل الفَسِيلَةَ, (M,) inf. n. اِفْتِسَالٌ; (O, TA;) or ↓ أَفْسَلَهَا; (K; [app. a mistranscription for اِفْتَسَلَهَا, as it is outweighed by the latter in authority;]) He plucked the young palm-tree from its mother, and planted it (M, O, K) in another place. (O.) فَسْلٌ and ↓ مَفْسُولٌ, (S, M, O, Msb, K,) as epithets applied to a man, (S, O, Msb,) Low, base, ignoble, vile, or mean; (S, M, O, Msb, K;) such as has no manliness, or manly virtue, (M, K,) and no hardiness: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَفْسَالٌ, (S, O,) or أَفْسُلٌ, (M, K,) or both, (TA,) and [of mult.]فِسَالٌ and فُسُولٌ (S, M, O, K) and فُسُولَةٌ (Kr, M, K) and فُسْلٌ (M, K) and فُسَلآءُ, (S, M, O, K,) which last is anomalous, as though they imagined it to have as its sing. فَسِيلٌ. (M.) b2: Also, the former, Anything bad, corrupt, vile, base, abominable, or disapproved. (TA.) [The pl.] فُسُولٌ, applied to dirhems, or pieces of money, means Bad; or such as are termed زُيُوف. (TA.) A2: And فَسْلٌ signifies also Cuttings from grape-vines, for planting. (AHn, M, K. *) فِسْلٌ Foolish, stupid, or unsound in intellect or understanding. (AA, O, K.) فَسِيلٌ The young ones, or small ones, of palmtrees, like وَدِىٌّ; (S, O, Msb;) as also ↓ فَسِيلَةٌ: (S, O:) [or] the former signifies such as are cut from the mother-tree, or plucked from the ground, (Mgh, * Msb,) of the young ones, or small ones, of palm-trees, (Mgh,) and then planted; (Mgh, Msb;) and ↓ فسيلة signifies one thereof: (Msb:) [i. e.] ↓ فَسِيلَةٌ signifies [a sucker, or an offset, of a palm-tree: or] a small palm-tree: and فَسِيلٌ is its pl., as also فَسَائِلُ, (M, K,) and فُسْلَانٌ, (S, O, K,) or this last is a pl. pl., (M,) or [rather] it is pl. of فَسِيلٌ [which is properly speaking a coll. gen. n.], like as رُغْفَانٌ is pl. of زَغِيفٌ. (Msb.) فُسَالَةٌ The filings (سُحَالَة) of iron: (S, O:) or the portions that become scattered about, on the occasion of beating [or hammering], in the manufacturing, of iron and the like thereof. (M, K.) فَسِيلَةٌ: see فَسِيلٌ, in three places.
مُفَسِّلَةٌ A woman who, when her husband is desirous of compressing her, (S, M, O, K,) urges an excuse to him, (S, O,) or says to him أَنَاحَائِضٌ, (M, K, *) and the like thereof, (M,) in order to repel him (M, K) thereby: (M:) such, and the مُسَوِّفَة [which belongs to the same category] the Prophet cursed. (O.) مَفْسُولٌ: see فَسْلٌ.